Stories Afloat
Section 01 Stories Introduction At Little Green Pig, we believe that the best creative ideas don’t come when you are sitting at a desk. Instead, what better place to get the ideas flowing than out at sea? We invited 37 children and young people, aged between 7 and 12, to our summer school onboard the Barge at Brighton Marina. The Barge is an old barge boat, built in 1921 and originally used to transport grain up and down the waterways of the north of England before coming to dock at the Marina. The young writers at LGP each spent a week exploring the boat and the Marina, and were asked to reimagine the history, the present and the future of the Barge. The result is Stories Afloat, a treasure trove of original and incredible writing. Dip in and enjoy.
Section 02 Poems
Ella Burns Director, Little Green Pig
Section 03 Blogs -2-
Section 1: Stories
James, the chef, came running in hysterically from the kitchen. “Fire! Fire! Help me!” James was a new chef and he was very clumsy, so he dropped the sushi, then he forgot the frying pan was on and it caught fire. Everyone was running frantically to get to the fire extinguishers, but they kept on tripping over. “Ah! My shoes! They only cost £1. It’s only half my salary,” cried the random agent. “Why’s the kitchen on fire?” Timber, the pirate asked, as she was sitting awkwardly in her chair. She was there because her enemy wanted to divert
them into a different place to stop them finding the treasure. The chef’s voice was high-pitched because he had been drinking. “What happened to your voice? It sounds like you’ve gone crazy!” screamed Timber. “Oh, I’ve just been drinking my daily vodka” replied James. “Why is there fish flopping about on the floor? How did they get in here?” questioned Timber. The floor was soaking wet with all different types of food and drink. People were starting to go under the drinks and water...
Illustration: Ottilie Hainsworth, Phil Corbett, Inko
Did you know that until recently the Barge was a floating Chinese restaurant and known as The Pagoda? We took inspiration from its past and worked together as a group to write three different story beginnings together, and then our own individual endings.
The Sadness of Yaboo
James, the chef, fed the sharks with vegetables because sharks hate vegetables. The sharks were sick and died. Ending 1
Ending 2
Ending 3
Ending 4
Then Timber’s crew busted in. Quickly, Jean, the deputy of Timber’s crew planned to build a machine gun so they could steal money from Wong, a billionaire, who was on the boat for a dinner-date.
Before long, everyone was underwater, helplessly struggling for air. James had a wonderful and wacky idea to save his customers. James called out, “I can shape-shift! If I turn myself into a boat we can all sail to shore.”
The people were sinking and Timber the pirate was swimming around happily in the water. Then one of the screaming people shouted, “Sharks!”
People were gasping, thinking this was their last breath. Suddenly, the random agent randomly had a diving kit and asked everyone to hold on, but all they heard was “blablablobs”.
Then sharks with razor sharp teeth charged into the boat. James, the chef, fed the sharks with vegetables because sharks hate vegetables. The sharks were sick and died.
Everyone looked pleased but surprised.
Afterwards, James made salmon sushi candy. Jean and Timber killed Wong and Timber bought a mansion for all her friends to live in. James, the chef, got awarded for the most delicious food in the world. − Amarah Larong
One by one they climbed onto James’ boat. Soon after, all the customers were on the boat. Little did James remember that there was a strong wind that day. Worryingly, it began to blow them out to sea. Timber screamed, “The horizon is getting closer and closer!” Some people began to lose strength and loosened their grip. There were even some babies and toddlers being held high above the waves by their mums and dads.
Everyone except Timber and James were swimming around crazily. Then suddenly magic, colourful rain starting coming into the barge... ZROOP – they were teleported to space!
But then he pulled out a white board and wrote the instructions and that worked. They swam out quickly because the walls were caving in. The agent had super-powered swimming boots. But in a way, James wanted to stay.
Most people survived but some died. The people, including Timber and James went to a very big cave of Mysterious Moon Rock and then a weird animal appeared...
Meanwhile, Timber the pirate was enjoying life because she had experience from living under the sea.
“I wonder if they’re dead yet?” said Timber with a smug grin. “I’ve never been to a funeral.”
