9 minute read
Bilingual Print and Digital Resources for Your Parish Kathryn Ball-Boruff • Each of the beautifully illustrated handouts in this resource can be reproduced for parish bulletins, worship aids, or a parish website!
Digital content, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 8 pages Bilingual: English and Spanish 978-1-61671-608-8 Order code: BKSA22 $35
Fling Wide the Doors
An Advent and Christmastime Calendar Steve Erspamer, sm, Artist • Forty doors open to reveal the saints shining like stained glass when this six-sided centerpiece is illuminated. Family size, 12” high | Order code: ADCAL $15
Advent Calendar Activity Sheet
Help families in your parish rediscover the Advent season with this calendar full of activities and reflections.
Unbound or Loose Sheets, 11 x 17 978-1-56854-831-9 | Order code: ADCAS 1-4 copies: $10 | 5-24 copies: $8 each 25 or more: $5 each
Create Your Own Christmas Season Booklet Activity Sheet
This resource invites children to create colorful booklets as prayer-filled guides. Unbound or Loose Sheets, 8 1⁄2 x 11 978-1-56854-833-3 | Order code: CCSBAS Pack of 16 1-4 packs: $10 each | 5-24 packs: $8 each 25 or more: $5 each
Build Your Own Bethlehem
A Nativity Scene and Activity Book for Christmastime
Gertrud Mueller Nelson with Peter Mazar
This full-color activity book suggests eight occasions for using the figures to tell a portion of the nativity Gospels. Saddlestitched, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 48 pages 978-1-56854-448-9 | Order code: BETH $15
La Navidad Hispana
At Home and At Church
Miguel Arias; Mark Francis, csv; Arturo
Pérez-Rodríguez • Stories and bilingual rites to help your parish incorporate the rituals of Hispanic homes into your Christmas and Advent liturgies.
Paperback, 8 x 10, 120 pages 978-1-56854-357-4 | Order code: LANAV $18
What Am I Doing for Advent This Year?
Paul Turner • This little booklet presents Advent as an opportunity for spiritual focus and renewal at a usually hectic and exhausting time of year. Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 5⁄16, 32 pages English: 978-1-56854-790-9 | Order code: EDADV Spanish: 978-1-56854-792-3 | Order code: SDADV 1-24 copies: $1 each | 25-299 copies: $.60 each 300 or more: $.40 each
The Firstborn of God
The Birth of Mary’s Son, Jesus, Luke 2:1–21
Eugene LaVerdiere, sss; Paul Bernier, sss
Challenging readers to rediscover the first Christmas story, LaVerdiere offers a powerful reflection on the tensions that bind manger and Cross.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 114 pages 978-1-56854-609-4 | Order code: FGBMS $12.95
Keeping Advent and Christmastime
This volume contains morning, evening, and night prayers, meal prayers, and a variety of blessings for the seasons of Advent and Christmas Time.
