O house ( for case study )
Roof house
/ /
1995.07.03 Taiwan . Taipei
Architecture Works / National Taiwan University of Science and Technology / Language > Chinese > English
Chia-Yu ,Liu liuchiayu0703@gmail.com
/ Recognition
/ Working Experience
/ Software
2016 遠東建築新人獎 < 亞洲建築新人戰在台灣 > The Far Eastern Architectural Young Talent Award <SHINJINSEN 2016 in Taiwan>
2016 哈塔阿沃建築設計事務所 實習 hataarvo Architects interships 2017 北歐建築巡禮
> Rhinoceros , Artlantis > Photoshops , Illustrator and Indesign > AutoCAD , SketchUp
2017 社團法人台科大建築系友會 畢業設計聯展 優選 ThesisDesign Third Prize
透過繞道,停留於都市的時間 By detouring, we stay more time in the city. The
間增加,都市將成為家的延伸 e city will seem to be extending from our home.
Residents take in every daily happening
Spaces in corner are urban codes
Elevation of neighbor patterns
Space in-Between can tell you what the pathway is
12 / Daily happening at
13 this section of street
# The daily stories in the foyer of community centre
The foyer of the community centre
/ 選擇不同的入口,進入回家之前的玄關, 回家的路徑增長了。 新的體驗 : 感受街道截面人在裡面發生的活動。 / Before you go home or to work, you can choose the different way from daily routine. New experiences: different stories and activities in this section of the street The foyer of the community centre
/ 社區居民 : 舊經驗,原本買早餐的路徑 / 回家的路徑 / 上班上學的路徑,多了一段空 間才能完成原本的經驗 / 外來者 : 繞道的路徑下,在地舊經驗被觀 看,完成的路徑中多了一段偶然事件。 / residents : original experiences of the pathway are going to increase new spaces. / foreigners: by detouring this pathway to experience these fragments (the foyer of community center), the happening will take place between people and spaces.
/Taipei abounds with in-between spaces. Such spaces are inadvertently born from the incessant diversification of a cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s components-the evolving roles of its urban core.
in the morning : here is a dining car
in the evening :here is a night bar
/He spa plat
ere I want to redefine in-between spaces to the city in mind and design public aces that encourage visitors and residents to stay for a period, we can realize tforms for new sharing and exchange that will connect community development.
Here are more spaces we can enjoy and spend more time for observing stories in the city.
# The daily stories in the kindergarten and the gallery.
# the main kindergarten
The kindergarten and the gallery
/ 原本上下關係不好的地下街,我把整條街 道拉開重新思考,如何繞道,上下關係,左 右側與周遭街道的聯繫 /This original place is the linear park where is above the Taipei Metro Mall. I think this vertical relationship is not appropriate for communication in-between, so I desire breaking this relationship and finding the neighbor pattern in order to get the better contact with people and events. The kindergarten and the gallery
/ 街道上的幼兒園,擋到原先的路徑,那就 繞道,可聽得見兒童的聲音,社區居民將會 是監視兒童安全的最佳角色。 / 街道上面發生的事件,將是兒童學習玩樂的 地方 /Here I set the kindergarten for breaking this vertical relationship. When you detour on this pathway, you can hear kid’s voice but you can’t get into the classroom. People can watch kids in the classroom and kids can learn from this community center. The communication inbetween will happen in better way. / Events of the street are inspired by this interface.
/People drift through the space in both intentional and fortuitous wanderings, eventually discovering things beyond their comprehension.
After working, Mrs. Liu could take her kid from this kindergarten on the way home.
/The creat
sense of here and there, and a place beyond the beyond ted an architectural experience.
Different events are inspired by this interface.
You may have a chance encounter with people or new things on your way.
