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Iowa Cattlemen’s Leadership Program class completes session two
Class visits State Capitol, advocates for Iowa’s beef business
The Iowa Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (ICLP)completed its second session on February 14 and 15. Volunteering, introduction to government, policy and advocating for Iowa’s beef business were the topics of this session at the State Capitol.

Participants spent the evening banded together to make tacos and clean around the Central Iowa Ronald McDonald House. As you probably know, the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association has a longstanding relationship with the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa and we were excited to continue that relationship and provide for families utilizing the homes. Beth Janson, resident manager, talked with the class about how the homes function and provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere as families go through difficult health challenges.
The next day was spent learning about the legislative process and the importance of relationships at the Capitol. Participants started the morning with an update on the issues and timeline of the legislative session with Rep. Derek Wulf, Sen. Tom Shipley and our contract lobbyist, Kelly Meyers. This was eye opening for several of the participants, as most have not experienced the process of how a bill develops or lobbying an elected official on an issue. Following a quick visit with Rep. Mike Sexton, the class met with the director of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Kayla Lyon. Director Lyon shared the roles and responsibilities of the IDNR and how her team works with livestock producers to ensure compliance with regulations. During the discussion, the group learned there is a shared interest in providing greater accessibility to graze livestock on public lands.
One highlight of the day was a visit with Gov. Kim Reynolds. Participants discussed issues including funding Phase II of the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, rural development, beginning farmer resources and large animal veterinary retention. We cannot thank Gov. Reynolds enough for her time and confidence in our leaders across the state in the cattle industry.
We closed out the day by visiting with legislators from districts across the state. Participants shared their perspectives as producers and discussed cattle industry topics with their own elected officials. The 2023 ICLP class did an exceptional job strengthening our relationships with decision-makers and representing Iowa’s beef business at the Capitol.
If you are interested in becoming part of the next Iowa Cattlemen’s Leadership Program and want to learn more, please reach out to Meghan Orr at meghan@iacattlemen. org or call the ICA office at 515-296-2266.