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Best of Prosper
Pros er Life & Luxury Magazine ™
BEST OF PROSPER Congratulations to these incredible individuals, organizations and businesses who work so hard to make Prosper THE place to live and raise our families! We reached out to the community for nominations, and these folks were recognized for the following reasons – some were nominated by multiple people, so we just combined their nominations. Please take a moment to go VOTE for favorite and when you see them around town, take a moment to say THANK YOU for all that they do for Prosper. We’ll be announcing the winner in next month’s issue!
PERSON OF YEAR Seth Ringley: The man behind so many, that never asks for a thing. Have witnessed over six organizations here locally on top of representing our community thru his own nonprofit across multiple states. Jennifer Lutes: Jen serves in so many ways behind the scenes helping people at Cornerstone, church and school. She is a quiet servant leader in Prosper – never wanting “credit” or calling attention to herself. Just simply encouraging, working, listening and helping people who need her. She makes it a family affair, always involving her kids and showing them what it is to love and serve people, expecting nothing in return. Jen’s leadership at Cornerstone has given Prosper residents outlets to serve others, making Prosper a kinder place to live.
Sarah Feuerbacher Wells: Sarah has selflessly given to Prosper in so many ways. She owns her own counseling business in Prosper and helps numerous families and individuals through that business on a daily basis. She has helped the community by organizing and leading the panel discussion on Suicide following last year’s events, as well as follow-up events about that topic. She helps the ISD by presenting numerous times for them and going to each school and providing workshops for faculty and staff. She has presented for the Prosper Police department, as well as other area organizations and churches. She is a member of the Prosper Baseball and Softball board as the Communications director and regularly sends out entertaining emails for the league. Finally, she even finds time to help coach her sons’ baseball teams and soccer teams...even pitching some for her youngest’s Coach pitch team. All of these things she does completely on a volunteer basis...free of charge...except of course for her actual business. She selflessly gives to the town of Prosper in so many ways and on a day-in, day-out basis. I can’t think of a more deserving person! Mark and Cathy Speed: After suffering the devastating loss of their son in late 2018, Mark and Cathy have spent a tremendous amount of time in 2019 focused on the children of Prosper both officially through the ISD (Hope Squad) and outside (Parents-R-Partners). In addition, they have worked personally one on one with a great many families and their children to help them walk through the difficult subjects of suicide and helplessness. Their prayer is through sharing transparently, God’s light will shine on a dark path many are walking… too often alone. Both Mark and Cathy exemplify a selfless nature in giving back to Prosper despite their immense grief. Truly deserving of being Prosper’s Couple of the Year.
Josh Allen: In 2019, the Prosper Baseball and Softball Association launched an Adaptive Baseball/Softball program to allow Special Needs children to play baseball and softball in Prosper. Previous to the launch of the program, Special Needs children traveled to Arlington and Frisco to play baseball/softball in Miracle League. Josh Allen and his Prosper Texans baseball team financially contributed to the new League. In additional to their financial contributions, Josh and his team participated in the program as “Buddies” helping the Adaptive Players.
VOLUNTEER OF YEAR Jason Earp: An organization is only as good as the sum of all parts. As PYSA president, Jason gives his time freely to parents and athletes of all ages. PYSA provides opportunities for children to try new sports for the first time or to progress and grow in their chosen sport. Prosper is fortunate to have PYSA and its volunteers. If you know Jason, family and faith and community are very important to him. We have watched him be a positive role model. Sports are a large part of our community and having volunteers like Jason, show our children dedication, determination and hard work grow your character.
Rebekah Land: Rebekah has been deeply involved with Town of Prosper Parks & Recreation for over 6 years. She is currently on the board. She has represented the growing town and facilitated naming parks, ribbon cuttings and the excitement of Frontier Parks growth. Since 2013, Rebekah has been stage manager of the successful festive Prosper Christmas festival.
Chris Kern: Miracle League, Cornerstone NCT (Board member), Bethlehem Place, Veteran’s Memorial, Lion’s Club and Prosper’s Planning & Zoning Commission, Hope Fellowship Prosper. Chris (and Gina) are invested and involved in many capacities in Prosper and have helped countless people. The town wouldn’t be the same without the Kerns!
BUSINESS OF YEAR Mathnasium: Jenn Sanchez and her staff have passion for all of Prosper’s students. She is a ball of encouragement and promotes each student to achieve progression in Math. She advocates for students and assures parents every day. I think all Prosper kids go to her. Prosper Chiropractic & Wellness Center: Dr. John Perriton loves people and loves Prosper! His chiropractic office is caring, compassionate, and provides amazing services for the people of Prosper- children, teens, adults, the elderly. Dr. Perriton cares about his patients personally, spends time with them, and always does what is best for them. EVERY business should be like this! Bodine Orthodontics: While Bodine Ortho makes Prosper smile with straight and shiny teeth, the business is so much more than that. They generously support so many organizations in Prosper without hesitation. You see them at every community event having fun and investing in the people who live here. Their involvement goes way beyond simply marketing themselves because they do so much behind the scenes as well. They truly care about Prosper and its residents and it shows!
NON-PROFIT OF THE YEAR Cornerstone NCT: Helps people in need/crisis get back and stay on their feet. Plus does 2 huge community events - Back to School and Christmas that gives kids what they need to be successful in school and have a great Christmas. Prosper Education Foundation: PEF does so much for the students and teachers at PISD. From giving scholarship money to graduating Seniors to recognizing the efforts of teachers at every campus each month, they are constantly supporting the district. Prosper Ladies Association: The volunteers for PLA are very generous with their time and resources. They do the Angel Tree donations and also host and provide food for the Prosper Police and Fire Banquets. These ladies are always willing to help out when needed.
Online voting is available at www.LifeAndLuxuryMagazine. com/Prosper until February 20th!! Please vote and share the Prosper Magazine Facebook page to allow your friends and family to vote as well!
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