August 4, 2022
ByTara ShortToday, we had already kayaked 4 miles, and hike 6 miles. Now, we were tossing around the idea of going to see the new eruption site where a fissure opened about one hour drive west from Reykjavik.Our trusty packs, the sidekicks to all our escapades, were leaning against the plastic curvature of the booth seats.
Tracey and I sat across from each other at a Domino’s Pizza in Reykjavík, Iceland. It was 9pm. We had just returned to the city from the south coast after 7 days of active adventures.
Inside, each one had the essentials for the proposed adventure in Iceland including our rain pants and jacket,layers, hats, gloves, headlamp, water, some snacks, label for us to share.All that remained was for us to pull the
We waited for our pizzas to cook and started analyzing the data to help determine if we were crazy to head off into the unknown.
Safetravel.is said stay away from the eruption until emergency crews could establish a trail, and that the route was steep.Avoid valleys due to noxious gasses.The big red banner did give us pause.
Some resources said the distance to the crater on the trail was 3 miles,while others said 4.5 miles one way.That would mean we would walk 6- or 9-miles round trip. Based on those calculations we would not be back to Reykjavik until 430am — and we had to meet our transfer at 730am to go to the Blue Lagoon, and then to the airport for flights home.
The sunset time was 1030pm.That means we would be walking in the dark.The advantage of hiking in the dark is that the lava would be more brilliant to see.The disadvantage is that it could be hard finding our way back. There were many unknowns. Such as, how many people would be there? Is the trail was marked? Would it be steep, slippery, rocky, flat?The pizzas came.
We took turns reading out loud from different sites any important details that we thought the other should know.AllTrails had a few recent comments including some only hours old. I’m pretty sure when I read out loud anAllTrails
User’s comment that simply said, “worth it,” We agreed to take it one step at a time. If we felt uncomfortable or unsafe,we would abort the mission. I called a taxi.
LIt took 50 minutes to get the eruption site parking lot. From Reykjavik, a grey gas plume is visible. We watched it in awe the whole way to Grindivik, the town closest to the activity.The 5 days prior to the eruption, the residents of the town had been enduring 5+ magnitude earthquakes daily. As we drove through the neighborhood, the plume loomed over the mountains, and I wondered what it must be like to live with an active volcano in your backyard.The road soon left the town and entered the hills.
Photo Tara SmartTracey and I both agreed that we were a little nervous and knowing that made it easier and less scary somehow.
We hiked about one mile on flat road to where the 2021A and trail B split. Trail B was closed makingA the only and clear option. There were a lot of people. More people were coming down the mountain than going up. Soon it would be dark.
“We didn’t choose this place! We didn’t choose these people!They were invited!”.
The plume was no longer visible. Like ants we marched with strangers to an unknown destination. It felt like we were all called to this place. Like us, everyone here could not resist the invitation. Instinctively driven by wonder, each of us putting one foot in front of the other toward a special phenomenon the world was talking about.
The trail was steep in places. Both of us are strong and experienced mountain hikers. I was surprised by the ill prepared among us. In 2021 tourists got hurt, lost, and I know of at least one death at the eruption site. It wasn’t the volcano that caused injury or death, it was the weather and the terrain.The landscape is black with moss.All it takes is fog to roll in and you can become totally lost without a GPS.
The temps can drop with rain or snow and hurricane force winds without notice, and there were tourists in jeans with no backpacks.
It was hard not to stop and look every few minutes.The sunset turned the sky pink and orange.As we climbed higher the horizon became an interstellar landscape. The first quarter moon hung big and low, sinking with the sun. Wispy clouds distorted its brightness and made it look as other worldly as the earth in front of me.There were black craters, and a vast thousand-year-old plus lava valley stretching to the blue sea against a cotton candy sky.
Slowly and steady, like pilgrims, we walked.The wind and my breath drowned out any chatter around me. We stopped only to remove layers and to take quick photos. Our taxi pickup from the parking lot back to Reykjavik was scheduled for 3am.
“Hard not to stop and look every few minutes.”Photo Tara Smart
There were two parts of the trail that gave me hesitation.Arocky boulder-y trail with loose stones on a ledge with a 500 ft drop off that was very navigable in the daylight, but I wondered about the darkness.Also, the flat part of the trail just after the rocky boulders that I made note of not to miss (also in the dark) on the return.
I askedTracey if we should turn back. The light was dimming. Did we feel comfortable following the crowd? She and I both agreed that we need to be responsible for ourselves and rely on our own skills to get us in and out. We talked about scenarios and what we would do if …….
The plume was visible again and that’s what we walked toward.
I started to notice that there were sticks placed by the EMS crew marking a trail.This gave me some relief. At one point we came to the edge of the 2021 lava field that was cold rock and shortly after the same lava bed had steam and small fires poking out of the ground right next to the trail.
I noticed the grey plume we had been following was now pink.At first, I thought it was the sunset reflecting on the gas. It was dark enough that the crater was lighting up the plume.
I spent a lot of time looking down to avoid holes that could break my ankle, and for large rocks that could trip us. The light became dimmer.
Photo Tara SmartAround midnight, I noticed a stream of white lights making their way toward us in the dark with a large pink gas cloud behind them, and another stream of white lights were behind us completely engulfed in darkness against the black hills and twilight.
Each sparkling speck a pilgrim. Like life. Everyone on their own journey at different points of the journey. No point of the trail is better than the other and we all eventually “get there” in our own time.At the 3-mile mark, the pink plume was closer, but still very far. We agreed that we would go through the next valley and to a crest in the distance where we could see tiny black figures of people illuminated against the fiery cloud of gas.
In the dark valley we walked at against the people leaving the crater. I walked straight into the stream that parted like a school of fish before crashing into me.
What happened next is the stuff that makes me believe in the cosmic connection we have with strangers. In the darkness, through the river of black silhouettes and glowing white faceless heads, my headlamp illuminated a friendly character in crowd. He had a brown mustache, with a father’s voice he said to us, “you have about 20 more minutes, and it’s spectacular.”
I especially love the moment between two linked points in time. For example, the space between the birthday wish and blowing out birthday candles.
When making a wish, there is a pause; time to gaze around at your loved ones smiling faces, a chance to slow it all down, and to look inward, even if only for a breath.To set an intention for the next year, give gratitude, or put a dream into the Universe.
Then, poof! It’s over. Cake is served. Gifts are opened. I try to hover in the space between anticipation and gratification as long as possible during special moments. -To savor the experience. When we I reached the precipice, my feet stopped before I could see what was on the other side. Human shadows were coming out of the pink plume, and I could see lava shooting up in the air.
