Air journal final sijing liu

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STUDIO AIR JOURNAL 2015 SEM 1 SIJING LIU 395923 Tutor: Alessandro Liuti




am a 3rd year Environment student majoring in Architecture. I hope to pursue my career in the industry and eventually become a registered architect. I have used Rhino in Virtual Environment and Design Studio Water and found out that it was an useful tool not only in stimulating ideas but also in fabrication. The example I have shown on the right was the final project model in Studio Water, made by laser cutter.

Besides designing, I also like music. Listening to music always inspire me to generate new ideas and help me relax in my stressful university life. I am also into programming stuff but not very good at it. I was self taught with some basic Arduino programming and found out that even the most complex codes are based on simple logics! Computers are not so smart and they can only communicate with people by YES or NO. I hope by understanding that, I could deal with grasshopper more easily!


Design Studio Water: “The Boathouse” , made by boxboard and MDF

Virtual Environment : “Enclosure”, made by white Perspex


TABLE OF CONTENTS Part A: Conceptualization 6 12 18 24 24 25 26

A.0 A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6

Design Futuring Design Computation Composition/Generation Conclusion Learning Outcomes Algorithmic Sketches Reference

Part B: Criteria Design 32 36 44 46 52 60 68 70 72

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9

Research Field Case Study 1.0 Case Study 2.0 Technique: Development Technique: Prototypes Technique: Proposal Learning Objectives and Outcomes Algorithmic Sketches Reference

Part C: Detailed Design 76 90 96


C.1 C.2 C3

Design Concept Tectonic Elements & Prototypes Final Detailed Model




DESIGN FUTURING “Design has to be in the front-line of transformative action� By Tony Fry

Fig 1. Etienne-Louis Boullee, Visionary Architecture Cenotaph for Sir Isaac Newton


ony Fry has redefined the role of design and discussed the importance of it in changing the world. What will happen in the future is unpredictable, but that does not mean that we should not plan and prepare for the solutions to the emerging problems. [1] The traditional architecture focuses only on the act of designing while ignoring the possible consequences in a long term. However, not acting could have the same moral significance as acting.


Therefore, today’s designers have a greater responsibility, and thinking for the future became extremely crucial. It is easier than ever before to design. The cheap and simple design software gives everyone freedom to design. Digital design is also more efficient and energy saving than traditional methods. It will certainly contribute significantly to sustainable development. [2]

Fig 2. Antonio Sant’Elia, Futurist Manifesto of Architecture


TRIFOLIUM Trifolium Commissioned by Sherman Contemporary Art Architect: AR-MA Status: built Location: Paddington, AU

Fig 3 Interior of Trifolium


he Trifolium pavilion is an experimental project that was built completely by pre-fabrication. The overall form was inspired by the clove, as suggested by its name. It focuses on creating a playful and interactive space by its material texture and visual effect.[3] This is seldom the case in traditional architecture where sensation was often ignored. As suggested by Dr Sherman, the founder of SCAF the pavilion could be a meeting place for the staff in SCAF. It implies that working place does not need to be formal and tedious, but can be full of fun. [4] Each panel on the exterior or the interior differs from each other as if they were shaped by nature. The dark cladding on the interior reflects images not only from the participants but the surrounding environment. The reflection from the gravel on the ground gives


the ceiling a different texture and creates a visual illusion to the participants. Surprisingly, the interior was designed first and the form of the exterior has changed over design stage. [5]This was imaginable in the past where design process was a linear line. It was built in one week. The team would not achieve such efficiency without digital design and pre-fabrication. AR-MA even designed the joints such that the panels can fit perfectly together. Digital design allows only 1 mm tolerance and ensures the stabilization of the structure by strength monitoring. [6] The project has successfully proven that digital design is a efficient, accurate way to build and provide a platform for bold ideas.

Fig 4 Exterior of Trifolium

Fig 6 LED lights

Fig 5 Construction of Trifolium

Fig 7 Light projection on the ceiling


GOOGLE HEADQUATERS Google Headquarters Architect: Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) & Heatherwick Studio Status: Under Planning Location: Mount View, California, US

Fig 8 Rendering view of one of the blocks


he New Google Headquarters in the beautiful site Mound View consist of 4 huge canopies that create separated enclosed environment. It has river, trees, park , working environment that become a small ecosystem itself with the glass fiber membrane canopy skin that allows rains and sunlight. [7]

Fig 9

from its architecture and prove that technology and nature do not always go against each other.

Ingels argues that our world is overly planned, a freeform and flexible environment could be more stimulating factor in our urban life. [9] From the rendering images released by Google, the headquater aims to create an environment, not the The spokeperson at Google pointed out that the building itself. Instead, buildings are made with future working space will be flexible. Therefore the light color that almost blend into the green space idea of the project is that buildings are made with that surrounds it. movable blocks that provide a flexible working environment such that employees do not need The project shows the strong concept of how the to travel, [8]this will reduce the carbon emission architects think about the future: architecture brought by vehicles and saving time from travelshould no longer override nature and make itself ing. distinct and isolated. It should contribute to the environment as a whole. In return, nature will Google as the innovating engine in modern tech- grant us a more comfortable and stimulating envinology, wants to show its connection to nature ronment both for working and leisure. 12

Fig 10 Mound View site


DESIGN COMPUTATION Computers can provide rational ability while human can provide creativity. by Yehuda Kalay

Fig 11 Panoramic alpine urbanism



he design process has changed throughout history. In the past, designers set one goal in the project and propose solutions to the goal, neither the goal nor the solutions are analyzed. The design process has turned from linear to a complicated pattern. It involves analysis, synthesis and communication through digital models. The design stages can be repeated if needed. [10]

Computation provide a platform for a more efficient problem solving process, it generates problems during the process and create stimulation to architects’ imagination. The development in digital technology allows architecture to take more audacious forms by pre fabrication and by use of new materials. [11] Most visionary architecture in history can now be realized through computation which was largely restricted in the past due to technology deficiency. There is never an obvious relationship between function and form, but there is a relationship between performance and form, computation allows this to happen in a most efficient way.