# The daily stories in the sharing dining , kitchen.
# the main space of community centre
The sharing dining and kitchen / 原本煮飯、吃飯這件事,應該是在家跟著 家人,或者自己一個人。 我想透過共享這件事,原本屬於私領域空間 發生的事件,轉成公共事件,都市的一部分 成為第二個廚房,第二個餐廳,或者可以說 這裡就是屬於你的廚房餐廳,家變成屬於你 的睡覺或休息的容器,而其他空間將在都市 賦予。 /Here I set the sharing kitchen and dining room for showing how the city will be one part of ours home. When you detour the pathway of going home or work, you can choose to stay here for enjoying this city. The sharing kitchen and dining space will be yours second part of your home. By experiencing with people or just enjoying alone at this fragment, the city (the public space) is going to be extended from your home. Your home will be just a container and the city will be spaces that you stay in most of the time. The sharing dining and kitchen
/ 抵達目的地前,看見原本在私領域發生的 事件,卻在街道上發生,透過繞道參與片刻 的私領域事件,或者與居民一起共享。 也許這裡的街道廚房、餐廳,也將構成他家 的一部分。 /Before arriving to your destination, you can participate in this sharing kitchen or dining space with residents. These events had happened in private spaces originally, but here these events become new experiences in public spaces. /Nowadays, the sharing kitchen or dining room will be one part of your home.
/Interior sculpturing the pathway and pathway sculpturing interior
There are more fragrances on the way of destination.
/The field between past and future equally becomes the field between architecture and the street
The main space of community center
# The daily stories in sharing rooms of reading and studying.
# the nursing home
sharing rooms of reading and studying
/ 街道書房,將會是他家一部分的書房或只 是屬於他公共的圖書空間 / 共享書房,共享讀物,不再需要大家具侵 占家裡的空間,只需要繞道進入街道 BOOK GALLERY 使用。 /Here I set sharing rooms of reading and studying in this fragment that you don’t have to occupy more spaces at your home. All you need to do is detouring the way and coming here to experience this space. The nursing home
/ 經驗脫離固定生活模式 ,選擇不同路徑, 回到家,或抵達工作場所 / 新的體驗 : 老人照護,搬到街道上,原本 居民本來就把街道當作客廳,老人的照護直 接在街道發生,社區居民也將會是最佳的互 動者。 /New experiences : this fragment of street becomes the sharing living room. The elderly will have good care and activities with the community.
/To live between architecture and street
rooms of reading
/There is no differentiation between a house and the city. City as a house / House as a city
You can see the signboard but you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get into the book gallery instead of detouring your way.
# The daily stories in the hostel and the rental apartment.
# The daily stories in the sharing greenhouse.
The hostel and the sharing greenhouse / 透過繞道,產生偶然事件,到我們的街廓,出租公寓、裁縫店、我們的房子、 洗衣店、水果行前面,外來者也可以體驗在地的舊經驗,新體驗將是偶發事件 /By detouring, we arrive to our destination, the rental apartment, the young hostel, the book gallery and the dessert store. New experiences happen in your detouring pathway and accidental events define different functions to stay in the city.
/The pathway on your ow
The hostel and the rental apartment
wn will be a shape of public space
The sharing greenhouse
East Elevation
Section stories 34
n S:1/1000
s at the street. 35
/The concept comes from the local floating market. I want to design a shelter in local daily life.
/Mekong River is the main river in Thailand.
/In July to September is the raining season in Thailand, and the main river (Mekong River) will flood and bring the greatest damage to Bangkok.
/The traditional floating market is their residentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; life culture.
/I want to follow this life culture, the floating boat as the market. When the disaster comes here, people can react more rapidly to deal with situations.
/The idea of unit comes from a cup.
/When the whole units are built up completely, these units will be the safest public space on the flooding river.
/It can be one layer or two layers built up.
/Materials: the main structure is local bamboo. 39 (Mengzong bamboo)
/ When the disaster comes, it will be a refuge. /When there is not the disaster, it will be a part of the floating market.
41 /The safest public space is composed by shelter units. When the disaster comes here, this public space would bring confidence to these victims.
/This new campus should be like a village and also should follow the pattern of the city. I want this campus to follow the pattern of the neighbor in order to get fit in surrounding. Therefore, the new campus will be like a village having good relationship with the neighbor. When students come to their school , they would feel a campus as a part of the city.
/The courtyard between Language Center and Creative Industry is also opened to residents. After the class, students go downstairs to this courtyard for having activities. It will be like a village, not a strange campus in this city.
e m n
ai e
alt ith er in na t tiv his ely d m ivid ov ed in -s g ha fro pe m d pa vo th id wa sp y ac to e, pa stu th de wa n y ts g an o d lea to c rn las in se g. s
/F La our ng s ua e g ge me Ce nta nt ti er o n ,e s m of bo t di he es th v o l u e po me te u nt si ia n g lf or a a pat m te or rn e th , w re hi e- ch di m w en as s io e na xp l f lor or e d m . in
/Urban roads extend into Language Center
/Looking down from Creative Industry classroom, there are diverse activities of students and a source of stimulus to prompt subsequent actions.
