11 minute read
Sacramental Theology Ritual Books 54–57
Understanding the Sacraments of Initiation
A Rite-Based Approach Randy Stice • Guiding readers through the rites of Initiation, this resource explores the way in which these sacraments affect and influence one’s daily Christian life.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 256 pages 978-1-61671-313-3 | Order code: USI $21.95 E-book: $17.95
Understanding the Sacraments of Vocation
A Rite-Based Approach Randy Stice • This resource offers insightful catechesis on the sacraments of Holy Orders and Marriage based on the words, actions, and signs into daily Christian life.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 160 pages 978-1-61671-192-4 | Order code: USV $19.95 E-book: $15.95
Understanding the Sacraments of Healing
A Rite-Based Approach Randy Stice • Rev. Stice’s insightful catechesis on the sacraments of healing explores Old Testament foundations, liturgical history, and sacramental theology.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 176 pages 978-1-61671-249-5 | Order code: USH $19.95 E-book: $15.95
The Sacramental Mystery, Third Edition
Paul Haffner • Gracewing Publishing
Haffner outlines how the sacraments are the chief means in the Church through which God’s people are reconciled to the Father, through His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Paperback, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, 276 pages 978-0-85244-894-6 | Order code: SACMYS3 $31.95
El Misterio Sacramental
Paul Haffner • Gracewing Publishing
El Misterio Sacramental offers an accessible introduction to the field of sacramental theology, providing students and interested lay readers with a solid understanding of the historical and theological development of each sacrament.
Paperback, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, 312 pages Spanish: 978-0-85244-687-4 | Order code: SMISAC
Forming the Assembly to Celebrate Sacraments
Lawrence E. Mick • Mick offers insights into the liturgical aspects of each sacrament in order to prepare parish ministers for the work of liturgical catechesis.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 80 pages 978-1-56854-447-2 | Order code: FASAC $7
Q&A: Seasons, Sacraments and Sacramentals
Dennis C. Smolarski, sj • In this helpful volume, Fr. Smolarski responds to questions about the seasonal celebrations of the liturgy, devotions, sacraments, and holydays.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 120 pages 978-1-56854-391-8 | Order code: QASEA $8
The Roman Missal
Third Typical Edition, Ritual Edition This ritual edition is comprised of high quality binding with the elegance of old world craftsmanship and sturdiness required for everyday use.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 10 7⁄8, 1520 pages 978-1-56854-991-0 | Order code: RM3RE $175
The Roman Missal
Third Typical Edition, Chapel Edition This Chapel Edition includes fifteen pieces of interior art, gold foil stamped cover and spine, archival quality paper, and forty-one adhered tabs.
Hardcover, 7 x 9, 1520 pages 978-1-56854-990-3 | Order code: RM3CE $95
The Roman Missal
Third Edition, Classic Edition Midwest Theological Forum • This classic edition has been designed to ensure that every element is durable, practical, dignified, beautiful, and suitable for divine worship.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 1520 pages 978-1-93604-552-5 | Order code: RM3LE $350
The Roman Missal
Third Edition, Regal Edition Midwest Theological Forum • This limited edition volume includes reproductions of full-color renaissance paintings, gilded edges, leather binding, and gold stamping.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 1520 pages 978-1-93604-551-8 | Order code: RM3GE $500
Book of the Gospels
This beautiful ritual book includes all the Gospel readings for Sundays, solemnities, feasts of the Lord, and all ritual Masses.
Hardcover, 10 5⁄8 x 14, 456 pages 978-1-56854-111-2 | Order code: GOSRE $175
Lectionary for Mass
Supplement The new Lectionary for Mass Supplement gathers the new liturgical rites and expanded readings.
Paperback, 9 1⁄16 x 12, 128 pages 978-1-61671-364-5 | Order code: LMSRE $29.95
The Sunday Lectionary
Readings for Sundays, feasts, and solemnities for each liturgical year are offered in the translation, with foil-stamped covers and original art.
Year A: Hardcover, 10 x 14, 544 pages 978-1-56854-072-6 | Order code: RNABA $75
Year B: Hardcover, 10 x 14, 508 pages 978-1-56854-073-3 | Order code: RNABB $75 Year C: Hardcover, 10 x 14, 508 pages 978-1-56854-074-0 | Order code: RNABC $75
Lectionary for Mass
Study Edition This comprehensive paperback volume contains all of the readings for the Sundays of Years A, B, C, as well as those for solemnities and feast days.
Paperback, 7 x 10, 592 pages 978-1-56854-335-2 | Order code: RNABSE $24.95
Weekday Lectionary
Published in three elegant volumes, this collection contains the readings for weekday Masses, saints’ feast days, ritual and votive Masses, and more.
