41 minute read
Care of the Sick
Guide for Celebrating the Pastoral Care of the Sick
J. Philip Horrigan • As part of the Preparing Parish Worship series, this resource provides pastoral guidance for preparing the various rites found in Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 176 pages English: 978-1-61671-346-1 | Order code: EGCPCS 1-2 copies: $11.95 each | 3 or more: $10.95 each E-book: $9.95
Understanding the Sacraments of Healing
A Rite-Based Approach Randy Stice • Rev. Stice’s insightful catechesis on the sacraments of healing explores Old Testament foundations, liturgical history, and sacramental theology.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 176 pages English: 978-1-61671-249-5 | Order code: USH $19.95 E-book: $15.95
Manual católico para visitar a los enfermos 2022
Ernesto Zamora • This book provides all a lay minister needs to care spiritually for those homebound who cannot attend the liturgy with their parish community. It contains Rites for blessing, anointing and bringing the Holy Communion, as well as the Sunday Gospel to share, pray, and reflect with sick and homebound.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 240 pages Spanish: 978-1-61671-618-9 | Order code: VE22 Single copy: $9 | 2-9 copies: $8 each | 10 or more: $6 each
Pastoral Care of the Sick
Rites of Anointing and Viaticum
Cuidado pastoral de los enfermos
Ritos de la Unción y del Viático
Hardcover, 5 1⁄4 x 8, 208 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-56854-364-2 | Order code: BCARER $40
Rites of the Sick
This resource includes prayers, Scriptures, and orders of service for the Sacraments of Penance, Communion, and the Anointing of the Sick.
Paperback, 4 1⁄4 x 6, 64 pages English: 978-1-56854-141-9 | Order code: RSICK 1-4 copies: $5 each | 5-24 copies: $4 each 25 or more: $3.50 each
Prayers of the Sick
David Philippart • This collection offers prayers for times of pain: before a hospital stay or before surgery, in time of recovery, or when faced with terminal illness.
Paperback, 4 1⁄4 x 6, 64 pages English: 978-1-56854-130-3 | Order code: SICKR 1-4 copies: $5 each | 5-24 copies: $4 each 25 or more: $3.50 each
Los ministros extraordinarios de la comunión a los enfermos
Five brief chapters, all in Spanish, offer help and advice to those who visit and take Communion to the sick.
Saddlestitched, 6 x 9, 32 pages Spanish: 978-0-930467-51-7 | Order code: LOSM $7
The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and Homebound 2022
Ann Dickinson Degenhard • Equip lay ministers with the official rites they will need to bring Holy Communion to and to pray and share the Gospel with those who cannot regularly worship with their parish community on Sunday.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 240 pages English: 978-1-61671-623-3 | Order code: VS22 Single copy: $9 | 2-9 copies: $8 each | 10 or more: $6 each
Handbook for Ministers of Care
Second Edition
Genevieve Glen, osb; Marilyn Kofler, sp; Kevin
E. O’Connor • This helpful resource explores the theology of sickness and suffering, explains the communion ritual, and offers practical advice for pastoral visits.
Understanding Sacramental Healing
Anointing and Viaticum John Kasza • Hillenbrand Books • Msgr. Kasza explores the relationship between medicine, theology, and anthropology, offering insight into the rich history of the Anointing of the Sick.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 264 pages 978-1-59525-009-4 | Order code: HUSH $26 E-book: $16
Lord, Have Mercy
Prayer Intentions for Your Faith Community
Señor, ten piedad
Intenciones para la oración de tu comunidad de fe Lord, Have Mercy provides your faith community with a dignified space for recording prayer petitions throughout the year.
United States Edition
Catherine Cory, Elizabeth Nagel, Peter O’Leary, Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc
Workbook provides this year’s Scripture readings for practice along with commentaries, advice for proclamation, and pronunciation aids.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 304 pages English: 978-1-61671-624-0 | Order code: WL22 1-4 copies: $14 each | 5-49 copies: $13 each 50 or more: $12 each E-book Fixed layout: Order code: WL22EF | Buy on LTP. org, Apple Books, or Google Play $12 E-book Reflowable layout: Buy on Apple Books or Google Play $12
Canadian Edition
Catherine Cory, Elizabeth Nagel, Peter O’Leary, Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc
Workbook provides this year’s Scripture readings for practice along with commentaries, advice for proclamation, and pronunciation aids.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 336 pages English: 978-1-61671-625-7 | Order code: WL22C 1-4 copies: $14 each | 5-49 copies: $13 each 50 or more: $12 each
Manual para proclamadores de la palabra® 2022
Ximena DeBroeck, Raúl H. Lugo Rodríguez,
Raúl Duarte Castillo • This resource provides the Sunday readings arranged in sense-lines, with the most indispensable biblical and liturgical information to proclaim them with reverence and efficacy before the assembly.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 304 pages Spanish: 978-1-61671-617-2 | Order code: MP22 1-4 copies: $14 each | 5-49 copies: $13 each 50 or more: $12 each E-book Fixed layout: Order code: MP22EF | Buy on LTP.org $12
Guide for Lectors and Readers, Second Edition
Michael Cameron, Corinna Laughlin, Virginia
Meagher, Paul Turner • Provide your readers with the spiritual, liturgical, biblical, and technical training they need to proclaim God’s Word effectively to the assembly. Saddlestitched, 6 x 9, 80 pages English: 978-1-61671-578-6 | Order code: ELLEC2 Spanish: 978-1-61671-595-3 | Order code: SLLEC2 1-9 copies: $6.95 each | 10 or more: $5.95 each
Lector and Gospel Reader’s Workshop
A Resource for Bringing God’s Word to Life Audrey Sommers • This interactive video workshop combines the liturgical and spiritual aspects of being an effective lector with popular public speaking techniques.
DVD 978-1-56854-594-3 | Order code: LTPDVD $49.95
Proclaiming the Word
Formation for Readers in the Liturgy This instructional video explores both the spiritual foundations and practical skills necessary for proclaiming the Word of God.
DVD English: 978-1-56854-930-9 | Order code: EPWD Spanish: 978-1-56854-929-3 | Order code: SPWD
Pronunciation Guide for the Lectionary
A Comprehensive Resource for Proclaimers of the Word, Second Edition
Various authors including Michael R.
