2018 Alberta/British Columbia Charolais Membership Directory

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Membership2018-2020 Directory



CIRCLE CEE Dedicated to Raising Quality Charolais Cattle Since...

w w w. c i r cl e c e e . c o m


Bulls Available By Private Treaty Off the Farm!


O R A On! CH an Depend am You C

The Progr


Stephen & Deb Cholak - 780-485-7865 | Frank & Elly Cholak - 780-796-2108 2

Welcome Charolais Enthusiasts!

On behalf of the Alberta Charolais Association Board of Directors and over 210 active Charolais Breeders in the beautiful provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, I would like to welcome you to browse the pages of our Breeders Directory. Thanks to the support of these breeders we have a current snapshot of the operations taking our breed and the entire cattle industry into the future. We hope that the information is presented in a readable, easily accessible format that you will find useful in your next search for Charolais genetics. The Charolais breed has a proven, consistent track record of performance in the feedlot which is only gaining momentum. Charolais influenced calves are simply making cow-calf producers and feedlot owners more money. We are truly the “Identifiable” breed and believe our influence will continue as long as we continue to stay focused on the long term goal of the beef industry – profitability. The Alberta Charolais Association hosts a few key events during the year. In late June we annually host a Breeder’s tour where breeders are showcased in various regions of the two provinces. This complimentary tour has attracted over 200 enthusiasts the past 3 years and is a no miss event. It is a great chance to network, be introduced to the people behind some impressive operations and tour some great cattle. Our youth are encouraged to attend and participate in the CCYA Youth Conference and Show held in July in various regions across Canada each year. The Conference is open to all juniors with a common love and passion for the Charolais breed. From life-long friendships, to incredible personal development opportunities and a host of scholarship options the CCYA is instrumental in shaping the future of the Charolais breed. The ACA is a strong supporter of the FarmFair International show where international guests and top quality cattle from around the world meet up in Edmonton to transact business and showcase genetics in November. Our year ends off with our Annual meeting in early December in Red Deer where the ACA conducts its yearly review of affairs and also presents 4 awards to individuals, breeders and industry partners who have made an outstanding contribution to the success of the breed. The ACA also hosts the ‘AB Select’ Bull Futurity and Sale in conjunction with its Annual Mtg. This event showcases bull calf prospects from both provinces and hosts an elite female sale which has consistently been one of the top averaging sales in the entire nation. 4-H members from across both provinces are invited to attend and select their project for the upcoming year. We certainly look forward to you attending some of our events in the near future and connecting with you personally! Be sure to check out our website @ www.albertacharolais.com or Facebook page for up to date schedules of events and happenings so you don’t miss out on the fun! Sincerely,

Stephen Cholak

Stephen Cholak President Alberta Charolais Association



2017-18 Alberta Charolais Board of Directors

Front Row Left to Right: Bob Burla, Kyle O’Neil, Stephen Johnson, Stephen Cholak, Tracee Vikse, Marina Rasmusen, Dianna Walgenbach Back Row Left-Right: Luke Marshall, Rod McLeod, Tyler Bullick, Scott Anderson, Jon Wright MISSING: Wyatt Daines, Jocelyn O’Neill & Deb Cholak

2019 Sale Dec. 5 - 6, 2019 2020 Sale Dec. 3 - 4, 2020





Last Friday in February

www.springsidefarms.com longevity • predictability • productivity



First Wednesday Following Agribition

Mike Panasiuk • 250-832-8209 mike.springsidefarms@gmail.com



25 years of Proud Charolais Production Bulls For Sale by Private Treaty

THE ANDERSON’S - Minburn, Alberta - www.sugarloafcharolais.com - sugarloaf@gmail.com Eric & Sheryle Anderson (780-593-2153) - Scott, Kayley & Harrison Anderson (780-787-0358) 6

Bulls Available By Private Treaty

Jamie, Amy & Luella Ehret - Hilda, Alberta, Canada flatvalleycattle@hotmail.com Tel: 403-504-6265

Quality Commercially focused...



s i a l o r a h C y t i l a R a i s i n g Q u f the Rockies in the Foot

hills o

High BULL SALE Country

First Saturday in March Pincher Creek, AB


Over 40 Years in the Charolais Business

Curtis and Nanette Turnbull & Family Pincher Creek, AB Ph: 403-627-4535 Cell: 403-627-6951 turnbullcharolais@platinum.ca


Bob Burla Stettler, Alberta (250) 517-8521 bobsbulls@gmail.com

Home of Bob’s Bulls!

Selling Bulls at the Legacy Bull Sale, first Sunday in March!

10 10



CHAR-MAINE hing Ranc

— your cows are where you are today your bulls are where you’ll be tomorrow —

White, Red & Black Charolais Genetics

THE QUINTON FAMILIES • C a r d s t o n , A l b e r t a , C a n a d a s t e v e n k q u i n t o n @ g m a i l . c o m • w w w. c h a r - m a i n e r a n c h i n g . c o m Steve Quinton: 403.653.7228 • Brad Quinton: 403.715.3904 13

Annual Bull Sale Last Friday in February Red, White and Black Charolais

Behind every Great Bull ... there is a Great Cow!

www.hejcharolais.com 14 14

Henrik and Jeralyn Rasmussen Henrik Cell 403-357-9321, Jeralyn Cell 403-318-4659 Innisfail, AB

Marina Rasmussen Cell: 403-358-2866


Nish Charolais



! h c r a M n i y a d i r F

Burke and Jenni Nish Box 25, Aetna, AB T0K 1Y0 Ph: 403-653-2956 Cell: 403-653-7544 jbnish@@gmail.com






Polled- Red - White - Tan

First Saturday of March At the Farm, Westlock, Alberta 18

Wade and Sherry Meakin Box 5554, Westlock, AB T7P 2P5 Ph: 780-349-2982 | Cell: 780-349-1650 wademeakin @ msn.com


Available by Private Treaty


! d n i M n I n a M l a i c r e m m o C e h t ith




Tim and Beth Riley & Family Ph: 250-843-7462 Cell: 250-219-8283 tim@hawkviewcharolais.ca beth@hawkviewcharolais.ca Box 12, Arras, BC V0C 1B0

Bruce and Mary Bamford Ph: 403-256-5674 Cell: 403-899-7344 bruce@hawkviewcharolais.ca mary@hawkviewcharolais.ca

210042-112 St. West, Foothills, AB T1S 5E2


Watch for RESISTOL sons at our upcoming Annual Bull Sale!

Last Week in March, Veteran, AB

Brian and Karissa Weeks & Family Cliff and Debbie Weeks Box 372, Castor, AB T0C 0X0 Brian: 403-882-3807 | Cell: 403-741-2287 Cliff: 403-882-2571 | Cell: 403-741-2626 21 twinanchor26@gmail.com


herd bulls Northern Impact Charolais Bull Sale Third Saturday in March North Central Livestock Exchange Clyde, Alberta

50 Years of Breeding Full French Charolais


Philippe & Rae Lusson & Family Tel: 780-348-5683 | Cell: 780-206-5440 edmvalanjou@gmail.com Clyde, Alberta

Your Herd Bull Source orthern Nmpact


Charolais Bull Sale March n i y a d r u t Third Sa , AB NCL, Clyde


Estrada Lorne, Effie and Lyle Lakusta Matt and Larissa MacIsaac Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 Ph: 780-365-2079 Cell: 780-719-0264 spruceviewcharolais@gmail.com




We focus on a strong foundation knowing today’s decisions are leaving a Legacy!



First Sunday in March


Troy and Dianna Walgenbach 403-742-4265 • legacyfarming@gmail.com Rhonda Walgenbach • rwalgenbach@xplornet.com Box 59, Botha, AB T0C 0N0

NELSON HIRSCHE P U R E B R E D S Del Bonita, Alberta


ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE: 4th Thursday of November Currently breeding over 200 top Charolais cows and implanting 50 embryos annually One of our top flush cows: KAYR MISS 441B

Visitors always welcome!

Grant Hirsche (403) 652-8254 Jimmy Nelson (403) 635-7075





Raising Top Quality Charolais Cattle Two Yr Old Bulls Available by Private Treaty


The Vaage Families

Justin Cell: 403-423-0157 Marvin Cell: 403-485-8211 snakevfarm@gmail.com Box 369, Champion, AB, T0L 0R0 26

The Wirsta’s

Kevin, Janice, Kailey & Lexi Wirsta

780-614-5959 | Elk Point, AB

ANNUAL Angus Charolais Hereford BULL SALE Selling 80 Bulls •



Dave and Tracee Vikse

RR #1, Donalda, AB T0B 1H0 Dave Cell: 780-608-4460 Tracee Cell: 403-741-9707 viksefamilyfarm@hotmail.com



ANNUAL BULL SALE First Saturday in April Vermilion, Alberta



Misty Hills Charolais

XXX Farms

Lakeview Charolais

Good-Anchor Charolais

Brian and Connie Chrisp Box 3540, Vermillion, AB T9X 2B5 Ph: 780-853-2648 Cell: 780-853-3315 blchrisp@hotmail.ca

Rob and Heather Murray Box 511, Marwayne, AB T0B 2X0 Ph: 780-875-0218 Cell: 780-205-0912 robjmurray@hotmail.com

Dean and Dana Davidson RR 2, Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0 Ph: 780-846-2452 Cell: 780-872-9550 xxxfarmsddavidson@gmail.com

Don Good and Marion Smyth Box 3261, Vermilion, AB T9X 2B2 Ph: 780-853-2220 Cell: 780-581-5549 don.marion.good@gmail.com

Celebrating Over 30 Years of Charolais Bull Sales!



David and Kristina Prokuda & Family Ph: 780-932-1654 • prochar@xplornet.ca Box 275, Glenevis, AB T0E 0X0

www.prochar.ca 30




Offering 45 High Performing Yearling Bulls Olds Cow Palace, Olds, AB

Upcoming Bull Sale Dates Feb 20, 2019 Feb 19, 2020 Feb 17, 2021


Quality Charolais Available off the Ranch

Bulls and Females

Robert Sr. and Nikki Miles Ph: 250-267-3424 (Robert Sr.) Ph: 250-267-6254 (Niki) 7qocharolais@hotmail.ca

Box 4588, Williams Lake, BC V2G 2V6


Ranch Raised With a Commercial Focus!

w w w .w in sn es fa r m s. co m



BranTHE d

W illiam, Christa and Douglas W insnes Box 335, Ryley, AB T0B 4A0 Cell: 780-699-4009 winsnesfar msinc@hotmail.com


Rawes Ranches Largest Charolais Bull Sale in Canada

Where Quality, Consistency and Proven Genetics are Guaranteed!

Raising Herdsires that Work for Us, and for the Industry.

Select your herdsires with confidence knowing our cattle are backed by our program, our integrity and our personal guarantee.

Stop by and visit our no nonsense program anytime. A N N UA L B U L L S A L E held on the 3 r d Tu e s d a y o f F e b r u a r y. 34

Rawes Ranches

Philip & Marie Harty H 780.376.2241 • C 780.385.5977 John & Myrna Rawe H 780.376.3598 • C 780.679.7725

www.rawesranches.com The Ranch where performance is no accident!

ANNUAL BULL SALE 3rd Week in Feburary,


Bulls Available Off the F arm


Kasey and Arlana Phillips & Family Ph: 780-358-2360 | Cell: 780-656-6400 35 kphillips@mcs.net

A Pro gram Built on Gu arante ed Satisf action!


