roots scale grains
gI de stora skogarna The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
roots scale grains
roots scale grains
The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
author Josephine Heintz W채ktare publicher
roots scale grains
Copyright Š 2016 by Norstedts All rights reserved. No parts from this publication may be reproduce, stored in retrieval systen or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission of copyright holder. Norstedt, Sweden, Stockholm Tryckerigatan 4 Box 2052 103 12 Stockholm, Sweden nortedts@se +4610-744 22 00
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
To Josephine. For everything. For love. For nature. Forever.
Chapter No
01 02 03 dedication
N. 6
roots scale grains
content Chapter N. 01
skogen Introduction Page No – 10
Introduction -Poesigatan 3
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
the forest
Page No – 30
Recipe 01 - Chantarelles
Page No – 32
Recipe 02 - Nettles
Page No – 34
Recipe 03 - Blueberries
Chapter N. 02
the fields
Chapter N. 03
the mountains
Page No – 42
Recipe 01 - Oats
Page No – 58
Recipe 01 - Mountian milk
Page No – 44
Recipe 02 - Potatoes
Page No – 60
Recipe 02 - Char
Page No – 48
Recipe 03 - Strawberries
Page No – 62
Recipe 03 - Cloudberries
Page No – 64
Chapter No 01 02 03 content page
Alphabetic A-Ö -Index
N. 8
“När natten komme står jag på trappan stjärnorna svärma och jag står ute i m Hör, en stjärna föll Gå icke ut i gräset min trädgård är fu - The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
er n och lyssnar, a i trädgården mörkret. l med en klang, med bara fötter ull av skärvor. When the night arrives, I will stand by the window and listen, the stars swarm in the yard, and I am standing outside in the dark. Listen, a star fell with a clang. Don’t walk trough the asphalt and grass with bare feet, my yard is full of shivers.
-Edith Södergran Chapter No
01 02 03 poem - “I de Stora Skogarna” - Edit Södergran
/ from “i de stora skogarna...”
N. 12
roots scale grains
poesigatan 3 poetry street 3 When the night finally came I was sitting inside in my grandmothers kitchen. Outside the shiny stars twinkled like gold and silver. I jumped down from the chair and ran to the big window and pressed my tiny nose against the glass. The warmth from it shaped mini humid dots on the window. My grandmother lived on the 7th floor of in a tall concrete building. The walls of it was a mixture of grey and brown. The walls looked artificial in a weird way I viewed them form the outside. As I looked down at the streets older kids than me were sitting on their mopeds talking, one boy with an oversized black hoodie had a headphone in his ear while the other was pending like a lonely thread on the other side. They talked and laughed loudly. “Va? Ouuuf asså skoja inte! Jag sa till hen att chilla. Guzzar är så max ändå. Yani håll tyst”! While kids in my own age where swinging on a rusty red swing close by. “Ska jag fråga min mamma om du får komma hem till mig?” They swung higher and higher. I imagined that their heads would touch the clouds and get stuck. “Babaaaa, Baba, Pappa”! One of them suddenly started shouting as a man in suit jacket and jeans stepped out of a blue shiny car.
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
The window I leaned against was open, or you could push it 2 centimeters forward, and a small gap was created. Trough the gap different smells sipped in. The thick smell of oil from the mopeds, moist asphalt (it had just stopped raining), grilled meat and spices, cut grass, a sticky sweet scent I couldn’t identify and freshly baked pizza (a woman in curly hair carried a pile of three pizza cartoons while talking to another women with straight hair. I guess it was kebab pizza based on the smell). As I was standing there I heard a weird sound, if I would have been one year younger I would have thought it was a troll or some mystic creature crawling around the tiny apartment, but since I was one year older now I knew it was my grandmother. I ran trough the kitchen, trough a small and long corridor and straight into my grandmothers arms. She dropped the plastic bags on the brown floor. “Hej Aile. Vad had du haft för dig?” Her long dark hair was tickling my nose filled with freckles and I inhaled her heavy flowery vanilla perfume. I started twirling my hair with my fingertips. “Eh typ inget. Gjort läxan. Det var att skriva en dikt. Jag skrev om bin som samlar nektar, som du berättade om momo.” My grandmother examined me closely and It felt like her brown eyes (I would say they were “bronze,” but then some kids in my class told me that eyes couldn’t be bronze) left marks on me when they touched my tangly hair, my long dark eyelashes, my light freckles, my spindly legs and my three birthmarks next to my eye that formed a perfect triangle. “Så du lovar mig att du gjort läxan? Din mamma kommer into bli glad på mig annars. Du vet att det inte blir något extra gott efter maten om du into gjort dom”? I looked at her with my most intense and solemn look “I promise!” (In fact I hadn’t finished the poem about the bees, It was like that with me, If I did homeworks my brain could suddenly tell me to do other things. Spin my pencil on the table, lay on the floor and sing, look at videos of animals on the phone my mamma e gave me for my birthday or imagine myself being the main character in a sci-fi serie I watched recently). My grandmother gave me a smile, and I knew she knew I lied, and handed me one of the plastic bags “Ta den här till köket är du snäll, mina händer värker så av allt släpande.” I grabbed one of the bags