Prendergast and Susan E. Myers • Now including recently canonized saints for the United States and Canada, this guide offers easy-to-understand pronunciation aids for words in the full Lectionary for Mass. Saddlestitched, 4 1⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 80 pages English: 978-1-61671-374-4 | Order code: PROGL2 $5
A Well-Trained Tongue
Formation in the Ministry of Reader Aelred Rosser, osb • An essential guide for new and returning lectors, this guide offers tips and practices to aid in proclaiming challenging passages in the Lectionary.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 128 pages 978-1-56854-124-2 | Order code: WTTNEW $17.95
Stop Reading and Start Proclaiming!
Douglas Leal • Resource Publications
Based on the art of acting, this resource focuses on the concept of voice and posture, and provides practice exercises, sample readings, and more.
Paperback, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 128 pages 978-0-89390-630-6 | Order code: SRSP $23.95
Hear the Word of the Lord
The Lectionary in Catholic Ritual Martin Connell • Steeped in history, Connell situates the modern lectionary in the context of the Catholic tradition of liturgical proclamation.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 112 pages 978-1-61671-248-8 | Order code: HWL $12.95 E-book: $9.95
Signing the Scriptures
A Starting Point for Interpreting the Sunday Readings for the Deaf, Year A Joan Blake • Signing the Scriptures offers the interpreter a place to begin to develop his or her own way of interpreting the readings for the Mass.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 192 pages 978-1-56854-560-8 | Order code: SIGNA $30
Signing the Scriptures
A Starting Point for Interpreting the Sunday Readings for the Deaf, Year B Joan Blake • Signing the Scriptures offers the interpreter a place to begin to develop his or her own way of interpreting the readings for the Mass.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 200 pages 978-1-56854-592-9 | Order code: SIGNB $30
Signing the Scriptures
A Starting Point for Interpreting the Sunday Readings for the Deaf, Year C Joan Blake • Signing the Scriptures offers the interpreter a place to begin to develop his or her own way of interpreting the readings for the Mass.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 208 pages 978-1-56854-513-4 | Order code: SIGNC $30
Tips and Techniques for Signing the Scriptures
This DVD offers instructional commentary and professional examples for signing Scripture to foster the active participation of the hearing impaired. DVD: 978-0-97592-500-3 | Order code: SGNDVD $20
The Ministry of the Lector
Caroline M. Thomas • Resource Publications
This book offers principles and techniques will be helpful to deacons, presiders, catechists, and all who proclaim God’s word. Saddlestitched, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, 64 pages 978-0-89390-689-4 | Order code: MINL $6.95
The Word of the Lord at Mass
Understanding the Lectionary Regina A. Boisclair, phd • Discover the Lectionary: what it is, how it is designed, and how it works in harmony with the rhythms of the liturgical year.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 128 pages 978-1-61671-245-7 | Order code: LBWLM $10.95 E-book: $8.95
O Lord, Open My Lips
The Psalms in the Liturgy Dianne Bergant, csa • Scripture scholar Dianne Bergant, csa takes us inside the psalms, showing how and why they serve the liturgy so well, especially how they give the assembly a voice in their communal encounter with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit at every celebration.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 96 pages 978-1-61671-310-2 | Order code: LBOLO $10.95 E-book: $8.95
Composing Sacred Scripture: How the Bible Was Formed
Donald Senior, cp • Fr. Don Senior deftly describes the anatomy of the Bible, the history of its development, and how God’s Word is revealed through human words.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 144 pages 978-1-61671-272-3 | Order code: LBCSS $10.95 E-book: $8.95
Unfolding Sacred Scripture
How Catholics Read the Bible Michael Cameron • Explore the Catholic practice of reading Scripture: in Catholic teaching, in tradition, and how it differs from other ways of reading the Bible.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 144 pages 978-1-61671-244-0 | Order code: LBUSS $10.95 E-book: $8.95
Thus Says the Lord
The Prophets in the Liturgy Richard J. Clifford, sj • Meet the prophets! Learn who the prophets were, how they spoke for God in the situations of their time, and how they speak to us in the liturgy today.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 128 pages English: 978-1-61671-640-0 | Order code: LBPL $10.95 E-book: $8.95
Preaching as Paying Attention
Theological Reflection in the Pulpit Edward Foley, Capuchin • Preaching as Paying Attention: Theological Reflection in the Pulpit invites preachers to an awareness of the world and the people around them as a lens for preaching God’s Incarnate Word and inviting people into the Paschal Mystery. It’s not a method, it’s a mindset.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages English: 978-1-61671-637-0 | Order code: PPA $18.95 E-book: $15.95
Preaching as Spiritual Leadership
Guiding the Faithful as Mystic and Mystagogue Edited by Michael E. Connors, csc • Preaching as Spiritual Leadership is a unique resource that examines the preacher’s unique role as shepherd and a spiritual leader. It will provide practical advice for priests, deacons, seminarians in homiletics classes or preaching classes, retreat leaders, RCIA catechists—all who preach.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 272 pages English: 978-1-61671-635-6 | Order code: PLMM $27.95 E-book: $22.95
Effective Preaching
Bringing People into an Encounter with God Edited by Michael E. Connors, csc • This imaginative book focuses entirely on the practical side of Catholic preaching. It will provide hands-on, tested advice to help homilists develop preaching effectiveness, using techniques that will turn satisfactory preaching into exceptional preaching.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 224 pages English: 978-1-61671-486-4 | Order code: EFP $24.95 E-book: $19.95
Preaching Basics
A Model and a Method Edward Foley, Capuchin • This userfriendly workbook offers an effective method for writing homilies in dialogue with the Lectionary, the liturgy, the arts, and the world. Saddlestitched, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 48 pages English: 978-1-56854-170-9 | Order code: PREACH $12
Teach, Delight, Persuade
Scriptural Homilies for Years A, B, and C
James W. Kinn • Hillenbrand Books
Fr. Kinn has composed a remarkable collection of homilies with insights into the unifying theme of the readings for all three Lectionary cycles.
