Cathedral Life Magazine - Oct 2015 to Feb 2016

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Choral Evensong at Liverpool Cathedral

Listen, relax, pray

Weekdays during term time 5:30pm* *Evening Prayer said on a Wednesday – *sometimes we have to change our usual routine so please check our website for up to date details.




CONTENTS Flowers for the Harvest


BSL Messy Church


Embracing Hope Service


Dean's letter


Canon Myles celebrates his 40th Anniversary

Christmas Worship


Gifts from our shop


Christmas Events


Light up a Christmas Angel


Christmas Events continued


The Grinch who nearly stole Christmas


Christmas Opening Hours



20 21

canon CYNTHIA reflects on her time


Cathedral Volition Programme success


Cards for Good Causes


2015 Cathedral Christmas Brochure


Festive Boxing Day Organ Recital


At the Heart of Cathedral Life Cynthia Dowdle reward

Cathedral Christmas


2015 Photographic 24-25 Competition Winners

Christmas Lunch at Liverpool Cathedral


Thoughts and Prayers


Diary Dates


canon myles celebrates 40th anniversary


cathedral photo competition winners

Next issue: February 2016 Deadline for submissions: January 15th 2016 Article ideas are always welcome and should be sent to Stuart Haynes: Editors reserve the right to edit contributions.  For updates on events why not follow us on twitter @LivCathedral or Facebook/Liverpool Cathedral


Cathedral in full bloom for Harvest BSL Messy Church - FANTASTIC FAMILY FUN The next BSL (British Sign Language) Messy Church takes place on Saturday 21st November at 4pm. Enjoy craft, food and celebration around a biblical theme. All are welcome with no need to book. BSL Messy Church invites all to participate together whether they are deaf or hearing. »» More information from Rev Hannah Lewis, hannah.lewis@liverpool. or via mobile text message 07919 411817.

Our cathedral looked resplendent at Harvest thanks to the efforts of the Flower Guild. Once again they have managed to create a floral display which captured the essence of the season. The service saw gifts being given in aid of the work of our Foodbank and we thank our congregations for their efforts in supporting one of our vital ministries.

EMBRACING HOPE SERVICE The next Embracing Hope service is due to take place on Monday 2nd November, 7 to 9pm. Embracing Hope is open to all whose lives have been affected by the serious illness or loss of a child. People are invited to share in a simple, intimate service in the Lady Chapel and visit the Children's Chapel. »» For further details contact Dianne Rothwell on 0151 702 7201.


Join us on a journey to Christmas It’s not yet Hallowe’en, let alone Remembrance Sunday, but already the shops are gearing up for Christmas. For many people, the route to greater fulfilment will be highly commercialised: the quest for happiness will be focused in the acquisition and consumption of things. Christ Jesus calls us to another Way. He invites us to accompany him on the journey from Advent, through the Nativity, to the Epiphany. In the infant Jesus, we have the promise of God with us even in the midst of the ordinary, the glory of God made known even in the midst of distress. Together with many other cathedrals, up and down the country, we have witnessed attendances at the major carol services in December increasing year on year. This means hard work, for many of us, whether choir members or vergers’ team, retail or catering staff, volunteers or clergy. But it is also a tremendous evangelistic opportunity which we embrace with joy. Please do pray, over these coming weeks, for those who will join us as occasional worshippers

- that they might know the transforming power of God’s Spirit in this place. If you are a regular worshipping member of our community, be sure that the clergy will be praying for you, that you will know the peace and inspiration (amongst all the frenetic activity of the coming weeks, outside our cathedral as well as inside) which Christ Jesus gives so freely. May I ask you to keep two of my clergy Chapter colleagues especially in your prayers, for different reasons. The first is Canon Myles, who celebrated the 40th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood earlier in the autumn. Advent, Christmas and Epiphany are, alongside Lent, Holy Week and Easter, the busiest time of year for a Canon Precentor - and while we will no doubt be enriched once again by all the experience of liturgy Canon Myles has accumulated over his long and varied ministry, we pray that he will be given strength and wisdom over the coming weeks. The second is Canon Cynthia, who will have retired from her role as our Canon Chancellor by the time

