請柬 SPECIAL INVITATION 2010 is a significant year for the City of Liverpool’s international trade development. Liverpool is the only UK city outside London to have been granted Exhibition Space at the World Expo in Shanghai 2010. The Shanghai World Expo will be the largest Expo ever held (four times bigger than the previous World Expo in Japan). It is expected to attract around 70 million visitors and will showcase the cultural and economic vibrancy of the world's leading urban centres and nations. It will run from May until the 31st October 2010, during which period more than 200 nations and international organisations will present interpretations of the official Expo theme: Better City, Better Life. Liverpool has the oldest Chinese Community in Europe and some of the longest established ethnic communities, the Shanghai World Expo offers the city a unique opportunity to build upon an economy made up of cultural diversity. You are invited to an evening presentation hosted by Liverpool Chinese Business Association, supported by Liverpool Vision and Muslim Enterprise Development Service, on Tuesday, 20th October 6pm-8pm at China Palace Restaurant, Ground Floor 27 - 35 Berry Street, Liverpool L1 9DF. The event will highlight the opportunities for taking part in the Expo and there will also be the opportunity for networking and a chance to meet the Liverpool Shanghai Expo 2010 representatives. Refreshments will be served during the evening. Admission will be by registration only, for further information and to book a place at this event, please contact: carolmao@lcba.net or on 07916 414 759.
Page 1 of 1 Address: 94 Seel Street, Liverpool L1 4BL T: 07916414759 Web: www.lcba.net E-mail: info@lcba.net CIC : 06775703