Cathedral Life Magazine - May to July 2015

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FREE MUSICAL SUMMER Enjoy a variety of uplifting music this summer at Liverpool Cathedral 2th June 13:30 - 14:30

FREE - FjĂŚre og Grimstad Skolekorps and Holvika Skolemusikk, Norway Under the Dulverton Bridge

25th June 13:00 - 14:00

FREE - Skolekorpset Sola marching band, Norway Under the Dulverton Bridge

Every last Thurs John O'Connell plays guitar - starts 25th June 12.30 - 13.00 Main Cathedral - Every Last Thursday of the month


Summer Organ Recitals every Saturday during the summer, starting Saturday 25th July at 12.30pm



CONTENTS Dean's letter



God Bless Rock 'N' Roll Programme


Chorister for a day



Embracing Hope service


Our 3rd Urban Lecture series


FREE Summer Family Fun


Nominated for best large visitor attraction


Art and Animal Exhibtion


HOPE Plus Campaign to fill new store


Martin Birchall Worshop


Baptistery Vestry Interview with Alan Matthews


BSL Messy Church


14- 15

Easter Flower Thank you


Launch of 2015 Photographic Competition

Embracing Hope service


Diary Dates


Catch a Twilight Tower Tour


Supper Club challenge






Next issue: July 2015 Deadline for submissions: July 1st 2015 Article ideas are always welcome and should be sent to Stuart Haynes: Editors reserve the right to edit contributions. »» For updates on events why not follow us on twitter @LivCathedral or Facebook/Liverpool Cathedral 3

BE A PART OF THIS great faith inspired place

Liverpool Cathedral, one of the premier tourist destinations in England? Shortlisted by VisitEngland for its 2015 Large Visitor Attraction of the Year award, alongside Chatsworth House and the Roman Baths in Bath? There must be some mistake, surely? Not York Minister or Westminster Abbey? Not Durham Cathedral or St Pauls? Liverpool Cathedral, one of the top five large visitor attractions in the counrtry? To some, the appearance of our extraordinary building on that particular shortlist will seem barely credible. In all honesty, I was pretty surprised myself. Yet this hasn’t happened out of the blue. A year ago, we won the equivalent regional award, as the Liverpool City Region Large Visitor Attraction of the Year, ahead of Anfield and 4

the Beatles Museum, the Albert Dock and the newly refurbished City Library. And in any case, our role as a tourist destination is not an incidental sideshow, a minority function bolted on to our life. On the contrary, it is precisely as a Christian Church as such that we are able to offer a first class welcome to all our visitors, including those who come as tourists. We seek to offer nothing less than the welcome which God, in Christ, has given to each of us. This was, in fact, the basis of the nomination folder we submitted to VisitEngland. It stressed the whole ministry we offer under God in this place. Fundamental to our bid was the fact that we are first and foremost a place of worship. We were able to stress, for example, our work through the Hope+ Foodbank: we wanted

to be sure that the judges understood that here, no element in our life is separate: it all hangs together. Passion Plays and immersion baptisms, Choral worship and the Faith Academy, Volition and Sepas, school visits and art exhibitions, Gala dinners and Tower nights: its that roundedness which makes us what we are. Perhaps the one golden thread which ties it all together is, as I say, the welcome we offer. That welcome is extended to all no matter what reason they come to us for is a welcome modelled on that of Jesus. I’d go as far as to say that the welcome we offer, when we get it right (and we usually do!), enables those who visit us to put themselves in the way of an experience of God’s love. Perhaps this is also what inspired the early pioneering entrepreneurs of Liverpool to build this magnificent Cathedral in the first place? It is certainly what inspires me in our current aim to secure the future of our building for generations to come. Through the ‘£24m for 2024’ campaign we can refresh the zeal that went into the creation of this place. A building built by the people paid for by the people to be used by the people for the glory of God. Those early visionaries dared to embark on an ambitious project, the like of

which would never, I suspect, be attempted in our budget conscious, risk adverse times. It is a project reminiscent of the great faith inspired temple building project of the Old Testament. A significant element in the success of the initial builders was the foundation of the Friends (originally, the Builders) of Liverpool Cathedral. We boast the oldest cathedral Friends association in the country, and as we celebrate its 90th anniversary this summer, we give thanks for the endeavours of all its members, past and present, on our behalf. And we offer the opportunity to stand, in some small way, on the shoulders of those giants through our invitation to become a Centenary Builder of Liverpool Cathedral. As part of our ‘£24m for 2024’ appeal, we are seeking to recruit at least 400 such Builders. A pledge of £2,400 over the next ten years (ie, £20 per month) will enable you to answer the call to support our work, become a Centenary Builder and a Friend of this great place, and help us to continue to welcome more people into God’s presence for future years. »» With every blessing Dean Pete, Dean of Liverpool

