Live Oak Church August 2019 Newsletter

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Adult Ministries

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 BY SAM LOBELLO MEN’S MINISTRY

It’s hard to believe I have been on Staff at LOUMC for seven years. I can remember when I first arrived wondering what percent of our congregation was composed of men. The reason I was curious was because the congregations I had served the Lord through for 32 years before coming here were clearly lopsided with males comprising far less of the congregation than females. Why did this concern me? Because the Bible clearly designates the man as the spiritual leader of the family. My concern was for Christian families...for men to be true to God’s call to our lives to be faithful to Him, to worship Him, to grow in Christlikeness and to honor Him in our homes and in His world. Almost seven years ago I stood in the Audio/Visual Booth and looked out at our congregation during a full 10 o’clock Worship Service here at LOUMC. My spirit was lifted as I scanned the congregation and took note of the large number of men present. Our congregation was easily 50 percent men. God put it on my heart that day of the need to strengthen our Men’s Ministry. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to join us in our journey toward Christlikeness as we study, worship and fellowship together in Men’s Ministry. Some of my greatest joys in ministry have been seeing men surrender their lives to Christ. I have seen men who came to embrace Jesus as their Savior and desire to live under His Lordship. They begin to grow and mature into Godly husbands and parents, as well as faithful men who bless many others. In this God is glorified and His Kingdom in served!


LIVEOAKCHURCH | | August 2019

Sam Lobello Director of Adult Ministries email:

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