5 steps to turn on your power–with–in

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5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this book in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Disclaimer Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. Results may vary with every individual and your results may or may not be different from those depicted. Each individual's success depends on their efforts, their background and their personal motivation.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


I've written in this e-book the 5 steps that I find work for me to turn on and connect with my Power–With–In. It's with these steps that I am able to keep my vibration high. When you can maintain feeling good most of the time you are well on your way to living your desired happy life.

With my connection to my Power–With–In and knowing that I create my own reality, and then deliberately choosing the thoughts I think and feel, while keeping myself positively focused on my desires, and tapping into the amazing energy of this Universe . . . I AM living my HAPPY LIFE and creating my desires.

The following pages describe briefly these 5 steps, enjoy!

~ Linda Armstrong

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In



Introduction to me…


1 – Connect to the Power–With–In


2 – Know that you create your own Reality


3 – Become a Deliberate Thinker


4 – Staying focused on your desire


5 – Tapping into the Energy of the Universe


Bonus – Signs from the Universe


The Emotional Guidance Scale


Law of Attraction Basics InfoGraphic


Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


Introduction to me…

Hi, I’m really happy that you downloaded my 5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In. These are the very basic things that I do to keep myself vibrating high and enjoying my life as I work towards creating all of my own desires. Click on my image above to watch a 3 minute video so that you can get to know me.

Throughout this e-book there will be links to other videos I’ve made and e-books and articles I’ve written. Most of the images also have links. My intention is to spread useful information that you can take and use right away. Just click on the extra links as you feel drawn. I don’t want them to be distractions, just easy ways to get to more info. Enjoy!

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


1 – Connect to the Power–With–In The Power-With-In is the connection to the whole of all of the energy that exists in this Universe. We are all connected. Everything in this Universe is energy and you have the power to tap into that energy and to create with it. That energy is flowing through you always. The surest way to really feel your connection to the Power-With-In is through meditation. You will know this connection when you feel it. But first you have to know that you can.

When I tried meditating before, I had this idea that I had to quiet my mind and be of NO THOUGHT. Well, I just could not do that, and of course the harder I tried the less I could do it. I Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


still can’t do that. Maybe one day I can be of that level, but it in no way takes away from my experience. In fact, as thoughts pass through while I meditate it makes it easier for me to hear the inspiration that is being sent to me. All of a sudden this amazing thought that I had never thought before just pops into my mind. And it is always an inspiration that makes my life better. It’s always the perfect next thing I could do. What I have come to understand is that there is no wrong way to meditate. And once you quiet your mind you can easily connect to the Universal Energy Stream.

That Power–With–In is your connection to your Higher Self, to the part of you that is totally connected to the energy of the Universe. That part of you always knows what is best for you. In meditation you can connect to that part and listen for inspiration. Listen to that voice inside your head. We have all had experiences where that little voice really pointed us in the right direction, especially in situations that were for your own safety. It's pretty amazing. I hear people say, "A little voice inside of me told me..." but most people don't acknowledge how that voice is their Higher Self and totally connected to the energy of this amazing Universe.

Your Higher Self is always guiding you, even if you are unaware that it is happening. Think about Synchronicity, when something happened at just the right time, in just the right way. Think about those things that seem to have come from out of the clear blue sky. I'm here to tell you that there is no such thing as coincidence. Those things that seem to magically happen are coming from your Higher Self or even from your Angels and Guides.

We are all energy sensing devices. When you pay attention you can feel and connect to energy. You can feel the energy of the room when you enter a party, or when a friend or family member is angry with you. You are always sensing energy. Good, bad, excited, fearful, happy, sad, and on and on. You can feel it in yourself and even in others. You can sense when something is not right,

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


and when everything is just right. When you start to really pay attention to this ability of sensing energy try quieting your mind and go into meditation and then just sit and feel the energy. See what you feel and sense; see what inspiration is there for you. You can even ask a question before you start meditating. Maybe just state "I would love to receive a message that will guide me to knowing my connecting to my own Power-With-In".

