What is Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union?
Background • Not for profit organisation • Exempt charity • Company Limited by Guarantee – incorporation this year
Staff team •
General Manager
5 Managers
18 full time staff
8 part time staff
80 (approx) student staff
Trustees • 5 Executive Officers • 4 Students • 4 Externals
SU Presence • Two main campuses at Cambridge and Chelmsford • Two further core campuses at Fulbourn and Peterborough (Nursing Campuses) • SU presence at University Centre Peterborough
Services • • • • •
Representation for 31,000 students Advice Sports, Clubs & Societies Bars & Entertainments Retail outlets
Funding • Block grant from the University • Income from commercial activity • Further revenue streams being explored
Trustees’ responsibility regarding finances • Guardians of the Union’s finances • Ensuring that finances are used appropriately • Provide scrutiny and support for the Union’s General Manager
We’re going places, and you’re coming too. An introduction to the Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union Strategy 2011-13
The direction of the union is guided by our Mission, Values and long term Strategic Priorities Mission: Putting you first to make your Anglia Ruskin experience the best it can be
Our 2011 – 2013 strategic plan focuses on seven main objectives: •The Union is financially secure •Students are key decision makers within the Union and the University •We invest in our staff, student staff and executive officers •The Union is fundamental to the student experience •The Union is a key strategic partner with the University •All students, including hard to reach groups such as postgraduate, international, part-time, distance learners and those at UK partner colleges, are aware of and engage with the Union’s services •Achieve Gold accreditation from the Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative
Democracy & the union
The constitution: What & Why.
Structure Cont.
We’ve been awarded a Silver Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative award. As well as all these below…
Matt East President
Gill Thompson General Manager
Sarah Rothera Membership Services Manager
Linda Collett Membership Services Administrator Chelmsford Chrissie Smith Membership Services Administrator Cambridge Katherine Lee Membership Services Assistant Fulbourn
Nikki Burton Membership Services Administrator P’brough/UCP Student Office Staff
Tessa Byars Interim Advice & Representation Manager
Debbie Phillipson Student Representative Co-ordinator Chelmsford
Laura Holman Student Representative Co-ordinator Cambridge/ Quality Monitoring Co-ordinator
Guy Stepney Marketing & Communications Manager
Martyn Blackford Gym & Sport Manager Cambridge
Caroline Tranter Adviser Chelmsford (QM) Edna Johnston Adviser Cambridge (QM) Laura Wakefield Adviser Chelmsford (QM)
Jo Harbrow Student Experience Manager (Activities)
Hannah Mackenzie Students Activities Co-ordinator Chelmsford
Matt Ellis Student Experience Coordinator UCP
Alexis Mannion Students Activities Co-ordinator Cambridge
Student Gym Staff
Luke Delderfield Student Experience Manager (Venue & Retail)
Liz Bryan Shop Manager Cambridge
Student Staff
Jacqui Crockard Deputy Venue Manager Chelmsford
Pauline Roberts Shop Supervisor Chelmsford Student Staff
Nathan Davies Cafe Supervisor Student Staff
Hannah Gooden Deputy Venue Manager Cambridge
Student Staff
Objective 1 The Union is financially secure We will: Employ an additional member of staff to ensure appropriate financial scrutiny
Achieve charitable incorporation, with eligibility for charity funding
Regularly monitor the accounts of the Union and take steps to address problems quickly
Investigate in alternative revenue streams
Review all our services across the Union annually to ensure efficiency Review our suppliers’ contracts annually to ensure best value for money
Milestones We will have: July 2011
July 2012
July 2013
Employed a member of staff to coordinate our finances
Incorporated with charity registration
Identified at least two alternative funding streams
Addressed our current deficit Achieved our budget set for the financial year 2010-11
Submitted at least one bid for charity funding Established and delivered ongoing financial training for trustees Achieved our budget set for the financial year 2011-12
Received alternative funding as a result of a successful funding bid Achieved our budget set for the financial year 2012-13
Objective 2 Students are key decision makers within the Union and the University We will: Facilitate, encourage and provide the tools for members to feed back to us
Campaign on the issues which students tell us are important to them
Develop democratic structures via our Constitution to allow integration with University structures
Make the Constitution more accessible Carry out quality monitoring procedures to log issues and chart progress
Regularly consult with our students by conducting research and feed back to students on our results
