fashionABLE Fall Collection 2012

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cover — Saba in Rust Grey // left to right — Abeba in Plum Blossom + Gunmetal, Etanesh Stripes in Off-white, Saba Infinity in Plum, Etanesh Stripes in Charcoal + Lime, and Feleku in Ecru + Charcoal



Your purchase of a fashionABLE scarf creates sustainable business for women in Africa. Our commitment as a non-profit is to the development of people — fashionABLE works with women who have been exploited due to the effects of poverty. So, when you purchase a scarf you are providing jobs, and then we send the net profits back to holistically rehabilitate more women. Scarves provide jobs, profits provide restoration. In Ethiopia, prostitution is often linked with deep levels of generational poverty and financial desperation. Lacking meaningful resources and a sense of hope, many women resort to prostitution as a means of supporting themselves and their families. These women are often desperate to leave the sex industry but remain trapped by a lack of opportunity and rehabilitative support.

of women and resources in Africa. Each scarf is handmade from Ethiopian cotton in the capital of Addis Ababa. The cotton is collected from the field, the seeds are removed, and then it is separated for the weaving process. The thread is dyed the desired color, and then woven into unique designs. The vision of fashionABLE is to make a new kind of fashion statement as a responsible consumer. Purchasing a scarf does far more than just create jobs, it gives the women producing them a stable and sustainable business. Scarves provide jobs; profits provide restoration. When you buy a fashionABLE scarf you are able to provide opportunities, and women in Africa are able to have a new choice.

To rehabilitate these former sex workers, fashionABLE partnered with “Women At Risk” in an effort to create sustainable business in Africa through scarf making; instead of making women dependent on charity, they become a vital part of a developing economy. fashionABLE optimizes the unique talents



100% Ethiopian cotton, hand woven This sophisticated scarf has complimentary colored threads woven together to create beautiful shades for fall.



on Ashlie — Saba Infinity in Plum on Sissy — Saba in Coral Grey on McKenna — Saba Infinity in Denim


SABA “I grew up working in a bar, and didn’t think I could change or get out of this life. I was using drugs and hurting myself in the way I was living. Now I feel empowered and equipped to face life. I’ve made a lot of mistakes but now I am changed. I can’t believe I get to make scarves. I am thankful for these skills and I am so proud.”

More of Her Story

“I am ABLE to feel pride in my work.”


Opposite: on Sissy — Saba in Coral Grey on McKenna — Saba Infinity in Denim

on Lucas — Saba in Rust Grey


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$36 Style #: 013-6 Plum

Style #: 013-7 Coral Grey

Style #: 013-8 Rust Grey

Style #: 013-9 Denim

Style #: 013-10 Gunmetal Gold

Saba Infinity


Style #: 014-6 Plum

Style #: 014-7 Coral Grey

Style #: 014-8 Rust Grey

Style #: 014-9 Denim

Style #: 014-10 Gunmetal Gold


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100% Ethiopian cotton, hand woven A scarf with multiple sections of stripes and diamonds, available in both bright and neutral color schemes.


on Alyssa — Feleku in Orchid, Navy, + Ivory on McKenna — Feleku in Black + Charcoal on Ashlie — Feleku in Charcoal + Mediterranean Blue



FELEKU “I had no happiness in my life before. I didn’t trust people and was very negative. My behavior was bad and I had a lot of problems and no boundaries. Now, I can support myself, face challenges, and see the positive in people and situations. Being able to work has changed my life and brought me joy.”

More of Her Story

“I am ABLE to face new challenges.”