− Lucille Bitong
Suddenly, a bag came over her head. “Ahhh!” said Timber. Those were the last words she said before she was dragged into the ocean.
Someone called out, “I only wanted a take-away!” − Amia Sequoia-Pintos
− Molly Fatz
The Big Runaway “Here is your meal” said the Wizard from Auz, the head chef of the Badaba. “What is it?” said the Water Dragon. “It’s duck and rice.” “I didn’t order duck. I ordered rice and duck.” “Here you are. It’s the same” The Water Dragon turned around. “What did you order?”
“Why is it talking? It’s meant to be grain of rice,” exclaimed the Water Dragon. “I’ll give you a £100 fine for this!” Suddenly Ducko the duck shouted “Don’t eat me!” “Why would I eat a talking duck?” pronounced Mrs Don looking at it. After all this commotion, the rice saw her chance to escape. She rolled far away...
“I ordered duck.” said Mrs Don. Illustration: Ottilie Hainsworth, Phil Corbett, Inko
Squeak! Squeak! The Water Dragon looked down at his meal.
...when he was panicked, there was only one thing that made him relaxed: Katy Perry music. He pulled out his headphones and put on ‘Roar’.
Ending 2
Ending 3
Mrs Don was shocked because the duck could talk and the rice could roll. She called to the chef “CHEF!”
The duck wiggled in the bowl and then the bowl tipped over, and the duck flew away. Then it remembered it wanted to go to New York. Suddenly a flash of light appeared and a unicorn appeared.
Before the chef came, the duck got off the plate and ran away. The chef said “Yes madame, what is wrong?” And she said, shaking. “Where did it go?” “Where did what go? The duck?” he said.
“Where did you come from?” the duck said. “I don’t know,” the unicorn said. “I will help you find your friend”.
“Of course. Yes, the duck.”
The unicorn worried about the little rice being stepped on.
As Mrs Don was yelling at the Head Chef, the duck managed to catch up with the rice.
Suddenly the duck went and the rice appeared.
− Sophie Izzard
− Payton Scrivens
Ending 1 Three weeks later. Taylor was still missing. No one knew where she was, but the Wizard from Auz was on her trail. He only had two days left to find her, or he would be fined. The Wizard from Auz was always panicked when he was under pressure and when he was panicked, there was only one thing that made him relaxed: Katy Perry music. He pulled out his headphones and put on ‘Roar’. “Mmhmm Roo-aar!” hummed the Wizard from Auz. Meanwhile, Taylor was trying her hardest to find her way to New York. Sadly she didn’t think she was going to make it. Rice are very slow.
A while ago, she had seen the Head Chef pass her. He didn’t notice Taylor because he had his headphones on. It sounded to her like he was listening to ‘Roar’ by Katy Perry. He was terrible at singing. It sounded like a baby bird shouting. Suddenly, Taylor looked up to find two menacing eyes looking down at her. It looked like the Wizard from Auz had found her. Back at the restaurant, the Wizard of Auz gave Taylor to the Water Dragon. He inspected her closely. Then looked back up at the Wizard. “It’s got hair on it. You are still fined.” − Awen Williams
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Wonder And The Dragon Restaurant On The River
Illustration: Ottilie Hainsworth, Phil Corbett, Inko
Wonder karate-chopped the baddies. “Move away from me, little girl,� exclaimed the villain. Then the three year old, wearing her super hero cape kicked all them and all the villains disappeared into the dust. She strutted, with her head to one side, towards Pagoda, the Chinese restaurant. John was walking towards the restaurant as well, looking for his missing pet elephant. He is shocked to see the restaurant advertising huge steaks on special offer.
Seeing John, Wonder thought he was a baddie too and tried to fight him. But John karatechopped her back and walked past her into the restaurant, with Wonder trailing behind. Once inside the pair noticed smoke drifting from underneath a door, and heard a dragon-type noise coming from inside‌
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Ending 1
Ending 2
As they approached the Chinese restaurant they saw smoke… Wonder and John opened the door and they both gasped. A ten-foot-high dragon in a cage was thrashing and flailing its tail at them.