Milestones We will have: July 2011
July 2012
July 2013
Adopted and implemented the new Constitution
Achieved quoracy at all forums
90% of places at University meetings filled by officers, student reps and staff
Achieved the election target of 20 full time executive candidates running and 10% of students voting 80% of places at University meetings filled by officers, student reps and staff Campaigned on issues highlighted in the freshers’ opinion poll 2010/11
85% of places at University meetings filled by officers, student reps and staff Campaigned on issues highlighted in the freshers’ opinion poll 2011/12
Campaigned on issues highlighted in the freshers’ opinion poll 2012/13
Objective 3 We invest in our staff, student staff and executive officers We will: Support and develop our staff to enable them to perform to the best of their ability
the best of their ability and to enhance their employability skills
Develop excellent in-house training schemes for our executive officers and student staff to enable them to perform to
Consult with our staff and student staff to promote a culture of shared learning
Milestones We will have: July 2011
July 2012
July 2013
Reviewed the student staff employment package
Established regular student staff training staff days
Embarked on Investors in People silver standard
Developed interactive forums for staff meetings
Achieved Investors in People accreditation at bronze standard
Objective 4 The Union is fundamental to the student experience We will Supply services on each core campus that meet students’ needs
Champion student employability and engagement
Expand key services to JV’s / UK partner colleges where possible (funding required)
Create opportunities for students to engage in extra-curricular activities
Undertake annual research to determine the relevance of our services to students
Offer all students accredited, independent and impartial advice
Develop new and innovative ways to communicate with our membership based on evidence taken from our own research
Provide safe, engaging and competitive commercial services
Milestones We will have: July 2011
July 2012
July 2013
Employed two volunteering coordinators
Adapted the student representative accreditation module for all volunteers
Piloted the volunteer accreditation module
Held regular appeals workshops on all core campuses Trained 135 students in our Apple Regional Training Centre over 9 training sessions 115 sports clubs and societies each with a minimum of 15 students 20 accredited student representatives 10% of students who have taken part in our annual student survey
Recruited 300 volunteers to engage in a wide variety of community projects Achieved reaccreditation of our Community Legal Service quality mark for our Advice Service 5000 students registered and actively engaged with our website
15% of students taking part in our annual student survey 40 accredited student representatives
Objective 5 The Union is a key strategic partner with the University We will: Be integral to decision making in all key areas of the University
Actively promote ourselves to and interact with University staff
Present reports taken from our own research to the University for the benefit of students
Be a valued and reliable partner with the University
Be a key stakeholder in ARISE and other initiatives Give Students’ Union inductions to all new staff in the University
Be trusted by the University as the voice of students at Anglia Ruskin Be an equal partner in the sports strategy consultation
Milestones We will have: July 2011
July 2012
July 2013
Monthly meetings between the Students’ Union President and the Vice Chancellor
Attended 100% of University staff induction days to which we have been invited
Increased the referral rate to the Advice Service from University academic staff by 10%
Attended 100% of faculty staff away days
Reviewed our strategic objectives to ensure that these remain relevant to the University’s Corporate Plan
Membership of all relevant University committees Completed the sports strategy Been entrusted with coordinating volunteering
Objective 6 All students, including hard to reach groups such as postgraduate, international, part-time, distance learners and those at UK partner colleges, are aware of and engage with the Union’s services We will: Conduct research to establish services and facilities that are relevant to the identified hard to reach groups Send our annual Students’ Union handbook to every new UK based distance learner
Organise cultural events for international students Ensure postgraduate and distance learning courses have student representation
Promote the Advice Service to hard to reach groups
We will use the University’s demographic data to identify who our members are and we will use this information in officer/staff inductions and in officer/staff training days to increase our awareness of the demographic makeup of our members.