NAC National Aquatics Center (Water Cube) Architect: PTW (Australia) Engineer: Ove Arup in partnership with China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) Status: Built Location: Beijing, China


he water cube idea of the building was developed from the “Weaire-Phelan structure” where using recurring patterns of polygons found in natural atoms to create a 3 dimensional space of minimized deficiency. [12] It was also influenced by Frei Otto’s study in soap bubble structure as the exterior material of the building, tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) was used to mimic the inflatable surface of bubbles. [13] The ETFE was produced by the German company Vector-Foiltec and the Chinese company Yuanda Group of Shenyang. [14] As the design and construction of the building are carried by both Australian team and the local team, multinational collaboration and multicultural communication became crucial in this project. The arrangement of the polygons are absolutely


organic and random, it takes thousands times of adjustments to achieve the final results. It is never possible without computational design. The variations of the pattern can be easily achieved and digitally modelled with parametric design software such as grasshopper. By changing the parameters, the lighting effect, thermal control , humidity control and views can be optimized to maximise the material’s ability. Computational design almost allows maximum control over the design process. The organic load bearing system also allows 30% less steel to be used than the ordinary column and beam structure. [15]The strength and loading bearing ability can be monitored by computing in the most efficient way. Arup claimed that it saved $10 million dollar compared to the traditional design method. [16]

Fig 12 Structural Composition of the Watercube

Fig 13 The Watercube


SAHMRI South Australian Health And Medical Research Institute Architect: Woods Bagot Status: completed Location: Adelaide, AU

Fig 14

Fig 15


s it is a medical research institute, the labs need to provide a higher standard in its thermal control, hygiene level for its research and experiment environment. Therefore, the architect had worked closely with lab design specialist and engineers to optimize the building’s performance through digital monitoring and analysis. [17] The building was designed through parametric software grasshopper. The main feature of the building is its sunshade system with a gradual and complex variation that could never be achieved without computational technology. The building is an excellent example of “ form follows performance”,[18] a new understanding of modern architecture that has shifted from Louis Sullivan ‘s “form follows function” where the modern architects has already excelled in practise. Each angle of the sunshade “blade” was measured to allow maximum thermal comfort in the interior as a result of digital modelling.[19] 18

Fig 16

Fig 17

Fig 18



rchitecture has shift from composition to generation today. Traditional architecture used to be based on certain grammars and laws, without considering it as a problem solving process. It is a different time that our technology is so advanced we are no longer considering architecture as an individual object. Despite the problems solving process, human wants to know more about what is beyond control. We use computational design to control the situation but there is still issues that we can never predict.


Fig 19 The algorithmically-generated 3D constructs


CAYAN TOWER Cayan Tower/Infinity Tower Architect: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), Chicago Status: completed Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates


he building consists of 73 storeys with each floor rotate approximately 1.2 degree from the floor below and achieved a 90 degree rotation on its top floor by the central axis. All the service pipes, electric, gas, water are located in the central core such that facilities can be distributed evenly. [20] Most skyscrapers have the problems of resisting wind force. The building was made in a twisted form to reduce such effect. [21] In the picture, it shows how the building respond to wind deflection and wind torque force. The whole design process was monitored and the prediction of potential future hazards. The Infinity Tower was developed by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). It is a useful tool in solving problems by algorithm. By giving the boundary and material of a solid, FEA analyze and calculate the resulting stress and strains at a certain point by applying a force to that point. [22] FEA also gives feedback on the right equation and functions to use in solving problems.[23] This technology allows architects and engineers to achieve the best result of the building with almost total control in analyzing.

Fig 20 The Cayan Tower


Fig 21 Facade of the Cayan Tower

Fig 22 Wind deflection analysis

Fig 23 Structure distribution


ELEPHANT HOUSE The Elephant House, Copenhagen Zoo Architect: Foster and Partners Status: completed Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Fig 25 Physical model

Fig 24 Tree leaves pattern


he project involves a collaboration between different disciplines. The architects, the Special Modeling Group (SMG) as consultant, the environmental specialists work together for the architects’ first zoological project. [24]

The team first built the physical model to explore the desired geometries (Fig 25). With the help of SMG, the team then developed the geometry in digital software and keep changing the strategies along the design process to achieve the best outcome of structure and the glazing system. [25] The team then invited the environmental specialists who know better about elephant behaviors and the ecosystem than the architects as consultant. 24

Fig 26 Torus Geometry

The team developed the shading system from the idea of nature, the pattern in the glazing that imitates tree leaves was also programmed by the SMG for better performance. [26] The project is a successful one as creating a comfortable environment for the elephants by working intensely with other disciplines.

Fig 27 Construction process

Fig 28 Glazing

Fig 29 Interior


A CONCLUSION Part A research has given me a in sight into digital design, fabrication and today’s challenge towards sustainability. Computation enlarges the human’s horizon in design, and therefore, greater responsibility designers have to their environment. My intended design approach will focus on the ecosystem of Merri Creek and at the same time provide joy to participants. My main inspirations will be nature, therefore, my project will consider nature to a large extent. The animals, plants, human in the area will be considered as well.

LEARNING OUTCOMES I have always thought that computation simply improve architects design efficiency before. After learning from Part A, I get to understand that architectural computing not only improving efficiency of design, it improves the communication within different disciplines, it saves materials and can predict future problems.


