Design and Access Statement
Land to the north and west of Ty Mawr Michaelston super Ely Cardiff for live well
March 2013
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
2 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9RZ Tel No 02920 229 133
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Contents 1.0
Introduction and Vision Statement
Context 2.1 Preface 2.2 Site location 2.3 Physical context 2.4 Statutory Designations 2.5 Landscape 2.6 Conservation and Archaeology 2.7 Access and Connections 2.8 Use of Land and Agricultural Value 2.9 Ecology 2.10 Flood Risk 2.11 Anti Social Activity on Site 2.12 Summary of Site Context 2.13 Planning History 2.14 Social and Economic Context 2.15 Planning Context
Site Analysis 3.1 Description and Topography 3.2 Landscape Appraisal 3.3 Arboriculture 3.4 Archaeology 3.5 Conservation Appraisal 3.6 Ecology and Bio Diversity 3.7 Existing Movement and Access 3.8 Summary of Opportunities and Constraints
Design Evolution and Principles 4.1 Preface 4.2 Process and Collaboration 4.3 Pre Application Enquiry 4.4 Design Feedback 4.5 Reworking the Design
Character 5.1 Preface 5.2 Size Scale and Massing 5.3 Proposed Density and Mix 5.4 Site Layout 5.5 Sequence of Space and Legibility 5.6 Design of Houses 5.7 Appearance
Community Safety 6.1 Crime and Anti Social Behaviour 6.2 Secured by Design 6.3 Water Safety
Environmental Sustainability 7.1 LivEco and Sustainability 7.2 Fabric First - Energy Efficiency 7.3 Aims of Sustainable Planning Legislation 7.4 Inherent Sustainability of Site 7.5 Code for Sustainable Homes Pre Assessment
Landscape and Ecology 8.1 Importance of a Landscape Led Masterplan 8.2 Proposals in Relation to Landscape Context 8.3 Proposals in Relation to Ecology 8.4 Landscape Proposals 8.5 Lighting 8.6 Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage
Access and Movement 9.1 Inclusive Design 9.2 Reducing Reliance on Private Cars 9.3 Local Facilities 9.4 Proposed Site Access and Movement 9.5 Access for Larger Vehicles 9.6 Car Parking 9.7 Manual for Streets 9.8 Pedestrian Experience 9.9 Sense of Place 9.10 Cycle Parking 9.11 Shared Routes 9.12 Road Safety
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
1.0 Introduction and Vision Statement This Design and Access Statement has been prepared on behalf of Mulcare Ball Ltd (the applicant), part of the LivEco group, in support of an outline planning application for residential development on land to the north and west of Ty Mawr, Michaelston Road, Cardiff. This statement is set out in accordance with TAN 12: Design, and Design Commission for Wales guidance. Reference is made in this statement to the following supporting documents submitted as part of the application, as follows: A. Heritage Assessment B. Planning Statement C. Transport Statement D. Arboricultural Report E. Ecological Appraisal F. Landscape Assessment G. Archaeological Appraisals
The Applicant
EDP Savills Corun EDP Wildwood Ecology EDP Cardiff Archaeological Consultancy
live well "LivEco delivers sustainable homes which exceed customer expectations as well as government targets"
LivEco's directors and designers have been leading exponents of ecological house building for many years and have achieved recognition for contemporary high quality homes which achieve Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 and above. LivEco developments are designed to be future proof and provide tomorrow’s standards today- at affordable prices. The Great House Farm Phase 2 site is the first major project for LivEco and as such there is a commitment to building to a quality which will set the standard for sustainable house building in South Wales.
"...there is a commitment to achieving a high quality which will set the standard for sustainable house building in South Wales." Background The application site, previously agricultural land, is the last remnant of land belonging to a farm known as Ty Mawr. Over many decades land has been sold off by the farm owners and this has resulted in the farm becoming unviable.
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Vision Statement The Welsh Assembly Government has established ambitious environmental targets for all new developments by making compliance with the Code for Sustainable Homes mandatory. Currently Code Level 3 is the legal minimum requirement but we are going to see higher standards imposed over the coming years. Liv Eco developments exceed Code 4 as a minimum which means nearly 50% carbon emission reductions compared to the 2006 regulations. Where possible this is achieved without resorting to the installation of on site renewable energy solutions - known as the Fabric First concept. The eco village at Ty Mawr - combining the Phase 2 project already on site and this latest application for 19 new eco homes - is the first major development for LivEco and will be the firm's benchmark for future projects. Therefore, there is a commitment on the part of the firm to ensure that this development will set a new standard for quality, affordability, and sustainability for residential development in South Wales. This DAS will show that the site has been planned to make the most of a valuable windfall site on the edge of the countryside, and in particular will demonstrate an integrated sustainable and collaborative design approach to the site. It will make the most of the on site opportunities presented by the existing historic buildings and landscape features to inform and 'anchor' the new development and promote a feeling of cohesion and reinforce the unique sense of place. To summarise: the proposals will provide contemporary energy efficient homes which are affordable, attractive, and designed to enable the growth of a community of people who are keen to live a more sustainable lifestyle - and for which there is very little choice currently available.
Great House Farm: Phases I and II Development
The original farmhouse, a grade II listed building was abandoned several years ago and remained on the market for several years before the applicant purchased the property in 2010. Planning and Listed Building Consents were granted the following year for the conservation and refurbishment of the farmhouse and conversion of the adjoining barn to a dwelling. In 2012 planning consent was granted for the erection of eight new sustainable dwellings adjacent to the existing pond, and listed building consent for the conversion of the adjacent barn to a dwelling. This phase is due for completion in May 2013 and there has been intense interest from prospective purchasers resulting in the pre sale of several residential units. This demand for sustainable housing in this location has led to the submission of this latest application which will infill redundnat land with housing up to the natural boundary, defined by the tree screen on the northern field edges.
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
2.0 Context 2.1 Preface This section explores the context of the site, the planning history and sets out the justification in planning terms for the development. For full details of the site context and constraints this DAS statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying documents already listed in the introduction. 2.2 Site Location The site is located to the west of Cardiff and is less than a mile from the A48/B4232 interchange at Culverhouse Cross. It lies on the built up edge of west Cardiff and abuts the settlement boundary for the adopted Cardiff Local Plan (1996).
application site site for Charles Church development
The site lies on the edge of the urban area, with views form the north set against the built backdrop of modern suburban houses immediately to the south and west of the site. It is considered that the modern residential development at Ely forms a key part of the setting of the site. Aligning roughly south-east to north-west, the site is formed from two parcels (see plan view below right) of land totalling approximately 0.84ha at the crest of the hill above the Ely Valley accessed from Michaelston Road. The site is near the western edge of housing development in Cardiff (see map right). To the north and west, beyond a dense tree belt, is pasture and open countryside. To the south is the recent housing at Ffordd-yBarcer. To the east is land for which the planning authority have recently given permission for the development of around 80 new dwellings by Charles Church. Site boundaries are as follows: Parcel A North East South
Parcel B North East South West -
dense tree belts and shrubbery dense tree belt forming a barrier along Michaelston Road the access drive separating the site from the Listed Farmhouse and attached barn
dense tree belts and shrubbery dense tree belt banks of a pond and shrubbery dense tree belts and shrubbery
2.3 Physical Context The site is described and explained in detail in Section 3 Site Analysis but briefly the land is redundant and neglected farm pasture enclosed by dense shrubbery and tree belts, roughly level, with the detritus left over from its former agricultural use. This use has long been abandoned - the farm was last worked in the 1950s and was subsequently used for large vehicle storage and repair.
