Oahu Real Estate Update - May 2023

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Executive Summary

The sales volume of O‘ahu homes improved month-over-month, rising 26.0% for single-family homes and 4.3% for condos in May. However, closed sales declined 23.8% for single-family homes and 36.3% for condos compared to the same time last year.

The median sales price for a single-family home ($1,109,000) was 3.9% below the current record set in May 2022 ($1,153,500). Similarly, on the condo side, the median sales price dipped modestly by about 2.2% from $516,500 in May 2022 to $505,000 in May 2023.

Single-family homes and condos spent two times longer on the market than last year at 21 and 20 days, respectively, compared to 10 days in 2022. More single-family home sales closed at the full asking price or more than in the past seven months. However, this figure changes yearover-year, as approximately 45% of these sales in May received the full asking price or more, compared to about 75% of sales in May 2022. The same is true for condos, as roughly 45% of condo sales closed for the full asking price or more compared to 65% of sales in May 2022

Single-family homes in the $700,000 to $1,299,999 price range accounted for the majority of closed sales in May, at 67%. The ‘Ewa Plain recorded the largest share of single-family home sales at 25.6% (or 67 sales), representing the area’s most significant sales volume so far in 2023. Active inventory in the $700,000 to $899,999 price range experienced the largest increase in May. While active inventory increased in most neighborhoods, the Leeward region marked the most significant uptick, rising 55.6% to 70 active listings.

Meanwhile, condos in the $700,000 and up price range experienced a 48.5% drop in sales year-over-year. The Kailua region was the only area to see an increase in condo sales volume, with 18 sales this May compared to 13 sales in May 2022. Most price points for condos recorded an increase in active inventory, with a 39% uptick in the more affordable $400,000 to $699,999 price range.


Oahu Monthly Housing Statistics

May 2023

Monthly Indicators 2 Median Sales Price YoY %chg Price Graphs 3-4 $1,109,000-3.9% Closed Sales 5 Closed Sales YoY %chg Median Sales Price 6 Average Sales Price 7 262 -23.8% Median Days on Market 8 Percent of Original List Price Received 9 Average Sales Price YoY %chg New Listings 10 Pending Sales 11 $1,355,804-6.5% Active Inventory 12 Total Inventory In Escrow 13 Months Supply of Active Inventory 14 Housing Supply Overview 15 Median Sales Price YoY %chg Closed Sales (by price range) 16-17 Median Days on Market (by price range) 18-19 $505,000-2.2% Percent of Original List Price Received (by price range)20-21 New Listings (by price range) 22-23 Closed Sales YoY %chg Pending Sales (by price range) 24-25 Active Inventory (by price range) 26-27 438 -36.3% Active Inventory History 28 Total Inventory In Escrow (by price range) 29-30 Average Sales Price YoY %chg Months Supply of Active Inventory (by price range)31-32 $623,748-0.3% Historical Graphs 33-34 YoY % chg = year-over-year percent change comparing current month to the same month last year. SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales data compiled from HiCentral MLS, Ltd.® ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed. CONTENTS: CONDOS

Monthly Indicators

*seefootnotesonpages9-12regardingmethodologyupdatesYoY%chg=year-over-yearpercentchangecomparingcurrentmonthtothesamemonthlastyear. MoM%chg=month-over-monthpercentchangecomparingcurrentmonthtothepreviousmonth.

*seefootnotesonpages9-12regardingmethodologyupdates1-yr%chg=percentchangecomparingthecurrentYTDtimeperiodtothesameYTDtimeperiodoneyearago. 2-yr%chg=percentchangecomparingthecurrentYTDtimeperiodtothesameYTDtimeperiodtwoyearsago.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

May 2023 May-23 May-22YoY %chgApr-23MoM %chg May-23 May-22YoY %chgApr-23MoM %chg Closed Sales 262 344-23.8%20826.0% 438 688-36.3%4204.3% Median Sales Price $1,109,000 $1,153,500-3.9%$999,99510.9% $505,000 $516,500-2.2%$500,0001.0% Average Sales Price $1,355,804 $1,450,008-6.5%$1,223,38310.8% $623,748 $625,327-0.3%$603,7953.3% Median Days on Market 21 10110.0%24-12.5% 20 10100.0%200.0% Percent of Orig. List Price Received 98.7% 102.2%-3.4%98.3%0.4% 99.0% 100.0%-1.0%98.7%0.3% New Listings 309 445-30.6%2925.8% 582 687-15.3%5329.4% Pending Sales* 258 356-27.5%271-4.8% 507 601-15.6%43815.8% Active Inventory* 543 47115.3%5351.5% 1,118 93919.1%1,144-2.3% Total Inventory in Escrow* 418 583-28.3%435-3.9% 686 856-19.9%62310.1% Months Supply of Active Inventory* 2.2 1.369.2%2.14.8% 2.6 1.573.3%2.54.0%
Year-to-Date YTD-2023 YTD-20221-yr %chgYTD-20212-yr %chg YTD-2023 YTD-20221-yr %chgYTD-20212-yr %chg Closed Sales 1,029 1,597-35.6%1,692-39.2% 1,902 3,070-38.0%2,707-29.7% Median Sales Price $1,049,500 $1,115,000-5.9%$935,00012.2% $500,000 $510,000-2.0%$454,00010.1% Average Sales Price $1,319,079 $1,440,993-8.5%$1,184,79011.3% $621,029 $617,6600.5%$531,09116.9% Median Days on Market 27 10170.0%9200.0% 23 11109.1%1464.3% Percent of Orig. List Price Received 97.6% 101.8%-4.1%100.9%-3.3% 98.5% 100.0%-1.5%99.2%-0.7% New Listings 1,395 1,968-29.1%2,015-30.8% 2,630 3,528-25.5%3,386-22.3% Pending Sales* 1,271 1,737-26.8%1,945-34.7% 2,166 3,172-31.7%3,188-32.1%
Single-Family Homes Condos Single-Family Homes Condos
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5 2 6 28 37 29 19 30 33 10 11 6 9 5 2 0 17 13 1 5 11 22 37 41 31 33 27 30 20 17 8 7 6 5 25 18 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Closed Sales Sold Price ($)
Homes Sold May 2023 vs. May 2022 2023 2022 SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, compiled from MLS data. ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Page 3 of 34
7 22 43 62 80 73 51 36 22 11 24 7 11 21 67 107 111 112 65 78 43 12 47 14 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Closed Sales Sold Price ($) Condos Sold May 2023 vs. May 2022 2023 2022 SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, compiled from MLS data. ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Page 4 of 34