ALGORITHMIC SKETCHBOOK The first algorithmic practise was inspired by the Infinity Tower in Dubai, it explores the gradual rotation of each layer calculated accurately by computational method. More flexible forms of architecture could be developed with the accuracy of algorithm. The second practise, explores a gradual change in pattern and height within a boundary. It could be applied to the surface of the building interior where sound absorption is needed. The pattern can be easily achieved by computer for specific requirements.


REFERENCE 1. Tony Fry, Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg, 2008), p. 1-16. 2. Tony Fry, Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg, 2008), p. 1-16. 3. SCAF, Project 20 AR-MA Trifolium (2015) <> [accessed 11 March 2015]. 4. SCAF, Project 20 AR-MA Trifolium (2015) <> [accessed 11 March 2015]. 5. Nicky Lobo, Trifolium by AR-MA (2014) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. 6. Nicky Lobo, Trifolium by AR-MA (2014) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. 7. A/N Blog, Google’s New Headquarters (2015) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. 8. Google Official Blog, Rethinking office space (2015) <> [accessed 15 March 2015]. 9. Google Official Blog, Rethinking office space (2015) <> [accessed 15 March 2015]. 10. Yehuda E Kalay, Architecture’s New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004), p. 5-25. 11. Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman, Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge, 2014), p. 1-10. 12. Rita Bila, Water Cube, Chinese symbolism, the Kelvin problem, Weaire-Phelan and ETFE Technology (2015) < water-cube-finds-common-elements-with-chinese-symbolism-the-kelvin-problem-weaire-phelan-structure-and-etfe-technology/> [accessed 17 March 2015]. 13. Rita Bila, Water Cube, Chinese symbolism, the Kelvin problem, Weaire-Phelan and ETFE Technology (2015) < water-cube-finds-common-elements-with-chinese-symbolism-the-kelvin-problem-weaire-phelan-structure-and-etfe-technology/> [accessed 17 March 2015]. 14. ARUP, National Aquatics Center (Water Cube) (2015) <> [accessed 17 March 2015]. 15. ARUP, National Aquatics Center (Water Cube) (2015) <> [accessed 17 March 2015]. 16. ARUP, National Aquatics Center (Water Cube) (2015) <> [accessed 17 March 2015]. 17. Joseph Luc Nveaux, ‘South Australian Health And Medical Research Institute’, Architectural Review Asia Pacific, 135, (2014), 60-67. 18. Joseph Luc Nveaux, ‘South Australian Health And Medical Research Institute’, Architectural Review Asia Pacific, 135, (2014), 60-67. 19. Joseph Luc Nveaux, ‘South Australian Health And Medical Research Institute’, Architectural Review Asia Pacific, 135, (2014), 60-67. 20. Katie Gerfen, Cayan Tower Opens in Dubai (2013) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. media/940593/Foster_plus_Partners_RD_Paper_Copenhagen_Elephant_House.pdf> [accessed 19 March 2015]. 21. Katie Gerfen, Cayan Tower Opens in Dubai (2013) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. 22. Dr. Jerry H Qi, Finite Element Analysis (2006) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. 23. Dr. Jerry H Qi, Finite Element Analysis (2006) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. 24. Foster and Partners, New Elephant House, Copenhagen (2012) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. 25. Foster and Partners, New Elephant House, Copenhagen (2012) < 26. Foster and Partners, New Elephant House, Copenhagen (2012) <> [accessed 19 March 2015].


IMAGE Fig 1 Francisco Martínez Mindeguía, ÉTIENNE-LOUIS BOULLÉ, Newton’s Cenotaph, 1780-93 (2014) < Boullee_Newton-e.htm> [accessed 11 March 2015]. Fig 2 Lebbus Woods, Antonio Sant’Elia’s August 1914 Futurist Manifesto of Architecture (2011) <> [accessed 11 March 2015]. Fig 3 Archinect Firms, Trifolium (2014) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. Fig 4 Archinect Firms, Trifolium (2014) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. Fig 5 Archinect Firms, Trifolium (2014) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. Fig 6 Archinect Firms, Trifolium (2014) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. Fig 7 Archinect Firms, Trifolium (2014) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. Fig 8 A/N Blog, Google’s New Headquarters (2015) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. Fig 9 A/N Blog, Google’s New Headquarters (2015) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. Fig 10 A/N Blog, Google’s New Headquarters (2015) <> [accessed 12 March 2015]. Fig 11 Computer Aided Architectural Design, Panoramic Alpine Urbanism (2015) <> [accessed 17 March 2015]. Fig 12 David McManus, Beijing National Swimming Centre (2015) <> [accessed 17 March 2015]. Fig 13 David McManus, Beijing National Swimming Centre (2015) <> [accessed 17 March 2015]. Fig 14 Arch Daily , South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute / Woods Bagot (2014) < south-australian-health-and-medical-research-institute-woods-bagot/> [accessed 18 March 2015]. Fig 15 Architecture Design, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) by Woods Bagot (2014) <> [accessed 18 March 2015]. Fig 16 Architecture Design, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) by Woods Bagot (2014) <> [accessed 18 March 2015]. Fig 17 Arch Daily , South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute / Woods Bagot (2014) < south-australian-health-and-medical-research-institute-woods-bagot/> [accessed 18 March 2015]. Fig 18 Arch Daily , South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute / Woods Bagot (2014) < south-australian-health-and-medical-research-institute-woods-bagot/> [accessed 18 March 2015]. Fig 19 Malgorzata A. Zboinska, The algorithmically-generated 3D constructs (2012) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. Fig 20 Architect, Cayan Tower Opens in Dubai (2013) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. Fig 21 Architect, Cayan Tower Opens in Dubai (2013) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. Fig 22 Architect, Cayan Tower Opens in Dubai (2013) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. Fig 23 Architect, Cayan Tower Opens in Dubai (2013) <> [accessed 19 March 2015]. Fig 24 Foster and Partners, New Elephant House, Copenhagen (2012) < Partners_RD_Paper_Copenhagen_Elephant_House.pdf> [accessed 19 March 2015]. Fig 25 Foster and Partners, New Elephant House, Copenhagen (2012) < Partners_RD_Paper_Copenhagen_Elephant_House.pdf> [accessed 19 March 2015]. Fig 26 Foster and Partners, New Elephant House, Copenhagen (2012) < Partners_RD_Paper_Copenhagen_Elephant_House.pdf> [accessed 19 March 2015]. Fig 27 Katy Harris, ‘Ground Breaking For the Elephant House at Copenhagen Zoo’, Foster and Partners, 27 October 2008, p.. Fig 28 Al Hilal, Elephant House by Foster+Partners (2008) < Paper_Copenhagen_Elephant_House.pdf> [accessed 19 March 2015]. Fig 29 Al Hilal, Elephant House by Foster+Partners (2008) < Paper_Copenhagen_Elephant_House.pdf> [accessed 19 March 2015].