Smoke filled the air. As they crouched, a shadow surrounded them and fear filled their eyes, then the shadows and the smoke vanished to the edges of a sickly door, and a breath of relief filled their mouths, but out of the corner of their eyes they saw a dark figure.
“Uh-oh!” said Wonder. “I have a feeling we should get out of here.” John wasn’t listening to a word she said because he had decided the dragon should be free. He undid the cage and the dragon started breathing fire in all directions. The Pagoda was destroyed in the flames and all of the customers perished, including John and Wonder. − Akim Ntwari
His claws were as sharp as a knife and his talons made the ship rapidly shake. Cries were heard from the upper deck. Wonder and John were petrified. They stepped back slowly as a cracking sound filled the ship. The dragon’s head instantly turned to Wonder and John and it let out a giant roar. Then, “Thank you,” the dragon said in a deep voice. Wonder and John were frozen in fear. “How can I ever repay you?” The dragon said. “I’d like my elephant back,” John said softly. − Moses Esayas
Ending 3 As they approached the Chinese restaurant they saw smoke… They rushed towards it.
My dear elephant! Screamed John.
“Who cares about your elephant?” said Wonder, as she swooped into the boat to save all the helpless customers. “She does all the work,” murmured John. “We’ll soon change that,” he chuckled spookily and the evil boy tiptoed towards the ginormous dragon. As quick as a flash John and the dragon had disappeared into the distance.
Meanwhile, coughing and spluttering, the customers and Wonder tearfully watched the restaurant sink to the bottom of the sea. Bubbles rose from the shipwreck.
There’s someone still in there! Squealed the chef.
Wonder dived into the dirty water and found the elephant. He was lying there stark dead. When Wonder came up to the surface empty handed everyone was horrified. − Jemma Sawyer-Todd
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The Old Lad Old, ancient house ready to be renewed People complaining just about queues The restored place waiting for a chance Rotten leg-lovers lurking underneath
Long Life
− Jivin Jacob
A large, red fish swimming in the sea Burnt wood fills the air
The Ancient Salt I’m eating in a weird restaurant In a ginormous place
Section 2: Poems
Huge, rough barnacles follow my every move Giant howling whales try to deafen me
With some salty boats
Horrible, bitter pancakes make me feel sick
A new, clumsy, busy place
− Olive Hole
And chattering, ancient noodles − Joel Jacob
The Trident’s Dream
Water World The barge sounds like water-people swimming
The Barge looks like a jagged dragon’s den
The barge looks like a water world
Yaboo sounds like there’s whispers from the Chinese shadows
The barge feels like rippling water
The boat smells like the musty, hardworking kitchen air
− Sam McIntyre
The barge smells like super-salty salt The barge sounds like water magic
The ship feels like you don’t walk The water on the boat leads you where to go The barge tastes like a mermaid’s dream − Kabelo Watson
The Dramatic Hotel The dramatic hotel looks like a hotel. Suddenly the boat sank and made sounds like a peaceful, quiet sound, smells like fresh air, Outside space. Tastes like salty, salt chips, Feels like I’m locked in a small box. − Harry Munzinger-Ray
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The floor looks like space-grey Connect four pattern It smells like an ancient mould with a rubber-sharp scent It feels like a C02-calm day with a pizza scent in the air and sawdusty wood.
Wavey Cold Dolphin
I hear the ripple of waves like roaring thunder
Weird mussels smell fishy,
It tastes like Nando’s chicken with a tender succulent flavour
Black tar stinks,
− Akshay Metla
Squidgy wood smells, Caramelly chocolate. − Sam Benyarbah
All My Senses
The barge smells like an ancient boat The silver dust invades the ground
The barge looks like history,
As we rub the floor the squeakiness tingles my finger
Sounds like drums,
Outside the succulent taste of the air.
Smells like old fish,
− Pranay Metla
Feels like rope,
It smells like an ancient mould with a rubber-sharp scent
Tastes like old food. − Nora Gacheva
The Barge looks like an amazing boat The Barge sounds like the boat is busy
The rubber-sharp smells invade the floor. The Barge looks like a boat from an ancient time with a modern touch to it. The floor feels like a Connect Four pattern and everywhere has a calm atmosphere.
