Merseyside Big History Show

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Annual Organ Gala 2016 Saturday 18th June 2016, 7.30pm


(Birmingham City Organist) Programme:

Toccata & Fugue in F BWV 540 - J.S.Bach Adagio & Allegro K 594 - Mozart Master Tallis’s Testament - Howells The Dancing Pipes (2014) - Dove Allegro (Symphonie V) - Widor Straf’ mich nicht in deinem Zorn - Reger Carmen Suite - Bizet/Lemare


£15 le ilab ava door he on t

*£10.00 Patrons and parties of 10 LiverpoolCathedral


Welcome from the Dean of liverpool

Liverpool Cathedral is a unique place, and whether you visit us for just a few moments or stay with us for a few hours, we hope it will be a place that changes you. The Cathedral is first and foremost a Christian centre. It is the headquarters of the Diocese of Liverpool (the ‘Bishop’s Seat’), and one of the great Cathedrals of the world. As a Christian centre, it has a clear commitment to mission. The Cathedral exists to celebrate Christ and to represent him to the world. This mission requires us to express the character of Jesus in everything we do. This certainly applies to the worship and the welcome we offer within these walls. But

it also applies to the values we share with our visitors along with our employees and volunteers in the workplace. At its best it is breath-taking; but we won’t be able to grow and develop the life of the Cathedral without taking risks, and we won’t take risks without sometimes making mistakes. Our commitment of being ‘A safe place to do risky things in Christ’s Service’ bears this out. Do come and visit and see for yourself what we are all about. »» With every blessing Pete Wilcox, Dean of Liverpool


of the Resurrection


Liverpool Cathedral 30th March to 15th May 2016 Artist Rob Floyd Exhibition open from 9:00am – 6:00pm daily Please see Cathedral website for exceptions

the oldest CATHEDRAL FRIENDS Association The Friends of

LIVERPOOL CATHEDRAL Founded in 1925, we were originally the Cathedral Builders before becoming The Friends and Builders in 1960. As the building work finished in 1978 we became The Friends of Liverpool Cathedral. As friends we have two aims: 1) To help the Cathedral Chapter fulfil its duty of worship and to support the repair, maintenance and improvement of, and additions to the fabrics and furnishings 2) To promote and support charitable activities which preserve and beautify Liverpool Cathedral, its history and its music. We are a supportive, independent charitable organisation that has, at its heart, the life and work of Liverpool Cathedral. We provide the funds to help the cathedral do things it might not ordinarily be able to afford. The friends have donated over £1.1million, which has...

Paid for the restoration of the: »» Holy Spirit Chapel »» Della Robbia Statue »» Lady Chapel Triptych

Bought: »» New Chapter cloaks and Purple Copes »» A quad bike for the constables and a cherry picker for maintenance work »» A hearing aid loop

Sponsored and supported: »» The Passion Plays »» The Flower Fund »» Choir trips abroad »» And many other projects »» For more information contact The Friends Office Liverpool Cathedral, St James Mount, Liverpool, L1 7AZ, tel: 0151 702 7214 or email:


TOWER experience




Catch this truly spectacular experience. 360° panoramic rooftop views, open daily*. Tower opening and closing times available in the Cathedral Shop or on our website:

New for 2016 - BELL NIGHTS Experience what it is like to be a bell ringer with our fabulous new bells simulator. Meet some of our bellringers and see the bells up close. Selected Thursday evenings, please check our website for details.

#tweetfromthetower Take a photo of yourself or your favourite view and share it with us on Twitter @LivCathedral and #tweetfromthetower


Twilight Thursdays Late night ‘Twilight Thursday’ evening tower openings at Liverpool Cathedral run from Thursday March 31st - Thursday 27th October. The weekly late night tower opening is well established as a ‘must do’ in the city. There is something really magical about seeing the lights of the city begin to shine in the twilight, set against the backdrop of amazingly colourful skyscapes in the setting sun. Last entry times change throughout the season due to sunset times so check out our website for the full schedule.

