Kansas Angus News February 2025

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Number 647 . February 2025

: • 110 Angus Bulls, Fall Born • GE-EPDs, Ready to Work Sons of Craftsman, Commerce, Man In Black, Plus One, Justify, Value Added, Iconic, Exclusive, True North, including progeny from GENEX sire, Lyons Powercat 8156

Officers pictured at the annual banquet.

Kansas Angus Association Elects 2025 Leadership

Officers for the 2025 year were elected by the membership during the KAA Annual Meeting on January 25 in Hutchinson. Serving as president is Cash Schilling, Goodland .To get to know Cash read his first The President’s Pen on page 2 . Stephanie Dickerson, Paradise was elected vice president and after serving two terms as a purebred- at -large Elizabeth Janssen Perkins, Ellsworth is taking on the treasures position. Lynne Hinrichsen, Westmorland. serves at past –president..

Kyla McCabe, Elk City, District 3 and Beth Cornwell Krehbiel, St. John, District 6 were elected to serve their first term as district directors. Drake Rowh, Jennings and Benn Gleason, Maple Hill are beginning first terms as purebred-at-large directors. Josh Laflin, Olsburg, District 1; Adam Jones, St. Francis , District 7; Cole Gardiner, Ashland, District 8 and Trey Hinkson, Cottonwood Falls, Commercial -at –Large director were elected to second terms.


President - Cash Schilling, Edson (785) 694 - 3586

Vice President - Stephanie Dickerson, Paradise (785) 445- 5139

Secretary / Manager - Anne Lampe, Scott City (620) 874-4273

Treasurer Elizabeth Perkins, Ellsworth (785) 531–1365

Past President - Lynne Hinrichsen , Westmoreland (785) 770-0014

District Directors*

District 1- Josh Laflin, Olsburg (785) 747-7005

District 2– David Breiner, Alma (785) 456-4790

District 3 - Kyla McCabe, Elk City (406) 261– 7782

District 4 - vacant

District 5 - Clinton Laflin, Russell (620) 583-0207

District 6 - Bethany Krehbiel, St. John (620)546-1585

District 7 - Adam Jones , St. Francis (785) 332-6206

District 8– Cole Gardiner, Ashland (620) 635-0727

Directors At-Large*

At Lg Commercial –Trey Hinkson, Cottonwood Falls (620) 794-3407

At Lg Commercial - Brad Schrick, Hiawatha (913) 375-0140

At Lg Commercial Bryce Barnett , Muscotah (913) 370-0333

At Lg Purebred - Drake Rowh, Jennings (785)-657-1515

At Lg Purebred - Ben Gleason, Maple Hill (785) 640-9390

At Lg Purebred – Craig Beran, Claflin (620) 786-9703

Bookkeeper: Betsy Anderson, Colwich betsyakaa@gmail.com, (620) 706-9750

*Directors serve a 3 year term. Term limit is two consecutive 3 year terms. **Elections are held annually in January during the annual meeting.

Looking for Information?

Looking for a listing of Angus sales in Kansas? Or maybe association events, junior show entry forms, or contact information on a Kansas Angus Association member or perhaps you want to join the KAA or browse the latest issue of the Kansas Angus News? Our website, www.kansasangus.org is the go-to place for information about the KAA, Kansas Junior Angus Association (KJAA) and Kansas Angus Auxiliary (KAAx). Frequent updates are made to ensure that you can find what you are looking for with a few clicks.

If you are a Facebook user, become a fan of the Kansas Angus Association to interact daily with other Angus breeders and enthusiasts. KAA members are welcome to post photos, links to your website, sale dates and more. Don’t forget to check out our frequent posts and status updates that encompass news, activities and upcoming events and deadlines for the KAA, KJAA and Auxiliary . The Kansas Junior Angus Association also has a special Facebook Group for member and families of juniors. This group is for announcements, show information, reminders, dates, deadline and more. To join the group search Kansas Junior Angus Association.