The Barge is smelly, especially downstairs The Barge feels smooth The Barge tastes like sour walls. − Nica Francisco
It tastes like salt, vinegar and Nando’s. The Barge sounds like children in a stampede. − Mark Francisco - 18 -
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What will the Barge and Marina look like in years to come? We journeyed two, fifty and even light years into the future to find out.
Section 3: Blogs - 20 -
One year later…
Dear Future,
I became a fisherman and I caught a Great White Shark called Jack, but I let him go.
I am in the year 300,000. The barge is very old. I am sinking to my death. I am praying not to die. I am scared.
Then he came back, but he did not want food, he wanted to come with me. But a Megladon swam towards Jack. The Megladon was ten times bigger than Jack! It opened its sharp mouth and wanted to eat Jack.
The robots captured me 3,000 years ago because they needed slaves to clean the robot’s booties. It was disgusting because the booty was big and smelly.
To distract the Megladon I threw a barracuda and it went to the barracuda and ate it. Then it swam really far down in the sea Then Jack said, “I am lost. I want to find my family.” I said, “I have a surprise! Look behind you.” Then he saw his family. − Alfonzo Larong
I tried to escape. I found a knight’s sword in a dead man’s body and I pulled it off. I tried to teleport to the human world, but I went to the robot world by mistake. One of the robots became my friend. She made me a barge out of dead robot bodies. She didn’t know it was going to sink because one of the robot eyes was broken. Then I remembered that I had the sword, so I stabbed the shark and climbed on his back as he floated to the land. I cooked him for lunch and had fun. I was free. − Antoine Larong
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May 4th 982792877200000 0000000000000000000 000000000000000000 Last week Dad and I went on the Turitis and set down some bones for my 12th birthday. I got an award for surviving for twelve years because only 5% of people are alive in this war. Donald Trump made some alien robots and now they are taking over the world. But somebody made a force-field and built the Marina 2.0. So now we are saved. Or are we? (Dramatic music) − Davey Tidey
I make biodegradable items for an extremely low price, so people don’t have to buy cheap plastic and then throw it away because it is broken.
Actual date: 16th August 2018 Future: 16th August 2020 In two years I will be twelve. I hope that the Marina will be a better place by then. The costs will have lowered and the people will be nicer and they will have a better attitude towards the place that they live in. What will I do if that is not the case? I will rent/buy the Barge and put in a gym, beds, kitchen and a million televisions and phones. I will also get all my food delivered so I don’t have to go out and see horrible people. Maybe it might happen, maybe not. If you live on Planet Earth then you can find out. − Georgi Black
13.07.32 Dear Future, I am now a world explorer. Years ago, I turned the barge into an aircraft. I travel around with it without flying tax because I am a famous inventor. My goal as a child was to be a doctor, but now I’m making a bigger difference to the world than working in a hospital. I make biodegradable items for an extremely low price, so people don’t have to buy cheap plastic and then throw it away because it is broken. I also transfer clean water to people in third world countries with fifty others to help me and a few charities. I am still making my future now, but I will update my blog later. Goodbye for now! - Yzabella Demaisip
I could see when I was walking I had magnetic shoes and I could stick up in the sky, and the next thing I saw was people wiping the windows with spaghetti, and then I saw boats on the road and cars on the water. The next thing I saw was aliens with space shooters. The next thing was a Wetherspoons, that could change the weather. The strangest thing was FLYING BOATS! The strangest thing on Earth. Finally I had had enough of Earth 2068, and I’m going to Mars. − Razin Kizhakkethalakkal
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I arrived at the cannon departure place. The cannon is a new method of transport that takes you to any country you want. Half way there, my parachute inflated. A few minutes later, I arrived at the Barge. The Barge has a long history from 1828. Now the Barge is a pub, with a bingo room on board. I had a pint of Longbow beer and played a bit of bingo. After that I came off the Barge and onto the Marina. Wow! On the Marina there were so many restaurants and shops. I hadn’t had breakfast so I went Greggs to get a ham and cheese toastie. I played a few games and went shopping. Suddenly a robot spun out of control. It had found a way to get out of control of its batteries and create its own mind. It realised who had got control of it, and started whacking him with a mop. I knew I had to act quickly. I ran past Sainsbury’s, H&M and Pizza Express. I ran onto the Barge and cut the power supply and the robot fizzed. I decided to leave the Marina. That was enough for one day.