80BULLS C H A R O L A I S & S I M M E N TA L Second Friday in March • 1 pm Evergreen Park, Grand Praire, AB

Payment Plan 1/2 Down Sale Day & 1/2 Down Nov. 1 • Free Delivery within Peace Country • Online Bidding with DLMS • Catalog Online @ Bouchard Livestock.com or DLMS

JayDawn Farms Jason & Nikki McQuaig and Family Box 7 RR # 2 Sexsmith AB, T0H 3C0 Cell 780-933-5530 Home 780-568-2647



Bulls Available by Private Treaty Sven Jensen Ph: 780-643-7265 | Cell: 780-360-7836 Box 332, RR 1, Warburg, AB T0C 2T0

s v e n h o l k @x p l o r n e t . c o m

Your Superior Charolais Breeder in Western Canada! 37

MAPLE LEAF CHAROLAIS & GUESTS Annual Bull Sale Last Friday in February Ponoka, Alberta


Byron and Linda Wilkie & Family Box 677, Stettler, AB, T0C 2L0 Ph: 403-742-8993 Cell: 403-740-5247 rosslakechar@xplornet.com 38 38

Ken Rose and Cathy Shane 25476 Keefs Landing Rd, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E4 Ph: 250-694-3500 Cell:250-692-0853 krose@lakescom.net

Your Source for

Full French & French-Influenced Charolais Bulls

MAPLE LEAF CHAROLAIS Duane and Marie Barstad Arden and Tami Barstad RR 1, Heinsburg, AB T0A 1X0 Ph: 780-847-3874 Cell: 780-870-1654 norwayvalley@mcsnet.ca (Duane) norwayvalley412@gmail.com (Arden)

Tom and Carey Stewart & Family Site 6, Box 8, R R #1, Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Cell: 780-312-4245 mapleleafchar@xplornet.com 39


5E Coors 14

Gerrard Preacher 31U Sparrows Truman 549C

McLeod Farms {PROVEN}



Yearlings & Two Year Old Charolais Bulls Available Off The Farm

Allen and Sharon McLeod Blain and Dana McLeod & Family

Box 1185, Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0 Ph: 403-625-2047 | Cell: 403-625-6118 (Allen) Cell: 403-625-6178 (Blain) AllenM1@telus.net 40

Jerry Hofer Nobleford, AB 403-332-2261




Offering 50 TWO YEAR OLD BULLS Each Spring First Week in April - Balog Auctions, Lethbridge, AB

Ray and MaryAnn McKeary Chad and Karen Bouchard & Family Cell: 403-501-9760 (Chad) Cell: 306-834-7891 (Ray) nitelite@telus.net Box 10, Compeer, AB T0C 1A0


Second Thursday In March Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, Alberta - 1:30 pm

Your Source for Two Year Old Bulls! www.albertacharolais.com



Jessica Wyatt - Arrowwood, Alberta Ph: 403-485-0237 jessicapwyatt@gmail.com

Raising Quality Charolais Cattle! Select Bulls Available at the PCC Annual Bull Sale in February!


Coleman, Katie, Gracie & Denim Parsons & Family | Tees, AB Cell: 403-597-6286 | parsonscattleco@outlook.com



s i a l o har

C e n i l ixty

2 1A ily am T7N F B & nd ad, A a l r e e h arr uth om ff S 13, B -3484 i l il.c C 2 8 4 a 4 8 7 m 7 6 x Bo 780- 305-8 @hot : d 0 h n P l: 78 a erl l Ce fsuth clif


Full FrenchCharolais Bulls Sold by Private Treaty Off the Farm!




The Brand You Can Trust!

Russell Gallelli Crossfield, Alberta Cell: 403-804-7442 russellgallelli@live.ca

Bulls & Females For Sale by Private Treaty!



Raising Quality Charolais Cattle to meet the needs of the Commercial Industry!

8 Way Charolais Nikki, Kristin, Whitney & Courtney Drschiwiski Box 18, Cecil Lake, BC V0C 1G0 Ph: 250-785-6362 Cell: 250-261-0826 (Nikki) Cell: 250-329-4816 (Courtney) eightway@pris.ca wanderlust_blues@yahoo.ca

~ Ranch Raised Two Year Old Charolais Bulls Available By Private Treaty~

Bar B Charolais Cody, Ashley, Philip, Lenard, Morgan and Erin Pugh Box 237, Cecil Lake, BC, V0C 1G0 Cell: 250-794-8606 hereford5star@live.com

Bar B Charolais 44



Bull Sale Third Monday in March

Dryland Cattle Trading Corp. Veteran, Alberta

Charolais Cattle that Work in the Real World!

Desertland Cattle Company Ltd

Quinn and Jamie Wagstaff & Family | Box 1, Sedalia, AB T0J 3C0 Cell: 403-664-9447 | desertland2005@hotmail.com

Easy Calving • Easy Gain • Quiet Cattle • Bulls Available by Private Treaty

Silver Shadow Charolais

“Home of White Cattle and Tanned Kids”

Ralf and Denise Jonas & Family RR 3, Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y8 Ph: 780-853-2587 Cell: 780-853-3408 rdjonas80@gmail.com



Years in the Business 45

a program heavily influenced by


Annual Bull & Fe First Saturd male Sale ay in Viking Aucti March on Market

John and Cathie Chomiak Ph: 780-632-7108 Cell: 780-945-1504 Mundare, Alberta johnwchomiak@gmail.com


Annual Bull Sale Last Tuesday in March, Veteran, AB

LAE Chancellor 5122C

John,Kirsten, Brad and Garrett Taylor Ph: 780-858-2435 Cell: 780-806-3395 jktaylor@telusplanet.net



Membership Directory Maps



Alberta Directory Map Index Member

7 Bar F Charolais Acadia Ranching Acadian Colony Farming Anchor J Ranches Bar Punch Ranch Ben Savage Cattle Company Be-Rich Farms Big Johnson Charolais Biscope, Lenard Bob Charolais Border Ridge Farms Inc Briar Ridge Charolais Buffalo Lake Charolais Castine Cattle Company Chambers Charolais Char-Lew Ranch Charlite Farms Char-Maine Ranching Charmark Charolais Inc. Charworth Charolais Cassity, Eldon and Marilyn Chomiak Charolais Circle Cee Charolais Clearwater River Ranches Corn Ranches Corner Coulee Charolais and Angus Coyote Flats Charolais Creedence Charolais Ranch Crooked Creek Cattle Company CW Farms Cypress County Charolais Daines Cattle and O’Neill Livestock Dale Jorgensen Farms Desertland Cattle Company Double L Ranch Dowell Charolais Eagle Valley Farms Eastman Darcy and Glenny Leitch Eldorado Charolais Eureka Valley Charolais Excel Charolais Ranch 48

Map # 91 1 105 147 45 148 86 8 102 131 77 17 132 29 94 106 9 31 64 6 153 98 89 119 30 62 40 49 68 48 110 80 111 125 114 52 136 20 116 87 56


Map Location

Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map North East Map Southern Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northwest Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Northwest Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northwest Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Northwest Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map

Alberta Directory Map Index Member

Map #

EZ Ranch Fischer Charolais Flat Valley Cattle Co. Fleming Livestock Corp. Foat Valley Stock Farm Footprint Farms Future Farms Gallelli Charolais Gold In Boulders Good Anchor Charolais Graves, Olivia Harvie Ranching Hawk View Charolais HEJ Charolais High River Colony Farming Corp. Highway 21 Feeders Hirch, Sheil Holk Charolais In the Coulee Ranch Jakes Butte Charolais JayDawn Farms Johnson Charolais Kaiser Cattle Company Kapteyn, Ralf Kay R Charolais K-Cow Ranch Key Farm King Ranch Klassen ,Bruce and Tina Lakeview Charolais Landaker Charolais Farm Lazy P Stock Farm Lazy R Cattle Co Lazy S Cattle Co. Lazy S Charolais Leemar Charolais Legacy Charolais Letniaks Charolais Little Valley View Ranch Maple Leaf Charolais Maple Leaf Charolais (George Stewart)

156 82 76 33 74 60 112 43 128 143 88 103 11 113 75 3 122 151 108 22 126 13 79 158 152 57 104 46 50 95 27 149 84 117 18 140 26 42 63 160 61


Map Location

Northwest Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Northwest Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northwest Map Southern Map Northwest Map Northeast Map Northwest Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map 49


Mathiot, Ashley MC Quantock Livestock Corp. McKeary Charolais McLeod Farms McLeod Livestock McMillin Livestock Meridian Agriculture Miller Farms Misty Hills Mulholland Charolais Mulkay Cattle Co Murphy Livestock Nelson, Ashley Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Nish Charolais Norway Valley Farms Oakstone Land and Cattle Co. Ossim Livestock P & H Ranching Co Ltd. Parklane Charolais Ltd Parsons Cattle Company Perreault Farms Ltd Peter Heins & Sons Ltd. Plains Livestock Poplar Bluff Stock Farm Prairie Cove Charolais Prairie Cove Charolais Pratt Ranches Ltd Pro-Char Charolais Quinton Polled Charolais Ranaman Ranch Rawes Ranches Ltd. Reese Cattle Co. RJ Livestock Rocky Creek Charolais Ross Lake Charolais Rudiger Ranch Saddleridge Charolais Sandan Charolais Sherwood Farms Silver Shadow Charolais Sixtyline Charolais Snake Valley Farm Soderglen Ranches Ltd 50

Map # 66 92 41 38 121 70 2 96 145 99 127 25 44 47 4 72 16 53 115 141 138 135 51 150 36 157 15 73 65 32 142 134 54 67 133 130 28 123 59 146 144 14 35 7


Map Location

Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northwest Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map


Spring Valley Holdings Ltd Springside Farms Spruce View Charolais Stach Farms Steeves Farm Stone Creek Farms Sugarloaf Charolais Tellier Bar LD Ranch Inc. Thistle Ridge Farms Thouret Farms Thurston Charolais Triangle J Charolais Triple M Farms Turnbull Charolais Twin Anchor Charolais Ulura Charolais and Red Angus Valanjou Charolais Van Oostrom Farms Vikse Family Farm Vincent Lake Charolais Vossler Livestock Wendt & Murray Farms Ltd. White Lake Colony Wiese Agricultural Enterprises Wilke, Clifford Wilkie Charolais Willis, Levi Austin Winsnes Farms Wrangler Charolais Farms Wyatt Farms XXX Farms

Map # 78 5 10 90 23 120 97 24 137 71 81 101 37 107 34 159 39 118 55 129 83 93 100 155 58 21 19 124 154 12 85


Map Location

Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northwest Map Southern Map Southern Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map Southern Map Southern Map Northwest Map Northeast Map Northeast Map Southern Map Northeast Map


British Columbia Directory Map Index Member

Map #

8 Way Charolais Altwasser Charolais Anchor Ranch Bar B Charolais BLP Charolais Dry Creek Ranch Dunbar D4 Ranches Giddings Brothers Hawkview Charolais Herrick, Aaron and Krystal KCH Charolais Mountain Charolais Northern Way Charolais Rempel Farms Ltd Rosebud Creek Charolais RRTS Charolais Seven Quarter Circle Charolais Southside Charolais TK Cattle Co. Triple AAA Charolais

6 9 20 5 2 3 7 14 19 17 10 12 4 8 11 16 18 1 15 13


British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia British Columbia

Business Card Ad for Alberta Charolais Association Breeder Directory 2018 Front Side of Business Card:

RRTS Charolais

100% AI Breeding

Rob & Tina Stowards and Family 5721 Kamloops-Vernon Hwy 97 Ph: 250-375-2513 Westwold, BC V0E 3B1 Fax: 250-375-2512 E: rrtscharolais@gmail.com


Back Side of Business Card: 52

Purebred Registered Charolais Bulls www.albertacharolais.com

Trust family





Your farm has hundreds of moving parts – each as important as the next. With an eye for detail and personalized approach, trust MNP’s agriculture specialists to provide the accounting, consulting and tax advice you need.

