Cathedral Life - Jan to Mar 2013

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LORD TEACH US TO PRAY Thursday 7th Mar

Learning the art of thanksgiving

Thursday 14th Mar

Taking time to adore The Good Father, Jesus the Child of Adam, the Spirit of truth and justice

Thursday 21st Mar

Learning to pray when seeking guidance, enduring suffering and facing death

Thursday 28th Mar

Confessing when we have sinned knowingly and unknowingly

The first three addresses will end with the service of Compline (or ‘Night Prayer’ - a quiet liturgy lasting about 15 minutes). On Thursday 28th, the Bishop’s address will take the form of the sermon in the Maundy Thursday Eucharist. Thursdays in March - 7:30pm - Liverpool Cathedral

CONTENTS Can we excel in the grace of giving?


BSL Messy Church


First Big Sing


Dexys and Daughter to perform as part of Liverpool Sound City



Fond farewell to Martyn


Justin Welby becomes Archbishop of Canterbury

Aled Jones Live


Bishop James announces retirement

6 Riding the Storm tour


Bishop James Lent Addresses


First Kitty Wilkinson tours sell out


Choirs from around the world


Cathedral to launch Food Bank


Early start for the Twilight Tower Season


Brymbo Male Choir


Space lands at the Cathedral


Search is on for Disciple Maker


New opening hours for the Welsford and Mezzanine


Children's Society looks for collection box holders


Three Choirs' Evensong 20

Backpack project 10 grows thanks to Zone 2 Excel in the Grace of Giving Liverpool Passion Plays

Exciting year for organ 21 music



Happy Birthday to The 17 People's Path Animal fun this half term

Embracing Hope


Summer Organ Recitals 2013


Thoughts and Prayers





Next issue: May 19th 2013 Deadline for submissions: April 19th 2013 Article ideas are always welcome and should be sent to Stuart Haynes: Editors reserve the right to edit contributions.  Cover Photo: Thanks to Mark Carline

CAN WE EXCEL IN THE GRACE OF GIVING? During the season of Lent, Christians have traditionally invested in three key disciplines: praying, fasting and charitable giving. This triad can be traced back to the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount: he warns his disciples there not to follow the example of ‘the hypocrites’ (who love to look good in front of other people), but instead when praying, fasting and giving alms to seek the approval of our Heavenly Father alone (Matthew 6.1-18). This Lent there will be nothing specific on offer to assist members of the cathedral company with the practice of fasting – but most of us will probably ponder for ourselves the option of giving up (or taking up) some specific activity. Assistance will, however, be offered to refresh our praying and charitable giving. As far as praying is concerned, Bishop James will be leading a series of sessions entitled ‘Teach us to pray’, to be held in the Main Space of the Cathedral on the four Thursdays of March, beginning at 7.30pm. The first three talks will last an hour, and will have a ‘Quiet Day’ feel about them: they will end with the simple and peaceful service called ‘Compline’. The final session will be a little different, as it will form part of the Maundy Thursday Sung Eucharist. The four sessions will form a series, but each will also stand alone; so please feel free either to commit to them all or to dip into the ones you are able to attend. Earlier in Lent the focus will be on charitable giving. In two ways, members of the Cathedral company will be encouraged to reflect on their current use of money and practice of giving alms. The first is by reviewing participation in the Cathedral’s ‘planned giving scheme’. A series of sermons on the first four Sundays of Lent will explore the teaching of St Paul in 1 Corinthians 8 and 9, where disciples are encouraged to ‘excel in the grace of giving’. It has been rightly said, after all, that ‘if you want to 4

see what a person truly values, take a look at where their money goes’ and that ‘Jesus spoke more often about money than about any other subject apart from the kingdom of God’. The second opportunity to get involved relates to our new Food Bank initiative. Most readers will be aware of the devastating impact on the most vulnerable members of society (including many on our doorstep) of the latest round of cuts in local government and public sector funding, as well as welfare benefits. Churches are rightly responding to urgent need by making emergency supplies of food available, under carefully regulated circumstances, and over the coming weeks you will be invited to contribute to the bank of supplies. I hope each of us will ‘seize the season’ as an opportunity to grow more fully into the people that God has created us to be, by pondering our practice of praying, giving and fasting. The Very Revd Dr Pete Wilcox Dean of Liverpool, Epiphany 2013

JUSTIN WELBY BECOMES ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY Justin Welby has officially become Archbishop of Canterbury in a service held at St Paul's Cathedral.

Images by Graham Lacdao and Arnaud Stephenson

Archbishop Justin completed all the necessary legalities to be confirmed into the post, in a service led by the Archbishop of York and overseen by the Provincial Registrar and a number of other legal officials. In attendance were many people who had worked with Justin Welby during his career. Dean Pete Wilcox and many others from Liverpool Cathedral attended the service which as well as being a legal formality, contained readings, prayers, hymns and an anthem, and an address by the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu. At the end of the service, Archbishop Justin and wife Caroline, left through the Great West Doors to face a bank of press photographers. The Most Reverend Justin Welby will be enthroned in a service at Canterbury Cathedral on March 21. 5