You can find all of your answers when you go within and listen. And don't worry if you don't sense anything right away. Give yourself time to adjust to being in that quiet space. It is a very different space than your regular movement throughout the day. But, you will adjust quickly. Guided meditation is a sure way to feel this connection. I have many guided meditations that will aid you in feeling the connection to your Power–With–In. My Clients love them. They are able to go way out into a whole separate space, where they feel way bigger than their body and they received insight from their Higher Self. You can Schedule a Strategy Session to find out how I can help you to make this connection. Click here to schedule: https://liveloa.coachesconsole.com/v2/liveloa/website

The best part of connecting to the Power–With–In for me is knowing that I already have all of my answers to anything that I want to know, or have, and all I have to do is make that connection and receive inspiration, connecting with my own intuition. All the answers are there, inside of me. And I know the Universal Energy, my Higher Self and my Power–With–In will guide me. Here are two quick exercises you can do to start feeling that connection:

Meditation / Energy Clearing – Sit in a quiet space, get comfortable and close your eyes. Breathe in a nice slow deep breath and let it go, and then breathe in again, slow and deep and let it go, and then breathe in once more, a nice beautiful deep healing breath in, and this time hold it for 3 seconds, then let it go all the way out. As you do this use your imagination and imagine that

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


on the OUT breath you are releasing stuck energy from your body. Energy that is blocking you. And then on the IN breath imagine bringing in a pure white light. This white light represents the energy of the Universe, pure positive energy. Do this a few times and see how this feels in your body, filling your body with pure positive energy. And releasing from your body negative stuck energy. From there you can just sit quietly, softly, breathing and meditating. Just freeing your mind. Any thoughts that come in that you don’t want, just place them in a bubble and send them away. You can imagine your life as you want it, and see if you receive some inspiration. When you sit quietly focusing on your breathing, relaxed and calm, you’ll receive insight from your power-with-in.

You may find that you feel like you have gone somewhere else. Almost as if you left your body and left the Earth and traveled someplace far from where you are actually sitting. This to me is just such an awesome feeling. Then when you are done with your meditation consciously bring yourself back into the room you are sitting in, back to the chair you are sitting on, you can wiggle your toes and fingers and take a nice big stretch. And then, just notice if anything looks different. Maybe colors seem more vibrant, everything seems brighter. Or, your body feels like it's buzzing, or your ears are ringing a little. We are able to sense energy on so many levels, see if you notice anything that is even slightly different than when you started.

Work with a Pendulum – This is a very fun way to connect to that power-with-in. You can ask questions and receive YES or NO answers. You are the translator for the Energy of the Universe as you are asking your questions. Hold the Pendulum above your hand and ask to be shown YES, notice what direction the pendulum starts moving in. Then ask the Pendulum to show you NO, again notice which way the pendulum moves. This is your key to knowing if your answer is a YES or a NO. For me I usually get a circular motion for Yes, and a straight line back and forth for NO. Now you are ready to ask away. If you have never done this before you are in for a treat.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


2 – Know that you create your own Reality The Law of Attraction says: “that which is like unto itself is drawn”, or “Like attracts Like”. Another way of saying it is: “birds of a feather flock together”. That is the foundation of the law. You see, our thoughts are like magnets, they attract all things that match the thoughts we think. All of our thoughts give off vibrations. Vibrations that send out a frequency, a wave of energy. Things that vibrate at a certain frequency will tune into a complimentary frequency. Sort of like radio waves. You cannot dial your radio to 95.5 FM and receive 770 AM, those frequencies don’t match up and

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


cannot be tuned in. What you are focused on is what you will draw in to you. So, if you are focused on what you want you will draw in what you want, the same is true if you focus on what you don’t want. You will draw in what you do not want.