E– List—Join our Kansas Angus e-Update list for news, information via our Kansas Angus E-Update . To join our e –list please send an email to kansasanguselist@gmail.com. Our e-list ihas limited advertising and the list is never shared or sold.

This KAA has published the Kansas Angus News for 71 years; our full color magazine style newsletter averages 24 pages per issue and is published four times a year. The KAN features sale advertisements, industry information, show result photos, entry forms and more as well a page in each issue for junior members and the Kansas Angus Auxiliary . Subscriptions to the KAN are free or you can read it online at www.kansasangus.com.

The annual Kansas Angus Directory is a great reference material. The 100-page booklet features a complete listing of current KAA members along with contact and herd information. Advertisements from many Kansas Angus breeders and industry partners highlight the states programs, seedstock and genetics. If you are not currently on or mailing and would like to receive a free copy of the 2025 Directory email your address kansasangus@wbsnest.org or access a digital version on our website.

Kansas Angus News

Please send mailing address updates/corrections to Anne at kansasangus@wbsnet.org or by text to 620-874-4273

The President's Pen

I am very honored to serve as the 2025 president of the Kansas Angus Association My family includes my wife Amanda and along with our daughter Kaelyn and our son Chasyn. We help run and operate Schilling Cattle alongside my parents Ron and Marsha Schilling.

My wife and I bought our first Angus cow 10 years ago. Not only did it become the start of a lifelong friendship with the Hinrichsen family, it was also the start of my family changing our focus of the breed of cattle in our operation. We have been blessed with opportunities to meet Angus breeders all over the country through the Angus Association. Bulls and cows come and go, but it is the relations we build in this business that matter the most.

I am looking forward to trying to attend as many of the great bull sales this state has to offer this year. I hope all the Kansas Angus Members have a great 2025 sale season.

Cash Schilling

2025 Kansas Angus Association President 785-332-4215

Notes & News from Anne

We have your Bull

Registered producer? Commercial cattleman? Looking for one herd bull or several? Kansas Angus Association members and producers have YOUR BULL.

Caving ease specialists, high growth, carcass improvers, targeting the Certified Angus Beef ® Brand? Our members have your bull. As you flip through the pages of this issue or look back at the January issue over 1000 bulls are advertised that represent a wide range of genetics, phenotypes and ages.

But that's not all, turn to page 22 to see the spring sale calendar which lists member’s sales and that 1000 head increases to nearly 4500-5000 registered Angus bulls sold in Kansas each spring and more in the fall through production sales and that number increases with private treaty offerings.

YOUR NEW BULL could be just a few miles from your ranch, in the next county or across the state. When studying sale books and making your “shopping list” look no further that the dedicated, progressive Angus producers in the state of Kansas.

Until Next Time,

Anne S. Lampe, Kansas Angus Association Manager, Kansas Angus News Editor, Kanasasangus@wbsnet.org, 620-874-4273

Page 1. Ks Angus Association News ▪ 1

President's Pen, Editors Notes, KAA Info ▪ 2

Calendar/Sales & Events ▪ 22

ry, website ads, and e-advertisements. Effective 4/1/2020. Any member 3 months or more in arrears in the payment of dues or assessments shall be dropped from the roll with the membership year beginning with the annual meeting. (KAA By-Laws: Art III, Sec 4)

Any claims or statements of the writers or advertisers in this publication represent their own opinions and are not necessarily those of the editor or of the officers and directors of the Kansas Angus Association. Published Four issues per year.

Please send address changes or subscription cancellations to kansasangus@wbsnet.org

President : Cash Schilling, Goodland

Vice President : Stephanie Dickerson, Paradise

Secretary/Mgr: Anne Lampe, Scott City (620) 874-4273

Treasurer: Elizabeth Perkins, Ellsworth

Past President: Lynne Hinrichsen, Westmoreland

District Directors Term Expires

Showring Purple 23

Angus Business 4


Ks Angus Auxiliary 14

Cover photo by Anne Lampe

Angus Business

Top Ten Sires in Registrations for FY 2024 Announced

For over 150 years, the popularity of Angus cattle has grown, making over 80% of America’s cowherd influenced by Angus genetics. Influential sires have made their mark and during the 2024 American Angus Association® Awards Dinner and Reception on November 3rd, 2024 in Fort Worth, Texas, the Association recognized the sire registering the most progeny.