BISHOP JAMES ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT The Rt Rev James Jones has announced that he will retire as Bishop of Liverpool on his 65th birthday in August. In a letter to the Diocese the Bishop says that his leaving will “give his successor the opportunity in due course to form his own leadership team to take the diocese forward.” The Cathedral will host his farewell service on July 3rd. Bishop James and his wife Sarah will leave the diocese in August. The Bishop will remain as adviser to the Home Secretary on Hillsborough, continue to write and broadcast and will be involved in a number of other national projects. In his letter Bishop James said: “Throughout my time in Liverpool I have found the willingness of the parishes in the Diocese to rethink and to reshape our common life for the service of others has been inspiring. Our Diocese is growing and there is still huge opportunity locally to make a difference to our communities with the Gospel of Christ." “It has been a privilege as Bishop to serve the wider community not least in chairing the Hillsborough Independent Panel. The Diocese has recognised the rightness of me doing this which has given me great strength. The way the families and survivors have received the Panel’s report and the way truth is now opening up the path to justice affirms the worth of the Panel’s work.” The Bishop concluded “Sarah and I are very conscious of God’s providence over the last 15 years. We are constantly humbled by the commitment of the laity and by the 6

dedication of the clergy. It has been a joy to serve you all as bishop. As together in the Diocese we thank God for his providence we renew our trust in him and pray that he will continue to guide the Diocese especially in the appointing of a new Bishop of Liverpool.” Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu paid tribute to Bishop James saying: “In the best tradition of Bishops of Liverpool he has led the church in mission demonstrating the love of Christ both in word and action.” Archbishop of Liverpool, Patrick Kelly also credited Bishop James with helping him reconcile his own decision to retire, “with serenity, clarity and deep peace and even joy. James was for me a Father in God, priest through, with and in Our Lord, and a bearer of the consolation who is the Holy Spirit.”

Dean Pete Wilcox said “Bishop James has been an extraordinary servant of the diocese of Liverpool, the city and the region, as well as a significant voice on a national stage, for well over a decade. He has been a wise pastor, a thoughtful and thought-provoking preacher and teacher, a courageous prophet, a champion of justice and a faithful friend. We wish him and Sarah a fulfilling new phase of life and work in what will surely be an active and fruitful retirement.” Bishop James responded to the many kind messages of support, saying "Thank you to everybody for their generous reaction to my stepping down as Bishop of Liverpool. Someone once said there’s no retirement from the Kingdom of God! But it all seems slightly unreal because there’s a packed diary of engagements for the next six months. Sarah and I are humbled and grateful.” »» Our Diocese will formally say goodbye to Bishop James and Sarah at a service at the Cathedral on July 3rd. Move details to follow.



Thursday 7th Mar

Learning the art of thanksgiving

Thursday 14th Mar

Taking time to adore The Good Father, Jesus the Child of Adam, the Spirit of truth and justice

Thursday 21st Mar

Learning to pray when seeking guidance, enduring suffering and facing death

Thursday 28th Mar

Confessing when we have sinned knowingly and unknowingly

The first three addresses will end with the service of Compline (or ‘Night Prayer’ - a quiet liturgy lasting about 15 minutes). On Thursday 28th, the Bishop’s address will take the form of the sermon in the Maundy Thursday Eucharist. Thursdays in March - 7:30pm - Liverpool Cathedral

BISHOP JAMES ASKS "LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY" IN FINAL SERIES OF LENT ADDRESSES Bishop James will be delivering his last series of Lent addresses as Bishop of Liverpool at the cathedral this March. The series, entitled “Lord teach us to pray” will look at several aspects that Christians and others most struggle with when they come to thinking about prayer. These addresses follow the very popular series of talks the Bishop led in 2010 “The World Today through the eyes of Jesus”. The addresses start at 7.30pm and will last an hour with a different theme being explored each week. People are free to come to individual sessions but together they will build to a powerful series exploring the deep meaning of prayer.

The sessions are: • Thursday 7th - Learning the art of thanksgiving. • Thursday 14th - Taking time to adore The Good Father, Jesus the Child of Adam, the Spirit of truth and justice. • Thursday 21st - Learning to pray when seeking guidance, enduring suffering and facing death. • Thursday 28th - Confessing when we have sinned knowingly and unknowingly. The first three addresses will end with the service of Compline (or ‘Night Prayer’ -- a quiet liturgy lasting about 15 minutes). On Thursday 28th, the Bishop’s address will take the form of the sermon in the Maundy Thursday Eucharist. Bishop James said, “Prayer is a fundamental aspect of our Christian life yet one which will daily need to relearn. I look forward to welcoming everyone to the cathedral where together we can ask “Lord, Teach us to Pray”.


CATHEDRAL AND CITY CENTRE CHURCHES TO LAUNCH FOOD BANK The Cathedral is working in partnership with St Bride’s Church, St Luke’s in the City and other city centre faith communities to set up a Food Bank. The founding of the Food Bank comes after reports of increasing levels of poverty and government cuts, highlighted most recently by a conference for council leaders held by Bishop James Jones and Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson. Thirteen million people live below the poverty line in the UK. In 2011-12 food banks fed 128,687 people nationwide, in 2012-13 this number could rise to more than 230,000. Rising costs of food and fuel combined with static income, high unemployment and changes to benefit legislation are causing more and more people to come to food banks for help. People can go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. Partner agencies - Social Services, GPs, CAB, and other charities - will distribute vouchers for our Food Bank to those in need, providing a minimum of three days emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the inner city area. The Cathedral will support the administration of the Food Bank and act as a depository for the food which will be distributed from churches around the city centre. People can make their donation of non-perishable food items in the collection boxes situated in the Cathedral’s South Nave Aisle (near to the Tower Entrance). The non-perishable items will be topped up 8

