Cathedral Life March 2012

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TWILIGHT TOWER TOURS New for 2012, six evenings ‘with bells on’

See the stunning 360 views of the city, river and beyond from the top of the Cathedral Tower in magical twilight as we bring back our evening openings for 2012 every Thursday from 29th March to the end of October. New for this season - a series of special Thursdays when you can visit the ringing chamber (not normally open to the public) where you’ll meet the bell ringers, enjoy demonstrations and displays then ‘have a go’ at handbell ringing before entering the bell chamber itself where you can see at close quarters the highest and heaviest peal of bells in the world! Entrance £5 standard, £4 concessions, £14 family (2 adults and up to 3 children). Visit for timetable Photograph: Neil Lawton

CONTENTS Letter of the month


Lily Fund Launched


Education Conference


New Dean Announced 12

Miles of Smiles


Man Thou Art a Wonderful Animal


Remembering the Titanic


Late Night Tower Tour Return


Norwegian Choir Visit



Aled Jones to visit Cathedral on UK tour


Formby School Visit

Micheal and Julia Pugh Thomas: a personal tribute


A Walk on the Wildside 19

Boost for Half Term Family Activities


Come along on the Easter Journey


Syd and Hilda cement 10 56 years of marriage

Holy Week with Chemin Neuf


Organ Recitals


Food offers this Easter


Book Club


Ismay Family History

15 16

Embroiders Guild Exhibition


School of Theology update

In our Thoughts & Prayers


A head for Fundraising 17 Running to Music




Next issue: May 27th 2012 Deadline for submissions: April 30th 2012 Articles and ideas are always welcome and should be sent to Stuart Haynes: Editors reserve the right to edit contributions.

LETTER of the MONTH And now we have a new Dean. It feels like a race. The starting gun is fired by Downing Street at 7.30am and then there is quick work needed to get the information about our new Dean issued and beat those on Twitter and Facebook. Come 11am, when Bishop James introduced Canon Dr Pete Wilcox to the Cathedral and media, the story was well and truly in the public domain. That race says a great deal about the workings of today’s internet media driven world. A world where speed counts and instant judgements are often made and debated. The 11am announcement was still significant. It showed the unanimous endorsement that the man who will become the seventh Dean of Liverpool had from the panel that made the recommendation to the Crown. It also enabled us to see and hear Pete as he started to frame his approach to this »» Canon Pete's introduction significant cathedral and city wide role. Pete had clear messages for the Cathedral, Diocese and wider community. Thanking the Cathedral Company for their warm welcome, Pete talked about building on our foundations and the impressive, widely owned vision we have. He highlighted the fact that we are a place of worship, education, enterprise and mission. Pete then went on to talk about the role the Cathedral has in the wider diocese. He endorsed the Bishop’s Growth Agenda, and emphasised the desire that the Cathedral continues to be an asset to parishes, chaplaincies and lay and ordained ministers in the Diocese of Liverpool. Finally, Pete picked up on the fact that his title is Dean of Liverpool. That brings with it an implication that the Cathedral is not just for the church community, but it »» Our new Dean meets staff on his tour of needs to continue to reach out to the wider the Cathedral 4

community. He stressed the need to maintain and develop our reputation across the city and region, with broad and bold partnerships with others. For me, for now, this part of the frantic activity pauses until September when we look towards the installation. This will offer a time for reflection, when we as a Cathedral Company prepare to enter a new phase of our life together and mission to our community and world. Stuart Haynes Media Manager

LILY FUND LAUNCHED The Easter Lily Fund enables families to remember loved ones whilst helping to contribute towards the cost of the flowers used for decoration at Eastertide. If you would like to contribute towards this year's Easter Lily Fund, you can donate in either of the following ways: Send a cheque made payable to 'Liverpool Cathedral' to:Rachel Mc Nicholl Liverpool Cathedral St James House Liverpool L1 7AZ Please mark your envelope ‘Easter Lily Fund’. If you would like your donation to be acknowledged, please provide an email or postal address. Alternatively, you can place your donation into one of the envelopes marked 'Easter Lily Fund' and place it onto the Offertory Plate during services. Donation envelopes are available at the Hymn Book Trolleys or from the Cathedral Stewards. Thank you »» Photos: Noël Andrews