Advent comes around. Canon Cynthia’s ministry has been a distinguished one, and the award of her OBE this year has been a fitting recognition by the civic authorities of her outstanding contribution, not least in matters of social inclusion and justice. We will have the opportunity to say a rousing ‘thank you and fare well’ to Canon Cynthia on Sunday morning, 1st November - but you will no doubt want to keep her in your prayers in the weeks after that, as she adjusts to the new routines, opportunities and challenges of her retirement from stipendiary ordained ministry. We are grateful to God for all that she has given to the life and work of our cathedral. »» With every blessing Dean Pete, Dean of Liverpool 5

Canon Myles Celebrates his 40th Anniversary Canon Myles Davies, Canon Precentor and Vice Dean of our Cathedral celebrated 40 years of ordained ministry in September. We took the opportunity to speak to him about his ministry over the years. We asked how Myles was feeling as he approached this milestone in his ministry. “My main feeling is one of thankfulness as I look back on 40 very happy and fulfilling years, all of which have been here in the Diocese of Liverpool.”

How did he respond to God’s call? “I cannot remember when it all started for me, but it was certainly when I was still a child. My father died after a long illness when I was 8, and when I was about 10, I decided I would rather go to Church - at St Philip’s in Litherland, rather than go to Sunday school. The clergy there became something of a role model to me, and I soon became convinced that this was what God wanted me to do with my life. Slowly and not always easily, God opened the doors for this to happen, and I was ordained at the youngest possible age of 23. Myles remembers how his ministry began “I went as curate to St Mary the Virgin, West Derby, a marvellous and busy parish with a strong choir and a large number of baptisms, weddings and funerals. There were lots more clergy then, including curates, but it is hard now to think back to when all of us were men. West Derby had four of us on the staff, including Deaconess Lena Prince, who taught me so much about pastoral ministry. It was Lena and her ministry which convinced me that


God was calling the church to open ordained ministry to women, and later on she came as honorary curate at St Anne’s when she retired. I had the wonderful privilege of preaching when she presided at the Eucharist for the first time, for which she had waited for nearly forty years.”

What is involved in the role of Precentor? “The Precentor is the person accountable to the Chapter for everything concerning worship: the music and the choir, the orders of service, the Cross Guild, the stewards, the flower team, the bell ringers, the Passion Play team. In addition as Vice Dean, I also stand in for the Dean on several occasions, and look after the Cathedral Company Committee which is there to reflect the concerns of the Cathedral congregation. Since earlier this year, I represent the Cathedral on the Rodney Street Association and Love Canning who are concerned about the local environment immediately around the Cathedral.” When asked if he enjoys his ministry in the cathedral, Myles replied “I hope it’s pretty obvious to all who see me that I enjoy thoroughly being and working here! The Cathedral Clergy all come from different backgrounds and traditions within the Church, but we all enjoy working with each other, and our gifts and skills complement one another’s very well. We have wonderful staff and volunteers too, and such incredible talent in so many ways. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

We asked about some of the memorable moments at services. “Obviously the great occasions such as the Battle of the Atlantic come to mind, but two which I remember with particular pleasure are the service when we commemorated the May Blitz, and Dan Bishop and I created a soundscape which recalled the sounds which the city must have heard in 1941. The great moment of that service was to see everyone, including very senior clergy and our VIP guests swaying along and joining in with Dame Vera Lynn as we sang “We’ll meet again…” There wasn’t a dry eye in the house! And there was a wonderful service for the anniversary of the Coronation, when the Probationers, the youngest members of the choir, had about ten processions carrying the Crown Jewels, including a Crown - which fooled quite a few of our visitors - from the west end to the High Altar. The children must have walked miles in

that service and I’m sure they all slept well that night!”

So what does the future hold for Canon Myles? “I’m looking forward to carrying on with my present work and to a good number of significant events in the city in which the Cathedral will be playing a full part in the next two or three years.”

Finally we asked what part God has played in all of this. “When I preached at the Cathedral celebration, I recalled some words from one of the hymns we sang at the ordination: So shall no part of day or night unblest or common be; But all my life, in every step, be fellowship with thee. Those words give the clue to where God has been – “in every step…” I give thanks that this is true.” 7

Cathedral's Volition programme enables employee recruitS A new Food Store in BHS Liverpool has recruited an amazing 7 recruits from our volunteer Volition programme. The store which opened today has recruited the most employees in one go in Volition's history. As part of the recruitment process BHS Liverpool partnered with Liverpool Cathedral’s popular Volition programme, inviting interested job seekers to interview for one of the new positions. 7 of the new employees were recruited through the Volition programme, making it the most new employees recruited at once, by one employer, in Volition’s history. Our volunteer programme provides intensive one to one support, over a twelve week period, to help develop the job seeker’s key work skills. Andrea Watkins, General Manager of BHS Liverpool commented: “We were thrilled to partner with the Volition volunteer programme for the Food Store recruitment drive. Supporting the local community is very important to us and we look forward to welcoming the new members of staff to the team.”