I didn’t want to go.
I wasn’t afraid of death or injury.
I was afraid of the beauty I was about to see and that my knees would buckle. My heart didn’t feel ready to accept it. I felt that by letting it in I might be overtaken and lose control, like those who feel the Holy Spirit at revivals. And I didn’t want that feeling to go away.
As soon as I see what’s over the edge, the secret is over.
My eyes looked at the ground.
I turned back toTracey, who was a few steps behind me. I’m sure I covered my eyes and I exclaimed at the same time,” Look at that!” Pointing to the plume, the apparitions, and the liquid fire.
I hoped she’d want to linger with me there for a moment. On the contrary, she encouraged us to get closer.
I wasn’t sure what was over that ledge. I was expecting a black hole with a long red crack of glowing lava.Already I could tell, I underestimated Mother Nature’s spectacular show.
I stepped onto the edge, to a red lake which sat on natural amphitheater at least a mile wide in all directions. My face was glowing red from the reflection of the lava about 500 ft below me.
I took in a deep breath and hoped to slow down my heart, my thoughts, and time itself. What I was witnessing was extraordinary. Iceland is geologically a special place because it’s the highest point of the mid-Atlantic ridge.The mid-Atlantic ridge is a mountain range that runs north to south and is the boundary between NorthAmerica and Europe.
Due to underwater volcanoes creating more seafloor, North America and Europe are getting further apart.This can be seen above the waterline in Iceland at a rate of about 2 inches per year.
Under Iceland is a mantle plume, basically a direct line to the mantle of molten lava. Consequently, there are about 130 volcanoes in Iceland. The last eruption from Ejafjallajöküll took place in 2012 and disrupted air traffic between NorthAmerica and Europe.
This isn’t the first time a volcano in Iceland wreaked havoc far from home. In the 1783 Laki and his crater friends (a volcanic system) erupted over 8 months. It almost wiped out the entire population of Iceland, killing most of the livestock.
The immense amount of gas thrown into the atmosphere caused temperatures to drop into an early winter in the northern hemisphere, a drought on the Nile, and potentially triggered the French Revolution.
Millions of people and animals starved to death thanks to a volcano in Iceland. This fissure is not like those eruptions.There is no ice to explode off like a cork on a champagne bottle, and no ash.
As far as volcanism goes, this is the most gentle and kindest version of liquid earth hemorrhaging onto the crust.
I wasn’t sure what was over that ledge. I was expecting a black hole with a long red crack of glowing lava.Already I could tell, I underestimated Mother Nature’s spectacular show.
I sat in awe for a few minutes, not quite sure what to take in first. I know other people were there, but I felt like I had a front row seat to the creation of life. Despite their destructive tendencies, volcanic eruptions leave behind a layer of basalt with minerals that help to fertilize soil for growing food.
“IwasafraidofthebeautyImightsee andthatmykneesmightbuckle…”
There was a single row of lava fountains across the top portion of the lake
spewing fire geysers. I could hear the sloshing of liquid falling into the lake like waves crashing on a reef.The fountains caused a slight clockwise movement as more lava was added to the lake. In some places it began to ooze over forming smaller pools. I could feel the heat on my face as warm air moved up the crater wall.
There was a single row of lava fountains across the top portion of the lake spewing fire geysers. I could hear the sloshing of liquid falling into the lake like waves crashing on a reef.The fountains caused a slight clockwise movement as more lava was added to the lake. In some places it began to ooze over forming smaller pools. I could feel the heat on my face as warm air moved up the crater wall.
EdwardAbbey in his book Desert Solitaire wrote about a time he witnessed two gopher snakes engaged in a mating dance. Curiosity pulled him by the shirt collar. He got on his belly and crawled across the sand for a more intimate observation point, moving slowly to not interrupt them. Suddenly the snakes broke from their ritual, and he found himself playing chicken with the two serpents who were on a head on collision course with his face. He panicked at the last minute and jumped out of way of the two snakes and watched as them disappeared into the desert.
He wrote : “If I had been as capable of trust as I am susceptible to fear I might have learned something new or some truth so very old we have all forgotten it.”
It was curiosity and the thrill of a challenging experience with a good friend to share it with that got me here, but now we had to get back. LikeAbbey, I had my belly in the sand, and my own version of two flickering, forked tongues slithering towards my face. It was time to face the very thing that gave us the most hesitation about coming here, and that which we each compartmentalized and shrugged off for our future selves to deal with, -- the descent. Not the act of walking back down the mountain, but the challenges like unpredictable weather, holes that will swallow you to the knee, getting lost in the darkness or fog (or both), falling off a cliff, to name a few.
Yes, as I write this now, some of these are monster in the dark basement feelings. None of that happened. No creature stuck its cold scaled hand out and grabbed me by the ankle. I lived to tell the tale.
The adrenaline was wearing off. I felt a chill prick at my core.The temperature was dropping, and I shivered from the wind biting through the long sleeves of my wool shirt. I pulled my rain jacket out of my pack and threw it over me. I instantly felt warmer with only my puffy vest for insulation.
I looked at the fissure, it’s boiling fountains and oozing lake. I wanted to stay in the glow of it. I wished we didn’t have to go. I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take us to get back down the mountain. I was alert but could feel the tired deep in my bones.
As we walked away from the glowing red crater the darkness crept in, enclosed around us. When I could no longer see or feel the glow of the fissure there was only blackness ahead.
Out there was a monotonous sea of stones and moss. My headlamp lit the rocks in front of, me and illuminated my breath as it lingered above my lips in the cool night air.
I looked ahead and walked toward a point in the void where I could see headlamps of people walking toward the eruption. Occasionally one of the sticks that the EMS crew put out to mark a trail showed up in my beam. I was thankful for the reflective tape.
My headlamp was strong, and I could scan ahead to find the others.The night was so clear. If there was fog, I would have had to rely on the track back of myGarmin.
Instead, I keptAlltrails open on my phone and made sure my little blue dot was making its way in the right direction.
We didn’t talk much. I was in my head for most of the walk down. It was impossible to look at one another because the headlamp would blind the other person.
Walking in a single file was best to avoid holes, and of course we had our heads down, bearing down, nose to the grindstone, feeling like mile 25 of a marathon.
“We walked slow. So slow. We had to. Hiking poles down. Step. Repeat. I didn’t want to get too far ahead ofTracey, for either of us to lose each other.”
“We feel like mile 25 of a marathon….”
My spirit was tired. My body was on autopilot.They felt disconnected. Suddenly, the cool crisp air smelled like a campfire. I snapped out of my trance and strained my eyes in the dark.