So when you think about your thoughts and start dissecting them to some degree you will start to see why you are attracting the things you are living. Pay attention to the stories you are telling. Stop and listen to the things that you are saying. If it's too hard to look at yourself, look at what other people are saying, and living. There is always a connection between the two. That is if the words they are speaking are authentic. Notice how the people around you who are always worrying have more to worry about. Seems they can never catch a break. The people who mostly speak of illness are always sick. The people who say, "That can't be done" are never creating anything. Those who speak about being overweight and always have something to say about the food they eat. They are always overweight, even if they loose some weight, if they keep telling the same story they just wind up fat again. Those who put down wealthy people, who always have something negative to say about money, they will never be wealthy. The signals don't line up. You can't put down wealthy people, think them evil and unhappy, and then become wealthy.

If you notice young children and listen to their dreams you see that they totally know they can have what they want. They don’t consider that obstacles can or will get in their way to keep their dreams from becoming a reality. They know that when they grow up they will be an Astronaut or a Movie Star, a Famous Singer, or a Millionaire, etc. There is no doubt, that’s just the way it is. They are thinking and feeling with their hearts and not their heads. They are listening to that little voice inside them that says, “you can do or become or have anything you want in life”. Unfortunately, as we grow older we are bombarded with all the reasons why that can’t happen for us. People around us will point out all the difficulties that can come up and prevent this dream from becoming a reality.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


Those people are well meaning and think that they are helping us not knowing that they are really hindering us. The result is that we no longer trust that voice inside of us. We start to doubt our intuition. We start listening to the voices outside of us for our direction. No one else can ever really know what is best for you. Only you know what is in your best interest. You know this by the way you feel. You know this by your emotional indicators. Keep reaching for thoughts that feel better to you, one by one, this is your road map to what you are creating. If a thought you are thinking does not feel good to you, then it is not in your best interest. You need to keep reaching for a better feeling thought. You will then guide yourself back on track to reaching your desire.

Your thoughts have to be in alignment with your desire for you to achieve them. If you are focused on the lack of your desire you will get more lack. If you keep your focus on the feeling of having that desire, it will come. Your thoughts, plus your emotions staying in alignment with your desire, are how you create your reality. You will always get the equivalent of what you are thinking about. The tricky part comes in not realizing where your thoughts really are. But, once you know that you create your own reality with your thoughts, you will start to notice where your thoughts really are. Are they on the having of the desire or are they looking at the lack of that desire. It’s hard not to notice the lack. But when you find that you are, you can then take control and just pivot your thoughts back to the having of this desire. Back on track to what it will feel like when it manifests.

Your thoughts do create your reality. They are a reflection of you, of your life. Tell the story how you want it to be. Tell it as if it is already in existence. You don't have to tell the story to everyone you know. You can keep these new stories to yourself. Just create them in your mind, imagine it now, live it now. When you keep your thoughts and feelings focused on living your desires, they will become your reality.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


3 – Become a Deliberate Thinker Now this is where the magic starts to happen. Knowing that you create your own reality you can now choose empowering thoughts and add real feelings to those thoughts to create your life.

The Law of Deliberate Creation is about being consciously aware of the way you feel, and deliberately guiding your thoughts toward those that feel better and better. That's it! You need to choose the thoughts that FEEL better. When you become more aware of the thoughts you are thinking, you will also be aware of the feelings that those thoughts are bringing you. As long as those thoughts feel good to you, you will be bringing good things into your life. You are a

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


magnificent creator. You create with every thought you have. Often times you create by default. But, you are getting what you are thinking about. Look around at what you are living. If you are living things that you don’t really want, those things are being created by default. Because you have not been consciously choosing the thoughts around them. You are living the automatic thoughts, the most obvious thoughts. You have your attention stuck on what is, and not looking towards the future. All you need to do is change the story you’re telling. Whether it is out loud or in your mind, change the story by deliberately thinking of what you DO want.

