Waiting for the List by Jayne Pilkington We've done everything we can; we must now consider the 'list', But rst comes a raft of tests, to make sure nothing is missed A chance for a new start, much removed from the life I now live, An unbelievable opportunity, something that seems so hard to achieve My life at the moment, less ups, more downs, Appointments and letters, waiting around, full of frowns Imagine no itching, normal sleep and more choice, Living a life more spontaneous would make me rejoice The tests are now all done; it's time to wait, The results and medical professionals now decide my fate So time for me to wait and be calm, No room for panic or alarm As anticipated, the phone did ring with a decision, They said 'Yes', agreeing it would put me in a better position A new liver is required; I need to join the transplant list, But rst to meet the surgeon, so no details are missed We discuss the operation, the benets and risks, How long I'm likely to wait, it's not going to be brisk Now it's time to sign the consent, A big step on my journey this does represent Central to all of this is a seless donor family, Amazing human beings, shining examples of humanity Not sure how I feel, a strange notion of relief, But conscious when my call comes, it will mean another families grief
LIVErNEWS No. 79 ~ 10 ~ Summer 2022