There were fires all around me. I walked onto the crust of the 2021 eruption in a place that had seepage from the lava flowing underneath. I don’t know anything about lava hydrodynamics and therefore was probably not in any real danger, but I also know it’s not safe to walk on steaming earth that is on fire. I spun around and walked, leapt, as quickly as I could to get back on the trail. I wasn’t 100% sure what that was because all I saw were tiny fires everywhere.
My eyes started to play tricks on me. I thought for sure all the stones were quartz because they seemed clear. I looked back and saw a row of headlamps trailing behind us and the big red plume against the black sky.
The sunrise was beginning, so in front of me was black and behind me was blue and yellow. My mind pictured the rest of the route I mapped in my head on the way to the fissure. I knew there were two valleys, and we were about to come out of the second, a long ridge, a steep rocky boulder trail with a drop off, and then a steep wideATV trail.Then it would be just over a mile to the parking lot.
At 2am I realized we were not going to make to our 3am parking lot rendezvous. I called the taxi company. I walked in the dark listening to their hold music for about 10 minutes.
Afriendly dispatcher answered. I told her we were running late and wondered if she could tell our driver. I estimated that we would be there by 330am. She said the driver was already on his way, but she would tell him, and he will wait.
Over the long ridge, down the boulders with the drop off, and onto the very steepATV trail that was only dirt and loose gravel.At 3am he driver called. He was so cheery and supportive. He said for us to take our time and not run. He will get comfortable.
My feet would stumble over rocks occasionally and I’d roll my ankle and catch myself with my poles.
Tracey laughed each time, and it warmed my heart, and lifted my spirit. With a laugh she’d say, “It looks like you are drunk.” Something about hearing her voice back there after very long period of silence made me remember I wasn’t alone. I reacted internally the way my dog wags her tail and cocks her ears when I say, “Wanna go for a ride?”,
“At 3:00AM the driver called…cherry and supportive.”
My friend who 8 hours ago sat across from me at a Domino’s pizza in Reykjavik, and masterminded this plan with me.
My friend who shared my fears and had my back from start to finish. My friend who laughed with me all the way up the mountain, and still made me laugh in our 6th hour. The sky was bright again. Our taxi driver greeted us with a smile. He took our picture.
Exhausted, I fell into the back seat and popped the top of the can of the IPAwith the Puffin on the label, that I had hauled up and down the mountain to a place where the earth was actively oozing its glowing guts. I shared it with the other person who onAugust 4-5 made possible a once on a lifetime experience.
DearAlltrails User Kaila Morgante, you were right. Totally worth it.
About the author: Tara Short is the Founder; CEO of Green EdventuresTours which specializes in eco adventures for women’s travel groups and educational tours for students in over 15 destinations worldwide.
Learn more about Green Edventures trips:
January 2023
Happy NewYearArt of Golf Travelers
It’s time for a NewYear and new travel adventures and thankfully theArt of GolfTravel is off a blazing fast start with many of our trips either SOLD OUTor NEARLYFULL.
But there is STILLtime for you to join in theArt of Golf Fun. Just e-mail astrick@flash.netor text 972-989-2310 for complete details.
OurAnnual Masters Golf Pilgrimage,April 4-9 at Augusta National Golf Club inAugusta Georgia, only has 1-2 early week spots left, more on the weekend.
2023 NCAAFinal Four Trip to Houston, March 30—April 3, with golf at premium
Houston-area golf courses, lodging in the Space City and tickets to see College Basketball’s One Shining Moment Up Close & Personal at NRG Stadium.
More of a first time golf traveler? What about THE FIRSTto Stay at the New Omni Frisco Resort, watch the FIRST PGASenior Championship held at PGAFrisco Fields Ranch Course and Playing Premium Dallas-area course, May 23-26.
The grand return to Tiger Woods’course Payne’s Valley and others at Big Cedar Lodge, Branson, MO. Sept. 27-29, Is NEARLYFULLas well, but we still have a few spots to stay on site at Big Cedar and playing Woods’course along with Fazio, Nicklaus and Player.
If the Ryder Cup in historic Rome is more to your liking, then I have rooms at the Ryder Cup Eternal City and tickets available, Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2023
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WelcometotheluxuryoftheFairmontLe ChateauMontebello.Youwillfindthe world'slargestlogcabinnestledinthe treesalongthebankoftheOttawaRiver intheOutaouaisregionof Quebec,Canada.
Theoriginal10,000red-cedarlogsofthe resort'sthreemainbuildingswerecutand setbyhand.Anarmyof3500labourers, workingoverlappingshiftsaroundtheclock, completedtheprojectinfourmonths.The grandopeningwasonJuly1,1930.
Itstartedasanexclusiveclubknownasthe SeignioryClub.Overtheensuingyears,it haschangedownershipseveraltimes. CanadianPacificHotelspurchasedtheclub in1970,reopeningittothepublicasaresort renamedChateauMontebello.Now,itis ownedbyalargerealestategroupand managedbyFairmontHotelsandResorts.
Asyoutakealeisurelywalkaroundthepet-friendly mainlodge,lookatthelogwallslinedwithphotos showcasingthechateau'shistoryandmanyofits famousguests.Royalty,celebrities,andpoliticians havebeenamongthestoriedguests.Forexample,the 1981G7Summitandthe1983meetingofNATO wereheldhere.
FairmontLeChateauMontebellohas211luxury hotelroomsspreadacrossfourwings.Eachwing leadsfromthemainlobbyandfireplace.Fora specialoccasion,indulgeinoneofthesixJacuzzi rooms.Thereisaroomtosuiteveryneed, whether youareacouple,afamily,oragroupoffriends.
Many access the pool by walking through the main lobby in their swimsuits and bathrobes.
Thereisaroomtosuiteveryneed, whetheryouare acouple,afamily,oragroupoffriends.Allrooms haveacoffeemaker,kettle,andminirefrigerator,so stopatthenearbyvillagebeforeyourcheck-inand stockuponsomesnacks.
Outdoorseasonalactivitiesabound.Inthe winter,youcanborrowcross-countryskis andequipmenttouseonthe42kmof groomedcross-countryskitrails.Thereisan outdoorskatingrinkwithskatesavailable, hockeysticksandpucks,curlingclinicsfor beginnersandsnowshoestoborrow.Foran additionalfee,thereistubing,curling,sleigh rides,icefishing,andsnowsuitrentals.
Forthemoreadventurousamongstyou, thereareall-terrainvehiclesandsnowmobiles forrent.