B.1 RESEARCH FIELD Geometry Minimal Surface


ccording to the Qin Pan and Guoliang Xu, there are several benefits of the minimal surface technology: 1. Using of least material to the achieve the most efficient result. 2. It has branching ability without losing the minimal surface property. 3. Equilibrium in tension force everywhere. 4. Water cannot stay on minimal surface (perfect for roof design). [1] The minimal surface technique allows least material waste through algorithm generated surface. It has a potential for sustainable design where material efficiency and environmental impact needed to be considered. Fig 1 shows the process of generating minimal surface through boundary geometries, a gradual and smooth curvature surface is formed between those boundary curves by computer aided design. The result of the continuous flow is both natural and beautiful. The structure is also structurally efficient as tension is evenly distributed through the surface. This could reduce the time on experimenting load distribution from the traditional construction method. 32

And it could achieve a closer relationship between design and construction by digital fabrication. The structural efficiency of minimal surface provide possibilities in designing high rise buildings and light weight structures. One good example of the technique is the Green Void installed in the Customs House in Sydney by architects form LAVA. It is an organic tree-branching look structure that serves as both aesthetic and acoustic function. The structure is controlled by 5 loops facing either to the wall/ceiling or the crowd, and given a fixed area of material, the minimal surface is formed by the method mentioned previously. Due to the horn like form at the end of each structure, it exhibits high acoustic performance as it gently diffuse the noise and prevent echoes in the 6 storey high atrium space.[2] Other than the acoustic function, the project achieved using only 40 kg high tech nylon and constructed in 5 weeks. The efficiency in time and material could be extremely helpful in post disaster restoration works, for example, refuge camp after earthquake.

Fig 1 Minimal surface defined by its boundaries

Fig 2 The Green Void

Fig 3 The Green Void Surface Analysis


Geometry Grid Shell System

Fig 4 Curvature analysis in stress

The grid shell system is a self supported structure that is similar to a dome.[3] It challenged the traditional structure of a building that consists bases, columns, beams and roof because it is one unity stretching continuously from bottom to top.

solution to this constraints is using doubly curved surfaces to enhance the strength.[7]

The other restriction brought by the grid shell system is that a high skilled carpenter might be needed in the construction as the patterns, joints and connections are specially design with little A typical grid shell system is formed by a two dimensional grid surface that can be constructed on traditional reference. the ground and finally support by the tension and compression force of itself without any extra joints A fine experiment on the grid shell system is the and supports.[4] In designing the grid shell struc- SG2012 Gridshell project by MATSYS. The project used straight wood strip to create this dyture, architect needs to consider the structure namic wing like pavilion. Curvatures are achieved as a whole and anticipate the assembly method though bending of the timber strips. The project in advance. Like the minimal surface method, used the double layer surface as I mentioned predesigning and construction need to be planned viously (Fig7). The Curvature analysis shows the simultaneously. most stressed area of the form is where the wood strips bend most, mainly at the top. (Fig 4) thereMost grid shell systems are made by diagonal diamond cells due to the fact that flexibility and fore, the grid shell system might not be a perfect solution for load bearing structure. stability are required in the form. The diagonal element provide resist to shear force [5] and elasThe construction of the project was completed tic movement to prop up the surface to a three within 4 days.[8] The process was more similar to dimensional space. the weaving rather than construction. Instead of However, the structure is usually subject to buck- creating the surface on the ground first, the team ling because of its bending shape [6], this could built the structure vertically with the help of temporary props such as ladders. possibly restrict the realization in creative forms, and requires higher standard in materials. One


