Live in ItalyMagazineisa Google and Muck Rack verified travel and lifestyle magazine. We were named Best Italy Magazine by Feedspot in 2023 & 2024. Ourreaders come from all over the world with the top 5 readershipfrom the U.S. followed by the UK, Italy, Canada, and Australiaamong others. Live in Italy Magazine was established in the last quarter of2020 and has quicklygrown to receive 550+Kimpressions per month. Theonlineversionmagazine isavailable toreadinEnglish,Italian,andSpanish.
Weare committedtofostering authentic and responsible travel toItaly. Weencouragetravelers tovisit andsupport small businesses to enhancetheir experience.
The word'live'is bothliteral and figurative.Since the beginningof tourism's history, peoplehavebeenin search of la be/la vita.Throughhigh-qualityeditorial and interviews, our team of writers (basedinthe U.S., Italy, UK, Sweden, Scotland, and Canada) connectreaders to the lesser-knownregions, hidden gems, anduntold stories.
Ourmonthly, "Chat withanExpat"feature provides valuable informationanda genuineperspective of whatitis like to liveinItalyas aforeigner. Todate,our YouTubechannel has registered 61.8K watchtimehours.
Our Commitment
To providean organic advertisingstrategythathelps businesses of allsizesand budgetsreachthe magazine'sinternational readers andfollowers, as well as accessa wideraudience througha 360° marketing strategy.
Wealsoaim to foster goodtraderelationships between primarilythe U.S. andItaly,but not excluding countries where ourother Englishspeaking readersare from suchasthe U.K., Canada,Australia,Iand New Zealand.
Website: www.liveinitalymag.com 23.3AvgMonthlyUsers600Kimpressions
54.8% OrganicSearch
TopReadership:US,UK,IT,CA,AU, DE, NL
♀ Female 58.8% Male 41.2% Ages: 25-34 | 45-54 | 35-44 | 55-64
YouTube: Average UVM www.youtube.com/liveinitalymagazine
4,638Subscribers \ US40.8%;UK8.1%;Canada6.5%;Italy6.2%;Australia4.6%
64.9% ♀ 35.1% | 55-64 | 65+ | 45-54
Facebookwww.facebook.com/LivelnltalyMa g
63.6% Women I 36.4%Men
Top Geographies:Chile23.3%;US 20.5%; Argentina 17.5%; Italy14.3%; SouthAfrica 5%; Canada 3.9%;Spain3.9%;UK3.8%;UK 3.8%; Germany1.3%
lnstagram www.instagram.com/liveinitalymag
5,834Followers | Threads:1,054 US45,3%;Italy24%;UK4.7%;Canada3.6%Australia3.3%; 69.3% Women I 30.6%Men
www.linkedin.com/company 317 Followers
43.8K Monthly Visitors 174 Followers
72.6% Female I 21.1% Male
Top Geographies: Other 53.0%; Italy 13.1%; US 8.6%; France 6.5%; Brazil 3.9%
18K Tweet Impressions per year
TikTok www.tiktok.com/liveinitalymag 1072 Followers | 81K Post Views in 2024
Publications, & Marketing Services
A monthly newsletter is emailed to over SK+ subscribers. 65% from theU.S. 15% Italy; 10% UK;5% Canada;5% Other 33.66% Open Rafe and 12.73% CTOR
Digital Publication www.issuu.com/liveinitalymag
92,508 Impressions
5,907 Reads
U.S.50.43%;llaly 25.97%; UK6.99%:Canada6.94%;Australia 4.4%; Ireland4.2%; Germany1.03%;India1.03%;NewZealand0.91%;Sweden0.91%
Other Marketing Services
• GraphicDesign
• SocialMedia & InfluencerMarketing
• ProfessionalVideography andPhotographyServices (available intheU.S. andItaly.)
• PressRelease WritingandDistribution
• Ad Buy Services
• WebsiteDevelopment
• Branding