At MNP we believe trust is earned.



N o r t h we s t A l b e r t a M a p S e c t i o n 101

20 27




18 19







N o r t h we s t A l b e r t a M e m b e r I n fo r m at i o n 17

Briar Ridge Charolais

Randy and Chris Haddow Box 6, Baytree, AB T0H 0A0 Physical Address: 78226 Rge Rd 135 Ph: 250-786-5048 Cell: 250-784-7012 brhr78@gmail.com From Baytree: Hwy 49 west to “Welcome Back to Alberta” sign, turn left 500 yards and the turn right on Rge Rd 135 for 1 3/4 miles. Yard west side of road. 18

Lazy S Charolais

Roy and Ericka Schweitzer Box 743, Beaverlodge, AB T0H 0C0 Physical Address: TWP 671 Rge Rd 124 Ph: 780-356-3611 Cell: 780-402-5617 schweitzerre@gpnet.ca From Grand Prairie: Take Hwy 43 to Beaverlodge, go 5 kms NW on Hwy 43 then turn left on Hwy 671,20 km west on Rge Rd 124 then 1/2 mile south. Yard on left hand side. 19

Levi Austin Willis

Levi Austin Willis Box 1705, Beaverlodge, AB T0H 0C0 Physical Address: 720 013 103 Cell: 780-897-9235 leviwillis.16.69@gmail.com 1.5 miles west of Beaverlodge on TWP 720. 20

Darcy Eastman/Glenny Leitch

Darcy Eastman and Glenny Leitch Box 189, Berwyn, AB T0H 0E0 Cell: 780-618-8858 (Darcy) Cell: 780-219-9355 (Glenny) eastmanbeef@hotmail.ca 27

Landaker Charolais

Alan and Shelley Landaker Box 220, Brownvale, AB T0H 0L0 Physical Address: 820045 Rge Rd 261 Ph: 780-597-2162 Cell: 780-618-3928 landaker@abnorth.com From Brownvale: 2 miles south on Hwy 2, 2 miles west to Rge Rd 261 then turn south and go 1 1/2 miles on gravel. Yard on the left.


Crooked Creek Cattle Co.

Maria Wohlgemuth Box 85, Crooked Creek T0H 0Y0 Physical Address: 70466 Rge Rd 253 Ph: 780-957-3662 Cell: 780-831-7859 m_turley@hotmail.com From Crooked Creek: 10 miles east of the Crooked Creek Store, then south on Rge Rd 253 1 mile. Yard on the right. 73

Pratt Ranches Ltd.

Lorne and Heather Pratt Box 753, High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Physical Address: 16111 TWP 742 Ph: 780-523-2136 Cell: 780-523-8212 (Lorne) hlpratt@prairiewireless.ca From High Prairie: 6 miles east, 1 mile south, turn west on Rge Rd 742. Yard at the dead end. 84

Lazy R Cattle Co. Inc.

Greg Rich Box 29, Joussard, AB T0G 1J0 Physical Address: Rge Rd 134 & Hwy 2 Cell: 780-536-0952 gregarious.rich677@gmail.com From Slave Lake: Hwy 2 to Rge Rd 134, turn south 3/4 mile. Yard on right side. 101

Triangle J Charolais

Irvin Jacobson Box 74, North Star, AB T0H 2T0 Physical Address: 904079 Rge Rd 225 Cell: 780-836-2596 From North Star: 5 miles east, 1 mile south, 1/2 around speed curve 200 ft. Yard on left hand side. 126

JayDawn Farms

Jason & Nikki McQuaig & Family RR 2, Box 7, Sexsmith, AB T0H 3C0 Physical Address: 31031 TWP 742 Ph: 780-568-2647 Cell: 780-933-5530 nmcquaig@gpnet.ca Facebook Page: Jay Dawn Farms From Teepee Creek: 1 mile east, 2 miles North, 1 1/2 miles east. Right side of road



N o r t h we s t A l b e r t a M e m b e r I n fo r m at i o n 153

Eldon and Marilyn Cassity

Eldon and Marilyn Cassity Box 420, Wembley, AB T0H 3S0 Physical Address: 714 009 Ph: 780-766-2877 Cell: 780-814-0430 maelca@xplornet.com From Wembley: 4 miles west on Hwy 43. Yard on north side of road.


EZ Ranch

Everett Laboucan Box 89, Driftpile, AB T0G 0V0 Ph: 780-355-2179 Cell: 780-536-4954 ezranch@telusplanet.net

Lazy S Charolais Cattle for Sale at All Times Roy and Ericka Schweitzer

Box 743, Beaverlodge, AB T0H 0C0 Ph: 780-356-3611 Cell: 780-402-5617 schweitzerre@gpnet.ca

Landaker Charolais Farm Quality Charolais Cattle Alan and Shelley Landaker Box 220, Brownvale, AB T0H 0L0 Ph: 780-597-2162 Cell: 780-618-3928 landaker@abnorth.com


Charolais Inc.

The Marquess Family

Lynne, Leigh, Andrew & Scott Box 73, Gem, AB T0J 1M0 Ph: 403-641-2592 Cell: 403-923-7917 (Lynne) l.marquess@quantumgenetix.com marquess@telus.net

Landaker Charolais Farm Quality Charolais Cattle Alan and Shelley Landaker Box 220, Brownvale, AB T0H 0L0 Ph: 780-597-2162 Cell: 780-618-3928 landaker@abnorth.com 56


Be identifiable.

Use Charolais


Nor theast Alber ta Map Section









155 39






129 56 156

135 89






72 50

99 95

98 158




160 61






81 82



117 120

87 88

Rocky 119



138 157

63 132


131 26 5


91 93

150 36





92 85

97 144



146 145 86


29 151


N o r t h e a s t A l b e r t a M e m b e r I n fo r m at i o n 5

Springside Farms

Mike Panasiuk 600-800 Yankee Valley Blvd. SE Airdrie, AB T4A 2L1 Cell: 250-832-8209 mike.springsidefarms@gmail.com Website: www.springsidefarms.com From Stettler: Travel 30km East on Highway 12, turn north for 2 km on Rge Rd 165A, turn east on TWP Rd 390 for 200m. Turn north on Rge Rd 165 for 6.5 km to the ranch at the corner of Rge Rd 165 and Township Road 39-4. 8

Big Johnson Charolais

Byron and Bernice Johnson Box 132, Amisk, AB T0B 0B0 Physical Address: 414034 Rge Rd 83 Ph: 780-856-2175 Cell: 780-806-3560 wjsimmentals@cciwireless.ca Website: www.wjsimmentals.com West of Amisk: Turning south to 884, turn west to 608 (Old TWP 415) and turn south on Rge Rd 83. First farm on west side of the road. 9

Charlite Farms

Quintin and Kelsy Barnes Box 28, Amisk, AB T0B 0B0 Ph: 780-856-2476 Cell: 780-888-7308 kelsy.barnes@gmail.com From Amisk: Take Hwy 884 from Amisk for 3 miles to TWP Rd 412,turn west for 3 miles to Rge Rd 90. Yard 1/2 mile south on west side. 10

Spruce View Charolais

Lorne, Effie and Lyle Lakusta Matt and Larissa MacIsaac Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 Physical Address: 562008 Hwy 855 should be in front of 164067 TWP 562 Ph: 780-365-2079 Cell: 780-719-0264 spruceviewcharolais@gmail.com Website: www.spruceviewcharolais.com From Andrew: 3 miles south on Hwy 855 or 16 miles north of Mundare. Ranch is located 3/4 mile west of Hwy 855 on TWP Rd 562


Johnson Charolais

Herb and Brenda Johnson Stephen and Dacie Johnson Site 17, Box 27, RR 2 Barrhead, AB T7N 1N3 Physical Address: 59509 Rge Rd 41 Ph: 780-674-5957 Cell: 780-305-9196 (Stephen) Cell: 780-305-6065 (Herb) stephen.johnson07@yahoo.ca Website: www.johnsoncharolais.com From Barrhead: 3 miles west on Hwy 18, turn north on Rge Rd 41 for 1 mile. Yard on right side. 14

Sixtyline Charolais

Cliff Sutherland & Family Box 4213, Barrhead, AB T7N 1A2 Physical Address: 59507 Rge Rd 44 Ph: 780-674-3484 Cell: 780-305-8788 cliffsutherland@hotmail.com From Barrhead: 6 miles west on Hwy 18, 1 1/3 mile north on Rge Rd 44. Yard on east side of the road. 16

Oakstone Land & Cattle Co.

Ryan and Heather Bratrud RR 1, Bawlf, AB T0B 0J0 Ph: 780-373-3941 Cell: 780-679-7206 ryanosLc@gmail.com From Bawlf: Head north on 854, turn right at Hwy 26. turn right at Rge Rd 174. Yard is first place on right hand side. 23

Steeves Farm

Laverne and Deb Steeves & Family Box 82, Bluffton, AB T0C 0M0 Physical Address: 450021 Ph: 403-843-6924 Cell: 403-704-4123 lavernsteeves@hotmail.com From Rimbey: Go north on Hwy 20 to secondary Rd 611, go 4 miles east to Rge Rd 25. 1/2 mile north, Yard on east side. 24

Tellier Bar LD Ranch Inc.

Luc Tellier Box 7185, Bonnyville, AB T9N 2H5 Physical Address: 60215 Rge Rd 462 Cell: 780-826-1275 ltellier@mcsnet.ca From Bonnyville: 4 miles south on Hwy 28 to TWP 604, 1 mile east to Rge Rd 462, 1 1/2 mile south to dead end.



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Murphy Livestock

Ray and Leona Murphy Ryan and Avery Sales Box 7383, Bonnyville, AB T9N 2H7 Physical Address: 44132 Hwy 659 Ph: 780-826-5477 Cell: 780-812-0308 murphylivestock@hotmail.com From Bonnyville: 15 kms east on Hwy 659. Yard on left side of the road. 26

Legacy Charolais

Troy, Dianna and Rhonda Walgenbach Box 59, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Physical Address: 39524 Rge Rd 18-0 Ph: 403-742-4265 Cell: 403-740-3126 legacyfarming@gmail.com Between Botha and Gadsby: Go north on RR 18-0 for 2 miles, turn west for 3/4 mile on 39-0, then turn north again on RR I8-0. Continue north for 5 miles, the road dead-ends in Legacy’s yard. From the Junction of 601 and 56: Turn east on Hwy 60I for 5 miles, turn south on Hwy 850 for 2 miles, then east 5.miles onTWP 39-4 to RR I8-0, then north 1 mile into the yard. 29

Castine Cattle Company

Doug and Tracy Hayduk Box 603, Calmar, AB T0C 0V0 Physical Address: 27413-Hwy 39 Cell: 780-446-5268 dthayduk@yahoo.ca From Calmar: 4.5 miles west on Hwy 39. Yard on south side of the Hwy. 30

Corn Ranches

Rodger and Jarod Hovde 19453 TWP Rd 474 RR 1 Camrose, AB T4V 2M9 Physical Address: 19453 TWP Rd 474 Ph: 780-672-0953 Cell: 780-679-7203 info@cornranches.ca Website: www.cornranches.ca From Camrose: .5 mile east on Hwy 26, 4 miles north, 1.5 miles east. Yard on right hand side of road. 33

Fleming Livestock Corp.

Billy and Lana Flemming & Family Box 338, Winfield, AB T0C 2X0 Physical Address: 34023 Cell: 780-999-9790 fsh2win1@gmail.com 60 From Winfield: 1/2 mile east on Hwy 13. Yard on south side of the road.