Connealy Craftsman owned by Select Sires Inc., Plain City, Ohio, and Sexing Technologies, Navasota, Texas, sired 4,014 calves registered into the Angus herd book, the most in fiscal year 2024.

“We were interested in this bull for a variety of reasons, but it was phenotype that set him apart for us. His $M index and foot scores were excellent, and his pedigree was something different for us,” Brian House of Select Sires Inc. said. “When our team set their eyes on him, they very quickly selected him as the ‘special bull,” in that sale.”

Recognizing these sires highlights the breeders dedicated to providing topquality Angus bulls. “Our members enjoy wide diversity in genetics to achieve whatever their breeding goals are,” said Mark McCully, chief executive officer of the Association. “We’re thankful for these cattlemen committed to breed improvement.”

The top 10 sires are recorded from October 1 through September 30.

2. GB Fireball 672, ABS Global Inc., De Forest, Wis.; Goode Angus, Pampa, Texas; and Grand Bayou Farms, Ruston, La., 3.500 calves

3. Deer Valley Growth Fund, Deer Valley Farm, Fayetteville, Tenn., 3,368 calves

4. Sitz Resilient 10208, Bar J V Angus Ranch, Fairview, Mont.; Dan Ingalls, Casper, Wyo.; and Lunds B Bar Angus, Wibaux, Mont., 3,332 calves

5. Tehama Tahoe B767, Midwest Genetics, Long Island, Kan.; Tehama Angus Ranch, Gerber, Calif.; and VanDerVeen Farms, Phillipsburg, Kan., 2,411 calves

6. LAR Man in Black, ABS Global, De Forest, Wis., and Larson Angus Ranch, Sharon Springs, Kan., 2,292 calves

7. DB Iconic G95, Douglas Booth Family, Torrington, Wyo., and Genex Cooperative, Shawano Wis , 2,273 calves

8. Sitz Stellar 726D, ABS Global, Inc., De Forest, Wis., and Sitz Angus Farm, Dillon, Mont., 2,165 calves

9. Poss Rawhide, Danny Poss, Scotia, Neb., and Sexing Technologies, Navasota, Texas, 2,090 calves

10. GAR Home Town, Gardiner Angus Ranch Inc., Ashland, Kan., 2,068 calves

Angus Foundation Scholarships Available

Since 1998, the Angus Foundation has championed the success of Angus youth by investing in their education. In the past 27 years, the Foundation has awarded more than $4.9 million in scholarships including $388,500 in 2024 alone. These scholarships help support students in their educational endeavors whether pursuing undergraduate, graduate or trade degrees. Applications opened February 1 and are due by May 1, offering an opportunity for Angus youth to receive financial support for their education.

“Thank you to the Foundation for your unwavering commitment to supporting our aspirations and for fostering an environment that promotes growth and opportunity,” said Addison Cotton, a past Angus Foundation scholarship recipient. “Your generosity has not only given me the resources to pursue my educational goals but has also inspired me to strive for excellence in everything I do. While it may seem unconventional to aspire to be a registered nurse that raises cattle, I am excited to combine these passions into a fulfilling future where I can work hard at what I love.” For many junior members, like Addison, the impact of the Angus Foundation extends beyond financial support; it helps to shape young leaders in the Angus breed. Whether it is exposing youth to unique career paths or exploring new opportunities, the Foundation’s support is felt far and wide.

“Raising the Bar and LEAD have allowed me to experience agriculture in different regions and form friendships with Juniors from all over the country,” said Allison Davis, a past Angus Foundation scholarship recipient. “The Foundation

scholarships are allowing me to attend an out-of-state university. I know that I would not be able to attend an out-of-state school and have the experiences I have without the support of the Foundation and its donors.”