Volume II, Year 1 Proper of Seasons for Weekdays; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints, 10 x 12 1⁄4, 936 pages 978-1-56854-442-7 | Order code: WKLEC1 $89.95
Volume III, Year II Proper of Seasons for Weekdays; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints, 10 x 12 1⁄4, 920 pages 978-1-56854-443-4 | Order code: WKLEC2 $89.95
Volume IV Common of Saints, Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses and Masses for the Dead, 10 x 12 1⁄4, 608 pages 978-1-56854-444-1 | Order code: WKLEC3 $89.95
The Weekday Lectionary, Study Edition
This study edition offers many of the same features as the beautiful ritual volumes in a convenient size for personal prayer and preparation.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 1016 pages English: 978-1-56854-446-5 | Order code: WKLSE
Misal Romano, tercera edición
Edición para el Altar Liturgical Press • Misal Romano, Altar Edition is the first Spanish Missal approved specifically for use in the United States by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Produced with the exceptional beauty, quality, and affordability expected of the liturgical books.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 1576 pages Spanish: 978-0-8146-4473-7 | Order code: SMR3RE
Misal Romano, tercera edición
Editión para la capilla Liturgical Press • Misal Romano, Chapel Edition is the first Spanish Missal approved specifically for use in the United States by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Produced with the exceptional beauty, quality, and affordability expected of the liturgical books.
Hardcover, 7 x 9, 1576 pages Spanish: 978-0-8146-4428-7 | Order code: SMR3CE
Liturgical Press • This Spanish Lectionary offers the readings from Advent to Pentecost for Years A, B, C, I and II. Leccionario III offers readings for the Proper of Saints, Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses and Masses for the Dead.
Volume I: Hardcover, 1120 pages Spanish: 978-0-8146-2807-2 | Order code: SLECC1 $74.95
Volume II: Hardcover, 1142 pages Spanish: 978-0-8146-2808-9 | Order code: SLECC2 $74.95
Volume III: Hardcover, 1005 pages Spanish: 978-0-8146-2809-6 | Order code: SLECC3 $74.95
Ritual del Matrimonio
This Spanish edition of the Rite of Marriage contains the necessary texts for celebrating the sacrament in various situations.
Hardcover, 7 1⁄4 x 10 3⁄4, 144 pages Spanish: 978-1-56854-931-6 | Order code: SRMRE $24.95
Bendición al cumplir quince años/ Order for the Blessing on the Fifteenth Birthday
USCCB • Celebrate a young woman’s passage into adulthood with this bilingual ritual book, containing options for the rite within and outside of Mass.
Paperback, 9 x 6, 36 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-60137-024-2 Order code: BBFB $6.95
Rite for Blessing of a Child in the Womb, Bilingual Edition / Rito de bendición de una criatura en el vientre materno
USCCB • Provided is the English and Spanish translation of the Rite that can be used for the mother and father, or on the gathering of expectant parents.
Paperback, 52 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-60137-316-8 Order code: BBCWRE $6.95
The Order of Baptism of Children, Ritual Edition
The new English translation of The Order of Baptism of Children was recently approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See for use in the dioceses of the United States of America.
Ritual Book, 7 x 10, 192 pages English: 978-1-61671-418-5 | Order code: OBCRE $39.95
Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-61671-427-7 Ritual Book, 7 x 10, 400 pages Order code: BOBCRE $54.95
The Order of Confirmation, Bilingual Edition / Ritual para la Confirmación
USCCB • Newly revised, this ritual text is the required translation for the Order of Confirmation for use in the United States. Spanish rite is also included.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 96 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-60137-521-6 Order code: BRITCFR $49.95
Liturgical Press • Contains blessings that pertain to the diverse activities of Catholics, objects of devotion or liturgical use, and for different circumstances.
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony
Liturgical Press • The Order of Celebrating Matrimony, Second Edition, from Liturgical Press is produced with the beauty, quality, and affordability our customers have come to expect.
Hardcover, 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, 192 pages English: 978-0-81474-641-0 | Order code: EOCMRE $34.95
Liturgical Press • Produced with the beauty, quality, and affordability, this elegant ritual text expresses the rich meaning of the sacrament.
Hardcover, 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, 192 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-0-81464-624-3 Order code: BOCMRE $69.95
Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum / Cuidado pastoral de los enfermos: Ritos de la Unción y del Viático
This beautiful, bilingual ritual book contains the rites for visits to the sick and for taking Communion to the sick.
Hardcover, 5 1⁄4 x 8, 208 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-56854-364-2 Order code: BCARER $40
The Rites of the Catholic Church: Volume One, Third Edition
Liturgical Press • This study edition contains the Rite of Confirmation, Penance, Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass, Marriage, and others.
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 1118 pages English: 978-0-8146-6015-7 | Order code: RCCV1 $44.95
The Rites Volume Two, Second Edition
Liturgical Press • This study edition contains the officially approved texts and rubrics for most rites and blessings, along with a helpful appendix.