Notice when someone asks you: “How are you doing today” what is your answer? Do you give an enthusiastic GREAT, or do you say something that leans negative. Do you give some detail of how you are not feeling that great? Notice how you answer that question when it comes up. Have you heard the saying "Fake it till you make it", well do that! Don't give out the details of how you are not feeling that great, your back hurts, you’re tired, you’re feeling down, etc. Instead just say, "I'm feeling pretty good", that leans more positive than negative, and I bet just in saying that you will actually be feeling pretty good. Or lets say you are asked about a new project you are working on. Don't speak about where you are if you are getting stuck, or things that are putting you back. Instead speak of the direction you are aiming for. You can say, "Good things are happening, I'm always moving forward, I'll be there soon, really excited about this new idea". Give an answer that is more general and leaning in the positive direction. Don’t go into the detail of what is not yet working. Do you get the idea? Most importantly choosing to focus on what is NOT going well will keep you there longer. Pivot your thoughts to what can be done next to get back on track to achieving that desire. Deliberately choose a thought that will bring you closer to the desire.

You have an Emotional Guidance System. To be a Deliberate Thinker you only need to think of thoughts that make you feel good. Only good emotions will be connected to those thoughts.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


Those good feelings are your Higher Self telling you that you are headed in the right direction. If you find that the feelings attached to the thoughts you are thinking do not feel good, then your emotional guidance system is telling you to change your thoughts around that situation. It's your indication that you are headed in the wrong direction. So you see, your Higher Self will never steer you wrong, you just have to pay attention to the way you feel. And then, deliberately think better feeling thoughts to go in the direction of your desire.

The part I love the most when deliberately thinking is adding feelings to the thoughts. WOW! When you add feeling to the thoughts, they come to life. You can have a new idea, or a goal in mind and you can speak words about them. That's one thing, but when you start using your imagination and adding the feelings of what it will be like to be living the thought, that's where the magic is. Just writing this makes me feel sooooo good! I get excited about Deliberate Thinking. Thinking is one thing, but when you add feeling to the thoughts, that is empowering and that is how you CREATE! Click here to watch a video of my favorite story using Visualization with feeling to create my 3rd Degree Black Belt.

Experiment – This is actually a Future Visioning Technique, but I think it illustrates deliberate thinking perfectly.

So, go on a little journey with me. Let's imagine that you are driving late at night. You are on a very dark road; one headlight is blown out on your car. It's raining and your wipers are not working properly. You are having great difficulty seeing ahead of you and you are on a very tight winding road, you just got a flat tire. How does this scenario feel to you? How does it feel in your body? Pay attention to how you feel in this situation. OK, now, just go ahead and shake that feeling off. Physically shake your body, like a dog shaking off water; totally remove that feeling from your body.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


Now, this time on our journey, we are on a nice, bright, wide-open road. The sun is shining. The sky is blue, there are birds flying. You are driving through beautiful country roads. The scenery is gorgeous. You are in a convertible with the top down. You don't even know where you are going; you just know it's going to be awesome. Your favorite music is on the radio... now, how do you feel? Ok, so do you want to shake off this feeling? Or do you want to hold onto this feeling, and live this feeling?

So, let me ask you this... Which thoughts felt better? The dark, dismal, uncomfortable feeling thoughts or the bright, exciting, joyful feeling thoughts? You can do this again with your eyes closed and really put yourself on both roads. Obviously you chose the joyful ride. Well, you have in every moment of every day the ability to choose thoughts that feel good to you. Even in a bad situation. You can choose a slightly better feeling thought that can lead you to the better, brighter future.

You have that power in every moment and with every thought. You have the power to deliberately choose thoughts that are in alignment with your desire.

And the more you

deliberately choose to use this power consciously, the more you are headed down that bright wide-open road to your Awesome Life. You are a powerful creator. You are literally the sculptor of your life. Your thoughts are the clay in which you are creating with. Everything that is in existence now was once just a thought. And then add more thoughts attached to the first thought and then more thoughts still and before you know it that original thought is now a full-blown manifestation. You are a very powerful being. You have the POWER of the Universe flowing through you always. All you have to do is to consciously tap into it. It’s easier than you think!

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


4 – Staying focused on your desire Your desire will always be in the direction of Love, Appreciation and Gratitude. These are the highest emotions there are on the emotional scale. While in these emotional vibrations you will manifest your desires. While vibrating in these emotions you are totally allowing all good things to come to you.