Closed Sales

in a given month) Mo-Yr Single-Family HomesCondosTotal May-20248 254 502 Jun-20302 312 614 Jul-20361 426 787 Aug-20370 409 779 Sep-20391 456 847 Oct-20345 480 825 Nov-20338 407 745 Dec-20420 514 934 Jan-21291 392 683 Feb-21260 446 706 Mar-21361 626 987 Apr-21375 645 1,020 May-21405 598 1,003 Jun-21451 730 1,181 Jul-21404 671 1,075 Aug-21425 675 1,100 Sep-21424 615 1,039 Oct-21381 611 992 Nov-21371 601 972 Dec-21378 593 971 Jan-22326 552 878 Feb-22241 486 727 Mar-22321 672 993 Monthly Closed Sales Year-to-Date Closed Sales Apr-22365 672 1,037 MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg MayYTD SFHYoY %chgYTD CNDYoY %chg May-22344 688 1,032 202140563.3%598135.4% 20211,69229.1%2,70759.0% Jun-22357 626 983 2022344-15.1%68815.1% 20221,597-5.6%3,07013.4% Jul-22312 518 830 2023262-23.8%438-36.3% 2023 1,029-35.6%1,902-38.0% Aug-22314 508 822 Sep-22278 496 774 Oct-22222 435 657 Nov-22192 340 532 Dec-22202 360 562 Jan-23150 275 425 Feb-23173 325 498 Mar-23236 444 680 Apr-23208 420 628 May-23262 438 700
(A count of properties that have closed
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Sales Closed Sales Single-Family Homes Condos 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 202120222023 Closed Sales SFH (YTD) 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 202120222023 Closed Sales CND (YTD) 0 100 200 300 400 500 202120222023 Closed Sales SFH (May) 0 200 400 600 800 202120222023 Closed Sales CND (May)
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SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Median Sales Price

May 2023


Mo/Yr Single-Family HomesCondos
























(The median sales price of all closed properties in a given month)
Monthly Median Sales Price Year-to-Date Median Sales Price Apr-22$1,105,000$510,000 MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg MayYTD SFHYoY %chgYTD CNDYoY %chg May-22$1,153,500$516,500 2021$978,00022.7%$457,75014.7% 2021$935,00018.5%$454,0005.8% Jun-22$1,100,000$534,000 2022$1,153,50017.9%$516,50012.8% 2022$1,115,00019.3%$510,00012.3% Jul-22$1,107,944$500,000 2023$1,109,000-3.9%$505,000-2.2% 2023$1,049,500-5.9%$500,000-2.0% Aug-22$1,125,500$498,500 Sep-22$1,100,000$502,500 Oct-22$1,050,000$520,000 Nov-22$1,149,500$480,000 Dec-22$1,049,500$502,500 Jan-23$970,000$495,000 Feb-23$987,000$480,000 Mar-23$1,083,750$536,000 Apr-23$999,995$500,000 May-23$1,109,000$505,000
$0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 Price ($)
Sales Price
0K 200K 400K 600K 800K 1.0M 1.2M 202120222023 Price ($) SFH (YTD) 0K 100K 200K 300K 400K 500K 600K 202120222023 Price ($) CND (YTD) 0K 500K 1.0M 1.5M 202120222023 Price ($) SFH (May) 0K 100K 200K 300K 400K 500K 600K 202120222023 Price ($) CND (May)
Single-Family Homes Condos
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SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Average Sales Price


(The average sales price of all closed properties in a given month)

















SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Average Sales Price

May 2023
Mo/Yr Single-Family HomesCondos
Mar-22$1,570,668$623,684 Monthly Average Sales Price Year-to-Date Average Sales Price Apr-22$1,404,481$613,189 MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg MayYTD SFHYoY %chgYTD CNDYoY %chg May-22$1,450,008$625,327 2021$1,246,61124.2%$555,79822.6% 2021$1,184,79023.7%$531,0914.0% Jun-22$1,382,559$631,822 2022$1,450,00816.3%$625,32712.5% 2022$1,440,99321.6%$617,66016.3% Jul-22$1,329,023$590,934 2023$1,355,804-6.5%$623,748-0.3% 2023$1,319,079-8.5%$621,0290.5% Aug-22$1,341,958$547,319 Sep-22$1,307,249$607,502 Oct-22$1,243,960$676,988 Nov-22$1,387,685$594,444 Dec-22$1,325,156$576,689 Jan-23$1,139,294$633,441 Feb-23$1,427,864$592,131 Mar-23$1,391,538$651,630 Apr-23$1,223,383$603,795 May-23$1,355,804$623,748
Sep-21$1,289,510$558,002 Oct-21$1,335,171$582,509 Nov-21$1,296,551$559,007 Dec-21$1,303,481$604,749 Jan-22$1,277,309$623,928 Feb-22$1,486,088$583,367
$0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,800,000 Price ($)
Single-Family Homes Condos 0K 500K 1.0M 1.5M 2.0M 202120222023 Price ($) SFH (YTD) 0K 200K 400K 600K 800K 202120222023 Price ($) CND (YTD) 0K 500K 1.0M 1.5M 2.0M 202120222023 Price ($) SFH (May) 0K 200K 400K 600K 800K 202120222023 Price ($) CND (May)
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Median Days on Market

(Days on Market represents the number of days from when a property is first listed to when an offer is accepted; the Median Days on Market represents the median of all sales in a given month)

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.