REMEMBERING the TITANIC On April 15th, the Cathedral will play a major role in remembering the Titanic – as it hosts the city’s official commemoration service. It was an enquiry about attending the service that allowed Mary Ann Byrne to share twenty years of family history research with the wider public, as documents relating to her Great Grandfather, Thomas McInerney, a Greaser who died on the SS Titanic alongside his friend James Kelly, are now set to go on display in a Cathedral exhibition which runs until Monday 16th April. Thomas was born in 1873 in Howe Street, Bootle, one of six children to parents originally from Co. Louth in Ireland. Before the Titanic, he worked on the Oceanic and the Olympic. Thomas and his wife Ellen had four children, one of whom was Mary Ann’s grandmother, Mary Catherine McInerney, who gave birth to Mary Ann's mother Mary in 1934. Mary Ann said, “My grandmother’s mother Ellen died in 1909 of TB, followed by Thomas in 1912 on the Titanic, and in the same year my grandmother’s aunt died of TB. My grandmother and her brother Thomas were now orphans. It was heartbreaking - they lost their mother, father and aunt as well as two siblings in a short space of time. “Some people sensationalise the sinking of the Titanic. For our family it was tragic and the effects long lasting. My grandmother and her brother were raised by their uncle Robert Pitts, and my mother and sister Helen never knew their grandparents. 6

Thomas has never been forgotten, we have always been proud of him. As he worked in the engine room, he would have been one of last to leave his post and stood no chance of survival. “As a child, I remember my mother telling us about Thomas. The family had been really excited about him getting the job on the Titanic. She said others had described him as looking like the actor James Cagney, though sadly we have no photographs of him.” Mary Ann will, however, be contributing to the exhibition copies of Thomas’ birth and marriage certificates, and lists of dependants of Titanic crew members in relation to Thomas’s wife Ellen. Mary Ann also hopes that the service may encourage long lost relatives to get in touch. She is particularly interested in meeting the descendants of Thomas’s brothers and sisters who lived in Kirkdale and Bootle, “Thomas was a Bootle man. I would love to hear from anyone who feels they may be connected to Thomas.” »» More information on Thomas and his siblings is available on the Cathedral website.

LATE NIGHT TOWER TOURS RETURN – with bells on! Late night Thursday evening tower openings return on March 29th – not with a bang, but with a ding dong! On six special evenings during the late night opening season, members of the public will be allowed to enter the bell ringing chamber, which is rarely open to visitors. Visitors can meet the bell ringers, enjoy demonstrations and displays and even try hand bell ringing before entering the bell chamber itself, where they will see at close quarters the heaviest and highest peal of bells in the world. The late night opening season runs from March 29th-October 25th, and the bells will be open to the public on May 3rd, June 7th, July 5th, August 2nd, September 6th and October 4th. For this season, we are extending the closing times to beyond sunset and have released a new timetable which is available online or at the welcome desk. Visitors can now get views from the tower from as late as ten o'clock on some Thursdays. The tower will also host an extra late night opening on Friday 18th May (tower only) to help celebrate Light Night, an evening where attractions across the city remain open after hours for people to enjoy away from the working day – and we will be hosting a bumper programme of things to see and do. Eryl Parry, Director of Enterprise, said “The weekly late night tower opening has quickly become established as a ‘must do’ in the city. The number of people attending the twilight tours last year was two and half times as many as the previous year, with an

average of well over a hundred people an evening going up there to experience the magical views of the city as the day turns into night. Work to the lifts to help increase their capacity, and the fantastic support of staff has helped with this increased popularity. We now have even more to offer for 2012 and we are very grateful to our dedicated and skilled team of bell ringers who will be here doing demonstrations and letting people into places not normally accessible to the public. Not surprising for Britain’s largest Cathedral that we also have the world’s highest and heaviest peal of bells, and we really want to show them off – well, it’s Liverpool!” »» You can now buy tickets in advance online – visit and click on Events Tickets. You will then be sent a receipt which you should present on arrival. Don’t forget to check the times of opening. 7

FORMBY SCHOOL VISIT We welcomed a school visit with a difference recently – as the whole of St Luke’s Formby C of E Primary attended to celebrate their centenary year. The whole school – 425 pupils in total – from reception to year 6, visited for a day of workshops, trips up the tower and a celebratory service at the end of the day. Year 5 pupils also learned about the links between Liverpool’s two Cathedrals with a trip to the Metropolitan Cathedral during the afternoon. Mrs Sharon Cowey, Head Teacher of St Luke’s said, “As we celebrate our centenary year, we felt that it made sense to organise a trip to the Mother Church of the diocese. We had a whole-school visit around twelve years ago to celebrate the millennium, but our school was much smaller - we have almost doubled in size since then! Many of the staff that were with us then are still here now and remember it as a very special day. The Cathedral was the ideal place to return to, to celebrate our achievements and mark how far the school has come.” Rev Harvie Nicol from St Luke’s Formby added, “I really enjoyed introducing the children to worship in a way that is completely different to that which they have previously experienced. I hope that visiting the Cathedral will help them discover that our God is a great big God. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains – in this case the seed came to the mountain! It was an ideal introduction to the Cathedral.” Education Officer Sarah O’Donoghue said, “The place was buzzing as many of the children discovered us for the first time. 8

We hope this will encourage other schools across the Diocese to come with their whole school and experience an awe-inspiring day.”