Christian Eloquence
Contemporary Doctrinal Preaching
C. Colt Anderson • Hillenbrand Books
Anderson explores the principles and methods that guided medieval preachers to successfully compose eloquent, authoritative, and instructive sermons.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 250 pages 978-1-59525-005-6 | Order code: HCEDP $25
Preaching the Mystery of Faith
The Sunday Homily USCCB • Addressing the call for a renewal of the preaching ministry, this bishops’ statement focuses on this ministry’s biblical and theological foundations.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 52 pages 978-1-57455-494-6 | Order code: PMF $6.95
Preaching for Discipleship
Preparing Homilies for Christian Initiation Michael E. Connors, csc • This resource will give homilists and catechists tools to engage catechumens and help form the entire parish community in their key role in Christian initiation.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 208 pages 978-1-61671-417-8 | Order code: PDH $21.95 E-book: $17.95
Preaching to Adults, Teens, and Children
Homily Starters for Cycles A, B, and C Resource Publications • A useful reference for any parish homilist who needs to reach all age groups on any given Sunday for Years A, B, and C.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 384 pages English: 978-0-89390-587-3 | Order code: PATC $49.95
Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations
Kenneth G. Davis, Jorge L. Presmanes
With an emphasis on preaching but a concern for all aspects of ministry, the articles in this book explore Catholic ministry in Hispanic communities.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 152 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-56854-363-5 Order code: PCLAT $8
Scripture Backgrounds for the Sunday Lectionary
A Resource for Homilists Various Authors • These resources provide invaluable commentary on the lectionary readings for years A, B, and C (including the responsorial psalm) for Sundays, holydays of obligation, andfeasts and solemnities that may occur on a Sunday.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 208 pages Year A: 978-1-61671-312-6 | Order code: SBSLA Year B: 978-1-61671-368-3 | Order code: SBSLB Year C: 978-1-61671-434-5 | Order code: SBSLC $17.95 each E-book: $14.95
Living the Lectionary
Links to Life and Literature Geoff Wood • Geoff Wood combines examples from Western literature and his own personal life to help readers connect the Sunday readings to their own experiences.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages Year A: 978-1-56854-523-3 | Order code: LIVLA Year B: 978-1-56854-527-1 | Order code: LIVLB Year C: 978-1-56854-365-9 | Order code: LIVLC $16 each
Fresh Light
Homilies on the Gospels Joseph Pollard • Hillenbrand Books • With a straightforward message and a catechetical approach, Pollard’s reflections provide a solid foundation for your weekly homiletic preparation.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages Year A: 978-1-59525-004-9 | Order code: HFFLA
Paperback, 6 x 9, 176 pages Year B: 978-1-59525-012-4 | Order code: HFFLB
Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages Year C: 978-1-59525-015-5 | Order code: HFFLC $18 each
Year of the Lord’s Favour
A Homiliary for the Roman Liturgy
Aidan Nichols, op • Gracewing Publishing
Preach with confidence with this comprehensive guide to doctrinally-based preaching for the celebrations of Christ, our Lady, and the saints.
Volume 1, The Sanctoral Cycle
Paperback, 6 x 9, 222 pages English: 978-085244-791-8 | Order code: YLF1 $24.95
Volume 2, The Temporal Cycle Advent and Christmastide, Lent and Eastertide
Paperback, 6 x 9, 240 pages 978-085244-792-5 | Order code: YLF2 $24.95
Volume 3, The Temporal Cycle Sundays through the Year
Paperback, 6 x 9, 180 pages 978-085244-793-2 | Order code: YLF3 $24.95
Volume 4, The Temporal Cycle Weekdays through the Year
Paperback, 6 x 9, 252 pages 978-085244-794-9 | Order code: YLF4 $24.95
Daily Bread of the Word
Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings Albert Vanhoye, sj • Cardinal Albert Vanhoye’s remarkable exegesis on the daily readings for Years I and II is now available in English.
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 768 pages 978-1-61671-377-5 | Order code: DBW $65
Homilies to Transform Hearts and Minds
Andre Papineau, sds • Resource Publications
This book offers twenty-five homilies designed to help parishioners reimagine life transitions as conversion experiences.
Paperback, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, 112 pages 978-0-89390-690-0 | Order code: HTHM $20.95
Mustard Seed Preaching
Ann Garrido • Catechesis of the Good
Shepherd • The themes of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd offer a robust guide to preaching to children and to the heart of the child in each of us.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 96 pages 978-1-56854-555-4 | Order code: CGSMS $14.95
Liturgical Catechesis in the 21st Century
A School of Discipleship James C. Pauley • This book will inspire readers with a promising new vision for sacramental preparation and mystagogical catechesis, one that places maximum emphasis on apprenticing people into an active and fruitful sacramental life in Christ.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 256 pages English: 978-1-61671-360-7 | Order code: LCC $28.95 E-book: $23.95
What Happens at Mass, Revised Edition
Jeremy Driscoll, osb • Through this vivid exploration of our ritual signs and actions, readers will come to a better understanding of the Mass as an encounter with Christ.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 144 pages 978-1-61671-044-6 | Order code: ATMASS2 $13.95
Mystical Body, Mystical Voice
Encountering Christ in the Words of the Mass
Christopher Carstens, Douglas Martis
Mystical Body, Mystical Voice®: Encountering Christ in the Words of the Mass helps us understand the beauty of what the Roman Missal offers for fruitful liturgical participation as members of the Mystical Body of Christ.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 272 pages 978-1-56854-932-3 | Order code: MBMV $21.95
Signs and Symbols of the Liturgy
An Experience of Ritual and Catechesis
Various authors including Michael Ruzicki
and Victoria M. Tufano • This resource helps you prepare a reverent, artful, and interactive experience of the symbols of the liturgy followed by reflection on their meaning for groups of adults or teens.
Book with disk, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 978-1-61671-437-6 | Order code: SSL $39.95
Q&A: Seasons, Sacraments and Sacramentals
Dennis C. Smolarski, sj • In this helpful volume, Fr. Smolarski responds to questions about the seasonal celebrations of the liturgy, devotions, sacraments, and holydays.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 120 pages English: 978-1-56854-391-8 | Order code: QASEA $8
Q&A: The Mass
Dennis C. Smolarski, sj • Fr. Smolarski answers frequently asked questions about the Mass with legal expertise and pastoral sensitivity.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 128 pages 978-1-56854-358-1 | Order code: QAMASS $11.95
Introducing Liturgical Catechesis
Formation Sessions for the Parish
Nick Wagner • Resource Publications
These eighteen formation sessions will help parish leaders make liturgical catechesis a reality in any parish.