2023 OAHU,
Mo/Yr Single-Family HomesCondos May-2013 23 Jun-2020 40 Jul-2013 26 Aug-2015 23 Sep-209 21 Oct-2010 18 Nov-2010 16 Dec-2010 19 Jan-219 18 Feb-219 18 Mar-219 14 Apr-219 13 May-218 12 Jun-218 11 Jul-21 9 11 Aug-219 12 Sep-219 11 Oct-2110 11 Nov-2111 9 Dec-2111 13 Jan-2212 14 Feb-2213 14 Mar-229 9 Monthly Median Days on Market Year-to-Date Median Days on Market Apr-2210 12 MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg MayYTD SFHYoY %chgYTD CNDYoY %chg May-2210 10 20218-38.5%12-47.8% 20219-57.1%14-51.7% Jun-2210 11 20221025.0%10-16.7% 20221011.1%11-21.4% Jul-2211 12 202321110.0%20100.0% 202327170.0%23109.1% Aug-2213 13 Sep-2218 14 Oct-2219 19 Nov-2218 18 Dec-2225 21 Jan-2324 24 Feb-2347 28 Mar-2336 24 Apr-2324 20 May-2321 20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Days on Market Median Days on Market Single-Family Homes Condos 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 202120222023 Days on Market SFH (YTD) 0 5 10 15 20 25 202120222023 Days on Market CND (YTD) 0 5 10 15 20 25 202120222023 Days on Market SFH (May) 0 5 10 15 20 25 202120222023 Days on Market CND (May)
All Rights
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Honolulu Board
Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Percent of Original List Price Received

May 2023


(The percentage found when dividing a property's sales price by the original list price; reported percentage is the median of all sales for the period indicated)

Percent of Original List Price Received

Oct-21102.2%100.0% Nov-21102.2%100.0% Dec-21102.1%100.0% Jan-22101.6%100.0% Feb-22100.8%100.0% Mar-22102.0%100.0% Monthly Percent of Original List Price Received Year-to-Date Percent of Original List Price Received Apr-22102.6%100.0% MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg MayYTD SFHYoY %chgYTD CNDYoY %chg May-22102.2%100.0% 2021101.4%2.4%100.0%2.2% 2021100.9%2.4%99.2%1.4% Jun-22102.0%100.0% 2022102.2%0.8%100.0%0.0% 2022101.8%0.9%100.0%0.8% Jul-22100.0%100.0% 202398.7%-3.4%99.0%-1.0% 202397.6%-4.1%98.5%-1.5% Aug-22100.0%100.0% Sep-2299.2%100.0% Oct-2299.8%99.0% Nov-2298.4%98.8% Dec-2296.7%98.5% Jan-2395.9%98.4% Feb-2396.0%98.0% Mar-2396.7%98.5% Apr-2398.3%98.7% May-2398.7%99.0% 90.0% 92.0% 94.0% 96.0% 98.0% 100.0% 102.0% 104.0% 106.0% Percent Received
Mo/Yr Single-Family HomesCondos May-2099.0%97.8% Jun-2098.7%97.7% Jul-2098.8%97.9% Aug-2098.7%98.3% Sep-20100.0%98.6% Oct-20100.0%98.3% Nov-20100.0%99.0% Dec-20100.0%98.5% Jan-21100.7%98.8% Feb-21100.0%98.8% Mar-21100.4%99.1% Apr-21101.9%99.6% May-21101.4%100.0% Jun-21104.2%100.0% Jul-21103.9%100.0% Aug-21103.0%100.0% Sep-21103.1%100.0%
Single-Family Homes Condos 95.0% 96.0% 97.0% 98.0% 99.0% 100.0% 101.0% 202120222023 Percent Received SFH (YTD) 95.0% 96.0% 97.0% 98.0% 99.0% 100.0% 101.0% 202120222023 Percent Received CND (YTD) 95.0% 97.0% 99.0% 101.0% 103.0% 202120222023 Percent Received SFH (May) 95.0% 96.0% 97.0% 98.0% 99.0% 100.0% 101.0% 202120222023 Percent Received CND (May)
©2023. Honolulu Board of
All Rights Reserved. Information herein
reliable but
guaranteed. Page 9 of 34
SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data.

New Listings

May 2023

(A count of properties that have been newly listed on the market in a given month)

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data.

