Cathedral Life Magazine - Feb to May 2015

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ORGAN RECITAL SEASON 2015 Monday 6 April - 11.15am

EASTER MONDAY RECITAL Ian Tracey - Organist Titulaire Monday 4 May - 11.15am


Martin Rawles - Litchfield Cathedral Monday 25 May - 11.15am


David Poulter - Director of Music Saturday 20 June - 7.30pm

ORGAN GALA The Home Team entertain Saturday 17 October - 3.00pm

89TH ANNIVERSARY RECITAL Ian Tracey - Organist Titulaire

Saturdays 25 July - 12 September - 12.30 - 1.00pm

SUMMER RECITAL SERIES Admission by donation £1

Saturday 26 December - 11.15am


Ian Tracey - Organist Titulaire

Admission by Programme £5.00



CONTENTS Dean's letter


Investing in our building


Making a bigger difference


Hillsborough eternal flame


New volunteering programme


Palm Crosses and Ashes to go


Holy Week Services pullout


Liverpool Passion Plays


Bishop's Lent Lectures


Vist our award winning shop


Two Cathedrals are creating a buzz


BSL Messy Church


Easter Family Fun


Twilight Tower Tours


Embracing Hope service


Spoil your mum this Mothering Sunday


The Outraged Christ


Hope+ update


In our thoughts and prayers


Diary Dates




THE OUTRAGED CHRIST Next issue: May 2015 Deadline for submissions: April 15th 2015 Article ideas are always welcome and should be sent to Stuart Haynes: Editors reserve the right to edit contributions. »» For updates on events why not follow us on twitter @LivCathedral or Facebook/Liverpool Cathedral 3

Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2015

During the season of Lent we have our annual opportunity to take stock of our following of the Lord Jesus. And as we look forward to the celebration of Easter, where we rejoice in the resurrection and the hope that gives us, we have plenty of opportunities to enhance our spiritual lives and share our faith. Through art, through conversation, through the giving of ourselves we can deepen and strengthen our relationship with Christ.


Art and the Gospel Art has always formed a strong part of the Christian tradition of spiritual reflection. This Cathedral rejoices in some extraordinary works of art: from the Craigie Aitchison in the Chapter House to the Tracey Emin over the Great West doors; the Elizabeth Frink outside the West Front to the Christopher le Brun in the Quire. We now have, for at least the next few years, a new sculpture by Charles Lutyens, entitled ‘The Outraged Christ’. It will stand in the Derby Transept and will provide an enriching focus for some of our worship in the coming weeks, as well as an arresting sight for casual visitors.

Good News, where you live, work and play In March, we join with other churches across the region in marking a ‘month of mission’. Here, the centre-piece will be a series of four Lent Lectures to be delivered by the Bishop of Liverpool, Bishop Paul Bayes on the theme of Good news, where you live, work and play. Bishop Paul will be reflecting how the Gospel of Jesus impacts on our homes, our employment and our leisure. You are encouraged to bring a family member, a work colleague, a friend or a neighbour: we are hoping the audiences at the lectures will include many who would not describe themselves as Christian believers, as well as many who would.

Quality Mark? On the first four Sundays of Lent (starting on 22 February), the gospel readings from Mark will offer preachers the opportunity to explore the teaching of Jesus in relation to wealth and possessions. The sermons will be linked to our annual review of our Planned

Giving Scheme, and will culminate in a great act of Thanksgiving at the Sung Eucharist on Mothering Sunday, 15th March.

