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LETTER TO THE EDITOR It is amazing what the women of the United States have accomplished with the passage of the 9th amendment to the constitution. It has taken them over 70 years, but now they are truly equal citizens. I hope that in the celebration of it’s passing that the original women are not forgotten such as; Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, and the many other that lay the stepping stones for the women of today to have their full rights. As a man who acknowledges these new rights I hope that other men will to. It will not be easy for women to break away from the centuries of servitude to men, just as it as not been a walk in the park for African Americans. It has only just begun for women, I am excited to see the change in society this is bound to bring. If this is any indication of the next decade it should be a good one. -Anonymous Man. September 2, 1920

By: Phuong Nguyen The Sacco and Vanzetti Trial is still a highly debated and heated topic. Why? It all started out in April 1920 when a postmaster and guard of a factory were found murdered. Soon after, Nicola Sacco and Bartolommeo Vanzetti were arrested. Coincidentally, they were both foreigners and were subscribed to an anarchist magazine. It so happened that around the time, the “Red Scare” was causing a scurry amongst the American people. What was the Red Scare? The Red Scare was a frightening period for the Americans because everyone was frantic about kicking out the foreigners who were thought to be communists secretly trying to taking over the world. Not only were they kicked out, they were arrested for no reason at all. General A. Mitchell Palmer worked with local, federal, and state officials deport foreigners and Sacco is on the right and Vanzetti is on the left and they are radicals. On top of that, the both in handcuffs. government felt the need to slow down immigration into the United States by enforcing the 1921 Johnson Act, which decreased immigration to 3% from 1910, and then the Natural Origins Act of 1924, which diminished immigration further to 2% from 1890. When this case was brought to court, it was obvious that these two men were being discriminated against. Previously, eye witnesses had been unsure about these men’s appearance. However, during the court case, these witnesses had miraculously said they were 100% sure about the men’s appearances. Later, Judge Webster Thayer and Attorney General Palmer said that “foreigners deserved to consideration.” If the judge had been against foreigners in general, then he would not have been able to set aside his prejudices to deliver a fair case. If the judge was against foreigners, then that was just bad luck for Sacco and Vanzetti. After six seemingly boundless years, these two men were sentenced to death on the electric chair in the August of 1927. Whether or not these two men were innocent of guilty was highly debated and still is today. What people these days are sure about is that their rights were violated because of the discrimination against radicals and foreigners.

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Labor Union Editorial By: Richard Lessner It is the year 1919, and there have continuously been labor unions on the streets disturbing the peace. Every time an individual leaves the safety of their home, the individual runs the risk of being caught in a “mosh” between Labor Unions and soldiers sent by the government. But can one really blame these unsatisfied workers? After all, the only thing they really desire is a fair amount of pay for their hard work which the government, instead of granting this request, brutally denies it by silencing the protestors with troops. I believe that the workers have every right to protest for more pay then they have been recently receiving from their corporations, and that the government needs to aid the Labor Unions, not squash them, because it just adds to the conflict which there is already plenty of right now at this time.

A couple years back, in 1917, there was a revolution in Russia and Communist leaders set out to inspire revolution universally amongst the working class. Now, consequentially, the government, and even a lot of citizens, believes the labor unions are really communists trying to take over the country. These suspicions were kindled, in fact, since the American Communist party was recently formed. Although these suspicions of communist revolution are understandable, the government cannot just group all these workers into one bunch, so to speak, and assume they are all anti-American communists. The government also cannot assume every immigrant has communist motives and not justice ones. This could cause a lot of tension between the immigrants and the Americans. Since the government has so far not granted the labor union with their reasonable request, this has caused chaos on the streets between the soldiers and workers. But workers are not the only victims; innocent people on the streets sometimes get caught in the mix and get injured or killed. There are enough problems caused by radicals and bombings right now in America without our own government contributing to labor conflicts. What the government should have considered a while ago is granting the workers more pay, not only for overtime, but for an hourly salary as well. Or at the least, the government should stop sending troops to stop riots, because that, not only causes more violence, but violates freedom of speech as well. Although, I can understand the governments side of this. The government is under the impression that they are doing the right thing because they believe they’re stopping the “communists” from revolutionizing and un-substantiating the economy and country. But, all the government is doing is causing more conflict and turning all the laborers against the government, which might even cause some of them to join the radicals. So again, what the Government needs to do is grant the laborers with a higher salary to end this childish conflict, or else our country will, not only have added chaos, but also break up into so many different groups we will become just the “States”, not the United States.

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Lafayette Theatre Suffern, New York Movie: The Jazz Singer Date: January 20, 1929 Time: 7:30 P.M.