The Angus Foundation undergraduate and graduate scholarship applications are available to National Junior Angus Association (NJAA) members through their American Angus Association® login. In addition to offering scholarship opportunities to National Junior Angus Association members, the Foundation also offers opportunities to youth from a commercial cattle operation background, through the Commercial Cattlemen's scholarship program.

The Foundation’s Certified Angus Beef®/National Junior Angus Association and commercial cattlemen scholarships can be accessed at angus.org/foundation and submitted through email. The website also offers more information about the scholarship program. “This scholarship program is designed to support students with a commercial cattle background in the beef industry,” said Jaclyn Boester, Angus Foundation executive director. “Supporting youth in their education is an important part of the Foundation’s mission.” Boester elaborated on the scholarship program noting, “The Angus Foundation scholarship are one of the most prominent and consistent ways our donors support Angus youth. Our scholarships pave the way for a bright future for our industry by ensuring young people can reach their full potential.”

►Undergraduate and Graduate Angus Foundation Scholarships

Applicants for undergraduate and graduate scholarships must have at one time, been a member of the NJAA and currently be an active junior, regular or life member of the American Angus Association®. The following documents are required to be considered for a 2025 undergraduate or graduate scholarship: the 2025 scholarship application; three letters of recommendation; a copy of current high school/college/university transcript; and the applicant’s Association member code.

Access to Application: AAA login (www.angusonline.org/Account/Login), “Programs” tab

Submission: Through AAA login

Deadline: May 1, 2025

►Certified Angus Beef®/National Junior Angus Association Scholarship

Since 1990, the NJAA has teamed up with Certified Angus Beef® (CAB) to help Angus youth pursue their higher education goals. The selected applicant will receive a $1,500 scholarship. A separate application from the Angus Foundation scholarship application is required for the CAB/NJAA scholarship.

Access to Application: Download application at angus.org/foundation

Submission: Email to scholarships@angus.org

Deadline: May 1, 2025

►Commercial Cattlemen Scholarship

The Angus Foundation will award five $1,500 scholarships to undergraduate students who use Angus genetics in a commercial cattle operation’s breeding program or whose parents use Angus genetics. Emphasis will be placed on applicants’ knowledge of the cattle industry and perspective of the Angus breed. The applicant or their parent/guardian must have transferred or been transferred an Angus registration paper in the last 36 months (on or after May 1, 2022) and must be considered commercial and not seedstock in their operation. The scholarship applies to any field of study.

Access to Application: Download application at www.angus.org/foundation/ apply-for-scholarships/commercial-scholarships

Submission: Email to scholarships@angus.org

Deadline: May 1, 2025



Jameson x Playbook, Reg# 20682337

DOB 02.26.2023, $C +354

Performance driven by Surpass flush sister, 100+ Age Advantage Bulls Sell!

Ratified x Merit, Reg# 20885778

DOB 02.11.2024, $C +334

Flush sister to the $235,000 KC Kingston at ST Genetics, selling 1/2 interest

Commerce x Expectation, Reg# 20961093

DOB 09.26.2023, $C +256

20+ Fall Bred Heifers with pedigree & phenotype, she sells bred to True Balance

Commerce x Fireball, Reg# 21097893

DOB 03.13.2024, $C +323

Top pick females sired by Commerce, Craftsman, Fireball, Exponential, Gettysburg and Dynamic!

& Frozen Embryos

LHR SUSIE 1207-4255

Kansas Junior Angus Association

Greetings Kansas Junior Members!

First off, I want to thank everyone who attended the Annual Banquet in Hutchinson. On behalf of the entire Kansas Junior Angus Association, we would like to thank every person who bought or bid on items and t-shirt spots! Your support and generosity do not go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated by our juniors.

The Summer Preview Show will be here before we know it! The entry deadline is June 1st. KJAA Officer, Director, and Advisor positions are due June 1st, and the show will be held June 7-8 in Hutchinson.