Duringwarmerweather,therearehiking trails,canoeing,kayaking,mini-golf,outdoor tennis,bicyclesandhelmets,anoutdoorpool andmanymoreactivitiestokeepallage groupsbusy.
TheelegantAuxChantignolesrestaurant,open forbreakfast,lunch,anddinner,
Thereareseveraldiningoptionsavailable.The elegantAuxChantignolesrestaurant,openfor breakfast,lunch,anddinner,iswherechefsserve dishesusinganarrayoflocalproducts.Themore laid-backBistroLaSeigneurieisavailablefordinner andlateintotheevening.Duringthewarmer months,visitLeRiverainTerracewhileenjoying theriverviews.TheBarLeFoyerisinthelobby.
Theyserveavarietyofhotandcolddrinks,anda well-curatedsnackisavailable.So,graba cappuccinoandadeliciouscheeseorcharcuterie boardmid-afternoonandenjoytheambianceof thefireplaceandcomfortablechairsandcouches. Asalways,roomserviceisavailable.Alternatively, bringyourownthingstoeatanddrinkinthe comfortofyourroom
Manyaccessthepoolbywalkingthroughthe mainlobbyintheirswimsuitsandbathrobes. Theatmosphereisthatrelaxed.TheSports Centre,whichhousestheindoorpooland world-classspa,canbereachedbyapedestrian tunnelfromthemainlodge.Laybackandfloat intheheatedpool.Therusticeleganceofthe architectureoftheceilingandthebeautiful windowsoverlookingthegardenswilltakeyou backtoamoreluxuriousera.Duringthe winter,relaxinginthepoolorhottubwhile watchingthesnowquietlyfallwillmakeany worriesseemfaraway.
Note:Aresortfeeof$35+taxperpersonper nightcoversmanyactivities.
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Sendmeyourfavorites: randy@liveecostyle.com
Sebastián has over 20 years of experience traveling to Polar Regions.
Cecilia was born and raised in Buenos Aires and she arrived in Ushuaia in 2016 for winter holidays and decided to stay. Since then, she specialized in eco-tourism sales and
Luciana is a biologist, antarctic guide and naturalist.
ThePolarTravelCompanyisa teamofprofessionalsinPolar Regions,withagreatknowledgeof AntarcticaandtheArctic.Having workedonboardseveralexpedition shipsasExpeditionLeaders, Lectures,andNaturalistsourselves (andwecontinuetodosoevery season),wehavetheinside knowledgetogiveyouthebest adviceatthetimeofchoosingthe rightexpeditionforyou.
OurpassionfortheArcticand Antarcticamadeusdevelopthis projecttohelppeoplefindthetrip oftheirlife.
Agustín finished his career as Park Ranger in 2003 and landed in Antarctica,
ThePolarTravelCompanyisallaboutsailing, cruisingandshowingfellowtravelersareasof Theworldformerlyonlyfortheheartiestof explorers.
Onecannowchoosefromavarietyofcruiseships anddestinations.SeeingtheArcticwithan opportunitytoseetheNorthernLights,thattripis availableinmanyforms.
IfyouwanttostandonthegeographicNorth Pole,youcanbookthattriptodoexactlythat. Ifa landbasedtourtoAlaskaismoreyourcupof warmcocoa,taketimetolookthroughThePolar TravelCompanyWebsite
ImetSebastianArrebolaamajorforcebehindthe companyononeofourLiveEcoStyle“TheEco Minute”interviews.SebastianlivesinArgentina, andZoombroughthimintomyofficefora wonderfulinterview.Sebastiantoldusofhisfirst adventuretotheSouthPoleleavingfromSouth Americaonaverysmallcraftandsurviving some oftheworld’smostturbulentwatersofSouth America.
However,hemadeitandfellinlovewiththe land,seaandnatureoftheAntarctic.
Hetellsthetaleinourinterviewofhisjoyful passionofbringingmorepeopletobothEnds oftheEarth.Ididaskhimaboutthefoodand timeonboardduringsailing,andfoundthe answerfascinatingbulogical.
Hesaidthetravelerwouldfind,themealsand roomsofthehighestgradeandwiththecaveat, themenumightchangealongwiththedaily activities.Weatherandseasplayabigpartinthe everchanginglandscapesanditineraryif needed.However,safetyisthepredominant factorinallhoursoftheday.
Iwouldsuggesttakingtimeandlookingatthe followingpages,asthepicturestellthestory; andthengoingtoThePolarTravelWebsiteand spendagreatdealoftimebringingtheEndsof theEarthtoyouriPadorDesktop.
ThePolarTravelCompany.com PhotosinthisarticlebySebastianArrebolaandTeam.
RandyWeckerly PhotosProvidedbyThePolarTravelCompany SebastianArrebolaandTeamNorthern Lights
Nuclear FusionToday
Coming Soon
Harry Hamlin andTAE.com
Harry Hamlin Nuclear Fusion Video
NuclearFusionisfinallyhereand appearstobecomingtoyourhomein thecomingdecades.
NuclearFusionisacleanenergysource andhighlyregardedfordecades. Recently,theFederalGovernment announcedabreakthroughs in Californiawerehappeninginmultiple locations.HarryHamlin,knownforhis actingcareeron“LALaw”and“Clashof theTitans” isoneoftheoriginal foundersandinvestorsinTAE.Mr. Hamlin isexcitedthatthecompanyis finallyleadingthepath,bringingclean fusionenergytotheelectricgrid.
FromTAE.comwebsite: A company on a mission.
“TAE was founded in 1998 to develop the ultimate clean energy solution: a commercial fusion power source that is compact, cost-effective, capable of sustaining the planet for centuries, and safe in every way. The patented technologies created for TAE’s unique approach to fusion are now being leveraged for adjacent innovations in electric mobility, power management, and more. In all sectors and around the world, TAE is committed to creating a bright future for us all.”
AlwazCareyhasonelifelonggoal,“Alwaysto touchthewholeworldwhilegivingGodHisGlory andsharewithworldhisbrandof“LuvAlwaz”.
Mr.Carey,nowresidinginHollywood,CA.andthe headofhisownmusicgroup,“NuwazMusic Group”,wasborninOhioandhadatbestarough starttolife.Hewasbornprematurelyandputona respiratorforthreemonthsashewassosmallhe couldfitinthepalmofanurse'shand.His grandmothers,JosephineFunkandBerthaMartin Carey,bothplayedamajorroleinhisformative years.Theyadministeredthetoughlovewhen neededandsupportedAlwazinhisyearsof becomingastellarOhioathleteandwellrounded youngman.