/A classroom where students flow through like a waterfall Simultaneously being a classroom where students sit, gather and learn
/Four segmentations of Language Center which is designed at this section could make better airy for classrooms.
/Concept: Blooming the life style of Taiwanese This project seeks to interpret Taiwanese culture. I observed that Taiwanese windows have an obvious characteristic that shows about Taiwanese life style. These windows are occupied on Facades that shows Taiwanese need what living spaces and reflects the pattern of these blooming windows. Therefore, I follow these actions of blooming windows for designing Taipei Hostel.
They are blooming on Facades of architecture : Taiwanese usually invade a part of city space for getting more private space to use in their place.
Types of how we invade from our city space
/at windows /at the side of rooms /a space of storing an air conditioner /get one more outer space for this room
/at windows /store a little Taiwanese temple for familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s faith
/at balcony /gain one more corridor at the foyer
/at windows /get a outside space for doing laundry or planting
/The way you coming Taipei Hostel, y
/Here you can experience Taiwanese lif /the main circulation space /Both sides of this linear park are apartments. /The Taipei Metro Mall is under on this linear park.
/divided into two pathways by the main circulation space
/Facades sculpture interior and exterior
/I choose this site(Taipei Metro, Zhongshan Station)because there are lots of foreigners who want to experience Taiwanese culture mostly.Therefore, I desire to set Taipei Hostel here for visitors. 58
you will go along the linear park between the street and apartments, and then find Taipei Hostel obviously blooming on this linear park.
fe culture for a period. You will understand that actions of these blooming windows interpret Taiwanese life style.
the main entrance of the Taipei Hostel /
here is the other entrance on the side pathway. /
The balcony on the second floor where you can view both side of apartments and experience activities with residents. /
/Compact Community 5 units to compose this community Each unit is for 6 people /Unit Unit with two layers : A B D E Unit with one layer : C
/Concept This is the project for 10 families. This place is behind the religion space. When residents go on the way home, they will go through diverse spaces. From urban to housing or from housing to urban, I want to make 10 families compact with surroundings in order not to isolate them in the community. Here is my method that I set the terrace at each housing unit.
/The main circulation is front the religion space and this site is behind the religion space.
/Diverse surroundings, such as a Blue Pond Park, shopping mall, and stations.
/In order not to isolate 10 families housing, this community is also opened for neighbors.
/Housing The first floor is the main public space : Library, gym, garden and parking lot From second floor to fourth floor are housing. /Type Housing is divided into four voids. Four voids are composed of two types. One type is composed by unit A and B. The other type is composed by unit C, D, and E.
/There are scattering terraces in each unit. /The pathway of going home is like a urban tunnel.
/Concept About Tamsui Old Street : This city is composed of history ,nature, and people. /Tamsui was the main spot of colonial history in Taipei. /Here is also a rich nature environment, such as a swamp. I want this project continually provides visitors with opportunities that allow us to memory Tamsui culture between this architecture and nature environment.
/Standing here, you can view the most beautiful sunset in Taipei city.
/I set the pathway which is for biker is sculptured by both side of architectures.
/The main exhibition space (1)
/This space is only for one person. You can enjoy here alone for listening a natural sound in Tamsui. /The exhibition space (2)
/The cafeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;(above) The space for experiencing nature(down) /The bicycle trail is through the whole culture center. /When visiting the culture center, visitors not only come here by walk but also by a bike.
/The tide of Tamsui River comes into this space when the river is rising. Visitors can have a good experience here.
67 /The front view is Tamsui River bank.
/Above the space, the outdoor place can attract visitors from Taipei Metro.
/This project seeks how can light transform into three-dimensional spaces. /Concept : Wabi in Japanese means romantic things become eternal in the moment.
/Light interprets into void spaces
/give a structure in this light container
/The relationship of light and body is constantly under transformation.
(for case-study)
/Turning left to this alley and going through the corridor of O House The depth of space seems to be between invisible and invisible. Light comes from the depth of space slightly. /The corridor extends from urban to O House. / from O House to urban.
/Each of actions in O House
PORTFOLIO. Chia-Yu , Liu 2015
- 2017
Department of Architecture NTUST (Taiwan)
/ + 886 933 762 968 liuchiayu0703@gmail.com
/ keep flexible