Milk (U HT or powde red) Sugar (500g) Fruit ju ice (ca rton, lo ng life) Soup Pasta sauces Sponge pudding (tinned Tomat ) oes (tin ned) Cereals Rice p udding (tinned Tea ba ) gs/inst ant co ffee Instant mash p otato Rice/p asta Tinned meat/fi sh Tinned vegeta bles Tinned fruit Jam Biscuit s or s nack b ar

with fresh food thanks to our partnership with FareShare which sources surplus ‘fit for purpose’ produce from the food and drink industry. In his first interview with the Daily Post in September, Dean Pete Wilcox said, “The Church Urban Fund recently issued a league table of the most deprived parishes in the Church of England – and the top two were in Toxteth. How we assist the community in addressing that is not obvious, but what we as a cathedral cannot do is ignore those levels of deprivation on our doorstep.” The Dean is confident that the Food

Bank is one of the key ways in which we can provide that assistance to the community, saying: “In reaching out to those in need, we answer Christ’s call to us as Christians in Matthew 25:35, “for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in”. The current poverty figures are startling. As a cathedral we have both the duty and the privilege of serving the people of Liverpool in this way.”



The Cathedral has joined forces with LL ENDtoA well-respected youth event IP KSpace CH host their music evenings – starting BAND ab vn guest G U with headliners L27 S who on pecial performed eW Cr Ce YF C D An February 15th. s ta n C e ers

Please donate the following items: Milk (UHT or powdered) Sugar (500g) Fruit juice (carton) Soup Pasta sauces Sponge pudding (tinned) Tomatoes (tinned) Cereals Rice pudding (tinned) Tea bags/instant coffee Instant mash potato Rice/pasta Tinned meat/fish Tinned vegetables Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits or snack bar People can also get involved by volunteering an hour or two each week to help with the administration of the Food Bank. Full training and support will be provided. »» For more information contact cynthia.



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e l e n t in for bringing Space has built a reputation t h e va pport from su al oc L top quality Christian bands to city centre venues. A reputation based on offering a n i r t e e D t h A great night out with aA serious A Nmessage. 30 PM D 9. N DS EN S EV EN T T H O U 7P M EN AT reputation youth groups T W O that has attracted DO OR S OP OM 6P M FR TICKETS CE FI OF BO Xaround from the region. 5 £ Joining L27 on the bill were £6 ON DOOR POOL RChip PACELIVEEDRAL SHOP S O F TH Kendall Band, MOBO award winning Guvna ST IN S CA 55 TICKET ALL LATE01 51 702 72 B, Stance YFC Dance Crew and local support BOX OFFICE from the Valentine Brothers. Local churches were encouraged to bring their youth groups to the event as a half term treat. Other high profile bands are expected to be announced for future Space events. “Space is all about offering that something special for young people,” explains Richard White, Canon for Mission at the Cathedral “churches on their own would struggle to afford the bands that come to Space but it works as an addition to a youth group’s programme.” The Cathedral has become well known for being able to host music events with many chart topping artists appearing over the years. Space brings a uniquely Christian twist bringing together two well known brands for a fantastic evening.



»» For information on future Space events 9

BACKPACK PROJECT GROWS THANKS TO ZONE 2 A project that provides homeless people with a backpack of essentials at Christmas is growing thanks to support from Zone 2. ‘Stable’ was started by Lucy and Mark Hesford three years ago at the Cathedral's Dream service, and by Christmas 2012 the project had grown large enough to provide 50 homeless people with a backpack of essential items to help them through the Christmas period. The Zone 2 congregation joined that of St. Mary's Grassendale by donating a backpack this Christmas and filling it with gifts that would be useful to a homeless person such as clothes, nonperishable food, and toiletries. Lucy came up with the idea after taking part in Operation Christmas Child and was inspired to do something similar for adults. Lucy is pictured putting one of the backpacks together at the Cathedral. Mark said: "The Nativity story finds a couple fleeing the dangers of their home and simply looking to put a roof over their heads. Christmas is the perfect time to remember the growing numbers of people in this country who face a similar situation, and the Stable project offers you a chance to do something practical about it. A backpack is a small gesture, but it can mean a lot to someone who doesn't have the kind of essential things that we all take for granted." In 2011 the backpacks were distributed in Manchester, but at Christmas 2012 they were distributed to homeless people in Liverpool through the charity Chapter One, a supported housing project for single men aged 18-49 years based on Aigburth Drive. 10

Lucy said: “We were overwhelmed with the amount of donations we got this year. Between St Mary's and Zone 2, we received somewhere between 40 and 50 backpacks. It took two cars to transport them all! Mark added: “It's our ambition that by next Christmas, we extend the reach of Stable much further. We think it's got the potential to go national, so we are working with Chapter One to see if we can coordinate an appeal to help their branches across the country.” »» To find out how you can get involved with Stable Christmas 2013 please contact