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Context continued 2.4 Statutory Designations
The site lies within the St Fagans Conservation Area (see inset map bottom right), is partly subject to a Tree Preservation Order (refer 3.3) and lies within the St. Fagans and Michaelston Super Ely archaeologically sensitive area. The site includes a public right of way which forms part of a circular cross border route (covering Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan). The PROW can be maintained and enhanced as part of any development scheme.
The woodland area within the western end of the site is protected by historic Woodland TPO. The TPO covers a wide area describing the trees within it as mixed deciduous and Conifers.
2.5 Landscape The site also lies within an area proposed for a Special Landscape Area (SLA) designation. The St Fagans Lowlands and Ely Valley Special Landscape Area (SLA) was proposed in 1999 but has never been adopted. 14
1 Gre at H ous e
2.6 Conservation and Archaeology
8 Springmeadow
It is listed as Area 3: St Fagans/Michaelston-super-Ely. 8
The site lies within an archaeologically sensitive area as identified by GGAT Curatorial (refer inset map).
Court Cottages
2.7 Access and Connections Access is provided by a private drive, forming a priority junction with Michaelston Road. Michaelston Road is an important local distributor road providing connections to the wider area.
application site
Links by footpath, cycleway, and road to facilities and the wider transport network are discussed in more detail in the next section.
application site
Top: OS plan showing application area (red); land in ownership of applicant (blue); and route of PROW (dotted green). Left: Conservation area: application ite shown red Above: Archaeological sensitive areas in Cardiff: application site arrowed Far left: Persondy Lane to the north of the site
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Context continued 2.8 Use of the Land and Agricultural Value The existing use of the land is nil use, i.e. the historic use of the site has been for agriculture but this ceased over 30 years ago. The sub division of the farm land during 1980’s has meant that the land is no longer farmed and is unlikely to be farmed in the future due to its separation from the remaining farm land. The site was part of a larger farm which was sold during the 1980’s for residential development. The land is too small to farm but too large to maintain as a private garden. The site is not included within a mineral resource protection zone and is not of sufficient scale to have any significant impact on water quality, aquifer, air quality or water resources.
what has been established to be the limited archaeological significance of the site. Regard has however been given to the known location of the Green House.
As a consequence, the investigations undertaken have concluded that the site does not have any overriding biodiversity constraints to its development and can offer some enhancement as part of a sensitive development which can be secured at any detailed application stage. 2.10 Flood Risk
Ecological appraisal - trees on the site are known to be used by bats, but this is not in itself a barrier to development. Reptile and habitat surveys have also been undertaken to inform the proposals (refer Wildwood survey). There are no ecological constraints which need to be taken into account other that seeking to retain key trees within the site.
Landscape assessment - the site is not subject to any statutory designation but it is recognised as being in a draft SLA. The site is well screened by existing mature tree belts. The conclusion of the LVIA is that the principle of the development of the site will be acceptable in landscape terms. Subject to two/ two and a half storey development being provided at the detailed design stage, the layout of the site need not be influenced by its wider landscape setting.
Heritage evaluation - this concludes that the design of the development need not be influenced by being on the periphery of the St Fagans Conervation Area as the village of St Fagans is both physically and visually remote. The presence of the Listed farmhouse is a material consideration but whilst development should respect this and allow 'breathing space' its setting has effectively been lost by insensitive modern development.
Transport statement - this establishes that the proposed access point is suitable for a development of this nature and that the sustainability / accessibility credentials of the site are acceptable for a development of this nature.
The site is not subject to any existing flood risk and is significantly higher than the nearest C2 Zone identified within the TAN 15 flood maps. An extract of the TAN map is reproduced below to demonstrate that the site is not subject to any flood risk. As a consequence, there is no need to undertake an assessment of how any flood risk would impact upon development.
The proposals will not have any implication on farming units as the site has been remote and in separate ownership from any farming activities over the last 30 years. The land has been used for grazing in the past but is not considered to have any merit in terms of its size or quality for agricultural purposes. 2.9 Ecology The ecological significance of the site has been assessed through a Phase 1 Habitat Survey undertaken to support the 2010 applications. This has been updated through recent specific reptile, badger and bat surveys. The findings can be summarised as follows: ß ß
Bats were the only identified protected species within the site. There was no evidence of badger activity or sets. No great crested newts were found within the pond and whilst the site includes habitat suitable for small mammals, there are considered to be no opportunities for species such as wax cats, otters, water voles or white clawed crayfish. There were found to be no protected species of flora within the site although the woodland habitat is considered to be suitable for bluebells. The improved grassland within the site is considered to offer limited opportunities for invertebrates and birds and whilst the scrub and tall ruderals are found to offer foraging and breeding opportunities for birds, there were found to be no protected species on site.
Further surveys relating to reptiles, bats and badgers in 2013 indicate that the design of the site layout of the site need not be constrained by existing ecology. The proposed reptile mitigation strategy involves translocation of reptiles as opposed to the need for on site habitat mitigation. No evidence of Badgers was found on site and known Bat habitat can be protected through tree retention. A detailed lighting and construction management scheme will need to be devised at the reserved matters/detailed condition stage.
2.11 Anti-social activity on site The site has suffered from a variety of negative urban fringe effects. The listed farm house has been broken into over 15 times over the last 2 years, with repeated calls to the Police for burglary, anti social behaviour, loitering and littering the area. All the cable, copper and lead have been removed from the building. The site would therefore benefit from greater natural surveillance. More detail is given on this subject under Section 8 Community Safety. 2.12 Summary The site lies on the urban fringe, adjacent to what is now a very dated settlement boundary. It is well screened from the open countryside to the north by a belt of mature trees. It lies in a sustainable location, with an existing access and the potential for a new pedestrian/cycle access to link into the existing footpath network. As a direct result of the designations and context of the site identified above, the following key factors need to inform the design and layout of the site: ß
2.13 Planning History There is no recent or relevant planning history for the application site, other than the recent permissions for the conversion of Ty Mawr and the erection of nine dwellings on adjacent land.
Archaeological Evaluation, including Geophysical Study and Trenching - the conclusion of the surveys undertaken are that the site can be developed successfully without undue impact upon
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Context continued
2.14 Social and Economic Context
2.14.1 Sustainability
located close to public transport networks accessible on foot
within easy reach of local services and facilities
accessible for all and capable of being easily adapted by their occupants as their needs change
M4 -
vbus stop
provided with on site public open space
The map right shows how the site location is enhanced by the proximity of local services including childcare, schools, healthcare, leisure and recreation facilities and so on. This DAS will show how the need for pleasant open spaces between the dwellings will contribute to health and wellbeing. This is reinforced by the site's proximity to open countryside accessed from the local footpath network, one of which runs through the site itself. Within easy walking distance is one of the country's most popular museums.
Waun Gron railway station
Ely trail
A key driver in local and National planning policy is presumption in favour of sustainable development and in particular the provision of energy efficient low carbon homes that are:
city centre
local centre
children's centre community college
To summarise, the site is located in an almost ideal location for housing in terms of position on the edge of Wales' capital city.
primary school
vbus stop
‰ ò ò
district central
medical centre
junior school
vbus stop shopping
Above: Newly refurbished shops in Michaelston Road secondary school to the left
"To create sustainable development, design must include the social environmental and economic aspects of the development its relationship to its TAN 12 para 2.4 surroundings."