Mo-Yr Single-Family HomesCondosTotal May-20345 509 854 Jun-20392 598 990 Jul-20422 657 1,079 Aug-20387 696 1,083 Sep-20368 576 944 Oct-20380 664 1,044 Nov-20379 561 940 Dec-20264 466 730 Jan-21365 659 1,024 Feb-21322 623 945 Mar-21439 715 1,154 Apr-21459 706 1,165 May-21430 683 1,113 Jun-21482 784 1,266 Jul-21469 664 1,133 Aug-21460 721 1,181 Sep-21412 738 1,150 Oct-21376 717 1,093 Nov-21358 639 997 Dec-21245 527 772 Jan-22320 666 986 Feb-22367 739 1,106 Mar-22412 714 1,126 Monthly New Listings Year-to-Date New Listings Apr-22424 722 1,146 MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg MayYTD SFHYoY %chgYTD CNDYoY %chg May-22445 687 1,132 202143024.6%68334.2% 20212,0158.8%3,38617.0% Jun-22391 686 1,077 20224453.5%6870.6% 20221,968-2.3%3,5284.2% Jul-22386 616 1,002 2023309-30.6%582-15.3% 2023 1,395-29.1%2,630-25.5% Aug-22381 608 989 Sep-22304 601 905 Oct-22285 532 817 Nov-22289 526 815 Dec-22164 371 535 Jan-23268 523 791 Feb-23233 463 696 Mar-23293 530 823 Apr-23292 532 824 May-23309 582 891
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Listings New Listings Single-Family Homes Condos 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 202120222023 Closed Sales SFH (YTD) 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 202120222023 Closed Sales CND (YTD) 0 100 200 300 400 500 202120222023 New Listings SFH (May) 0 200 400 600 800 202120222023 Closed Sales CND (May)
©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Page 10 of 34

Pending Sales*

May 2023


(A measure of contract activity represented by a count of properties that have had offers accepted on them during a given month)

Pending Sales

*Methodology updated as of

to reflect a count of properties that entered contract within the given month and remain in escrow status at the end of the month (also applied to historical data shown above).

in reports prior to 2021, reflect a count of all listings that held a Pending (P) status throughout the given month.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Mo/Yr Single-Family HomesCondosTotal May-20337 329 666 Jun-20423 454 877 Jul-20422 483 905 Aug-20410 493 903 Sep-20389 451 840 Oct-20358 484 842 Nov-20394 470 864 Dec-20315 438 753 Jan-21329 534 863 Feb-21365 572 937 Mar-21370 656 1,026 Apr-21450 727 1,177 May-21431 699 1,130 Jun-21422 666 1,088 Jul-21433 658 1,091 Aug-21415 617 1,032 Sep-21398 629 1,027 Oct-21400 630 1,030 Nov-21367 573 940 Dec-21287 511 798 Jan-22315 574 889 Feb-22316 643 959 Mar-22384 691 1,075 Monthly Pending Sales Year-to-Date Pending Sales Apr-22366 663 1,029 MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg MayYTD SFHYoY %chgYTD CNDYoY %chg May-22356 601 957 202143127.9%699112.5% 20211,94520.7%3,18877.5% Jun-22305 501 806 2022356-17.4%601-14.0% 20221,737-10.7%3,172-0.5% Jul-22297 484 781 2023258-27.5%507-15.6% 20231,271-26.8%2,166-31.7% Aug-22312 475 787 Sep-22224 436 660 Oct-22198 342 540 Nov-22198 359 557 Dec-22168 289 457 Jan-23267 378 645 Feb-23217 399 616 Mar-23258 444 702 Apr-23271 438 709 May-23258 507 765
Pending Sales,
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Listings
Single-Family Homes Condos 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 202120222023 Pending Sales SFH (YTD) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 202120222023 Pending Sales CND (YTD) 0 100 200 300 400 500 202120222023 Pending Sales SFH (May) 0 200 400 600 800 202120222023 Pending Sales CND (May)
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Active Inventory*

May 2023



*Indicator modified as of 2021 to reflect Active status listings only and applied to historical monthly data shown above. Previous report indicator, referred to as Active Listings, reflected all actively marketed listings in A and C status.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Mo/Yr Single-Family HomesCondosTotal May-20797 1,858 2,655 Jun-20683 1,815 2,498 Jul-20642 1,813 2,455 Aug-20565 1,792 2,357 Sep-20529 1,742 2,271 Oct-20521 1,715 2,236 Nov-20503 1,645 2,148 Dec-20419 1,459 1,878 Jan-21417 1,396 1,813 Feb-21350 1,332 1,682 Mar-21379 1,257 1,636 Apr-21381 1,133 1,514 May-21337 983 1,320 Jun-21377 1,025 1,402 Jul-21415 969 1,384 Aug-21416 950 1,366 Sep-21437 1,030 1,467 Oct-21401 1,039 1,440 Nov-21366 1,033 1,399 Active Inventory Total Active Inventory: Single-Family Homes + Condos Dec-21309 946 1,255 MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg Jan-22311 967 1,278 2021337-57.7%983-47.1% Feb-22348 989 1,337 202247139.8%939-4.5% Mar-22360 919 1,279 202354315.3%1,11819.1% Apr-22395 917 1,312 May-22471 939 1,410 Jun-22527 998 1,525 Jul-22576 1,050 1,626 Aug-22596 1,073 1,669 Sep-22629 1,141 1,770 Oct-22656 1,194 1,850 Nov-22682 1,244 1,926 Dec-22597 1,170 1,767 Jan-23551 1,196 1,747 Feb-23547 1,177 1,724 Mar-23541 1,152 1,693 Apr-23535 1,144 1,679 May-23543 1,118 1,661
number of properties in Active (A) status at the end of the given month)
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 Listings Active Inventory Single-Family Homes Condos 0 200 400 600 2021 2022 2023 Active Listings SFH (May) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2021 2022 2023 Active Listings CND (May) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 May-20 May-21 May-22 May-23 Listings Total Active Inventory Single-Family Homes + Condos Single-Family Homes Condos
Page 12 of 34

Total Inventory In Escrow*

May 2023


(The number of properties under contract at the end of the given month / combined listings in C and P status)

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.