Fig 5 Front Elevation

Fig 6 Side Elevation

Fig 7 Double Layer Connection


B.2 CASE STUDY 1.0 1. Division Count

1: C=15

4: C=45

2: C=25

5: C=45

2. Shift List


1: S1=0 S2 =0 C=35

2: S1=1 S2 =-1 C=35

4: S1=8 S2 =-8 C=35

5: S1=20 S2 =-20 C=35

3: C=35

6: C=45

3: S1=3 S2 =-3 C=35

6: S1=30 S2 =-30 C=35 37

3. Cross Reference

1: S1=5 S2 =-5 C=10

2: S1=5 S2 =-5 C=20

4: S1=5 S2 =-5 C=40

5: S1=0 S2 =0 C=20

4. Input Geometry

1: S1=5 S2 =-5 C=10

4: S1=5 S2 =-5 C=80 38

2: S1=5 S2 =-5 C=30

5: S1=20 S2 =-20 C=80

3: S1=5 S2 =-5 C=30

6: S1=10 S2 =-10 C=20

3: S1=5 S2 =-5 C=50

6: S1=40 S2 =-40 C=80 39

5. Input Geometry

1: S1=15 S2=-5 C=10

2: S1=0 S2 =0 C = 30

3: S1=10 S2 =10 C = 30

4: S1

6. Exoskeleton iterations

1: S=10 R=0.128 N=0 B=0.8 D=1.696


2: S=10 R=0.456 N=0 B=0.8 D= 1.696

3: S=10 R=0.128 N =0 B D=16.281

1=15 S2 =0 C = 30



S1 : Positive shift list count S2: Negative shift list count C: Curve dividing count S: Number of sides for tubes

5: S1=15 S2 =-5 C = 30


R: Radius of the tubes N: Node size B: Knuckle bumpiness D: Division length along tubes

6: S1=15 S2 =-5 C = 100



Selection Criteria

The selection of the project is based on the structure’s innovative ability to develop the brief. The ideas should be simple, the form should be complex and has potential to incorporate with the chosen site. It ought to provide a multifunctional, playful and interactive space that promotes participants’ experiences on the site.

Speculate 1. Division Count This iteration simply changes the number of division point on the input curve. As the division increases, the grid shell becomes denser and closer to the surface. Desired shading system can be achieved through this method to determine how much sunlight is needed. 2. Shift List The grid shell system is made with strips that intersects with each other through the shift list definition that allows 2 groups of points join in a shift sequence. By changing the sequence of shifting, a different pattern is generated, eg. iteration no. 2.

5. Input Geometry In this iteration, I replaced the original input geometry with circles. This produced a column like structure with the grid system. The iteration could possibly applied to a lightweight load bearing component such as internal column. 6. Exoskeleton The final iteration explores exoskeleton definition by creating continuous pipes that replace the lines of the original design.

The 4 most successful experiments of the above iterations are shown on the next page. The first two iterations come from the cross reference definition . The outcomes are balanced in structure and 3. Cross Reference show their ability to vary its number of “tentacles” By replacing the shift list definition with cross reference, the lines intersect with each other more according to site conditions. The 3rd iteration exhibits a symmetrical composition with voids that than once, therefore, more calculations are involved that made my computer crash a few times. can serve as functional purposes. The last one However, with cross reference, the “tentacle” of the achieved a balance in strip spacing and symmetrical aesthetic effect. structure remains distinct even as the count division increases. 4. Input Geometry By stretching the input geometry, unexpected results were obtained. A void was created on both side of the wing. However, unbalanced structure occurred as the shifting increases.




Create the base geometry

Create the base geometry for branching units


By shift list, adjacent curves loft with each other to prevent auto lofting

Loft the branching units

Batch the form into two groups

Explode to obtain the surface


Shift list combination to remove the surface for later joint mesh

Create a mesh surface

Combine the surface

Obtain the mesh edge

Use kangaroo to get minimal surface between the “trumpet� edges


B.4 TECHNIQUE: DEVELOPMENT “Relaxed Surface” 1. Degree of Relaxation







GL: Goal length, factor deciding on how relax the su

2. Postions of Input Geometry

3. MeshBox Geometry 2D

2 branches


3 branches

4 branches

5 branches

6 branches


Selection Criteria The selection of the project is based on the structure’s innovative ability to develop the brief. The ideas should be simple, the form should be complex and has potential to incorporate with the chosen site. It ought to provide a multifunctional, playful and interactive space that promotes participants’ experiences on the site.

urface is


8 branches

9 branches

10 branches

11 branches


“Relaxed Surface� 4. MeshBox Geometry 3D

3 branches

4 branches

5 branches

5. Control Points Manipulation

6. Anchor Points Manipulation

More anchor points 48

6 branches

7 branches

8 br


9 branches

10 branches

11 branches

12 branches

Less anchor points 49

Speculate 1. Degree of Relaxation By changing the factor of rest length, different degrees of surface relaxation can be achieved. However very limited amount of form can be achieved by this method.

Because of grasshopper’s ability to monitor the final outcome through manipulating input geometries without starting the design process all over again, changing the control points in Rhino provided results that varies significantly from the original concept.

6. Anchor Points Manipulation This method is very useful as the anchor points 2. Position of Input Geometry in relaxed surface determines where the form An unexpected form was found through moving stretches from. This could be applied to tensile the “trumpet circle” around, the form changes structures where anchor points can be easily substantially from the original green void, the changed by judging on the external factors such long span structure can potentially serves as a structural component such as beams and columns as circulation, topography, movement and so on. in buildings . 3. MeshBox Geometry 2D The MeshBox geometry is another approach to produce the green void structure by using several meshboxes as the input geometry and set the border of the box as the control point . The pattern becomes more interesting as the branches increase. Complicated organic form can be found through this simple method.