Twin Anchor Charolais

Brian and Karissa Weeks Cliff and Debbie Weeks Box 372, Castor, AB T0C 0X0 Physical Address: TWP 13116B Rge Rd 374 Ph: 403-882-3807 (Brian) Cell: 403-741-2287 (Brian) Ph: 403-882-2571 (Cliff) Cell: 403-741-2626 (Cliff) twinanchor26@gmail.com 5 miles east of Hwy 36 Castor Co-op truck stop on TWP 374 36

Poplar Bluff Stock Farm

John and Kirsten Taylor Box 55, Chauvin, AB T0B 0V0 Physical Address: 444046A Rge Rd 20 Ph: 780-858-2435 Cell: 780-806-3395 jktaylor@telusplanet.net Facebook: Poplar Bluff Stock Farm From Wainright: 30 miles east on Hwy 14 to TWP Rd 45-0 then south 3 miles to gate sign. 39

Valanjou Charolais

Philippe Lusson Box 148, Clyde, AB T0G 0P0 Physical Address: 24423 TWP Rd 601 Ph: 780-348-5683 Cell: 780-206-5440 edmvalanjou@gmail.com From Clyde: 5 kms east on Hwy 18 to Rge Rd 245. Go 1/2 km east to TWP Rd 601, turn right for 1/2 km. Yard is the first right. 46

King Ranch

Jaret and Keeara King Box 26, Site 2, RR 1, Dapp, AB T0G 0S0 Physical Address: 27111 Ph: 780-954-2290 Cell: 780-242-2290 kingster_66@hotmail.com From Westlock: Go north on Hwy 44. turn west on Hwy 661. First farm on Hwy just west of Dapp 49

Creedence Charolais Ranch

Ervin and Joann Zayak Box 108, Derwent, AB T0B 1C0 Physical Address: 553020 Rge Rd 74 Ph: 780-741-3868 Cell: 780-853-0708 From Vermillion: 30 miles north to Jct. 640, then 3 miles west to Rge Rd 73, turn north 1 mile to TWP Rd 553, then 1/2 mile north on Rge Rd 74.

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Bruce and Tina Klassen

Bruce and Tina Klassen RR 1, Dewberry, AB T0B 1G0 Cell: 780-205-3780 bruceklassen@live.ca From Dewberry: Go north on #893 for 10 mile to TWP 552, turn east 1/3 mile. Yard on north side of the road. 55

Vikse Family Farm

Dave and Tracee Vikse RR #1, Donalda, AB T0B 1H0 Physical Address: 18139 TWP Rd 431 Ph: 403-883-2461 Cell: 780-608-4460 (Dave) Cell: 403-741-9707 (Tracee) viksefamilyfarm@hotmail.com Website: www.viksefamilyfarm.com From Meeting Creek: 15 km east on Rge Rd 431. 56

Excel Charolais Ranch

Roger Beaudin Box 2019, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0 Physical Address: 10202 Hwy 29 Ph: 780-645-6039 Cell: 780-210-6039 rbeaudin@mcsnet.ca From St. Paul: 3 miles west on Hwy 29 and Rge Rd 102. 57

K-Cow Ranch

Kevin and Janice Wirsta & Family Box 1450, Elk Point, AB T0A 1A0 Cell: 780-614-5959 Physical Address: 56209 Rge Rd 82 kcowranch@gmail.com www.kcow.ca From Hwy 646: go south on Rge Rd 81 (winds around Stoney Lake to Rge Rd 82), go south past TWP 563. First yard on east side of the road. 61

Maple Leaf Charolais

George Stewart RR 1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0 Ph: 780-352-4817 Cell: 780-362-1562 mapleleafranch1886@yahoo.com 13 miles west OF Hwy 2 on Hwy 13 to Rge Rd 275 and then 2 miles south

62 Corner Coulee Charolais & Angus Colin and Candace Fankhanel RR 1, Ferintosh, AB T0B 1M0 Physical Address: SE 16 43 20 W3rd Cell: 780-781-7372 (Candace) Cell: 780-781-7327 (Colin) cornercoulee@gmail.com From Bashaw: Go north 10 miles on Hwy 21, then east 7 miles on Dorenlee Road. Yard on left hand side of the road. 63

Little Valley View Ranch

Debbie and Betty Henderson Box 150, Forestburg, AB T0B 1N0 Physical Address: 16133 TWP 414 Ph: 780-582-2254 From Forestburg: 5 miles west on Hwy 53, then 2 miles south on 855, go to the Big Knife Provincial Park then go 2 miles south and 1/2 mile west on TWP 414. Yard on both sides of the road. 65

Pro-Char Charolais

David and Kristina Prokuda & Family Box 275, Glenevis, AB T0E 0X0 Physical Address: 4028 TWP RD 554A Ph: 780-932-1654 prokuda@xplornet.ca Website: www.prochar.ca From Gunn: 10 kms northwest on Hwy 43, turn right on TWP Rd 554A 66

Ashley Mathiot

Ashley Mathiot 63023 Rge Rd 495, Goodridge AB T0A 1S1 Physical Address: 63023 Rge Rd 495 Ph: 780-635-3044 Cell: 780-227-0728 ashleymathiot22@gmail.com From St. Paul: Go north on 881 to TWP Rd 630, turn left and go 2.5 miles to Rge Rd 495, turn right and travel 3/4 mile. Yard on east side of the road. 71

Thouret Farms

Sheldon and Kristie Thouret Box 393, Hay Lakes, AB T0B 1W0 Physical Address: 49170 Rge Rd 220 Cell: 780-781-1648 (Kristie) Cell: 780-678-5454 (Sheldon) kthouret@outlook.com From Hay Lakes: Go 2 miles north of Hay Lakes from Railway Ave. Yard on west side of the road.


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Norway Valley Farms

Duane and Marie Barstad Arden and Tami Barstad RR 1, Heinsburg, AB T0A 1X0 Physical Address: 3423 Sec. 646 Ph: 780-847-3874 Cell: 780-870-1654 norwayvalley@mcsnet.ca (Duane) norwayvalley412@gmail.com (Arden) From Heinsburg: 5 miles east on Hwy 646 81

Thurston Charolais

Gordon and Leone Thurston Colette Thurston and Blair Ford Box 190, Irma, AB T0B 2H0 Ph: 780-754-2176 (Gord) Ph: 780-806-4074 (Colette) colettejthurston@gmail.com From Irma: 1 miles west and 1 mile north 82

Olivia Graves


Circle Cee Charolais


Stach Farm Charolais


7 Bar F Charolais

XXX Farms Ltd.

Adrian and Karen Stach Box 836, Lamont, AB T0B 2R0 Physical Address: 193030 – Twp. Rd. 553 Ph: 780-895-7589 Cell: 780-991-6822 (Adrian) Cell: 780-919-6274 (Karen) akstach@hotmail.com Facebook & Twitter- Stach Farm Charolais From Lamont: Main street Lamont, east side of town.

Be-Rich Farms Ltd

Richard and Bev Smith RR 2, Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0 Physical Address: 492037 Rge Rd 42 Ph: 780-846-2643 Cell: 780-871-4483 berichfarms@yahoo.ca From Vermillion: Go east to 893, turn south on 493A, turn east at Rge Rd 42, then 1 mile south.



Olivia Graves Box 5503, Lacombe, AB T4L 1X2 Ph: 403-885-4426 Cell: 403-352-5030 graves.o@wolfcreek.ab.ca

Fischer Charolais

Dean and Dana Davidson RR 2, Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0 Ph: 780-846-2452 Cell: 780-872-9550 xxxfarmsddavidson@gmail.com From Kitscoty: 12 miles south on 897, then an 8th of a mile west on 619. Yard on south side of the road. 86

Eureka Valley Charolais

Frank and Elly Cholak Stephen and Deb Cholak Box 86, Lamont, AB T0B 2R0 Physical Address: 201020A Hwy 15 Ph: 780-796-2108 Cell: 780-485-7865 (Stephen) Cell: 780-719-0789(Frank) sscholak@shaw.ca Website: www.circlecee.com 3 miles west of Lamont on Hwy 15. North side of the road.

Brent and Tyler Fischer Ross & Courtney Herzog Box 362, Irma, AB T0B 2H0 Ph: 780-754-2382 Cell: 780-806-3635 (Tyler) Cell: 780-209-7961 (Brent) Cell: 780-806-6173 (Ross) tylerfischer57@gmail.com Website: www.fischercharolais.com From Irma: Go 5 miles east and 1 mile north. Yard on west side of the road. 85


Wyatt Glover RR 2 Station Main, Lacombe, AB T4L 2N2 Ph: 403-347-8746 Cell: 403-348-3324 gloves0429@gmail.com

Lori Murray RR 5, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3A1 Physical Address: 14039B Cell: 780-205-4808 lorig1980@hotmail.com From Lloyminster: Travel south on Hwy 17 to TWP Rd 480, turn west 4.5 miles to Rge Rd 14.5 (at the mailboxes), south 1/2 mile into the yard. 92

MC Quantock Livestock Corp.

Cody Creech Box 10888, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3B1 Ph: 780-875-8167 Cell: 780-871-8116 mcquantock @hotmail.com Website: www. canadasbulls.com From Lloyminster: Go 4 miles north on wy 17 to TWP Rd 510, 1/2 mile west.

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Wendt and Murray Farms Ltd.

Grant and Janice Murray RR 5, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3A1 Physical Address: 14039A Ph: 780-745-2429 Cell: 780-871-1550 lorig1981@hotmail.com From Lloyminster: Travel south on Hwy 17 to TWP Rd 480, turn west 4.5 miles to Rge Rd 14.5 (at the mailboxes), south 1/2 mile into the yard. 95

Lakeview Charolais

Rob and Heather Murray Box 511, Marwayne, AB T0B 2X0 Physical Address: NW 30-52-1 W4 Ph: 780-875-0218 Cell: 780-205-0912 robjmurray@hotmail.com Facebook, Twitter - Lakeview Charolais From LLoydminster: 27 km north to the L Curve, then west 10 km on Hwy 45, north 1km on Rge Rd 20. 97

Sugarloaf Charolais

Eric and Sheryle Anderson Scott, Kayley and Harrison Anderson Box 38, Minburn, AB T0B 3R0 Physical Address: 49226 Rge Rd 105 Ph: 780-593-2153 (Eric) Cell: 780-787-0358 (Scott) sugarloafcharolais@gmail.com Website: www.sugarloafcharolais.com From Minburn: Go 4 miles south on Rge Rd 102,then west 3 miles on TWP Rd 494, then south 1 mile on Rge Rd 105 98

Chomiak Charolais

John and Cathie Chomiak RR 1, Mundare, AB T0B 3H0 Physical Address: 163016 TWP Rd 520 Ph: 780-632-7108 Cell: 780-945-1504 johnwchomiak@gmail.com Website: www.chomiakcharolais.net From Mundare: At the Mundare junction on Hwy 16 go 8 miles south on Hwy 855 and 2 miles east on TWP Rd 520 99

Mulholland Charolais

Bob and Carol Mulholland Box 181, Mundare, AB TOB 3H0 Physical Address: 5320002A Rge Rd 180 Ph: 780-764-2336 carolmulholland@yahoo.com From Mundare: Go 7 miles west on Hwy 16. Yard on right hand side of the road.


Lazy S Cattle Co.