Holy Week Holy Week promises to be a feast of spiritual food. In addition to the third annual performance of the Liverpool Passion Plays on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings of the week, we are hugely looking forward to welcoming Bishop Paul to conduct our principal acts of worship from Maundy Thursday evening to Easter Sunday morning, including the hour at the cross on Good Friday. Please make the most of every opportunity - there’s much to savour at a time of the year when the Cathedral does prominently the thing which is always its principal business: the worship of the Living God, in the name of Jesus and in the power of the Spirit. »» With every blessing Dean Pete, Dean of Liverpool

HOLY WEEK SERVICES Don’t forget to check out this year’s Holy Week and Easter Services centre page pullout inside this copy of Cathedral Life. In it are details of all our services and other Easter events suitable for the whole family. »» For more details


investing in our building


Liverpool Cathedral has started important work to repair part of the internal structures of the cathedral. The work is made possible thanks to a £100,000 grant from the First World War Centenary Cathedral repairs fund and a £15,000 donation from the CFCE/Wolfson Foundation Cathedral Fabric Repair Fund. This money enables us to continue to invest in this Grade 1 listed building, maintaining it to the highest possible standards. The work will involve investigation and repair work to the masonry above the high level arches at the West End of the cathedral. It will also include similar work above the Welsford Porch. The work is the first part of our £24m for 2024 campaign and is important to ensure the cathedral is handed on to future generations in the best possible condition. Maintaining a building of this size is a phenomenal challenge, particularly as we will continue to remain open for visitors to enjoy and events to be held. As a result we have carefully planned the work so we don’t spoil our visitor’s enjoyment of one of the greatest cathedrals in the world. We will, as you would 6

expect, have high scaffolding towers to enable to work to be conducted safely but these will be constructed at night. While the work itself will inevitably take place during the daytime, the noisiest aspects will be arranged around other activities, such as the cathedral’s daily round of worship. However we will have temporary arrangements in place to allow safe and comfortable access to our cathedral. This will involve using the south aisle temporarily as an entrance aisle and we will be making arrangements over the next week to prepare the way. We will have signs and our staff in place to help visitors get the best from their visit. Dean Pete Wilcox commented “It is great that we are able to show the same care for this magnificent building as our forefathers did when they constructed it. Being Britain’s biggest cathedral means we face the biggest maintenance challenges. Investing in our building for future generations is important to us. We aim to ensure that our great Cathedral remains fit for purpose into the 21st century.”


Canon Richard White was commissioned as Director of new ‘Joshua Centre for Pioneer Ministry’ by the Bishop of Liverpool, Rt Revd Paul Bayes during Choral Evensong on Sunday 25th January at Liverpool Cathedral. Bishop Paul said “One of the things that attracted me, like so many others, to the Diocese of Liverpool was the ability to innovate and think creatively about how we can do church differently to make a bigger difference. The establishment of the Joshua Centre is an excellent example. We aim to develop a centre of excellence bringing together pioneers who are growing congregations to support, encourage and develop good practice. And I am delighted to

be able to institute Canon Richard White as its first director. With his strong track record of replicating church models such as Dream and Zone2 he brings a wealth of experience and commitment to bear on the future. Please pray for Richard and his colleagues as they pioneer this important development for our diocese and the national church.” Our diocese has established a strong reputation for a wide range of Pioneer Ministries which have included this emphasis on starting new congregations. At the same time, the cathedral has identified “multiplying congregations” as a core area of cathedral ministry. This has grown out of the experience in recent years of starting Zone2, Sepas (an Iranian Congregation) and a new youth community. They have also increasingly worked in partnership with parishes involved in similar work so it is a natural but exciting development to strengthen that partnership in seeing new churches, congregations and communities started. This will now be expressed through the establishment of the ‘Joshua Centre for Pioneer Ministry’. Canon Richard White will be working closely with Canon Linda Jones who carries the overall diocesan brief for mission. Richard explains the aim of the project is “specifically focused on multiplying congregations – a congregation could be a new church, it could be a new community, it could be a new congregation within a church - cathedral and diocese coming together in a partnership forming this umbrella, trying to give support to that, called The Joshua Centre.” 7

Hillsborough eternal flame

We are honoured to keep the flame burning while Liverpool Football Club constructs its new main stand. The flame will open to view in our Memorial Chapel for the next 18 months. The club held a short service led by Chaplain Bill Bygroves where they also unveiled a temporary memorial to the 96 so fans can continue to pay their respects. Liverpool Cathedral, the venue for the disclosure of the Hillsborough Independent Panel report, is happy to be able to offer this service for the club, fans and above all the friends and families of the 96. Margaret Aspinall, Chair of the Hillsborough 8

Family Support Group, said: “I’d like to thank the Club for involving us from the beginning of the expansion project and taking our views into account for the future of our Hillsborough Memorial. “We decided to put it into safe storage during the construction period of the Main Stand expansion and also decided on the design of the temporary memorial so fans can continue to pay their respects. “I’d also like to thank Canon Myles Davies for attending today and agreeing to look after the eternal flame at the Cathedral.” The eternal flame can be viewed in our Memorial Chapel at all times we are open.