The Cathedral presents 'GOD BLESS ROCK 'N' ROLL' PROGRAMME As part of the Cathedral's 'Schools Singing Programme' we are proud to present a musical telling of the development of rock and roll music from the 1950's to present day. The event is open to all primary schools across Liverpool to take part (y2 upwards). »» To book your school into the event or for more information, contact Stephen Mannings, Liverpool Cathedral Music Department 0151 702 7234



Let stonemason John show you how our cathedral was built and marvel at a stunning fly through of the Great Space in this ten minute spectacular. Part of our ‘Great Space’ Audio Tour

LiverpoolCathedral 6


Developing Discipleship in the City

The Bishop of Sheffield, the Rt Revd Steven Croft will deliver the third annual Cathedral Urban lecture on June 15th at 7pm in the Lady Chapel. Tackling an important issue relevant to so many urban practitioners the Author of 'Transforming Communities' and Archbishop’s Missioner 2004-2009 is bound to stimulate creative thought with his challenging lecture. The Urban Lecture has become a wellestablished and respected forum for thought and reflection on issues of urban ministry. The free lecture is open to all. »» For more details visit



We're thrilled to be representing the city in the national tourism awards where we are nominated as best large visitor attraction. The nomination follows our success in the Liverpool City Region Tourism awards and our recent Trip Advisor top rating. In the national ceremony our cathedral is up for best large visitor attraction in a strong category which includes Chatsworth House, Derby; Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Shropshire; The Lost Gardens of Heligan, St 8

Austell; and The Roman Baths & Pump Room Bath, We will join the other award nominees in a glittering ceremony in Gateshead where all the awards will be presented. All finalists are guaranteed to receive either a Gold, Silver, Bronze or Highly Commended Award. James Berresford, Chief Executive of VisitEngland said: “It’s been another successful year for our Excellence Awards as we’ve received hundreds of applications of an extremely high standard. That’s why all the finalists should be incredibly proud that they’ve been short-listed against such tough competition. I’d like to congratulate all the finalists who now represent the top five in their category in England and wish them all the very best of luck on Awards night at the Sage Centre in Gateshead - a spectacular venue to celebrate the industry’s best.” We were delighted to have won the local award in a strong category which included Beatles Story, Knowsley Safari Park, Liverpool Central Library, Liverpool Football Club and the Museum of Liverpool. Our win in these well established and prestigious awards organised by Visit Liverpool cemented our reputation as an important destination for the city. Meanwhile this sucess follows our top rating in Liverpool by Trip Advisor customers who named us the best of Liverpool's 289 attractions. Stuart Haynes, Director of Communications "this is fantastic news showing yet again our popularity as a destination for tourists from around the country and the world. We're in prestigious company for the VisitEngland Awards and look forward to the awards night in May. Our achievement is remarkable for a cathedral which is first and foremost a place of worship. But it relfects our creativity and innovation and above all the value every member of our staff and volunteering team place on welcoming over 500,000 visitors a year". »» Find out more about VisitEngland 2015 Awards:

HOPE+ campaign to fill new store for summer Pharaoh's Dream

The Foodbank has launched #pharaohsdream - a campaign to fill their store house before the summer when people are away and donations fall. With a new Food Store almost ready for use, HopePlus Foodbank have a very large amount of space, and thanks to a grant from the Duchy of Lancaster, some excellent new racking. Sadly they need to keep this store as full as possible, and especially in the coming months. In the first year of operation they provided 5,000 food hampers, in the second just short of 10,000; and the need continues to grow. Based on the last two summers, they will be at their busiest between July and the end of September, especially with the extra strain placed on families by the long vacation. They will also receive their fewest donations. Quite simply, people go on holiday, schools and colleges break up; people are saving for a well earned break. Each year HopePlus have struggled with this problem, and frankly some weeks come up short; even to the extent of having to turn people away when they have run out of food. This is not only distressing for guests, but it is also very stressful for volunteers. They want to try and avoid this happening this year.