However,whilemusicandathleticsatthehighest levelcouldbethemajortransformativestoryand howheendedupinCalifornia,Mr.Carey’s
guidingprincipleishisloveandservicetoGodwhile beingatransformativemessengerforworldlychange onmanylevels.
However,whilemusicandathleticsatthehighest levelcouldbethemajortransformativestoryand heendedupinCalifornia,Mr.Carey’sguiding principleishisloveandservicetoGodwhilebeinga transformativemessengerforworldlychangeon manylevels.Attheageof3,Alwazhassharedfor yearshismessagefromGodhebelievesheheardat thattime.Alwazbelieveshewastoldthatonedayhe wouldbetheworld’swealthiestman.Whileformost, thatwouldseemfantastical.ToAlwaz,itishiscore belief.Andtoday,heiscommittedtothefollowing mantra,“AlwaztogiveGodHisGlory,whiletelling andsharingtheStory,andHowtoLoveAlways. ”
AlwazCareyInrecentweeks,thestoryofNuclearFusion comingtotheforefrontofnowbeingarealand provencleanenergyresource.Fusionhasbeen ontheforefrontofnightlynewsandmajor headlines.Mr.Carey,hasbeenworkinginthe backgroundfornearlytenyearswiththe FounderofTAE,www.tae.com,Mr.Harry Hamlin.
Mr.Carey,today,isnotonlydeliveringhis musicandmediaworldwide,heisoneofthe majorresourcesworkingwithMr.Hamlinin gettingTAEfundedandtheNuclearFusion industrymovingforward.
TheHistory: Mr.CareymetMr.Hamlin,a notedactorandstarinthemovie,“Clashofthe Titans”,whichisoneofMr.Carey’sfavorite movies.Abouttenyearsago,Mr.Careyreached outtoMr.Hamlinduringamediaeventto congratulatehimonhisactingcareer.Theyhitit offasfriends,andthroughtheyears,withMr. Careystayingintouch,hasnowledtoa partnershipoflaunchingTAEtotheworld.The storyofTAEandHarryHamlinlaunching TAEfor$1000.00tenyearsago,canbefoundat thisYouTubeLink.ItshouldbenotedthatMr. Hamlin’sfatherandevengrandfatherwere interestedinthediscoveryoffusionenergyfor yearspriortoHarry’sgettingTAElaunched.
Mr.Careyisnowakeypersonindelivering cleanenergy,worldwidestratosfericchange whilebringingabrighterdaytoallof humankindglobally.Mr.Carey’s54yearsof beliefandpursuitofhelpingthehomelessand underservedwhilehelpinghealawornout planet,isnowareality.
Thisisalevelofindeterminatefinancial imperativeusingaterm,Quadzillions,or financialchangeseldomifeverseenona globalbasis.Mr.Careyisoneofthekey factorstakingthisforward.
Mr.Carey’sbeliefthattheworldisfilled withpeople’scoresenseofgreed. Andwith globalhumanpopulationgrowthandthe needtocalmglobalwarming,Nuclear Fusionisthefrontrunnerofbringingclean energydeliverytoallcornersoftheplanet.
Mr.CareybelievesGodhasbeensaddened bywhatHisGiftofLifeonthisPlanethas turnedinto,withtheAmazondryingup, plasticwasteintheoceans,andunrelenting heatandstormsofamagnitudeneverbefore globallywitnessed.Mr.Careybelievesan “EcosystemofBalance” willbecreated withthecleanfusionenergynowgoing forward.
Therealityisintheexecutionanddeliveryof NuclearFusioninthecomingyearsand decades.
Mr.Carey’scorebeliefcanbefoundinhis statement,“Howcanonesleepwhenpeopleare sleepingonconcrete?My54yearsofpreparation forthistimeissimplyput,‘BringLovetothe NeedyandNeverbeGreedy’.”
Inadditiontohisworkonnuclearfusiongoing forward,Mr.Careyiscurrentlyfindingwaysfor creatinghomes,jobsandopportunityforthe underserved,ourretiredmilitaryandallthose needingloveandsupportinafreshstartonlife.
Mr.Careyhascreatedamagnificentteamof seasonedprofessionalssupportingthefindingand implementationofthefundingofTAEonaglobal basis.Mr.GeorgeHunter,aformerprofessional baseballplayerandgolferonthePGASeniorTour, thenabusinessbankerfor40years;andMrs. WandaCollier,arealestateandfinancialbrokerin Florida,havecombinedthroughanalignmentof hardworkandmiracleofGod,bringingtheright investorstothetableofTAEownership.
Mr.Careylivesandworksrelentlesslyin bringinghissenseofpurposetotheworld. Hisbelief:
Andnow,Mr.Carey,hastheworldinthe palmofhishandasakeyandvitalfigurein themiracledeliveryofNuclearFusion EnergytotheWorld.Throughtheprowessof hisconnectionsinmedia,music,moviesand concerts,thestageisnowsetforhisNuwazz MusicGrouptobringoneofthelargest storiestheplanethasseenonahistorical basis.Withthepotentialinthefollowing decadesofcleanair,water,andslowingof globalwarmingintheforefrontofMr. Carey’srelentlesspursuit,theGiftofLoving AlwaysandGivingBack,whileitwas ordainedinhiseyesattheageofthreeby God,Mr.AlwazCareyisontheforefrontof beginningallofwhathevisionsittakesto;
“Getpeopleoffthestreetsandnolonger sleeponconcrete.”
“Alwaysbeinthepresent,soyou maybetheGifttotheWorld”.
Mr.Careybelievesan“EcosystemofBalance” willbe createdwiththecleanfusionenergynowgoingforward.
Look For These Shows on Roku and Amazon Fire
“Channels on “Excited Minds Media” and “The Distillery Channel
NevinFoywasmygrandfather,whopickedme upeveryFridayat3:32P.M.fromBlackhawk GradeSchoolinFreeport,Illinois.Ihadearlier packedmysimpleovernightbagwithmyclothes fortheweekendasweheadedouttoourcottage onLakeKegonsa,Wisconsin.
MyPop-Popwasmysecurity,hero,andonewhoI idolizedeverymomentofmytimespentwith him.Wehadanhourinthecartalkingand chattingaboutthefishingwewereabouttodo, thegrassthatprobablyneededmowing,andalso whattreatsIwouldlikefromtheNorwegian PastryShopaswepassedthroughStoughton,WI. justafewmilessouthofthecottage.
