2 minute read
Sacred Art and Architecture
Holy People, Holy Place
The Rites for the Dedication of a Church and an Altar, Second Edition Thomas G. Simons • Holy People, Holy Place is an invaluable resource for building committees, liturgy preparation teams, and serious students of liturgy looking to understand the Church’s rites for dedication, the blessing of sacred objects, and much more.
Paperback, 8 x 10, 256 pages 978-1-61671-575-5 | Order code: DEDCH2 $29.95
Denis McNamara • Hillenbrand Books
This groundbreaking study explores the intimate relationship between Catholic church architecture and the celebration of the liturgy.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 240 pages 978-1-59525-027-8 | Order code: HCCA $65
Techniques of Icon and Wall Painting
Egg Tempera, Fresco, Secco
Aidan Hart • Gracewing Publishing
Illustrated with over 450 color photos and 180 drawings, this is the most comprehensive book to date on the techniques of icon and wall painting.
Hardcover, 11 x 9 ¼, 430 pages 978-0-85244-215-9 | Order code: TIWP $75
Heavenly City
The Architectural Tradition of Catholic Chicago
Denis McNamara, James Morris
This visually stunning book explores the architectural and theological significance of some of the most striking Catholic churches in Chicago.
Hardcover, 9 1/2 x 13, 160 pages 978-1-56854-503-5 | Order code: CITYCH $59.95
An Illustrated History of the Church
The Great Challenges Guy Bedouelle, op • This captivating narrative with over 500 striking photographs will delight anyone interested in the complex history of the Catholic Church.
Hardcover, 9 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 280 pages English: 978-1-56854-516-5 | Order code: ILHIS Spanish: 978-84-2852-648-7 | Order code: SILHIS
The Color of Light
Commissioning Stained Glass for a Church Sarah Hall • Stained-glass artist Sarah Hall guides parishes through the materials, planning, techniques, design, and installation of the ancient art in churches.
Paperback, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 112 pages 978-1-56854-311-6 | Order code: COLOR $15
Prayers for the Dedication of a Church
Edited by David Philippart • This volume includes prayers and Scripture readings for parishes to use while designing, renovating, and constructing a worship space.
Paperback, 4 1⁄4 x 6, 80 pages 978-1-56854-197-6 | Order code: CHURCH 1-4 copies: $5 each | 5-24 copies: $4 each | 25 or more: $3.50 each
Guidelines for the Building and Renovation of Churches
Archdiocese of Chicago • These guidelines attempt to give clearer direction in those areas that Built of Living Stones leaves open to particular diocesan recommendations and directives.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 26 pages 978-1-56854-531-8 | Order code: BR $4
Beauty, Spirit, Matter
Icons in the Modern World Gracewing Publishing • Concentrating on the broader implications of the icon’s theology for modern Christians, Hart explores the field of ecology and the nature of beauty.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 224 pages 978-0-85244-782-6 | Order code: BSM $27.50