HOPEPlus have been inspired by Joseph’s response to Pharaoh’s Dream in the Bible Story. Their aim will be to fill their new granary (food store) with as much as possible in the three months running up to the start of the school holidays, and have sufficient surplus from those months of plenty to carry them through the three fallow months of summer. Can you help? They ask that if at all possible you make an extra donation/s of food, toiletries, cash in each of the next three months (and through the summer too if you are able). Hopefully their new shelves will soon be groaning as a result of your generosity, and more importantly, they will have enough for everyone who needs it. »» How to donate: You can make your donation of nonperishable food items in the collection boxes situated in both Cathedrals, the Quaker Meeting House and in School 9

Preserving our precious vestments

Some years ago, we needed to provide a comfortable Staff Room for our staff and volunteers, and it was decided to convert the Hoyle Vestry into such a space. It has been well used and much appreciated day by day. However the Hoyle Vestry was not just where clergy gathered and robed before services, it was also where some of the 10

Cathedral treasures were stored, including our wonderful set of Festal Copes. The Baptistery Vestry, for many years the home for our unique Cross Guild robes, was to be set aside as the new Cathedral Vestry, and it became a priority for us to provide the best possible storage for the Festal Copes and other robes. In 2013 we were given a new set of Penitential Copes, partly the generous gift of

Preserving our precious vestments Andrew Collinge, and partly the gift of the Friends of the Cathedral in memory of Robin Finnegan. At the same time we received a matching set of Eucharistic Vestments from a generous bequest by Harold Heaton, and a further generous gift provided us with a set of Vestments from a family associated with the Cathedral in memory of a loved one. Whilst the Baptistery Vestry was a wellappointed room, it was not fully equipped to store these items. After taking advice from Watts and Company about the best means to care for our copes and vestments, we decided to acquire a new press, large enough to accommodate our present collection, but with room for expansion in the future. Houghtons of York were chosen to make the new press which arrived at the Cathedral early in the New Year. It is the very generous gift of the Friends of the Cathedral, and it has transformed the space into a fully equipped Vestry, for which we are most grateful. The self-closing doors of the new press have been much admired! Dean Dwelly chose the colour scheme for robes in the Cathedral with tremendous care as he established our unique tradition with the Cross Guild. His sensitivity to what works best in the great space of our building is seen at its most effective in the services at Christmas and Easter with the great processions through the Cathedral. We continue to cherish that tradition, along with the enrichments made by

each generation since the days of Dean Dwelly, and not least at the Eucharist on Sundays when it is celebrated at the Nave Altar. At the same time, we are happy to be able to reflect changes which have happened as far as vesture are concerned throughout the Church of England. Such changes do not all point in the same direction. Many worshipping communities have found that the less formal style of many of their services works best when those who preside and lead do so in ordinary attire, rather than wearing robes. At the Cathedral this is totally appropriate in our worship at Zone 2. A significant number of the parishes of our diocese choose to wear Eucharistic Vestments for their worship, and this is now the custom at the great majority of English Cathedrals. If we wish to be able to reflect the entire variety of use, this will include wearing Eucharistic Vestments on some occasions, but not to the exclusion of the other traditions which continue to have an honoured place in Liverpool Cathedral’s history. Thank you to the Friends of Liverpool Cathedral for their very generous gift which once again has made a wonderful contribution to the enrichment of our worship.

»» Canon Myles Davies - Canon Precentor


"GREAT TO BE ABLE TO BE A PART OF THIS" Everybody needs friends, those who can support you in what you’re trying to achieve whilst being able to be honest about what they see. The cathedral is no different and we’re blessed to have a strong, supportive Friends Association. And as the Friends approach their 90th anniversary we spoke to the Chair, Alan Matthews, about its work and hopes and dreams for the future. A former Headmaster, Alan can trace his association with our building back to his time as a Liverpool Institute student “I watched the cathedral being built and we had many discussions about whether it would ever be completed” explains Alan, “my best friend was a chorister so I got the inside story on the choir and grew to be fascinated and to love the place” Like so many Alan has fond memories of great occasions at the cathedral. Occasions such as the service in 1978 when the cathedral was completed “it had been put back a couple of times and was a rush to get the building finished in time,” recalls Alan.”So at the service the great west doors were not in place and the choir were arranged in front to hide that from the Queen” Alan’s favourite service was when the Queen came back to distribute the Royal Maundy money in 2004. “this was a truly magnificent service with the full pomp and ceremony you would expect from the cathedral – and an additional honour to meet and talk to the Queen and Prince Philip after the service”. It was an unexpected honour when Dean Rupert invited Alan to chair the Friends 12