Lauren Bailey-Rhodes, Head of Programmes for Volition, said: "Our team work hard to prove there is another way to support people into work, not least changing attitudes of jobseekers themselves, who can be disillusioned with the system. Placing people successfully in cases such as this proves businesses are keen to employ local people with some character and the right attitude who would be able to connect with their customers.” The new Food Store forms part of BHS’s strategic plan to move further into convenience food retailing and enhance the customer experience by modernising an initial 20 stores with new mannequins, innovative product displays and improved store design. Darren Topp, Chief Executive Officer of BHS commented: “We are delighted to launch our new BHS Food Store concept in Liverpool, creating 30 new jobs for the are. Our Food Stores are all about convenience retailing which suits our busy customer perfectly, we look forward to great success in Liverpool and across the next 20 stores.”

CARDS FOR GOOD CAUSES A chance to buy Christmas Cards and other items to support your favourite charity from a very wide range of established charities. We are pleased to announce that Cards for Good Causes will return to the Cathedral on October 7th and will be available until Sunday 20th December. Look out for the large stall outside the main Cathedral shop. Simply choose your cards and make your purchases within the shop. »»


Plan your Christmas at Liverpool Cathedral. #cathedralchristmas

Staying in Liverpool this Christmas? Festive Boxing Day Organ Recital Saturday 26th December 11:15am

Spend Boxing Day morning in the company of Cathedral Organist Titulaire Professor Ian Tracey for some festive favourites played out on the country’s largest pipe organ. A full programme includes seasonal hand bell ringing. Come early for some winter warming drinks and mince pies (served from 10.30am).

St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ •


Have a cathedral Christmas

Christmas at Liverpool Cathedral is a special time. A time for joy. A time for worship. A time when families come and celebrate together. It is a time when we are at our busiest. It is a time when we are at our best. From our own increasing popular services to the return of many much loved friends with their carol services, concerts and events we have a wide variety of occasions to make Christmas special. From our Darkness to Light Service to our Boxing Day Organ Recital we hope you will find something within this brochure for you to enjoy and come along to. And don’t forget our shop has plenty of Christmas gifts. You can enjoy festive food in the Welsford or on the Mezzanine. You could

buy a Christmas angel to remember a loved one. Please use this brochure to plan your Christmas with us. We know so many of you have at least one service or event you love to come to. Our brochure will help you make sure you don’t miss out. But at our busiest time of year when you can find so much to do you can also be sure of one thing. That whatever Christmas means to you and however you want to share a Cathedral Christmas we will warmly welcome you at Liverpool Cathedral. Have a great Cathedral Christmas. »» Find out more at:


Christmas Lunch


Sunday with Lunch er emb Santa Dec 3th Sun1

Come in and enjoy a 3 course Festive Meal Deal - £7.95 Served in The Welsford Restaurant or the Mezzanine Café Bar, also available as a takeaway. Stunning views across the Cathedral. Free wi-fi. Monday to Fridays - 9.00am - 4.30pm • Saturdays - 9.00am - 4.30pm Sundays - 12noon - 5.00pm

St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ. Call 0151 702 7251



@LivCathedral OR @LivCathEat

Cathedral Worship Plan your journey with our cathedral community with our seasonal services from Advent Sunday to Epiphany

From Darkness to Light - our Advent Sunday Service Sunday 29th November 5:30pm.

Lighting of the Tree & Blessing of the Crib Sunday 13th December 3:00pm.

Christmas Sequence of Carols Saturday 19 December 3:00pm.

Holly Bough Carol Service Sunday 20th December 3:00pm.

Carols for Christmas Eve Thursday 24th December 3:00pm.

Christmas Midnight Eucharist Thursday 24th December 11:30pm.

Festival Eucharist for Christmas Day Friday 25th December 10:30am.

Choral Eucharist for the Epiphany Sunday 10th January 2016, 10.30am

Carols for Epiphany Sunday 10th January 2016, 3:00pm.