It's when your emotions dip that you will be holding back your desires. There is an emotional scale that indicates how close you are to allowing all the good to flow to you. I have added a graphic of that scale at the back of this e-book. You can refer to that scale to see where you are presently and then from there you can begin to move yourself up the scale one thought after the other.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


Staying positively focused on your desire means not focusing on the lack of your desire. There are many Law of Attraction Processes to aid in keeping you positively focused. I use many of these, if not all of them, with my Clients. After a while my Clients get really good at knowing which process to apply on their own, and can easily apply them. Coaching gives you so many tools to work with that you can continue to use in your life even when you are no longer getting coaching. I have listed all of these processes in my e-book Think-Feel-Live, this way you can have them as a handy easy reference guide. Download it for FREE!

Visualization – One of my tools for maintaining my positive focus is Visualization, first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening. Just about anytime and anywhere. That's the beauty of using Visualization; it is so easy to do. And it really makes a difference. You only have to do this for 2 minutes at a time. In those 2 minutes you create stories of living your desire. Maybe the story is leading up to the desire; maybe the story is living the desire. You just imagine a movie in your mind of living this desire. It's as easy as that. Daydream! Kids so naturally visit those dreams, it is an innate skill, and we are born with it. Unfortunately, well-meaning adults try to break us of it. But now, it's time to return to using that ability. The more you imagine living your desire in your mind, and most importantly feeling what it would be like to live it while visualizing, the quicker it will come to you.

Appreciation & Gratitude –Appreciation and Gratitude, these are so important. The best way to stay in these vibrations is to journal. Keep a journal of the things that you appreciated or were grateful for throughout the day. Log at least 5 to 10 in your journal every day. The more you do this, the more you will have to log in. That's just how Law of Attraction works. The more attention you give to anything the more of it you will experience. So, if you are logging in appreciations and gratitude every day the Universe will bring you more to log. Isn't that just awesome. And that is how it works, just so easy. Once you are deliberately choosing to notice the

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


things that make you feel good you will be in those higher vibrations more often. Now, here’s the best part. You then flip over that page of appreciations, and on the back write 5 to 10 of your Future Appreciations and Gratitude.

You simply write 5 to 10 statements of appreciation or gratitude of things that you desire that have not occurred yet. BUT, the key is to write them in present tense. Write as if you already have this and are showing your appreciation of having it. I have created so many things this way. Just from simply writing these future statements. Here’s another video clip of my success with this process. The things I wrote about seem to have magically popped out of the clear blue sky. I’m sure you have heard that expression before. Well, there is no out of the clear blue sky. Everything you experience is a direct creation of you, which came because of the thought you have been thinking and the feelings you attach. Good or Bad. So you see how important it is to be deliberate about your thoughts, add real feelings and utilize visualization.

Some of the other processes I use that utilize visualization are: The 68 Second Process, Virtual Reality, Scripting, Creative Workshop and the Focus Wheel. With all of these processes you can think, and feel, and imagine… and that is how you create! You have the POWER!

Love – Another really big one is: to just approach things from the emotion of LOVE. I have to say I have been able to connect to that energy more easily through meditation. Love is your POWER, it is that amazing energy of this Universe that flows through you always. Just sit quietly and focus your attention on your heart chakra and feel the energy of love. Just connecting to that energy of love in meditation will bring so much more of that energy into your day-to-day life. My biggest win with doing this, is in healing my torn rotator cuff. Just with meditation and sending the energy of LOVE to my injury. It is healed, no surgery, just LOVE. Simply amazing!!!

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


5 – Tapping into the Energy of the Universe Universal Manager – Did you know there is a Universal Manager? You’ll want to start trusting that the Energy of this Universe can and will help you in acquiring your dreams. This Universal Energy is always working for you. You can think of that energy as your UNIVERSAL MANAGER. So as you think of a desire, imagine that you have this manager who will do what ever it takes to make sure that this task gets done. Expect that this manager is so good at his job that he will definitely make it happen.