Mo/Yr Single-Family HomesCondosTotal May-20625 525 1,150 Jun-20703 682 1,385 Jul-20742 714 1,456 Aug-20748 797 1,545 Sep-20702 769 1,471 Oct-20693 757 1,450 Nov-20711 800 1,511 Dec-20575 703 1,278 Jan-21596 837 1,433 Feb-21697 960 1,657 Mar-21691 979 1,670 Apr-21739 1,0301,769 May-21793 1,1571,950 Jun-21754 1,0681,822 Jul-21735 1,0261,761 Aug-21727 979 1,706 Sep-21660 951 1,611 Oct-21663 935 1,598 Nov-21637 899 1,536 Total Inventory In Escrow Total Inventory In Escrow: Single-Family Homes + Condos Dec-21528 784 1,312 MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg Jan-22498 797 1,295 202179326.9%1,157120.4% Feb-22544 946 1,490 2022583-26.5%856-26.0% Mar-22603 980 1,583 2023418-28.3%686-19.9% Apr-22592 956 1,548 May-22583 856 1,439 Jun-22509 728 1,237 Jul-22479 676 1,155 Aug-22462 654 1,116 Sep-22388 590 978 Oct-22345 506 851 Nov-22319 512 831 Dec-22278 430 708 Jan-23376 523 899 Feb-23386 592 978 Mar-23393 602 995 Apr-23435 623 1,058 May-23418 686 1,104 *New indicator added to reports as of 2021, including applicable historical data. 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 Listings Total Inventory In Escrow Single-Family Homes Condos 0 500 1,000 2021 2022 2023 Listings SFH (May) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2021 2022 2023 Listings CND (May) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 May-20 May-21 May-22 May-23 Listings Total Inventory In Escrow Single-Family Homes + Condos Single-Family Homes Condos
Honolulu Board of
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herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Months Supply of Active Inventory*



May 2023
Mo/Yr Single-Family HomesCondos May-202.6 4.5 Jun-202.2 4.5 Jul-202.1 4.6 Aug-201.8 4.6 Sep-201.7 4.5 Oct-201.7 4.4 Nov-201.6 4.3 Dec-201.3 3.7 Jan-211.3 3.6 Feb-211.1 3.3 Mar-211.2 3.0 Apr-211.1 2.5 May-211.0 2.1 Jun-211.0 2.0 Jul-211.1 1.8 Aug-211.1 1.7 Sep-211.2 1.8 Oct-211.1 1.8 Nov-211.0 1.7
Active Inventory
Closed Sales Dec-210.8 1.6 MaySFHYoY %chgCNDYoY %chg Jan-220.8 1.6 20211.0-61.5%2.1-53.3% Feb-220.9 1.6 20221.330.0%1.5-28.6% Mar-221.0 1.5 20232.269.2%2.673.3% Apr-221.1 1.5 May-221.3 1.5 Jun-221.5 1.6 Jul-221.6 1.7 Aug-221.7 1.8 Sep-221.9 2.0 Oct-222.1 2.1 Nov-222.2 2.3 Dec-222.1 2.2 Jan-232.0 2.4 Feb-232.0 2.4 Mar-232.1 2.4 Apr-232.1 2.5 May-232.2 2.6 *Methodology updated as of 2021 (also applied to historical data shown on this chart). Months of Inventory, in reports prior to 2021, reflect a comparison of active listings to average pending sales. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Months of Inventory
Supply of Active Inventory Single-Family Homes Condos 0 1 2 3 2021 2022 2023 Months of Inventory SFH (May) 0 1 2 3 2021 2022 2023 Months of Inventory CND (May) 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 May-20 May-21 May-22 May-23 Sales/Listings Single-Family Homes Active Closed 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 May-20 May-21 May-22 May-23 Sales/Listings Condos Active Closed
active inventory to a rolling 12-month average closed sales)
Months Supply of
Active Inventory vs.
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SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Housing Supply Overview