It is my birthday and I went to the Marina and I saw the Barge, it was an old Chinese place I used to work there with No Shoes Adam. It felt like I was young again. I stepped out and I remembered that everyone was a robot. I stared over, and saw one person, who was an actual person. It finally rung a bell, it was David Attenborough.
I went to the Wetherspoons (right next door to the Barge). I watched Tottenham versus Middlesborough, and Tottenham thrashed Middlesborough and Tottenham won the Premier League.
The barge looks like floating banana, except it was blue and white. It was beautiful. The water is rainbow and I got a taba, quadrilla and a spikehead. It was the best birthday since 2016 when I went to Disneyland. I took a bit of rainbow water and a chipped off bit of the old barge, and I found a bit of my tutor Inko’s drawing of Adam’s shoe. I will treasure it with more and more of my love. − Esmee Ajose
I watched in my TV glasses, and afterwards I got a pint of Guinness and the waiter was a robot. A thief stole my money, but the robot attacked the thief. The thief went to jail for 2 years!
I am Abigail. On my 9th birthday I went to Legoland. And when I was 12 I made an electrical dog as my pet. Recently I went to the Marina but when I looked for the Barge it was gone, and the sea was higher than the bridge that you used to go down to reach the Barge. No other boats were there, but hover boards do exist now! − Abigail Esayas
− Vinnie Pegley
The first thing I’d see is spaghetticleaning windows. The second thing I’d see is the upside- down houses. When I walked into the bar, I’d see aliens in the bar. I had a car trip on the sea and I saw another fish. I went on an aeroplane trip under water and I saw an angler fish eating a megalodon. − Louie Pegley
− Harrison Hampton
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I build metal inventions that do jobs for me, and tidy my apartment. They are super speedy and dance to funky music while they work. 50 years in the future…
The Marina 50 Years ago…
My future station is a wonderful place for all my exciting work. I have workers who help me with all my jobs. I own an international space station, and I operate all the control panels to make sure everything is under control and works as it should.
Last Saturday I was walking along the beach of the Marina when I spotted the Barge. It was a rundown boat much smaller than the others. 50-odd years ago I used to have classes on it; writing classes. It was one of the things that turned me into what I am now: a scriptwriter for my films and plays.
The weather is a starfall with hundreds of shooting stars every night. I play rainbow shooters where I zap rainbow shooting stars with my intergalactic space weapon. When the red button is pressed there is an emergency so I swing into action with my yecto frazzlcist and my zappomatic. In the meantime I make crazy inventions and come up with madcap plans! - Kieran Bowers
I used to go shopping along the Marina with my three siblings, my mum and my dad. Now you can only go shopping in a part of it as the rest is a theme park. I’m 61 now, about 50 years ago I was about to start secondary school. Now I’m grey and old. I used to think I had, like, a million years ahead of me, but my life has flown by. So that’s what I did last Saturday; reminisce about who I use to be. − Olivia O’Donovan
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In the future I work as a clay builder. Brighton has been destroyed by a gigantic mutated, gorilla dinosaur. I live in a house. It’s white, has three floors, and it floats in the sky. I own some pets; a cricket and a newt. They talk to each other in English. I build metal inventions that do jobs for me, and tidy my apartment. They are super speedy and dance to funky music while they work. I would like to make boats, including a writing club boat and a barge and people can pay in chocolate to join in! In the future I wear rainbow chrome clothes. The weather is windy and foggy and hot. I have two assistants, a girl and a boy, and they wear funny clothes to make me giggle. − Ruby Bowers
The Marina was wrecked. It was worn, rusted and half-flooded. I visited some Sundays but never more than once a week. The sign for Frankie and Benny’s New York Italian Restaurant and Bar now read: RA K E OR I A
The Barge was an empty hull. I hopped into my rusted (on purpose) 2019 Lamborghini Terzo Millenio and purred off into the boiling rain to feed Mittens (a genetically mutated spacecat that can talk, fly and eat crushed emeralds) and Fluffles (an elephant-sized hamster) their giant vegetables and crushed jewels. Everybody else in Britain had moved to Mars. I was alone. I got home, fed them their food and admired my 1,000,000 Hot Wheels. − Jude Waters Rugman
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BIOS Abigail Esayas likes playing the keyboard. She has two keyboard teachers!