BOOST FOR HALF TERM FAMILY ACTIVITIES February half-term’s family activities were the most successful yet – as Children and Families Missioner Sue Mitchell welcomed more than 350 people over five days and even had to send out for extra supplies! Who Do You Love? gave families and children of all ages the chance to use crafts and creative activities to explore their love for each other, for God, and even for their pets. Its success sees the Baptistery firmly established as a hub for whole family activities that is still integrated with the main Cathedral space. One of the most popular activities on offer was the ‘love bug’ - an upturned bowl with pipe cleaner legs that children were encouraged to make and keep as a reminder of God’s love.” Lisa McArdle, who brought her 6 year old daughter and her daughter’s friend said, “I want to congratulate you and your team on your inspired, creative and thought provoking workshops. We had a lot of fun and each activity provoked thought and discussion. My daughter’s love bug is now

proudly sitting on her window ledge to remind her that God loves her! Thank you for all that you do in making God accessible to even the youngest of children. We look forward to coming again at Easter!”

COME ALONG ON THE EASTER JOURNEY This Easter, Sue has also created a free, multi-sensory Easter Journey which runs from Tuesday 3rd April to Thursday 12th April (excluding April 6th, Good Friday). Families can find out about the Easter story and collect items which make up a special Easter craft to take home. During the second week (Tuesday 10th April - Thursday 12th April), the Easter Journey continues and we will also be joined by Merseyside Police who will help with a special trail around the building and its grounds, and provide a free chocolate treat to those who complete the route.

Sue is also busy planning activities based on local heroes to coincide with the Olympics – look for more information in the next issue of Cathedral Life. 9

SYD AND HILDA CEMENT 56 years of marriage Syd and Hilda Jones were given a Valentine’s Day to remember this year – after finding out that their love would be laid in stone with a brick in the People's Path. Syd and Hilda’s children, Roger, Alan, Angela and Julie bought them a brick on The People’s Path, which they presented to them on Valentine’s Day to mark 56 years of marriage. Syd is originally from Dingle and Hilda is from Dovecot. The two married in Huyton on March 10th 1956, after meeting as childhood sweethearts in the early 50s. Syd, 78, and Hilda, 75, have four children aged between 45 and 55. Syd and Hilda’s children decided to buy the brick with their parents’ name and wedding date after history buff Syd, when researching his family tree, found out that his Great Grandfather on his father’s side was a Stonemason who helped build the Cathedral. Syd’s Great Grandfather Walter Jones came over from Wales to help in the construction. Both Syd and Hilda are interested in the history of Liverpool and regularly visit the museums and historic buildings around the city. Syd, who spent many years as postman, also found himself in the middle of the Merseybeat scene in the 1960s, delivering fan mail and gifts to the many bands playing at the Cavern, and to stars such as Tommy Steele and Arthur Haines who performed at the Empire. Hilda worked for many years delivering leaflets around the city. Syd and Hilda’s son Roger said, “As soon 10

as we saw that we could have our parents’ name in the Cathedral grounds, we knew it was the perfect gift for them. They both love the history of Liverpool, and the Cathedral, and are very proud Scousers. My dad was genuinely delighted when he found out that his family had a role in constructing the building.” Roger continued, “Liverpool is always changing, but the Cathedral remains constant and reminds us of the success and pride of the city. We want our mum and dad to be part of it, even just by having their name there. The fact that we can say that in

buying a brick we have helped contribute to the Cathedral is also a big bonus.” Just as Cathedral Life went to print, the People’s Path was set to be blessed and the first bricks were to be laid. Nearly 150 bricks have so far been bought. Look out in the next issue for pictures of the laying of the first brick.

ABOUT THE PEOPLE’S PATH The ‘People’s Path’ is a specially reserved area in the outside grounds of the Cathedral, which wraps around the building leading from the Main Entrance to the Lady Chapel and is made up of existing pavers so that you can buy a real piece of the Cathedral’s heritage. There are three locations to choose from; the Main Entrance, the Gilbert Scott suite or the Lady Chapel. All proceeds from the bricks will go to the Cathedral Foundation, which helps keep the Cathedral free to visitors and supports the Cathedral’s development and work in the community.