Paperback, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 80 pages English: 978-0-89390-566-8 | Order code: ILC Single copy: $18.95 | 2 or more: $16.95 each
Oraciones para catequistas
This little book will offer wisdom and refreshment for catechists. Prayers and reflections focus on the vocation of catechesis.
Paperback, 4 1⁄4 x 6, 64 pages Spanish: 978-1-56854-493-9 | Order code: SPCAT 1-4 copies: $5 each | 5-24 copies: $4 each 25 or more: $3.50 each
Forming the Assembly to Celebrate Sacraments
Lawrence E. Mick • Mick offers insights into the liturgical aspects of each sacrament in order to prepare parish ministers for the work of liturgical catechesis.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 80 pages 978-1-56854-447-2 | Order code: FASAC $7
Celebrating Confirmation before First Communion
A Resource Kit for Restoring the Order of the Initiation Sacraments
Michael Henchal • Resource Publications
This resource is a great tool for catechizing both parishioners at large and the parents of children to be initiated.
Paperback, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 64 pages 978-0-89390-544-6 | Order code: CCFC $29.95
Catechist Companion
Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart • This teaching resource is a series of detailed lesson plans that uses a five-step method to teach complex theological and scriptural concepts.
Paperback, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 240 pages English: 978-1-56854-797-8 | Order code: ECC Spanish: 978-1-56854-798-5 | Order code: SECC
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition
USCCB • This revised second edition of the Roman catechism includes an extensive glossary and analytical index.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 928 pages 978-1-60137-649-7 | Order code: PCATCH $29.95
Catecismo de la Iglesia católica, Segunda edición
USCCB • Revised to conform completely with the official Latin text, the book now includes an extensive glossary and analytical index to make it more user friendly.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 928 pages Spanish: 978-1-57455-828-9 | Order code: PSCATE
Summary of the National Directory for Catechesis
USCCB • This summary highlights the concepts and directives of each of the ten chapters of the National Directory for Catechesis in clear, concise language.
Paperback, 6 7⁄10 x 9, 48 pages English: 978-1-57455-696-4 | Order code: ESNDC $6.95
National Directory for Catechesis
USCCB • Building on the core themes of the General Directory for Catechesis, this resource offers practical advice for doing catechesis well.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 328 pages English: 978-1-57455-443-4 | Order code: ENDC Spanish: 978-1-57455-862-3 | Order code: SNDC
USCCB • This volume offers a quick synopsis of the essential contents of the faith as promulgated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 204 pages English: 978-1-57455-720-6 | Order code: PCCCC $16.95
Compendio Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
USCCB • This volume offers a clear synopsis of the essential contents of the faith as promulgated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 236 pages Spanish: 978-1-57455-920-0 | Order code: SPCCCC
Hardcover, 6x9, 200 pages Spanish: 978-1-57455-921-7 | Order code: SHCCCC
A History of the Mass Bilingual / Una historia de la Misa
Tracing the history and development of the Mass, this short film offers an engaging, but concise introduction to our liturgical history.
DVD Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-56854-656-8 Order code: BHISMD $24.95
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
USCCB • This catechism includes stories, doctrine, reflection, quotations, and prayer to help the reader deepen their faith.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 664 pages English: 978-1-60137-650-3 | Order code: USCCA Spanish: 978-1-60137-920-7 | Order code: SUSCCA
Directory for Catechesis
USCCB • A useful resource for anyone involved in religious education, this resource offers guidelines for writing national catechisms and catechetical directories.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 296 pages English: 978-1-60137-669-5 | Order code: GDC2
Directorio para la catequesis
USCCB • An absolute must for all catechetical leaders, this successor to the 1971 Directory is updated in accordance with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and presents guidelines for drafting national catechisms and catechetical directories.
Paperback, 6 x 9 Spanish: 978-1-60137-925-2 | Order code: SGDC2 $24.95
Guide for Cantors, Third Edition
Jennifer Kerr Budziak, Christopher J. Ferraro, Corinna Laughlin, Paul
Turner • Grounded in Church doctrine and best liturgical practice, this resource enables cantors, song leaders, and psalmists, to add beauty to our worship and lead all to encounter the presence of Christ in sung prayer. Saddlestitched, 6 x 9, 80 pages English: 978-1-61671-582-3 Order code: ELCAN3 Spanish: 978-1-61671-587-8 Order code: SLCAN2 1-4 copies: $7.95 each | 5 or more: $6.95 each
Guide for Music Ministers, Third Edition
Jennifer Kerr Budziak, Christopher J. Ferraro, Corinna Laughlin, Paul
Turner • Music ministers offer their gift to the glory of God. Whether they sing or play, their ministry is essential to the worship of your parish. This third edition has been expanded to provide newly formed and experienced ministers alike with basic skills and theological insights in order to perform their ministry well.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 96 pages English: 978-1-61671-583-0 Order code: ELMM3 Spanish: 978-1-61671-588-5 Order code: SLMM2 1-9 copies: $7.95 each | 10 or more: $6.95 each
Sing to the Lord
United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops • This essential resource will help your parish train music ministers, prepare sacramental liturgies, and evaluate their musical repertoire.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 96 pages 978-1-60137-022-8 | Order code: STL $9.95
Cantemos al Señor: La Música en el Culto Divino
This is the Spanish translation of Sing to the Lord. This book reflects on the call for full, active, and conscious participation in the liturgy through song.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 96 pages 978-1-60137-810-1 | Order code: SCSEN $9.95
A Light for My Path
Praying the Psalms on the Way of the Cross Michael Ruzicki • This fresh approach to the Stations of the Cross connects excerpts from the Book of Psalms to the Gospel accounts of Christ’s Passion and Death.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 32 pages 978-1-61671-190-0 | Order code: LMP 1-4 copies: $4 each | 5-24 copies: $3 each 25 or more: $1.75 each
A Light for My Path
Praying the Psalms on the Way of the Cross, Leader’s Guide Michael Ruzicki • The order of prayer includes pastoral reflections, short Scripture readings, and sung responses with original music for guitar, cantor, and choir. Saddlestitched, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 96 pages 978-1-61671-191-7 | Order code: LMPL $30
O Lord, Open My Lips
The Psalms in the Liturgy Dianne Bergant, csa • Scripture scholar Dianne Bergant, csa takes us inside the psalms, showing how and why they serve the liturgy so well, especially how they give the assembly a voice in their communal encounter with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit at every celebration.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 96 pages 978-1-61671-310-2 | Order code: LBOLO $10.95 E-book: $8.95
Sacred Music and Liturgical Reform
Treasures and Transformations
Anthony Ruff, osb • Hillenbrand
Books • This brilliant, comprehensive study explores the treasures of the Church’s musical tradition and the transformations resulting from liturgical reform.