Offer activities that match the established demands of hard to reach groups
Establish a Students’ Union presence on non core campuses (funding required)
Tailor our communication methods and message to specific hard to reach groups
Milestones We will have: July 2011
July 2012
July 2013
Organised celebrations for the festivals of at least two cultural groups in conjunction with International Student Support
Provided a facility for distance learners to achieve their student rep role online
Established a Union presence at one other JV or UK Partner college (funding required)
Piloted a Students’ Union presence at University Centre Peterborough Included demographic data in staff/officer training
Developed a business plan for a Students’ Union presence at JVs/UK Partner colleges
Objective 7 Achieve Gold accreditation from the Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative We will: Apply for SUEI 2 accreditation Write a new Union-wide strategy that addresses the four action areas as highlighted during the SUEI 1 audit Combine our ‘SUEI Steering Group’ with our ‘Joint Managers Group’ to create a ‘Strategic Panning Group’ to address the SUEI-identified strategic priorities
Achieve the milestones set out in the 2011-13 Union strategy and record the evidence for use in the SUEI 2 evaluation Share best practice with other unions in our SUEI 2 cohort at conferences, workshops and through site visits
Milestones We will have July 2011 Signed up for SUEI 2 Attended the SUEI 2 workshops and SUEI Annual Conference Appointed a mentor Included the ‘SUEI journey’ in all new staff inductions Included the ‘SUEI journey’ in the Officer Summer hand over Held two Staff and Officer Awaydays incorporating the SUEI 1 key action areas Achieved the four key action areas arising from the SUEI 1 Audit
July 2012 Attended the SUEI 2 workshops and SUEI Annual Conference Achieved 50% of the SUEI 2 matrix milestones
July 2013 Attended the SUEI 2 workshops and SUEI Annual Conference Achieved 100% of the SUEI 2 matrix milestones Submitted for audit Achieved the Gold standard
Democratic Structure
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Vice SEO Chelmsford
FHSC Officer Cambridge
FOE Officer Cambridge
Vice Communcations Chelmsford
ALSS Officer Cambridge
Vice Academic Chelmsford
AIBS Officer Cambridge
Vice President Chelmsford
S&T Officer Cambridge
FOE Officer Chelmsford
Ch elm sfo
m b
ALSS Officer Chelmsford
Vice SEO Cambridge
AIBS Officer Chelmsford
Vice Communcations Cambridge
S&T Officer Chelmsford
Vice Academic Cambridge
FHSC Officer Chelmsford
Vice President Cambridge
Full Time Executive Cross Campus
FHSC Officer Fulbourn
Vice President Peterborough
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Vice SEO Peterborough
Pe ter b
Vice Academic Peterborough
Vice President Fulbourn Vice Academic Fulbourn Vice Communcations Fulbourn Vice SEO Fulbourn
Vice Communcations Peterborough FHSC Officer Peterborough
Full Time Executive
Faculty Officer
Vice Executive
Student Course Reps
Meetings Structure Equality and Diversity (Campus Specific)
Student Experience Officer
Student Experience Officer
Vice Student Experience Officer
Vice Student Experience Officer
Club and Society Captains / Presidents
Club and Society Secrectaries
Campaigns (Cross Campus)
Social and Entertainments (Campus Specific)
All Executive
Student Experience Officer / President
All Vice Executive
Vice President
All Faculty Officers
Club and Society Social Captains
Open to all Students
All Executive
All Vice Executive
FHSC Rep Forum (Campus Specific)
Executive Officer
Faculty Officer
Student Course Reps
FOE Rep Forum (Campus Specific) Executive Officer
Faculty Officer
Club and Society Social Captains
Open to all Students
AIBS Rep Forum (Campus Specific) Executive Officer
Faculty Officer
Student Course Reps
S&T Rep Forum (Campus Specific) Executive Officer
Experience Council
Faculty Officer
Student Course Reps
Student Course Reps
ALSS Rep Forum (Campus Specific) Executive Officer
Faculty Officer
Student Course Reps
Academic Council All Executive
Full Time Executive
Vice Executive
Open to all Students
Student Course Reps
All Vice Executive
Faculty Officer
Clubs and Societies (Campus Specific)
Student Course Reps
Clubs and Society Committee
Putting You First
what it means for you...
what is the constitution? The constitution is a legally binding governing document of Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union which is designed to put students first. The document provides details of how the organisation should operate and makes it very clear who is responsible for what. Our constitution also provides guidance if things go wrong, and can be used as a tool to ensure the Student Voice is put first in everything we do. This handy booklet can be used as a guide to the full document, although shouldn’t be regarded as legally binding. It is split into the following sections: 1
Key Constitutional Provisions (The Background)
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Trustees, Board of Trustees and Other Sub Committees
Full Time Executive and Student Executive Roles
Academic and Experience Councils
Faculty Rep Forums and Campus Experience Forums
Clubs and Societies
Union Bar Regulations
Administrative Arrangements and Miscellaneous
A full copy of the Constitution can be found on our website or requested an a Students’ Union office.