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 496 pages English: 978-0-8146-6037-9 | Order code: RCCV2 $34.95
Ceremonial of Bishops
Liturgical Press • The objective of this ceremonial is to provide a liturgy for bishops that will stand as a model for all other celebrations.
Hardcover, 6 1⁄4 x 9 1⁄4, 340 pages English: 978-0-8146-1818-9 | Order code: CBH $59.95
Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist
Presiders Edition Liturgical Press • This presider’s edition is arranged so that it may be used for one or several days, according to local custom or pastoral need.
Hardcover, 7 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄2, 240 pages English: 978-0-8146-2039-7 | Order code: OSEME $79.95
USCCB • The rite for the dedication of a church and an altar is rightly considered among the most solemn liturgical services. This books guides and prepares you for every step in the process of dedicating and blessing God’s temple through actions and prayers.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 180 pages English: 978-1-60137-586-5 | Order code: DCARER $49.95
Sunday Celebrations In the Absence of a Priest, Revised Edition
USCCB • This book addresses the growing reality of a priest shortage by providing the appropriate ritual to be used in the celebrating community.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 288 pages English: 978-1-60137-293-2 | Order code: ESCAP $44.95
Order of Christian Funerals
Ritual Edition
International Commission on English in the
Liturgy • This English edition of the Order of Christian Funerals has been updated to include the proper readings from the 1998 Lectionary for Mass, proper texts from the third edition of The Roman Missal.
Hardcover, 7 x 10, 448 pages English: 978-1-61671-422-2 | Order code: OCFRER $79.95
Eucharistic Prayers for Concelebration
This ritual text contains each of the ten Eucharistic Prayers from the third edition of The Roman Missal.
Hardcover, 7 x 9, 128 pages English: 978-1-56854-996-5 | Order code: EPCRE $24.95
Proclamations for Christmas, Epiphany, and Easter
Pastoral Introduction by Corinna Laughlin
Updated in accordance with the third edition of The Roman Missal, the Christmas, Epiphany, and Easter Proclamations can be chanted or recited.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 10 7⁄8, 32 pages English: 978-1-56854-940-8 | Order code: PCERE $19.95
Book of the Elect
Inscribed with quotes from the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, this book offers your parish a place to record the names of each year’s elect.
Hardcover, 9 x 12, 128 pages English: 978-1-56854-795-4 | Order code: BOE $55.95
Lord, Have Mercy
Prayer Intentions for Your Faith Community
Señor, ten piedad
Intenciones para la oración de tu comunidad de fe Lord, Have Mercy provides your faith community with a dignified space for recording prayer petitions throughout the year.
Hardcover, 9 x 12, 160 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-56854-801-2 Order code: BLHM $59.95
The Mundelein Psalter
The Liturgical Institute and Douglas Martis
Hillenbrand Books • This complete onevolume edition contains the approved Englishlanguage texts of the Liturgy of the Hours, including psalms that are pointed for chanting.
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 1344 pages English: 978-1-59525-019-3 | Order code: HMPSAL Single copy: $55 | 2 or more: $50 each
Lectionary for Masses with Children
Catholic Book Publishing • This lectionary contains the readings for Masses with children on Sundays and weekdays in large, easy-toread type, with magnificent illustrations.
Hardcover, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 896 pages English: 978-0-89-942065-3 | Order code: CHLEC $69
Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children
USCCB • Prepare for Masses with children with the newly revised Eucharistic Prayers, adapted for interim use with the third edition of The Roman Missal.
Saddlestitched, 8 x 10 1⁄2, 24 pages English: 978-1-60137-233-8 | Order code: EPMC $4.95
Book of Blessings
Ritual Edition Liturgical Press • Every blessing the Church imparts is included in this ritual book, as is information for priests on creating an appropriate setting for each blessing.
Hardcover, 7 1⁄2 x 10 3⁄4, 800 pages English: 978-0-8146-1875-2 | Order code: BBRE $79.95
Book of Blessings
Abridged Edition Liturgical Press • This abridged edition has been prepared for use when blessings are celebrated outside of Mass or outside of the church.
Hardcover, 4 1⁄4 x 6 3⁄4, 640 pages English: 978-0-8146-2089-2 | Order code: BBAE $29.95
The Book of the Names of the Dead, Second Edition
This beautifully bound volume features a gold embossed cover, quotes from Scripture, and ample pages for recording the names of the dead.
Hardcover, 9 x 12, 128 pages English: 978-1-56854-258-4 | Order code: BKD2 $72.95
The Book of the Names of the Dead / Libro con los nombres de los difuntos
Carefully prepared to be beautiful and worthy of its task, this bilingual book will serve as a place to honor the deceased and record their names.
Hardcover, 9 x 12, 128 pages Bilingual: English & Spanish: 978-1-56854-802-9 Order code: BBKD $69.95