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Context continued 2.15 Planning Context 2.15.1 Preface and summary of relevant planning policy The planning policy context for the site is considered in full within the accompanying Planning Statement prepared by Savills, which should be read in conjunction with this statement. The policy context is made up of the following:
2.15.2 Planning Policy Wales' key principles and objectives
Wales Spatial Plan (2004 & 2008 update)
Planning Policy Wales (2012)
There is a dire shortage of housing land in Cardiff, particularly in respect of family housing - the latest JHLAS suggests that the
Section 4.3 of PPW sets out the key principles which include: ß Putting people and their quality
National ß
supply will expire in June 2013 and will not be significantly improved until post adoption of the LDP in late 2015 ß
The weight to be attached to the settlement boundaries set out
of life now and in the future, at
within the Cardiff LP/UDPs is very limited in the light of the sub
the centre of decision making
standard housing land supply
Taking a long term perspective
Compliance with PPW and the support of TAN1 indicates that
Technical Advice Note 5: Nature Conservation and Planning
to safeguard the interests of
sites such as the application site should be seriously considered in
future generations, whilst at the
order to increase the supply of housing land
Technical Advice Note 12: Design (2009)
same time meeting needs of
Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk
people today
(2004) ß
Technical Advice Note 18: Transport (2007)
Technical Advice
Respect for environmental
acceptable in landscape, conservation and sustainability terms.
settlement patterns that minimise land take and urban sprawl
Access, Circulation and Parking Standards Supplementary
Planning Guidance (2010) ß
there is a presumption in favour of proposals in accordance with
Facilitating development that produces emissions of greenhouse
the key principles and key policy objectives of sustainable
gases in any sustainable manner
development in the planning system.
Facilitating sustainable building standards
Open Space Supplementary Planning Guidance (2008)
Contributing to the protection and the improvement of the
Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Guidance
Ely Valley Special Landscape Area (2006)
The Review of Landscape Character Areas (2008)
LANDMAP landscape character assessment
Ensuring the conservation of historic environment and cultural heritage
Maximising the use of renewals resources and sustainable materials
PPW sets out a presumption in favour of sustainable development and where development plan polices are outdated (as in this case)
Detailed Appraisal of the Proposed St Fagans Lowlands and
especially by private car
Cardiff Residential Design Guide (2008)
was outside of the settlement boundary.
Locating developments so as to minimise the demand for travel,
These factors were considered to override the fact that the site
Promoting resource efficient and climate change resilient
St Fagans Conservation Area Appraisal (2007)
Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance
The impacts of a development of a nearby site in almost the same context have been recently assessed by an Inspector to be
Section 4.4 sets out the policy objectives. These include:
The direction of travel of the Government Policy is to greatly improve the supply of new housing
Note 22: Planning for Sustainable
Buildings (2010)
As a consequence of the above, it is evident that the principle of the development of the site will accord with the guidance in PPW and the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Detailed design of indicative scheme has taken on board the statutory and local designations effecting the site such as the need preserve the character of the conservation area and the setting of the listed building, and the need to address the landscape setting. This is explained in the following sections.
Ensuring that all local communities have sufficient good quality housing for their needs
As explained in the Planning Statement, the Cardiff Local Plan (1996) and South Glamorgan (Cardiff Area) Replacement Structure Plan (1997) are out of date and carry little to no weight in the determination of planning applications, some 20 years beyond their evidence base date. The Cardiff UDP carries no weight as it out of date and has been subject to substantial objection. The Cardiff LDP is at an early stage. The SPG’s quoted above provide guidance and have been taken into account in the design process. It is primarily the policies of PPW that are relevant. These are summarised below.
Promoting access to employment, shopping, education, health, community facilities etc
Fostering social inclusion through ensuring development is accessible by means other than the private car
The planning policy analysis within the Planning Statement leads to the following conclusions:
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
3.0 Site Analysis and Appraisal
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
3.1 Description and Topography The site is an area of green field land formerly associated with the wider Ty Mawr Farm and is made up of two smaller parcels with a narrow link or pinch point. The two parcels together have an approximate area of 0.84ha. The site is bounded to the North, East and West by a dense belt of mature trees. The trees which surround the site provide a substantial landscape buffer, preventing any wider views into the site. The tree belt provides a sense of enclosure to the north with an open aspect to the south, making the site feel a natural extension of the settlement. The site lies on the edge of the urban area, with views from the north set against the built backdrop of modern suburban houses immediately to the south and west of the site. It is considered that the modern residential development at Ely forms a key part of the setting of the site. The site is relatively level, broadly following the 50m AOD contour line except the land to the north west which slopes away to the northern field boundary. Besides the listed farmhouse which is adjacent to the site there is a dilapidated farm building at the pinch point. Both of these buildings bear evidence of anti social behaviour which is common due to its being on a public footpath close to habitation and with little site supervision. This part of the site has an air of neglect which is part of the justification for development (refer Planning Statement 2.22). The fields, long abandoned as agricultural land, are uncared for and invaded by brambles. A public footpath follows the existing access drive and continues westwards unmarked to the north western boundary where there is a field gate.
Decay, crime, and fly tipping Top left: derelict building Above : fly tipping left following abandoned farm Right:evidence of break in to listed building Site Screening: Top right: shrubbery separating the site from adjacent housing estate Middle right: tree belt enclosing site to north and screening site from St Fagans Far right: Coppice area to south west
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
3.0 Site Analysis and Appraisal continued 3.2 Landscape Appraisal 3.5 Conservation Appraisal
Environmental Design Partnership (EDP) were appointed to carry out a landscape appraisal.
In assessing development proposals for the site, careful consideration has been given to the likely nature and significance of any effects upon
The report concludes that the site 'does not appear to be an intrinsic part of the landscape which contributes to its proposed SLA designation' and 'the candidate SLA would not be affected by a sensitive development within the application site'. The key issues were found to be: •
the site is no longer in use
the landscape features on the site which are worthy of retention - the pond, higher quality trees - can be retained and enhanced as part of a sensitive redevelpment
the site is very well contained and would not have any effect on views from public places
woodland edge planting can be used to filter views from public places if this was deemed necessary
The appraisal document concludes that the landscape features and character, and visual circumstances of the site, do not appear to present an in principle constraint to development.
a) b)
In respect of (a), it is clear that previously consented development to the south has already had a deleterious impact upon the setting of Ty Mawr, in that it has led to a loss of associated settlement remains and farmland around the historic village. The more recent approval of development proposals adjoining Ty Mawr to the west also serves to underline the extent to which it is recognized that the listed building is already divorced from its historic context and occupies an ‘urban-edge’ location.
Plan of TPOs 1976 3.4 Archaeology On the advice of the Gwent and Glamorgan Archaeological Trust the site was evaluated to ascertain the impact of development. Cardiff Archaeological Consultancy (CAC) carried out a series of excavations at key points on the site (refer Archaeological Report). The remains of a rectangular building in the western part of the site (known as 'the green house') was also investigated. No finds of importance were found - all were from the modern era (post 1850). The wall remains of the 'green house' were confirmed to be post mediaeval.