Successful Iterations

Successful iterations are shown on the next page. The first one in the 3rd iterations has 8 branches of “trumpets”, it has potentials to provide a playful tunnel like structure for both adults and kids to explore, the facing direction of each “trumpet” can be modified by control factors such as landscape, sunlight, neighboring buildings and so on. The second one in the 4th iterations is similar to the 4. MeshBox Geometry 3D previous structure, however it raised the volumne Similar to Iteration 3, MeshBox Geometry 3D plays with the simple technique in both horizontal vertically and perhaps has potential dealing with views from different orientation on the site. The and vertical space that could be applied to internal load bearing structure or possibly a maze in 3 last one is also interesting as the form is complex and the structure is balanced, it has a sharp sildimensions. houete comparing to other iterations. 5. Control Points Manipulation




Architect Frei Otto was inspired by bubble formations. His form finding process was based on a series of bubble experiment that explores the idea of minimal surface (fig 8 & 9). In his famous architecture, the Munich Olympic Stadium realised the idea and implemented into a tensile structure that made of cables. The cables are intersecting and connecting with each other by a flexible joint (fig11 & 12). The tension force in the cable and the compression force in the structural column supported the structure (fig 13). Frei Otto’s experiment and the construction process is very innovative in my research area as it informed my exploration and fabrication methods.


Fig 8 Frei Otto’s bubble experiment

Fig 10 Munich Olympic Stadium

Fig 12 Munich Olympic Museum, cable intersection

Fig 9 Frei Otto’s bubble experiment

Fig 11 Munich Olympic Museum construction

Fig 13 Munich Olympic Museum, force evaluation


Testing With Bubbles Relaxed surface

1 face


2 faces

3 faces

3 faces

3 faces

Inspired by Frei Otto’s bubble experiments, I have tested bubble formation by the most basic structure: a pyramid and a cubic frame. The bubble formed a uniform relaxed surface by digging 2 faces or 3 faces of the pyramid into soap water. Interesting shapes were found by putting frames into soap water. A small bubble box was formed by digging 4 faces of the cube into soap water. As bubble does not last long and the form was difficult in manipulating, I then used stocking to imitate the relaxed surface formed by the bubble in the pyramid. Stocking is a perfect material in model for membrane since it is good in stretching.


Prototype 1

From the experiment of playing with bubble and stocking, I came up with a prototype that developed from the relaxed surface technique and decided to use stocking for its great flexibility and ability to withstand tensional force. I used the materials that I had in my tool box for the connection and joints. The 3 long bolts were used as the main support of the tensile structure, the nuts clamped the stocking and served as the anchor point that could move up and down. The bottom of the bolts were secured with a cable locker. While the tensional force tended to pull the 3 bolts towards the middle, I used a cable wire to attach the ends to the ground by hooks. 56

The structure is extremely flexible as the anchor points can be changed horizontally and vertically to meet the conditions on site. Its joints should also be flexible to reduce the effect of wind/snow load. To test effect of external pressure on the material, I applied a force on top of the membrane to see how far it could stretch to.


Construction of Tensile Structure

Fig 14 Linear structure

Fig 15 Edge cable with clamp

Fig 18 Cable and membrane connection

Fig 16 Single hinge base plate

Fig 17 Ball & socket base plate

In the real world construction for a tensile structure, flexible connections are commonly used as they are simple to fabricate, easy to connect and economic. The linear steel member is used to connect to cable and membrane to hold up the structure (Fig 17). It is usually joint with base plate by either simple hinge (fig 19) that allows lateral movements or ball and socket base plate (fig 20) that allow complex movement. Edge cables (fig 18) are usually clamped with the membrane, they 58

Fig 19 Tension rod

Fig 20 steel cable

are not fixed such that the effect of wind load is lessened. The cable and cable loop (fig 21) stretch the membrane and relieve the pressure at the connection point. A tension rod (fig 22) can be used to joint two cables together because a single span of cable might experience more live forces and break under tensional force. Steel cables (fig 23) are strong members in tension that is a perfect material for tensile structure.

Prototype 2 & Construction

Fig 21 Arches to shape the facric membrane

The second prototype used fiberglass cloth as the membrane and the cable wire as the arches. Woven strand fiberglass cloth is good in stretching and often used as a substrate on metal or timber surface. However, the cloth gets a fuzzy edge on trimming. The cable wire is very tough, it took a long time to cut the wire by a bolt cutter. However due to its flexibility, it is suitable for the cable element in a larger scale model for the tensile structure.

Prototype 2 explores the possibilities of relaxed surface in a truss and membrane roof structure (fig 24) in the real world that can be applied to places such as exhibition hall, botanic garden, and open space performance centre.


B.6 TECHNIQUE: PROPOSAL Collingwood Children’s Farm

Reasons for chosen site As I explored along the Merri Creek, few pedastrians were seen in most of the areas. Due to the lack of landscape designing, the rail along the creek gives a sense of insecurity. However, in the Collingwood Children’s farm, families are happy to gather here, because there are activities that both parents and kids would enjoy;

Possible activities on site Dinning, barbecue, dog walking, horse riding, honey collecting, animal feeding, and other educational programs.

Proposal To create a space that provide interactive and playful experience for parents and kids; Functional purpose such as performance, gathering, educational programs for participants through the use of relaxed surface technology.


Fig 22 Site in relation to CBD

Fig 23 The Collingwood Children’s Farm



Fig 24 Site Topography



e Topography in Rhino

The site is generally flat and descend gradually towards the river. It is an open green space enclosed by the river and the houses in the farm.



Images on the right is a showcase of the tensile structure with membrane in a natural environment setting. It fulfills the requirement of the design criteria that I proposed in part B2 and the proposal I mentioned earlier. The layout of the form is extremely flexible as anchor points can be moved according to the needs. The structure provided a space for both people and animals and has a potential to be developed into a more sophisticated and complex form.