and dragged it over the linoleum floor, passed the door to my grandmothers bedroom and the combined living room and music room (thats what my grandmother said since she had an old dark blue piano standing in one of the corners). When I got into the kitchen again, which was furnished with a large wood table (on the table was a vase with 2 blue hortensias and beside that vase an ikea glass with 3 snow drops in it, which I had picked for her on my way home from school). Four white wood chairs and a round rice lamp hanging in the celling, I gathered all my power and lifted the bag up on the table. My grandmother was close behind me, placed her bag beside mine and started unpacking. Snabb makaroner, cheese (a round cheese), knäckebröd, apples (green ones), bananas, cream, cherry tomatoes, tomatoes in a can, garbanzo beans, carrots, hummus (this was my favourite snack), mango juice, jasmine rice, onions, potato chips (my other favourite snack), marabou frukt och mandel, spices (From the colors I suspected it was turmeric, paprika powder, curry spice and cardamom), qourn (my grandmother was an vegetarian) and last but not least baklava, it watered in my mouth when I saw the pastry. She used to buy it from the bakery next to the grocery store and the man who owned it always gave me samples if I was with her “till den lilla söta.”
ag skrev om bin so
N. 14
roots scale grains
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
Chapter No
01 02 03 poetry street 3 - Poesigatan 3
N. 16
My grandmother, or from now on I will call her momo, brushed her hands against her black linen pants and laughed “Den där är till efter vi ätit mat” and pointed at the baklava. This was my absolute favourite part of the day; helping my grandmother prepare the food. I took one of the chairs, dragged it to the kitchen countertop (All the doors of the kitchen countertop, the pantry and cabinets were yellow). Momo put all the food in their right places and then tucked the arms of her light blue shirt “Idag ska vi göra makaroner med qournsås, vad tror du om det Aile?” Macaronis with qourn sauce wasn’t my favourite, and sounded like a quite boring dish, but Momo could turn any meal into a feast. She was an goddess at cooking. “Först så ska vi hacka mini tomaterna, morötterna och löken i små, små, små bitar, vad vill du göra?” I choose to chop the carrots since that was the easiest task. While I was chopping and Momo prepared the onions and tomatoes she talked with me about the usual things she did everyday. “Hur var det i skolan?” and I answered “Bra.” (Even though it wasn’t. One of the older boys had pushed me so hard that I fell down from the jungle gym at the school yard).”Vad gjorde ni idag?” and I answerd “Samma som vanligt.” (This on the other hand was true). “Hur är det med Ali... och Ella är det väl?” and I answered “Ja det är bra, vi lekte och tittade på Ali’s iPad som han fick låna av sin storebror. Sen efteråt gick jag med Ella hem, men hon hade fotbolls träning, så hon gick sen.” (All this was true except that Ali didn’t borrow the iPad, his brother didn’t know he had it with him to school, since he worked in the city at “ett uteställe” and was much older than us. But we always returned it). Momo put the onion and the carrots in the the frying pan, then she added qourn, tumeric, paprika powder, chili and salt. “En iPad?” she said in a suspicious voice “Är inte det än väldigt dyr sak att ha? Är det inte? Nu vet jag att du fått den här telefonen av mamma Elin, men alla har absolut inte råd med sådant, inte din mamma heller för den delen. Blir inte dom andra barnen avundsjuka?” I stared down in the frying pan as she added a hint of cream and the sauce turned into a orange color. It looked like a sunset and it smelled spicy and sweet. “Nä momo, många har sånt, inte alla, men många.” She didn’t seem satisfied with my answer but neither did she continue the discussion about iPads. “Jaha” she said while she stirred sauce and added the tomatoes “Kan du sätta på makraonerna?” I took the macaroni box, poured half of it into the boiling water. “Mamma kommer nog sent idag. Hon kanske behövde jobba över på akuten. Så du får sova här.” My mamma M (Her name was Miryam) was a nurse and often worked nights and my other mom (Her name was Elin) didn’t live with us anymore. She lived in the city and I visited her every second weekend, even though the bus ride only took 25 minutes, and I had a free bus card I got from school. I didn’t answer Momo on what she said about my mamma M and I didn’t have to. “Oj oj!” she said with a loud voice “Vi glömde ju nästan makaronerna Aile!” She removed the pot with the hot water and poured the macaronis and water trough the strainer in the sink. A cloud was created when the water hit the sink. It looked like fog. I had never seen fog except on television. Momo took the frying pan and poured all the sauce over the macaronis, stir and then said “maten är klar, tar du fram tallrikarna?”. I ran over to the kitchen cabinet that was furthest away, opened it and took out 2 plates that was decorated with blue and red flowers. They created a peaceful pattern and I could look at them for hours and hours. I always found something new, the other day I discovered a tiny fox that was hiding in the middle of a flower. Not long ago I had understood that it was not only flower on the plate but mountains and trees that were hiding in the pattern as well. “Aile dröm nu inte, ställ tallrikarna på bordet” Mono said and sat down at the table. I placed the plates on the table and sat down across from my grandmother while she served me of the food.
