Little Village magazine issue 298: Sept. 2021

Page 10

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‘I’m not a scientist’: Gov. Reynolds on face masks; the Iowa State Fair

The conspiracy-theory influence on Iowa’s laws and lawmakers

opens as COVID cases keep climbing By Paul Brennan, Aug. 12

By Emma McClatchey, Aug. 21

Masks are not required at the state fair, even when inside buildings. Gov.

Conservatives looking to court the Trump base are doubling down

Reynolds didn’t mention COVID-19 during her remarks at the opening

on conspiracy theories, or dipping their toes into the QAnon pool for

ceremony, but has been heavily promoting the fair, both in her capacity

the first time. This summer, Iowa’s own Republican leaders have given

as governor and as a candidate for reelection in 2022.

credibility to everything from election fraud to COVID-19 misinformation, sometimes having a direct influence on public policy.

Iowa City issues new mask mandate for schools, restaurants, UI campus

WATCH: Getting to know Iowa (and Midwest music) at

and more By Paul Brennan, Aug. 19

Grey Area festival By Adria Carpenter,

Mayor Bruce Teague declared a civil emergency and issued a face mask

video by Jason Smith, Aug. 18

mandate for Iowa City on Thursday evening, due to the ongoing surge

“Are you writing an article about Grey Area?” a woman

in COVID-19 driven by the Delta variant. The governor’s spokesperson

asked me. I told her I was with Little Village, and had just

issued a statement saying the mandate is “against the law” and “not

moved to Iowa from the South. She said the culture must


feel strange. “How’s it feel to see live music again?” I asked. “Fucking great,” she said. “It nourishes the soul.”

WATCH Grey Area, August 14, 2021

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