Individuals or businesses can purchase a brick. Prices start at just £50, and people can choose from three locations. Everyone who buys a brick will receive a special certificate of authenticity. »» To find out more or to purchase a brick contact rebecca.bentham@

EDUCATION CONFERENCE Cathedral Education Officers from York Minster, Chester, Newcastle, Leicester and Bradford were among twenty-five representatives attending our conference which focused on how Cathedrals engage with schools. Education Officers saw the Cathedral from a child’s point of view by taking part in a Lent workshop, swapped resources and ideas, and discussed how Cathedrals can tailor school visits to meet the National Curriculum for different subjects. The conference was the first in Liverpool since Sarah O’Donoghue took on the role. Judy Davis, Secretary for Cathedrals Plus and who attended said, “It was a fabulous day. Sarah and her team had fitted so much into our day at Liverpool; we all

learned an enormous amount and were inspired to take their ideas and shape them into structures that will fit each individual Cathedral. All the delegates left buzzing with ideas and plans. It was a privilege to see and hear all that they do for the children who visit the Cathedral every year.” 11

NE W DEAN ANNOUNCED The new Dean of Liverpool is to be the Reverend Canon Dr Pete Wilcox. Canon Pete comes to Liverpool from Lichfield Cathedral where he has been Canon Residentiary since 2006. Speaking of his appointment, he said “I am thrilled to be joining such a gifted team at Liverpool Cathedral, at a time of great opportunity for mission. I look forward to getting to know the City of Liverpool and the wider diocese, having heard so many good things about both.” Pete, 50, who is married to the writer Catherine Fox and with whom he has two adult sons, is due to be installed in the Cathedral in September. He was born in Lincoln, and spent six years of his childhood in India where his dad was an Anglican clergyman who taught trainee Indian vicars. He went on to study history at Saint John’s College, Durham, and trained for the at Lichfield Cathedral. ordained ministry at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Pete is the author of three books, He served his title at Preston on Tees, in the including Talking the Talk: The Fall of King diocese of Durham from 1987 to 1990. David for Today. Pete’s wife Catherine has From 1990 to 1993, while completing also written short stories for the Mail on a doctorate at St John’s Sunday and the Church Times College, Oxford, he was Non “I am thrilled to be and writes a weekly column Stipendiary Minister at Saint joining such a gifted for the Church of England Margaret with Saint Philip and team at Liverpool Newspaper. A collection Saint James, with Saint Giles Cathedral..." of these columns has been in the Diocese of Oxford. From published as Scenes from 1993 to 1998 he was Team Vicar at Saint Vicarage Life. Catherine is also the author of Edmund’s Chapel, Gateshead, in the diocese three novels, Angels and Men, The Benefits of Durham and Director of the Cranmer Hall of Passion and Love for the Lost, which Urban Mission Centre. From 1998 to 2006 he explore the themes of the spiritual and the was Priest-in-Charge at Saint Paul’s at the physical with insight and humour. In 2007, Crossing, Walsall in the diocese of Lichfield. she published Fight the Good Fight: From Since 2006 he has been Canon Residentiary Vicar's Wife to Killing Machine in which 12

New Dean praises the "compelling vision" of the Cathedral and promises to develop "new and bold partnerships." Catherine relates her quest to achieve a black belt in Judo. Bishop James announced the new Dean’s appointment at the Cathedral, saying, “Canon Pete Wilcox comes to us with a wealth of experience in mission and with the right gifts to lead the Cathedral. I warmly welcome the Crown’s appointment and look forward to working with the Dean in building up the Church and reaching out to the world. The opportunities at the Cathedral are limitless.” Acting Dean and Canon Precentor Myles Davies added, “Canon Pete Wilcox comes to us with an excellent reputation for his work in Lichfield. On behalf of the Chapter and Company of Liverpool Cathedral I am delighted to welcome him to our fine city and magnificent building.” Canon Pete spent the morning of his announcement touring the Cathedral and getting to know staff, congregation and visitors. He then gave a speech in the Lady Chapel, where he referred to the “extraordinary vision of the Cathedral that encompasses worship, mission and enterprise,” and his plans to “build on the good work already in hand.” He also described the work of the Cathedral locally, nationally and internationally, as “compelling” and said he very much looked forward to supporting the Cathedral in being a part of, and serving parishes in their pursuit of the Growth Agenda. Canon Pete said that he is looking forward to growing existing relationships and developing “new, bold and broad partnerships” with ecumenical, local

government and business partners. Pete is excited by the challenges that lay ahead. He said, “As the seventh Dean of Liverpool, I will be determined to ensure this magnificent building remains accessible to all. Over the years Liverpool Cathedral has been a focal point for the city in times of great joy and immense sadness; it stands as one of the icons of the city, welcoming visitors from across the world and has been inspiring many for generations. It bears witness to the good news of God’s love as revealed to us in Jesus. This is as powerful and necessary today as it was when this extraordinary place was built.” Canon Pete has a passionate interest in all ball sports, especially (as a fan of Newcastle United) football. 13