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
the background bits Some of the key definitions and terms of the Union are published here
If any parts of the constitution are unclear in settling a problem, then the SU Trustees have the responsibility to come to a decision. Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union (The Union/The SU) is registered in England and Wales and exists to enhance the experience of Anglia Ruskin Students. The Union works within the Charities Act 2006 which allows us to provide facilities and services for our members, as well as representation on a local or national level. The Union manages its own finances and investments in accordance with the rules set out by the Charities Act 2006, which ensures its money is spent for the benefit of its members. Trustees and members of the Union will not benefit financially from its operations. If the Union were to close, Trustees and members would only be liable for up to £1 towards any outstanding debt. Items of any value would be transferred to another charity.
The Constitution - What it means to you
members This section defines who can be a member of the Union, and benefits of membership
You are automatically a member of Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union if you study on an Anglia Ruskin course anywhere, unless you have told us in writing you do not want to be. As a member you have a right to use all of the Union’s services, although some may cost a small fee. Where this is necessary, most activities are subsidised for your benefit. Any member of the SU who is currently studying can run in or vote during SU Elections. Existing Full Time Executive Officers can run for a second term but not a third. Any member can sit in or speak in Union committees unless the consitution states otherwise (normally because of issues of confidentiality, i.e issues relating to specific staff or finances). Your membership cannot be given to someone else, and will end when you graduate or leave your course. The Union can remove your membership if you are disciplined for misconduct. Membership to the Union is free, but the Academic or Experience Councils may allow non students or graduates to become associate members for a fee.
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
referenda How you can have your say via a membershipwide vote
Any Anglia Ruskin student can vote on a policy or “idea” put to a referenda. Any Anglia Ruskin student can submit an “idea” which can be put to the relevant Council by the Union Executive and may later become subject to a referenda. If the SU Experience Council or SU Academic Council disagree on a “idea” or policy, it can be decided by means of a membership referenda (vote). Any student can call for a referenda by presenting his/her “ideas” to the Chair of either Council signed by 500 full members of the Union. A referenda cannot be held in the first two weeks of a Semester/Trimester and members must be given 10 working days’ notice of a vote and information on how to participate (including any debate). Voting will be limited to one academic week and will take place entirely online. Any member of the Union can vote and should have access to the “idea” (policy) which is subject to the referenda. Referenda are also governed by the rules around SU Elections to ensure they are fair and representative.
The Constitution - What it means to you
AGM Occasionally the Union may consult its entire membership on an issue or hold an annual meeting.
The Union may hold an Annual Members Meeting or when student voice is needed to make decisions which could be potentially controversial and unsuitable for online referenda. An AGM can also be called by request of the Academic or Experience Councils, by 500 members or by company law. Any AGM must be arranged in a way that ensures as many members as possible can attend. The meeting should represent the true student voice, and be given 10 days notice. The Meeting could be brought forward by either SU Council if it deals with time critical matters. 100 members must be present for any decisions to be passed, although Members may send another nominated member to attend and vote on his/her behalf. Members must be told in advance the content of the meeting and his/her rights to send a representative to vote by proxy if necessary. The President or Deputy Chair will chair an AGM but cannot vote, unless to make a casting decision in a tied vote. Voting will take place by a majority show of hands, and an online poll may be conducted to gather student opinion before a binding vote.
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
union trustees Trustees are responsible tor ensuring the Union operates safely for the benefit of its members.