3.3 Arboriculture As the site is within the conservation area all trees are protected by TPO. The woodland area at the western end of the site is protected by woodland TPO (like the tree belts north of Ty Mawr) - see plan.
the setting of ‘Ty Mawr’, which is designated as a Grade II listed building, and the character or appearance of the St. Fagans Conservation Area, within which it is situated.
CAC's assessment concludes that there is no archaeological constraint to the proposed application site and its future development does not contain remains where there would be a statutory or planning policy presumption against development.
Within that context, the form of development proposed will preserve the setting of the farmhouse, particularly in view of the fact that the layout has been designed to maintain existing views across the Ely Valley, which are curtailed by the extensive tree cover opposite and are, in any event, considered to make no more than a limited contribution to the understanding, appreciation and (indeed) significance of the Grade II listed building. With regard to (b), the assessment builds upon previous work in confirming that the principal focus of the St. Fagans Conservation Area is concentrated north of the River Ely, with the land, where the site is located, included primarily to (1) provide a buffer zone between St. Fagans Castle and village and the built-up area of Cardiff situated to the south and (2) provide an appropriate landscape setting to the designated area’s ‘core’. On that basis, it is considered that the application site is located in an area regarded as being peripheral in the Council’s conservation area appraisal and is degraded by virtue of its position on the urban edge of the city of Cardiff. Whilst there would be an effect upon the morphology of the ‘historic’ village of Michaelston, as proposed by the RCAHMW, this is of limited significance by virtue of the fact that systematic archaeological investigation here has found no evidence in this area for medieval activity. Moreover, the retention of the existing mature tree cover adjoining the site will serve to ensure that existing views north across the valley towards St. Fagans Castle from the public footpath will be maintained and no views across the conservation area, making a positive contribution to its significance or special interest, will be harmed through the implementation of the proposed development.
It was found that the TPO boundaries contained areas with no trees and therefore could not be relied on as a constraint plan when considering site planning. Environmental Design Partnership (EDP) were appointed to carry out an arboricultural survey compliant with BS 5837:2005 (refer Arboricultural Report). Each tree was accurately plotted and graded for quality. Each tree was also given an 'exclusion zone' which was used to design the building layouts. The buildings stay clear of all tree exclusion zones with the exception of two small trees of poor quality.
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
3.0 Site Analysis and Appraisal continued
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
3.6 Ecology and Biodiversity An Ecological Appraisal was carried out be Wildwood Ecology including a reptile survey and a protected species survey. 3.6.1 Reptiles It was established that a small population of slow worms and grass snakes exists on the site - based on Natural England Technical Information Note 102 the impact of any development on the site is categorised as Negative: low. This will mean off site mitigation measures to be put in place based on a strategy to be drafted and approved by the LPA. 3.6.2 Protected Species Surveys were carried out to determine the presence or otherwise of badger. No evidence of badger was observed on, across the boundaries of, or adjacent to, the site. Surveys were also carried out to assess the potential of trees to support roosting bats. Based on the tree survey carried out by EDP (attached to this application), it is considered that works to trees in Category 3 may proceed. If works are required to Category 2 trees, reasonable avoidance measures should be implemented. Trees which are assessed as category 1 will require advice from a licensed bat ecologist before works proceed. In addition to these constraints, restrictions will be placed on temporary and permanent lighting on the site to avoid illuminating trees. Since all trees are likely to have nesting birds, there will be restrictions on development during the nesting season.
3.7 Existing Movement and Access A detailed Transport Assessment was carried out by Corun and submitted with this application. The following summarises the existing situation on the application site. Vehicular Access Access to the site is from Michaelston Road. At the present time the track only serves two properties - the existing farmhouse and the adjoining barn which has been given planning consent for conversion to a dwelling. Vehicles will not be permitted to move between Phase II and any new development on the site (planning condition 10/1095/W para 9). Some improvements would be required if vehicle movements are to increase as a result of development. However visibility splays compliant to Manual for Streets can be accommodated within the applicant's existing land ownership. Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure Good pedestrian and cycle routes exist. When the Phase II development is complete there will be links to Falconwood Drive and the wider public transport network. The existing public footpath through the site is little used but will need to be maintained during and after future development. Proximity to Services The site is well located in terms of proximity to shops schools and other facilities.
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
3.0 Site Analysis and Appraisal continued
3.8 Summary of Opportunities and Constraints Opportunities
Site generally level and appropriate for building
Topography slopes to north in NW corner
Site orients east west and open to the south maximising solar exposure
Protected trees limit area of development
Woodland screening the site to views from the north
Redundant farm buildings and detritus will require removal and disposal
Mature trees create enclosure and an identifiable boundary
Consider impact of development on wider countryside
Pond will form valuable visual asset and contribute to health and well being
Restrictions on tree felling or de limbing during nesting season
Removal of spoil and derelict building will enhance the landscape
Restrictions on lighting during and after construction works
The table indicates the main opportunities and constraints identified as part of the DAS submission and site analysis.
Development will bring into use a site with nil purpose and repair landscape fabric
Provides opportunity to manage neglected trees and enhance tree belts and bio diversity with new planting
Brings back into use a redundant farm and provides justification for conservation and refurbishment of historic features
Listed farmhouse has a 'zone of influence' which needs to be respected
Footpath can be improved and pedestrian experience also improved by providing passive surveillance and views of pond
Single point of access needs to be improved
Footpath and cycle links can be improved by opening site to Phase II development
An area notable for petty crime and anti social behaviour will be brought into use Much needed environmentally designed and climate responsive housing can be constructed
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
3.0 Site Analysis and Appraisal continued site falls away to north boundary
wall remains
spoil heaps
Great House Farm is a C21st anachronism. Long separated from its land, most of it now given over to concrete and private gardens, the old house has lost its raison d'etre and appears to be slumbering, its windows shuttered against vandalism, awaiting a new lease of life. These last remaining parcels of land forming the application site provide an opportunity for the old house to be part of an exciting new development. With sensitive environmental design, the unique sense of place - intimate enclosures of land on the edge of the city with glimpses of distant countryside - can be retained and will enhance the way of life for people who want to benefit from the LivEco vision - truly sustainable homes at affordable prices. approximate route of footpath (desire line) delapidated farm building
significant tree belt
Site Analysis not to scale
Key individual trees
tree exclusion zone
individual trees not recorded but form dense shelter belt
interesting tree overhanging path
footpath site with 200mm contours views
Phase II
dwellings overlook site
gable of cottage significant
9no dwellings
N Court Cottages
listed farmhouse
Ff or dd
Access to Phase II site: no vehicular connection with Phase III permitted
Ba rc er
Phase I
Understanding, conserving, and enhancing a unique sense of place
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
4.0 Design Evolution and Principles 4.1 Preface
maintain tree screening on northern boundary
This section of the DAS will describe the principles that have informed the design, and its evolution through several stages of a collaborative design process, using inputs from a variety of consultants engaged by the applicant, and planning advice from the LPA .
