2 minute read
My Sunday Mass Book
Receiving the Gift of the Eucharist Kara O’Malley • My Sunday Mass Book is designed to encourage children and their families to continue participating each Sunday at Mass with the same engagement as when they first received the Eucharist—for at the heart of the Mass, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, the nourishment we need to go out into the world and do God's work. Saddlestitched, 7 x 8, 32 pages 978-1-61671-491-8 | Order code: MSMB Single copy: $8.95 | 2-19 copies: $6.95 each 20 or more: $4.95 each
My First Holy Communion
Sunday Mass and Daily Prayers, Revised Edition Melissa Musick Nussbaum • My First Holy Communion invites children to learn and to love the words we hear, pray, and sing at Mass each week.
Hardcover, 5 5⁄8 x 6 3⁄4, 64 pages 978-1-61671-041-5 | Order code: HCOM2 $14.95
My Sacrifice and Yours
Our Participation in the Eucharist Paul Turner • Turner explores the sacrificial nature of the Mass, guiding readers to reflect on their own participation in the Eucharistic mystery. Saddlestitched, 4 1⁄4 x 5 1⁄2, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-180-1 | Order code: MSY Spanish: 978-1-61671-232-7 | Order code: SMSY 1-49 copies: $1.50 each | 50-299 copies: $1 each 300 or more: $.75 each E-book: $1.50
A Eucharist Sourcebook
J. Robert Baker, Barbara Budde • This book offers poetry, prose, hymns, and prayers to help Catholics reflect on the Eucharist, prepare for the sacrament, and meditate on God’s grace.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 200 pages 978-1-56854-182-2 | Order code: EUCHSB $18
The Eucharistic Epiclesis
A Detailed History from the Patristic to the Modern Era
John H. McKenna, cm • Hillenbrand Books
McKenna systematically examines modern interpretations of the Eucharistic epiclesis within the context of its historical and liturgical foundations.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 288 pages 978-1-59525-025-4 | Order code: HEE $30 E-book: $24
Wedding Feast of the Lamb
Eucharistic Theology from a Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Perspective
Roch A. Kereszty, ocist • Hillenbrand Books
With thoughtful study questions and a rich bibliography, this book is a great resource for anyone studying the history and theology of the Eucharist.
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 288 pages 978-1-59525-006-3 | Order code: HWFL $40 E-book: $28
Bread of Life
Exploring the Presence of Eucharist in Our Lives Louis J. Cameli • In this “Eucharistic autobiography,” Fr. Cameli offers a profound and personal reflection on the centrality of the Eucharist in Catholic life.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 128 pages English: 978-1-61671-058-3 | Order code: BOL Spanish: 978-1-61671-059-0 | Order code: PDV
E-book: $10
The Theology at the Eucharistic Table
Jeremy Driscoll, osb • Gracewing Publishing
Driscoll presents a method for the task of academic theology inspired by the Eucharistic rite, offering a fresh approach to both theology and liturgy.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 256 pages 978-0-85244-469-6 | Order code: THEOET $35.95
Real Presence
The Work of Eucharist Nathan D. Mitchell • This revised and expanded edition of Real Presence examines some of the factors that are shaping contemporary discussions about the Eucharist.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages 978-1-56854-407-6 | Order code: RLPR $22
Become What You Receive
A Systematic Study of the Eucharist
John H. McKenna, cm • Hillenbrand Books
In this rich study, Rev. McKenna guides readers through the Eucharist’s anthropological, phenomenological, ecumenical, and scriptural roots.