Cathedral Christingle Service Thursday 28th January 2016, 3:00pm. For further details visit: 13

Christmas Gifts

Visit our award winning shop for all your Christmas Gifts. With many fair trade items and our largest collection of nativity sets ever, this year you will find that extra special Christmas gift. Visit us today, open before every evening event this Christmas.

St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ. Call 0151 702 7255

Christmas Events We are delighted to be hosting a wide range of carol concerts and events bringing seasonal cheer to all.

Project Noel VI - Festival of 9 Lessons and Carols (Service) Saturday 21st November 1:00pm. Free Event. Free Parking.

BSL Messy Church - fantastic family fun Saturday 21st November 3:00pm. Concert Room. Free Event. Free Parking.

Carols by Moving Light (Service) Saturday 28th November 7:30pm. Free Event. Free Parking.

Action for Children Carol Concert Wednesday 2nd December 7:00pm†. Tickets*: £8, Children/Concessions £5.

'Celebrate a Liverpool Life' Friday 4th December 7:30pm†. Tickets*: £10, Concessions £8, Family £28.

Two Cathedrals Choir performance of 'Messiah' Saturday 5th December 7:30pm†. Tickets*: £10. In aid of Francis Neilson Trust.

Christian Union Student Carol Service Sunday 6th December 7:30pm. Free Event. Free Parking.

'The Coming of Christmas' HFT Carol Concert Tuesday 8th December 7:30pm†. Tickets*: £10, Concessions £8.

Cheshire and Merseyside NHS Christmas Carols Wednesday 9th December 7:30pm. Free Event. Free Parking. For further details visit: *Tickets for all these events can be purchased via the Cathedral Shop unless otherwise stated: pop into our shop, order by telephone 0151 702 7255 or on-line at: Details correct at time of print. †Parking Charges apply unless otherwise stated. 15



Celebrate this Christmas with an unusual memento lit up on one of our Christmas trees, find out more at:

Contact Tina Morris on 0151 702 7226 Or email:


Christmas Events Alder Centre Candle Service Thursday 10th December 7:30pm. Tickets: Free Event. Free Parking.

'The Grinch who nearly stole Christmas' Schools Singing Programme Friday 11th December 7:00pm†. Tickets*: £2.

Sancta Lucia 'Festival of Light' Service Saturday 12th December 6:00pm. Tickets*: £10. Free Parking.

Sunday Lunch with Santa at Liverpool Cathedral Sunday 13th December 12:00pm†. Tickets: Adults £19.95, Children £9.95. Booking Essential, contact The Welsford Restaurant on 0151 702 7251

Renaissance Group Music Recital 'The Word made Flesh' Sunday 13th December 8:00pm†. Tickets*: £8, Concession £5.

Radio City 'Cash for Kids' Carol Concert Monday 14th December 7:00pm†. Tickets*: £10 priority seating and refreshments; standard £5.

NSPCC Christmas Carol Concert Tuesday 15th December 7:30pm†. Tickets*: £10, Children/Concessions £5. Tickets at: 0161 393 4474 or

ECHO Carol Concert Friday 18th December 7:30pm†. Tickets*: £10, Concessions £7, Family £25

Festive Boxing Day Organ Recital Saturday 26th December 11:15am†. Tickets £5 on the door For further details visit: *Tickets for all these events can be purchased via the Cathedral Shop unless otherwise stated: pop into our shop, order by telephone 0151 702 7255 or on-line at: Details correct at time of print. †Parking Charges apply unless otherwise stated. 17

The Grinch Who Nearly Stole Christmas

Presented by our Schools Singing Programme Friday 11th December at 7pm



ol erpo at Liv ase edral h c r Pu Cath

Join us for family fun featuring: Santa Claus, the Grinch, 300 musical elves, 30 dancing elves, illusions, plus a whole host of fantastic Christmas music provided by live band.

Find out more, contact: 0151 702 7234

Christmas Opening For our shop and food outlets and tower experience

Christmas Eve

Thur 24th Dec




9am - 3pm 9am - 2.30pm 10am - 3pm

Christmas Day

Fri 25th Dec


Boxing Day

Sat 26th Dec


Sun 27th Dec





Mon 28th Dec




Tue 29th Dec




Wed 30th Dec



New Year's Eve


Thur 31st Dec

12pm - 4pm 12pm - 3:30pm 12pm - 4pm 10am - 4pm 10am - 3:30pm 10am - 4pm 10am - 4pm 10am - 3:30pm 10am - 4pm 10am - 4pm 10am - 3:30pm 10am - 4pm 10am - 4pm


10am - 3:30pm


10am - 4pm

New Year's Day

Fri 1st Jan 2016


Sat 2nd Jan 2016

Normal times resume

Our shop and dining will be open before every evening event this Christmas. Thank you - in choosing to spend your money with us you help support the mission and ministry of Liverpool Cathedral. We look forward to welcoming you back in 2016. PLEASE NOTE: Tower Experience has same opening hours as the Shop with a last ticket time of 30 minutes prior to closing.