active frontages for houses and maximise view of pond
4.2 Process and Collaboration
natural surveillance of parking areas
After a comprehensive study of the site and context a preliminary illustrative masterplan was drawn up in collaboration with consultants and property advisors (see main plan) and then submitted to the LPA as a pre application enquiry. The main design aims were: •
• •
• • • • • • • • • • •
respecting the edge of countryside location and ensuring that the tree screen belt on the northern boundary was maintained and reinforced through long term management keeping the buildings away from the tree screen - in other words, provide a buffer zone to prevent damage to root systems respecting the listed farmhouse and barns by reinforcing a dividing line of trees and planting which would maintain a degree of separation from new affordable housing respecting the privacy and enjoyment of the neighbouring estate and of the future occupants of the Phase II development currently under construction retaining the desire line of the existing footpath and establish clear legibility for the adjusted footpath route connect pedestrian and cycle routes through the current Phase II site to ease connection to alternative transport networks designing the housing layouts to reduce the amount of excavation arranging housing to enable passive surveillance of the public realm and also parking areas - create 'active frontages' making clear definition of public and private realms with appropriate boundary treatments making the best use of natural features - particularly the pond to provide interest and focus enhancing the sense of place which is unique to the site providing a buffer to the neighbouring housing at the western end of the site respecting potential archaeology on site providing a range of house types to encourage a balanced community respect and enhance existing habitats particularly at the west end of the site where there is a small coppice
maintain footpath and re route where necessary to improve experience and promote community safety
affordable houses maintain tree screening on northern boundary
respect potential archaeology enhance woodland
Phase II development pedestrian and cycle access from Ffordd y Barcer
Preliminary Masterplan Not to scale 4.3 Pre Application Enquiry The preliminary masterplan was submitted to the LPA as a vehicle for discussion (PA/12/368/DCO). A response from Development Control highlighted several key issues which would need to be addressed in the revised masterplan: -
Fig 5.3 Traditional village pond - houses providing active frontage
listed farmhouse
consideration of access widening at site entrance pedestrian safety along Michaelston Road relationship of some dwellings with the access drive ensuring secure parking areas and integration into garden space reservations about the design of housing proposals to the north of the listed farmhouse need for investigation of archaeological remains in view of the proximity to suspected medieval village consider the effect of the development on open countryside and ecology consider the effect on the trees and suggest management and mitigation measures consider the impact of surface materials on rural character
The response led to the further analysis of the site and further revision of the proposals, as shown overleaf.
"Public fronts and private is important to get this right in order to make streets work as places. High quality open space is a key component of successful neighbourhoods." MfS Para 5
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Design Evolution and Principles continued 4.4 Design Feedback
houses redesigned to face footpath and avoid tree constraints
Further site analysis and feedback from the project team, as well as comments from the LPA were integrated into the proposals. 4.4.1 Archaeology On the recommendation of the Gwent and Glamorgan Archaeological Trust (GGAT) an archaeological evaluation of the site was carried out. The results and conclusion are fully reported (refer to Archaeological Appraisals by Cardiff Archaeological Consultancy).
redesigned turning area 19
2no trees removed
The conclusion is that the site is free from significant archaeological constraints. The remains of the stone wall at the western end of the site is to be further investigated but has been shown to be post mediaeval and therefore without anything other than intrinsic interest. Therefore there is no need for the design to be influenced by this constraint.
4.4.2 Tree Constraints Since the site is within a conservation area the trees are protected. However, the tree protection plan was published some 20 years ago and, whilst it was clear that in the original proposals some buildings encroached on tree root zones some of these zones were inaccurately laid out.
The main design strategy was found to be valid -but the decision was taken to adjust the proposals as follows. 4.5.1 Housing Parcel A The houses were reduced in number and arranged in two terraces of three houses. This arrangement kept the development outside the zone of constraints for tree protection. It also had the benefit of echoing the gable of the house on the other side of Michaelston Road - creating a sort of gateway effect signalling the arrival into the settlement from St Fagans. 4.5.2 Housing Parcel B To avoid the tree constraints the access drive was moved to the north which adjusted the position of all dwellings. This also has the effect of widening the footpath margin by the pond which increases enjoyment of this key feature. 4.5.3 Turning Head Using swept path data from Corun the turning head was redesigned also. We can be confident that a large refuse vehicle will be able to enter and leave the site in forward gear with ample room to turn.
• redesign housing on Parcel A to respond to tree constraints • number of dwellings on Parcel A reduced • access drive pulled away from pond edge to provide wider margin • houses nos 17-19 redesigned to respond to tree constraints • vehicle turning head designed
pond drive pushed north to avoid tree constraints
4.4.3 Highways Requirements Consultation with Corun regarding vehicular movement on site led to the redesign of the turning head at the west end of the site.
4.5 Reworking the Design
EDP were engaged to carry out a detailed tree survey (refer Arboricultural Report) and a new, accurate constraints plan was drawn up. The tree canopies and constraint zones are shown on the plan to the right.
4.4.4 Planning Feedback The response from the planning officer suggested that the housing on Parcel A be also reconsidered.
Key Design Adjustments
Phase II
5 4 3
KEY redesigned housing
tree exclusion zone tree canopy
Listed farmhouse
Site Entrance
proposed tree planting
"Early consideration of design well in advance of a planning application is essential to achieving good design..the development of a vision must be established and remain central to the evolutionary process." TAN 12 para 3.2
4.5.4 Detailed Design Detailed design issues like materials choices are reserved matters for this application. However, it is acknowledged that bad choice of surface materials in particular will have a detrimental effect on the semi rural location. Therefore, should the application be granted consent, attention will be given to softening the circulation areas, with the use of tarmac excluded. Materials of choice will be small unit paviors, gravels, and grass grids.
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
5.0 Character
This low figure indicates how much the design responds to the constraints of recognised features, but also is appropriate to its edge of countryside location - the density (like the building height) will reduce across the site from south to north reducing to a minimum any tendency to visual intrusion into the landscape.
5.1 Preface SInce this application seeks outline permission with design as a reserved matter the information given in this section is indicative only. However, it is important that certain principles for the development building height, scale, massing and density, and to a lesser extent materials and appearance - are established to provide a reference document which will inform and influence the detail design at the next stage. This following text describes how the proposed indicative masterplan responds to the site and its character.
5.4 Site Layout 5.4.1 Orientation
Fig 5.3 Surface design of estate housing on Ffordd y Barcer
5.2 Size Scale and Massing The site is given its name and character by the listed farmhouse and barn which have a live permission for conversion to two dwellings. The site to the west is flanked on the south side by predominantly 3 and 4 bedroomed detached two storey houses set in semi mature planted streets in the form of cul de sacs and mews style street patterns.
The architectural design of the neighbouring estate housing succeeds only in caricaturing perceived stylistic precedents - mock tudor or half timber framed gables are not convincing. However, the precedent of two storey housing with a scattering of single storey garages is appropriate and there is no need to propose anything different in terms of scale in the proposed development. It is important that the new development phase of housing continues with the established architectural language of Phase II. The design of the dwellings will be simple - two storey 3/4 bed units with pitched roofs - so that the roofscape from a distance will be low key, in keeping with the surrounding area, and avoid unneighbourly overlooking. .
Where possible dwellings have been oriented to optimise passive solar gain and exposure to roof planes which may in future be fitted with pv cells and/or solar hot water collectors. Whilst the Liv Eco Fabric First concept does not rely on south facing buildings it is desirable for quality of life to have well lit habitable rooms with large south facing windows and smaller north facing windows. It is interesting to note that the original farmhouse almost certainly was oriented towards the south. The historic building study (Gillard Associates 2009) provides evidence that the re orientation of its principal elevation towards the north was carried out later in the building's development as a form of 'gentrification' and is highly unusual in buildings of this type. In this sense the new dwellings will find a site precedent which is many centuries old. 5.4.2 Topography The topography of the whole site is relatively level along the proposed access drive, with a gentle fall away to the north. This is reflected in the site layout, with the dwellings shown with wide frontage and shallow depth running along the level contour parallel to the drive. Dwellings which run at right angles to this are smaller so that the amount of excavation is reduced at level changes.