EXCEL IN THE GRACE OF GIVING There seems to be a myth that persists in society that churches and cathedrals are maintained by vast amounts of government subsidy. This is simply not true. The local church relies on the generosity of its congregations to support its mission and ministry. That goes beyond mere fundraising. It is a biblical imperative and response to the generous gifts we receive from God. Liverpool Cathedral is no different in principle. We do have our excellent fundraising team and creative Enterprise activities that support our work and help maintain our free entry policy. But we still rely on the giving of congregations. And our congregations need to grasp the fundamental understanding that, in the words of the Dean, “sustained, committed giving is an act of worship, thanksgiving and discipleship”. An average increase of £3 per head per week would bring in an extra £67,000 per year to support the Cathedral. As he mentioned in his letter at the front of this magazine, Dean Pete is leading a series of sermons in our Lent worship where he explores 2 Corinthians and the biblical truths about giving. This follows the publication of our leaflet – Excel in the Grace of Giving – which set out clearly how you can prayerfully review your giving as part of your worship to God. Our Congregational Giving Officer, Brenda Edwards, will be at most services during this time to help answer any questions about how giving works at Liverpool Cathedral. The best way is to complete a Standing Order form which

enables you to plan your giving and us to manage our finances effectively. But our green envelope system is in place as an alternative. And of course those who can should consider gift aid which brings the cathedral extra resources without costing you. Our hope is that you hear Pete’s challenge, and the challenge that comes from the book of Corinthians, respond prayerfully and generously and “excel in this grace of giving”.

But since you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you - see that you also excel in this grace of giving. 2 Corinthians 8:7


LIVERPOOL PASSION PLAYS The Overcrofters are to produce a series of Passion Plays re-enacting the events of Christ’s last supper, trial and crucifixion. The Liverpool Passion Plays – This is Our Story will take place over three nights during Holy Week – Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March. The free performances combine drama, liturgy and music, and will use the whole Cathedral, guiding audience members around the great space of the building to watch - and at many points even become part of - the reenactment of Christ’s Passion. The scenes depicting the entry into Jerusalem, Judas’s betrayal, the arrest and trial, the carrying of the cross and the crucifixion will be carefully constructed around the Cathedral’s own architecture, light, and works of art. Audience members can also choose to attend Evensong which starts at 5.30pm and leads straight into the performance. Passion Plays have their roots in the Quem Quaeritis (whom do you seek?) Easter liturgy, the Visitatio Sepulchri (visit to the tomb) liturgical dramas and the medieval mystery cycle plays. The Quem Quaeritis tradition comes from the tenth century, when priests and choirs would re-enact through song the conversation between the three Marys and the angel at Christ’s tomb on Easter Sunday. Mystery plays, the earliest records of which come from the fourteenth century, were originally performed on the feast of Corpus Christi – the feast of the Body of Christ – and depicted the whole of salvation 12



history up to the last judgement. York and Chester have surviving mystery cycles which are still performed today. Mystery plays were performed and produced by guilds or other groups in the local community. The Liverpool Passion Plays keep with this tradition in that they are being produced by the Overcrofters, the Cathedral’s own youth group, in collaboration with the Cathedral’s music department. The cast will be made up of the Overcrofters and members of the Cathedral congregation, and the plays will feature the refrain, ‘This is our story’ to reflect this important community aspect. Dan Bishop,

Liverpool Cathedral’s Associate Organist will direct the performances which will include new music specially composed for parts of the story. Dan said: “The Liverpool Passion Plays are a reflection of the faith of our young people, the Overcrofters, who have researched, written and produced the script to an extremely high standard. That is why we are using the words, ‘This is our story’; Christ’s Passion is everyone’s story, and these plays are a chance to experience being part of the crowd that welcomes Christ into Jerusalem, that witnesses his crucifixion and that gains a sense of hope from his resurrection. It will be a very visceral performance that also feeds off the audience and draws them in to the action at close range. “The tone has been very carefully considered for each performance and the music, script and words from the liturgy are being carefully worked together to make links between Christ’s suffering and resurrection and what that means for us today.” Dan added: “The original mystery plays also dealt with contemporary issues - and our production will make comparisons with modern issues of corruption, false authority and social injustice.” The Overcrofters have also produced a trailer to give people an idea of what to expect – see it on the website.

ABOUT THE OVERCROFTERS The Overcrofters is the Cathedral Youth Group and is open to any member of the Cathedral community whether they be congregation, former choristers, staff or volunteers, or any young person who holds any other association with the Cathedral. It was formed in 2005. The Overcrofters exist to provide all young people who are members of the worshipping life of Liverpool Cathedral with a Christian structure within which they can feel cherished and valued and from which they can get support and encouragement as they develop into adulthood. »» For more information or to join contact See the Cathedral website for more details and follow them on Twitter @Overcrofters

BSL MESSY CHURCH The dates for this year are: April 13th, June 29th, September 28th, December 7th. All are welcome to enjoy crafts, gospel stories and fun. »» Contact hannah.lewis@ 13

