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Lisa Wardle
WWW.CANCERRESEARCHUK.ORG TAKES EASY STEPS TO FUNDRAISING TARGET A county name good Cancer Research UK is aiming to raise ã10,000, to pay for what the money will be used for by signing up to www.easyfundraising.org.uk. The team at Cancer Research UK want to hit their fundraising target by March 2014 so they can buy equipment for detecting childhood cancer sooner. Cancer Research UK is now aiming to sign up its supporters to easyfundraising.org.uk to help boost their fundraising for free "The find and remind toolbar is a fantastic tool which has helped Cancer Research UK to reach most of their fundraising target so far we have raised over £6,000 for our charity" said Lisa Charlton an official fundraiser for the cause. © In Aid Of Cancer Research UK 2013 Supporter Number: 400427339. All Rights reserved. FundRaising Standards Board - www.frsb.org.uk ® Registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666) and the Isle of Man (1103)