Pr ofessional Immer sions for Networ king & Connections
Welcome to PI NC PINC Inter nat ional specializes in 360 -deg ree ab road exper iences for am b it ious, open-m inded and ad vent urous young w om en. At PINC we under stand t he im p or tance of inter nat ional im m er sion and t he im p act it will have on you t o g row per sonally, academ ically, p rofessionally, and b eyond ! A PINC p rog ram is desig ned
t o challeng e you t o act as an am b assad or and b ecom e a g lob al cit izen t hroug hout your t im e ab road . All PINC p rog ram s focus on lang uag e, cult ure, and career, so t hat you leave wit h new skills and a b oost t o your resum e. We look for w ard t o welcom ing you int o t he PINC leg acy of fut ure fem ale leader s!
A Shor t Histor y PINC Inter nat ional w as founded in 20 14 by CEO Lisette Mirand a. Lisette, a lover of all t hing s Sp ain, w as inspired t o star t PINC after living and w or king in Mad r id , t he Sp anish capital for 5 year s. There she b ecam e cer t ified as an Eng lish teacher, taug ht and w or ked t o m ar ket Sp anish lang uag e p rog ram s, and received her Master 's in Biling ual and Mult icult ural Ed ucat ion at t he Univer sit y of AlcalĂĄ de Henares. PINC star ted wit h it s flag ship 8-week inter nship p rog ram , b efore exp and ing t o a 2-week sum m er im m er sions p rog ram in Mad r id .
Š 20 17 PINC Inter nat ional
Lisette is one of the most personable people you will ever meet. From my initial inquiry to my arrival in Madrid, even to this day, she has been there as a plentiful resource and a positive influence. Amanda P. Columbia University
I started PINC because I lived this experience! I'm passionate about giving young women professional and personal growth. And finally, PINC is my passion because I believe empowering and educating young women on an international level isthe key to building confident and innovative leaders of the future! Our mission is to help bridge the gender gap by giving young women a competitive edge on their resume with international experience. I hope you take this journey with me... -Lisette Miranda, PINC CEO & Founder
Th e PINC Su m m er Pr ogr am is a 14-day exper ien ce in M adr id, w it h 3 days in Bar celon a, f illed w it h Span ish classes, f u n 'Discover Spain' act ivit ies, an d PINC pr of ession al an d per son al developm en t w or k sh ops. A PINC im m er sion w ill set you apar t f r om you r peer s by addin g in t er n at ion al exper ien ce t o you r r esu m e an d a u n iqu e t alk in g piece du r in g in t er view s. By t h e en d of you r 2 w eek s in Spain w it h PINC, you w ill be an exper t in all t h in gs M adr id, h ave n ew f r ien ds f r om ar ou n d t h e globe, an d leave w it h a n ew sen se of con f iden ce bot h per son ally AND pr of ession ally!
MADRI D SUMMER I MMERSION May 19, 20 18 June 2, 20 18
What to Expect Pre-Ar r ival Welcom e letter and invoice. Confir m at ion of flig ht it inerar y. Sp anish level test . Group Web inar : Introd uct ions + W hat t o Pack Or ientat ion.
Day 1: May 19 You attend class in t he m or ning wit h act ivit ies planned after w ard Or ientat ion: Iceb reaker act ivit ies, t o d iscover Mad r id in t he Sp anish cust om s, safet y t ip s, and after noons. Classes are fun and eng ag ing , leaving you confident p rog ram infor m at ion. t o com m unicate in your d ay-t o Meet & Greet Luncheon. d ay life in Mad r id ! Air p or t g reet ing s and pick-up !
Spanish Classes All p rog ram p ar t icip ant s take p ar t in sem i-intensive Sp anish classes at La Avent ura Esp aĂąola, accred ited by Inst it ut o Cer vantes, t he hig hest accred itat ion for lang uag e schools in Sp ain.
The way I have always put it is, "I don't like Spanish and Spanish doesn't like me." ...At the end [of PINC], I was having full conversations and acting asa translator. Sarah S. Barnard College
Discover Madr id PINC sch edu les act ivit ies t h r ou gh ou t t h e 2-w eek im m er sion pr ogr am t h at w ill in t r odu ce you t o t h e cit y like a local. Wit h in n o t im e, you 'll be h ead over h eels in love! Som e act ivit ies in clu de: -
Walk in g Tou r Food M ar ket s Royal Ret ir o Par k Ret ir o Boat Rides* Pr ado M u seu m Rein a Sof ia M u seu m Pool Par t y* Picn ic Tapas Tou r * Flam en co Sh ow * M adr id Royal Palace Access t o t r en dy clu bs Lan gu age Exch an ges Real M adr id St adiu m Lu n ch *
* Please note some entrance fees not included in price.