Opposite: on McKenna — Feleku in Black & Olive

on Alyssa — Feleku in Orchid, Navy, + Ivory



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Style #: 012-1 Charcoal diamonds + Ecru stripes on a an Ecru scarf Style #: 012-5 Charcoal Grey diamonds + Mediterranean Blue stripes on a Blue scarf Style #: 012-6 Black diamonds + Charcoal Grey stripes on a Charcoal Grey scarf Style #: 012-7 Black diamonds + Olive stripes on an Olive scarf


Style #: 012-8 Orchid diamonds + Wide Navy stripes on an Ivory scarf

100% Ethiopian cotton, hand woven A scarf with colored, textured stripes that make the simplest outfits fun and stylish.

on Aimee — Etanesh Stripes in Blue-grey + Olive




ETANESH “I moved to the city to live with my uncle and go to a better school, but he died and left me by myself. I got into prostitution because I was all alone and had no money. Everything was dark. I was abused and wanted to die, and prayed for God to take me out of this life. I’ve never looked back at leaving because I am so happy now. I have found motivation to have my own business one day, and I want my son to grow and be in a good place. I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me get this point.”

More of Her Story

“I am ABLE to see my son, Abel, grow in character.”


Opposite: on Ashlie — Etanesh Stripes in Navy + Coral Pink on Lucas — Saba in Rust Grey on McKenna — Feleku in Olive + Black

on Aimee — Etanesh Stripes in Ivory + Dusty Rose

Etanesh Stripes


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Style #: 003-1 Off-White scarf with Off-White textured stripes Style #: 009-1 Black Cherry scarf with contrasting Dusty Rose textured stripes Style #: 009-5 Charcoal Grey scarf with contrasting Lime textured stripes Style #: 009-6 Navy scarf with contrasting Coral Pink textured stripes Style #: 009-7 Olive scarf with contrasting Coral Pink textured stripes Style #: 009-8 Blue-grey scarf with contrasting Olive textured stripes


Style #: 009-9 Ivory scarf with contrasting Dusty Rose textured stripes

100% Ethiopian cotton, hand woven This scarf has multiple sections of bold, textured stripes placed throughout to create a powerful fashion statement.

on Sissy — Abeba in Marigold + Safari Tan




ABEBA “I always wanted to get out of that life and feel normal but could never find work and always had to go back to the unhappiness and ugliness of it. I am so relieved and happy to be able to have a job and develop my skills. I feel like I have hope for the future and for continued change.”

More of Her Story

“I am ABLE to have hope again.”


Opposite: on Andy — Saba in Denim on Sissy — Abeba in Pomegranate

on Alyssa — Abeba in Plum Blossom + Gunmetal Grey


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$36 Style #: 015-1 Pomegranate stripes on Pomegranate base Style #: 015-2 Marigold stripes on Safari Tan base

Style #: 015-3 Plum Blossom stripes on Gunmetal Grey base


Etanesh Stripes in Olive + Coral Pink

Saba in Plum

Abeba in Marigold + Safari Tan


Chill in the air, leaves on the ground— autumn is all around.

Feleku in Orchid, Navy, + Ivory

Saba in Rust Grey


Women At Risk “Women At Risk” is an organization we have partnered with to rehabilitate former sex workers. This work requires not only getting these women off the streets, but also providing them counseling and helping them find alternate means of income — this is why we created fashionABLE. Our ultimate goal is to help these women become healthy and productive members of society.

More About Women At Risk


When you buy a fashionABLE scarf you are ABLE to provide opportunities, and women in Africa are ABLE to have a new choice scarves provide jobs; profits provide restoration


Learn More



This fall, make a new kind of fashion statement. on Sissy — Saba in Plum

on Alyssa — Etanesh Stripes in Charcoal Grey + Lime on Matt — Saba in Gunmetal Gold




On the back: on Aimee — Saba Infinity in Coral Grey

Our Team Photography: Jeremy Cowart Style + Direction: Amber Lehman Style: Jordan Duncan Production: Marisa Pardo Hair: Laura Vinson Makeup: Lindsay Nation Models: Mckenna Martin * Ashlie Reasonover * Alyssa Tankersley * Aimee Abizera Lucas Boto Sissy Harrington Andy Hunt Matt Lehman Phil Shay *c/o Macs/Amax

Ethiopia Photography: Austin Gros


Catalog Design: Emily Keafer

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