The Flood Prone Lands Development Control Plan (DCP) outlines the rules for developing on flood-prone land in the Lismore local government area (LGA).
It takes a risk-based approach to planning and development in these areas and only applies to new development that requires a development application. Existing development is not affected.
The DCP outlines where certain types of development are acceptable, and where they are not. It also outlines requirements such as minimum floor levels, flood compatible materials and structural soundness.
The DCP includes four new flood risk precincts that have been developed based on the flood risk classification matrix, developed to classify all design flood events.
For more information, go to the Your Say tab on Council’s website at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au where you will find ‘Public Exhibition
Revised Flood Prone Land DCP’.
The Revised Flood Prone Lands Development Control Plan (DCP) is now on public exhibition. Submissions close on Monday, 17 July at 4pm.
If you have questions, or would like to talk with Council about the proposed DCP changes, staff will be available at the following locations:
The Living Lab, 11 Woodlark St, Lismore from 1pm - 4pm
• Wednesday, 21 June
• Tuesday, 27 June
• Wednesday, 28 June
• Tuesday, 4 July
• Wednesday, 5 July
• Tuesday, 11 July
• Wednesday, 12 July
The Farmers Markets, Lismore Showgrounds from 8.30am - 11am
• Saturday, 24 June
• Saturday, 8 July
You can provide your feedback via a submission in the following ways:
Online: via Your Say Lismore
Email: council@lismore.nsw.gov.au
In writing to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480
A n exc i t i n g a n d u n i q u e h i g h w i r e p e r f o r m a n c e i s c o m i n g t o Lis m o r e .
T h e X r o s s i n g i s a n ex t r a o r d i n a r y h i g h w i re p e r f o r m a n c e p ay i n g ho m a g e t o
C o n C o l l ea n o, t h e le g e n d a r y t i gh t w i re a r t i s t .
T h e eve n t w il l t a ke p l a c e d u r i n g N A I D O C w e e k o n S at u r d ay, 8 J u l y a n d S u n d ay, 9 J u l y a t t h e L i s mo re Q u a d.
C o n C o l l ea n o, a Ga m il a r o i m a n b o r n i n L ismo re i n 18 9 9, r os e t o b e c o m e t h e g rea t e s t t i gh t w i re a r t i s t o f a l l t i m e, k n o w n a s t h e W iza r d o f t h e W i re. D es p i t e f a c i n g a d ve r si t y, C o l l ea n o a c h i eve d in te r n a t i o n a l s u cc e s s , w ea l t h a n d f a m e i n t h e 19 3 0 s a n d 4 0 s t h r o u g h hi s i nc re d i b l e f ea t s . H i s s t o r y, l a r g e l y u n k n o w n t o t h e w o r l d, i s t o l d t h r o u g h t h e c a p t i va t i n g p e r f o r m a n c e s o f T h e X r o s s i n g.
C o - D i re c t o r o f Th e X r o s s i n g, K i r k Pa g e, s a i d t h e eve n t p ay s t r i b u t e t o a g rea t A b o r i g i n a l p e r f o r m e r w h o d es e r ve s t o b e c e l e b r a t e d j u s t a s w e d o w i t h D o n B r a d m a n a n d D a m e N el l i e M e l b a .
“C o n C o l l ea n o' s s t o r y i s o n e o f m a ny w h e re A b o r i g i n a l p e r f o r m e r s o f te n h i d t h ei r i d e n t i t y t o b e a b l e t o t r ave l f re e l y a n d p e r f o r m. H e a c h i eve d g rea t n e s s d es p i t e a d ve r si t y a n d w e’re t h r il le d t o b r i n g hi s s t o r y t o l i gh t w i t h t hi s t r u l y s p e c t a c ul a r eve n t , " h e s a i d.
Photo: Charlotte Wightonb rea t h t a k i n g p e r f o r m a n c e s o n h i gh w i re s st ret c h i n g a n i m p re s s i ve
6 0 m et re s a c r o s s t h e L i s mo re Q u a d. A mo n g t hi s t a l e n t e d g r o u p o f p e r f o r m e r s i s D y l a n S i n g h, a W i r a d j u r i w i re w a l ke r a n d c i r c u s a r t i s t .
T h e X r o s s i n g a l s o i n c o r p o r a t e s p e r f o r m a n c e s by 'c o m m u n i t y w a l ke r s ' o n l o w e r w i re s . T h es e i n d i v i d u a l s p a r t i c ip a t e d i n a s e r ie s o f f re e W iza r d s o f t h e W i re t i gh t w i re w o rk sh o p s l ea d i n g u p t o t h e s ho w, a l l o w i n g t h e m t o p e r f o r m i n t h e eve n t .
Lo c a l mu s i c i a n s a n d f o o d ve n d o r s w il l c rea t e a v i b r a n t
a n d fe s t i ve a t m o sp h e re.