FOND FAREWELL TO MARTYN The Cathedral has said a fond farewell to architect Martyn Coppin who has retired from his role with us. Over the years, Martyn has been involved in maintaining the cathedral fabric and developing new facilities and features in its interior. His work has also involved quinquennial surveys, responsibility for pointing and stone repairs, new copper roofing, concrete conservation and repair and stained glass restoration. In addition, he has also had responsibility for modern developments such as the housing on Cathedral Close and surrounding flats which bear the Cathedral’s double cross in their design, and improved access arrangements. In 2005, Martyn was also responsible for overseeing the rebuilding of the major angled window structure behind the altar in the Cathedral’s Lady Chapel, which involved taking out the window and rebuilding the structure before putting it back. His most high profile project was designing and overseeing the building of the Cathedral’s Visitor Centre. The challenge was to create a space that was practical but that complemented the existing building, and if it could, enhance it. Martyn said: “As a modern Cathedral, it has always responded very well to modern interpretations, and a lot of the work I have done over the years has involved glass and strong light which works well, such as in the Visitor centre. I would also say that Liverpool Cathedral has one of the best floors of any Cathedral in the country, which is again best appreciated from height. The sheer visual and spatial volume of the Cathedral is always a challenge to an architect.” Martyn has also played a role in the community life of the Cathedral, taking on the role of a shepherd in the annual crib 14

»» Martyn and wife Shona with the Dean

scene. Martyn was presented with a brick in the People’s Path as a leaving present. Martyn said, “I have been very privileged to have access to parts of the cathedral that no-one else sees. I am actually not very good with heights, and part of my job has involved assessing the cathedral from the galleries at the top of the building. Though I did it with gritted teeth, it was a joy and a pleasure to have such a unique perspective. At the top of the cathedral, there are carved angels, which cannot really be seen from the ground, but which I get to see regularly. There are so many aspects to the building and lots of things that you notice each time you visit. It has been a joy and a privilege to be involved in maintaining and developing it.” He added: “One of the things I have been made aware of in my time here is the huge team of people who help the Cathedral do what it does. It is like a little village, and when they all come together for an event such as a big service, using the spaces and architecture of the Cathedral together with wonderful music, it really is fantastic.”

FIRST KITTY WILKINSON TOURS SELL OUT The first Kitty Wilkinson tour took place in January – and sold out almost immediately. A further tour in April has also sold out and to meet demand two more tours are set to take place in July and October. During the hour-long tours, actress Lucy Fiori interweaves Kitty’s story with that of the building of the Cathedral. As Kitty, Lucy talks about her fearless life aiding victims of the cholera epidemic and the beginnings of public wash houses in the nineteenth century. Jenny Moran, Visitor Manager, said: “The Kitty Wilkinson tours provide an ‘experience’ rather than the usual visitor information, and are ideal for those who want to see the Cathedral and learn about the history of Liverpool from a different perspective. It is already proving to be popular with those interested in social history and heritage or those who want a different kind of group visit. The fact the first two have sold out shows that Lucy really brings Kitty to life. She has undertaken research into Kitty’s history to make sure that every detail is as close as it can be.” Lucy said: “I have always wanted to portray one of the inspirational women in the Lady Chapel because the chapel is such a hidden gem and because I love the way the Cathedral was so progressive in honouring women from all classes and backgrounds. As part of my research I read Michael Kelly's book about her life, which really emphasised her open-mindedness. She came from very humble beginnings yet was a very determined woman and her impact on the public good can’t be overstated; she made a lasting change to public health and even set up her own school. I can’t wait to share her story with as many people as possible.” The tour costs £5 and can be booked by individuals or groups. The Cathedral can

also help groups design a Kitty Wilkinson tour package, combining it with other attractions or catering. Please contact Jenny Moran Tours take place Wednesday 24th July 2013 (6.30pm) and Wednesday 23 October 2013 at 2.00pm. Book at the Cathedral in person or online at

EARLY START FOR THE TWILIGHT TOWER SEASON wThe 2013 season started on February 7th – more than a month earlier than usual. The early start was in response to customer demand for more opportunities to see the city from one of the region’s best vantage points as the sun goes down and the lights go on. Valentine’s Day also saw couples being invited to start off their celebrations with a twilight tower trip and an opportunity to buy chocolates and champagne. People are also being invited to take a photo of themselves at the top of the tower or their favourite view and share it with us @ LivCathedral and #tweetfromthetower. The other early season opening dates are: February 21st, 28th, March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th. The usual Twilight Tower season will then run until October 2013. See the Cathedral website for all dates and times. 15

SEARCH IS ON FOR DISCIPLE MAKER The Cathedral is recruiting a Canon for Discipleship, the first appointment under the leadership of the new Dean. We believe this is the first time a cathedral in the country has made discipleship a priority through such a high level, creative and strategic appointment. The post is a direct response to the Bishop’s Growth Agenda: Bishop James challenged the Diocese of Liverpool to grow in numbers, love for God and love for the community. The Canon for Discipleship will focus on the early nurture of members of the cathedral company, helping members to discern their gifts, deepen their discipleship and develop their sense of vocation. More usually, the role has been designated ‘Canon Pastor’. The change in name is significant: it signals a clear intention to complement our existing strength in innovative mission, enterprise and worship activities, with a new emphasis on the challenge of following Christ. The appointment forms part of an ambitious strategic plan which the cathedral Chapter is revising during 2013, taking into account the challenges we face over the next few years and seeking to build on our reputation as a place that risks much in Christ’s service. Dean Pete Wilcox said, “The time is right to advertise this exciting post. Under Justin Welby’s leadership the cathedral made an explicit commitment to congregational growth and made some exciting progress to achieve it. Again this Christmas we have been delighted to witness a full cathedral for many of our services. We are developing 16

excellent opportunities for people to connect with the cathedral – now we need to appoint a creative, energetic priest to help newcomers to grow into mature Christian disciples.”