EASTER HOLY WEEK with CHEMIN NEUF This Easter the Chemin Neuf community will for the first time join the Cathedral for Holy Week. Liverpool is the first Cathedral in the UK to build links with the ecumenical religious community, which grew out of the Charismatic Renewal movement and works for the unity of Christians. The Cathedral’s link with Chemin Neuf comes through curate Tim Watson who is a member of the community along with his wife Kate. Prayer and meditation are especially important to the Chemin Neuf community, “Prayer is woven into the fabric of the day" says Tim "It helps develop one’s own spiritual discipline, encouraging us to make time for God, and ourselves, in a busy world. I hope that integrating some of what the Chemin Neuf Community does, can enhance the Easter experience of the Cathedral community.” On Palm Sunday, the leader of Chemin Neuf in the UK, Dominique Ferry (a French Roman Catholic deacon) will be preaching at Evensong at 3pm. On Monday and Tuesday there will be a Holy Week address at 6.15pm led by Chemin Neuf and ending with Compline at 7pm. On Wednesday at 6.15pm there will be a reconciliation service led by Chemin Neuf which will include an opportunity for those who wish to receive the sacrament of confession. “There will be several different ways of reconciling suggested," says Tim, "some more practical and some more prayerful, but all focused on helping people experience God's great love. It will be up to each person to choose the step they feel led 14

to on the night." On Maundy Thursday there will be an Office for Christian Unity at 12pm. On Good Friday, Tim and members of the Chemin Neuf community will lead three hours of devotions between 12-3pm involving a vigil in front of the cross and meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ. “We will be very visible in the Cathedral and hope that even people on a general visit will feel drawn to join us,” says Tim. Chemin Neuf have also chosen the readings for the No Story So Divine service at 7.30pm. On Easter Saurday night at 8.30pm there will be an Easter Vigil Eucharist featuring traditional and contemporary worship and including adult baptisms. Tim says, “The Vigil itself will be akin to Midnight Mass. The tradition of baptising new Christians on Easter night is one of the most ancient church traditions, going right back to the early years of Christianity. We’re delighted that some of the young people who have come to faith in Christ on the Cathedral’s Alpha course have chosen to be baptised at the Easter Vigil Eucharist, and we are looking forward to rejoicing with them as they make this life-changing step.”



The Easter Monday bank holiday recital by Ian Tracey takes place on April 9th at 11.15am whilst Liverpool Organ Day this year takes place on May 7th. Opened by resident Associate Organist Daniel Bishop at 11.15, the music continues at the Metropolitan Cathedral at 3.00pm, and concludes at St. George's Hall at 7.30pm. June 4th sees the Whit Bank Holiday Organ Recital, when we will welcome Ben Saunders, organist of Leeds Cathedral. Come along on Saturday 23rd June for the ‘Organ Gala – the Organists Entertain,’ a feast of organ music featuring virtuoso concert organist Carlo Curly, and Ian Tracey, plus other guest organists. The organists will 'do battle' on several organs, presenting a mixed, popular programme of solo, duet and ensemble items.

Between 7th-9th April you can enjoy coffee and cake for £3.00, and on 8th April we are offering a special two course Easter lunch and glass of wine for just £10.00 per person, served all afternoon between 12.00-4.30pm. On April 9th, Bank Holiday Monday, we are offering great value lunches following the Organ Recital (recital is due to finish approx 12.15pm). Prices will vary according to selection. On May 7th, Bank Holiday Monday, enjoy coffee and cake for £3.00 after the Liverpool Organ Day concerts, whilst children eat half price between 12 and 3pm. Come and celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee between 2nd-5th June, with a 'Best of British' Diamond Jubilee menu in The Welsford and The Mezzanine, with lots of themed dishes and special cakes.

»» July 21st sees the first of eight Summer Season recitals. See the website for details.

BOOK CLUB Book Club returns for 2012 on the following dates: April 17th - Glamorous Powers Susan Howach. May 22nd - Future Tense Dr Jonathon Sachs. June 19nd - The Help Kathryn Stockett. July 17th - Dr Thorne Anthony Trollope August - no meeting September 11th - Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens October 16th - Homer’s Odyssey Gwen Cooper November 13th - The Jesus I never Knew Philip Yancey December 11th - Sonnets of William Shakespeare »» All meetings are 7pm in the Dean's Office. For more information contact Nadine Hope Daniel at

ISMAY FAMILY HISTORY SESSION Members of the public interested in exploring their family history are invited to an exhibition on May 12th organised by the Ismay Study Group. The group’s purpose is the collection of family data connected to the Ismay family. At this special public session, anyone interested in the family, or who thinks they may have a connection, is invited to come along and swap information. There will also be a series of displays and short talks. Several members of the family migrated to Liverpool over the centuries, notably Thomas Henry Ismay, ship-owner, who established The White Star Line. Bequests from his family paid for the Great East Window of the Cathedral. »» For further information please contact Bill Harrison 01524 37516 15

SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY UPDATE The School of Theology aims to provide high quality theological training for lay people who have done no prior theological study. It is firmly founded on the desire to be a safe place to take risks, and is an opportunity for you to ask questions of your faith, and look further into areas that have always fascinated you. It builds on the aspiration to be a place where people come to be equipped and trained and grow in their faith. The sessions are entirely self-contained, with no set preparatory or follow up work. We meet on Wednesdays from 7.30pm9.30pm in the Radcliffe Learning Centre. Sessions cost £4 each (£2 concessions), and refreshments are included. If there is enough interest we will also be running

some Saturday morning sessions looking at particular Old Testament texts. »» For more information please contact Tom Wilson 0151 708 4115

From mid April, the focus will be on the church in the world, and the individual sessions will be: 18th Apr 25th Apr 2nd May 9th May 16th May 23rd May 30th May 13th Jun 20th Jun 27th Jun 4th Jul 11th Jul

The Character of God Creation Sin, Fall and Evil Providence Incarnation The Life of Jesus The Death of Jesus The Resurrected Jesus* The Holy Spirit The Trinity The New Creation Thinking Theologically

*(note this session will use a DVD) 16

James Harding Anna Leyden Michael Leyden Nicholas Anderson Tim Gill Tom Wilson Tim Gill Jane Williams Steve McGanity Michael Leyden Tom Wilson Tom Wilson

A HEAD FOR FUNDRAISING A 150 free fall abseil may seem like a daring feat for most of us – but for Dan Bishop, August’s abseil over the front entrance of the Cathedral will be his third, and all in a good cause. Dan has raised thousands of pounds for the Cathedral Foundation, which aims to keep the Cathedral free to visitors. Now a veteran abseiler, Dan is even able to recommend points of interest as you make the descent, “The views from the top of the West End are amazing! On the way down, you are able to see things up close that you wouldn't usually notice, such as the detail of the West Window and the intricacies of the external arches.” His advice to anyone considering the abseil this year is, “Don't look down, and put your trust in the ropes!” It is not just through abseiling that Dan has helped raise funds for the Cathedral. He and Martin Howarth recently raised £1500 for the organ appeal by running the Santa Dash, they have even both cleaned patios and Dan has donated money from his music work. But why is he so dedicated to raising money for the Cathedral?

RUNNING TO MUSIC Dan and Martin are not the only ones fundraising at the moment – as Cathedral Life went to print, Lay Clerk Ceredig Cattanach-Chell was preparing to run the Liverpool Half Marathon on March 18th for the Cathedral Organ Fund. Ceredig can still accept retrospective donations – visit ceredig or make a text code donation. Simply text to 70070 (on separate lines please): LCCC99 £xx (where xx is pounds donated). Look out for a report in the next issue.

»» Dan abseiling in 2011.

“We have to find ways to keep the doors open. This is our Cathedral - whether you worship, work, visit, use it as a space where you can be still and reflect, or as a space where you can joyfully praise God - it is up to us to keep it open by any way we can. We need to be thinking constantly of new ways to raise money to allow the people of Liverpool to use their Cathedral whenever they want, without having to pay an entrance fee.” This year’s abseil takes place on Saturday 11th August. It costs £35 to register and a minimum of £120 sponsorship for the Cathedral Foundation is required. Participants need no experience but have to be over 18. See the website for FAQs. »» To sign up or for further details, please contact Rebecca Bentham, Fundraising Manger on 0151 702 7226 rebecca.


MILES OF SMILES Prof Ian Tracey helped bring ‘Miles of Smiles’ to a very talented young organ player recently. 12 year old Harvey spent the day with Prof Tracey, learning about the organ before finally having the chance to play it for his parents, brother, and 35 people from his home town of Blackpool, including his teacher from school. Harvey played a selection of hymns and choral music and Ian turned the pages for him whilst he was busy on the keys. Harvey is taking a music scholarship at the Rossal school in Blackpool, and his chance to play the Liverpool Cathedral organ came thanks to Miles of Smiles. Miles of Smiles is a charity that was set up four years ago, run by volunteers and with the aim of supporting young carers in Lancashire. Harvey’s family was referred to Miles of Smiles by the Rainbow Trust, who had been supporting Harvey’s family during the illness of his brother Charlie. Charlie was diagnosed with Nuroblastoma at just 3 months and passed away last September at the age of six. Harvey’s mum asked Miles of Smiles if they could bring a smile to Harvey and his brother Hugo, who were finding it hard to adjust since Charlie passed away. Hugo had asked to be a mascot for Manchester United, and this took place in November 2011, whilst Harvey’s request was “to play an organ in a big church.” Prof Tracey said, "It was a pleasure to be a part of Harvey's ‘Smile’; he is a very talented young lad, playing with flair and musicality; which was the more impressive, given that he is largely self-taught. He 18

was undaunted by the sheer size of the instrument and mastered the acoustical problems very well. I am sure we will be hearing more from him on the organ scene, and I look forward very much to hearing him in the future."