May 2023


SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

Single-Family HomesMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22 %chgMay-23May-22%chg $449,999 and below 40-237--62.8%--06-100.0%23-33.3%46-33.3%511-54.5% $450,000 - $599,999 36-50.0%3514150.0%100.5%100.0%0.5%57-28.6%56-16.7%9812.5%1319-31.6%1.50.966.7% $600,000 - $699,999 611-45.5%678737.5%93.7%101.5%-7.7%920-55.0%1018-44.4%221546.7%1727-37.0%2.40.9166.7% $700,000 - $799,999 282227.3%219133.3%99.7%103.7%-3.9%2833-15.2%2229-24.1%382365.2%3850-24.0%1.90.7171.4% $800,000 - $899,999 37370.0%229144.4%100.0%103.2%-3.1%4556-19.6%4653-13.2%583565.7%7786-10.5%1.80.7157.1% $900,000 - $999,999 2941-29.3%258212.5%97.3%103.3%-5.8%4468-35.3%3857-33.3%59581.7%5094-46.8% $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 103141-27.0%181080.0%99.5%103.3%-3.7%95148-35.8%77107-28.0%129134-3.7%120166-27.7% $1,500,000 - 1,999,999 2243-48.8%229144.4%99.1%101.2%-2.1%45434.7%3642-14.3%805935.6%5566-16.7%3.01.3130.8% $2,000,000 - $2,999,999 1725-32.0%14137.7%97.7%100.4%-2.7%1736-52.8%1527-44.4%514610.9%2642-38.1% $3,000,000 and above 1318-27.8%533551.4%95.5%96.4%-0.9%2128-25.0%714-50.0%93876.9%1722-22.7%10.35.1102.0% All Single-Family Homes262344-23.8%2110110.0%98.7%102.2%-3.4%309445-30.6%258356-27.5%54347115.3%418583-28.3%2.21.369.2% Condos May-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chgMay-23May-22%chg $149,999 and below 1720-15.0%1120-45.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%1821-14.3%1618-11.1%473727.0%2327-14.8%3.41.888.9% $150,000 - $299,999 5579-30.4%201625.0%97.5%100.0%-2.5%7476-2.6%6984-17.9%137150-8.7%90116-22.4%2.61.752.9% $300,000 - $399,999 62107-42.1%161233.3%100.0%100.0%0.0%90103-12.6%7582-8.5%1171142.6%103121-14.9% $400,000 - $499,999 80111-27.9%17988.9%100.0%100.0%0.0%87113-23.0%7996-17.7%13510528.6%110145-24.1%1.80.9100.0% $500,000 - $599,999 73112-34.8%15966.7%99.8%101.8%-2.0%96933.2%7586-12.8%1268155.6%98124-21.0%2.00.9122.2% $600,000 - $699,999 5165-21.5%189100.0%99.3%100.8%-1.5%6375-16.0%6872-5.6%1108135.8%9293-1.1% $700,000 - $999,999 69133-48.1%3610260.0%98.6%100.7%-2.1%88130-32.3%83116-28.4%1771629.3%111153-27.5%2.51.656.3% $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 1531-51.6%2425-4.0%96.0%98.3%-2.3%3554-35.2%2530-16.7%1129123.1%3446-26.1%5.32.982.8% $1,500,000 - $1,999,999 916-43.8%4314207.1%96.9%100.0%-3.1%11110.0%9812.5%59565.4%1116-31.3% $2,000,000 and above 714-50.0%14712022.5%95.4%94.6%0.8%201181.8%89-11.1%986258.1%1415-6.7%12.35.6119.6% All Condos 438688-36.3%2010100.0%99.0%100.0%-1.0%582687-15.3%507601-15.6%1,11893919.1%686856-19.9%2.61.573.3% In Escrow Months Supply of Active Inventory Total Inventory In Escrow Months Supply of Active Inventory Total Inventory Active Inventory Active Inventory Closed SalesMedian Days on Market Percent of Original List Price Received Pending Sales Closed SalesMedian Days on Market Percent of Original List Price Received Pending Sales New Listings New Listings
Page 15 of 34

Closed Sales by Price Range: Single-Family Homes










All Single-Family Homes 262344-23.8%2,9064,431-34.4%

This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

May 2023
HomesMay-23May-22%chg 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period%chg
$1,000,000-$1,499,999103141-27.0%1,0371,470-29.5% $1,500,000-1,999,9992243-48.8%329522-37.0% $2,000,000-$2,999,9991725-32.0%193281-31.3%
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Closed Sales Sold Price Closed Sales by Price Range 1-mth Period: Single-Family Homes May-23 May-22 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Closed Sales Sold Price Closed Sales by Price Range 12-mth Period: Single-Family Homes 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period
Page 16 of 34

Closed Sales by Price Range: Condos May 2023

OAHU, HAWAII (Acountofpropertiesthathaveclosedinagivenmonth)











All Condos 438688-36.3%5,1857,566-31.5% This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

Condos May-23May-22%chg 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period%chg
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Closed Sales Sold Price Closed Sales by Price Range 1-mth Period: Condos May-23 May-22 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Closed Sales Sold Price Closed Sales by Price Range 12-mth Period: Condos 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period
Page 17 of 34

Median Days on Market by Price Range: Single-Family Homes May 2023



Median Days on Market by Price Range

1-mth Period: Single-Family Homes






Median Days on Market by Price Range



$1,500,000-1,999,999229144.4%121020.0% $2,000,000-$2,999,99914137.7%13130.0%


All Single-Family Homes 2110110.0%161060.0%

This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.


SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

12-mth Median This Period 12-mth Median Last Period%chg
Single-Family HomesMay-23May-22%chg
0 50 100 150 200 250 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Days on Market Sold Price
May-23 May-22 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Days on Market Sold Price
12-mth Median This Period 12-mth Median Last Period
Period: Single-Family Homes
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Median Days on Market by Price Range: Condos

May 2023



Median Days on Market by Price Range












All Condos 2010100.0%161145.5%

This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

Condos May-23May-22%chg 12-mth Median This Period 12-mth Median Last Period%chg
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Days on Market Sold Price
1-mth Period: Condos May-23 May-22 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Days on Market Sold Price
Period: Condos 12-mth Median This Period 12-mth Median Last Period
Days on Market by Price Range 12-mth
Page 19 of 34

Median Percent of


Original List Price

Received by Price Range: Single-Family Homes


Median Percent of Original List Price Received by Price Range


Median Percent of Original List Price Received by Price Range 12-mth Period:



All Single-Family Homes 98.7%102.2%-3.4%99.8%102.5%-2.6% This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

May 2023
Single-Family HomesMay-23May-22%chg 12-mth Median This Period 12-mth Median Last Period%chg $449,999andbelow62.8%--100.0%100.0%0.0% $450,000-$599,999100.5%100.0%0.5%97.1%100.4%-3.3% $600,000-$699,99993.7%101.5%-7.7%97.1%101.5%-4.3% $700,000-$799,99999.7%103.7%-3.9%98.6%103.2%-4.5% $800,000-$899,999100.0%103.2%-3.1%99.0%103.7%-4.5% $900,000-$999,99997.3%103.3%-5.8%100.0%102.9%-2.8% $1,000,000-$1,499,99999.5%103.3%-3.7%100.0%103.7%-3.6%
80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 95.0% 100.0% 105.0% $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Percent Orig. LP Received Sold Price
1-mth Period: Single-Family Homes May-23 May-22 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 95.0% 100.0% 105.0% $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Percent Orig. LP Received Sold Price
Single-Family Homes 12-mth Median This Period 12-mth Median Last Period
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Median Percent of Original List Price Received by Price Range: Condos



Median Percent of Original List Price Received by Price Range

All Condos 99.0%100.0%-1.0%99.4%100.0%-0.6% This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.