'There’s no better buzz than someone coming in to say I got the job' Liverpool Cathedral has started a volunteer programme that aims to help some of the long term unemployed into work. Based on a scheme piloted by Manchester Cathedral we aim to help people develop skills, interview techniques whilst crucially giving them meaningful volunteering opportunities to put on their CV. And who wouldn’t want to have Liverpool Cathedral on their CV? We spoke to Paul O'Brien, Volunteer and Employment Coordinator “The fact that it was based at the cathedral was an important reason for me applying for this role” agreed Paul. “Being in this magnificent place, walking to it for the programme is an important factor in attracting some volunteers. It draws people of all faiths and none as there is a different energy about the place”. The reputation and role of our cathedral in the city is equally important for the scheme’s success in getting others to sign up to offer interview experience and placements. Paul explained. “For example SmileWorks in Liverpool One and the Nettle Street bar Kabinett were quickly on board eager to work with us.” The scheme needs more pioneering employers to join in. Their expertise

helps teach the volunteers, over a ten week programme, a variety of skills in communications, presentation and interview techniques. Paul attributes the rest of the success to the supportive nature of the programme which takes people referred by the Job Centre service. “We work in small groups giving intensive support in key areas. We find those in a group of about ten to fifteen people really help each other. Then, because of the small numbers, I can then work with individuals to support them in the areas they most need it. That may be arranging particular courses in careers that they want to pursue, or helping them with job searches” It’s the helping people that Paul loves. Having worked in this field since leaving school he maintains “There’s no better buzz than someone coming in to say I got the job”. So he wants this programme, which has already been recognised by the Cabinet Office for its work in Manchester, to be the best in the country. “It has the potential,” Paul says “we could easily have more volunteers and more staff supporting them. This is just the beginning.” »» For further information see 9

EXPLORING THE TRUE MEANING OF LENT AND EASTER This year we repeat our successful - Ashes to Go and Palms to Go initiative. The idea stemmed from seeing a new way of bringing the tradition of ashing to the wider public. Ashes to Go started in the United States as a way of taking part of the Ash Wednesday service out into the community as a public statement, an opportunity for individuals to meet for a short time with God and think about what the meaning of Lent was all about. The idea is that the local vicar or priest, robed, would sit in a very public place and offer people an opportunity to say prayers and be anointed with ashes. It was never meant to replace the Ash Wednesday service but was a way of extending that to those that either would never come into church or would not make a service. Last year we decided to give it a go inside in the main space. Over 40 people took part. A third made the journey especially and two thirds were visitors, pleasantly surprised to find us sat there. We had many significant conversations and even some tears as people who hadn’t really engaged with God for a while realised they were precious in his sight. I thought it was extremely encouraging. ‘Palm to Go’ extended the concept into Holy Week. We followed the same format for an hour each day in Holy Week. Last year over 100 people took the opportunity and 10

it was great to remind people of the true message of Easter in such a special week.” Our prayer is that this year more people encounter God in this simple, creative way. »» For further information check our website:



JOIN US THIS EASTER PALM SUNDAY - SUNDAY 29th March 8.30am Eucharist 10.30am

Litany and Choral Eurcharist


Zone 2 (all age informal worship in the Concert Room)


Choral Evensong for Palm Sunday Preacher: Canon Myles Davies, Vice Dean and Precentor

4.00pm Eucharist

MONDAY 30th March 8.30am

Morning Prayer


Diocesan Chrism Eucharist


Choral Evensong


The Liverpool Passion Plays, Jesus in the temple - Washing of the feet - Betrayal