association and a challenge he accepted. Keen to work in partnership with Dean and Chapter, Alan sees the role of the friends as being able to support the life, work and ministry of the cathedral by providing things that couldn’t otherwise be afforded. “Originally the Friends sole purpose was to raise funds to build the cathedral but when it was complete we rightly turned our attention to work that could support other areas of the cathedral’s ministry.” So the Friends have supported the successful Passion Plays, helped pay for cloaks and copes, purchased a Quad bike for the Constables and a cherry picker for our maintenance team amongst a whole host of other projects. “Any team in the cathedral can put forward a request but always make sure that it is something that is needed, can be achieved , wouldn’t be done otherwise and is supported by Chapter” explains Alan. Now with the launch of the £24m for 2024 campaign the Friends are once again re-examining how they support the cathedral. The original Friends were entrepreneurs who had a vision for the building of this cathedral. The vision for 2024 recaptures that zeal and the cathedral has launched Liverpool Centenary Builders where we look for a new generation to ensure this cathedral has a great future beyond its centenary. Becoming a centenary builder you will automatically be a Friend of the cathedral and part of the great legacy of supporters. “We need new members” agrees Alan, “it

is a challenge facing all cathedrals but it is good to be able to offer something back to a place we all love and which means so much. This is a great cathedral and it is great to be a part of it”.

About the Friends of the Cathedral Founded in 1925 as the Cathedral Builders it is the oldest association of its kind in the country. As the building was completed it changed its name to the Friends of the Cathedral. The Friends aim to help Chapter fulfil its duty of worship and contribute to maintaining, improving and adding to our fabrics, furnishings and vestments. They also look to support activities that preserve and beautify the cathedral, it’s history and its music. Anyone can become a friend. Benefits include 10% discount in the shop, newsletters and social gatherings as well as being invited to the Friends Festival Service and receiving their twice yearly newsletter. Above all a Friend is standing

on the shoulders of giants contributing to a range of worthy projects that benefit the life of the cathedral. For more information contact The Friends Office Liverpool Cathedral, St James Mount, Liverpool, L1 7AZ 0151 702 7214 friends@

About our centenary builders We’re looking for those who can stand on the shoulders of giants and make a significant contribution to the life and future of the cathedral. By pledging to give £2,400 by 2024 you can make your mark. As a thank you you will receive a specially commissioned badge, be invited to an annual reception and become a Friend of Liverpool Cathedral. »» For more information contact Liverpool Cathedral Centenary Builders, St James Mount, Liverpool, L1 7AZ 0151 702 7220 centenarybuilders@liverpoolcathedral.


2015 Liverpool Cathedral Photo CompetitioN

Summer in the City Capture your favourite moment of Summer 2015

Your chance to win fantastic prizes including photographic workshops, hotel stays, theatre tickets, meals, tours and trips Closing Date: 6pm, Tuesday 1st September Exhibition of all entries 10th September to 3rd October Vote for your People’s Winner 10th - 12th September Prize winners announced 23rd September Pick up an entry form for details and rules or see our website #summerinthecity

Cover photo courtesy of Paul McMullin 14

PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION LAUNCHED The competition is now open Entries and will run until Tuesday 1st September 2015. Download full competition rules and entry form on Liverpool Cathedral’s website.

2013 COMPETITION WINNER BY ANNA JAYNE PETRIE Capture your favourite moment of summer 2015 and enter it into this year's Liverpool Cathedral Annual Photo Competition. You have the chance to win fantastic prizes including overnight hotel stays, theatre and exhibition tickets, meals, photographic workshops, tours and trips. There’s a great summer in prospect, from a full programme of festivals to simply enjoying all that this great city has to offer visitors and locals alike. This year’s competition encourages all amateur photographers to keep your cameras with you and get snapping what ‘Summer in the City’ represents to you. All you have to do then is select a favourite image taken in either the Hope Street area or wider city centre, print it in A4 format, fill out the simple application form and send it to Liverpool Cathedral. All our entries will be on show in this year’s ‘People’s Winner’ public vote exhibition in the cathedral.