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
m o u n ta i n s i n l a p p l a n d
“maten är k “maten är klar, tar du fram tar du fram tallrikarn
Chapter No
01 02 03 poetry street 3 - Poesigatan 3
N. 18
roots scale grains
We started eating slowly. The qourn sauce was amazing. You wouldn’t think such a simple dish could be but it was. I always suspected Momo sneaked some secret ingredients in the pasta sauce when I wasn’t looking. “Var det gott Aile?” she asked and I looked at her in a serious way “Såklart mormor. Du är drottningen av mat”. Momo laughed loudly and smiled. When I heard her laugh a thousand butterflies awoke and danced around in my stomach. I loved when my grandmother was happy. I said “Mormor kan du berätta om varför vi into äter djur?” My grandmother chewed her food and smiled “Men Aile du vet ju varför?” and I replied “Men jo berätta det är min favorit!” Momo cleared her voice and started telling the story “För många, många, många miljoner år sedan fanns inte vi här på jorden. Det enda som fans var djuren. Tiden gick och plötsligt började människor anlända till jorden. Vi formade starka band med djuren och de var vår familj. Då kunde vi fortfarande förstå varanda och vi människor hade inte glömt hur man komminucerar med naturen. Ytterligare tusen och åter tusen år gick. Något förändrades. Människorna började glömma och blev giriga. Vi glömde att vi inte kan existera utan naturen och djuren. Så vi började bränna skogar, förstöra vacker natur och låsa in djuren. Vi hade glömt att vi är en del av allt och allt är en del av oss. Utan varandra kan vi inte existera. Vi måste förstå att saker har en betydelse, annars finns det ingen mening med att leva. Man måsta kämpa för saker här i liver annars är det ingen idè. För om inget betyder något finns det inget att rädda. Förstår du Aile?” I nooded seriously. I didn’t quite understand the last thing she said, but the most important thing for me was the story. The story my grandmoter told me made me feel connected to the world. I felt important. I continued to eat in silence for a while when suddenly I heard the door open. “Salaam!” my grandfather shouted and a minute later he stepped in to the kitchen. “Hej älskling” my grandmother said and he walked up to her and kissed her, and then he turned to me “Habibi, hur har din dag varit? Min favorit!” He picked me up from the chair and lifted me to the celling and I laughed “Morfaaaar sluuuutaaaa!” He sat me down again and my grandmother said “Det finns mat på spisen, pasta, men Aile ska sova, så ni får säga godnatt.” Looked at her with surprise “Men Momo baklava?” my grandmother took her own plate and mine from the table “Nej, det blir för sent nu, och din mamma är noga med sovtiderna” but my grandfather looked at her in an amused way “Klart Aile ska ha baklava! Annars äter jag allt själv.” I jumped down from my chair and said “Nej morfar! Den är min .” My grandmother sighed and said “Ja okej men en liiiten bit Aile. En liten bit.” I sat down at the table again and my grandmother served me a small piece of the baklava on a white plate with golden edges. I knew that it wasn’t real gold, beause I had asked Momo, and I also knew that this was my grandparents most precious weeding gift. I started eating the baklava and it melted in my mouth. It was sweet and a bit spicy and I could almost feel the taste of the rosewater. It felt like I could taste the whole world when I ate the pastry. My grandfather sat down beside me and started eating. “Oj oj Aile, är det inte som att äta en dröm? När jag var lika gammal som dig kunde jag äta 10 baklava på raken. Men det var i Iran, och din gammelmormor gjorde dom absolut godaste. Som en dröm. Precis som du habibi Aile”. I smiled to him but I couldn’t say anything since my mouth was so full. “Så nu har du ätit klart ser jag. Iväg och borsta dina tänder och ta på jamas” my grandmother said.