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Scopes Trial By: Phuong Nguyen Among another of the heated topics that emerged during the 1920’s was the Scopes Trial, which questioned where people came from. The Scopes Trial brought to light the fundamentalist versus science debate when a 24 year old science teacher, John Scopes, was caught breaking the law in Tennessee that stated that evolution was to not be taught in classrooms, also known as the Butler Law. The science side stated the facts of evolution and gave a scientific reason for how human’s came to be. On the Christian Fundamentalist side, people stated the literal meaning of the Bible and argued that anything that God said was far greater than anything else humans could understand. The Butler Act came to be when A political cartoon of the Scopes Trial, which was also known John W. Butler, head of the World’s as the “Monkey Trial.” Christian Fundamentalist Association, urged the state legislatures to pass an anti-evolution law. The ACLU, also know was the American Civil Liberties Union, promised to defend any person who was caught breaking the Butler Act. To test this new law, the ACLU used Johns Scopes to intentionally break the Butler Act. The primary witness for the prosecution side was William Jennings Bryan, a former presidential candidate. William Jennings Bryan, a hardcore Christian, wanted to challenge evolution and treat it as a constitutional court case. He believed that the Bible should strictly be interpreted literally and that the evolution theory had led to dangerous social movements. Many people backed up William Jennings Bryan because of the obvious; many people in the U.S. were Christians and took to the bible seriously. On the other side, famous and renowned lawyer, Clarence Darrow, defended the evolution theory. Clarence Darrow questioned many of the miracles in the Bible, believing that those miracles were unreasonable and impossible. When Clarence Darrow questioned William Jennings Bryan, it was obvious that William Jennings Bryan was being extremely inconsistent and couldn’t explain the miracles of the Bible.

Although Scopes was eventually found guilty with a $100 dollar fine, the media still focused on Clarence Darrow versus William Jennings Bryan after the trial. Many ardent Christians were exuberant that Bryan won. However, many were also disappointed with his contradictions and scattered ideas. The Red Scare By: Richard Lessner After a few bombing by radicals tensions started getting really high, and the suspicion of labor unions became even greater. What set the government over the edge happened about four years ago, in 1919. Radicals bombed Palmer’s house, with a note saying how they won’t stop in order to rid the people of the government’s tyrannical ways. Palmer then announced that he was going to put all of this to an end. He went about “putting all of it to an end” by jailing radicals, and deporting immigrants. What Palmer should have done then and should do now is have police investigations, as well as advocate citizens to be aware, and report suspicious actions and possible bombings. Palmer has not, and still is not, dealing with this situation in the right manner. He is not handling this in a diplomatic way, but in a blunt way. And usually, the blunt way is not the best way, more as the faster and inane way. Activating police investigations, and advocating citizens to report suspicious acts and possible bombing would be a much more fair, logical, and moral plus “raid” for Palmer to engage in. The government can’t just go about deporting such a large amount of the population without any justification. It is completely unfair to assume that every immigrant is a bomber just because a few people that are labeled the same, socially, as they are, happen to be bombers. If you look back at the editorial you will see a line very similar to this one. That is because the government had the same attitude towards immigrants then as they do now. The government can’t just go about deporting such a large amount of the population without any justification. I don’t think Palmer has stopped to think about his decision globally. How do you think countries and nations have been reacting to immigrants being deported? One, they might be a little mad on how distrusting we are towards their race. And two, they might not like how we are sending so much of our own population to their country without even consulting them just because one man is either too lazy or ignorant to try a more logical and fair way to deal with a situation. And then, to add onto what he had done to the immigrants already, he added two new acts. The first one he did three years ago called the Johnson act. This act limited the amount of immigrants in the United States to three percent of the immigrant population in, 1890. Then, recently, there was an act put upon the immigrants called the National Origins Act, limiting the number to two percent of the population of the United States in 1910.

I, as well as the rest of our company, understand Palmer’s motives. He just wanted to keep America safe from bombings. But, like I said earlier, there is a right and wrong way to handle situations. What Palmer should do is immediately stop the Palmer Raids, and start on a more practical solution, like the one stated above.


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The Sports in the 1920’s By: Alesa Hiller The decade of the 1920's is often referred to as the Golden Age of Sports. This was a time when America and the world wanted to put the memory of the Great War behind them and enjoy life. That war provided an economic boom for Americans. Sports in the 1920’s were full of pride and passion. Every person in America was tuned in with one another because they all had something to cheer for. There were many different teams and they all had a major role with forming the sports that we have today. Football, golf, and baseball were some of the many sports teams that Americans were interested in. This was the first time in history when sports were very important. School teams were formed for students. Several sports, such as golf, that had previously been unavailable to the middle-class became open. Record-breaking athletes also attracted many new people to various physical activities. Newspapers, magazines, radio and movies all played a role in boosting the profile of sport and the sporting giants. In 1920 the National Football League was formed and baseball's Negro National League was formed. Babe Ruth sold to New York Yankees and hits 54 home runs, signaling the arrival of the lively ball era in baseball. Babe Ruth’s best moments was playing in the Yankees. After his 21 year streak in the big leagues Ruth retired and he was elected into the baseball hall of fame. Another famous man in the 1920’s was Lou Gehrig. Best known as the “Iron Horse”, Gehrig was a man who got elected into the American Major League of Baseball for first baseman. Many people knew him as a hard worker and for his durability. His entire 17 year baseball career was for the New York Yankees. He had many major league records and holds the record for the most grand slams ever. He is chiefly remembered for his power as a hitter and his willingness to never give up. At the age of 36 he was struck with a horrible neurological disease that ended his life.