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 704 pages 978-1-59525-021-6 | Order code: HSMLR $95 E-book: $75
Music in Catholic Liturgy
A Pastoral and Theological Companion to Sing to the Lord
Gerald Dennis Gill • Hillenbrand
Books • This accessible volume offers a concise guide to understanding and successfully implementing the pastoral directives provided in Sing to the Lord.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages 978-1-59525-028-5 | Order code: HMCL $22 E-book: $18
The Mundelein Psalter
The Liturgical Institute and Douglas Martis • Hillenbrand Books • This complete one-volume edition contains the approved English-language texts of the Liturgy of the Hours, including psalms that are pointed for chanting.
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 1344 pages English: 978-1-59525-019-3 Order code: HMPSAL Single copy: $55 | 2 or more: $50 each
Hymn Introits for the Liturgical Year
The Origin and Early Development of the Latin Texts
Christoph Tietze • Hillenbrand
Books • In this groundbreaking study, Christoph Tietze explores the history and development of the introit through the ages.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 328 pages 978-1-59525-011-7 | Order code: HILY $28
Hymns for Morning and Evening Prayer
Aelred-Seton Shanley • These compositions, which may be sung to many chants and other tunes, are for the morning and evening prayer of each day of the week.
Paperback, 5 x 8 1⁄2, 146 pages English: 978-1-56854-251-5 Order code: HYMNS $12
Catholic Music through the Ages
Balancing the Needs of a Worshipping Church
Edward Schaefer • Hillenbrand
Books • This book traces the development of the Church’s music by placing the current liturgical music into proper historical context.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 260 pages 978-1-59525-020-9 | Order code: HCMA $34 E-book: $28
Order of Christian Funerals
Ritual Edition
International Commission on English in the
Liturgy • This English edition of the Order of Christian Funerals has been updated to include the proper readings from the 1998 Lectionary for Mass, proper texts from the third edition of The Roman Missal.
Hardcover, 7 x 10, 448 pages 978-1-61671-422-2 | Order code: OCFRER $79.95
The Funeral Mass
Worship Aid This easy-to-use worship aid guides the mourners through the liturgy and provides their responses to the prayers and readings.
Pack of 50 English: | Order code: EFMWAP Spanish: | Order code: SFMWAP
The Vigil for the Deceased and the Rite of Committal
Worship Aid Danielle Noe • This easy-to-use worship aid guides the mourners through the liturgy and provides their responses.
Pack of 50 English: | Order code: EVCWAP Spanish: | Order code: SVCWAP
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
The Catholic Understanding of Death and Eternal Life Victoria M. Tufano • This short booklet explores the Catholic understanding of eternal life, provides an overview of the primary funeral rites (the Vigil, Funeral Liturgy, and Committal), and offers practical ways we can remember those who have died.
Saddlestitched, 4-1⁄4 x 5-1⁄2, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-426-0 | Order code: EDNL Spanish: 978-1-61671-429-1 | Order code: SDNL Single copy: $2 | 2-49 copies: $1.50 each | 50 or more: $1 each
Eternal Rest in the Lord
Preparing the Liturgy of the Word at Catholic Funerals
Various authors including Paul H. Colloton, osfs and Mary G. Fox •
Designed to simplify the process and provide hope for salvation, this resource guides families through each of the possible Scripture readings that may be selected for a Catholic funeral Mass.
Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 128 pages English: 978-1-61671-424-6 | Order code: EERL Spanish: 978-1-61671-438-3 | Order code: SERL 1-9 copies: $4 each | 10-74 copies: $3.50 each 75 or more: $2.50 each E-book: $4
Guide for Celebrating Funerals
Various authors including Joseph
DeGrocco and Bruce T. Morrill, sj • This resource provides parish staffs with a thorough process and guidance for preparing a Catholic funeral from selecting prayer texts to ways the parish can be a source of strength and hope.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 176 pages English: 978-1-61671-291-4 | Order code: EGCF Spanish: 978-1-61671-562-5 | Order code: SGCF 1-2 copies: $9.95 each | 3 or more: $8.95 each E-book: $6.95
Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc • Baptismal Ecclesiology and the Order of Christian Funerals grounds scholars and liturgists in the relationship of the theology of Baptism to death. Such an appreciation for the baptismal dignity of all Christians aids in the recognition that the dead continue to have a role in the Body of Christ.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 224 pages 978-1-61671-443-7 | Order code: BECF $21.95
A Sourcebook about Christian Death
Compiled by Virginia Sloyan • Meditate on death, heaven, rest, pilgrimage, and resurrection with this beautiful compilation of Scriptures, prayers, poetry, fiction, and songs.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages English: 978-0-929650-09-8 | Order code: DEATH $18
Now and at the Hour of Our Death
Instructions Concerning My Death and Funeral, Revised Edition Peter Gilmour and David A. Lysik • Use this book to provide your loved ones with reflective and informed instructions regarding medical, financial, and legal endof-life issues.
Paperback, 7 x 10, 72 pages English: 978-1-56854-286-7 | Order code: HOUR2 1-49 copies: $5 each | 50-299 copies: $3.50 each 300 or more: $2 each
Facing Death Together
Parish Funerals Margaret Smith • This accessible resource offers a practical guide for parish leaders as they minister to the dying, care for the dead, and comfort those who mourn.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 176 pages 978-1-56854-176-1 | Order code: FUNRAL $15.95
The Book of the Names of the Dead / Libro con los nombres de los difuntos
Carefully prepared to be beautiful and worthy of its task, this bilingual book will serve as a place to honor the deceased and record their names.
Hardcover, 9 x 12, 128 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-56854-802-9 Order code: BBKD $69.95
The Book of the Names of the Dead, Second Edition
This beautifully bound volume features a gold embossed cover, quotes from Scripture, and ample pages for recording the names of the dead.
Hardcover, 9 x 12, 128 pages English: 978-1-56854-258-4 Order code: BKD2 $72.95
El día de los muertos
Heliodoro Lucatero • Liguori
Publications • In this pamphlet, the author helps us to appreciate how Hispanic cultures see death as a continuation of life.