NEW OPENING HOURS FOR THE WELSFORD AND MEZZANINE The Cathedral’s Welsford restaurant and Mezzanine Café, run by our catering partner Couture, have announced new opening hours for 2013. The Welsford new opening hours: Monday to Fridays - 11.30am - 3pm Saturdays - 11.30am - 4pm Sundays – 12 noon - 5pm To reserve a table call 0151 702 7251.

Mezzanine Café Bar The fully accessible, licensed, café which offers freshly baked cakes, sandwiches, paninis and home-made soup... and free wi-fi. New opening hours: Monday – Fridays 9am – 4.30pm Saturdays - 9am - 5pm Sundays - Closed Food offers at The Mezzanine include: Morning: A hot tea cake, tea or coffee - £2.95; Hot Home-made Breakfast Pannini - £3.95 Lunch: Wholesome Soup and a freshly prepared sandwich from our Bloomer range - £5.95 Afternoon Tea: Jam and cream scone with a pot of loose leaf tea or coffee - £3.75



The Children’s Society is asking members of the Cathedral congregation to take one of their charity collection boxes to their workplaces. Joan Walters, collection box co-ordinator for the Children’s Society writes: “We like it that Jesus welcomed children but we probably don’t associate Jesus’ words with a sullen adolescent lad lurking on our street corner in a hoodie, or a mouthy young teenage girl who gets in a car with older men. We are more likely to watch our purses, cross the street and mutter about youth who are ‘out of control’. “But what if the teenager on the corner isn’t simply another unruly teenager but someone in urgent needs of help? The scandal is that every five minutes in this country, a child under 16 runs away from home – 2100 in Liverpool alone. Often they are fleeing neglect, conflict or abuse at home. A shocking proportion (1 in 4) are actually forced on to the streets by their parents or carers, so will not be reported missing. “This leaves them – some as young as 8 - in real danger of exploitation, crime or exposure to drugs and alcohol. We need to follow Jesus’ example and put ourselves into the shoes of these children, welcoming them as precious and worth protecting.” “Pop in your loose change or even use it as a swear box! However you fill the collection box, every penny will go towards helping vulnerable children in Liverpool and across the country.” »» To find out more or to collect a box please contact Joan Walters on 0151 708 6811.

March 19th sees the first birthday of The People’s Path. Since the first bricks were laid, 381 of them have been snapped up by people from around the world, eager to make their mark at the Cathedral and helping to raise a total of £42,631.00 in aid of the Cathedral Foundation. Bricks have been bought to mark important birthdays, weddings, baptisms, visits to the city, retirements, ordinations and even as Valentine’s Day presents. The bricks have also proven to be very popular with staff – with many being bought by groups of work colleagues to mark important milestones. Rebecca Bentham, Fundraising Manager said: “The People’s Path has really kept up the momentum throughout the first year. The idea of leaving a mark in stone at our Cathedral really seems to have struck a chord with people, and as we move into our second year we will be looking at raising awareness of the bricks as a lasting, value for money gift that can be purchased from anywhere in the world.” »» To buy a brick (prices start at £50) contact uk 0151 702 7226 17



The Cathedral is teaming up for the first time with the Victoria Gallery and Museum to host animal-themed halfterm activities.

The Liverpool Cathedral Schools Singing Programme has hosted its first ‘Big Sing’ at the Cathedral.

On 18th February, children can make owl necklaces and magnets, on 19th February there will be tile decorating and on the 20th there is the chance to make animal head-dresses, masks and snake mobiles. On each of the days there will also be an opportunity to follow a specially-designed animal trail around the Cathedral and view various taxidermy animals from the Victoria Gallery and Museum’s collection (the taxidermy is modern, meaning that all the animals have died of natural or unpreventable deaths and are safe to handle). No booking required – all activities are free and you can take home what you make. Sarah O’Donoghue, Education Officer, said: “Teaming up with the Victoria Gallery and Museum allows us to share resources and so offer even more comprehensive and engaging activities for children and families. It also allows us to attract people to the Cathedral who may never have thought it was suitable for a family day out. The animal theme also encourages young people to think about the importance of nature and the environment.”


The concert of Christmas songs took place in the main space of the Cathedral and involved more than 300 children from Wavertree Church of England Primary (pictured), Emmaus Church of England and Catholic Primary, Greenbank Primary, Liverpool College Preparatory and Belvedere Preparatory School. This was the debut event for the Schools Singing Programme (LCSSP) which was launched in April 2012 with the aim of strengthening the provision of music education in primary schools through choral singing and the creation of performance opportunities. The programme offers a term of free choral singing tuition to primary schools across the city, led by Assistant Choral Director and Choral Animateur Stephen Mannings. The tuition culminates in a ‘Big Sing’ concert at the end of term, and schools can opt to book further sessions. Cathedral music staff have worked with more than 400 children on a weekly basis since the launch of the singing programme and are set to work with many more in 2013. »» To get your school involved contact uk or call (0151) 702 7234.


