SHAG Week Booklet

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SHAG week stands for Sexual Health Advice and Guidance week! This is when your Student Union gets a bit filthy and spends a whole week talking about SEX and SEXUALITY! The week is fun, lively and informative. We have loads of events throughout the week and we want to see you all coming to your SU, getting involved, asking questions, getting lots free condoms, sweets, prizes and advice… what more could you ask for?

Because sex is important, natural and can be great fun. Unfortunately it can also be unwanted, unsafe and can result in serious STIs. I know most of you are thinking blah blah I’ve had the sex talk and I know what I’m doing, but some of you clearly don’t! 1 in 14 students are walking around with Chlamydia. The fact is ANYONE can get an STI; no ones perfect and mistakes are made. So we like to help our students and give lots of fun friendly advice. It’s SEX why wouldn’t you want to talk about it.

Our amazing acoustic night is hosting one-off love themed special. Come down for drink and listen to the greatest (and worst) love and sex songs as you’ve never heard before! Along with some other fun surprises and freebies.

Our own union debate society will be having their first union debate on sexual attitudes. This should be a great opportunity to be controversial, engage in an interesting debate and discover what Newcastle students really think about sex!

Head down to mens bar for a pint and a raffle! All the proceeds will be going to Charity, prizes include an Ann Summers Hamper, Drink vouchers, event vouchers and cosmetics. Tickets will be 50p each and can be bought all week in the SHAG tent. Come along to our SHAG tent for advice, Chlamydia testing, free condoms or just for free hot drinks and biscuits! Also look out for our own special Embarrassing Bodies event – not for the faint hearted!

We’ll also be giving out ‘Speak’ all week– a fantastic booklet produced last year by FemSoc; which contains anonymous submissions about sexual experiences or lack of, and all thoughts on sex….

Ok, so maybe not so sex related but still very important for all you lovely ladies out there! There will be big boobs bouncing around the SU along with even more freebies and food.

Or ‘the clap’ Is a bacterial infection. STIs are not very pleasant or comfortable; if they are left untreated they can result in very serious health problems. Most STIs can be cured with a simple course of antibiotic pills or cream. But if left untreated they can cause more serious health problems. With all STIs the earlier you catch them the easier they are to treat.

Let’s get the predictable statement, for an article on sexual health, over with… STIs are diseases passed on through bodily fluids, like saliva, blood and sexual fluids (e.g. sperm). We get an STI by having sex (including oral sex) with someone who’s infected. The frustrating thing about STIs is often they are silent with little or no visible symptoms.

Many people have none, but there could be pain when peeing, a discharge from the penis or vagina, or pain in the lower abdomen. Boys may have sore or swollen testicles. If it is in the throat it could cause soreness. Both partners take antibiotics. If left untreated can lead to infertility in males; pelvic inflammatory disease in women and sometimes ectopic pregnancies that can ultimately lead to death.

Are caused by a virus called HPV.

Small pinkish white lumps that can be on the vulva, penis, scrotum, anus or in the vagina. Below are some of the 4 most common STIs there are more! Some of the more serious infections include HIV and Syphilis.

Is the most common STI, and is a bacterial infection.

Most of the time, none, but sometimes pain when peeing (for guys), lower abdominal pain (for girls) or discharge from the vagina or penis. A simple course of antibiotics for both partners. Left untreated can lead to infertility in females.

Freezing the warts or using a cream or liquid to make them disappear. Even after treatment, the virus will be in your system for life which may or may not flare up again. If left untreated it can cause cervical cancer in women.

Or ‘crabs’ are small parasites (about 2mm long) that live in pubic hair.

Itching around the genitals, black powder found in underwear, white specks in pubic hair. A special cream, lotion or shampoo.

Is vital for anyone who wants to have sex and not have it result in a baby or an STI… probably quite a lot of you reading this booklet! There are so many weird and wonderful things out there to suit everyone, so there is NO excuse not to be protected. Below are just a few of the possibilities out there. Come along to the SHAG tent to see and talk about all of them.

Once said to be ‘little latex life savers’ are the only contraception to prevent against those nasty STIs! They come in all sizes...don’t ever be embarrassed about your size, if it doesn’t fit then it won’t work! Size isn’t important, safety is. They also come in all different flavours including chocolate, kiwi and even blueberry muffin. They are 98% effective against pregnancy when used correctly.

The pill is usually taken daily by the women and contains hormones. There are many different ones which contain different levels and different types of hormones. Some women have to try a few before they find one that suits them. They are over 99% effective against pregnancy when taken correctly, but do not protect against STIs.

The implant and the injections work in the same way: by slowly releasing a hormone called progestogen into your body. They are long-acting, effective methods of contraception, with the implant lasting up to 5 years. They are over 99% effective against pregnancy, but they do not protect you against STIs. Other forms of contraception include IUD and IUS coils, diaphragms, cervical caps, female condoms and contraceptive patches.

The beginning of having safe sex is to always make sure it is consensual sex. Most rape allegations actually happen between two people who know each other and quite often involve alcohol. The only form in which consent can be given is if the participant explicitly says yes! Although you may never see yourself as being accused of rape it can happen if the boundaries are not 100% clear. So always make sure there is full and clear consent and if a partner is too drunk to give their consent, just don’t go there!

We have a ‘Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment Policy’ at our Students’ Union. This means we want our campus to be a safe environment where everyone is respected. Sexual harassment is very serious and can be verbal, anything from wolf whistling to asking somebody inappropriate sexual questions that make them uncomfortable. There is also physical sexual harassment which includes touching somebody inappropriately without their permission. It’s important to remember that what you may see as a harmless joke could be distressing and upsetting to somebody else and could result in expulsion and a criminal record. If you think you have been a victim of any of the above please don’t be afraid to talk to someone. It will be taken seriously and everything you say will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality.

Useful Contacts At NUSU: Katy Hargreaves Welfare and Equality Officer @NUSUwelfare

In town: Newcastle GUM clinic New Croft Centre NE1 6ND 019102292999 In Fenham: 4 Graingerville North West Road NE4 6UJ 0191 2733997

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