Paperback, 4 1⁄8 x 5 7⁄8, 64 pages Spanish: 978-0-7648-0779-4 | Order code: SELDIA
Novenario para los difuntos
Misioneros Redentoristas • Liguori
Publications • Novenario para los difuntos contains a short service and includes prayers for healing memories and dealing with sorrow after losing a loved one.
Paperback, 64 pages Spanish: 978-0-7648-1248-4 Order code: SNOVDI $5.99
Preaching The Funeral Homily
Proclaiming The Gospel of Heavenly Hope
Rev. R.C. Sonefeld • Resource
Publications • These 18 model homilies will help preachers prepare funeral homilies more easily and deliver them more effectively.
Paperback, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, 158 pages 978-0-89390-480-5 | Order code: PFH $20.95
From Mass to Mission
Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Children Joyce Donahue • An insightful and age-appropriate resource about the Mass for children from grades four to seven. Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 48 pages English: 978-1-61671-298-3 | Order code: FMMC 1-24 copies: $3 each | 25-49 copies: $2.50 each 50-299 copies: $1.50 each | 300 or more: $1 each
From Mass to Mission
Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Children Leader’s Guide Joyce Donahue • The DVD-ROM provides downloadable materials to help parish catechists and teachers enhance their lessons and teach children about the Mass.
Book with disk, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 32 pages 978-1-61671-299-0 | Order code: FMMCL $22.95
From Mass to Mission
Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Teens Trish Sullivan Vanni • The perfect supplement to high school religion classes, Confirmation preparation, and parish youth programs, this resource provides an understanding and exploration of the parts of the Mass.
Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 48 pages English: 978-1-61671-296-9 | Order code: FMMT 1-24 copies: $3 each | 25-49 copies: $2.50 each 50-299 copies: $1.50 each | 300 or more: $1 each E-book: $2.50
From Mass to Mission
Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Teens Leader’s Guide Trish Sullivan Vanni • The DVD-ROM provides those who minister to teens with the tools for leading effective formation and catechetical sessions about the Mass.
Book with disk, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-297-6 | Order code: FMMTL $22.95
From Mass to Mission
Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life
Trish Sullivan Vanni, Paul
Turner • Designed for adult formation groups, this insightful resource provides an exploration of the Mass and its importance in our life of faith and Christian discipleship. Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 48 pages English: 978-1-61671-300-3 | Order code: FMM 1-24 copies: $3 each | 25-49 copies: $2.50 each 50-299 copies: $1.50 each | 300 or more: $1 each E-book: $2.50
De la misa a la misión
La misa y su significado para nuestra vida cristiana
Trish Sullivan Vanni and
Paul Turner • This resource explores the parts of the Mass in a deeper way, helping you to better appreciate the meaning of the prayers, responses, acclamations, gestures, signs, and symbols. De la misa a la misón will inspire you to be more actively and consciously involved in the Mass and in the world as Christ’s disciples. Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 48 pages Spanish: 978-1-61671-357-7 | Order code: SFMM 1-24 copies: $3 each | 25-49 copies: $2.50 each 50-299 copies: $1.50 each | 300 or more: $1 each
From Mass to Mission
Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life Leader’s Guide Trish Sullivan Vanni • The DVD-ROM will help adult faith formation leaders lead effective formation sessions and discussions on the liturgy and encourage deeper reflection on the Mass.
Book with disk, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-301-0 | Order code: FMML Spanish: 978-1-61671-358-4 | Order code: SFMML
$22.95 The Liturgy
The Source and Summit of Our Christian Life Corinna Laughlin • This easy-to-read resource explores what it means to call liturgy “source and summit.”
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 80 pages English: 978-1-61671-425-3 | Order code: ELSS Spanish: 978-1-61671-563-2 | Order code: SLSS Single copy: $7.95 | 2-24 copies: $6.95 each | 25 or more: $4.95 each E-book: $5.95
Guide for the Assembly
Cardinal Joseph
Bernardin • Cardinal Joseph Bernardin’s first pastoral letter makes clear his intention that parish liturgy become the center and the force of Catholic life.
Saddlestitched, 6 x 9, 64 pages English: 978-1-56854-214-0 | Order code: EGUIDE Spanish: 978-1-56854-215-7 | Order code: SGUIDE
Composing Sacred Scripture: How the Bible Was Formed
Donald Senior, cp • Fr. Don Senior deftly describes the anatomy of the Bible, the history of its development, and how God’s Word is revealed through human words.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 144 pages 978-1-61671-272-3 | Order code: LBCSS $10.95 E-book: $8.95
Unfolding Sacred Scripture
How Catholics Read the Bible Michael Cameron • Explore the Catholic practice of reading Scripture: in Catholic teaching, in tradition, and how it differs from other ways of reading the Bible.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 144 pages 978-1-61671-244-0 | Order code: LBUSS $10.95 E-book: $8.95
Glorify the Lord by Your Life
Catholic Social Teaching and the Liturgy Bernard Evans • This resource will inspire you to deepen your relationship with God and with others, to become more aware of the needs of the world, and recommit yourself to live as Christ’s disciples in the world.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 96 pages 978-1-61671-569-4 | Order code: GLYL 1-4 copies: $8.95 each | 5 or more: $6.95 each E-book: $6.95
Connecting the Liturgy with Our Lives
Print and Digital Resources for Faith Formation Kathy Kuczka • These faith formation inserts will help your parishioners engage with the Mass and the liturgical year.
Book with disk, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 80 pages 978-1-61671-485-7 | Order code: ECLLC $27.95
His Mercy Endures Forever
Encountering God’s Mercy in the Mass Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc • This resource explores how we discover God reaching out to us as we sing, pray, and share in the Eucharist. Saddlestitched, 41⁄4 x 51⁄2, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-293-8 | Order code: EMEF Spanish: 978-1-61671-295-2 | Order code: SMEF 1-49 copies: $1.50 each | 50-299 copies: $1 each 300 or more: $.75 each E-book: $1.50
Mary of Guadalupe
Our Mother and Our Hope Raúl Lugo • Fr. Raúl Lugo connects the message of Guadalupe with Gospel values, showing how Holy Mary of Guadalupe is present in the culture of the people of God. Saddlestitched, 41⁄4 x 51⁄2, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-303-4 | Order code: EMG Spanish: 978-1-61671-302-7 | Order code: SMG 1-24 copies: $2 each | 25-49 copies: $1.50 each 50 or more: $1 each E-book: $2
Disciples Making Disciples
The Role of the Assembly in Christian Initiation Victoria M. Tufano • Help your entire assembly understand its role in welcoming and forming newcomers in the faith with this little booklet.