There are times when I get a bit overwhelmed because I have so much to do. Well, I will literally say to myself: “Somehow this will all get done, not sure how, but I’m not going to worry about it, I know the Manager will help me get it done.” And, I can’t tell you how many times this has helped me. Sometimes in a simple way, out of nowhere my Husband or Son will take on doing something

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


that I thought I would have to do. They just start doing it without my even asking. Then sometimes I’ll receive some inspiration, a solution just pops into my mind. I could be doing something unrelated to the thing I’m trying to accomplish, and here comes my solution. You must have had this happen yourself. It could even come in a dream. My favorite is while I’m in the shower, sometimes while driving, watching TV, really anytime, anywhere. One time I was having a huge barbeque and needed to get my flower beds weeded and mulched. I didn’t have the money at that time to have my Gardener do it. I was putting a lot of money into the barbeque catering etc. So I was trying to figure out where I would find the time and the motivation to go out and weed all the beds myself and just make the garden look presentable. But, I just decided not to worry. I decided that the barbeque would be a huge success, and that somehow it will all work out. I decided give it up to the Manager.

That was all I did, I just decided that the manager would figure it out for me. It was two days later, my Landscaper showed up with a big truck and dumped all the mulch in my driveway and then they went on the weed all the beds and place all the mulch. I couldn’t believe it. I went out to him to tell him that I didn’t have the money together yet, and he said no problem, pay me when you can. Boy, that Manager is good! That's just one little story of mine, there have been many!

The magic comes in the allowing. Just relaxing and allowing the Universe to bring me my desires. Just trusting in that energy and staying connected to it. Not putting so much attention on the lack of that desire. But deciding to deliberately choose thoughts that will bring it closer to me. Visualizing living my desires. And as I have written in the beginning of this e-book, meditation is the way to really feel the connection to your POWER. In that connection comes TRUST. Trust in your own ability to really connect to this beautiful energy that is everywhere and always available. It is always flowing through you. This is your connection to your true power, to the Power–With–In.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


BONUS – Signs from the Universe Universal Messages – Well this is the ultimate! I am always amazed and grateful when I receive a message from the Universe. I really sort of wish I had always known about this. I missed out on so much when I was younger by only thinking that some things were just coincidences.

There are no coincidences. When you start to pay attention you begin to notice little signs, little coincidences, little messages that just feel so good, messages that give you guidance. I write about these little gifts on my blog when they come my way. Sometimes it is just a little thing, but it means so much to me.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


These messages come in many forms, usually through nature for me, but sometimes it can be a commercial, or you just happen to turn on a TV station or radio station and stop on the channel and then something is said that has a little tip for you, a little bit of direction that it gives you. Or a song comes on that gives you relief or direction in some way.

Some people receive their messages by seeing repeating numbers, patterns of numbers. Some people notice feathers, or pennies. Or a particular book comes their way. My favorite mantra is “The right things come to me at the right time” And boy do they!

So, pay attention to the signs that the Universe is sending you. They might be a gift from your Higher Self, from a Guardian Angel, Spirit Guide, maybe a loved on who has passed on. No matter what, they always feel sooooooo good. Take a few moments to really enjoy the message and give thanks for having received it. The more you notice them, the more they will come, its Law of Attraction always bringing you more of what you give your attention to.

Most importantly realize that it is your connection to the Power–With–In that draws all of this to you. That pure positive energy of all that is, of the Universe, its always flowing through you. You are connected to it. It is your Power–With–In, and it is your POWER to create the life you desire.

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In


If you like the ideas I’ve written about in this little e-book and would like help in applying them in your life, schedule with me for a Complimentary Strategy Session.

Complimentary Strategy Session – easily register on my Coaches Console with this link: FREE Strategy Session Create a username and password, select your time zone and choose from my available appointment times. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


5 Steps to turn on your Power–With–In

Copyright © 2012 – Linda Armstrong - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.



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