Categories 1. Hope Street area: junior (up to 17) and adult (17 and over) 2. City centre: junior and adult (you can submit one image per catergory)

Our expert judges »» Mike McCartney – renowned photographer »» Martin Birchall – award-winning former Echo photographer »» Paul McMullin – international architectural photographer »» Chris Brown – Director, Marketing Liverpool

People’s Winner 10th – 12th September: all entries will be displayed at Liverpool Cathedral for the public to vote for their winner!

‘Summer in the City’ Exhibition 10th September – 3rd October Exhibition of Entries at the Cathedral (after 12:00 only on Sundays)

»» For details on how to enter visit 15



Catch the truly special experience of a sunset across the river on our Thursday evening Twilight Tower Tours. New for 2015 - Bells Exhibition - starts June 2015. #tweetfromthetower your best pictures @LivCathedral Purchase tickets from the shop or in advance from



A supper club Challenge

Our four talented chefs in the Welsford restaurant are being given the chance to flex their culinary muscles over the summer. Our Summer Supper Club which opens its doors on July 24th will feature a unique menu from one of our chefs drawing on their own culinary heritage and giving them a chance to feature their signature dishes. Catering Manager Neil Blackhurst said “Over eight Friday nights customers will have the opportunity to try something different from one of our chefs. I threw out the challenge devise a menu within a budget, present it and lead the kitchen for the night. It’s a challenge the chefs have relished and risen to. I’ve seen the menus and am looking forward to the results.” Traditionally it’s the Head Chef who devises the menu and the others fall in line but the Welsford Restaurant has developed a tradition of sharing ideas and talent when it comes to

deciding how its menus are constructed. “I’m well impressed with the menus” says Neil “there’s been some great friendly rivalry between the chefs in putting this together and each menu has given a real insight into what inspires each of the team. What’s more, the chef who put the menu together will be in charge of the kitchen that evening – so it’s a great challenging responsibility for them all.” The club is one of many ways in which the cathedral is aiming to become a catering destination. Over Light Night we had a BBQ on the patio and are looking to repeat that throughout the supper. And as Neil says we have one of the best restaurant views in the city. “Sitting on our patio looking over st James Gardens and the Georgian splendour of Hope Street has got to be one of the best ways to eat out” About the Supper Club You can be part of the club by simply booking a table and coming along. Each 3 course meal is priced at £25 per head and your evening will start for drinks. Book twice and you’ll get a free bottle of wine for the table, for three bookings we’ll make that a bottle of Prosecco and come a fourth time and that will be some complimentary champagne. Bookings can be made to the Welsford Restaurant on 0151 702 7251 or couture@liverpoolcathedral. »» Supper Club runs over 8 Friday and Saturday Nights from July 24tth. Details on our website. 17

Leave a gift, support our work

Liverpool Cathedral is encouraging you to consider supporting our future work by leaving a gift in your will.

If you have already left us a gift in your will please tell us about it as we would like to say thank you now.

Tina Morris, Fundraising Manager said “By remembering Liverpool Cathedral in your will you are able to have a huge impact on our future; we receive no direct funding from the government to deliver our mission and ministry, we rely on the generosity of those who recognise the value of our Cathedral for the city, Diocese and Christians around the world. “ A free will writing service is available to anybody who wishes to think of Liverpool Cathedral in their will.



As a thank you for your gift you will receive • An invite to a special Dinner with The Dean, Pete Wilcox • A brick dedicated in your name in the People’s Path • A Cathedral Pin »» Contact Tina Morris, Fundraising Manager – 0151 702 7226, tina.morris@


15 boys from across the region got a taster of what it is like to Be A Chorister when they joined our choir for the day recently. The boys, aged between 7 and 10 enjoyed a wide range of musical experiences ahead of singing alongside our choir at Choral Evensong. Drawn from a range of Merseyside based primary schools the boys were introduced to the world of cathedral choir music with an organ demonstration from David Poulter, Director Of Music With the aim of seeing what exactly it is like to be a chorister their day was a whirlwind of rehearsals, measuring up for cassocks and more rehearsals as they learnt the pieces they were to sing. In between times they were shown round the Lady Chapel and met existing choristers.