Saddlestitched, 41⁄4 x 51⁄2, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-372-0 | Order code: EDMD Spanish: 978-1-61671-373-7 | Order code: SDMD 1-24 copies: $2 each | 25-49 copies: $1.50 each 50 or more: $1 each E-book: $2
Disciples Making Disciples
Print and Digital Resources for Forming the Assembly
Various authors including Gael Gensler, osf
and Timothy A. Johnston • Use Disciples Making Disciples CD-ROM year after year to encourage assembly participation and fulfill their baptismal mission of helping to form new Christians.
Book with disk, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 16 pages English: 978-1-61671-365-2 | Order code: EDMDC Spanish: 978-1-61671-376-8 | Order code: SDMDC
My Sacrifice and Yours
Our Participation in the Eucharist Paul Turner • Turner explores the sacrificial nature of the Mass, guiding readers to reflect on their own participation in the Eucharistic mystery. Saddlestitched, 4 1⁄4 x 5 1⁄2, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-180-1 | Order code: MSY Spanish: 978-1-61671-232-7 | Order code: SMSY 1-49 copies: $1.50 each | 50-299 copies: $1 each 300 or more: $.75 each E-book: $1.50
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
The Catholic Understanding of Death and Eternal Life Victoria M. Tufano • This short booklet explores the Catholic understanding of eternal life, provides an overview of the primary funeral rites (the Vigil, Funeral Liturgy, and Committal), and offers practical ways we can remember those who have died.
Saddlestitched, 41⁄4 x 51⁄2, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-426-0 | Order code: EDNL Spanish: 978-1-61671-429-1 | Order code: SDNL Single copy: $2 | 2-49 copies: $1.50 each | 50 or more: $1 each
A Is for Altar, B Is for Bible
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Encourage the children in your life to develop a language of faith with this illustrated book of prayers drawn from Scripture and the liturgy.
Hardcover, 7 x 7, 64 pages 978-1-56854-458-8 | Order code: ABCD $12
When You Were Baptized
Catherine Maresca, Illustrated by Nathan Röhlander • Using age-appropriate text and engaging illustrations, When You Were Baptized invites children to reflect on this sacrament through the rituals and symbols of the Baptismal rite: water, light, holy oil, God’s Word, and the baptismal garment.
Hardcover, 8 x 10, 32 pages English: 978-1-61671-496-3 | Order code: EWB Spanish: 978-1-61671-500-7 | Order code: SWB
Patrons and Protectors
In Times of Need Art by Michael O’Neill McGrath • Br. Mickey’s vivid illustrations give life to the saints we call upon when in need, featuring the stories of Sts. Timothy, Agatha, Gregory, and more.
Hardcover, 10 x 10, 58 pages 978-1-56854-410-6 | Order code: PPOC3 $18.95
We Learn About™ Mass, Second Edition
Gerard Moore • Perfect for preparing 7–12-year-olds for first Communion, this illustrated activity book teaches children the prayers and responses of the Mass. Saddlestitched, 6 x 9, 48 pages English: 978-1-61671-034-7 | Order code: EWLAM2 Spanish: 978-1-61671-580-9 | Order code: SWLAMR 1-9 copies: $2.50 each | 10-24 copies: $2 each 25 or more: $1.50 each
We Learn About™ Our Parish Church
Teresa Marshall • This engaging resource introduces young children to the spaces in their parish and the ways in which these spaces serve the liturgy. Saddlestitched, 6 x 9, 48 pages English: 978-1-56854-892-0 | Order code: EWLPC Spanish: 978-1-56854-895-1 | Order code: SWLPC 1-9 copies: $2.50 each | 10-24 copies: $2 each 25 or more: $1.50 each
We Learn About™ Mary and Her Feast Days
Ann Therese Chaput, bvm • This resource will acquaint children with the numerous days that we honor Mary throughout the liturgical year. Saddlestitched, 6 x 9, 48 pages English: 978-1-56854-977-4 | Order code: WLM 1-9 copies: $2.50 each | 10-24 copies: $2 each 25 or more: $1.50 each
A Child’s Book of the Mass
Betsy Puntel, Hannah Roberts • By focusing on the key words, gestures, and prayers of the liturgy, this beautiful book will help each child to learn to pray the Mass.
Hardcover, 6 3⁄4 x 8 1⁄2, 48 pages 978-1-61671-179-5 | Order code: CBM $14.95 E-book: $11.95
Sunday Morning
Gail Ramshaw • Vibrant illustrations and simple explanations will introduce even the youngest children to the words and phrases of the Sunday liturgy.
Paperback, 8 x 9 1⁄2, 48 pages 978-1-56854-081-8 | Order code: PSUNAM $13.95
Children’s Daily Prayer 2021-2022
Karla Hardersen • This annual helps to guide children in schools and religious education in a daily service of communal prayer that follows the pattern of the Church’s Morning Prayer.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 368 pages 978-1-61671-612-7 | Order code: CDP22 Single copy: $16 | 2-9 copies: $14 each | 10 or more: $13 each
Violence and Nonviolence in Scripture
Helping Children Understand Challenging Stories Catherine Maresca • Children often struggle with the Biblical stories that portray God as violent or condoning violence. Maresca provides us with an approach for helping children to develop a foundational relationship with God before engaging Scriptural accounts that challenge their understanding of God’s actions.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8 978-1-61671-497-0 | Order code: VNS $12.95 E-book: $10.95
Praying Together
Ideas for Developing Family Prayer in Your Home Karla Hardersen • Parents are their children’s first catechists and formators in the faith. This practical guide will help and inspire parents to make prayer a part of their family life.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 112 pages 978-1-61671-428-4 | Order code: PRT $12.95 E-book: $10.95
Blessings and Prayers
Art by Judy Jarrett • Delight in the genuine wonder of your children and grandchildren as they begin to learn the central prayers of our faith.