Median Percent of Original List Price Received by Price Range

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

May 2023
Condos May-23May-22%chg 12-mth Median This Period 12-mth Median Last Period%chg $149,999andbelow100.0%100.0%0.0%95.6%96.6%-1.0% $150,000-$299,99997.5%100.0%-2.5%98.2%98.5%-0.3% $300,000-$399,999100.0%100.0%0.0%100.0%100.0%0.0% $400,000-$499,999100.0%100.0%0.0%100.0%100.0%0.0% $500,000-$599,99999.8%101.8%-2.0%100.0%100.2%-0.2% $600,000-$699,99999.3%100.8%-1.5%99.4%101.4%-2.0% $700,000-$999,99998.6%100.7%-2.1%99.4%100.6%-1.2%
90.0% 92.0% 94.0% 96.0% 98.0% 100.0% 102.0% 104.0% $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Percent Orig. LP Received Sold Price
$1,000,000-$1,499,99996.0%98.3%-2.3%96.3%98.8%-2.5% $1,500,000-$1,999,99996.9%100.0%-3.1%95.9%97.2%-1.3%
1-mth Period: Condos May-23 May-22 84.0% 86.0% 88.0% 90.0% 92.0% 94.0% 96.0% 98.0% 100.0% 102.0% $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Percent Orig. LP Received Sold Price
12-mth Period: Condos 12-mth Median This Period 12-mth Median Last Period
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New Listings by Price Range: Single-Family Homes

May 2023


(Acountofpropertiesthathavebeennewlylistedonthemarketinagivenmonth) Single-Family











All Single-Family Homes309445-30.6%3,5954,770-24.6%

This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

HomesMay-23May-22%chg 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period %chg
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above New Listings Original List Price
1-mth Period: Single-Family Homes May-23 May-22 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above New Listings Original List Price New Listings by Price Range 12-mth Period: Single-Family Homes 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period
New Listings by Price Range
Page 22 of 34

New Listings by Price Range: Condos May 2023













All Condos 582687-15.3%6,5708,318-21.0%

This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

Condos May-23May-22%chg 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period %chg
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above New Listings Original List Price
1-mth Period: Condos May-23 May-22 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above New Listings Original List Price
12-mth Period: Condos 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period
by Price Range
by Price Range
Page 23 of 34

Pending Sales by Price Range: Single-Family Homes

May 2023



Pending Sales by Price Range







Pending Sales by Price Range





All Single-Family Homes 258356-27.5%2,9734,459-33.3% This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

Single-Family HomesMay-23May-22%chg 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period%chg
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Pending Sales Current List Price
Period: Single-Family Homes May-23 May-22 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Pending Sales Current List Price
12-mth Period: Single-Family Homes 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period
Page 24 of 34

Pending Sales by Price Range: Condos May 2023



Pending Sales by Price Range







Pending Sales by Price Range





All Condos 507601-15.6%5,0527,456-32.2% This12-monthperiodreflectstheconsecutive12-monthperiodupthroughthecurrentmonth,whilelastperiod reflectsthesame12-monthperiodoneyearprior.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

Condos May-23May-22%chg 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period%chg
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Pending Sales Current List Price
1-mth Period: Condos May-23 May-22 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Pending Sales Current List Price
12-mth Period: Condos 12-mth Total This Period 12-mth Total Last Period
Page 25 of 34

Active Inventory* by Price Range: Single-Family Homes May 2023



Single-Family HomesMay-23May-22YOY chg


Active Inventory by Price Range







Active Inventory - Percent Share by Price Range (portionoftotalactivestatuslistingsrepresentedbyagivenpricerange)




All Single-Family Homes 54347115.3%

*Indicatormodifiedasof2021toreflectActivestatuslistingsonlyandappliedtohistoricalmonthlydatashownabove.Previousreportindicator,referredtoasActiveListings,reflectedallactivelymarketedlistingsinAandC status.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Active Listings Current List Price
Single-Family Homes May-23 May-22 3% 8% 20% 41% 28% MAY-22 $599,999 and below $600,000 to $799,999 $800,000 to $999,999 $1,000,000 to $1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above 2% 11% 22% 38% 27% MAY-23 $599,999 and below $600,000 to $799,999 $800,000 to $999,999 $1,000,000 to $1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above
Page 26 of 34

Active Inventory* by Price Range: Condos May 2023



Condos May-23May-22YOY chg


Active Inventory by Price Range







Active Inventory - Percent Share by Price Range (portionoftotalactivestatuslistingsrepresentedbyagivenpricerange)




All Condos 1,11893919.1% *Indicatormodifiedasof2021toreflectActivestatuslistingsonlyandappliedtohistoricalmonthlydatashownabove.Previousreportindicator,referredtoasActiveListings,reflectedallactivelymarketedlistingsinAandC status.