I encourage all junior members ages 12+ to apply for an office or director position! Being a state officer has allowed me to grow throughout my junior career, create lifelong friendships, and improve my scholarship applications!

I look forward to seeing everyone at upcoming Angus events and would like to thank everyone again for supporting the Kansas Junior Angus Program!

Sincerely, Kelsey Theis 2024-25 President Kansas Junior Angus Association kelseytheis2004@gmail.com

For Ks Scholarship application deadlines see page 14– Kansas Angus Auxiliary

2024-25 Ks Jr Angus Association Board of Directors

term Aug 1, 2024 to Aug 1, 2025


President- Kelsey Theis-Leavenworth

President Elect- Austin Woodrow- Emporia

Vice President-Lyle Perrier- Eureka

2nd Vice President- Addie Haverkamp- Bern

Secretary-Jackson McCurry-Colwich

Treasurer-Cohen Navinsky Winchester Reporter-Kaelyn Schilling Goodland

Historian-Sullivan Haverkamp-Bern

Co-Membership Director-Molly Hill Baldwin

Co-Membership Director- Cheyenne Brunker -Ottawa


District 1 Director– Addie Burns

District 2 Director– Ruby Hill

District 3 Director-Hannah Perrier

District 4 Director- Brekyn Zier

District 5 Director-Ruby Shaver

District 6 Director– Aubree McCurry

District 8 Director-Avery Mullen

Director at Large– Creed Caldwell

Past President-Jayce Dickerson-Paradise

Advisors–3 year term

Mark and Brenna Wulfkuhle- wulfkulheb@gmail.com (3rd year/2025)

Neal and Marya Haverkamp- neal@namahavalleycattle.com (2nd year/2026)

Cash and Amanda Schilling-schillinglandandcattle@gmail,com ( 1st year/2027)

Anne Lampe-620-874- 4273 cell, kansasangus@wbsnet.org www.kansasangus.org/KJAA

Kansas Jr Angus Preview Show

June 7-8, 2025, Kansas State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, KS

• Junior Show– Entry Deadline June 1, Showman.app

• KJAA Annual Meeting & Officer Elections

• Contests– Quiz, Sales Talk, Exempt Speaking, Public Speaking

• Ks National Jr Angus Showmanship Contest representative selection

• Fun for all

May 15

• Cattle ownership/transfer process date deadline no exceptions , Any animals that require DNA will need to CLEAR on or before the ownership date. This includes ET calves, so please plan accordingly.

• NJAS Early entry deadline

• May 31 late entry deadline– additional fees apply

NEW at NJAS- NJAA Showmanship Contest for junior and intermediates will take place Monday, June 30th starting at 9:00 a.m. The contest is available to the following age divisions, as of January 1 of the current year:

Junior A (8-10)

Junior B (11-13)

Intermediate A (14-15)

Intermediate B (16-17)

Rules for the NJAA Showmanship Contest can be found at the NJAA Website under contests. Exhibitors competing in showmanship must sign up for the contest prior to the entry deadline.

Contests: There are many contests for NJAA members to participate in both in person at NJAS and Virtual! A few changes to note:

• Creative Writing deadline is March 25th

• Career Development deadline is April 1st, and the contest will take place April 15th, virtually.

• Cook Off, Photography, and Graphic Design deadlines are May 15th

XX Auctioneering and Prepared Public Speaking have been removed as contests from the National Junior Angus Show.

For complete info www.angus.org/njaa

National Jr Angus Show– Tulsa, Oklahoma June 28- July 5, 2025

On behalf of the entire Auxiliary, thank you to those that supported the scholarship auction at the Kansas Angus Association banquet! No matter if you donated, simply bid, or were lucky enough to take your favorite item home, your continued support is greatly appreciated. The Angus family is one that is always willing to lend a hand and offer support. The Kansas Angus juniors are incredibly fortunate to have your support.