ALED JONES LIVE Aled Jones’s rescheduled show is set to come to the Cathedral on April 12th. A local choir - soon to be announced - will be commissioned to join him. Despite visiting many Cathedrals regularly on Songs of Praise, this is going to be Aled’s first comprehensive live UK Cathedral tour. Aled recently celebrated over 25 years as a household name and he currently has 29 albums to his name - selling over 6 million to date. »» Tickets available from 0844 811 0051

The Cathedral has been chosen to host two of the standout events of this May’s Liverpool Sound City festival. Liverpool Sound City is the largest international music, digital and film festival and conference in the UK, welcoming over 350 artists, in over 24 venues in Liverpool’s city centre, with over 40,000 music fans and over 3000 industry professionals. Daughter perform as part of a twelve date European tour. The London-based trio of Elena Tonra, Igor Haefeli and Remi Aguilella, have been together for 18 months, releasing two EP’s, His Young Heart and The Wild Youth and building up a dedicated following. They sold out the Assembly Hall in North London and recently performed on the David Letterman Show in New York. Dexy’s are the quintessential English band who released ‘One Day I’m Going To Soar’, their fourth studio album, in 2012. Their first since 1985, the album and live shows were hugely well received by critics and fans. »» For full details and to buy tickets visit

RIDING THE STORM TOUR Christian speakers Adrian and Bridget Plass are teaming up with one of Britain’s foremost worship leaders and Songwriters for a new tour. Adrian and Bridget combine honesty, humour, poetry, and storytelling to give their unique Christian perspective on ‘riding the storm’ of life. Adrian has produced more than thirty five books in the last twenty years, including The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass, a gentle satire on the modern church, which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide. Dave Bilbrough is known for songs such as Abba Father, All hail the Lamb, Sound the Trumpet, How Wonderful and Let there be Love, drawing on folk roots and world music influences. The event will raise money for the Sailors’ Society managed by Sailors’ Beneficial Enterprises Ltd, which raises the awareness of the importance of merchant seafarers to the community. »» Tickets £14 (£12) from the Cathedral Shop. 19

CHOIRS FROM AROUND THE WORLD Our Cathedral is proving to be attractive to singers from around the world as the number of choirs requesting to perform free concerts this year has increased. The first concert takes place on March 23rd (concert 12.45) when we welcome the Radcliffe on Trent Male Voice Choir. The Choir has more than 70 members and has given more than 450 concerts in England and Wales. On March 27th (12.30) the Vernon High School Choir from Chicago will perform a Selection of sacred and secular music, folk song and spiritual, from English, Scottish, and American choral traditions.


Brymbo Male Choir are to present a concert of traditional Welsh music in aid of the Cathedral Organ Appeal . The programme will include Cymanfa Ganu - a Welsh festival of sacred hymns, sung with a four part harmony. The Choir has toured the USA, England, Scotland and Wales and in 2012 they made their eighth appearance at the Royal Albert Hall as part of ‘The Night of 1000 Voices’ concert. The Cathedral concert starts at 7.30pm (doors open 7pm) and tickets cost £10.00 on the door. »» For more on the choir visit:

From 5-7th April, the Peterborough Chamber Choir (above) will join us for our weekend choral services, and on Sunday 7th April (12.15) they will perform a free recital. The PostCanto Choir, from Oslo, join us on 1st June for a concert starting at 12.30, as part of their 2013 British Tour. PostCanto is a mixed choir with a varied repertoire, singing church music, classical, folk tunes, carols and popular music. St George’s College Choir, from Quilmes, Argentina will perform on 16th July (11.00). St George’s was the first boarding school established in Latin America, and the first British-style school established in Argentina. 20

THREE CHOIRS' EVENSONG On Saturday 9 March at 3.30pm, Evensong at Manchester Cathedral will be sung jointly by the Choirs of Manchester, Chester and Liverpool Anglican Cathedrals. The anthem will be Parry’s double choir setting of Blest Pair of Sirens. The service will be followed by a short organ recital at 4.30pm given by Christopher Stokes, Organist and Master of the Choristers at Manchester Cathedral. Everybody is welcome at both the service and the recital.

EXCITING YEAR FOR ORGAN MUSIC This year sees a packed organ recital schedule with organ scholars from across the world lining up to play, and also help the Cathedral Organ Appeal. On April 1st (11.15) Prof. Ian Tracey will perform his annual Easter Monday recital. Tickets cost £5 on the door. Liverpool Organ Day takes place this year on May 6th. At 11.15am, Cathedral Director of Music David Poulter will perform the first of a trilogy of recitals. Following his performance, there will be a further two recitals – one at the Metropolitan Cathedral and one at St George's Hall. Tickets cost £5 on the door. This year’s May Bank Holiday recital is performed by Paul Bowen from Bradford Cathedral on 27th May (11.15am).Tickets cost £5 on the door. June 29th (7.30pm) sees an Organ Gala featuring Olivier Latry, Organist Titulaire of Notre Dame, Paris. Olivier will be joined for some pieces by Professor Ian Tracey, as the two organists 'do battle' on several organs presenting a mixed, popular programme of solo and duet items. Tickets cost £15.00 (£10 for groups of 10 or more and for Patrons of the Organ on production of their membership card). To buy your tickets, send a cheque made payable to 'Liverpool Cathedral Foundation', together with a pre-addressed envelope, to The Fundraising Department, Organ Gala Tickets, St James' House, 20 St James' Road, Liverpool L1 7BY. Tickets will then be dispatched by post.