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
I hugged my grandfather goodnight “Sov gott min dyrbaraste skatt” and then I went straight to the bathroom. I had my own stool that I could stand on to be able to reach the sink. My toothbrush had animals on it (a zebra, lion and elephant) and my toothpaste tasted minty. When I was done I ran in to the livingroom and picked up my pyjamas from my yellow backpack (I always had it with me in case I needed to sleep at my grandparents). The pyjamas was dark blue and tiny white stars covered it (I had picked it out myself when me, mamma M and mamma E had a “fika dag på stan.” We had those so that my moms would feel bad about that they split up. But they said it was for me). I pulled of my blue jeans and my stripped sweater, put the star pyjamas on and screamed “m o m o o o k l a a a r !” I Jumped up at the sofa and pulled the blanket over me (We had it there in case I needed to sleepover). My grandmother came in to the room and kneeled beside me. Her curly hair tickled my face. “Kan du sova gott nu? Jag och morfar sitter i köket och prater, så du hör oss” I grabbed her hand and brushed it “Snälla mormor en liten saga?” For as long as I could remember my grandmother hand told me night time stories. “Hjärtat mitt, den blir inte så lång ikväll” she changed positions, grazed my head and started.
I de stora skogarna gick jag länge vilse, jag sökte sagorna, min barndom hört. I de höga bergen gick jag länge vilse, jag sökte drömslotten, min ungdom byggt. I min älsklings trädgård gick jag vilse, där satt den glada göken, min längtan följt. Några sista stjärnor lysa matt. Jag ser dem ur mitt fönster. Himlen är blek, man anar knappast dagen som börjar i fjärran. Det vilar en tystnad utbredd över sjön, det ligger en viskning på lur mellan träden, min gamla trädgård lyssnar halvförstrött till nattens andetag, som susa över vägen.
At that point Aile had already fallen asleep. I examined the tiny hands filled with scrapes, the light brown messy hair, the nose painted with freckles and the mouth shaped as a heart. The knitted blanket moved up and down as the chest moved. The child was clueless about the ruthlessness in the world, wars and destruction, death and fear. Peaceful and unscathed in an apartment somewhere in Sweden. I gazed out the window and the stars shined awfully bright. I got back on my feet, kissed the soft hair of my grandchild goodnight, and walked back into the kitchen.
Chapter No 01 02 03 poetry street 3 - Poesigatan 3
N. 20
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
Picture - t r e e f r o m d a l a r n a .
N. 23
Picture - s k o g i n b o h u s l 채 n
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
01 skogen the forest
Chapter No
01 02 03 the forest - Skogen
N. 24
I de stora skogarna gick jag sรถkte sagorna, min b
In the big forest I lost my I searched the tales, from
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
k jag länge vilse, barndom hört”
yself, my childhood dreams”
- Edith Södergran
Chapter No 01 02 03 the forrest - Skogen - ”I de Stora Skogarna”
/ from “i de stora skogarna...”
N. 26
roots scale grains
skogen the forest chantarelles—kantareller nettles—nässlor blueberries—blåbär
I woke up in a forest. I still had my pyjamas on and the blanket wrapped around me. It was dark, but not in unpleasant way. The light from the stars seeped trough the tall and magnificent spruces. Everything was quiet. I knew I wasn’t alone. In the shadows I could see that the fox lured, the owl observed me from a branch with its yellow glimmering eyes and the hedgehog slept at the corner of a stone covered with moss. Yes, everything was so quiet. The night was cold but I felt safe. Then suddenly I heard a loud sound. The ground started vibrating and I looked up at the sky. A globe covered in fire moved across the dark nightsky. I screamed “Momo Momo!” but no one answered me in the big silent forest. The fire globe disappeared for a short second and then I saw a bright light close to the place I was siting. I started walking towards the light and realised I had my yellow rubber boots on. Weird. I continued to walk towards the light source and sticks cracked under my feet. I noticed that the light became dim and I hurried. I reached the light source just in time. On the ground surrounded by leafs and grass lay a star. A cracked star that was glowing faintly. All of sudden I heard a voice in my head “Var inte rädd barn مراد تسود ار امش نم. Mån ähtjáv duv.” I knew the star spoke swedish, my both mothers language, samiska, my grandmothers language and persian, my grandfathers language. How I could understand it all was a mystery though, since the only language I had learned was swedish (I knew some persian words, but no samiska).