A maximum of 13 Trustees will be responsible for overseeing the management and financial security of the Union to ensure its long term growth and security for the benefit of all Anglia Ruskin Students. Trustees can delegate their powers to nominated committees, persons, the Executive Committee or the General Manager, although these persons will all be held accountable to the Trustee Board. The Trustee Board should be: 5 SU Executive Team Members, 4 External Trustees of relevant backgrounds, and 4 Student Trustees. Student and External Trustees are appointed via a majority vote of the Trustees appointment committee which will be made up of a selection of existing Trustees although this may be deferred to the relevant SU Council. Student Trustees may be in post for 2 years, External Trustees may be in post for up to 3 years and Executive Trustees for the period in post as SU Executive. Trustees are bound by laws set to regulate directorships of UK companies and charities to protect SU Members. Trustees can be removed from post by a vote of other Trustees, majority vote in SU Councils, or a signed letter from 500 members, although will have the right to appeal any decision against them. Trustees must make collective decisions to safeguard the future of the Union, and no decision can be made without two thirds of the Trustees present. The Constitution - What it means to you
executive roles This section points out the roles and responsiblities of the Union Executive
The SU Executive roles have changed significantly for September 2011 onwards, particularly for student volunteers. The new system has been recognised by NUS staff and other Unions as innovative in its design to ensure the student voice is heard by the University. Full Time Officers are employed by the Union to represent students and work with the University to promote and solve issues relating to education and the student experience at Anglia Ruskin. The Full Time Executive work across all Anglia Ruskin core campuses, as well as partner establishments with an SU presence. Full Time Executive must manage time appropriately to represent students on each campus and deal with day to day challenges and tasks faced on each Anglia Ruskin Campus. The Full Time Executive must act as scrutiny to the General Manager alongside other Trustees, to ensure the Union acts in the best interest of its members. The Full Time Executive provides strategic direction to the SU. There are 5 Full Time Executive positions, each with a specific area of interest, as well as being responsible for academic issues in his/her nominated faculty. These posts are: President, Academic Affairs Officer, Communications Officer, Student Experience Officer (Cambridgeshire) and Student Experience Officer (Essex).
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
Democratic Structure Vice Executive Officers are students elected to volunteer time working alongside the Full Time Executive looking after local issues relating to the Student Experience. The SU Vice Executive attend and vote at the SU Experience Council. Faculty Executive Officers are elected from within each Faculty on each campus to work with Student Reps and the Full Time Executive on academic issues. The Faculty Executive Officers attend and vote at the SU Academic Council.
FHSC Officer Chelmsford S&T Officer Chelmsford AIBS Officer Chelmsford Vice President Cambridge
ALSS Officer Chelmsford
Vice Academic Cambridge
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Vice President Chelmsford
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FOE Officer Chelmsford
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FHSC Officer Cambridge
Full Time Executive Cross Campus
Vice SEO Peterborough
FHSC Officer Fulbourn
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Vice President Fulbourn Vice Academic Fulbourn Vice Communcations Fulbourn
Vice President Peterborough Vice Academic Peterborough
Vice SEO Fulbourn
Vice Communcations Peterborough FHSC Officer Peterborough
The Constitution - What it means to you Full Time Executive
Faculty Officer
Vice Executive
Student Course Reps
councils How the Academic and Experience Councils function to make sure you can have your say
The two different SU councils make decisions about student experience and academic issues. Anyone can attend an SU Council but only elected members can vote. These members are responsible for reflecting and upholding student voice. The Academic Council debates issues raised in Faculty Rep Forums as well as discussing and deciding upon academic policy. Academic Council is chaired by the Academic Affairs Officer with Full Time and Faculty Executive Officers as voting members. The Experience Council debates issues raised by students in Campus Forums, as well as discussing and deciding upon policy relating to the Student Experience The Experience Council is chaired by Student Experience Officers with members from Clubs and Societies and each Student Forum as voting members. The Experience Council are also responsible tor holding Full Time Executive Officers to account and overseeing their work. If a vote takes place to decide policy a simple majority will decide the outcome. 50%+1 of the total members of Council must be present for the vote to stand.
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
forums Any student can attend SU Forums to discuss issues. Voting members are shown below.