Overall sports made a huge impact in the 1920’s. From the many talented players to all the amazing games the 1920’s will always be remembered as the years when America became close together, for the sports they loved.

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By: Richard Lessner

The 18th amendment, which incases prohibition of selling, manufacturing, and transporting alcohol, is hindering the United States more than any other amendment to this

date, and possibly, more than any other amendment ever will. The reason I say that prohibition negatively affects America so much, is primarily for three reasons. Since prohibition was put into effect, the crime rate and, the consumption of alcohol, for some, has spiked in the United States, and in addition, prohibition has made the government look like they have no control over their own country.

America really should have seen this coming; I mean after all, we listened to a bunch of women from a Social Reform group. That was our first mistake. Another was not thinking of possible effects from the prohibition being put in action. “Thugs”, like Al Capon, have become extremely wealthy from illegal alcohol transactions. People who were once everyday drinkers became not only every day drinkers, but law breakers as well. Prohibition of alcohol lead to smugglers from other countries, “speakeasies”, and bootleggers. Also, not to mention “moonshine”, which is homemade alcohol that could be potentially potent if the maker doesn’t know what they’re doing. People also occasionally die in these transactions; for example on this past Valentine’s Day, thugs disguised as police men gunned down a group of a dozen alcohol producers, eliminating competition. In addition, the prohibition has made people rebellious. I make this statement because; the yearly alcohol consumption for some has sky-rocketed because some people started drinking a lot just because it is was prohibited to get. So taking into account the dangerous new alcoholic beverage, moonshine, the increase in crime and alcohol consumption and then compare it to the lowered alcohol consumption for the majority and the women keeping quiet, how did prohibition “pros” really compare to the prohibition “cons”? Also, like stated earlier, the government has looked extremely foolish these past nine years from this amendment. The government, has completely lost control of crime in this country, because they do not having enough money, or agents to crack down on the daunting amount of crime produced from the prohibition of alcohol. By this time, citizens have now started to regret the prohibition of alcohol. The solution for this problem is obvious; the 18th

amendment should be eradicated, or another amendment should be made to overturn the 18th amendment. I do, however, see and understand the original vision of the Social Reform group. They believed that banning alcohol would better the men of this country, and keep families together. They truly saw no benefit in the consumption of alcohol. But, what they Social reform group did not think about, is how the majority of the public would react. That was their mistake; they only looked at how the amendment would look like to them. They didn’t realize how different other people’s views were. They didn’t stop to think that maybe everyone else wouldn’t adapt to the amendment quit as well as they did. Just to recap, the government should eradicate this amendment immediately. If this is done, thugs like Al Capone would no longer have a business, thus casing crime rate to drop, and the old, and better, America would slowly resurface.

Teapot Dome Scandal By: Phuong Nguyen The Teapot Dome Scandal was a shocker to many American people during the 1920’s. During the early 20th century, the United States Navy started converting from coal to fuel to ensure that they would always have enough oil ready and available. These areas were designated Navy Oil Reserves by President Taft. In 1921, President Harding issued an order that transferred control of these reserves from the Navy department to the Department of Interior. In 1922, Albert Fall, secretary of interior, leased the oil production rights at Teapot Dome to Mammoth Oil and the Elk Hills reserves to Pan American Petroleum. These two deals were leased without competitive bidding. These acts were legal under the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920. When Albert Fall received no-interest loans from numerous people, then his actions became illegal. He started become an extremely rich man and the changes in his lifestyle made people question a scandal. In the April of 1922, the Wall Street Journal brought to light a secret meeting where Albert Fall had leased the U.S. Navy’s Petroleum reserves to a private oil company without competitive bidding. At first Albert Fall denied these accusations and everything seemed legal. However, Senator John B. Kendrick set forth an intense investigation. Because there was no proof of illegal acts, the public lost interest in this supposed scandal, but the Senate kept on investigating Albert Fall. For two years, people kept investigating on and on. What made many suspicious was the fact that records kept disappearing and that Albert Fall was suddenly living a more lavish lifestyle. It was obvious that all of the money was going to Albert Fall’s ranch and his personal pursuits. Finally, someone found a loan of $100,000 to Albert Fall that he had forgotten to cover up. In 1927, the Supreme Court ruled that the loans had been obtained in a corrupt manner.

This scandal had a significant impact on many American people. When President Harding was found to be assisting Albert Fall in leasing the oil reserves, the public immediately took a harsh disliking to President Harding, declaring him one of the worst presidents in United States history. Like many things that occurred in the 1920’s, this was one of the most impactful events. This scandal and many other things that are written about in our magazine highlight what the 1920’s were really about.

Below: Edward L. Doheny testifying in front of the Senate Committee about the Teapot Dome Scandal.



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