Fig 25 The “Giraffe Pavilion� by Harris Lewis and John Harding

The technique can be further developed by patterning. Images on the right is an example showing possibilities when patterning is applied to the relaxed surface. The variation of the shadow of the patterns can be interactive with the participants as the sunlight changes its orientation. Patterning also made it possible for rigid materials to form the relaxed surface, the Giraffe Pavilion is an good example of using laser cutting plywood panels to create a dynamic relaxed surface. (fig 14 &15) Fig 26 Interior plate connection


Patterns of shadow in daytime

Pavilion tnear water

Pavilion in nigh time



Objective 2

Objective 6

From the case studies, I have explored extensively in a specific field “geometry”. This provided me with opportunities of familiarizing with the concept of mesh and surface, the spring and Kangroophysics definitions. The knowledge and practice enables me to develop my own definitions for design proposals.

From Part A to Part B, we have studied case studies with regard to a specific concept or technique. From this I have obtained the ability in research for new materials, technologies and parametric design solutions and able to analyse the results and make the skill mine.

“An ability to generate a variety of design possibilities for a given situation”

Objective 3

“Skills in various three dimensional media” Throughout the studies of parametric design in studios, I have been familiarizing with grasshopper and until this stage I could propose solutions to a given situation using this technique. It enhanced my experience in logical thinking and troubleshooting skills and also helped improving my Rhino skills.


Capabilities for conceptual, technical and design analyses of contemporary architectural projects.

Objective 8 Developing a personalised repertoire of computational techniques substantiated by the understanding of their advantages, disadvantages and areas of application. From analysing the case studies and iterations of each techniques, the potentials and limitations of a technique became clear to me. It informs me in my design process and fabrication for what needs to be avoided and what could be applied to my problems.




Inspired by studio and online tutorial, the spider web algorithmic task was considered to be the most successful ones according to my opinion. By using the voronoi definition together with the cull pattern and graph mapper definitions interesting and unexpected results were created . 70

The uniform and balanced patterns can be potentially applied to architecture. Through the use of kangroo spring and kangroo physics, a relaxed surface can be made with those patterns which is extremely innovative in modern designs.



REFERENCE 1.Qing Pana and Guoliang Xu, ‘Construction of Minimal Subdivision Surface With A Given Boundary’, Computer-Aided Design, (2009). 2. LAVA, Green Void (2013) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. 3.Céline Aude, Past and future of grid shell structures (Cambridge, MA, US: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007). 4.Céline Aude, Past and future of grid shell structures (Cambridge, MA, US: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007). 5.Céline Aude, Past and future of grid shell structures (Cambridge, MA, US: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007). 6.Cullinan Studio, The Inventive design and Construction of Downland Gridshell (2015) <> [accessed 21 April 2015]. 7.Cullinan Studio, The Inventive design and Construction of Downland Gridshell (2015) <> [accessed 21 April 2015]. 8.Cullinan Studio, The Inventive design and Construction of Downland Gridshell (2015) <> [accessed 21 April 2015]. Pictures: Fig1. Qing Pana and Guoliang Xu, ‘Construction of Minimal Subdivision Surface With A Given Boundary’, Computer-Aided Design, (2009). Fig2. DEZEEN Magazine, Green Void By Lava (2008) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig3. DEZEEN Magazine, Green Void By Lava (2008) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig4. MATSYS, SG2012 Gridshell (2012) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig5. MATSYS, SG2012 Gridshell (2012) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig6. MATSYS, SG2012 Gridshell (2012) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig7. MATSYS, SG2012 Gridshell (2012) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig8. YouTube, Frei Otto : Soap Films And Tents (2013) < watch?v=oxeUFVVfVrQ> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig9. YouTube, Frei Otto : Soap Films And Tents (2013) < watch?v=oxeUFVVfVrQ> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig10. YouTube, Frei Otto : Soap Films And Tents (2013) < watch?v=oxeUFVVfVrQ> [accessed 8 April 2015].


Fig11. YouTube, Frei Otto and the Munich Olympic Stadium (2012) < watch?v=K421pXdUPNw> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig12. YouTube, Frei Otto and the Munich Olympic Stadium (2012) < watch?v=K421pXdUPNw> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig13. YouTube, Frei Otto and the Munich Olympic Stadium (2012) < watch?v=K421pXdUPNw> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig14. Fabric Architecture, Tension Structure Connection Details (2010) <http://fabricarchitecturemag. com/articles/0110_ce_connection.html> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig15. Fabric Architecture, Tension Structure Connection Details (2010) <http://fabricarchitecturemag. com/articles/0110_ce_connection.html> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig16. Fabric Architecture, Tension Structure Connection Details (2010) <http://fabricarchitecturemag. com/articles/0110_ce_connection.html> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig17. Fabric Architecture, Tension Structure Connection Details (2010) <http://fabricarchitecturemag. com/articles/0110_ce_connection.html> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig18. Fabric Architecture, Tension Structure Connection Details (2010) <http://fabricarchitecturemag. com/articles/0110_ce_connection.html> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig19. ArchiExpo, Bridon Products (2012) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig20. ArchiExpo, Bridon Products (2012) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig21. Fabric Architecture, Tension Structure Connection Details (2010) <http://fabricarchitecturemag. com/articles/0110_ce_connection.html> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig22. Google Maps, Melbourne (2015) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig23. Google Maps, Melbourne (2015) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig24. Land Chanel, Topography (2015) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig25. Architectural Art In Wood, Sculpting the Future (2012) <> [accessed 8 April 2015]. Fig 26. Architectural Art In Wood, Sculpting the Future (2012) <> [accessed 8 April 2015].




C.1 DESIGN CONCEPT Reflection on Feedback

From the presentation feedback, I decided to further develop the tensile system closely with the site condition and with the concept “interaction�. As the membrane system can hardly provide any interaction between the materials and the users, I decide to adopt the cable system for users to walk and climb on. It also provides shading.