We are looking forward to a great spring season! From calving to sales to scholarship season, opportunity awaits each one of us. If you are a high school senior, the state Auxiliary scholarship is due April 1. As a reminder, bronze and silver awards must be received prior to scholarship application. If not completed, do so as soon as possible to be eligible. The top male and female from the state are able to be sent on to compete for additional scholarship funds with the American Angus Auxiliary Scholarship. For more details, visit the website or contact any of the officers.

A new scholarship was established in 2023, the Auxiliary Angus Foundation Endowment Scholarship. If you are a college student above the freshman level and have been a member of the KJAA, NJAA, or current member with KAA, you are eligible to apply. Educational programs eligible include but are not limited to trade school, junior college, university, or any degreed program such as nursing or vo-tech. Find more information on the website!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Futurity show! Also, a big congratulations to the new state royalty. Enjoy your year serving! If any ladies would like to join the Auxiliary, don’t hesitate to reach out. We would welcome you and your help supporting the juniors!

Good luck with spring calving and sale seasons!

Esther Tarpoff

Kansas Angus Auxiliary President esthertarpoff@gmail.com, 620-636-0245

Dates to Remember:

April 1 – Auxiliary Scholarship Applications due for high school seniors graduating in spring 2025

April 1 – Auxiliary Endowment Scholarship Application due for college students (trade school, junior college, university, other degreed programs such as nursing or vo-tech)

May 25 – Challenge Award Application due May 25 – Premier Exhibitor Award Application due

For more info and application links visit www.kansasangus.org/auxiliary

American Angus Auxiliary

Tonya Theis, Leavenworth, Kansas was elected to serve as the 2025 American Angus Auxiliary president during the American Angus Association Convention and Trade Show in Fort Worth, Texas, November 2-4, 2024.

Pictured from left: Megan Ahearn, Texas, region 2 director; Karla Knapp, Iowa, advisor/past– president; Stacey Erdmann, North Dakota, region 3 director; Emma Powell, Mississippi, president-elect; Tonya Theis, Kansas, president; Tammy Weaver, Pennsylvania, region 6 director; Christy Perdue, North Carolina, secretary/treasurer; Melissa Eitel, Missouri, region 4 director; and Lori Pillars, Michigan, region 5 director. Not pictured : Cindy Worthington , California, region 1 director.








Reach subscribers and readers in print plus our online viewers . 4issues per year $150 per year.

Current advertisers send card ad updates or replacement ads to Anne at kansasangus@wbsnet.org . NEW advertisers welcome.

Programs powered by hard-working, maternally efficient cowherds. With 30+ years of selection pressure for mothering ability and udder quality... traits measured even when an EPD doesn’t yet exist.

MARCH 28, 2025




GENEMAX Tested. Sired by Trademark, Justification, Plus One, Identified Son, Wildcat, GW Triple Crown Sons 100 40 20

Developed on grass with limited supplementation. Sired by Justification, Architect, Benchmark, Barricade, Resilient


Sired by Trademark, Justification, Guarantee, Benchmark, Resilient, Fair-N-Square

Ks Angus Calendar *

Winter/Spring/Summer 2025

• 2/18/2025-Rowh Angus-Hill City, KS-Sale

2/19/2024-OK & T Angus Breeders Sale-Buffalo, OK

• 2/20/2025-GG&T Cattle-Quinter, KS-Sale

2/21/2025-Lundgren Angus Ranch-Gove, KS-Sale

• 3/1/2025-Laflin Angus Ranch-Olsburg, KS-Sale

• 3/2/2025-Lazy H Ranch-Hays, KS-Sale

• 3/3/2025-Don Johnson Angus-Salina, KS-Sale

• 3/3/2025-Lyons Ranch-Manhattan, KS-Sale

• 3/4/2025-Cornwell Farms-Saint John, KS (LaCrosse Livestock Market, LaCrosse, KS )-Sale