Evensong was a special time as the would be choristers sang in front of packed congregation which included proud parents, families and friends. Doing themselves proud they sang the music they had been learning which include an introit by Pitoni, a setting by Wise and an athemn by Wood. Assistant Choral Director Stephen Mannings said “it was a fabulous day and the boys ended exhausted but delighted by their experiences. What’s more 4 have already successfully auditioned as probationers in the cathedral choir”. »» There will be another Be a Chorister style event on July 11th so watch the website for details.

EMBRACING HOPE SERVICE The next Embracing Hope service is due to take place on Thursday 11th June, 7 to 9pm. Embracing Hope is open to all whose lives have been affected by the serious illness or loss of a child. People are invited to share in a simple, intimate service in the Lady Chapel and visit the Children's Chapel. »» For further details contact Dianne Rothwell on 0151 702 7201.



Brighten your school holidays with Free Family Fun Every Wednesday 11am to 3pm Join us for arts and crafts with a Summer theme. Photography workshops at 11am and 1am each day.

Bring your own camera and take pictures round the cathedral with advice from our photographer. July 29th and August 26th with cathedral team. August 5th, August 12th and August 19th with Hardman House in partnership with cathedral team.



lt du g a rant yin u pa esta e y r R th ve ford y to he wit Wels entr nce EE rie he in t US FR Expe PL wer To

Contact Jackie Dean: 0151 702 7210 or email: LiverpoolCathedral


‘Art and the Animal’ Exhibition An exciting exhibition by the Association of Animal Artists, celebrating the beauty and spirit of the natural world in all its glory. This exhibition will link with Freshfields Animal Rescue with all purchases aiding relief for animals locally. Admission is FREE, starts 30th August to 6th September, 9am to 5pm each day.


»» Further details can be found on the website or by contacting: tel 07767 256008

AWARD WINNING MARTIN BIRCHALL Photography Workshop Open to enthusiastic amateurs or absolute beginners, Martin’s course will help you compose your pictures, use natural light effectively, experiment with depth of field and use angles in shot selection. Access to many of the key areas of the Cathedral, such as the tower and bells, is also included. The workshop costs £40 per person or £70 per couple. 10am-1pm, 10th August. »» To book contact 0151 702 7255 or

The next BSL (British Sign Language) Messy Church takes place on Saturday 14th June at 4pm. Enjoy craft, food and celebration around a biblical theme. All are welcome with no need to book. BSL Messy Church invites all to participate together whether they are deaf or hearing. »» More information from Rev Hannah Lewis, hannah.lewis@liverpool.anglican. org or via mobile text message 07919 411817.

Easter Flower Appeal Thanks Liverpool Cathedral Flower Guild would like to express their thanks for the generous support of this year's Easter Lily Fund Appeal. Thanks to your donations, which amounted to almost £300, the cathedral looked stunning with the floral display enjoyed by all our visitors over Easter.


IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS We remember all those who have asked for our prayers, especially those who are ill or bereaved.

Worship Services/Prayer and Discipleship Groups: Worship and the Word, Embracing hope, Chemin Neuf, Canon Theologian led Chapter reflection day, Alpha Course, Faith Academy, Iranian Bible study, Choral Evensong (Including the Turning of the pages), Supper with the Scriptures, Zone 2 Worship, , Christian Union, Breakfast with the Bible, Ordination of Priests and Deacons, School Leavers Service, Methodist Ordination service, Youth worship, Armed Forces Day, Christian Leadership celebration, confirmations for Toxteth , Wavertree South Liverpool and Bootle Deaneries. Installation of The Reverend Jo Bailey-Wells as Canon Theologian.

Education: St Michaels K3 Stage presentation evening, School Leavers Transition Workshops

Baptisms/Weddings: Baptism of Thomas Collins, Wedding of Jade & Antony, Wedding of Phil Goff and Emma Bullock, Wedding of Andy Dean and Ashely Scott, Wedding Of Sarah Taylor and Colin Potts.