Fig 5.1 Line drawing of Listed Farmhouse: vandalism has resulted in building being hoarded pending conservation works
The rectilinear layout is therefore informed by the site topography and orientation and refects traditional street layouts which followed generally similar principles. It is also worth mentioning that there is documentary evidence (although no archaeological evidence) to support a track leading to the old mediaeval village of Michaelston. The natural course of the track would have followed a similar route as that proposed in this application.
Fig 5.4 Architectural treatment on Phase II development 5.3 Proposed Density and Mix The density of the neighbouring development to the south is around 30 dwellings per hectare. It would be inappropriate to propose a development which would be any more dense given the number of protected trees contained within it. Fig 5.2 Residential development on Ffordd y Barcer : two storey development of 3/4 bed houses at a density of around 30 houses per hectare. Ty Mawr is shown top right.
The number of dwellings proposed in this application is therefore restricted to 19 on a site of approximately 0.84ha which translates to a density of around 15 dwellings per hectare.
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Character continued 5.5 Sequence of Space and Legibility
5.6 Design of Houses
The development is intended to be a series of housing clusters linked by the route of an established footpath or byway. These clusters are arranged around spaces and features, either naturally occurring or generated by design, which will help to provide identity and reinforce the special sense of place.
The dwellings on Parcel A are shown as small two bed terraced houses arranged in two clusters. These are narrower frontage and deeper plan, and reflect the form of workers cottages which might have been associated with a working farm.
Repetition in housing design is the enemy of identity, and leads to confusion when navigating the public realm. The neighbouring estate is a good example of how the lack of features or foci and repetitive use of cul de sacs results in a sense of faceless housing and endless suburbia. This is easily avoided on the application site since it is modest in size diversity is not difficult to achieve - but the site benefits from a clear entry and egress, and makes best use of the opportunities already identified in the context appraisal. Starting at the eastern end, Michaelston Road, a point of arrival from the countryside into the settlement is implied by reflecting the gable end of No1 Court Cottages with a similar gable to the new row of terraced cottages on the site.
The houses on this part of the site have been designed to maximise the benefit from the open views and space (waterbodies are well known to have health giving benefits) by their wide frontages and south facing aspect. (see sketch)
The dwellings on Parcel B are larger three bed houses with broader frontages and shallower plans. In keeping with precedent locally the facades are fairly close to the access drive, with minimal front gardens enclosed by walls. Parking is arranged at the back of the plots, in garages or open parking bays. In this way the character of the development will not be dominated by garage doors and car parking which can spoil the appearance of modern housing estates. Occasionally a dwelling presents its gable to the drive and this helps to define the cluster and provide some diversity and interest to the group by opening up vistas. 5.7 Appearance
"a contextual approach should prohibit contemporary design"
TAN 12 para 4.9
The design of the individual buildings should reflect their genesis in the 21st Century and not be over-influenced by the St Fagans conservation area which is sufficiently removed from the site to make the inclusion of houses with heritage cottage features a pastiche architectural approach - in our view this would be out of kilter with design guidance contained within TAN 12. The 1990s housing estate to the south, in red concrete brick and tile pseudo-vernacular styling does not have any relevance locally and is not of sufficient architectural quality to be a precedent. The site entrance itself is clearly identifiable, and a sense of history is quickly established by the stone walls and sight of the listed farmhouse and barn. Opposite, a new row of terraced cottages is almost concealed by an island of trees and shrubs. These have been sited to address one of the points at the pre application
Progress into the site is prompted by a view of the Phase 2 eco housing scheme (seen under construction above), which could be seen as the core of the development. This large building, with its turf roof and timber clad walls, acts as an anchor for the rest of the site. The perambulation continues past the old duck pond, which provides a large open space and the main focus on the site - visually, spatially, and with its care and maintenance, as a community activity.
As the visitor continues towards open countryside along the footpath route, the density of building reduces and there is a sense of arrival or departure - at the western site entrance, with a feature located at the turning area. The footpath continues out of the site, signalled by a tree which serendipitously overhangs the path to form a sort of natural gateway.
These factors were considered in the design of the Phase 2 development now approaching completion. These buildings will have already established an architectural identity on the site, with a limited pallette of sustainable materials - timber, lime renders, and green roofing. The designs are modern without being incongruous, and do not resort to pastiche. It is intended that the architecture will follow the lead established by Phase 2.
..housing design should aim to focus on the quality of the places and living environments for pedestrians rather than the movement and parking of vehicles" TAN 12 para 5.11.2
In describing the sequence of spaces emphasis has been placed on the pedestrian experience but practicality requires the consideration of vehicular movement also. These subjects are considered in more detail in another section (8 Access and Movement).
Examples of eco housing
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
6.0 Community Safety 6.1 Crime and Anti Social Behaviour
footpath overlooked dwelling raised above footpath
The effects of crime and anti social behaviour have already been referred to in Section 3. Community Safety has therefore been an integral part of the design of this proposal.
car parking enclosed and overlooked
Numerous events have been recorded by the Police since the site came into the applicant's ownership. The previous occupant of the farmhouse maintained a site presence solely because of the amount of crime in the location - apparently this is common in areas that are publicly accessible, somewhat remote, and on the urban fringe. Whilst crime should not be seen as a motive for development, it has in effect ensured that the application site is not a safe place for the occupants of the farmhouse and attached barn which have been given consent for conversion to two dwellings. Development of the site for housing will improve the community safety for all users of the public footpath but will also make tenable the purchase and much needed conservation of the listed farmhouse and barn. 6.2 Secured By Design Community Safety should be inbuilt into a design from conceptual stages. Liv Eco housing projects are designed to meet Code 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes without resorting to the installation of onsite renewables.
dense thorn planting on boundary edges
• parking areas are overlooked or secure and enclosed to reduce car crime • public footpath is overlooked at all points in site • planting managed to ensure visibility
trees managed to maintain visibility
wide margins at pond edge and life saving equipment
• safety precautions taken at pond edge • adequate lighting
clearly defined private gardens
marginal front garden to provide buffer zone onto street
LivEco undertakes that all homes comply with Secured By Design (SBD) requirements and the SBD badge of approval is a reassurance to all LivEco Home owners that their neighbourhood has been designed with community safety as a pre requisite.
All LivEco houses are awarded the SBD badge of approval as standard.
• clearly defined private rear gardens
overlooked parking and access
overlooking from habitable rooms pedestrian routes
LivEco designers are experienced in providing SBD compliant projects and great care is taken to collaborate with the Police Architectural Liaison Officers in the preparation of design masterplans. Problems of safety can occur in residential areas if a) there is no clear boundary between private and public realms b) all parts of all public areas are not adequately visible from dwellings Therefore: • individual plot boundaries need to be designated by clear means of enclosure • publicly accessible spaces need to be overlooked • car parking areas need to be enclosed or overlooked • pedestrian routes need to be well lit • planting needs to be controlled to provide visibility • there should be no re entrants in features which could provide concealment 6.3 Water Safety The existing pond will become a central focus for the development therefore measures will be taken to ensure that the pond margins are defined, signalled, and provided with safety equipment.