TUESDAY 31st March 8.30am

Morning Prayer

12.05pm Eucharist and Devotional Address 5.30pm

Choral Evensong


The Liverpool Passion Plays, Bethphage - Last Supper - Gethsemane

WEDNESDAY 1st April 8.30am

Morning Prayer

12.05pm Eucharist and Devotional Address 5.30pm

Choral Evensong


The Liverpool Passion Plays, Act Trial - Crucifixion

MAUNDY - THURSDAY 2nd April 8.30am

Morning Prayer

12.05pm Eucharist 5.30pm

Evening Prayer


Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper - Preacher: The Right Reverend Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool. The Watch of the Passion is kept until Midnight.

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Morning Prayer


The Way of the Cross, A Processional Service for Good Friday with music from the Cathedral Choir


An hour at the Cross Preacher: The Right Reverend Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool


Evening Prayer


No Story so Divine, A sequence of words and music for Good Friday evening

EASTER EVEN - SATURDAY 4th April 8.30am

Morning Prayer

12.05pm Ante Communion 5.30pm

Evening Prayer Said in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit


The Liverpool Passion Plays - Resurrection

EASTER SUNDAY 5th April 5.00am

The Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter

8.30am Eucharist 10.30am

Festival Eucharist Preacher: The Very Reverend Dr Pete Wilcox, Dean of Liverpool


Zone 2 (all age informal worship in the Concert Room)


Festival Evensong Preacher: Canon Paul Rattigan, Canon for Discipleship



EASTER MONDAY 6th April 10.30am

Morning Prayer and Eucharist


Easter Organ Recital with Professor Ian Tracey, Organist Titulaire


Evening Prayer




2015 NEW 5 ACT Y DA SATUR AY 9th M

ACT 1 - MONDAY 30th MARCH ACT 2 - TUESDAY 31st MARCH ACT 3 - WEDNESDAY 1st APRIL ACT 4 - HOLY SATURDAY 4th APRIL Choral Evensong at 5.30pm Performance starts 6.30pm


Bishop's LENT LECTURES in all of our lives - they are designed for Christians but also for people who are seeking God; feel free to invite friends and neighbours along!

Monday 9th March, 7:30 pm

The Bishop of Liverpool, The Rt Revd Paul Bayes, delivers this year’s lectures on the Good News that Jesus offers us in our lives today. In a series of connected yet stand alone lectures the Bishop will explore what it means to understand how we can be supported in our day to day lives by knowing more about Jesus and the Good News he offers.

Monday 2nd March, 7:30 pm Good news for all - What is good evangelism today? Bishop Paul starts his lectures by talking to fellow Christians about how we can talk to our neighbours, work colleagues, family and friends about Jesus Christ. What is good evangelism? How can we share our faith with confidence in today’s world? The following three lectures speak in different ways of the presence of Jesus Christ

Good news where you live - homes and neighbourhoods full of love and peace What difference can the Gospel of Jesus make to the way we live as individuals, as families and as neighbours?

Monday 16th March, 7:30 pm Good news where you work - dignity and fulfilment in the workplace Is the message of Jesus truly relevant to ALL of our lives, including when we’re at work? What would it look like to be an ambassador for God’s values and God’s Kingdom in the workplace?

Monday 23rd March, 7:30 pm Good news where you play - fun and leisure that lasts forever What makes life worth living? Can the Good News of Jesus give us fulfilling and wholesome lives when we’re relaxing and enjoying leisure, sport and culture together? »» March 2015 is the Month of Mission. Visit 15


Check out our award winning shop for unique gifts, books and cards that reflect Liverpool and this spectacular building. Enjoy freshly cooked meals or snacks at the modern Mezzanine CafĂŠ Bar. Stunning views across the Cathedral. Free wi-fi internet access.