Weekend in Barcelona Bar celon a is t h e secon d lar gest cit y in Spain , f am ou s f or it s r ich h ist or y, vast beach es, an d f am ou s ar ch it ect u r e. In clu ded in t h e pr ice of t h e pr ogr am is a 3 day/ 2 n igh t t r ip t o Bar celon a. We pr ovide t r an spor t at ion via h igh -speed t r ain , accom m odat ion s, Cit y coor din at or , an d br eak f ast . We w ill h ave t h e oppor t u n it y t o explor e all of t h e f am ou s sigh t s in clu din g: -
Par k GĂź ell La Sagr ada Fam ilia Bar celon et a Beach Las Ram blas Sh oppin g Beach Picn ic Bar celon a Walk in g Tou r An d m or e!!
Jumpstar t Your Career ! PINC p rog ram s are ab out helping you t o d iscover your p assions, develop your skills, and t hen share your exper ience. How d o we d o t his in just 2 weeks? -
A var iet y of or ig inal, interact ive w or kshop s led by p rofessional fem ale trainer s. and lig ht b reakfast p rovided . Sam ple w or kshop s include: Mad r id Then & Now ; Ment or ship : p aying it for w ard ; Com m unicat ing Effect ively: Aut hent icit y, Confidence, How t o facinate, Benefit s of Travel on Your Resum e; Med itat ion One d ay of volunteer ing and g iving b ack t o t he Mad r id com m unit y Net w or king event s and m ent or ship t o exp and your connect ions over seas. Ong oing connect ions wit h PINC w om en t o b uild deep p rofessional relat ionship s and b ecom e p ar t of t he PINC leg acy!
I am going back to the U.S.A a more confident woman who is excited to expand my growth in the professional field. Ashley A. Indiana University
Once I came back from Madrid I wasable to land two internships in just 1.5 weeks of being back home. Gisel O. University of Miami
I ndependent Exploration There is sched uled free t im e t o explore m ore of Mad r id . We will p rovide op t ions for independent explorat ion. You also have t he op t ion of a planned d ay tr ip t o Seg ovia t o visit t he ancient aq ued uct and hist or ic cat hed rals. Cit y Manag er s are availab le t o help g uide you t ow ard s t he b est Sp anish exper ience p ossib le.
Day 14: June 2 Move out / fly hom e or extend your tr ip t o travel in Sp ain or Europe. Once you've crossed t he p ond , w hy not take ad vantag e of it ! Op t ions for how t o travel t o t he air p or t or train are p rovided .
Apply Today Next steps to start your PINC adventure:
Payment Pr ice: $3,299.00 In clu des: -
1. 2. 3. 4.
Apply on lin e. Ph on e in t er view. Accept an ce st at u s. Welcom e Pack an d join t h e PINC legacy!
Contact us with any questions at: +10 hours of Spanish classes 4 Workshops 'Discover Madrid' activities 3 days in Barcelona Transportation/ Housing/ City Manager Sagrada Familia & Park Guell tickets Beach Picnic Guided Yoga/Meditation Session Networking/Mentorship Events Housing (Safe neighborhood, doorman, renovated, fully-furnished, wifi, weekly cleaner) Light breakfast stocked in apt. (croissants, oranges) Basic apartment necessities provided (sponges, dish soap, hand soap, detergent, garbage bags) 24/7 On-site City Coordinator Airport pick-up Meet & Greet luncheon UNLIMITED 1 Month Metro Pass Cell SIM with data Medical & accident insurance (valid 1 year) International student card (valid 1 year) VIP Access to nightlife Assistance with travel arrangements Access to PINC Alumna group and discounts
Deposit : $499.00 to secure spot. Paym en t : Check, Direct deposit, or Venmo
CONNECT WWW.PI NCI NTERNATIONAL.COM Contact Us info@pincinter nat t o req uest m ore infor m at ion on:
A: PINC Wor kshop Descr ip t ions B: Housing , Safet y & Sup p or t C: PINC = Invaluab le Invest m ent D: Freq uent ly Asked Quest ions E: Or ientat ion & Next Step s