"It is desirable for the security of all housing developments to achieve measurable and recognisable standards to reduce crime and the impact of crime upon neighbourhoods." TAN 12 para 5.17.2 Effects of scrap metal theft on Listed building
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
7.0 Environmental Sustainability 7.1 LivEco and Sustainability The Welsh Assembly Government has established ambitious environmental targets for all new developments by making compliance with the Code for Sustainable Homes mandatory. Currently Code Level 3 is the legal minimum requirement but higher standards will be imposed over the coming years. LivEco was established in 2012 to deliver homes which exceed customer expectations as well as government targets. LivEco's architects have been leading exponents of ecological and low energy house building, refurbishments and retro fits for many years 7.5 Code for Sustainable Homes Pre and have a portfolio of high quality homes and satisfied customers. Assessment LivEco developments are designed to be future proof and provide The Code is a well established tool for tomorrow’s standards today. measuring and ensuring sustainabilty.
live well
A pre assessment analysis has been carried out by an accredited CfSH assessor and has confirmed that Code 4 compliance is achievable for the development proposed on this site. The phase II project currently construction achieves Code 4.
LivEco's core business is to build Sustainable homes at affordable We are confident that a similar approach to prices and create communities where people want to live and grow. the design of phase III will achieve even better performance. 7.2 Fabric First - Energy Efficiency LivEco developments exceed Code 4 as a minimum which means nearly 50% carbon emission reductions compared to the 2006 regulations. Where possible this is achieved without resorting to fitting solar panels or wind turbines, which reduces costs, but more importantly, allows the homeowner to opt for panels at purchase or as a retrofit, meaning that even higher energy savings are possible. This is called the Fabric First concept. 7.3 Aims of Sustainable Planning Legislation The Welsh Assembly Government has embedded its aims into planning legislation, policy and documents and TANs. It can be understood from the above that the aims of WAG and the core values of LivEco are congruent. 7.4 Inherent Sustainabilty of the Site The development of the application site presents an opportunity to accommodate 19 dwellings in a sustainable way to meet proven local demand (the adjacent Phase II site has already sold units before completion). The location is accessible by sustainable means of transport, meaning that a good quality of life can be sustained without reliance on private motor transport (refer to section 3). The east west orientation ensures maximum solar exposure. The height above the valley ensures no flood risk.
"LivEco dwellings respond to climate changes yet to come. Our dwellings are built to tomorrows standards - today."
The site itself is shown to have nil value (refer to planning statement para 2.12).
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
8.0 Landscape Ecology and Open Space
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Ty Mawr - a low density high quality sustainable development inserted into a landscape led masterplan
8.1 Importance of a Landscape Led Masterplan The Context Appraisal (Section 3 of this DAS) showed that whilst the site lies on the periphery of the draft St Fagans Lowlands and Ely Valley SLA and St Fagans Conservation Area the site would not seem to be an intrinsic part of the landscape which contributes to these designations. Despite this, it is recognised that the acceptability of this application for development depends upon minimising or eliminating any detrimental effects of the proposals as far as the aims and purposes of the designation are concerned. It is also recognised that: a) the site is bordered by listed buildings, and that a number of trees on the site are subject to protection by TPO, and b) the ecological appraisal identified that the site is home to a small number of reptiles, and that some trees may offer potential roosting sites for bats. The design of the development must therefore demonstrate that it will aim to be sympathetic to these landscape, heritage, and ecological designations and constraints. The landscape appraisal has led the design of the preliminary masterplan, and describes the landscape structure, public open space and visual amenity, as well as links to the wider pedestrian and cycleway network. 8.2 Proposals in Relation to Landscape Context EDP conclude that development of the site would not harm the character and quality of the SLA or Conservation Area mainly because of the limited intervisibility between them. Indeed it is suggested that the site be removed from the SLA designation altogether. Furthermore the site is not sensitive to change since so much change has already occurred to the immediate landscape context (residential development). This also applies to the setting of the Listed building which effectively lost its historic setting following the development of the adjacent housing estate. 8.3 Proposals in Relation to Ecology Wildwood Ecology are confident that development can proceed so long as suitable mitigation measures are put in place in relation to wildlife habitat. Under the Code for Sustainable Homes some enhancement of the site's ecology will also be desirable to increase the score. Advice will be sought during the detail design phase and implemented as part of the detailed planning submission. 8.4 Outline Proposals The application hopes to realise the aspirations of a landscape led masterplan as follows: Site screening: maintain reinforce and enhance existing vegetation along the site boundaries by implementing a programme laid down by a qualified arboriculturalist. Visual amenity: enhance existing views within the site, particularly in relation to the listed building, by maintaining tree screening and retaining significant mature growth.
Open space: retain and enhance the existing pond and margins to provide a visual and physical amenity and focus for the development most of the houses planned for the western parcel face on this feature, which also provides a key view on the PROW. Woodland: a small area of woodland to the west has been identified as being a valuable resource, visually and also as a wildlife habitat. It also provides a screen to the adjacent housing development. 8.5 Lighting Lighting will be considered as part of the detailed design submission but its importance as part of the landscape, for visibility, safety and security, is acknowledged, as are the needs of bats whose habitat will be respected. 8.6 Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage TAN 15 requires that the location of the development can be justified in terms of flood risk and surface water drainage. The site is not in a zone of flood risk. However it is acknowledged that built development tends to increase the surface area of impermeable ground, reducing percolation and increasing rapid surface water run off. Under the Code for Sustainable Homes, the amount of sw run off from a development must not exceed the previous use of the site. It is therefore intended to implement, at detail design stage, a design programme emphasising: a) the use of permeable pavings such as porous blocks, gravel and grass grids which are appropriate to a semi rural location, and b) the use of SUDs to manage surface water run off
"Landscape should be the starting point from which the design of the development evolves. The aim is to achieve good design solutions which maximise natural assets and minimise environmental impact." TAN 12 5.5.2
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
9.0 Access and Movement 9.1 Inclusive Design Access for All must be considered in the design of any development from the outset. LivEco houses achieve Code 4 in the Code for Sustainable Homes without needing to resort to onsite renewable energy generation. All homes therefore will comply with the Lifetime Homes standards laid down by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Nevertheless it is important to demonstrate that access and movement within the site has been considered and that adequate standards can be achieved. The drawing below indicates how the entrance is proposed to be altered should consent be granted.
Lifetime Homes standards not only govern the design of individual houses which is outside the scope of this statement, but also parking layouts (and proximity of car parking to dwellings) and the approach to dwellings.
Therefore by compliance with Lifetime Homes by definition all houses on this development site will be accessible.
All LivEco houses are designed to Lifetime Homes standards. 9.2 Reducing Reliance on Private Cars The LivEco concept will attract occupants who are committed to a sustainable lifestyle. It is hoped that LivEco sites will encourage homeowners to be less reliant on cars and make use of public transport and be self powered as much as possible.
The application site is within easy walking distance of a bus service. It is also close to established cycle ways. The development of the adjacent sit by Charles Church will also provide improved access for pedestrians and cyclists to the wider network of paths and tracks and in particular the Ely Trail.