LiverpoolCathedral 16



Two Cathedrals create A buzz Liverpool’s Two Cathedrals are working together to make and sell honey from beehives in their own grounds, thanks to a pioneering conservation project. Beekeeper John Moran, who created the project, was a fireman during the Toxteth riots in 1981. The work of the two bishops at that time (David Sheppard, Liverpool Cathedral and David Warlock, Metropolitan Cathedral) to promote unity in a divided city inspired John, who later became a teacher. John explains: “I watched a documentary which said that a colony of bees is the most cohesive community in nature, with all bees working together for the benefit of the hive. When walking along Hope Street between the two Cathedrals I remembered the two bishops bringing communities together for the good of the city.” As a teacher John became interested in conservation and teamed up with fellow teacher Mike Hewlett in 2011 to create The Honey Bee Project. John and Mike look after beehives at several community locations across Merseyside. They placed hives in the

grounds of the two cathedrals in 2013 and were delighted to find the hives healthy, having survived their first winter with a high quality crop of local honey, which is now on sale in the two Cathedral shops. The honey jar label shows both Cathedrals, to illustrate that they are the only two in the country to produce and sell honey from their own grounds. Liverpool Cathedral’s education department is running an educational Cathedral Bee Experience in the Spring term. Schools attending the workshops on March 4th will get the opportunity to compare ancient and modern hives, try on a beekeeping suit, extract honey from the beeswax frames and make beeswax frames for the Cathedral hives. »» For further information about the Honey Bee Project visit:

BSL Messy Church - FANTASTIC FAMILY FUN The next BSL (British Sign Language) Messy Church takes place on Sat 28th March at 4pm. Enjoy craft, food and celebration around a biblical theme. All are welcome with no need to book. BSL Messy Church invites all to participate together whether they are deaf or hearing. »» More information from Rev Hannah Lewis, or via mobile text message 07919 411817.


7th, 8th,14th and 15th April. 11am to 3pm daily

Come along to Liverpool Anglican Cathedral and meet your local police team. • Complete the Easter trail with help from local police and win a free Easter egg • Arts and craft activities for younger children • Meet the Easter bunny • All activities completely free The Easter Fun continues at Liverpool Cathedral throughout Easter with arts and crafts, story time and competitions. For further details visit Thanks to our sponsors: GEORGIAN QUARTER COMMUNITY GROUP


This year's Twilight Tower tour season begins 5th March. Enjoy stunning evening views of the city every Thursday like the one pictured here. On selected dates you can also enjoy access to the Bells experience. Final ticket times vary according to sunset

times. A list of available times and dates is published in our Twilight Tours tours leaflet. Tickets can be purchased from our Cathedral Shop. »» For more details see

EMBRACING HOPE SERVICE The next Embracing Hope service is due to take place on Thursday 5th March. Embracing Hope is open to all whose lives have been affected by the serious illness or loss of a child. People are invited to share in a simple, intimate service in the Lady Chapel and visit the Children's Chapel. »» For further details contact Dianne Rothwell on 0151 702 7201.



St James' Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ •

LiverpoolCathedral 20



THE OUTRAGED CHRIST Emotive, imposing and unquestionably striking, Liverpool Cathedral’s latest art installation The Outraged Christ by Charles Lutyens now finds its home looking out over the Derby Transept. 35 years in the making, the work depicts an alternate and challenging view of the Crucifixion. This crucifixion depicts a muscular, angry Christ who looks almost ready to leap from the cross. The relevance of the question that the artist poses with this piece, ‘What are we doing?’ resonates deeply in a society that currently diagnoses itself as ‘sick’ or ‘broken’. This challenging work is free for all to view during cathedral opening hours. »» For more details see

HOPE+ TWO YEARS ON Hope+ marked its second anniversary still very much needed. Over the the last two years we have developed organically, and put in place a hub of partner agencies, we contributed twice to the Parliamentary Enquiry on Food Poverty, and our "Hub" system was singled out as being the way forward We still need your support, pressure and donations and are in desperate need of sponsorship for a small van. We could not have done any of this without the support of our volunteers. For all your help and support, from all of us at Hope+, thank you! »» To make a donation contact 0151 702 7237 or email:


IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS We Thank God for the arrival of Bishop Paul and his wife Kate to the Diocese and look forward to their ministry with us. We pray for all staff and Volunteers especially those working under the Volunteer programmes provided by “Volition”; The project leader, Paul O’Brien and his team. We give thanks for all the children and staff who took part in the Epiphany service and Christingle service. We remember all those who have asked for our prayers, especially those who are undergoing major surgery, who are ill or bereaved.