Fig 27 Brazil pavilion at Expo Milan 2015


Collingwood Children’s Farm

The market that operates once a month in the Collingwood Children’s Farm is the major income of the farm. About 60-70 farmers come to the farm and set up the stall to sell their products. During the event there is also performance such as cello playing. My project is then developed to provide a space for the activities on the market day.



Fig 28 The Saturday market

Fig 29 Stall arrangement on the market day


Collingwood Children’s Farm

The winter solstice bonfire in June offers activiti es such as the lantern parade, storytelling, drum performance, fire twirling. The project could also potentially develope to provide a multifunctional space for lantern showcase, dining and performances.



Fig 30 Winter Solstice Bonfire

Fig 31 Lantern parade

Fig 32 Storytelling for children



The project focuses on the interaction between people and between architecture and users. It benefits users such as parents, children, farmers, visitors, and the staffs by enhancing their experience of the activities in the farm. The design aims to reduce greenhouse gas by using minimal amount of materials and by using efficient spatial arrangement .

Due to the flexibility of the position of the anchor points, the tensile structure can be applied to almost any situation. As the site is generally flat, the structure can be anchored to the ground and column with suitable connections that I introduced in Part B of the journal.

The technique can be developed to be a shading system because cables net can block away part Inspired by the Brazil Pavilion at Milan Expo for of the sunlight and it can also be designed into a making the tensile structure as the walking bridge playground for users on the site. This duality al, the users can feel the texture of the material by lows the technique to be multifunctional to cope walking and climbing on the structure. From one with different needs of the stakeholders. of the user experience feedback, the cable net was stronger than she thought, and fun to walk on it. As the cable net system is extremely good in stretching, high and low position can be achieved by using the fixed anchor point.


Fig 33 Collingwood Children’s Farm

Fig 34 Brazil Pavilion at Milan Expo 2015


Form Finding Process

Reverse engineering

From the case study of the National Aquatics Center in Beijing in Part A of my journal, we know that the pentagons are efficient in spatial arrangement because it uses minimal surface to create the largest area. It is also quick and accurate generate zoning of space using the voronoi technique. A series of voronoi patterns are generated on experienmenting for the market and the winter sol84

stice bonfire activities on site. Finally the last option marked in red was selected as the base plan for the project due to its evenly distributed and balanced variation of space. The reverse engineering shows the process of generating the voronoi from a series of points and a boundary rectangle. The final form was oriented according to the site topography.

movement pattern 85

Base plan movement

The ground floor voronoi plan is not only good in zoning, it controls the movement pattern and lead users to different directions of the site. The first layer of cable net system serves as a bridge to direct users who enters the site from the north entry to explore the net system and heading down to the south of the pavilion. The 3 loops are designed to connect to the second layer of cable net system to integrate the two layers of tensile structure. The second layer of the cable net is the shading system that blocks part of the sunlight to provide a shelter space.


First layer of cable net movement

6 large loops are open to release the pressure at the point where the structure experiences most of the tension and receive the sunlight for natural lighting through the loops. The 3 small loops of the second layer of membrane connects with the first layers loops to form a tree trunk like structure to hold the net down in the middle where users are able to climb on it. Live load such as wind pressure coming from all direction need to be considered in the design of connections as it often tends to lift the tensile structure up.

t pattern

Second layer shading system


Workflow Curves

Quad Panels



Brep Joint

Brep Edge



End Point

Base Geometry



Brep Edge


Kangaroo Physics Line

The base input curves of the two layers of net are obtained from the voronoi plan, the loops are centered around the structurally support columns. The lunchbox definition “Quad Panels” were used to create the grid line surfaces and the spacing could be easily controlled through the input UV division numbers. The spacing of the grids depends on the functions of the two cable nets, the first layer of cable net is for users to step on, therefore smaller spacing is needed such that users’ feet would not fall between the net. The spacing of the second layer of cable net depends on how much sunlight it oughts to block. The anchor points are supposed to be sufficient to support the structure and avoid the main circulation path. The anchor points at the loops of the second layer of cable net are oriented towards north to receive sunlight (east elevation) 88



East elevation

South elevation 89


crimp beads & beading wire




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To test out the tensile structure, i have tested with several materials such as stockings, birds net, fibre glass cloth, soft clothing fabrics... and finally I chose fishing net because it is stretchy and easy to trim. However, unlike the real cable system, the fishing net is only stretchy in one way and poor in stretching in the other direction therefore it requires a greater length of materials in the poor stretching direction. A square box made of digital fabricated perspex board with holes was used to test out the strucutre as a prototype. The fishing nets are secured to


the wall of the transparent panels with crimp beads and beading wire, the net was stretched by botls and nuts that secured on the perspex panels to create gradients. The connections in this prototype serves as the anchor points while the fhishing net is the input geometry in my previous definitions. Although, the fishing net is not as stretchy as the stockings and fabrics, and the gradient it creates is not as smooth, I still decided using this material for the final model as it is a better display of how tensional force acting on the net.


By digital fabrication, the model making process saved much time than hand making. The hand made voronoi plate is almost impossible as accurate as the laser cut one. I then developed the main supporting elements for the final detailed model by a flexible connection using laser cut MDF board which consists of a bolted base, two sticks with holes that can be connected and adjusted with length, and a cap with 4 small holes for the wire to pass through at the top. The tensile structure needs flexible connections as movement allows releasing of wind pressure. In this model, the “columns” can be rotated such that the loops can be facing north. The extent of web stretches can also be adjusted by chaning the length of the “columns”.




Making first layer of cable net


Detailed connection at the anchor point

Details at the loop connection with the column




Lighting effect 99

Effect of users walking on the first layer of cable net


Loop onnection of two layers


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