MAN THOU ART A WONDERFUL ANIMAL Photographer Andrew Mackay brings his first large scale solo exhibition of thirty large prints to the Well between April 16th – May 14th. Drawing on his zoological background, Andrew will illustrate evolution with imagery of some of the most unusual creatures alive today. This thought- provoking photographic exhibition will integrate art, science and apologetics as it challenges the public to consider their understanding of truth, faith, knowledge and humanity.

A WALK ON THE WILDSIDE Wildlife artists Lisa Holmes and Ron Peterson will showcase their work in the Well between 21st-28th July. Ron works mainly in acrylics and his work is highly sought after, and Lisa is primarily a pencil artist and has won numerous awards for her work. »» Lisa's drawings can be viewed on her website at

NORWEGIAN CHOIR VISIT The Flaktveitgjengen Blandakor choir is to perform a free informal concert to mark their twentieth anniversary. They are a mixed choir with 35 members from the community of Flakveit, on the west coast of Norway. »» They will be performing under the Dulverton Bridge at 12 noon on May 26th, led by conductor Mr Jørn Oftedal.


ALED JONES TO VISIT CATHEDRAL ON UK TOUR Aled Jones, singer, actor, author and presenter has confirmed his UK tour of Cathedrals and Chapels. He is set to perform at Liverpool Cathedral on Tuesday 23rd October. Performing in Cathedrals has been part of Aled’s life since his days in Bangor as a boy chorister. Despite visiting many Cathedrals regularly on ‘Songs of Praise’, this is going to be Aled’s first comprehensive live UK Cathedral tour. Aled was last in Liverpool when he played the lead role in Irving Berlin's 'White Christmas' tour which visited the Liverpool Empire. He recently celebrated over 25 years as a household name and he currently has 29 albums to his name - selling over 6 million to date. He has also been a Presenter on Songs of Praise for more than ten years. Aled has his own radio show on BBC Radio 2 every Sunday morning from 6-9am called 'Aled Jones says Good Morning Sunday'. He also presents BBC Radio 3's 'The Choir' as well as having his own chat show on BBC Radio Wales. Along with his radio shows Aled has also been busy filming 'Escape to the Country' and 'Cash in the Attic' for the BBC and performing and presenting at one-off shows around the UK and in Australia. He has also been filming all over Europe for 'Classical Destinations’ a series about famous composers. His theatre credits include playing Joseph in Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat’.


Aled said, “This new UK tour is going to be very special to me as at each show either the Cathedral choir or local choirs from the area are going to take part making each occasion unique. I also can’t wait to perform all my favourite songs.” »» Tickets are available from 0844 811 0051 0844 826 2826

MICHAEL AND JULIA PUGH THOMAS: a personal tribute Michael Pugh Thomas died on March 22nd 2011 and his wife Julia (also known as Julia Carter Preston) on the 7th January 2012. Both were eminent in Liverpool life and that of the Cathedral. They loved Choral Evensong and were both held in affection by their friends as well as with a respect for their achievements which was shared by many others. Michael was a salt and freshwater field ecologist who supervised over fifty Ph.D students. He also delighted in other interests which included; motoring, the restoration of his Rolls Royce and Bentley, model railways and reading. Michael brought to their elegant home at 25 Canning Street an order which might have been beyond either the interests or abilities of his talented and even at times eccentric wife whom he nursed there towards the end of her life. He appreciated the high standard of care Julia finally received at the Mersey Parks Nursing Home. Latterly, Julia slipped into dementia. Even within days of her death she was still able to hold mumbled conversations which were punctuated by her characteristic chuckle and shrug of the shoulders. Julias’s work is in Royal collections and Galleries throughout the world. An example has been memorably described as an ‘...antique of the future’. From her father Edward Carter Preston, whose work is immortalised in Cathedral statuary, Julia learned the creative potential of form- based design. They applied this to their work, quite simply, by being able to draw exquisitely. Julia specialised in sgraffito pottery,

an ancient carving technique in which she combined technical and physical discipline with sheer uninhibited creativity. Of such is of the essence of great art. Julia’s work will long be cherished, studied and emulated. After personal bequests their estate has founded the Liverpool Hope University Carter Preston Foundation. God bless Michael and Julia and God prosper their legacy. The Rev’d Canon Dr. R John Elford. »» This is an edited version of a longer tribute - to read the full version please visit the Liverpool Cathedral website.