Meetings Structure cific)
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Student Experience Officer
Student Experience Officer
Vice Student Experience Office
Vice Student Experience Office
Club and Society Secrectaries
nts Club and Society Captains / Preside
mpus Specific)
Social and Entertainments (Ca
Campaigns (Cross Campus)
Student Experience Officer / Preside
All Executive
Vice President
All Vice Executive
Club and Society Social Capta
All Faculty Officers
Clubs and Societies (Campus
Open to all Students
Experience Council All Vice Executive
All Executive
Club and Society Social Capta
Open to all Students
AIBS Rep Forum (Campus Spe
FHSC Rep Forum (Campus Spe
Executive Officer
Executive Officer
Faculty Officer
Faculty Officer
Student Course Reps
Student Course Reps
S&T Rep Forum (Campus Specific
) FOE Rep Forum (Campus Specific
Executive Officer
Executive Officer
Faculty Officer
Faculty Officer
Student Course Reps
Student Course Reps
ALSS Rep Forum (Campus Spe Executive Officer Faculty Officer Student Course Reps
Academic Council
Full Time Executive
Faculty Officer
Vice Executive
Open to all Students
Student Course Reps
All Vice Executive
All Executive
Student Course Reps
Clubs and Society Committee
The Constitution - What it means to you
elections Union members elect new representatives every year. This section details that process.
There are two elections held every year. Full Time Executive are elected in Semester 2 to take up post for 1 year as of July 1st. Student Executive are elected in Semester 1 after Freshers so that anyone can get involved. Anyone can be elected to an empty Student Executive post after the elections by submitting their nomination and a manifesto. An online vote may be held for 5 days if the post is contested. The relevant council may choose to elect the nominee if the post if uncontested. Any Anglia Ruskin student can stand for election, as long as he/she is not running for more than one SU Executive post (NUS Delegate positions are not included). Student Executive nominees must be running for posts on the campus on which they are registered to study. Those running for Faculty Executive posts can only run to represent his/her own faculty to make sure the student voice is reflected. Any student wishing to run for an executive post must submit a nomination form signed by two other students, alongside an A4 manifesto detailing why they are running and what they will bring to the role. Each scheduled election takes place over four days on each core campus using secure ballot boxes. A secure online voting system is also used which checks Student IDs. Students may only vote for Student Executive posts on their campus. A returning officer is appointed from the University alongside the National Union of Students to oversee election counts and ensure fair play. A Union election comittee is elected to ensure elections are representative and hear any complaints before, during or after the process. 12
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
The Constitution - What it means to you
clubs and societies The Union supports Clubs and Societies in accordance with regulations set out this section.
A club or society will be recognised and supported by the Students’ Union providing certain criteria are met. Recognition and support of clubs and societies can be refused if paperwork is incomplete or the club or society contravenes the constitution. Recognition can also be withdrawn. Clubs and societies must hold an AGM to elect a new committee for the next academic year. All club and society income must be shown through the membership account or the grant account. Clubs and societies cannot have an external bank account and no member should benefit financially. This protects the club and its members. All requests for money must have receipts or an invoice attached otherwise they will be denied. All accounts held by a club or society must stay in credit. Failure to stay in credit will result in the account being frozen and the loss of benefits attributed to the club or society. Allocation of grants to clubs and societies will be allocated and approved by the Grants Sub Committee of the Site Experience Committee. Clubs and societies must send a representative to the monthly club and society forums which are a part of the Experience Council. 14
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
Emergency Club and Society Council meetings can be called in exceptional circumstances. Non students can participate in clubs and societies but only when certain conditions are met. Club and society committees have a duty of care to their members to ensure all activities comply with Health and Safety. Some clubs or societies may form on a cross-campus basis. These clubs and societies follow the rules and regulations in the same manner as all other clubs and societies but with a few exceptions.
The Constitution - What it means to you
finance The Unions financial responsibilities are outlined in this section of the document
The financial year shall be from August 1st to July 31st. The Union has a finance manual which contains all financial procedures and regulations which must be followed. The President is reponsible for answering all financial queries related to Union activities. The relevant Student Experience Officer is responsible for answering financial queries relating to clubs and societies. The General Manager is responsible for issuing financial management information at suitable intervals to relevant staff and the trustees or as requested as to allow proper management of the Union. The Trustees and General Manager of the Students’ Union are responsible for spotting and drawing attention to any adversre trends in Union finances. The Student Experience Manager (Venues and Retail) shall be responsible for drawing attention to adverse trends in trading activities. Budgets must be submitted to Trustees for scrutiny and approval. The President must submit the annual accounts to the Board of Trustees, Academic and Experience Councils by December 1st. A copy of the annual accounts should be made available on the Union Website: http://www.angliastudent.com
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
bar regulations
Some bar operations and regulations are set by the consitution to keep Union members safe.