• 3/5/2025-Carcass Plus Bull Sale-Isabel, KS

• 3/6/2025-Larson Ranch-Leoti, KS-Sale

• 3/7/2025-K-State Legacy Sale-Manhattan, KS

• 3/8/2025-Jones Family Farm-Wamego, KS-Sale

• 3/8/2025-May-Way Farms-Baldwin City, KS-Sale

• 3/9/2025-Huninghake Premium Genetics Bull Sale-Frankfort, KS

• 3/12/2025-Stucky Ranch-Kingman, KS-Sale

• 3/13/2025-BJ Angus Genetics-Manhattan, KS-Sale

• 3/13/2025-McCurry Angus Ranch Bull Sale-Burrton, KS

• 3/14/2025-Bar S Ranch-Paradise, KS-Sale

• 3/14/2025-Huck-Stegman Bull Sale-Dodge City, KS-

• 3/15/2025-On Target Bull Sale/Alcove Cattle Co-Blue Rapids, KS

• 3/15/2025-Molitor Angus Ranch-Zenda, KS-Sale

• 3/16/2025-April Valley Farm PT Sale-Leavenworth, KS- Sale

• 3/17/2025-B&D Angus-Claflin, KS-Sale

• 3/18/2025-Hinkson Angus Ranch-Cottonwood Falls, KS-Sale

• 3/19/2025-Mid-Kansas Angus Breeders-Lacrosse, KS-Sale

• 3/19/2025-Woodbury Farms-Overbrook, KS-Sale

• 3/20/2025-Benoit Angus Ranch-Esbon, KS-Sale

• 3/21/2025- Sunflower Genetics Sale, Maple Hill, KS - Sale

• 3/22/2025-Harris Angus-Ottawa, KS-Sale

• 3/22/2025-New Haven Angus-Leavenworth, KS-Sale

• 3/23/2025-Rockin' H Cattle-Haddam, KS-Sale


• 3/24/2025- Oleen Bros Best of Both Worlds Sale- Dwight, Ks- Sale

• 3/25/2025-Ferguson Angus-Agra, KS-Sale

• 3/26/2025-Schilling Cattle-Brewster, KS-Sale

• 3/27/2025-McCabe Genetics-Elk City, KS-Sale

• 3/28/2025-Mill Brae Ranch/Barrett Cattle-Maple Hill, KS-Sale

• 4/3/2025-Kaiser Angus-Park, KS-Sale

• 4/5/2025-Gardiner Angus Ranch Production Sale-Ashland, KS

• 4/7/2025-Green Garden Angus-Lorraine, KS-Sale

• 4/12/2025-Fink Beef Genetics-Randolph, KS-Sale

• 4/21/2025-Ohlde Cattle Co.-Palmer, KS-Sale

• /5/2025-GAR Meating Demand Bull Sale-Ashland, KS-Sale

• 6/7-8/2025-Ks Jr Angus Preview Show-Hutchinson, KS-Show/ Meeting

• 9/13.2025– Kansas State Fair Open Angus Show, Hutchinson

• 10/31 11/1-2,/2025-National Angus Convention-Kansas City, MOConvention/Meeting/Tour

• 12/6/2025-Ks Angus Assn Sponsored Commercial Female SalePratt, KS

Send your sale date or updates to kansasangus@wbsnet.org. Listing is free to members. Length of calendar in each issue is at discretion of the Editor . Dates subject to change please check with sale host. All events are sales unless otherwise noted. KAA members submit your PRIVATE TREATY SALE info at www.kansasangus.org .*More sales will be added as information is received. Association members please submit your sale date. NEW Members your sale can be added after joining. All listings are sales unless otherwise noted.

BLC Stella 2320 won bred-and-owned junior champion heifer division 2 at the 2025 Cattlemen's Congress Show's Junior Angus Show, Jan. 9 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Colby Brunker, Ottawa, Kan., owns the winning heifer. Photo by Next Level Images

March 19, 2025 | La Crosse, KS

Selling 60 Angus and SimAngus Bulls and 30 Females

Request a catalog at: www.MIDKASB.com

La Crosse Livestock Market

Lunch at 11:00 AM Sale at 1:00 PM

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