EMBROIDERERS’ GUILD EXHIBITION From 2nd-17th June, the Embroiderers’ Guild will present an exhibition of work on the theme of water. The pieces include a range of materials and styles of contemporary embroidery. Also on show will be a joint project from the Young Embroiderers group, and a fish quilt which was worked by a guild member and organized by Ruby Porter, MBE. The Merseyside branch meets monthly at All Hallows Church Hall, Mossley Hill. On Saturday 9th June at 3.00pm, Kathryn Thompson from The Embroiderer's Guild, Blackpool Branch, and former Chair of the NW Regional Branch will also host a talk ‘Dolls With Attitude’ in the Concert Room. »» Tickets are £5 and can be purchased from



APRIL - MAY 2012

We pray this month for Canon Pete Wilcox and his family as they prepare for joining us in Liverpool following the announcement that he will be the next Dean of Liverpool. We thank God for all our visitors and tour groups this month. We pray for: Our Lent Groups and Chemin Neuf’s Holy Week preparations. The Commemoration of the Titanic and Healthcare Services. The Cathedral Confirmations. Mothers Union and Interpreters meetings. Education/School visits including: Lowton High School, Ruskin Sports College, The Brow, Enterprise South Liverpool Academy and East Prescot Road Nursery. RE Co-ordinators Conference Easter Family Activities Concerts and Gala Dinners including: AIB Conference Dinner, University of Liverpool Conference, ACT Dinner, Claire House Dinner, Stac Dinner. Easter Organ Recital. The wedding of: Jayne Mahon and Matt Littler Baptisms of: Bobby Jameson, Sophia Lilly, Ava Mason and Amelia Shortfall. Those who are ill or in need: Eve Rowbottom, Alan Terry, Lauren Robinson, Carol Little, Michael Davies, Vera Roberts, Mark Hodge, Christopher Jones, Vivien Leyland, Matthew Pagan, Esther Fox, Rebecca Bentham, Elizabeth Langdon Griffiths, Kate Polglase, Doreen Davies, Gwen Rawlinson, James Hunter, Eric Roper, Victoria Fasawe, Clare Roberts, Liz Lawson, Thomas Adams, Hilda Poole, Paul Heawood, Lena Prince, Margaret Heathcote, Megan Squire, Peter Draycot, Claire Whitely, Linda Donaldson, Valarie Burgess, Right Rev. Colin Bennets, Mahajabeen Phillips The Departed: Norman Bristow, Mark Hargreaves, John Burstall , Fr. John Philips, Lois Hamilton, Billy Lumb, Bert Poole.


DIARY March 26th


Choral Eucharist for the Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary

For details of Holy Week, please ask Tim Watson who has a complete timetable for the week. April 8th

10.30am Festival Eucharist for Easter Day. Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool 3pm

Festival Evensong. Preacher: Canon Myles Davies, Acting Dean


11.15am Easter Monday Organ Recital – Professor Ian Tracey, Organist Titulaire



Choral Evensong in the Lady Chapel, sung by Ecclesia



Choral Services sung by Ecclesia - Choral Evensong. Preacher: Baroness Andrews


Service to commemorate 100th anniversary of Titanic Disaster. Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool


10.30am Choral Eucharist. Preacher: The Right Reverend Cyril Ashton, Assistant Bishop 3pm

Annual Healthcare Service: A Prayer for Africa, Preacher: The Archbishop of York


Confirmation Service for Winwick Deanery



Confirmation Service for Bootle Deanery



Choral Eucharist. Preacher: The Right Reverend Cathy Roskam, formerly Assistant Bishop of New York



Choral Evensong. Preacher: Canon Carol Wain, Lay Member of Chapter


Holy Baptism and Confirmation for St James in the City, with Installation of the Reverend Malcolm Chamberlain as Canon Diocesan. Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool

26th May


12.05pm Ascension Day - Holy Communion 5.30pm

Choral Eucharist



Diocesan Confirmation Service



Diocesan Confirmation Service


10.30am Festival Eucharist for Pentecost 3pm

Festival Service to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen, beginning at the Metropolitan Cathedral with Procession along Hope Street and concluding at Liverpool Cathedral. Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool






Choral Eucharist ZONE 2 - Concert Room Choral Evensong Eucharist Deeper - Concert Room (First and third Sunday of each month)

3:00pm 4:00pm 7:30pm


8:30am 12:05pm 5:30pm

Morning Prayer Eucharist Choral Evensong (said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present)


8:30am 12:05pm

Morning Prayer Eucharist


Choral Evensong


Concert Room Sunday 10.30am

Lady Chapel Sunday 9.30 - 10.15am

Concert Room Monday 7.00 - 8.15pm St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271

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