The Students’ Union runs and operates The SU Academy on East Road, Cambridge and The SU Bar on the Rivermead Campus in Chelmsford. The Students’ Union holds a club members’ certificate and/ or premises licence for each bar and acts in accordance with licensing regulations. The Students’ Union reserves the right to prevent admission to the bar in accordance with licencing laws and its own door policy. Any member or guest whose behavior is unacceptable or in breach of Union policies can be ejected from the venue by the Student Experience Manager (Venues and Retail), Deputy Venue Manager or Security Staff. If any member or his/her guests is ejected from the venue (or later found to be in breach of Union policy), he/she may be disciplined in accordance with constitution.
The Constitution - What it means to you
discipline The Union has a robust discipline system to safeguard the enjoyment and safety of all its members.
In the interest of all staff and members of Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union, Employees, Full time, Vice and Faculty Executive officers must maintain acceptable standards of behaviour and abide by the rules and regulations of the Union. Any member may face disciplinary action if they cause wilful or negligent damage to, or loss of Union property or property under its control, or breach Union Policy. Members are permitted to bring charges against each other in writing to the President if they feel aggrieved. The President can impose temporary sanctions pending a disciplinary hearing. A disciplinary hearing may be heard at the discretion of the Chair and must be called within 10 days of the receipt of a written complaint. Anyone involved in the hearing must be given at least 4 working days notice. The charged person must be informed in writing of the details of the charge, hearing, and areas of Union policy breached. The disciplinary committee consists of three independent students and a member of the Executive Committee as Chair. The Chair shall appoint their own secretary from the Executive Committee. A hearing provides ample opportunity for the disciplinary committee to hear the charges and present both sides of the case. Witnesses may be present where the Chair has deemed necessary. A decision must be made in confidence and will be taken by simple majority. The Union must inform the charged of the outcome of the hearing and any disciplinary action to be taken within 10 working days and has to right to inform other parties as necessary. Sanctions may include full or part suspension from the Union, payment of damages, revocation of membership or a referral of the matter to another body. These sanctions can be appealed. 18
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union
discipline of representatives The SU Executive can be held to account and disciplined via Votes of Censure, Votes of No Confidence or Disciplinary hearing. A Vote of Censure is a record of dissatisfaction at an officer’s ability to fulfil his/her role and may be called upon by either SU Council should an officer fail in his her/duties. A Vote of Censure may be given automatically if basic expectations of an officer are not met. For example, disclosing confidential information, failing to submit a report on his/her progress on two consecutive occasions or not sending apologies to meetings. A Vote of Censure can be called for by a member of the relevant SU Council via the submission of an “idea”, which may then be debated. An officer may face an automatic Vote of No Confidence if he/she receives 3 votes of censure. Members of the Executive Committee can be removed from office by a Vote of No Confidence against them. A Vote of No Confidence can also be raised by the submission of an “Idea” to the relevant Council. A Vote of No Confidence can only be voted for by a twothirds majority of the relevant council. Student reps may also face the same disciplinary channels if he/she fails to fulfil his/her role. The Student Activities team manage a similar disciplinary system for Clubs and Societies members. The Constitution - What it means to you
admin & misc This section points out the roles and responsiblities of the Union Executive
The Trustees and the Academic or Experience Councils have the power jointly to make, repeal or amend Bye-Laws that govern the way the Union runs. The Students’ Union may send documents or information via post, or electronic format (email, social networking etc) unless a member specifically states that he/she wishes to opt out from receiving communication via that medium. Any document or information sent to members may be sent to the registered postal address as shown in the Union’s register of members. International students will only receive such mail should they provide an up to date UK postal address or alternative electronic mail contact. The Students’ Union does not have to send information to members who have not provided up to date details. It is the members’ responsibility to provide correct contact information. If the Union posts a document or information it will be deemed as received and effective after 48 hours. Emails and website content will be deemed as received and effective on the same day. If the Union cannot contact a member electronically, a hard copy of the document or information will be sent via post, unless it is an annual report, a copy of Union accounts or notice of an AGM. The Union files its accounts for commerical activity with Companies House and submits all other accounting in accordance with the Charities Act 1993 20
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union - Putting You First - http://www.angliastudent.com