"For a successful residential area ...the needs of pedestrians and children in particular are given as much consideration as vehicle movement in residential street design." TAN 12 para 5.11.1
9.3 Local facilities The site's convenient location on the fringe of a capital city ensures that all necessary and desirable facilities are close by. Quality of life is enhanced by choice - in this sense, future residents on the application site could look forward to easy access to local, national, and even international, destinations, which in itself will result in fewer and shorter car journeys. A full transport assessment has been carried out by Corun and is attached to this application for detailed reference. 9.4 Proposed Site Access and Site Movement This planning application seeks permission for the stategic improvement of the existing site access off Michaelston Road although access is to be considered as a reserved matter.
9.5 Access for Larger Vehicles Care has been taken in the design of the site layout to ensure that refuse vehicles are able to maneouvre safely on site and that long distances in reverse gear are unnecessary. A turning head will be created at the end of the access drive for this purpose. 9.6 Car Parking The density of the dwellings will leave ample room on site for parking provision. The outline proposals indicate that 35 spaces for 19 houses is easily achievable which is well within the range required to satisfy to standards contained in the Addendum to South Wales Parking Guidelines (January 2008).
Top: sketch of turning requirements for refuse collection vehicles Above: section of site layout inset Left: Use will be made of porous pavings and recycled plastic grids to hold gravels to control surface water run off and create more pleasant drives suitable for the rural location.
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
Access and Movement continued 9.7 Manual for Streets In laying out the site for this application the designers have collaborated with the applicant's appointed highways consultants and, through a pre application enquiry, with the planning authority's highways department.
turning head
car parking enclosed and overlooked
The location of the site on the edge of countryside has also informed the design, and appropriate proposals at detailed design stage would reflect the choice of materials for surfacing and landscaping. Uppermost also in the designer's mind are the changes to the conventional approach to highways design set out in the Manual for Streets. The relevant points are as follows: • applying a user hierarchy to the design process with pedestrians at the top; • recognising the importance of the community function of streets as spaces for social interaction • promoting an inclusive environment that recognises the needs of people of all ages and abilities; • reflecting and supporting pedestrian desire lines in networks and detailed designs; • creating connectivity to main destinations and a choice of routes; • moving away from hierarchies of standard road types based on traffic flows and/or the number of buildings served; • developing street character types on a location-specific basis • encouraging innovation with a flexible approach to street layouts and the use of locally distinctive, durable and maintainable materials and street furniture; • designing to keep vehicle speeds at or below 20 mph The detailed design of any road layout would be a reserved matter but the illustrative masterplan will provide a framework by which the key guidelines can be applied.
'active frontages'
key gable
view of trees view of pond
passing place
passing place
It is intended that this new route will provide a safe visible connection between all dwellings - but also improve the experience of PROW users. The plan indicates the key features of the route. 9.9 Sense of Place The access road will be a meandering lane which reflects its rural sense of place - lined by mature trees and a village pond the route will link the settlement in a way which harks back to the plans shown on historic plans (although archaeological excavtions have shown that there are no mediaeval remains on site).
car parking enclosed and overlooked
view Phase II
no vehicular access to Phase II
glimpse of houses view of Listed farmhouse
pedestrian and cyclist access to Fford y Barcer and bus stop
9.10 Cycle Parking
9.8 Pedestrian Experience The existing Public Right of Way (PROW) route has been nominally adjusted by following the natural desire line introduced by the new access drive. The drive is simple, direct and has a series of spatial events along its length, including a clearly defined entrance and egress.
• simple and legible navigation along PROW and to all houses • safe means of access and egress at site entrance • minimum access drive width and restricted forward visibility to reduce vehicle speeds/ enhance public safety • passing places at key points • emphasis on pedestrian experience • pedestrians and vehicles share the same surface to cancel drivers imagined 'right of way' • permeable surfacing using natural materials
Cycle storage for each dwelling will be necessary for the dwellings to meet LivEco standards (ie Code 4 CfSH). 9.11 Shared Routes The access routes will be shared by pedestrians cyclists and vehicles, as encouraged by the Manual for Streets, for residential areas.
"Kerbs confer an implicit priority to vehicles on the carriageway. "
view Phase II
viewpoints pedestrians /cyclists vehicles
Manual for Streets 6.3.18
Surface textures will be porous to reduce surface water run off but will be designed to provide tactile differences for visually disabled persons. 9.12 Road Safety The access drive width will be kept to 3.5m and forward visibility to less than 50m. This will help to ensure that road speeds are kept to below 20mph without the need for signage and enforcement.
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design
Design and Access Statement Land to North and West of Ty Mawr, Michaelston
10 Conclusion
Schedule of Building's Parameters
This outline proposal for the application site at Ty is the result of a collaborative design
process which has been influenced and informed
from the outset by the special qualities and characteristics of this unique site.
appraisal, which showed that the sense of place experienced on site is of special note - natural spaces formed from tree enclosure on parcels of land next to the open countryside - and paradoxically, the enclosure caused by the nearness of the urban fringe. There is a tension between city and countryside which currently manifests itself negatively, as identified in the section on Community Safety, but which can and should be harnessed and protected by sensitive development which responds to the site and the opportunities it presents.
Parcel B 16
12 P
reinforce tree screen
Width (m) Depth (m) No Storeys Max Height (m) 5 7 2 8.5 5 7 2 8.5 5 7 2 8.5 5 7 2 8.5 5 7 2 8.5 5 7 2 8.5 6 12 1 6 10 6.5 2 8.5 8.5 7 2 8.5 8.5 7 2 8.5 8.5 7 2 8.5 8 5.5 2 8.5 8 5.5 2 8.5 8 7 2 8.5 8 6 2 8.5 8 5.5 2 8.5 8 6 2 8.5 8 7.5 2 8.5 8 7.5 2 8.5
Phase II housing
6 5
Ba rce r
Ty Mawr
2 1 P
reinforce tree screen
Phase I conversion
Ffo rdd y
development into a sensitive landscape and do
Parcel A
the proposals could insert a model sustainable
Type Terrace Terrace Terrace Terrace Terrace Terrace Bungalow Detached Detached Detached Detached Semi detached Semi detached Detached Semi detached Semi detached Detached Detached Detached
pedestrian and cycle access
As the design was developed, it became clear that
truly sustainable and vibrant community.
This also holds true for the site's heritage - the Listed building will form a timeless part of a new neighbourhood, and add gravitas and weight to a scheme designed to respect its setting and history.
The core values of LivEco are the same as the aspirations of the WAG and it is intended that this site will become an exemplar project and create a
Care was taken by the project team to analyse the constraints imposed, so that the special qualities identified are not lost. On a site so close to open countryside potential conflict between buildings and wildlife can be anticipated, but the reports commissioned have shown that these conflicts can be managed - even that the ecology can be improved upon, to benefit the development and enhance the quality of life for its residents and visitors.
more than just retain its inherent sense of place. As the landscape led masterplan shows, the proposed development at Ty Mawr will capture for the long term a sought after quality of life which this Design and Access Statement has shown is realistic and achievable.
Pp = passing place P = parking G = garage
reinforce tree screen
These properties were identified in a context
Plot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Michaels ton Road
Sustainable private amenity south orientation design feedback Glimpses village pond Legibility Accessibility Urban fringe Heritage balance optimise opportunities development Active frontages Landscape led design sense of core values of a vision Natural surveillance Habitat Open space place identity affordable Timeless Cycleway
Tree screening
feeling of enclosure
new lease of life
Word cloud - concepts and principles which have driven the design
GILLARD ASSOCIATES architecture and design