Wegenerallysurveyedtheyard,cottageandboat lifttoseeiftherewereanychoreswemighthaveto dobeforeheadingoutontothelaketofishfor whitebass.Wewouldstopatthelocalbartopick upfrozenshrimp,nottoeat,butforbaitonthe hookofanumber4Hildebradtgoldspinner.It wasamagicaltimeforthetwoofus,aswejust enjoyedbeingtogether,andmostgenerallycaught 50orsofishinacoupleofhours.AsPopswould say,weneverknewhowmanyextendedrelatives wouldbeshowingupontheweekend,andall expectedtobefed.
GrammaFoywouldgenerallycomeupwithusand didalloftheunpackingoffoodwebroughtup, mostlyeggs,bacon,hamburgermeat,hotdogs, bunsandwhatwouldbeexpectedfortheweekend.
Friday Evenings ….were for fishin’ with my Pop Pop
Theironskilletwouldbegoingfullsteamaheadon SaturdayandSundaymorningswitheggscooked inthehotleftoverbacongreaseonthetwoburner stove.Theotherburnerhadoursimpleperccoffee pot thatmadethebestcoffee,whichIlearnedto drinkwhenIwasabout6yearsold.Itwascold mostmorningsinearlyspring,andthecottagewas notweatherproof.
Wehadasmallkeroseneheaterinthemiddleofthe livingroom,butmostSpringdaysweresocold,a hotcupofcoffeealwaysdidthetrick.Coffeeserved withtheendhealchunkofblackbread,smothered inbutterandsugarandthendunkedinthesteamy hotcoffee…well,itwasheavenonEarth.
Ibelaborthepointofmyyouthgrowingup,asmy grandfatherwasaNaturalist.Notoneidentifiedas today,butwhathetaughtmeaboutrespectingthe
cultureandhistoryofNativeAmericans,the soil,windandwater,andhowtoreadweather, whilefindingfoodforustoharvestmost weekendsfromthelakesidesurroundingsthat taughtmerespectforallheexplainedtome.It wasalifestyle.Itwashisloveformeandour beingtogetherwhichheandIsocherished.It wasalessonIsodesperatelywantedto rememberasIraisedmyownsonsinlaterlife.
In1992,mywifeVirginiaandIbegantakingour sonstoMauiforannualvacations.Wefound waystogothatactuallycostlessthangoingon vacationinthecontiguousmidweststatesor Florida.WehadacondointheEkoluVillagearea nearWaileawhichaffordedusthecloseproximity toalltheshorelinesthathotelguestswere enjoying.
ThebeachesinHawaiiareopentothepublic. Wewouldchooseanewbeachmostdays,and spendtimewiththeboysdoingwhatIdid growingupinWisconsin.
Wespenttimesnorkeling,walking,sunning,and simplyenjoyingtheHawaiianCulture.Sincewe hadoldersonsfrommyfirstmarriage,wehada greattimeonadultbeaches.However,wealso enjoyedBabyBeach,becauseasinthename,the tideswereextremelygentle,thewaterclear,and babiescouldplayontheedgeoftheoceanwhile learningtoenjoythewarmthofthePacificcoastal waterswhichareperpetuallyaround80degrees fahrenheit.
SowhydidIcreateLiveEcoStylelaterinlife?The answerissimple.
IlearnedthatMotherNature,Native Culturesrichwithhistory,thesmellofthe oceanorlake,theincredibleMilkyWay Galaxyshininginawaynoonecan appreciateinanurbansetting,andthefamily funandlovewasalwaysatmaximumlevel whensharingthistimeonvacation.
Irealizedonedaywhileonthebeachinfront ofoneofthemajorhotelcomplexes,thatI wouldratherhavemysonsandfamilysmell likeoceanwaterattheendofthedaythan chlorinatedpoolwateravailable infrontof mostshorelinehotels
Irealizedweenjoyedbuyingfreshfishfrom Azeka’sFishandMeat Marketthatwas caughtthatday;grillingitoutatnightand servedwithotherorganicallygrowntreatswe couldfindattheopenmarkets.
WealwayslookedforawhitefishcalledO’no, asithasasweetmeatytextureandiseasyto cookonthegrill.Whilewestayedeveryyear atthesamecondo,wemetpeoplethrough theweekwesharedcocktailswithinthe evening, andadinnerortwoonthehill overlookingtheincredibleazureshorelineof Maui.
IbefriendedaNativeHawaiian,Primo,whowe metwitheveryyearfrom1992-95.Healwayswas sokind;andhemadesureourcondowasreadyto gowhenwearrived.Hetaughtmealotabout HawaiianCultureandansweredquestionsIknew mygrandfatherwouldbeaskingsothatIwould notsteponanyHawaiianculturaltraditions.
Ifelthumbledtohavesuchagreatfriendashe alsotaughtmeaboutthegrowthofnativefruits, thehistoryofMauiGoldPineappleandwhy Konacoffeewassodarngood.
AsanasidetotheKonaCoffee:Primostocked ourcondowithprovisionswhichincluded KonaCoffee.Igotupearlyonemorningin 1992andsawthehumpbackwhaleswere havingfuninthebayinfrontofus,soI thoughtitwasaperfectmorningforcoffee. Uponmyfirstsip,Iwashooked.Itwasthe bestcoffeeIhadtastedsincemymemoryof howthecoffeeinmycottageexperiencewas whenIwassix.Forlackonnoreasoningyet today,Idranktwofullpotsthatglorious morningandhavebeenhookedeversince.
Itriedtobringmylifeexperiencesthrough LiveEcoStylebeginningin2015.Igaveitalot ofthought.WhatwasItryingtosay?While mylifehasbeensofulfilling,duetomy grandparents,thatIwantedtoleavethis experientiallifestyleandlegacyformykids, grandkidsandtheirgreatgrandkidsforthe futuresevengenerations.
LiveEcoStyle,www.liveecostyle.com,isamassive websiteandstillgrowing.Iwantedtoleavea simpledefinition….“AlltheGoodThingsinLife”. Thesecanembracemanypartsoflife,from Dining,Travel,Sipping,Health,Diet,Sports, Arts,FashionandevenSpas.
Importantly,itisasimple,ongoingandanever changingdefinitionoflifemyPopPopdefinedfor meonallofthoseweekendsgrowingupasakid.I believeweareallkidsinsidetoacertainextent,so mygifttoyouissimplyhopingyoufindthelove fortheworldaroundyouandyourmeaningful others,andenjoyeveryday,whichIcall“Allthe GoodThingsinYourLife”.
Important to keep one’s feet free of sand.40 years ago, I was a beginner. American Birkebeiner, cross country ski race is 50 kilometers (approx 30 miles) over glacial hills in northern Wisconsin. It is an international event that now has a limit of 13,500 skiers.