Vykki Johns Stan & Ty Skeels Box 1116, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Physical Address: 433001 Cell: 403-704-0288 lazyslimousin@gmail.com From Rimbey: Go 2 miles north on Hwy 20, then 3 miles east on Hwy 53, then 3 miles north on Rge Rd 21. Yard on east side of the road. 118

Van Oostrom Farms

Stephen and Jeanet Van Oostrom Box 137, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 Physical Address: 421012 Rge Rd 25 Ph: 403-843-0028 Cell: 403-783-1602 thewoodenshoes@live.ca From Rimbey: Go south 6 km from Coop on the pavement. Yard is right hand side of the road, top of the hill. 119

Clearwater River Ranches

Denise Shebeck Box 57,Site 2,RR 3, Rocky Moutain House, AB, T4T 2A3 Physical Address: 62066 TWP Rd 37-2 Ph: 403-253-5548 Cell: 403-993-4315 gd2shebeck@gmail.com From Rocky Mountain House: Go 17 miles south on #22, then east 3 miles. Yard on north side of the road. 120

Stone Creek Farms

Russell Little Box 4, Site 7, RR 1 Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 2A1 Physical Address: 411013 RR 5.5 Ph: 403-729-2529 Cell: 403-846-8052 stonecreekfarms.ca@gmail.com From Leslieville: Go north on 761, cross over Hwy 12, stay on the main road as it goes northwest. At the first crossroad, TWP Rd 41-0 turn west. Go 3 miles to Rge Rd 5-5 crossroad. Turn north and go 1 and 1/10 to the top of hill. Yard on the east side of the road. 124

Winsnes Farms Inc.

William, Christa and Douglas Winsnes Box 335, Ryley, AB T0B 4A0 Physical Address: 50115 Rge Rd 175 Cell: 780-699-4009 winsnesfarmsinc@hotmail.com Website: www.winsnesfarms.com From Ryley: 1 mile west


N o r t h e a s t A l b e r t a M e m b e r I n fo r m at i o n 127

Mulkay Cattle Co.


Roy and Marie Mulkay Box 240, Spedden, AB T0A 3E0 Physical Address: 12208 Hwy 28 Cell: 780-645-8129 (Marie) Cell: 780-818-1077 (Roy) mariemulkay@hotmail.com From Spedden: Go 1 mile east on Hwy 28. Yard on the north side of the road. 128

Gold In Boulders

Art and Carol Gibbs Box 35, St. Lina, AB T0A 2Z0 Physical Address: 62315 Rg Rd 111 Ph: 780-726-2579 From St. Lina: Go 2 miles west, 6 miles north, 1 mile west and 1/2 mile south. Yard at the end of the road. 129

Vincent Lake Charolais

Dennis and Linda Haraba Box 953, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0 Physical Address: 59309 Rg Rd 94 Ph: 780-645-4104 Cell: 780-645-0588 haraba@telus.net From St. Paul: Go 11.2 kms north on Hwy 881, 1.6 kms west to the dead end, go 2 kms north. Yard on east side of the road. 131

Bob Charolais

Bob Burla Box 1491, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Physical Address: 17440 TWP Rd 39-4 Cell: 250-517-8521 bobsbulls@gmail.com Between Botha and Gadsby go north off Hwy 12 on Rge Rd 18-0 for 2 miles, turn east on TWP Rd 39-0 for 500 yards then turn north on Rge Rd 17-5, continue 4 miles north, turn right at the stop sign onto TWP Rd 39-4, go east 1/4 mile to the farm on north side of road. 132

Buffalo Lake Charolais

Lyle and Wendy Bignell Box 1055, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Physical Address: 40128 Ph: 403-742-6792 Cell: 403-740-4968 lylebignell@hotmail.com From Stettler: Go 6 miles north on Hwy 56 to Hwy 601, then .6 miles west to Rge Rd 20-4, then 1.5 miles north. 64

Rawes Ranches Ltd

Philip and Marie Harty John and Myrna Rawe Box 208, Strome, AB T0B 4H0 Physical Address: 44509 Rge Rd 150 Ph: 780-376-2241 (Philip) Cell: 780.385.5977 (Philip) Ph: 780-376-3598 (John) Cell: 780-679-7725 (John) marie@rawesranches.com Website: www.rawesranches.com From Strome: Go 1 mile east, 1.5 miles north on Rge Rd 150. 135

Perreault Farms Ltd.

Allen and Sherry Perreault 26131SH651, Sturgeon County, AB T0G 1L1 Physical Address: 26131 Ph: 780-961-2486 Cell: 780-940-1020 From Legal: Go 7 miles west on Hwy 651. Yard on south side of the road. 138

Parsons Cattle Company

Coleman and Katie Parsons & Family RR 1, Tees, AB, T0C 2N0 Physical Address: 41116 Rge Rd 234 Cell: 403-597-6286 parsonscattleco@outlook.com Facebook: Parsons Cattle Co. From Lacombe: Go east on Hwy 12 to Hwy 821, turn north to TWP Rd 412, turn east to Rge Rd 23-4, go south 1/2 mile. 140

Leemar Charolais

Leroy and Donna Martin RR 1, Stie 8, Box 14, Thorsby, AB T0C 2P0 Physical Address: 1277 TWP Rd 474 Ph: 780-389-3314 leemarchar@icloud.com From Thorsby: Go 10 miles south to 4 way stop sign, turn west 1 mile. Yard on south side of the road. 143

Good Anchor Charolais

Don Good and Marion Smyth Box 3261, Vermilion, AB T9X 2B2 Physical Address: 515006 Rge Rd 71 Ph: 780-853-2220 Cell: 780-581-5549 don.marion.good@gmail.com From Vermillion: Go 5 miles north on TWP Rd 514, 2 miles west on Rge Rd 71 and 1 mile north.


N o r t h e a s t A l b e r t a M e m b e r I n fo r m at i o n 144

Silver Shadow Charolais

Ralf and Denise Jonas & Family RR 3, Vermillion, AB T9X 1Y8 Physical Address: 480053 Rge Rd 61A Ph: 780-853-2587 Cell: 780-853-3408 rdjonas80@gmail.com From Vermillion: Go 16 miles south on Hwy 41, 4.5 miles east on TWP Rd 480, 1/2 mile north on Rge Rd 61A 145

Misty Hills Charolais Ltd.

Brian and Connie Chrisp Box 3540, Vermillion, AB T9X 2B5 Physical Address: 500071 Rge Rd 60 Ph: 780-853-2648 Cell: 780-853-3315 blchrisp@hotmail.ca From Vermillion: Go 3 miles east on Hwy 16, turn go 3.5 miles south on Rge Rd 62, turn east on Rge Rd 501 for 2 miles. Yard at the dead end and a touch south. 146

Sherwood Farms

Scott Sherwood and Krista Baldwin Box 3295, Vermillion, AB T9X 2B2 Cell: 780-853-1025 (Krista) Cell: 780-853-7895 (Scott) kristab021@yahoo.ca From Vermillion: Go east on Hwy 16, turn north at Rge Rd 55, turn east at TWP Rd 512, turn south on Rge Rd 53. Yard on right side of the road. 148

Ben Savage Cattle Company

Ben Savage Box 250, Vilna, AB T0A, 3L0 Physical Address: 59065 Hwy 859 Ph: 780-636-3969 Cell: 587-252-3960 bensavage2014@hotmail.com 150

Plains Livestock

Cheyenne Porter Box 3508, Wainwright, AB T9W 1T5 Cell: 587-281-2934 cporter@hotmail.ca From Wainwright: Go north on Hwy 41 to Secondary Hwy 614 then turn east, turn north on Rge Rd 62. Just pass the Compressor Station take first left, 800 meters in.


Holk Charolais

Sven Jensen Box 332, RR 1, Warburg, AB T0C 2T0 Physical Address: 472073 Rge Rd 40 Ph: 780-643-7265 Cell: 780-360-7836 svenholk@xplornet.com Website: www.holkcharolais.com From Breton: Go south on Hwy 20, turn east for 1.6 KM, turn south for 1km. Yard on left side of road. 152

Kay-R Charolais

Kasey and Arlana Phillips & Family Box 420, Waskatenau, AB, T0A 3P0 Physical Address: 59052 Rge Rd 192 Ph: 780-358-2360 Cell: 780-656-6400 kphillips@mcs.net Website: www.kayrcharolais.com From the junction of Hwy 28 and Hwy 831 go 2 miles east to Rge Rd 192, turn right and go 2 miles. Yard on west side of road. 154

Wrangler Charolais Farms

Wade and Sherry Meakin Box 5554, Westlock, AB T7P 2P5 Physical Address: 59020 Ph: 780-349-2982 Cell: 780-349-1650 wademeakin@msn.com From Westock: Go 6 miles south on Hwy 44, go 2 miles west on TWP Rd 590, turn north 1/2 mile on Rge Rd 270. Yard on west side of the road. 155

Wiese Agricultural Enterprises

Jim Wiese Box 5431, Westlock, AB T7P 2P5 Physical Address: 61027 Rge Rd #10 Ph: 780-349-4091 jimwiese17@gmail.com From Westock: Go 8 miles north on Hwy 44, go 6 miles west on Sunny Brend Road, turn south 1 mile on Rge Rd 10 157

Prairie Cove Charolais

Tyler & Justine Bullick & Family Box 297, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Physical Address: 22510 TWP Rd 412 Cell: 403-501-0660 (Tyler) tyler.bullick2014@gmail.com Website: www.prairiecovecharolais.com Tyler’s Yard: Go 7 km south of Bashaw on Hwy #21 and 7 km west on the Miton Gadsby Lake Road.



N o r t h e a s t A l b e r t a M e m b e r s h i p I n fo r m at i o n 158

Ralph Kapteyn (Full French)

Ralph Kapteyn Box 7625, Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S7 Ph: 780-727-2960 ralph@nucleus.com From Drayton Valley: 15 miles North on Hwy 22, turn east on TWP Rd 514 and go 1 mile to the crossroads, turn south, instant left. Yard on the east side of the road.


Maple Leaf Charolais

Tom and Carey Stewart and Family Site 6, Box 8, RR. # 1, Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Physical Address: 1 474032 Rge Rd 242 Cell: 780-312-4245 mapleleafchar@xplornet.com From Millet: At the Petro Can corner go east 3 km on TWP Rd 475 to Hwy 814 north, turn south on Rge Rd 242, go 1 km and into Nordic Place Subdivision Entrance right, take an immediate left turn into driveway.

Gordon & Leone Thurston 780-754-2176 Colette Thurston & Blair Ford 780-806-4074 colettejthurston@gmail.com

Vossler Livestock Raising Quality Charolais Cattle! Craig and Janel Vossler & Family 3304 TWP Rd 93 Cypress County, AB T0J 1V0 Ph: 403-893-2411 Cell: 403-548-5718 cvossler@cciwireless.ca

Northern Way Charolais John and Emma Bergen Ph: 250-787-5086 Cell: 250-261-1247 jebergen@pris.ca Box 88, Cecil Lake, BC, V0C 1G0


Dry Creek Ranch Gerald and Gordon Harmon Sherri Fell Box 34, Cecil Lake, BC V0C 1G0 Ph: 250-781-3443 Cell: 250-793-2384 (Gordon) Cell: 250-261-8272 (Gerald) dcrfell@hotmail.com gcharmon@hotmail.com

KCH Charolais Ken and Kerri Hinsburg 7189 Islandway Road, Oliver, BC V0H 1T7 Ph: 250-485-0064 Cell: 701-331-8825 (Ken) Cell: (250)408-4468 (Kerri) kchchar@gmail.com




Souther n Alber ta Map Section

59 130

48 115 80 112 136 15 53 54





42 58













105 2 Valley

















75 94

44 149




35 116




51 40



106 108


111 78 32 31









114 113





77 76

S o u t h e r n A l b e r t a M e m b e r I n fo r m at i o n 1

Acadia Ranching


Don and Mindy Good Box 27, Acadia Valley, AB T0J 0A0 Physical Address: 26517 Rge Rd 023 Cell: 403-664-8844 (Don) Cell: 403-664-9348 (Mindy) mindy.tx7@hotmail.com Junction of Hwys 570 and 41 go 1 mile east and 1/2 mile north. Yard on east side of road. 2