A u d i e n c e s a re e n c o u r a g e d
t o b r i n g t h ei r f r i e n d s , f a m i l y
a n d p ic n i c b l a n ket s t o
ex p e r i e n c e t hi s b rea t h t a k i n g
h i gh w i re eve n t .
T h e X r o s s i n g i s a f re e eve n t
a n d w il l t a ke p l a c e f r o m 1p m
t o 6 p m o n S at u r d ay, 8 J u l y
a n d S u n d ay, 9 J u l y a t t h e
L ismo re Q u a d.
Lis m o r e C i t y C o u n c i l i s a p r ou d s p o n so r o f t h i s
s pe c t a c u l a r eve n t .
Fo r m o r e in f o r m a t io n
a b ou t T h e X r o s s i n g , p l e a s e v i s i t
ww w. s e e d a r t sy.c o m . a u .
Join us as we come together to celebrate NAIDOC Day on Thursday, 29 June from 10am to 2pm at the Lismore Turf Club.
NAIDOC Day offers a variety of activities for kids, live performances, food stalls and numerous community services and stalls. This year, we gather under the theme 'For Our Elders'. NAIDOC is an inclusive celebration that welcomes Australians from all walks of life.
• 10am to 2pm
• Welcome to Country
• Smoking Ceremony
• Local schools will perform throughout the day
• Local Entertainers will provide entertainment throughout the day
• Local food vendors will be in attendance
• Face Painting, Jumping Castles and sporting activities will be there for all to try
• Service providers stalls with activities and information for the community
• Elders tent will be available, come along and have a yarn with an Elder
• Come along and talk to a Council employee about their experience at Council
Jeb Walton Asset InspectorNAIDOC is important to me because it allows for the celebration and preservation of our culture. It’s an opportunity to share and educate others, especially the younger generation, who may not have the same level of exposure to our heritage.
Evan Hickling Team Leader DrainageConstruction & Maintenance
NAIDOC is about who we are. I am proud of who I am on Council. NAIDOC is important for our families and the community, it lets us come together to celebrate. I want to pass on the message to my kids about being proud of who you are. NAIDOC is a great step towards this.
Steve Conlon Treatment Plant OperatorNAIDOC to me is about passing on knowledge to the future generations. I have kids and I want them to understand the history of their culture so it doesn’t fade away. It is important to understand the history and what it means to be Aboriginal.
Lismore City Council has once again demonstrated its leadership in sustainability by incorporating an impressive 100 tonnes of crushed glass in a recent concrete pour. The concrete forms part of an improved access road at the Lismore Recycling & Recovery Centre. The project is a collaboration between Council, NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Graham’s Concrete and BASEC Engineering. The glass was processed through the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and sourced from nearly 100,000 recycled bottles.
The use of crushed glass in this construction project not only showcases Council's dedication to reducing waste but also highlights the importance of the circular economy. By recycling bottles through the MRF and incorporating them into projects like this, Council is minimising the environmental impact and maximising the value of resources.
Lismore City Mayor Steve Krieg said this concrete pour is the largest project in Council’s trial of glass sand usage to date.
“To see the glass sand trial grow into a project of this magnitude is exciting. By pushing the boundaries of recycling, we are able to develop some creative and practical uses for our resources,” he said.
This concrete Recycling & With the completion the public and Lismore City to address environmental Recovery and move towards website at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au
This project More initiative
concrete pour marks a significant milestone in the restoration of the Lismore Recovery Centre, which was damaged during the 2022 natural disaster. completion of this access road, accessibility has been greatly improved for and trucks when dropping off waste materials at the facility.
City Council is continually exploring innovative and sustainable solutions environmental challenges. For more information on Council’s Resource and Residual Waste Strategy and the initiatives Council is undertaking to towards a circular economy, visit the Waste & Recycling section of Councils www.lismore.nsw.gov.au. project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority, Waste Less Recycle initiative funded from the waste levy.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 4.59 of the Act and Clause 124 of the EP&A Regulation, notification is given that the undermentioned developments have recently been granted consent.
DA19/13-2 17 Byrne Road, Rosebank: Section 4.55(1A) modification to dwelling design including increased floor area.
DA22/47-2 10 Walker Street, Clunes: Section 4.55(1A) modification to change the dwelling layout, height of ceilings and reduce the size of the pool.
DA22/297 59 Acacia Avenue, Goonellabah: To undertake: 1) the erection of a detached dual occupancy and associated earthworks, driveway, civil works and landscaping; and 2) strata subdivision of the dual occupancy.
DA23/20 1 Flick Road, Tullera: To undertake a rural subdivision of one (1) lot into two (2) lots.
DA23/25 49 Lincoln Avenue, McLeans Ridges: Construction of a dwelling with a reduced building setback of 14m, inground swimming pool and retaining walls.
DA23/88 1/180 Molesworth Street, Lismore: Change of use of part of the first floor of the existing building from an office to a business premises (Hair, Beauty and Wellness Salon).
DA23/95 66 Just Street, Goonellabah: Dwelling and retaining walls.