I had no idea if I could ski the distance, I had no idea if I could climb all the hills, survive the fast, long downhills, or if my very basic equipment could withstand the challenges ahead.
for U.S. Ski and Snowboard, returning to the start area of the largest cross country ski race in northAmerica, is always an emotional event for me.
These days,TheAmerican Birkebeiner Foundation has established yearround events with the intent of providing healthy activities in the north woods of Wisconsin. These include trail runs, fat tire bike events, and several ski races.
Over the last few years,TheTurkey Birkie, held the weekend after Thanksgiving, provides first skiing for hundreds of people.
We were fortunate this year to have some early natural snow, andThe Birkie foundation is now able to make snow for many kilometers of course. But the climate is changing, and the near 50 degrees Fahrenheit temps recently is not snowmaking weather. With a bit of a base, and snow saved, moved and groomed, several hundred of us were able to dust off rusty technique, and stretch our legs.
Driving the hour commute to the venue, my thoughts drifted back over the years.
I played someAllman Brothers Band music, as it was always my go-to for getting in a “ready , set , GO ” mindset. I thought about the anxiety I used to feel on my way to this monster event.
Conditions over many years brought a range of challenges from below zero starting temps, and wind, to snowfall during the race with accumulations of well over a foot.
"Igotonaturetobesoothedandhealed, andtohavemysensesputinorder."
Locatedon62woodedacresandjusta30-minute drivefromOttawa,youwillfindOntario's newestcampingexperience,HammondHill, Canada'sPremiereEco-Experience,and WildernessResort.Openedofficiallytothe publicinthesummerof2021,thislabouroflove isadreamcometorealityforco-ownersBrad CartierandAaronMarkel.
Asyoupullintothedriveway,youseethesign indicatingyouhavearrivedatHammondHill. Thesignandstandhavebeenmadefrom reclaimedwoodcollectedfromtheproperty. You'lldiscoverthatallthegrounds'bridges, fences,andsignagewerepainstakinglymadethe sameway.
Onceparked,walktheshortdistancetoThe WelcomeShackandBeerGarden.Desperateto chargeyourdevices?Mostofthepropertyis off-grid,sothisisagreatplacetochargeup.
Whileusingthechargingstation,whynot purchaseapintortwoofcraftbeerora non-alcoholicdrink?BrokenStickBreweryisa neighbour,andtheyproudlyservesomeoftheir product.
Next,takeyourdrinkandsitinoneofthemany Adirondackchairsaroundthesteeloutdoor fireplaces.Theyevenhavecookingrackstomake yourselfsomethingtoeat.
Thereareseveralchoicesforaccommodationatthis family-friendlyresort.
Bringyourequipmentandcampononeofthe20 spotsnestledamongstthetreesifyouenjoy camping.Therearespotsforonetothreetents.Each sitehasatentpad,apicnictable,andafirepit.
Stayinoneoftheyurtsorjupes.Theyurtshave twodoublebeds.Outsideisapicnictable, Adirondackchairsaroundafirepitandatent padforadditionalguests.
Whynottryoutajupe?Ajupeisacanvas shelterdesignedforoff-gridliving.These solar-poweredshelterssleeptwopeopleand comewithapicnictableandfirepit.
Forauniqueexperience,tryoneofthe cabinsintheirownPioneerVillage.The 80sqftcabinshaveabed,smalltable,and chairandareentirelyoff-grid.Withcabin nameslikeLeVieuxQuébecandLe Louisbourg,youmayfeelyouhave steppedbackintimeyetbevery comfortable.
Thecommunalwashroomsarelocated adjacenttoTheWelcomeShack.
Inthewarmermonths,enjoyseveral kilometresofmarkedtrails,enjoyingthe earthysmellswhilemeanderingthrough thewoods.Theleavesrustlingandsun filteringthroughthetreesleadsyoutoa clearingwithgorgeoustreesoverhead, aptlynamedForestRetreat,whereyoga enthusiastscanpractice,oryoucanpause totakeabreathoffreshair.
Thereisalsoaprivatelakeandbeachanda beautifulweddingchapel.
Beersbeeisafavouriteandinvolvesabeercan andafrisbee!
Ifyoudon'twanttocook,headdowntheroad totheHammondHillGolfCourseand CountryClub.Theyareopenallyear.Eat-inor take-outisavailable.Thisisalsowhereyouwill findBrokenStickBrewery.
WewereguestsofHammondHill,butall opinionsareourown.
Theonsiterestauranthasanamazingoutdoor pizzaoven,andyou'llfindsomethingfor everyone'stasteonthemenu.
Nomatterwhattimeofyearyouvisit,sit back,takeadeepbreathoffreshair,and enjoythebeautyofnatureatHammond Hill.
WewereguestsofHammondHill,butall opinionsareourown.
Lori Sweet and Sylvio Roy are based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.Aretired teacher, Lori and her writer/pilot husband Sylvio are a boomer couple travelling the world. They share what they learn about wine, food, and other cultures, to help others make the most of their travels at VoyageWriters.com and can be found on social media @voyagewriters.
dissatisfactionwerethenorm.Ididmyfirstdietin 5thgrade.Thatissoscarytomeasamother. InhighschoolIwasconstantlyonsomeformofa diet.Thisleadtoalove-haterelationshipwithfood andeventuallybingeandemotionaleating. ForyearsIwasstuckinthe“I’llstartMonday Mentality”.Youknow,whereyoutellyourselfif youjusteatitallnowyoucanstartfreshtomorrow, untiltomorroweventuallybecomesMonday.
By Dina Garcia-RD,LDN,CLT,CMCI’velostcountlesshoursofsleepovertheguiltand shameruminatinginmyheadafteralatenightof bingeeating.
My1styearasadietitianwaswhenmybingeeating peaked.Idevelopedprediabetes,digestiveproblems anda“shrinking”wardrobe…
HowcouldIletthishappen?Ihadacollege degreeinnutritionandIstillcouldn’tcontrol myeating.
Ihadtriedsomanythingstogaincontrolover myeating.Icountedcalories,macros,carbs, younameit.Itriedtosetmyselfupforsuccess bymealplanning,mealpreppingand portioningmyfood.Ididdetoxesandcleanses to"reset"mycravings.
Ieventriedavoidingtriggersatallcosts.There werecountlessmissedsocialevents.Iavoided restaurants.Itriedtonotlettriggerfoodsenter myfrontdoor.
Itriedmeditation,exercise,talkingwith friends(notaboutmybingingofcourse,I
feltwaytoomuchshameforthat)andevery distractiontechniqueknowntoman. Itwasn’tuntilIrealizedthatmymindset towardsfoodandbodyimagewasthe problem. AthispointIwasableto implementstrategiestoreprogrammybrain tothink,feelandbehavedifferentlyinthe presenceoffood.