Meridian Agriculture

Simon Mandel Box 210, Acadia Valley, AB T0J 0J0 Physical Address: 03515A,B TWP Rd 262 Ph: 403-664-2409 #109 Cell: 403-664-8593 mandelsimon@gmail.com From Acadia Valley: Go south on Hwy 895 to Hwy 570, turn and go 4 miles east and 2 miles south. 3

Highway 21 Feeders

Ed and Linda Miller Scott Brady Box 60, Acme, AB T0M 0A0 Physical Address: 292020 Rge Rd 243 Ph: 403-546-2278 (Office) Cell: 403-857-9703 (Scott) scottbrady@highway21group.com Website: www.highway21group.com From Hwy 21: At the 575 corner go 3 miles west, 1 mile south and 1 mile east, right into yard. 4

Nish Charolais



Hawkview Charolais

Bruce and Mary Bamford 210042-112 St. West, Foothills, AB T1S 5E2 Physicall Address: 210042 Ph: 403-256-5674 Cell: 403-899-7344 bruce@hawkviewcharolais.ca mary@hawkviewcharolais.ca Website: www.hawkviewcharolais.ca From Calgary: Go west on Hwy 2, take Hwy 22X for 6 kms, turn south on 96th Street for 3.2 kms, turn west on 210Ave for 1.6 kms. Yard at the dead end of the road. 12

Wyatt Farms

Jessica Wyatt Box 30, Arrowwood, AB T0L 0B0 Physical Address: 194039 Ph: 403-485-0237 jessicapwyatt@gmail.com From Arrowwood: Go 10 miles south on range road 234 15

Burke and Jenni Nish Box 25, Aetna, AB T0K 1Y0 Ph: 403-653-2956 Cell: 403-653-7544 jbnish@@gmail.com From Cardston: Go south on Hwy 2 to the second 501 east road to St Mary’s River on top of the hill. Turn left on TWP Rd 20. Second farm on the north side of the road.

Soderglen Ranches Ltd.

Jared Sherman 280023 Rge Rd 14, Rocky View County, AB T4B 4MS Physical Address: 280023 Rge Rd 14 Ph: 403-948-6700 Cell: 403-333-0499 jared@soderglen.com Website: www.soderglen.com From Airdrie: Go west on Hwy 567 6 kms, then turn north onr Rge Rd 14 for 6 kms.

Prairie Cove Charolais

Tim and Wanda Bullick Box 297, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Physical Address: 34129 Rge Rd 13 (Tim) Cell: 403-350-9858 tnt3341@hughes.net Website: www.prairiecovecharolais.com Tim’s Yard: Go west on Hwy 587 for 2 miles to Rge Rd 13, turn south and go 2.5 miles to 34129

Charworth Charolais

Darryl and Maria Shuttleworth & Family Box 10358, Airdrie, AB T4A 0H6 Physical Address: 285020 Ph: 403-226-0541 Cell: 403-680-0898 dmshuttleworth@aol.com From Balzc: Go 5 miles east on Hwy 566. Yard on north side of the road. Rge Rd 285.



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Wilkie Charolais

Don and Wanda Wilkie Casey Wilkie Box 115, Big Valley, AB T0J 0G0 Physical Address: 19146 Hwy 589 Ph: 403-876-2138 (Casey) Ph: 403-876-2596 (Don) Cell: 403-741-5799 (Casey) Cell: 403-740-5727 (Don) caseywilkie80@gmail.com donwan@xplornet.ca Website: www.wilkiefullfrenchcharolais.com From Big Valley: Go 4 miles south on Hwy 56 then 4.5 miles east on Hwy 589. First farm on the north side of the road. 22

Jakes Butte Charolais

Clint and Erin Wilkie & Family Box 403, Big Valley, AB T0J 0G0 Physical Address: 19058 TWP Rd 35-1 Ph: 403-876-2548 Cell: 403-740-5794 ecwilkie@netago.ca Website: www.wilkiefullfrenchcharolais.com From Big Valley: Go south on Hwy 56 for 4 miles, turn east on Hwy 589 for 5 miles to Rge Rd 19-1, turn north for 1 mile, then east for 1/4 mile on TWP 35-1. Yard on north side of the road. 28

Rudiger Ranch Ltd.

John and Rowana Rudiger 30286 Old Banff Coach Road, Calgary, AB T3Z 2E1 Physical Address: 30286 Ph: 403-242-5464 Cell: 403-880-4085 rudigerranch@aol.com From Calgary: Go west out of city limits on Hwy 1, continue west for 1/2 mile to Old Banff Coach Road, take overpass exit to south side of Hwy 1. Keep left 1/3 of a mile. 31

Char-Maine Ranching

Steve and Darilyn Quinton Brad and Sharaya Quinton Box 1178, Cardston, AB T0K 0K0 Physical Address: 25014 Rge Rd 254 Cell: 403-653-7228 (Steve) Cell: 403-715-3904 (Brad) stevekquinton@gmail.com bradquinton115@hotmail.com Website: www.char-maineranching.com From Cardston: Go south on Hwy 2 to Rge Rd 254, go 1.5 miles. Yard on west side of the road. 70


Quinton Polled Charolais

Ronald Quinton and Deanna Larson Box 54, Cardston, AB T0K 0K0 Physical Address: Rge Rd 261 31027A Cell: 403-929-2055 rd3quinton@gmail.com From Cardston: Go 5 km west on the way to Waterton National Park, turn south on Rge Rd 261, go 1/3 km to house at the end of the road. 35

Snake Valley Farm

Alvin & Faith Vaage, Marvin & Bev Vaage, Justin Vaage, Tyson Vaage Box 369, Champion, AB, T0L 0R0 Physical Address: NE-13-15-22 W4 HWY 842 152040 Ph: 403-897-2135 Cell: 403-423-0157 (Justin) Cell: 403-485-8211 (Marvin) snakevfarm@gmail.com From Champion: Go 15 miles east on Hwy 529 then 1/2 mile north on secondary Rd 842 37

Triple M Farms

Maury and Marla McLeod & Family Box 696, Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0 Physical Address: 271047 TWP Rd 130 Ph: 403-625-4862 Cell: 403-625-0260 mcleodtrucking@platinum.ca From Claresholm: Go north on Hwy 2 to TWP Rd 130, east 1/4 mile. 38

McLeod Farms

Allen and Sharon McLeod Blain and Dana McLeod & Family Box 1185, Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0 Physical Address: 132045 Rge Rd 270 Ph: 403-625-2047 Cell: 403-625-6118 (Allen) Cell: 403-625-6178 (Blain) AllenM1@telus.net From Claresholm: Go 2 miles north of the John Deere dealership, the 2.5 miles east and 1/2 mile north to the dead end road. 40

Coyote Flats Charolais

Mark and Trish Lohues & Family,Christopher Lohues George and Angela Lohues & Family

Box 1094, Coaldale, AB T1M 1M9 Physical Address: 190043 TWP Rd 10-4 Ph: 403-345-2988 Cell: 403-634-2989 Cell: 403-795-1343 (Christopher) coyoteflatscharolais@gmail.com Website: www.coyoteflats.ca From Coaldale: 13 km east on Hwy 3, 10 kms north on Rge Rd 19-0 and 1 km west.

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McKeary Charolais

Ray and MaryAnn McKeary Chad and Karen Bouchard & Family Box 10, Compeer, AB T0C 1A0 Physical Address: NW 15-33-27 W3 Cell: 403-501-9760 (Chad) Cell: 306-834-7891 (Ray) nitelite@telus.net From Compeer: Go east on Hwy 51 to the stop sign then turn south and go 2.5 miles . Yard on east side of the road. 42

Letniaks Charolais

Lawrence Letniak Box 519, Consort, AB T0C 1B0 Physical Address: 8038 TWP Rd 332 Cell: 403-575-0214 letfarm@netago.ca From Veteran: Go 10 miles south on Hwy 884, 3.5 miles east. Yard on north side of the road. 43

Gallelli Charolais

Russell Gallelli Box 10, Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Physical Address: 284068 Hwy 574 Cell: 403-804-7442 russellgallelli@live.ca From Crossfield: Go 6 miles west, turn south on Rge Rd 22, drive right into yard. 44

Ashley Nelson

Ashley Nelson RR 2, High River, AB T1V 1N2 Physical Address: 176184 2698 Drive West Ph: 403-395-3364 Cell: 403-652-9587 damingo55@hotmail.com From Longview: Go 13 kms south on Hwy 22X, turn right onto 2698 Drive West, go about 3 km. Yard on north side of the road 45

Bar Punch Ranch Ltd.

John and Jan Hoff Box 294, Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Ph: 403-504-8708 jhoff@telus.net


Nelson Hirsche Purebreds

Jimmy Nelson/Grant Hirsche Box 20, Del Bonita, AB T0K 0S0 Physical Address: 231007 (Grant’s house) Ph: 403-758-6105 (Office) Cell: 403-635-7075 (Jimmy) Cell: 403-652-8254 (Grant) grant@hirsche.com angie@nfr.ag Website:www.nelsonhirschepurebreds.com From Del Bonita: Go west on Hwy 501 then 7 miles south. Yard on south side of the road. From Cardston: Go south 1 mile to Hwy 501 then 18 miles east on 501 to ranch 48

CW Farms

Cody Warren Box 174, Delburne, AB T0M 0V0 Physical Address: 37040 Rge Rd 222 Ph: 403-749-2489 Cell: 403-505-1419 codywarren92@outlook.com From Delbourne: Go 2 miles south on Hwy 21, 8 miles east on TWP Rd 372,1.5 miles south on 222. Yard on west side of the road. 51

Peter Heins & Sons Ltd.

Wes Heins Box 73. Diamond City, AB T0K 0T0 Cell: 403-635-6549 wdheins@gmail.com From Diamond City: Go 1 mile north on Hwy 25, 1 mile west on TWP Rd 10-1A. 52

Dowell Charolais

Dwayne and Lillian Dowell RR 2, Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 Physical Address: 31535 Ph: 403-710-8651 Cell: 403-994-8300 (Dwayne) dkdowell@hotmail.com From Didsbury: Go east on 582, at 271 turn north for 3 miles. Yard on east side of the road. 53

Ossim Livestock

Kristen Edmunds Box 43, Didsbury, AB, T0M 0W0 Physical Address: 32509 Hwy 766 Cell: 403-831-9212/403-559-6633 ossimlivestock@gmail.com Facebook: Ossim Livestock From Olds: Go west on Hwy 27, then south on Hwy 766. Second place on east side of the road. 71

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Reese Cattle Co.

Barry and Simone Reese Box 661, Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 Physical Address: 2318 Mountain View County Ph: 403-335-9807 Cell: 403-870-3960 barry@reesecattleco.com Website: www.reesecattleco.com From Didsbury: Go 5 miles on Hwy 582 to Rge Rd 24, turn northon TWP Rd 31-4 for 1 mile, 1/2 mile east. 58

Clifford Wilkie

Clifford Wilkie Box 334, Endiang, AB T0J 0G0 Physical Address: 34364 Rge Rd 16-4 Ph: 403-579-2109 From Byemore: Go 2miles east and 2 miles south on Rge Rd 16-4. 59

Sandan Charolais Farms

Ursula and George Corpataux Box 397, Erskine, AB T0C 0G0 Physical Address: 38046 Ph: 403-742-3337 Cell: 403-741-6114 ucorpataux@xplornet.com Website: www.sandancharolais.com From Erskine: Go 4 miles west and 5.5 miles south. 60

Footprint Farms

Travis and Nicole Foot & Family Box 414, Esther, AB T0J 1H0 Physical Address: 31329 Rge Rd 30 Tel: 403-664-3167 Cell: 403-664-0961 travis@bigskyrealestate.ca Website: www.footprintfarms.ca From Esther: Go1 miles west on TWP Rd 31-4, turn south on Rge Rd 3-0 for 3/4 mile and turn east onto driveway. 64

Charmark Charolais Inc.