Saddlestitched, 4 ¼ x 6, 48 pages 978-1-56854-027-6 | Order code: KAC3 1-4 copies: $3.50 each | 5-24 copies: $2.50 each 25 or more: $1.50 each
Water, Light, and Life
A Lenten Parish Mission
Paul Radkowski, Rodica
Stoicoiu • This multigenerational prepackaged mission is practical, adaptable, and easy for any parish staff to organize and implement as they work to animate the parish community’s Lenten journey into Easter. Package Item, 8 1⁄2 x 11 978-1-61671-639-4 | Order code: WLL $89.95
Available in December 2021
Water, Light, and Life
Participant’s Booklet Order additional packs of 25 participant booklets to supplement the 25 booklets included in your mission kit when you purchased Water, Light, and Life: A Lenten Parish Mission. Pack of 25 978-1-61671-641-7 | Order code: WLLWAP $24.95
Available in December 2021
Keeping the Seasons for Lent and Easter 2022
Bilingual Print and Digital Resources for Your Parish
Catherine Johnson, Mary
Kathleen Kelley, ssj • Each of the beautifully illustrated handouts on the resource’s website can be manipulated and reproduced for parish bulletins, worship aids, or a parish website! Digital Product, 8 1⁄2 x 11 Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-61671-609-7 Order code: BKSL22 $45
Living Your Baptism in Lent
Weekly Reflections for Your Journey
Dennis Strach, csc
Living Your Baptism in Lent: Weekly Reflections for Your Journey is a Lenten reflection book that helps readers foster a deeper relationship with God that is rooted in their Baptism. Each week’s reflection ends with questions and Scripture passages to use in individual prayer. A guide for leading small groups in these reflections is also included. Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 48 pages English: 978-1-61671-516-8 | Order code: ELBL Spanish: 978-1-61671-517-5 | Order code: SLBL 1-4 copies: $5.95 each | 5-24 copies: $4.95 each 25 or more: $3.95 each
Glory in the Cross
A Journey through the Paschal Triduum
Corinna Laughlin
This inspiring booklet provides a spiritual journey through the Three Days by exploring the rituals that take place on Holy Thursday evening, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. The questions at the end of each short chapter will help readers to glory in our Lord’s Cross and live it in their lives.
Saddlestitched, 4-1⁄4 x 5-1⁄2, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-492-5 | Order code: EGCT Spanish: 978-1-61671-493-2 | Order code: SGCT 1-49 copies: $1.50 each | 50-299 copies: $1 each 300 or more: $.75 each
A Light for My Path
Praying the Psalms on the Way of the Cross Michael Ruzicki • This fresh approach to the Stations of the Cross connects excerpts from the Book of Psalms to the Gospel accounts of Christ’s Passion and Death.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 32 pages 978-1-61671-190-0 | Order code: LMP 1-4 copies: $4 each | 5-24 copies: $3 each 25 or more: $1.75 each
A Light for My Path
Praying the Psalms on the Way of the Cross, Leader’s Guide
Michael Ruzicki
The order of prayer includes pastoral reflections, short Scripture readings, and sung responses with original music for guitar, cantor, and choir. Saddlestitched, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 96 pages 978-1-61671-191-7 | Order code: LMPL $30
The Way of the Cross
Scriptural Version This contemporary Roman version of the Stations of the Cross focuses on the Gospel accounts of Jesus’s crucifixion.
Paperback, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, 32 pages 978-1-56854-435-9 | Order code: WAYROM 1-4 copies: $1.75 each | 5-49 copies: $1.25 each 50 or more: $.75 each
¿Qué haré este año para la Cuaresma? Segunda edición
Paul Turner • This very popular Spanish booklet, now in its second edition, presents Lent as a powerful opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal. Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 5⁄16, 32 pages Spanish: 978-1-56854-528-8 | Order code: SDL2 1-24 copies: $1 each | 25-299 copies: $.75 each 300 or more: $.50 each
What Am I Doing for Lent This Year? for Teens
Paul Turner • This interactive workbook guides teens through a personal Lenten retreat, offering space to record plans for seasonal prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 5⁄16, 32 pages 978-1-56854-808-1 | Order code: DLTEEN 1-24 copies: $1 each | 25-299 copies: $.75 each 300 or more: $.50 each
Paul Turner • This workbook helps individuals to plan their observance of the Triduum as a personal retreat in the midst of their parish’s communal celebration.
Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 5⁄16, 32 pages 978-1-56854-453-3 | Order code: EDT2 1-24 copies: $1 each | 25-299 copies: $.75 each 300 or more: $.50 each
What Am I Doing for Triduum This Year? for Teens
Paul Turner • Introduce seventh and eighth graders to the three most holy days of the year with this portable personal retreat, complete with introductory catechesis.
Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 32 pages 978-1-56854-807-4 | Order code: DTTEEN 1-24 copies: $1 each | 25-299 copies: $.75 each 300 or more: $.50 each
What Every Catholic Needs to Know About Lent, Triduum, and Easter
A Parish Guide to the Paschal Season
Kevin McGloin • Resource Publications
This booklet guides the entire congregation through the history of Lent, Triduum, and Easter seasons, their various rituals, and their role in the liturgy. Saddlestitched, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, 48 pages 978-0-89390-540-8 | Order code: WECL $5.95
A Lent Sourcebook
Various authors including J. Robert Baker and Evelyn Kaehler
Enrich your journey through the Lenten season with this twovolume collection of vivid poems, ancient hymns, familiar stories, and treasured prayers.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 492 pages 978-0-92965-036-4 | Order code: 2LENT $32
An Easter Sourcebook
The Fifty Days
Various authors including Gabe Huck and Gail Ramshaw
Journey through the rich scriptural images of Easter with this treasured collection of ancient and contemporary prose, poetry, and song.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 184 pages 978-0-93046-776-0 | Order code: EASTER $18
Daily Lenten Meditations
Prayerful Reflections from John Paul II
Edited by Fr. Max Polak
This collection of excerpts from Pope John Paul II’s homilies and official letters forms a spiritual pilgrimage through the Lenten season.
Hardcover, 4 3⁄4 x 7, 100 pages 978-1-56854-530-1 | Order code: DLM $14.95
Guide for Celebrating Holy Week and the Triduum
Corinna Laughlin, Kristopher Seaman, Stephen Palanca
This guide provides a detailed overview of the rubrics surrounding the various liturgies, rites, and devotions of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus’ life, Death, and Resurrection.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages 978-1-61671-292-1 | Order code: EGCHWT 1-2 copies: $10.95 each | 3 or more: $9.95 each E-book: $8.95
A Journey through the Three Days
Theological Reflections on the Paschal Triduum
Donna M. Eschenauer
This resource provides a spiritual journey through the Three Days of the Sacred Paschal Triduum. Each chapter reflects on the Triduum from a unique perspective and includes questions for discussion as an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the sacred mysteries of the Catholic faith. It illustrates the Triduum as the highest form of worship, ritually enacting human life and its set of relationships with God and each other. Donna Eschenauer clarifies and develops a theology of the Paschal Mystery as revealed through the rites of the Triduum, ultimately offering a foundation from which to understand all Catholic liturgy and to uncover its power to form Christian disciples.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 96 pages 978-1-61671-479-6 | Order code: EJTD $13.95 E-book: $11.95
A Triduum Sourcebook
Joan Halmo, J. Frank Henderson
A Triduum Sourcebook presents the Scripture readings and prayers for the season, along with a treasury of hymns, poetry, homilies, and reflections.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 560 pages 978-1-56854-099-3 | Order code: TRIDR $45
The Three Days
Parish Prayer in the Paschal Triduum
Gabe Huck
This trusted guide will assist liturgical ministers in shaping the spirit of the Paschal Triduum and managing the practical details of the liturgy.
Paperback, 7 x 10, 206 pages 978-0-929650-51-7 | Order code: 3DR $18
An Introduction to Lent and Eastertime
Gabe Huck
This introductory guide will increase the understanding, participation, and devotion of your community during Lent and Eastertime.
Paperback, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, 16 pages 978-0-930467-72-2 | Order code: ILE 1-24 copies: $1 each | 25-299 copies: $.50 each 300 or more: $.30 each
Forty Days and Forty Nights
A Lenten Ark Moving Toward Easter
Peter Mazar, author Judy Jarrett, artist
Count down the forty days of Lent aboard Noah’s ark with this collection of prayers and stories from Scripture. Open one window for each day of Lent! Activity Sheet, 12” high 978-1-56854-088-7 | Order code: ARK $15
Bible Stories for the Forty Days
Melissa Musick Nussbaum
Share the stories of the Bible with your children with this beautifully illustrated collection of forty well-known stories: one for each day of Lent!
Paperback, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 96 pages 978-1-56854-179-2 | Order code: ARKBK $15
The Three Days to Save [PDF]
The Three Days to Save is a down- loadable resource that helps a parish or Catholic school community learn more about the centrality of the days leading to Easter.