Chapter 1
the forest - Skogen Recipe 01 - Chantarelles fried with butter Recipe 02 - Nettle tea Recipe 03 - Strawberries with wipped cream
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
The star spoke to me once again “Du ser att jag gått sönder, jag har tappat en skärva över den vackraste av guld prydda åkrar och den sista vilar på toppen av det majestätiska fjället. Kan du finna dem åt mig? Naturen och alla varelser som bor här kommer hjälpa dig. Skynda din tid är knapp. Du förstår om jag inte blir hel igen blir ingenting helt. Skynda skynda. Natten är snart till ända.” I started running whith out knowing where I was going. I soon realised that the foxed followed me in the shadows of the trees and the owl flew over my head. Where was I going? I ran and ran and ran. I passed chanatrelles that grew in coppice, blubbery bushes and my legs got stung as I ran trough a bush wood with nettles. Since the forest was dark and It was hard for me to see I stumbled on a woodcut. I fell down slap-bang and hit my head. Infront of me I could see the star dancing and it whispered “Mån ähtjáv duv. مراد تسود ار امش نم.”
n tjáv duv” “Mån ähtjáv duv” Chapter No
01 02 03 the forrest - Skogen
N. 28
roots scale grains
kantareller chantarelles, fried with butter Serves 4 –
Cooking Instructions i n g redi ents f ri ed chan tarel l es 600g chantarelles 3 tbs butter salt pepper serve w ith bread salt pepper
Carefully brush the chanterelles clean. Cut all the mushrooms into eaven pieces.
Serving Suggestions Heat a large skillet and add the chantarelles into it. Stir occasionally. Keep on heat in the skillet until all liquid is gone. Add the butter and fry the mushrooms for an additional 5 minutes. Pepper and salt.
- The essentials of the swedish cuisine.
Serve on a slice of toasted bread with extra salt and pepper.
forest in ume책
__you will be able to find chantarelles in the deep silent forests of sweden__their golden color is enchanting and the taste is magical__there is an old myth in sweden saying that only certain people are able to find these little golden treasures.
Chapter No 01 02 03 the forrest - Chantarelles - Kantareller
N. 30
forest in smĂĽland
roots scale grains
__green nettles have strong healing powers__my grandmother used to make tea out of the nettles she picked in the summers__ she made me drink the tea if I had a pain in my stomach__even if I didn’t like the taste then It helped every time.
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
n채sslor nettles, tea Serves 2 -
Cooking Instructions
Drying Nettles i n g redi en ts 2 tsp dried nettles 0,5 l water
In the sun- Spread the nettles on a baking sheet. Place them in a hot, dry and well ventilated place. Turn the leaves daily for about three days, so that drying becomes even.
Chapter No
In the oven- Spread the nettles on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven at 50 degrees C heat with the oven door ajar. Dry for a few hours. Seperate the leaves from the stems as soon as they are dry and crisp. If they sit too long they will pulverize. Store them dark in an airtight jar.
01 02 03 the forrest - Nettles - N채sslor
Bring water to a boil and pour over the dried nettle leaves. Steep for about 3 to 4 minutes. Swirl tea to even the flavor before serving. Strain out the nettles.
N. 32
forest in uddevalla
roots scale grains
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
__blueberry soup has always helped many skiers on their way to vasaloppets goal in mora__beautiful with its violetblue color and a lots of useful antioxidants__equally appreciated at home as in the swedish ski trail__I always eat it with “mandelbeskvier� almonbiscuits and oatmilk.
blåbär blueberries, soup with mandelbiskvier Serves 2 -
Cooking Instructions
i n g redi en ts so up 225 g bluberries 0,5 l water vanillapowder 1 tbsp honey serve wi th cream mandelbeskvier
Serving Suggestion
Pour the blueberries and water in a pot. Measure the vanilla powder and pour it in.
Chapter No
Carefully bring it to boil and cook the blueberries with the vanilla powder for about 15 to 20 minutes on medium heat. Turn off the heat and let cool. Add the water and mix it together into a soup. Pour the honey in the soup.
01 02 03 the forrest - Blueberries - Blåbär
Serve it with wipped cream and “mandelbiskvier” almond biscuits.
N. 34
Picture - 책 k e r i n s k 책 n e
roots scale grains
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
02 ĂĽkern the field
Chapter No
01 02 03 the field - Ă…kern
N. 36
I min älsklings trädgård där satt den glada göken
On the fields of my love the joyful cuckoo sat, th longed for”
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
d gick jag icke vilse, n, min längtan följt”
e I lost myself, hat my happines had
- Edith Södergran
Chapter No 01 02 03 the field - Åkern -”I de Stora Skogarna”
/ from “i de stora skogarna...”
