LITC™ Process & Programming: LACCC_LITC 2021 Leadership Adelante Program Our sessions provide participants with the ability to gain knowledge from our subject matter experts. They learn best practices and developing solutions that can be implemented efficiently. It's all about "speed to market" and staying competitive. LITC Process is an interactive learning experience. The 3point LITC™ process to leadership training is a proven method of helping employees develop soft skills – delivers real and tangible results. Companies that invest in learning and development will also catalyze positive bottom-line results. 1. Assessments/Self-Development 2. 1:1 Debriefing and Coaching 3. Group Engagements Assessments: Our assessments are validated, bias-free, and fully integrated assessments that meet EEOC and OFCCP requirements. Confidential reporting is upheld throughout the process. Selected personnel will take these assessments and have a comprehensive understanding of strengths and gaps that need to be addressed. This assessment gives the individual a complete report on behavioral fusions and their leadership style. It will outline strengths and gaps and ways to set personal goals to reach the next level of success. • • • •
DISC: a behavioral/driving force/motivator/competencies online assessment to understand natural and adapted behaviors, understand what motivates you, and relate to others. Emotional Intelligence: significant factor for success, influencing productivity, efficiency, and team collaboration Leadership Style Survey: knowing your leadership style to attain a high level of performance and high energy team in the workplace. Culture Awareness Survey: to understand how to build bridges to gain trust, respect, and understanding across cultures; and within a multicultural work environment, fostering productive interactions and agreements. Stress Management: to discover the level of competency in stress management and apply strategies to specific needs.
Debriefing/Coaching Sessions: Based on the results of the evaluations, a customized report will be provided to the individual with insights and recommendations on how to maximize talent development and ways to implement the information into their action plan. Recommendations are based on overall findings from all components. The debriefing session is a 1:1 meeting scheduled after assessments are taken to understand how to use the information personally. Group Engagement: During these sessions or workshops, individuals will be able to gain a deeper understanding of their assessments in a group setting and also be enabled to develop their Personal Action Plan on a group level further. The participants will understand the leadership of self, how to lead
others, and how this can impact the company or organization while increasing cultural competency awareness across all areas. The result is to have them incorporate Information from assessments into business skills and leadership development for managing themselves and working across cultures while staying aligned with the company goals; Leadership Development and Team Building to enhance the appreciation of team dynamics to drive success. Discovery Phase: We start with extensive discovery to uncover strengths and areas of improvement. During this phase, our leadership strategist will work with participants individually and in a group setting over the four weeks to increase communication and develop a course of action to enhance long-term success while maintaining short-term goals. Individuals will be asked to self-assess behavior, driving forces, soft skills, Emotional Intelligence, leadership, and cultural competency. They receive a comprehensive personal report containing assessment results and recommendations backed by research and quantitative methods. This will clarify how to handle the road ahead and instill or enhance an appreciation of each other. The comprehensive report contains recommendations on maximizing their talent and providing solutions on areas of improvement to assist the participant in achieving their personal and professional goals. Priorities: Participants will be asked to establish a comprehensive list of priorities and label each item according to their objectives. We'll discuss the value everyone brings to the organization to highlight the importance of working collectively to create an environment of success. Team and social capital building will be explored; activities will expand individuals' understanding of collaborative success. Research: We begin our research phase in earnest by analyzing assessment results, conducting 1:1 debriefing sessions, and asking questions. This provides clarity for the participant that will allow them to develop a strategic plan to achieve goals for themselves, those they lead, and the overall company.
Leading Self: September 8th & 9th Behavior: Explore a range of essential topics: the difference between leading and managing, what it means to be a learning organization, the importance of personal mastery, mental models, how leaders inspire a shared vision, situational leadership, leadership styles, trust, and change management. We discuss how to solve problems by understanding behavior and barrier that needs to be changed. Materials were shared for individual development and followed up a group discussion. Emotional Intelligence: Known as emotional quotient or EQ, is the ability to understand, use, and manage your emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Gain insight on ways EQ reduces personal stress, isolation and can enhance individual and team productivity.
Soft Skills /Time Management: Learn ways to enhance focus, reduce being overwhelmed and eliminate procrastination. How you use that time depends on skills learned through self-analysis, planning, evaluation, and self-control. Stress Management: Gain insights on how to manage a stressful situation properly. Learn about personal and professional stress management that impacts health, quality of life, and relationships. Learn about triggers and how to use Emotional Intelligence and cultural awareness to manage stress and enhance leadership skills. Project and Team Development: work in small teams, in and out of class, using their growing cultural awareness, knowledge of interpersonal behavior, enterprise thinking capability, and appreciation of community engagement to create and develop a business project in social entrepreneurship/community. Guides by coaches and team project business plans are presented to instructors, coaches, LACCC leadership & board members at the program's conclusion. Leading others: September 15th, 16th & 22nd Communications: Explore the applications of leadership, interactions, and exchanges among people with shared work. Consider the conversations between employees and their managers, the interactions among team members, the quality of relationships throughout the organization, the actions of teams and committees, and the use of existing organizational structures and processes. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Participants will increase their understanding of crucial Diversity concepts and methods, such as Courageous Conversations, Defining Moments (Key concepts & their applications), Beliefs, Attitude, Mindset, Agility, Action, Change & Sustainability. Coaching Culture: Building leadership skills creates a leadership & coaching culture. The group will learn how to develop the 4-core skills for coaching conversations: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Listening to understand Asking powerful questions Challenging and supporting Establishing next steps and Accountability
As team leaders engage with coaches, they are not only creating insights. We are also transferring skills, encouraging management or leadership to use them with their direct reports and peers within the enterprise. Therefore, coaching can go beyond impacting the individual, reaching the entire company. As everyone can benefit from having a better conversation every day, using the four coaching skills in this workshop will permeate everyday conversations. • •
Leaders can build stronger relationships, enhance a psychological safety culture, increase engagement, and foster development. Leaders equipped with these four skills can aim for transformation, even in 10-minute conversations. Each coaching conversation intends to learn, grow, create awareness, and foster the courage to take actions that lead to meaningful change.
Coaching does not happen in a vacuum. Our research indicates the most successful coaching engagements have a high level of involvement from the leader's supervisor. Before leaders start the coaching process, they should have a "manager alignment" conversation about their expectations and their supervisor's coaching expectations. When coaching becomes systemic, accountability increases and outcomes are strengthened — both for the individual and the organization. We help your team create this coaching culture.
Leading Ideas: September 23rd & 29th Collaboration provides a solution-based approach to solving problems; ignites brainstorming, understanding conflict resolution, and engaging all the tools learned. It's beneficial in tackling complex problems that are ill-defined or unknown by understanding the human needs involved, re-framing the problem in human-centric ways, creating many ideas in brainstorming sessions, and adopting a handson approach in prototyping and testing. Gain insights into accomplishing this by understanding these five stages of Design Thinking to solve complex problems in our companies, our community, or elsewhere. Project – throughout the program, participants work in small teams where they use their growing cultural awareness, knowledge of interpersonal behavior, enterprise thinking capability, and appreciation of community engagement to create and develop a business project in social entrepreneurship/community. Guides by coaches and team project business plans are presented to instructors, coaches, LACCC leadership & board members at the program's conclusion. Presentations & Graduation: September 30th Teams will present the project they have developed over the 4-weeks. Certificates of completion will be handed out after each group presents.