Paperback, 8 1⁄2 x 9 3⁄4, 48 pages 978-1-56854-105-1 | Order code: PBLESS $11.95
My Sunday Mass Book
Receiving the Gift of the Eucharist Kara O’Malley • My Sunday Mass Book is designed to encourage children and their families to continue participating each Sunday at Mass with the same engagement as when they first received the Eucharist – for at the heart of the Mass, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, the nourishment we need to go out into the world and do God’s work.
Saddlestitched, 7 x 8, 32 pages 78-1-61671-491-8 | Order code: MSMB Single copy: $8.95 | 2-19 copies: $6.95 each 20 or more: $4.95 each
My First Holy Communion
Sunday Mass and Daily Prayers, Revised Edition Melissa Musick Nussbaum • My First Holy Communion invites children to learn and to love the words we hear, pray, and sing at Mass each week.
Hardcover, 5 5⁄8 x 6 3⁄4, 64 pages 978-1-61671-041-5 | Order code: HCOM2 $14.95
Oracional bilingüe para niños
Jorge Perales • Liturgical Press
Modeled after Oracional bilingüe, this volume for children encourages prayer across national, cultural, and linguistic borders.
Paperback, 5 3⁄8 x 8 1⁄4, 96 pages Spanish: 978-0-8146-2459-3 Order code: BONINO $14.95
Illustrated Psalms of Praise / Salmos de alabanza ilustrados
Illustrated by Amy Reese • Reese’s beautiful illustrations make the timeless words of the psalms come alive, inviting children to reread and remember these rich texts.
Hardcover, 11 x 8 1⁄2, 64 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-56854-561-5 Order code: BPSPR $16.95
From Mass to Mission
Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Children Joyce Donahue • An insightful and ageappropriate resource about the Mass for children from grades four to seven. Saddlestitched, 5 3⁄8 x 8 3⁄8, 48 pages English: 978-1-61671-298-3 | Order code: FMMC 1-24 copies: $3 each | 25-49 copies: $2.50 each 50-299 copies: $1.50 each | 300 or more: $1 each
From Mass to Mission
Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Children Leader’s Guide Joyce Donahue • The DVD-ROM provides downloadable materials to help parish catechists and teachers enhance their lessons and teach children about the Mass.
Book with disk, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 32 pages 978-1-61671-299-0 | Order code: FMMCL $22.95
School Year, Church Year
Customs and Decorations for the Classroom Peter Mazar • This book guides teachers through the school year offering practical advice on classroom customs and decorating, from Advent to Easter and fall to summer.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 304 pages 978-1-56854-240-9 | Order code: SCHYR $25.95
An Illustrated Catechism
Inos Biffi • Introduce children and adult catechumens to the power of Catholic teaching with this beautifully illustrated guide to the central tenets of our faith.
Paperback, 6 1⁄2 x 9 1⁄2, 144 pages 978-1-56854-612-4 | Order code: ILUSC $22.95
At the Empty Tomb Poster
Art by Laura James • Based on early Christian Ethiopian art, this lively image from Keeping the Seasons depicts the arrival of the three Marys at the empty tomb.
Poster, 22 x 17 814-80501-019-1 | Order code: KSPET $5
Holy Family Poster
Hang this inspirational poster in your home or office to inspire reflection and prayer throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons year after year.
Poster, 22 x 17 English: 814-80501-018-4 | Order code: KSPHF $5
Our Father Activity Sheet
This colorful fill-in-the-blank activity sheet will help both children and catechumens to learn the Our Father.
Unbound or Loose Sheets, 8 1⁄2 x 11 English: 978-1-56854-832-6 | Order code: OFAS Pack of 16 1-4 packs: $10 each | 5-24 packs: $8 each 25 or more: $5 each
Bilingual Our Father Poster
Hang this beautifully illustrated, doublesided poster in your classroom to help children learn the Lord’s Prayer in both English and Spanish.
Poster Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-56854-828-9 Order code: BOFP $5
Know Your Catholic Faith
This thoughtfully designed folder will help both children in the primary grades and people who are journeying in the Christian initiation process learn basic prayers and tenets of the faith.
Folder, 9 x 12 English: Order code: KYCFF2 Spanish: Order code: SKYCFF2
Children’s Daily Prayer 2021-2022
Karla Hardersen • This annual helps to guide children in schools and religious education in a daily service of communal prayer that follows the pattern of the Church’s Morning Prayer.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 368 pages English: 978-1-61671-612-7 | Order code: CDP22 Single copy: $16 | 2-9 copies: $14 each | 10 or more: $13 each
Blessings and Prayers through the Year
A Resource for School and Parish Elizabeth McMahon Jeep • This beautifully illustrated collection of prayers, blessings, and rituals includes two CDROMs with vocal instruction and musical accompaniment.
Book with disk, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 256 pages 978-1-56854-369-7 | Order code: CLASS Single copy: $49.95 | 2 or more: $44.95 each
Preparing Masses with Children
15 Easy Steps Robert W. Piercy, Jr. • Through a simple, 15-step process, Piercy outlines how teachers can involve their students in every phase of liturgical preparation.
Paperback, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 96 pages 978-1-61671-049-1 | Order code: PMC $13.95
Year of Grace 2022
Tracy Rodenborn; illustrated by James
B. Janknegt • Count the days and weeks of this liturgical year, reflecting on the works of mercy that Christ expects of all disciples.
Laminated Poster, 26 x 26
English: 978-1-61671-627-1 | Order code: YG22LL Spanish: 978-1-61671-605-9 | Order code: AG22LL
Paper Poster, 26 x 26
English: 978-1-61671-628-8 | Order code: YG22LP Spanish: 978-1-61671-602-8 | Order code: AG22LP Single copy: $9 each | 2-24 copies: $8 each 25 or more: $7 each
Laminated notebook: Single Sheet, 11 x 17
English: 978-1-61671-629-5 | Order code: YG22SL Spanish: 978-1-61671-603-5 | Order code: AG22SL
Paper Notebook, 11 x 17, Pack of 25
English: 978-1-61671-626-4 | Order code: YG22SP Spanish: 978-1-61671-604-2 | Order code: AG22SP
Companion to the Calendar, Second Edition
A Guide to the Saints, Seasons, and Holidays of the Year
Various authors including Kathy Coffey
and Donna M. Crilly • This invaluable resource offers short biographies of the saints, along with information about Catholic devotions and observances throughout the year.