N. 38
roots scale grains
“Mån Chapter 2
the field - fältet
Recipe 01
- Oat porridge
Recipe 02 - Potatoes with dill and butter Recipe 03 - Strawberries with wipped cream
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
ähtjáv duv” åkern the field oats—havre potatoes—potatis strawberries—jordgubbar
When I woke up again the forest was gone. All around me I saw yellow wheat stems. It was still night and the stars shined. Why was I here? I stood up on my feet and looked around. Fields, fields and fields as far I could see. I turned to the left and to my surprise the fox was siting there. It observed me wit its emerald colored eyes and it almost looked like it smiled. Did it smile? It walked straight to me and brushed my left leg. Its red fur was so beautiful I felt hypnotised by it. Then I heard the voice again “Var inte rädd. Jag är din vän. Din familj. Allt. Följ mig så visar jag vägen. Vi hittar skärvan. Kom kom kom. Mån ähtjáv duv.” The foxed slanted its ears in a direction. Its ears was pointing north. To the mountains. I started following my new friend and we zig zaged trough the enormous field. Here and there red flowers and with flowers with yellow dots grew and the fox told me the names of them “Vallmo och prästkragar.” Brown fluffy mice appeared several times but the fox didn’t touched them, just sniffed at them curiously and told me “Åkermus.” Its red paws moved quickly and flexible over the terrain. Then it stopped and lifted its nose up in the air. “Den är här någonstans. Stjärnan. Det luktar stoft.” The fox put its black nose to the ground and started running and I followed. I was afraid I would fall again so I keept looking down on my rubber boots the whole time. I bumped in to something and realised it was the fox. It had one paw above the ground and pointed its nose at something. There in the high grass was shiny odd looking object. A splinter with a spectrum of colors. It looked like a rainbow. “Plocka upp skärvan. den är din. du är den enda som kan bära den tryggt” the fox said in my head. I sat down on my knees and picked the splinter. And then everything turned black again.“Mån ähtjáv duv.”
Chapter No
01 02 03 the field - Åkern
N. 40
havre oats, porridge Serves 2 -
i n g redi ents p orri dge 200g oats 0,4 l water salt serve w ith applejam preferred milk cardamon
Cooking Instructions
Serving Suggestions
Put the oats and the water in a pot. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes. Add the salt and the porridge is ready when all the water is gone.
Eat it with almond milk or applejam or cardamon and milk.
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
f r o m t h e f i e l d s o f h Ăś l lv i k e n
__oats is not just one of the worlds healthiest food but also the oldest__in Sweden we have eaten oats for decades and decades__mostly because we couldn’t grow anything else and people were starving__today I like to eat it with almond milk and applejam but my grandmother have milk and cinnamon in hers.
Chapter No 01 02 03 the field - Oats- Havre
N. 42
p o tat o e s f r o m g r 채 n n a
roots scale grains
__potatoes hide under the soil and grow all year around in sweden __its one of the most important foods for the farmers and are sweetly delicious__my grandmother used to make this dish in the late summer__she washed the potatoes in the lake next to our house before boiling them with dill she picked from our garden.
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
potatis potatoes, with dill and butter Serves 2 -
Cooking Instructions i n g redi en ts di ll p otatoes 2 kg potatoes 1 bunch dill 1 shallot 50g butter ground black pepper serve wi th smoked salmon aspargus
Serving Suggestions
Wash the potatoes and boil it with half of the dill. Finely chop the shallots and saute in a pan with butter.
Chapter No
Add pepper, preferably from the mill. Add the freshly boiled potatoes and sprinkle with fresh dill. Turn the pan so that everything is mixed.
01 02 03 the field - Potatoes - Potatis
Serve with smoked salmon and fried aspargus.
N. 44
Picture - f i e l d i n h รถ l lv i k e n
roots scale grains
jordgubbar strawberries, with whipped cream Serves 2 -
i n g red i ents 1 l strawberries whi p ped cream 4 dl cream 1/2 tsp vanilla cardamom
Coocking Instructions
Serving Suggestions
Rinse the strawberries in water. Cut them in eaven pieces. Pour the cream in a pot. Whip it until fluffy. Add the vanilla and the cardamom to the wipped cream.
Serve the strawberries with the whipped cream.
__strawberries are named “little earth men� in swedish and is the eternal sign of summer in scandinavia__In the summers both children and trolls pick them from their nests__you see they are exceptionally good at hiding.
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
strawberries rom sm책land
Chapter No
01 02 03 the field - Strawberries - Jordgubbar
N. 48
Picture - m o u n t a i n s i n j 채 m t l a n d
roots scale grains
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
03 fj채llet
the mountains
Chapter No
01 02 03 the mountains - Fj채llet
N. 50
I de hรถga bergen gick ja jag sรถkte drรถmslotten, m ; In the tall mountains I I- built air castles,my you
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
ag länge vilse, min ungdom byggt”
lost myself, uth created” - Edith Södergran
Chapter No 01 02 03 the mountains - Fjället - ”I de Stora Skogarna”
/ from “i de stora skogarna...”