Messiah G.F.HANDEL’S



Saturday 5th December at 7.30pm

is anc of Fr st d i u a r T In son Neil

The combined choirs of: Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral and Liverpool Cathedral Chamber Choir & Orchestra Soloists: Patricia Heyes, Martin Howarth, Peter Bates, Conleth Stanley Conductor: Professor Ian Tracey

Tickets available from the Cathedral Shop 0151 702 7255 or on the door


At the heart of Cathedral Life Central to any Cathedral is a dedicated team of workers charged with the liturgical duty of ensuring the highest standards of worship. But in practice the vergers offer far more, making sure the Cathedral functions on a daily basis. As we create a new verging team we talked to Head Verger, Dave Corns about the privileges and challenges involved in being a verger here. “It’s all about people’s expectations”, he explains, “because we’re a Cathedral the public rightly expect really high standards. There is a real sense of ceremonial worship which is seen on a daily basis both in the small and intimate daily services through to the grand services of Ordination or otherwise”. But while the liturgical role is crucial there is more than that to being a verger. “We are the hidden workers” says Dave. “If we have done our job well then people don’t notice that

it’s been done. Most of our work happens before others arrive or after they leave so people can take for granted the hard work that has been achieved through setting up stages, moving chairs, organising the sound system and the myriad of other tasks that make it happen and help this place run smoothly.” Making it happen is what our verger team do on a daily basis. “For me” says Dave “satisfaction comes from making it happen, seeing it all go well. And at the heart of it is a liturgical role. The historical role enabling others to worship and find God in this place. If it is running smoothly then there are no barriers between people and God.” Faith is important to the team – all members are either involved in their local churches or have their spiritual home here within the Cathedral community. So while this is a job it becomes more than that, it is part of a service to God. Dave himself has a real sense of calling to his role. “It is important to me to be able to use the talents that God gave me and offer something back” he explains. It’s a good job, it’s a varied job. It’s a job all the vergers are proud to do. A job at the heart of our Cathedral, serving the Cathedral community. 21

Canon Cynthia looks back at her time at Liverpool Cathedral Rev. Canon Cynthia Dowdle has been Dean of Women's Ministry at Liverpool Cathedral since 2001, combining this role with that of Canon Chancellor. She also has focused on social justice, equality and inclusion. Due to retire in November, we asked Cynthia how she is feeling approaching her retirement? “I have mixed feelings. It is a sad time, breaking ties with people, across the Diocese of Liverpool and nationally. I have been having the last meetings, saying goodbye to people I have worked with for many years. I will of course keep everyone in my prayers. It will be strange to get used to worshipping in the congregation again, rather than leading the service.” Previously having had a career within teaching and having been a head teacher, she answered God’s call to ordination and was among the first women in the Church of England to be ordained back in 1994. Speaking of when she first knew she was being called by God, Cynthia said “I was on pilgrimage in the Holy Land beside Lake Galilee. It was very early in the morning and the sea was a calm pearly grey. I heard a voice and it was God asking me to take care of his sheep. Initially it was a frustrating time, I knew I was being called but there were limited paths available and no ordained women. It took another few years before attitudes changed and the door was opened for me.” Cynthia started off in parish ministry before coming to the Cathedral. We asked her what her ministry was like in the early days and how does it compare to now? “The main difference I have found was in


a parish setting, the incumbent is responsible for everything that goes on within the parish whereas in the Cathedral, my role is shared with other staff and volunteers having more involvement. It would be impossible to do everything yourself, you have to take a step back.” Cynthia was recently honoured with an OBE for services to gender equality and social inclusion. We asked how it felt to collect her honour. “The day was bit like a dream. Typically, it was pouring with rain! It was a brilliant day where I met some wonderful people also receiving honours. Princess Anne spoke to me about my work on gender equality and of her visits to Liverpool Cathedral. I accepted the honour not only for me but also for all those I have worked with both women and men who believe that the Church of England is in a better place now women priests are seen by most as the norm. Receiving the honour affirms this to me and I hope others will be affirmed by it as well." What of the other memorable moments in Cynthia’s time at Liverpool Cathedral? “There have been many. Representing the Church of England at the consultation on the status of women at the United Nations and attending the International Anglican Women's Network gatherings at the Tutu centre in New York have been highlights. My involvement with the Josephine Butler Trust, the War Widows Service, the welcome services for Dean Pete and Bishop Paul, being invited to speak & celebrate communion at Cathedral Day by the Mothers Union and the journey of