EMBRACING HOPE This poignant service happens regularly in the Cathedral and is aimed mainly at those whose lives have been affected by the serious illness or loss of a child, whether a son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild or simply someone very close. During the service there will be the opportunity to visit and see the intimate Children's Chapel. The dates for this year are: March 18th, June 20th, September 25th and November 19th. Each service starts at 7.30pm. »» For more information on this year’s services contact

SUMMER ORGAN RECITALS 2013 At 4pm each Saturday over the summer, and for just £1, you can enjoy recitals by some of the country’s best organists. • 20th July (Ernest Pratt Memorial Recital) Nicholas Miller (former organ scholar at Liverpool Cathedral) • 27th July: Jon Barton (Our Lady's Church, Birkenhead, Wirral) • 3rd August – Paul Walton (Bristol Cathedral) • 10th August – Matthew Dunn (St Botolph's Church, Aldgate, London) • 17th August – Peter Morrison (Bolton School) • 24th August – Dr Julian Gunn (St John Ranmoor, Sheffield) • 26th August – Ian Wells (Hon Deputy Organist, Liverpool Cathedral) • 31st August – Andrew Sharples (Bishop Eton, Liverpool) • 7th September – Julie Ann Carr (Southport) 21



We give thanks for Bishop James and his years of distinguished ministry as Bishop of Liverpool as we pray for him and Sarah, wishing them a long and fulfilled retirement. We pray for Archbishop Justin as he takes on his new role and for the family as they settle into their new home. We pray for those who are exploring their faith through Alpha, Chemin Neuf, School of Theology and Breakfast with the Bible/Supper with the Scriptures and for those that run these sessions. We thank God for all our visitors, tour groups and schools in the coming months. We remember all those who have asked for our prayers and any families who have been bereaved, especially those who grieve the deaths of our own Brenda Smart and Robin Finnegan. Lent/Easter Bishop James Lent Talks Passion Plays for Holy Week Diocesan Eucharist All Holy Week Services Education Activities The numerous school visits for this term Half term activities Cross Factor Workshops LIPA Narrative Group Easter Egg Event in conjunction with Merseyside Police Music Organ Recital Brymbo Male Voice Choir Renaissance Music Group Peterborough Chamber Coir Coalville Male Voice Choir Baptisms Luella Lloyd Genevieve Joyce Smith Cole Alan William Jackson Sophie Tagoe St James in the City annual baptism service

Initiatives/Exhibitions/Gala Dinners/ Concerts New Food Bank Initiative in collaboration with St Brides Mission in the Economy Fair Waves on the Mersey (Audio Documentaries) L’Oreal Event Real Deal Antiques Event Riding the Storm – Adrian and Bridget Plass SJM Concert Harvest Sun Concert Liverpool Sound City 2013 Royal College of Paediatrics Event University of Liverpool Gala Dinner Department of Haematology Gala Dinner Taste of the North Gala Dinner Coach Tourism Awards Gala Dinner British Burns Association Gala Dinner Cascade Productions Reception Volunteers Service and lunch Twilight Tours Weddings The wedding of Bishop James’ daughter Jemima to Dave

DIARY February 17th 24th

Litany and Choral Eucharist with first Lent address: Riches in Christ. 2 Corinthians 8. 1 – 9. Canon Richard White Litany and Choral Eucharist with second Lent address: This generous gift 2 Corinthians . 8. 10 – 24. 10.30am The Dean 10.30am


Choral Evensong and Installation of Canons Diocesan. Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool


Litany and Choral Eucharist with third Lent address: A cheerful give. 2 Corinthians 9. 1 – 7 , Canon Myles Davies

March 3rd


Choral Evening Prayer at Metropolitan Cathedral



Bishop James First Lent Address



Choral Eucharist for Mothering Sunday with fourth Lent address: God’s indescribable gift. 2 Corinthians 9. 8 – 15. The Dean



Bishop James Second Lent Address



Embracing Hope Service in the Lady Chapel



Bishop James Third Lent Address


10.30am Litany and Eucharist for Palm Sunday


11.00am Diocesan Eucharist with Blessing of the Oils 6.30pm

This is our story – first Passion Play



This is our story – second Passion Play



This is our story – third Passion Play



The Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper with Bishop James Fourth Lent Address


10.30am The Way of the Cross for Good Friday 12.00pm Three Hours at the Cross, led by the Dean



No Story So Divine – words and music for Good Friday evening


Easter Eucharist, live broadcast on Radio 4 Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool (in place of 8.30am service)

10.30am Festival Eucharist for Easter Day Preacher: The Bishop of Liverpool 3.00pm

Festival Evensong Preacher: Canon David Parry

April 1st

10.30am Morning Prayer & Eucharist in the Lady Chapel 11.15am Bank Holiday Organ Recital – Professor Ian Tracey



Choral Evensong in the Lady Chapel, sung by Peterborough Chamber Choir Choral Services sung by Peterborough Chamber Choir

7th 13th


Evening Prayer in the Lady Chapel, attended by former pupils of St Edmund’s School


12.05pm Eucharist for St George’s Day, attended by Cathedral Volunteers



Choral Evensong sung by the choir of Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, Crosby


OUR SERVICES Sunday 8:30am



Choral Eucharist (in Main Space)


Zone 2 (all age informal worship in Concert Room)


Choral Evensong*



Weekdays 8.30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong*

Saturday 8:30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong

*Said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271 LiverpoolCathedral


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