Georgi Black has lots of different passions, but especially likes singing. Her favourite word is ‘why’.
Louie Pegley loves running. Tree and three are Irish words: three means tree and tree means three.
Payton Scrivens’ passion is art. Her silly, funny, unique thing she can do is a handstand under water.
Akim Ntwari’s passion is to sleep and play sports. His favourite word is ‘super.’
Harrison Hampton is really passionate about learning. He eats lemons (the whole thing).
Lucille Bitong loves her family and her iPad. Her favourite word is ‘bleepblop’.
Pranay Metla
Akshay Metla
Harry Munzinger-Ray’s passion is sport, for example cycling. His favourite word is awesome.
Mark Francisco is passionate about drawing and doodling. Eat. Draw. Repeat. That’s basically his life.
Jemma Sawyer-Todd’s passion is eating burgers. Her favourite word is ‘plop,’ because it’s so short.
Molly Fatz has a passion for singing and making people laugh and having fun.
Jivin Jacob loves playing football and Fortnite. He is a Chelsea supporter and hates Man U fans.
Moses Esayas is passionate about playing sport, sleeping and drawing. He is a quiet person.
Joel Jaocb wants to buy a big house and have a dog as his pet. He would like to be a scientist.
Nica Francisco is passionate about games and Katy Perry. Her favourite word is ‘light blue.’
Antoine Larong’s passion is cooking. He likes making pancakes. He wants to be a doctor in A&E.
Jude Waters Rugman loves spiders and would love to be an author.
Nora Gacheva likes music and art. She would like to be a professional photographer.
Awen Williams’ favourite thing to do is reading. She loves eating cucumber like a banana.
Kabelo Watson has a passion for football and music. He has the biggest mouth in the world!
Davey Tidey loves sports, gaming, drawing, comics and pulling pranks.
Kieran Bowers is ten. His favourite passion is reading Captain Underpants books.
Alfonzo Larong likes football because he’s played it lots of times. His favourite word is ‘monster’. Amarah Larong’s passion is her whole family. When she grows older, she will try to live in a mansion. Amia Sequoia-Pintos likes playing football and acting. Her favourite word is ‘discipline’.
Esmee Ajose likes to do gymnastics and art. She can fit into a box. She wants to go to Disney Florida.
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Razin Kizhakkethalakkal enjoys colouring and drawing, and would like to be a pilot so he can fly. Ruby Bowers likes cats. She would like to be a clay builder. Sam McIntyre is nine. He likes eating food. He wants to live in the wilderness. Sam Benyarbah enjoys going to the station to look at trains. He would like to go to Florida. Sophie Izzard’s passion is reading. She is writing a book about a girl. Her favourite word is ‘banana’.
Olive Hole’s passion is playing the drums. She plays ‘Try Not To Laugh’ with her friends. Olivia O’Donovan is eleven and so far she has visited fourteen countries.
Vinnie Pegley loves football and running. His unique thing is his hair which is curly and ginger. Yzabella Demaisip’s passion is singing. She would like to be a brain surgeon.
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Little Green Pig is a writing and mentoring charity for young people in Brighton & Hove and Sussex. We work in and out of schools, offering inspiring creative writing programmes. We believe in the right to write, and that this vital form of self-expression builds confidence, communication and literacy skills. To find out more about our work, please visit our website or get in touch.
01273 457 758
Thank you also to Nikki Sheehan, Adam Webb, Laura Wilkinson, Natalie England, Georgina Aboud, Sally Woodcock, Inko, Phil Corbett, Ottilie Hainsworth and all our brilliant volunteers. Thank you to our funders the Goodall Foundation and Arts Council England
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Summer school onboard the Barge at Brighton Marina, reimagining the history, the present and the future of the Barge.