the Passion Plays, which are now an annual feature at the Cathedral. Finally, Hope+ Foodbank has been wonderful to be involved with, much needed and so well supported. As well as the stand out events it has been a privilege to simply celebrate communion during the weekly Tuesday morning Eucharist at the cathedral. Cynthia and husband Ultan Russell (Diocese of Liverpool) will be retiring together so what does the future hold for them? “I have to take at least a 6 month break from ministry as is the protocol when clergy retire so I am waiting to see what happens really. Ultan and I are planning to travel and to stay with friends in Massachusetts, Boston and California and then on to Australia before returning home to Liverpool. I’d like to continue to mentor and be involved with Clergy selection panels.” Finally, we asked how Cynthia’s relationship with God developed over the years. “I feel much more at ease with God as the years have passed. The way I pray has evolved from being quite wordy to focusing on meditation and contemplative prayer.” Cynthia’s final service at the cathedral will be held on November 1st. We say goodbye, thank-you and blessings for the future. 23

summer in the city photo competition winners On 23rd September, those shortlisted in our annual photographic competition and the judges gathered in the Well of the cathedral for an evening of prize giving at the Awards Reception. Dean Pete Wilcox who gave the opening address said “After a year’s break, this is the 6th Cathedral Photographic Competition. Thanks to all of you who entered, your photographs have been very much enjoyed by our visitors. Also thanks to our judges who have taken great care in choosing their winners.” The judges this year were; Chris Brown, Head of Marketing Liverpool, Martin Birchall, award-winning photographer who worked on the Liverpool Echo for over 30 years, now a great workshop tutor, Paul McMullin, wellknown architectural photographer who works internationally and whose books of images of Liverpool grace many a coffee table and our chair of judges Mike McCartney, renowned photographer and entertainer. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the photos sent in this year. Judge Paul McMullin, said “In this day and age when everyone can be a photographer as most people carry camera phones around with them it is great to see people being creative with their shots. Trying out different angles and aspects. A stand out photo for me was the winning photo in the Junior category by Ian Beasley ‘Escher meets Liverpool’; it had us scratching our heads trying to work out where it was.” Martin Birchall said “It is encouraging to see the great range of photographs submitted this year, particularly in the Junior category. Hopefully these young people will be 24

inspired to keep going and experimenting with their technique and subject matter. To be a prize-winner in a competition like this at such a young age will do wonders for their confidence.”

And so to our winners Junior Category 1st place: ‘Escher meets Liverpool’ by Iain Beasley (pictured below), winning a Print and book by Paul McMullin with Tate exhibition tickets

junior winner: Escher meets liverpool, Ian Beasley

PEOPLE's winner & HOPE STREET WINNER: Don't forget the workers, Brenda Larkin

2nd place: ‘In my Liverpool home’ by James McGreary, winning Unity Theatre Christmas Show tickets 3rd place: ‘Lark Ascending’ by Eloise Gillison, winning a Beatles Story family ticket.

Hope Street Category 1st place: ‘Don’t forget the Workers’ by Brenda Larkin, winning a Hope St Hotel overnight stay and breakfast & Phil tickets 2nd place: ‘Summer lights of Liverpool Cathedral’ by Lenka Svarcova, winning a Meal at The Quarter & Tower Trip 3rd place: ‘The Phil Pub’ by Sheila Philips, winning Lunch for 4 and guided tour of the Metropolitan Crypt.

City Centre Category 1st place: ‘Sitting Pretty’ by Bel Shaw, winning a Tutorial with Martin Birchall & afternoon tea at 60 Hope St

2nd place: ‘Poppies in the city’ by Derek Gould, winning a Family ticket for a River Explorer cruise with Mersey Ferries 3rd place: Brian Mason ‘Raft battle Spiderman at Salthouse Dock’ winning a University of Liverpool’s Victoria Gallery gift voucher & lunch at Blackburne House.