Groups/Tours/Cruises: Great Day Trips Co, Excursions Ltd, Maney Probus Club, Friends of the Danby Spencer Gallery, Rotary Club, The O60 Club, Kuomi Group, GB Tours, Mateusz KLimek, Great British Trips, Liverpool History Society, Group from Anglesey, Miki Travel, Tailored travel, Knowlsley Village Social group, historic 22

churches conference, Cologne Group, The Historic Association, Worsley TWG, Cologne group, Jane Marchant, Western European, Emmanuel Church Southport, Azamara, Walton Deanery, Business Librarians Association Men. Passengers off the Seven Seas Voyager, Royal Princess Cruise, Nautica Cruise Liner and Marina Cruise Liner

Events/Meetings/Exhibitions/ Dinners/Concerts etc: Rob Floyd Exhibition, Light Night, Suzuki Fiddlefest, Faroese Choir, Volunteers College of Canons meeting, Bereavement Group, Volition Programme with Liverpool University, Vocal Majority Chorus concert, Tower Twilight tours, British Contact Lens Association gala, the big Summer Sing, LJMU Gala Dinner, Edge Hill University away day, Worldspan Gala Dinner, Automotive supply chain Gala, Liverpool College 175th Anniversary Gala, Urban Lecture, Airmic Reception, University of Liverpool away, LJMU conference Dinner, Speedy Hire gala, Bath Abbey Choir concert, Patrons Organ gala, Charles Hastings Wine club dinner, Anglican Cathedral & Metropolitan Cathedral Juniors Choir concert, Fjaere Og Grimstad Skolekorps concert, IME 2015 Gala, LJMU Graduations, Concert to commemorate 75th Anniversary of Battle of Britain, Catherine Fox Book launch, 25th Anniversary reception, CILIP gala dinner, Cunard Concert, Feat of Choirs, Cruise concert, BUILA Gala, Friends 90th anniversary celebration, Whit Organ Recital

School and Parish Visits: East Prescot Road, Sandbrook, Heversham St Peters, Ince, Alderley Edge, Birkwood, Arkholme, Springwell Park, Parkview, Thomas Adams, Low Furness, Penwortham school visits. St George’s PCC Away Day.



Evensong to begin Light Night at the Cathedral

19th 5.30pm

Evensong attended by the College of Canons and Installation of the Revd Jo Bailey-Wells as Canon Theologian

24th 10.30am

Festival Eucharist for Pentecost sung by the Kelvedon Singers. Preacher: The Very Revd Dr Pete Wilcox, Dean of Liverpool

Choral Evensong for Pentecost sung by the Kelvedon Singers. Preacher: Canon Bob Lewis




Morning Prayer and Eucharist


Whitsun Bank Holiday Organ Recital: David Poulter, Director of Music

JUNE 1st


Confirmation and Eucharist for Bootle Deanery



Confirmation for Winwick Deanery



Ordination of Priests. Preacher: The Venerable Peter Bradley, Archdeacon of Warrington



Embracing Hope Service



Organ Gala



Confirmation for Toxteth and Wavertree Deanery and Parishes from Liverpool South Deanery



Choral Evensong sung by the choir of St Peter’s College, Oxford in the Lady Chapel

27th 11.00am

Service for Armed Forces Day. Preacher: The Venerable Jonathan Chaffey, Chaplain in Chief, Royal Air Force



Ordination of Deacons. Preacher: The Venerable Peggy Jackson, Archdeacon of Llandaff



Confirmation for Adults

JULY 4th 8.30am

Morning Prayer and Eucharist Please note there are no services at 12.05pm and 3.00pm today

Evening Prayer




Eucharist in place of 12.05pm



Eucharist in place of 12.05pm



Eucharist in place of 12.05pm



Eucharist in place of 12.05pm



Eucharist in place of 12.05pm

19th 10.30am

Festival Eucharist for the 91st Anniversary of the Consecration of the Cathedral. Preacher: The Revd Dr Michael Lloyd, Principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford


Festival Evensong attended by the Friends of Liverpool Cathedral Preacher: The Right Reverend Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool



Saturday Lunchtime Organ Recital: George Warren



Choral Eucharist sung by the St Nicholas Singers


Choral Evensong sung by the St Nicholas singers


OUR SERVICES Sunday 8:30am



Choral Eucharist (in Main Space)


Zone 2 (all age informal worship in Concert Room)


Choral Evensong*



Weekdays 8.30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong*

Saturday 8:30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong

*Said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271


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