N. 52
Picture - l a k e i n l a p p l a n d
roots scale grains
fjället the mountains mountain milk—fjällmjölk char—röding cloudberries—hjortron
I woke up of that a freezing sensation was moving trough my body. I was laying in a pile of snow. Still holding the splinter in my ice cold hand. I jumped on my feet and started brushing the snow from pyjamas. I turned around too see if the fox was with me, but it was gone. Instead someone grab my hair, I looked up and realised it was the owl from the forest. “Aile det är inte långt kvar nu. Tiden är knapp. Ser du ljuset? Solen är påväg upp och stjärnorna håller på att somna. Följ mig. “Mån ähtjáv duv.” I started following the big bird by looking up at it. Suddenly I bumped in to something soft and warm and I face myself standing eye to eye with a cow. It hand long light brown fur and white spots randomly place all iver its back. While I was patting the large creature the owl started circulating over me. “Vi har inte tid. Ingen tid.Spring spring spring. Stjärnan måste bli hel annars blir natten förevigt.” I whispered “Hejdå” to the cow and started pulsing trough the snow with my tiny body once again. The owl levitated in the air and said “Stanna. Det är här. Den är gömd. I snön” I started diving with my hand in the white light snow and they were getting so cold I almost couldn’t feel them when I felt something warm against my fingertips. I got hold of an object that was rather round or square not soft or cold. Not soft or solid. Colours started dancing infront of my eyes and I wondered if this was the nordic lights my grandmother used to talk about. I heard a distant voice in my head “Du hittade stjärnan. Den är åter hel och kommer placeras på himlavalvet. Inget behövde ändras i dag. Inget behövde försvinna. När natten kommer står jag på trappan och lyssnar, stjärnorna svärma i trädgården och jag står ute i mörkret. Hör, en stjärna föll med en klang. Gå icke ut i gräset med bara fötter; min trädgård är full av skärvor. Ailé. Mån ähtjáv duv.”
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
I woke up with a lunge. Inside my bedrom, or my grandparent livingroom, stod 2 paramedics. I looked at them with a confused expression and then I realised that my grandmother was siting at a chair in the room as well, with my grandfather beside her “Aile” one of the paramedics said “ Din mormor fick en hjärtattack, trodde vi, men helt plötsligt började hjärtat slå normalt igen. Nästan som ett mirakel. Du sov hela tiden.” My grandfather rushed to me and lift me up in his arms “Ingen fara, ingen fara Aile. Allt blir bra. Inshalla.” He walked to the chair my grandmother was sitting at and placed me in her lap. She looked at me, she was pale, but smiled when she said “Jag tror det var ett mirakel Aile. För när jag kände att mitt hjärta slog snabbare blev allt svart. Och jag såg dig. jag såg en stjärna. Jag var i skogen jag växte upp, på fältet och på berget ditt min mamma brukade ta mig. Och stjärnan lös så klart. Det var du Aile. Mån ähtjáv duv. Jag älskar dig.” I looked at her and then replied. “Jag älskar dig också.” If it was a dream I will never know. Sometimes though one of the stars shines extra bright outside my bedroom windw and its almost like it’s singing to me. I can still hear it in my head.
Chapter 3
the mountains fjället Recipe 01
- Mountain milk with honey
Recipe 02 - Char grilled over spruce spray Recipe 03
- Cloudberry jam
When the night arrives, I will stand by the window and listen, The stars swarm in the yard, and I am standing outside in the dark. Listen, a star fell with a clang! Dont’t walk over the asphalt and grass with bare feet, my yard is full of shivers
Chapter No
01 02 03 the mountains - Fjället
N. 56
roots scale grains
__the mountain cows live at the highest peaks of the mountains in norrland__if they decide to walk down from the mountain you might get a chance of getting some milk__it is said that the milk possess magical powers and taste of lingon berriest that the cows eat.
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
fjällmjölk mountain milk, warm with honey Serves 2 -
Cooking Instructions Heat the mountain milk or preferred milk in a pot, do not allow it to boil. Add the cinnamon and cardamom and stir occasionally. If you like the milk sweater ad honey.
fjällcows from norrland
i n g redi en ts warm m i lk 6 dl mountain milk 1 pinch of cinnamon 1 pinch of cardamom serve wi th 1 tbsp honey
Chapter No
01 02 03 the mountains - Mountain milk - Fjällmjölk
N. 58
roots scale grains
rĂśding char, grilled over spruce spray Serves 2 -
Cooking Instructions
Prepare the fish, remove the bones and entrails. Cut off the fins. Cut 2 to 3 pieces on each side of the fish.