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Active Listings Current List Price
Condos May-23 May-22 20% 23% 17% 27% 13% MAY-22 $299,999 and below $300,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $699,999 $700,000 to $1,499,999 $1,500,000 and above 16% 23% 21% 26% 14% MAY-23 $299,999 and below $300,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $699,999 $700,000 to $1,499,999 $1,500,000 and above
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Active Inventory*: Single-Family Homes and Condos

May 2023



SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

Single-Family Homes
$599,999 and below 221620151318131381111101415128101416151224181513 $600,000 to $799,999 24363343393934242240382738465957648094676562695560 $800,000 to $999,999 4460717078625444544952719399113128133157148143121115127117117 $1,000,000 to $1,999,999 105126146145165155135101111139139160193218226236251243251216207204191201209 $2,000,000 and above 142139145143142127130127116109120127133149166167171162173156146142136147144 Total 337377415416437401366309311348360395471527576596629656682597551547541535543 Condos
$299,999 and below 271253227217227218205198188204188194187199188176184183189185179185183182184 $300,000 to $499,999 259280272266298302275248250243205194219229238243263267292261277282251251252 $500,000 to $699,999 132161145142152158189158183183165161162171172196250274272245243229251244236 $700,000 to $1,499,999 180193187191206218227203216232232240253271328330317325340318329322308307289 $1,500,000 and above 141138138134147143137139130127129128118128124128127145151161168159159160157 Total 9831,0259699501,0301,0391,0339469679899199179399981,0501,0731,1411,1941,2441,1701,1961,1771,1521,1441,118 *Indicatormodifiedasof2021toreflectActivestatuslistingsonlyandappliedtohistoricalmonthlydatashownabove.Prev
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 May-21 May-22 May-23 Listings Active Inventory Single-Family Homes $599,999 and below $600,000 to $799,999 $800,000 to $999,999 $1,000,000 to $1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 May-21 May-22 May-23 Lisings Active Inventory Condos $299,999 and below $300,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $699,999 $700,000 to $1,499,999 $1,500,000 and above
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Total Inventory In Escrow* by Price Range: Single-Family Homes May 2023



Single-Family HomesMay-23May-22YOY chg


Total Inventory In Escrow by Price Range Single-Family






Total Inventory In Escrow - Percent Share by Price Range

(portionoftotalinventoryinescrowrepresentedbyagivenprice range)




$3,000,000andabove1722-22.7% All Single-Family Homes 418583-28.3%


SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Active Listings Current List Price
Homes May-23 May-22 5% 13% 31% 40% 11% MAY-22 $599,999 and below $600,000 to $799,999 $800,000 to $999,999 $1,000,000
$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above 4% 13% 31% 42% 10% MAY-23 $599,999 and below $600,000 to $799,999 $800,000 to $999,999 $1,000,000 to $1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above
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Total Inventory In Escrow* by Price Range: Condos May 2023



Condos May-23May-22YOY chg

Total Inventory In Escrow by Price Range







Total Inventory In Escrow - Percent Share by Price Range

(portionoftotalinventoryinescrowrepresentedbyagivenprice range)





All Condos 686856-19.9%


SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Active Listings Current List Price
Condos May-23 May-22 17% 31% 25% 23% 4% MAY-22 $299,999 and below $300,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $699,999 $700,000 to $1,499,999 $1,500,000 and above 16% 31% 28% 21% 4% MAY-23 $299,999 and below $300,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $699,999 $700,000 to $1,499,999 $1,500,000 and above
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Months Supply of Active Inventory by Price Range: Single-Family Homes May 2023



Single-Family HomesMay-23May-22YOY chg

Months Supply of Inventory by Price Range







Months Supply of Inventory


$1,000,000-$1,499,9991.51.136.4% $1,500,000-1,999,9993.01.3130.8%
$3,000,000andabove10.35.1102.0% All Single-Family Homes 2.21.369.2% 0 3 6 9 12 $449,999 and below $450,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$799,999 $800,000$899,999 $900,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,0001,999,999 $2,000,000$2,999,999 $3,000,000 and above Months of Inventory Current List Price
Single-Family Homes May-23 May-22 0 2 4 6 May-21 May-22 May-23 Months of Inventory
Single-Family Homes $599,999 and below $600,000 to $799,999 $800,000
$999,999 $1,000,000
to $1,999,999
and above
Page 31 of 34
Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

Months Supply of Active Inventory by Price Range: Condos May 2023



Condos May-23May-22YOY chg

Months Supply of Inventory by Price Range







Months Supply of Inventory

$700,000-$999,9992.51.656.3% $1,000,000-$1,499,9995.32.982.8%

SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, residential resales compiled from MLS data. ©2023.HonoluluBoardofREALTORS®.AllRightsReserved.Informationhereindeemedreliablebutnotguaranteed.

All Condos 2.61.573.3% 0 3 6 9 12 15 $149,999 and below $150,000$299,999 $300,000$399,999 $400,000$499,999 $500,000$599,999 $600,000$699,999 $700,000$999,999 $1,000,000$1,499,999 $1,500,000$1,999,999 $2,000,000 and above Months of Inventory Current List Price
$1,500,000-$1,999,9997.46.219.4% $2,000,000andabove12.35.6119.6%
Condos May-23 May-22 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 May-21 May-22 May-23 Months of Inventory
Condos $299,999 and below $300,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $699,999 $700,000
to $1,499,999
and above
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Single-Family Homes and Condos OAHU, HAWAII: Jan 1987 to the Present 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023 Closed Sales SFH Closed Sales CONDO SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, compiled from MLS data. ©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Page 33 of 34

Median Sales Price

Homes and Condos OAHU, HAWAII: Jan 1987 to the Present $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 1987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023 Median Sales Price SFH Median Sales Price CONDO
©2023. Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. All Rights Reserved. Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Page 34 of 34
SOURCE: Honolulu Board of REALTORS®, compiled from MLS data.

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