Idon’twantanyoneelsetogothroughthe difficultandfrustratingdietculturerecovery thatIdid.Iwashesitantatfirsttoletgoof dieting.ItgavemewhatIthoughtwas control,whichwascomforting.
PlusIwasfearfulI’djustgainevenmore weightandneverstopbingingifIgave myselfpermissiontonotdiet.
Givingupdietinginaweightcentric, fat-phobicsocietythatmakesusthink dietingisamoralhighgroundisnoteasy.
Weareconstantlybombardedwithdiettrends thatpromisetobedifferentthanalltheother diets.Theyarefullof“successstories”andbefore andafterphotos.
Therealityismostofthosesuccessstoriesdon’t continuelong-term.Researchshowsthatover90% ofpeoplewillregainlostweightwithin1-5years afteradietandmanywillgainbackmorethan theylost.
Despitethelowsuccessrateofintentionalweight lossthemedicalcommunitystillprescribesit.If yourbodyisoutsidetheparametersofwhat doctorsthinkisa‘healthysize”andyouhaveany medicalailmentsorconditionsit’slikelyyour doctorhasprescribedweightloss.
● Stopthinkingaboutfoodallthetime
● Eatwhatyouwantandenjoytheheck outofit.
● Improveyourhealthwithoutengagingin diets
● Havetriggerfoodsinthehouseandnot feeltheneedtocompulsivelyeatthem untiltheyaregone.
● Enjoyholidaysandsocialeventswithout stressingabouthowmuchyou’regoing toeat.
Thebigpictureisthisthough.Evenifweight losslowersyourbloodsugarlevels,improves yourcholesterol,alleviatespain,orwhatever elsetheyaretryingtofixwithweightloss,the chancethatweightlossissustainedispretty low.
Astheweightreboundsbacktopre-diet numbers(orhigher)healthmarkersusually endupworsethanwheretheystarted.Thisis whyit’sbettertofocusonhealthoverweight loss.
● Learnaboutweightstigmaandbiasand itsimpactonpeople’shealth
● Breakingfreefromthechainsofdiet culture.
Thenyoudon’twanttomissoutonmynew podcast.Iwillbeprovidingyouwith compassionateadvice,thelatestresearchand expertinterviewstohelpyouliveaLifeWithout Diets.
Sohowdoesonegiveupdietingwithout givinguphope? ThatisexactlywhatI’llbe sharingonmynew podcast.
It’sbeenoveradecadesinceIhavehadabinge episodeordieted.Icannowtalkaboutmy personalbingeeatingexperienceswithlittle emotion.ButwhenIthinkaboutotherssuffering thewayIdidIstillgetchokedup.
Foodissuchabeautifulthing.Itisnostalgic,it sustainsourlife,itissharedwithlovedones,itis community,itislove.Thehumanbodyismagical. Noonedeservestosufferaroundfoodorfeelout ofhomeintheirownbody…PERIOD!
Thenyoudon’twanttomissoutonmynew podcast.Iwillbeprovidingyouwith compassionateadvice,thelatestresearchand expertinterviewstohelpyouliveaLife WithoutDiets.
Starting soon on ROKU
Foodissuchabeautifulthing.Itis nostalgic,itsustainsourlife,itisshared withlovedones,itiscommunity,itislove. Thehumanbodyismagical.
It’sbeenoveradecadesinceIhavehadabinge episodeordieted.Icannowtalkaboutmy personalbingeeatingexperienceswithlittle emotion.ButwhenIthinkaboutothers sufferingthewayIdidIstillgetchokedup.
Noonedeservestosufferaround foodorfeeloutofhomeintheir ownbody…PERIOD!
Photos by Daniel Sullivan
Article by Randy Weckerly
DanielSullivan,DanielSullivanPhotography,of Maui,HawaiiandIbecamefriendsin2014.Heis oneoftheWorld’sBestPhotographersandIam privilegedtoknowthroughthelensofhiscamera.
Danieljustpublishedhissecondbook, “MauiMaukatoMakai”,andafewphotos fromhis new
Bookmightbeincludedinthenextfewpages.If youwouldliketoordereitherofhisbooks,usethis link.
EnjoythefollowingpagesasIhaveinlooking throughhisfirstbook“TheKingsHighway”which hepublishedaboutnineyearsago.
ThisareaisknownasUpcountryinMauiterms. OnecanpeerdownatthevalleywhereKiheiis underthisbushinthebackground.Thehillsafar arewhereLahainaandKapaluafindthemselves whichisaboutathirtytofortyminutedrivefrom Kihei.Fromthisspotupcountry,oneisafew minutesfromKulaandMakawao,bothvery quaintcommunities.
ThenightlifeinMakawaocanbealotof fun.Thelocalsseemtobeattractedtothe laidbacklifestyleandmusicofadjoining barsandnightclubssotospeak.Thetemps duringthedayduetoelevationare somewhatcooler,mostlyinthe60s. Humidityisabundantandgoodforthe naturalcurls.
Daniel Sullivan, Featured Photographer in “Live Eco Style” has authored Two incredible books on Maui, its beauty and its history. When Visiting Maui, sign up for one of Daniel’s PhotographyTours. It makes a spectacular day with one of the islands treasured resources and kindest individuals. Randy Weckerly, Publisher DanialSullivanTours 98
OnthisdayFebruary2,2021,2yearsago mysonTristanandIsetoutonwhat seemedlikeanimpossiblyperfectday,to gowhalewatchinginourkayak.Forty fiveminuteslaterwecameuponamother escortandcalfhumpback.Whatcame afterthatwillforeverbeetchedinmy memory,withaloudcrackasthebottom ofourkayakshotupoutofthewater fromtheattackofawhiteshark.
AsIlookeddownhismouthbiting throughthebottomofthekayakwas directlyundermylegs.Wewerethrown outoftheboatandhadtofightoffthe sharkandswimoveramileintosafety.
Danial Sullivan Photography Maui, HIThereweremanymomentsthatdaythatIwasn’t sureifmysonorIwouldmakeit.Inmanywaysit wasaneardeathexperience.Irememberthe morningafterwakingupandfeelinglikeIwasina dream,thinkingwealmostdidn’tmakeit,but thensuddenlyrealizingwhatagiftthislifewas.
SotodayI’mtakingmysonoutwhalewatching, andcelebratinglife.Celebratethepeopleyoulove aroundyouandrealizehowtrulyluckyweallare tobeonthisamazinglybeautifulplanet.Mahalo