Education:Teacher’s Inset day, The Cathedral Bee Experience Workshops, Cross Factor Workshops, Easter Family activities with Merseyside Police, Year 7 Conference

Occasional Offices:Baptism: Scarlett Thompson, Weddings: Edith and Philip, Embracing Hope, Turning of the Leaves, Diocesan Eucharist

Groups/Tours/Cruises:Miki travel, University of Derby. Oxton and Prenton U3A, GB Tours, Bebington Rotary Club.

Worship Services/Prayer :Breakfast with the Bible, Supper with the Scriptures, Lunchtime Discipleship, Word and Worship, SEPAS, Faith Academy, Lenten and Easter services ; Retired Clergy Eucharist , Exploring God, Chemin Neuf, Faith Academy, St Mellitus Half night of Prayer. 22

School and Parish Visits:Emmanuel Church Southport, Quiet day; Penketh Community School, St John’s CE Primary, Woodchurch High school , Halsall St Cuthbert’s Primary , Birkenhead High School, Huyton with Roby Primary, Millbrook Primary, St Bees School Chamber Choir, St Mark’s Haydock, St Gabriel’s Huyton, Harsnett Choir, Tower College, Sutherland Co-operative Academy, St Peter and Paul Catholic College, Runshaw College, St David’s College.

Events/Meetings/Exhibitions/ Dinners/Concerts etc:• First Aid course • Friends 'Shrove Tuesday' evening. • Kitty Wilkinson tour • Cathedral Youth Group • Younger Women’s Vocations • Women’s Spirituality Group • BBC event • Chinese Fellowship • John O’Connell - guitarist • Ruby Porter embroidery exhibition • Lent Lecture series - Bishop Paul Bayes • Readers PIME • John Lewis conference • Tune Yards concert • Anathema Acoustic concert • Cathedral Images exhibition • Renaissance Music • 125th Anniversary Mothers’ Union • Messy Church Conference • Parish Representatives meeting • Josephine Butler Conference • University of Liverpool International team Conference • Renaissance Music



Eucharist for Ash Wednesday


Eucharist for Ash Wednesday



Choral Evensong. Preacher: Canon Malcolm Rogers



Bishop of Liverpool’s Lent Lecture



Embracing Hope Service



Choral Evensong. Preacher: The Archdeacon of Liverpool



Bishop of Liverpool’s Lent Lecture



Choral Evensong, attended by the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment



Bishop of Liverpool’s Lent Lecture



Choral Eucharist. Preacher: The Revd Crispin Pailing, Rector of Liverpool



Bishop of Liverpool’s Lent Lecture



Eucharist for the Feast of the Annunciation, attended by Diocesan Mothers’ Union Members


Choral Evensong for the Feast of the Annunciation, sung by St Bees School Chamber Choir


Check ou t this year's Holy week and Easter Services centre page pullout inside this copy of Cathedral Life.

APRIL 11th


Choral Evensong sung by the Harsnett Choir with the Choir of St Giles in the Fields, London


Choral Services sung by the Harsnett Choir with the Choir of St Giles in the Fields, London


Choral Eucharist. Preacher: Father Etienne Veto, Chemin Neuf Community


MAY 4th


Morning Prayer and Eucharist


Bank Holiday Organ Recital: Martin Rawles, Lichfield Cathedral





The Liverpool Passion Plays Service for the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment


Choral Eucharist for Ascension Day



Choral Evensong to begin Liverpool Light Night


OUR SERVICES Sunday 8:30am



Choral Eucharist (in Main Space)


Zone 2 (all age informal worship in Concert Room)


Choral Evensong*



Weekdays 8.30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong*

Saturday 8:30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong

*Said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271


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