Take a sheet of aluminum foil and bend the edges so that it becomes like a barrel. Add the fish on the foil and salt plentiful both on the outside and the inside.
f r o m t h e m o u n ta i n s o f j ä m t l a n d
i n g redi ents t he c har 1 char, about 600 g 1 lemon salt herb al oil 2 tbsp finely chopped chives 1 fgarlic clove 2 tbsp finely chopped parsley 2 tbsp finely chopped dill 3 tbsp olive oil
Mix all the ingredients to Ăśrtoljan and brush the fish, both outside and inside with oil. When the charcoal/ wood stopped burning and just glows, put plenty of pine boughs on it to get a rich smokiness of the fish.
Grill the fish on aluminum foil in the high, direct heat for about 10 minutes.
__rรถding is a fish that inhabits the lakes of northern sweden __its scale have the same colors as the rainbow and it shimmers when it moves trought the water__me and my grandfather used to fish rรถding in the late summer nights of my childhood.
Chapter No
01 02 03 the mountains - Char - Rรถding
N. 60
roots scale grains
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
__hjortron or “cloudberry� only exist in the northern temperated zone of the world__the berry grow beautiful white flowers that blossoms only in june__the color of the berry is a mixture of red and orange.
hjortron cloudberry jam 1 jar of jam -
Cooking Instructions Mix the cloudberries with the suger and put into a pot. Store cold under lid for 1 hour. Start to boil it carefully. Boil the mix for 2-3 minutes. Por the jam into a jar and seal it with a lid. Store it cold.
f r o m t h e m o u n ta i n s o f n o r r l a n d
ingredients jam 1kg cloudberries 500g suger pepper
Chapter No
01 02 03 cloudberries - Hjortron
N. 62
roots scale grains
alphabetic index from a to Ăś
- The essentials of the Swedish cuisine.
Apples applesauce with cardamon Asparagus grilled over spruce spray
Blueberries soup with mandelbiskvier 34 jam with vanilla Beets grilled in oven
Chantarelles fried in butter 30 Char grilled over spruce spray 60 Cloudberries jam 62
Dill oil with grilled fennel
Egg soft-boiled egg and garlic steamed crab with egg yolk
Fennel top oil and pea purrĂŠe Fish cooked in butter trash cooking of fish scale Flowers flowers and vinaigrette
Hay grass oil Hazelnuts grilled over gem lettuce
Potatoes with dill and butter 44 mashed potatoes with carrots Parsley oil and gem lettuce
Icecream artichoke icecream
Leek boiled leeks and seaweed Lingonberry with wipped cream
Rasberries fillet of mousse with red fruit Rubarb jam on pancakes
Strawberries with wipped ceam 48 swedish raw lemonade Shrimp fresh fjord shrimp with butter Spruce needles grilled char over spruce spray
Tomatoes vikentomaer with salt Thyme oil cooking with leaves
Åkerblomma flowers with oil and honey
Ärtor peas cooked with butter peas and lemon Ärtskott peasprouts on a slice of bread
Örtsmör herb butter and carrots
Mountain milk warm with honey 58 Mushrooms broth and bread
Nettle dreid nettles 32 tea
Oat porrige with applesauce 42 milk Onions sweet onion shells and grapes
Chapter No
01 02 03 index
N. 64
roots scale grains
Roots Scale Grains is designed by Lisa Lindh at Academy of Art University School of Graphic Design. The book was created during spring 2016 for the course Typography 3: Complex Hierarchy, GR 330 03, instructed by Ariel Grey. t ypeface -The text is set in Adobe Garamond Pro designed by Claude Garamond and issued in digital form by Adobe systems 1989 The headings are set in Helvetica Nue designed by Max Miedinger released by Linotype 1957 soft ware -Adobe Creative Cloud Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop equipment -iMac MackBook Pro Epson Artisan 1430 Printer paper -Moab Entrada Natural Rag 190 Double sided printing and binding -Printing: Lisa Lindh Binding: California Office, San Francisco, California Date: 05/12 2016 publ isher -Norstedt, Sweden, Stockholm Tryckerigatan 4 Box 2052 103 12 Stockholm, Sweden copy writer -Josephine Heintz W채ktare designer -Lisa Lindh photography and il lust r ati o n -Photographs: Josephine Heintz W채ktare, Ditte Isager Illustrations: Lisa Lindh about the project -This is a student project only. No part of this book or any part of the project was produced for commercial use.
roots scale grains
roots scale grains
matenI är klar min älsklings Roots Scale Grain is a cookbook that takes you back to the roots of Sweden but also tells a story about moving forward. It’s not just a culinary experience but a cultural journey. Roots Scale Grains is the book that explains how to take care of nature and only cooking with what is most essential. You should feel like standing on the top of a mountain, deep inside a forest or in the middle of a field. Roots Scale Grains is not just a cookbook, it’s the story about us all and the food we have eaten for generations.
I de höga bergenb