The Peoples Winner 1st place: ‘Don’t forget the workers’ by Brenda Larkin, (pictured above in Hope Street Category) winning a Spa day with treatments and lunch at the ‘Health Place’ Spa in Blackburne House 2nd place: ‘Poppies in the City by Derek Gould, winning a meal at Host, then off to the Everyman! 3rd place: ‘Summer Classic’ by Paul Dawson, winning a Family ticket for a River Explorer cruise with Mersey Ferries


Anne’s Parish.

IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS We pray for our new Archdeacons, Pete Spiers, Jennifer McKenzie and Roger Preece. We pray for their ministry and the service of installation on 14th of November. We thank God for all our visitors, tours, schools, concerts and events that contribute to a vibrant cathedral. We remember all of those who have asked for our prayers, especially for those who are ill or bereaved.

worship services/prayer & discipleship: Wacattack/Archdeacon Peter Bradley’s retirement Eucharist/ Embracing Hope Service/ Canon Cynthia Dowdle farewell service and celebration/ Remembrance Service/ Durufle Requiem/ Warrington East Confirmations/ Choral Evensong and turning of the pages/ New Archdeacons service/ Darkness to Light service/ Liverpool South Deanery Confirmations/ Royal Signals Service/ Mothers Union Eucharist/ Two Cathedrals Choir performance of Messiah/ Alder Centre Service/ Santa Lucia Service/ Tree & Crib Service/ Christmas Sequence/ Carols for Christmas Eve/ Midnight Eucharist/ Festival Eucharist/ Organ Recital with Professor Ian Tracey/ Epiphany Carol Service.


Education: Torquay Girls Grammar School/ Big Sing/ Remembrance workshops/ Royds Hall Community School/ Abbotsholme School/ Oakdene Primary/ Advent workshops/ St Thomas CE School

Baptisms/Weddings: 15/11 – Baptism of Edward and James Williams, 22/11 – Baptism of Sebastian and Alexia Holme, 29/11 – Baptism of Nicholas Rooth, 6/12 – Baptism of Lyra Petrie.

Events/Meetings/Exhibitions/ Dinners/Concerts etc: Belvedere Prizegiving/ Wildlife Exhibition/ Surgical Conference/Home for Good Exhibition/ Archbishop Beck Prizegiving/ Incentive8 Presentation/ St Margarets Prizegiving/ College of Canons Dinner/ Birkenhead High Prizegiving/ Educate Awards/ LJMU Graduations/ LJMU Honorary Fellowes Dinner/ Energy Networks Association gala/ Action for Children Carol Concert/ Liverpool Chamber of Commerce Gala/ Christian Student Union Carol Service/ HFT Design for Life Carol Concert/ NHS Carol Concert/ Aintree Head and Neck Oncology Group conference and Exhibition/ Renaissance Music Group recital/ Radio City Carol Concert/ Abbeyfield Carol Service/ NSPCC Carol Service/ Echo Carol Service/ Holly Bough Carol Service/ Liverpool School Artists Return Exhibition



Eucharist to mark the retirement of Archdeacon Peter Bradley







Eucharist for All Saints and Farewell for Canon Cynthia Embracing Hope Service Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday. Preacher: The Bishop of Warrington


Eucharist for All Souls-tide with the Requiem by Maurice Durufle


Said Evening Prayer Please note there is no 4pm Eucharist today



Confirmation Service for Warrington East Deanery



Choral Evensong attended by the King’s Regiment



Service to welcome new Archdeacons



Confirmation Service for Liverpool South Deanery

PLAN YOU CHRISTMAS AT LIVERPOOL CATHEDRAL We have published our annual guide to all events at the cathedral, FREE with this issue, see centre pages. In it are details of all our services and Christmas events suitable for the whole family, plus a taste of what you can look forward to at the cathedral during the Christmas period. Please check the website for any changes or additions. We look forward to welcoming you this Christmas. »»

JANUARY 2016 3rd 10th


Choral Eucharist sung by Laudes


Choral Evensong sung by Laudes


Choral Eucharist for the Epiphany


Epiphany Carol Service


OUR SERVICES Sunday 8:30am



Choral Eucharist (in Main Space)


Zone 2 (all age informal worship in Concert Room)


Choral Evensong*



Weekdays 8.30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong*

Saturday 8:30am

Morning Prayer




Choral Evensong

*Said on Wednesdays and during school holidays unless visiting choirs present St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ, 0151 709 6271


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