1 minute read
Liturgical Year
Year of Grace 2022
Tracy Rodenborn; illustrated by James
B. Janknegt • Count the days and weeks of this liturgical year, reflecting on the works of mercy that Christ expects of all disciples.
Laminated Poster, 26 x 26
English: 978-1-61671-627-1 | Order code: YG22LL Spanish: 978-1-61671-605-9 | Order code: AG22LL
Paper Poster, 26 x 26
English: 978-1-61671-628-8 | Order code: YG22LP Spanish: 978-1-61671-602-8 | Order code: AG22LP Single copy: $9 each | 2-24 copies: $8 each 25 or more: $7 each
Laminated notebook: Single Sheet, 11 x 17
English: 978-1-61671-629-5 | Order code: YG22SL Spanish: 978-1-61671-603-5 | Order code: AG22SL
Paper Notebook, 11 x 17, Pack of 25
English: 978-1-61671-626-4 | Order code: YG22SP Spanish: 978-1-61671-604-2 | Order code: AG22SP
Companion to the Calendar, Second Edition
A Guide to the Saints, Seasons, and Holidays of the Year
Various authors including Kathy Coffey
and Donna M. Crilly • This invaluable resource offers short biographies of the saints, along with information about Catholic devotions and observances throughout the year.
Paperback, 8 x 10, 176 pages 978-1-56854-260-7 | Order code: COMCAL2 $17.95
Blessings and Prayers through the Year
A Resource for School and Parish Elizabeth McMahon Jeep • This beautifully illustrated collection of prayers, blessings, and rituals includes two CDROMs with vocal instruction and musical accompaniment.
Book with disk, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 256 pages 978-1-56854-369-7 | Order code: CLASS Single copy: $49.95 | 2 or more: $44.95 each
School Year, Church Year
Customs and Decorations for the Classroom
Peter Mazar
This book guides teachers through the school year offering practical advice on classroom customs and decorating, from Advent to Easter and fall to summer.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 304 pages 978-1-56854-240-9 | Order code: SCHYR $25.95
Take Me Home
Notes on the Church Year for Children Christine Kenny-Sheputis • Perfect for catechists, these reproducible handouts offer crafts, recipes, and stories about the saints and seasons: one for every week of the year!
Paperback, 11 x 8 1⁄2, 128 pages 978-0-92965-052-4 | Order code: TAKHOM $15
An Introduction to the Liturgical Year
Inos Biffi • This beautifully illustrated overview of the liturgical year explains how each liturgical season reveals a specific aspect of Christ’s saving work.
Paperback, 6 3⁄4 x 9 1⁄2, 96 pages 978-1-56854-354-3 | Order code: EILY $16.95