Marquess Family- Lynne, Leigh, Andrew & Scott Box 73, Gem, AB T0J 1M0 Physical Address: 233002 Rge Rd 165 Ph: 403-641-2592 Cell: 403-923-7917 (Lynne) l.marquess@quantumgenetix.com marquess@telus.net From Gem: Go 1 mile west, 1 mile north and 1/2 mile. Yard west side of the road. 72


RJ Livestock

Justin and Ricki Pittman & Family Box 1, Granum, AB T0L 1A0 Physical Address: 263020 TWP Rd 114 Cell: 403-647-4095 (Justin) Cell: 403-625-1606 (Ricki) rjlivestock13@gmail.com From Granum: Go north 4 miles, then east on TWP Rd 114 for 1.5 miles. 70

McMillin Livestock

Spencer McMillin Box 1311, Hanna, AB, T0J 1P0 Ph: 403-854-0073 Cell: 403-854-8455 mcmillin@netago.ca From Hanna: Go 22 miles north 74

Foat Valley Stock Farm

Mike Foat RR 2, Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Physical Address: 30011 Rge Rd 34 Ph: 403-337-2784 Cell: 403-874-7698 mikefoat@live.ca Go 12 miles west of Carstairs. Farm is on the NE corner of Hwy 580 and Rge Rd 34. 75 High River Colony Farming Corp Edward Hofer Box 5610, High River, AB T1V 1M7 Physical Address: 626078 232 St East Cell: 403-333-5950 hrcbeef@gmail.com Travel on Hwy 23 east 10 kms, go 10 kms south. Yard on east side of the road. 76

Flat Valley Cattle Company

Jamie and Amy Ehret & Family Box 2, Hilda, AB T0J 1R0 Physical Address: 17216 Rge Rd 15 Cell: 403-504-6262 flatvalleycattle@hotmail.com Facebook: Flat Valley Cattle From Hilda: Travel south on highway 41, turn west onto TWP 172 for 1 mile, North onto rge Rd 15 for 1/2 mile. Yard on west side of the road. 77

Border Ridge Farms Inc.

Kevin and Darci Gomke & Family Box 4, Hilda, AB T0J 1R0 Physical Address: TWP 184, Rge Rd 300 Ph: 403-838-2505 Cell: 306-348-0520 brfarms@hotmail.ca From Hilda: 1.5 miles east and 4 miles north.

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Spring Valley Holdings Ltd.

Gary Folsom Box 96, Hill Spring, AB T0K 1E0 Physical Address: 42073 Rge Rd 274 Ph: 403-626-3623 Cell: 403-394-8047 tinafolsom68@gmail.com From the south end of Hill Spring turn east on Twp Rd 42 and go 2.5 km; turn left on RR 274 and go 1.5 km; Our sign is on the east side of the road. Turn right at the sign and go 1.5 km to the second house. 79

Kaiser Cattle Company

Barry and Lee-Ann Kaiser & Family Box 209, Hussar, AB T0J 1S0 Physical Address: 202078A TWP Rd 254 Ph: 403-787-2489 Cell: 403-334-2489 (Barry) Cell: 403-820-2667 (Mackayla) kaiserbarry@gmail.com mackaylakaiser@hotmail.com From Hussar: Go 1 mile west, 8 miles north and 1 mile west. 80 Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock Wyatt & Brigham Daines and Kristi Allan Kyle and Jocelyn O’Neill 36244 C&E Trail, Red Deer County, AB T4G 0H1 Physical Address: 36244 Ph: 403-877-2615 (Kyle) Cell: 403-348-9753 (Wyatt) oneill_livestock@hotmail.com wyattdaines@hotmail.com Facebook: Daines Cattle & O’Neill Livestock From Innisfail: Go 4 miles north on the C&E Trail. 83

Vossler Livestock

Craig and Janel Vossler & Family 3304 TWP Rd 93 Cypress County, AB T0J 1V0 Physical Address: 3304 TWP Rd 93 Ph: 403-893-2411 Cell: 403-548-5718 cvossler@cciwireless.ca Take Hwy 1E to Hwy 415, go 24kms to TWP Rd 93, turn west and go 1.6 km to yard.


Chambers Charolais

Bradley Chambers Box 104, Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Physical Address: 163037 Rge Rd 210 Ph: 403-792-2147 Cell: 403-308-3085 btchambers4@hotmail.com From Vulcan: 25 miles east on Hwy 531, 1/2 mile north on Rge Rd 210. Yard on east side of the road 96

Miller Farms

Gord and Val Miller Box 657, Milk River, AB T0K 1M0 Ph: 403-642-2424 Cell: 403-492-7705 (Gord) Cell: 403-492-7605 (Val) gord.val.miller@live.ca From Milk River: Go 7 kms south on Hwy 4, 2 kms east, 1 km south. Yard on west side of gravel road. 100

White Lake Colony

Jerry K. Hofer Box 150, Nobelford, AB T0L 1S0 Office: 403-824-3686 Cell: 403-332-2261 hofer61@gmail.com Website: www.krwcharolais.com From Nobleford: Go 6 miles west, then 2 miles north on Rge Rd 24-3. Yard on east side of the road. 102

Lenard Biscope

Lenard Biscope RR 2, Site 2, Box 57, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A2

Physical Address: 402151 16th ST. West Foothills

Cell: 403-880-2474 lenard.biscope@netwisper.ca West of Okotoks and 2 miles south of Hwy 7. 103

Harvie Ranching

Ian and Marlene Harvie Cole and Jill Harvie & Family RR 2, Olds, AB T4H 1P3 Physical Address: 2332 (SE-4-32-2 W5) Ph: 403-335-4180 Cell: 403-507-3886 (Ian) Cell: 403-994-1314 (Cole) Cell: 403-771-3502 (Jill) harvie@harvieranching.com Website: www.harvieranching.com From Olds: 6.5 miles west on Bergen Road. Farm is on the north side of road 73

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Key Farm


Don and Darlene Maetche RR 1, Olds, AB T4H 1P2 Physical Address: 27337 Ph: 403-556-2803 Cell: 403-556-0334 d.maetche@hotmail.com From Hwy 2, 9 miles east on Hwy 27, 4 miles south on Hwy 791, 1.5 miles east on TWP Rd 322. Yard on south side of the road. 105

Acadia Colony Farming

Levi Mandel Simon Mandel Box 210, Oyen, AB T0J 2J0 Physical Address: 03515A,B TWP Rd 262 Ph: 403-664-2406 #109 Office: 403-664-8593 mandelsimon@gmail.com From Oyen: Go south on 895 to Hwy 570, 4 miles east, 2 miles south. 106

Char-Lew Ranch

Brant and Renita Lewis Box 2018, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 Physical Address: 8015 Rge Rd 30-0 Tel: 403-627-9412 brantlewis20@gmail.com From Pincher Creek: Go north on Hwy 785 for 8 km, turn left on Hwy 510 and go 6 kms to Rge Rd 30-0 then go 3 kms. 107

Turnbull Charolais

Curtis and Nanette Turnbull & Family Box 208, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 Physical Address: 5313 Ph: 403-627-4535 Cell: 403-627-6951 turnbullcharolais@platinum.ca Hwy 6 south 8.2 kms, then left on TWP Rd 54A for 3.5 kms, then right on 5-4 for 5.5 kms till 29-2 then turn right into yard. 108

In The Coulee Ranch

Frank and Sarina Welsch & Family Box 541, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 Physical Address: 8320 TWP Rd 29-4 Ph: 403-627-5825 Cell: 403-339-8950 fwelsch2@gmail.com From Pincher Creek: 12 miles north.


Cypress County Charolais

Cody and Robyn Gilliland Box 207, Ralston, AB T0J 2N0 Physicall Address: 9303 TWP Rd 164 Cell: 306-482-6826 saskcowgirl@hotmail.ca From Ralston: 10.5 miles north on Hwy 884, Yard on left side of the road. 111

Dale Jorgensen Farms

Dale Jorgensen/Jesse Salmon Box 274, Raymond, AB T0K 2S0 Physical Address: 55017 Rge Rd 20-5 Ph: 403-752-3779 Cell: 403-892-2386 cdjorgen@telusplanet.net From Raymond: 1/2 mile west, 1/2 mile south. Yard on east side of the road. 112

Future Farms

Allan and Leona Marshall & Family Luke Marshall 35266 Rge Rd #33, Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N3 Physical Address: 35266 Rge Rd #33 Ph: 403-227-2594 (Allan) Cell: 403-877-7017 (Luke) cattle@futurefarms.ca Website: www.futurefarms.ca Directions for Future Farms From the North: take exit 365 off of Hwy 2 (lnnisfail South Overpass), turn south onto 42nd Avenue (1st cross Street), west onto Cottonwood Rd/Twp Rd 352 for 27 km, turn north onto Range Road #33 for 3 Km (Westside of Road) From the South: take exit 357 off of Hwy 2 (Bowden Underpass), head west on Hwy 587 for 23km, turn north on Range Road #33/ Hwy 766 for 10 km (Westside of Road) 113

HEJ Charolais

Henrik, Jeralyn and Marina Rasmussen 35137 Rge Rd 283, Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M6 Physical Address: 35137 Rge Rd 283 Ph: 403-227-2824 Cell: 403-358-2866 (Marina) henrikr@telusplanet.net Website: www.hejcharolais.com From Innisfail: East of Hwy 2 at bottom of north overpass, go 2.5 miles south on Range Rd. 283 paved road.


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Double L Ranch


Lorne and Tena Wagers 35505 Rge Rd 282, Red Deer County, AB T4G 0E6 Physical Address: 35505 Rge Rd 282 Ph: 403-227-4749 Cell: 403-350-0976 LTwagers@xplornet.ca From the QE#2 take over pass 590 East, East 2 miles to Range Road 282, 1 mile north. Dead end road. 115

P&H Ranching Co. Ltd.

Corrine Parsonage 36048 C&E Trail, Red Deer County, AB T4G 0G9 Physical Address: 36048 Ph: 403-227-2348 Cell: 403-396-9694 phranch@telus.net From Innisfail: 2.5 miles north on C&E Trail. Yard on west side of the road. 116

Eldorado Charolais

Ben and Erin Huber Box 1057, Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 Physical Address: Rge Rd 75 Cell: 403-502-4349 (Erin) Cell: 403-952-0187 (Ben) eldorado.angus@gmail.com From Medicine Hat: Go west on Hwy 1 to Hwy 524, take a left on Rge Rd 75. Yard on left hand side of the road. 121

McLeod Livestock

Rod and April McLeod & Family Box 193, Cochrane, AB T4C 1A5 Physical Address: 272258 Rge Rd 42 Cell: 403-540-7986 rodmcl@telus.net Website: www.mcleodlivestock.com Junction of Hwy 22 and Hwy 567 go 4.8 kms north on Hwy 22. Gate on east side of the road. 122

Sheil Hirch

Sheil Hirch Box 90, Rolling Hills, AB, T0J 2S0 Ph: 403-964-2202 Cell: 403-793-5202

Saddleridge Charolais

Ralph and Liz Retzlaff and Family Leonard and Michelle Retzlaff Luke and Amanda Retzlaff Box 105, Rosemary, AB T0J 2W0 Physical Address: 155045 Cell: 403-793-0794 (Ralph) Cell: 403-501-9333 (Leonard) rlretz@eidnet.org Website: www.saddleridgecharolais.com From Rosemary: 1/2 mile south and 1/2 east. 125 Desertland Cattle Company Ltd. Quinn and Jamie Wagstaff & Family Box 1, Sedalia, AB T0J 3C0 Physical Address: 5320 Cell: 403-664-9447 desertland2005@hotmail.com From Oyen: 20 minutes north of Oyen 130

Ross Lake Charolais

Byron and Linda Wilkie & Family Box 677, Stettler, AB, T0C 2L0 Physical Address: 19442 TWP Rd 38-0 Ph: 403-742-8993 Cell: 403-740-5247 rosslakechar@xplornet.com From Stettler: Go south on Hwy 56 to Warden Road, go 1 mile east, south 2 miles and 1/2 mile east. Yard on the north side of the road. 133

Rocky Creek Charolais

Darcy and Michelle Welsh Box 35, Site 16, RR 2, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1K5 Physical Address: 254050 Cell: 403-901-4846 (Darcy) Cell: 403-540-1962 (Michelle) michelle@efirehose.net Website: www.rockycreekcharolais.com From Strathmore: go north on Hwy 817 until Hwy 564, turn east, go 2 miles until Rge Rd 250, turn north, continue until you cross the 2 Texas Gates 136

Eagle Valley Farms

Greg Kruger RR 1, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Physical Address: 34247 Cell: 403-638-7909 g.kruger.evf@gmail.com From Bowden: Go 30 kms west on Hwy 587, turn south on Rge Rd 43 for 4 kms south. Yard on east side of the road.