DA23/96 440 Tatham Road, South Gundurimba: Raise existing dwelling with associated alterations and additions.
DA23/100 278A Mulvena Road, Larnook: Relocate dwelling to new site 9.
DA23/108 422 Richmond Hill Road, Richmond Hill: 7m x 12m open side colorbond shed.
Details of applications and consents, together with conditions
side colorbond shed.
Details of applications and consents, together with conditions attached, may be inspected at Council’s Corporate Centre during business hours or via DA Tracking at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au.
As the consent authority, Council has received the following development applications for consideration.
DA NUMBER: 23/45
LOCATION AND DP LOT: 27 Cullen Street, Nimbin (Lot 1 DP 122294).
APPLICANT: Byron Bay Planning.
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: To undertake: 1) the erection of a new primary dwelling, a new secondary dwelling, a new carport and associated earthworks, retaining walls and utility services; 2) the demolition of an existing outbuilding (old school building) within the Nimbin heritage conservation area; and 3) the change of use of the existing Church to a Creative Industry (Artist Studio). (Renotified due to an alteration to the description).
CLOSING DATE: 10 July 2023.
If you wish, you may make a submission to the Council in relation to the Development Application. Any submission must specify the grounds of objection (if any).
The above Development Application(s) and accompanying documents may be inspected at Council’s Corporate Centre, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah, during ordinary office hours or via DA Tracking at www.lismore.nsw.gov.au.
Further information relating to written submissions is available on Council’s website. There are laws regarding the mandatory disclosure of political donations in relation to planning matters. Political donations disclosure reporting forms are available from the Department of Planning at www.planning.nsw.gov.au.
McLeans Freight Service, a leading freight and logistics provider based in Lismore, has recently completed the construction of a new awning that spans the length of its building.
This important addition was made possible through the assistance of the 2020 Business Flood Grant.
The Business Flood Grant program was funded by the NSW Government in 2020 to assist with flood response measures and repair infrastructure damaged by the 2017 flood. It was administered by Lismore City Council.
Prior to the construction of the awning, heavy downpours caused water to run back into the shed, impacting operations and space utilisation. The newly constructed awning not only safeguards against heavy rain but also enhances the usable space on the premises.
McLeans Freight Service General Manager, Leisa Blok, said the awning is a welcome addition to the facility.
“In the mornings, our facility experiences a busy flow of more than 40 trucks and vans entering and exiting the premises. However, during periods of heavy rainfall, the space available for our team to manoeuvre becomes significantly restricted,” she said.
“This improvement not only enables us to further protect ourselves from the elements, but also paves the way for further enhancements that will continue to improve our facility."
Over the past five decades, McLeans Freight Service has grown from humble beginnings to become a trusted name in the industry, offering reliable transportation solutions between all national ports.
Starting with a modest Ford F100 and serving the local Lismore community and Northern Rivers region, McLeans Freight Service has flourished into a thriving operation with a dedicated fleet of specialised vehicles.
“We employ over 75 local people,” Leisa added “Being based in Lismore means a lot to us. On average we process 20,000 consignments per week and Lismore’s strategic location places us at the heart of the key areas we serve. It is the perfect location for our business.”
McLeans Freight Service remains dedicated to serving the Lismore community, developing lasting partnerships and contributing to the growth of the local economy. Council is proud to support the Business Flood Grant initiative and witness the amazing benefits it has brought to the city.
Kei Apple (Dovyalis caffra) is a highly invasive plant and is listed as a Regional Priority – Prevention weed under the North Coast Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan.
This plant is not to be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment in the North Coast of NSW.
Originally from southern Africa, Kei Apple is a drought and frost tolerant plant which can be found in Queensland and New South Wales. It grows in wooded grassland areas, bushland, along forest edges and will tolerate most soil types.
Kei apple grows up to six meters high with sharp thorns, has smooth green leaves and produces apricot-coloured edible fruit. Plants spread easily by seed, the fruit is eaten by birds and new plants often grow under trees or other places where birds perch. The plant has allelopathic properties, which means it will release hormones that kill surrounding plants and groundcovers.
Left uncontrolled, Kei Apple forms a dense monoculture that has the potential to outcompete and shade native plants. The large, sharp spines can cause serious injury and infection to people and livestock and can restrict the movement of native animals.
Do not attempt to treat or dispose of Kei Apple yourself.
If you see this plant, please notify Rous Country Council Weed Biosecurity on 6623 3800 or www.rous.nsw.gov.au/report-a-weed. Rous will lead an initial response for the treatment and disposal of the plant to stop it from spreading.
For more information, please visit the NSW DPI WeedWise website at https://weeds.dpi.nsw.gov.au/Weeds/KeiApple.
September 22, 23 & 24 2023
September 22, 23 & 24 2023
Early bird registrations close 30 June
Early bird registrations close 30 June
Late bird registrations close 18 August
Late bird registrations close 18 August
Corporate Centre: 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm
Post: PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480
Email: council@lismore.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.lismore.nsw.gov.au
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