The world’s highest and heaviest peal of bells On six special evenings during the late night opening season, as well as experiencing magnificent views from the tower, members

of the public will be allowed to enter the bell ringing chamber which is rarely open to visitors. The late night opening season runs from March 31st - October 27th, and the bells will be open to the public on May 5th, June 2nd, July 7th, August 4th and September 1st. Meet the bell ringers, enjoy demonstrations and displays and hand bell ringing before entering the bell chamber itself. You will see at close quarters the heaviest and highest peal of bells in the world. New for 2016 is a bells simulator so visitors can experience what it is like to ring the bells at Liverpool Cathedral. You can buy tickets in advance online – visit and select Events and Attractions Tickets, or from the shop when you arrive at the cathedral. »» For further information check our website:

Choral Evensong at Liverpool Cathedral

Listen, relax, pray

Weekdays during term time 5:30pm* *Evening Prayer said on a Wednesday – sometimes we have to change our usual routine so please check our website for up to date details.


Faith Academy

Develop your underst anding of God

Deepening Discipleship is a key part of Liverpool Cathedral’s strategic plan. In this area we seek to provide different opportunities to explore faith. This can be asking key questions like Who is Jesus? How can I have faith? Why and how do I pray? Or it can be exploring deeper questions like: What does faith look like in work? Talking to a person of another faith, Church and Art and very topically we are having talks about whether to leave or remain a part of the EU. Of course there is a Bible Stream where we look at a book of the Bible each week. The best way to keep in touch with what we are doing is to join our mailing list.


»» Contact, or check Liverpool Cathedral website for details.

Alpha Course Why not join us on this seven week journey to explore Christianity and what it is all about? No matter what your own faith position may be, you are more than welcome to be a part of this experience. The course will be led by the Dean starting on Tuesday evenings, from 24 May in the Concert Room at Liverpool Cathedral. All are welcome, admission is free. »» To register please contact:

EXPLORE the HISTORY of liverpool cathedral From the very early days of its origins and starting to build just after the turn of the 20th Century, through to its completion in 1978 after 74 long, hard, but rewarding years, the unfolding story of this great cathedral, the largest in the whole of the UK and the fifth largest in the world, is unique and fascinating. The building of Liverpool Cathedral survived two World Wars, periods of recession and great hardship in this once famous and important port of Liverpool, to become a tribute to the dedication of a great many people and their skills. In 1880, John Charles Ryle was appointed the first Bishop of Liverpool and was installed in St Peter’s Church in Church Street in the town centre - the ‘Pro-Cathedral’. St Peter’s was unsatisfactory; it was too small for major church events, and moreover was, in the words of the Rector of Liverpool, “ugly & hideous”. On Monday 17th June 1901, at a meeting in the Town Hall, the decision was taken to build a worthy Cathedral for the prosperous City of Liverpool, “something to speak for God”. The design submitted by twenty-two year old Giles Gilbert Scott in 1903 was chosen and young Scott and the more senior George Bodley were appointed joint architects. On Tuesday 19th July 1904 the Foundation Stone was laid by King Edward VII at a great open-air service at the culmination of which the choir of a thousand voices sang Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah. On Saint Peter’s Day, 29th June 1910, the Lady Chapel, the first part of the Cathedral

to be completed, was dedicated by Bishop Chavasse and Cosmo Lang, Archbishop of York. Despite the serious delays caused by the First World War, the High Altar, Chancel and Eastern Transepts were completed and, in the presence of King George V and Queen Mary, the Cathedral was consecrated in 1924. Albert Augustus David had succeeded Bishop Chavasse in 1923, and Frederick William Dwelly, future first Dean of Liverpool, devised and organised the service. ‘Solemn Entrance in Time of War’ was the name of the first service to take place in the vast Central Space below the still incomplete Tower. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, visited the Cathedral during the blitz and gave encouragement to the Cathedral community to keep building. In bitterly cold weather on 20th February 1942, Sir Giles Scott placed the final stone on the final ‘finial’ at the top of the tower, three hundred and thirty one feet one and half inches (101 metres) above the Cathedral floor. On 22nd April 1961, the newly completed Bridge and the first bay of the Nave were handed over to the Dean & Chapter. Sadly, with his death in 1960, the architect had not lived long enough to enjoy the new vistas through his Cathedral. On 25th October 1978, in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, there was a great service of thanksgiving to mark the completion of the Cathedral, “a triumphant proclamation of hope” and “one of the great buildings of the world”. »» For further information check our website:

relax, unwind and ENJOY YOUR VISIT Take your time to browse our award winning shop. Enjoy freshly cooked meals or snacks at The Welsford Restaurant or the Mezzanine CafĂŠ Bar.


This is Britain’s largest cathedral, an awesome and intimate space, a centre of Christian worship and a major cultural venue. Your donations help to keep the cathedral free for visitors, please give generously.

HOPE+ Helping Other People Eat (Plus) Hope+ was founded by Liverpool Cathedral together with our Foundation Partners Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral and the St Luke in the City team. We are a multi-faith, multi-tasking community outreach scheme, designed to take a more joined up approach to food poverty. We also do a significant amount of work with newly arrived asylum seekers and refugees, of whom Liverpool houses more than any other city in the UK. Founded in February 2013, we have provided almost 26,000 food hampers, which is equivalent to 400,000 meal portions. Recent campaigns such as our Lent WashDay16 project saw us collecting toiletries and washing products; instead of washing the feet of our guests on Maundy Thursday, we provided them with everything they needed to wash themselves and their clothes. We also collect clothes, which are especially needed by our asylum seekers, who often arrive with just the clothes they are wearing. Recently we were proud to be asked to help pilot a new anti food waste project with Tesco and FareShare. Twice a week we receive items such as fresh bakery goods, and fruit and vegetables on their best before date from

SHOPPING LIST We gratefully receive

any items on this list.

Tootbrush/Toothpaste Soap/Shampoo/Wa shing Powder Feminine hygiene pro ducts Milk (UHT or powdered) Baby formula Nappies Sugar (500g) Fruit juice (carton, long life) Soup Pasta sauces Tomatoes (tinned)

Cereals Tea bags/instant cof Rice/pasta


Instant mash potato Tinned meat/fish/vege tables Tinned fruit Biscuits or snack bar Collection boxes are situated in Liverpool Cath edral in the South Nave Aisle by the Tower Entrance.

Tesco stores, which we then distribute to our guests. Providing a nutritionally balanced food hamper for up to 250 people each and every week is a huge challenge, and as an independent charity, one that we could not hope to achieve were it not for the generous donations from churches, local businesses, schools, and individual donors.  To make a donation contact 0151 702 7237 or email:


HERITAGE TOURS Your chance to access unrestricted and unique views of the largest Cathedral in the UK, and the fifth largest in the world, and help support Liverpool Cathedral.

As part of the tour package you become a ‘Heritage Angel, receive a personalised brick ALL FOR in Liverpool Cathedral’s People’s Path outside the Sir Giles Gilbert Scott Suite, a Heritage per person Angel certificate and a light lunch.


For more information call Tina Morris 0151 702 7226 or email: *Tours last approx 2.5 hours and is limited to 8 people per time, Booking essential.

NEW for 2016 the Great Scott tour Experience our Cathedral in the company of our architect as we dramatically tell the story of Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Through entertaining storytelling and plenty of fun for your group, our actor will guide you through our Cathedral. Our hour long Great Scott tour will tell of how, at 22, Sir Giles won the competition to build Britain’s largest Cathedral, plus tales of his friends, the workers, and clashes with others; and of course we have that famous red telephone box. »» Contact our Group Visits specialist Jenny Moran on 0151 702 7284 email: jenny.moran@ to book your group on our Great Scott Tour

OUR SERVICES Sunday 8:30am



Choral Eucharist (in Main Space)


Zone 2 (all age informal worship in Concert Room)


Choral Evensong*



Weekdays 8.30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong*

Saturday 8:30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong

*Said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271


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