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Thistle Ridge Farms


Ben and Carol Tams Box 4205, Taber, AB T1G 2C7 Physical Address: 151078 TWP Rd 104 Ph: 403-223-4118 Cell: 403-317-0689 cbtams@yahoo.ca From Taber: Go east 8 miles on Hwy 3 and 2 miles north. 141

Parklane Charolais Ltd.

Angus and Marilyn Park Box 1164, Three Hills, AB, T0M 2A0 Physical Address: 252057 TWP Rd 334 Ph: 403-442-2504 Cell: 403-994-6552 (Amanda) ranamanranch@gmail.com From Trochu: 2 miles north and 10 miles west. 142

Ranaman Ranch


Lazy P Stock Farm

Peter and Tiffany Wyatt Box 1232, Vulcan, AB T0L 2B0 Physical Address: 165014 Rge Rd 251 Tel: 403-485-2246 Cell: 403-423-2246 p_wyatt@icloud.com Facebook: Lazy P Stock Farm From Vulcan: Go 2 miles west on Hwy 534, 3/4 mile south on Rge Rd 251. Yard west side of the road, first place on right. 159

Randy and Amanda Wunsch & Family RR 2, Trochu, AB, T0M 2C0 Physical Address: 252057 TWP Rd 334 Ph: 403-442-2504 Cell: 403-443-8396 ranamanranch@gmail.com Website: www.ranamanranch.com From Trochu: Go 8 miles west to Rge Rd 25-1, north to TWP 334, west 2 miles.

Anchor J Ranches

Greg Johnson Box 526, Veteran, AB T0C 2S0 Ph: 403-575-2920 Cell: 403-501-1740 gjohnson1740@gmail.com

Uluru Red Angus & Charolais

Russell and Charlene Coyne Box 62, Rainer, AB T0J 2M0 Physical Address: 164061- Rge Rd 164 Tel: 403-793-5996 Cell: 403-362-1989 coyne@eidnet.org From Brooks: 30 minutes south on Hwy 36 to Rainier, west 6 miles.

ACADIA COLONY FARMING Levi Mandel Simon Mandel Box 210, Oyen, AB T0J 2J0 Ph: 403-664-2406 #109 Office: 403-664-8593 mandelsimon@gmail.com


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British Columbia Map Section



www.albertacharolais.com www.albertacharolais.com

B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a M e m b e r I n fo r m at i o n 1

Southside Charolais

Ken Rose and Cathy Shane 25476 Keefs Landing Rd, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E4 Ph: 250-694-3500 Cell:250-692-0853 krose@lakescom.net From Burns Lake: Turn south on Hwy 35, 12 miles to the ferry on Francois Lake. Cross ferry (20 minute ride-free), south bank straight up hill 3.3 km. Yard on left hand side. 2

BLP Charolais

Larry and Bee Palmer Box 426, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Physical Address: 26523 Ph: 250-695-6361 sbpalmer@bsfree.ca From Burns Lake: Take Hwy 35, 26 kms west on Colley Mount Road. Yard on the left side of the road. 3

Dry Creek Ranch

Gerald and Gordon Harmon Sherri Fell Box 34, Cecil Lake, BC V0C 1G0 Ph: 250-781-3443 Cell: 250-793-2384 (Gordon) Cell: 250-261-8272 (Gerald) dcrfell@hotmail.com gcharmon@hotmail.com From Cecil Lake: Go 10 miles on 103rd, turn right at Clearview School, 4 miles south to stop sign, turn left on 244 Rd, 2 miles east on 219, 1 mile south turn right onto Gissimer Ave, goes right to the yard. 4

Northern Way Charolais

John and Emma Bergen Box 88, Cecil Lake, BC, V0C 1G0 Physical Address: 13674 249 Rd Cecil Lake Ph: 250-787-5086 Cell: 250-261-1247 jebergen@pris.ca From Fort Saint John: Go north on Rose Prairie Rd, turn right onto Cecil Lake Road, turn left on 246 Rd, then immediate right onto 249 Rd. Second hous on the left. 5

Bar B Charolais

Cody, Ashley, Philip, Lenard, Morgan and Erin Pugh Box 237, Cecil Lake, BC, V0C 1G0 Cell: 250-794-8606 hereford5star@live.com Go east past the Cecil Lake Store for 6 3/4 miles.


8 Way Charolais

Nikki, Kristin, Whitney & Courtney Drschiwiski

Box 18, Cecil Lake, BC V0C 1G0 Physical Address: 5470 246 Rd Ph: 250-785-6362 Cell: 250-261-0826 (Nikki) Cell: 250-329-4816 (Courtney) eightway@pris.ca wanderlust_blues@yahoo.ca From St. John: Go 20 minutes north east on Rd 246. First farm on the right. 7

Dunbar D4 Ranches Ltd.

Darwin and Eileen Dunbar Box 119, Groundbirch, BC V0C 1T0 Ph: 250-780-2372 darrendunbar@live.ca 8

Rempel Farms Ltd.

Viktor and Jakob Rempel Box 225, Groundbirch, BC V0C 1T0 Ph: 250-780-2230 Cell: 250-782-0026 rempelvic@hotmail.com From Dawson Creek: Go 50 km on Hwy 97, 1mile south on 275, 3/4 west on the left side of the road. 9

Altwasser Charolais

Keith and Cheryl Altwasser 248 Whitevale Rd, Lumby, BC V0E 2G7 Ph: 250-547-9979 altchar@telus.net From Vernon: Go to Lumby, stop a blinking red light, turn right, 2.5 kms. Yard on left side of the road. 10

KCH Charolais

Ken and Kerri Hinsburg 7189 Islandway Road, Oliver, BC V0H 1T7 Ph: 250-485-0064 Cell: 701-331-8825 (Ken) Cell: (250)408-4468(Kerri) kchchar@gmail.com Website: www.kchcharolais.com From Oliver: Go 3 miles north on Hwy 97, turn east on Park Hill Road, 1/4 mile turn south on Island Road, 1/4 mile east on Islandway Road. Head through intersection and follow along until you see cattle. 11

Rosebud Creek Charolais

Dan and Holly Schleppe 1047 Berry Road, Peace River Regional District, BC V1G 0H3 Ph: 250-786-5698 Cell: 250-219-5698 79 dan.schleppe@outlook.com South of Dawson Creek on 1047 Berry Rd.

B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a M e m b e r s h i p I n fo r m at i o n 12

Mountain Charolais


Geoffrey and Brenda McLeod 7402, Box 4, Clover Rd, Pemberton, BC V0N 2L0 Ph: 604-894-6885 Cell: 604-905-9215 soovent@telus.net From Pemberton: Go east 2 kms of the village on Clover Road, north. 13

Triple AAA Charolais

Daniel Rawe 17056 62 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 1W6 Cell: 604-831-6328 danrawe@shaw.ca 14

Gidding Brothers

Charlie Giddings Box 83. Telkwa, BC V0J 2X0 Ph: 250-846-5628 Located on the outskirts of Telkwa. 15

TK Cattle Company

Tate and Kolby Page 10490 Snell Road West Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A2 Ph: 250-567-4157 Cell: 250-944-0415 tkcattlecompany@gmail.com 16

RRTS Charolais

Rob, Tina,Colton and Brandon Stowards 5721 Kamloops-Vernon Hwy 97, Westwold, BC V0E 3B1 Ph: 250-375-2513 rrtscharolais@gmail.com Website: www.rrtscharolais.com From Kamloops: 1/2 hour south.

Herrick Family

Aaron and Krystal Herrick John and Marjory Herrick 2978 Dog Creek Road, Williams Lake, BC V2G 4X2 Ph: 250-392-5677 akherrick93@gmail.com 18

Seven Quarter Circle Charolais

Robert Sr. and Nikki Miles Box 4588, Williams Lake, BC V2G 2V6 Ph: 250-267-3424 (Robert Sr.) Ph: 250-267-6254 (Nikki) 7qocharolais@hotmail.ca From Williams Lake: Go south on Hwy 97 for 25 miles. Yard on the left hand side of the road. 19

Hawkview Charolais

Tim and Beth Riley & Family Box 12, Arras, BC V0C 1B0 Physical Address: 13210 251 Rd Ph: 250-843-7462 Cell: 250-219-8283 tim@hawkviewcharolais.ca beth@hawkviewcharolais.ca Website: www.hawkviewcharolais.ca From Dawson Creek: Take Hwy 97 south to Chetwyad for 32 kms, turn left on 251 (Livingston Road), go 6 kms. Yard on the left side of the road. 20

Anchor Ranch

Anne, Rob and Jeremy Willis Box 127, Clinton, BC, V0K 1K0 Physical Address: 1225 Chasm Road Ph: 250-459-2282 Cell: 250-706-1945 (Rob) Cell: 250-371-7135 (Jeremy) anchorranch@telus.net From Clinton: 15 kms north on Hwy 97, 3 kms east on Chasm Road





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Cypress County Charolais Cody and Robyn Gilliland Box 207, Ralston, AB T0J 2N0 Cell: 306-482-6826 saskcowgirl@hotmail.ca

Lazy S Cattle Co. Stan & Ty Skeels Vykki Johns Cell: 403-704-0288 lazyslimousin@gmail.com Box 1116, Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0

Mulkay Cattle Co.

Gold in Boulders

Roy and Marie Mulkay Box 240, Spedden, AB T0A 3E0 Cell: 780-645-8129 (Marie) Cell: 780-818-1077 (Roy) mariemulkay@hotmail.com

Art and Carol Gibbs Box 35, St. Lina, AB T0A 2Z0 Ph: 780-726-2579

Perreault Farms Allen and Sherry Perreault 26131SH651, Sturgeon County, AB Ph: 780-961-2486 Cell: 780-940-1020




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com ee.

Frank and Elly Cholak Stephen and Deb Cholak Box 86, Lamont, AB T0B 2R0 Cell: 780-485-7865 (Stephen) Cell: 780-719-0789(Frank) sscholak@shaw.ca

STEPHEN & DACIE JOHNSON - (780)305-9196 HERB & BRENDA JOHNSON - (780)305-6065 Barrhead, Alberta Email - stephen.johnson07@yahoo.ca

Lazy P Stock Farm Raising Quality Charolais Cattle!

Peter and Tiffany Wyatt Tel: 403-485-2246 | Cell: 403-423-2246 p_wyatt@icloud.com Vulcan, Alberta, Canada




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