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Angus Sale Results

Auctioneer: Al Conover


Sale Manager: Iowa Angus Association

Cattle Sold Into: 4

$12,000 - Jensen Lights Out 189, Lot 56

Consigned by: Jensen Angus Farm, Plainfield, IA

Sold to: Roeder Family Farms, Stewartville, MN High Selling Female

$7,750 - KLB Saras Dream 2707, Lot 20

Consigned by: Brandt Farms, Corning, IA

Sold to: Kevin Ross, Minden, IA

Gelbvieh Sale Results

Auctioneer: Col C.K. Sonny Booth

Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Services

Charolais Sale Results

Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout

Sale Manager: JWC Marketing

$14,000 - laFraise Redempter 341C ET, Lot 2

Consigned by: LaFraise Farms, Flanagan, IL

Sold to: Happy II Charolais, Zapata, TX

High Selling Female

$8,000 - Hinshaw Ms Watt K32, Lot 29

Consigned by: Hinshaw Farms, Secor, IL

Sold to: Michael Skiba, North Branch, MN

Hereford Sale Results

Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout

Sale Manager: Stout Auction Service States Cattle Sold Into: 9


$12,500 - ABCS Authentic 018K Lot 1

Consigned by: ABCS Gelbvieh, Winthrop, IA

Sold to: Wohl Farms, Baldnon, ND

$6,500 - KCCG KCC Trina K028 ET Lot 14

Consigned by: Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, IA

Sold to: Adelyn Sienknecht, Gladbbrook, IA

Limousin Sale Results

Auctioneer: Col C.K. Sonny Booth

Sale Manager: Ann Vorthmann States Cattle Sold Into: 5

Total Sale Gross: $70,000

Total Lots Sold: 19 Total Live Lots Sold: 19

Total Live Lot Average: $3,681

Total Bulls Sold: 15 • Gross: $59,600 • Average: $3,973

Total Females Sold: 4 • Gross: $10,400 • Average: $2,600 High Selling Bull

$7,000 - VL Kool Hand Luke 209K, Lot 3

Consigned by: Vorthmann Limousin, Treynor, IA

Sold to: Rolling Acres Farms, Scherr, WV High Selling Female

$3,100- DebV Kokimo 232K, Lot 18

Consigned by: DebV Deb Miller, Treynor, IA

Sold to: Gavin Sloss, Gutherie Center, IA

$11,000 - MGM Vangard Momentum 2K, Lot 22

Consigned by: MGM Polled Herefords, Hartford, WI

Sold to: Tegtmeier Polled Herefords, Burchard, NE High Selling Female

$10,500 - BG 84F Ms Perfecto 91J, Lot 35

Consigned by: Goehring Herefords, Keosaqua, IA Sold to: Lynn Johnson, Iowa Falls, IA

Maine-Anjou Sale Results

Auctioneer: Jon Schaben Sale Manager: Beau Ebersole


Consigned by: Blueprint Cattle Co, Pella, IA

Sold to: Mike Kuhlman, Ottosen, IA

High Selling Female

$3,600 - SDD Kelly, Lot 13

Consigned by: Doug and Diana Sampson, Nevada, IA

Sold to: Oakley Sutter, Pleasantville, IA

Red Angus Sale Results

All Other Breeds Sale Results


Arguably the heaviest muscled bull in the 2023 Schaff’s Angus Valley sale offering. His dam is a phenotypic standout, and his 13 year old grandam is the #1 CED and #4 Milk EPD cow at Schaff’s Angus Valley.

Both bulls will be available on a first come first serve basis $30/straw and $40/cert. WIL MAYES 304-619-9327 | DALLAS WOLTEMATH 308-390-6400 | ZWTRANCH.COM

This full brother to S A V Downpour 8794 has unlimited potential. His Pathfinder dam combined stellar phenotype with a production WW record of 7/104.





Dearest Heavenly Father, from Iowa with a strong work ethic and a dream to create a livestock magazine of his own. His dedication and passion helped him create one heck of a publication.

We know that you are always present with us, walking by our side throughout the good and bad times. So help us to recognize that You are working in the details of our lives. Give us the perspective we need to trust you when life is tough and to thank you for your gifts when we experience them. Help us to be both salt and light in the lives of those who surround us so that we aren’t just known by how we talk about God but how we walk in the footsteps of Jesus. We ask for your protection and guidance for ourselves, our families, our schools, churches, businesses and farms. We are grateful for our country and ask that you would help us to keep it strong. Give us the courage to trust you in all things, to step out in faith when you lead the way and the peace to rely on you once we have done all that we can.

This month, we thank you especially for Livestock Plus and for the many years this magazine has supported the men and women who work in the cattle industry. Thank you for those who put this publication together each month and for the lives it has touched. We pray for your blessings on this company and all those who work for it that they might continue to serve their customers well and that people will continue to be blessed through their efforts in the years to come. We pray all this In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Congratulations on 28 Successful Years!

Mike Sorensen, Founder of Livestock Plus Inc.

I’ve been a subscriber of the LPI magazine since I was an teenager. From an eager reader to an avid advertiser, LPI has been a part of my world each month for nearly two decades. Nearly every sale we have, LPI has a man working out front. Thanks for the support and loyalty over the years crew! Mike feel free to call the first of every month and talk politics or weather instead of tracking down an ad. Best wishes to you all at LPI.

-Wes Tiemann / CK6 Consulting Services

Knowledge, Integrity, and Professionalism never go out of style Mike Sorensen has modeled this his entire career. It has been a pleasure to work with him along with his team @ LPI!

-Cody Lowderman / Lowderman Auction

I have been an advertiser with Livestock Plus for the past 23 years and I don't believe I've missed an issue! I credit a lot of my success to advertising in this wonderful magazine ! Thank you to Mike and Heidi for their wonderful dedication to building awesome ads for me ! I wish them nothing but happiness and success in whatever they choose to do!

-Mike Ehrsam / Mikkey’s LC

Mike, Thank you so much for all you’ve done to make Voss Angus a huge success! We’ve appreciated all your wisdom and advice over the years! Enjoy family time, you’ve earned it!

Voss Angus Crew / Teresa & Brant Voss

Livestock Plus was a staple magazine at our house growing up. We knew the faces of the people who published it and filled up the pages. They were our partners, confidants, and those we depended upon for business and friendships. I grew up reading about what meal Mike had eaten where and remember it was a highlight for my dad when he talked about our hometown restaurant. They worked our sales and offered advice, they have always been good people and good friends. I've since married and moved across the country but Livestock Plus is still a staple in our home and business, much for the same reasons. It is an awesome publication and one of our "go to" magazines. Some of the old contributors have passed on but it still has that feel that it has always carried. Randy and Mike have been lifelong friends, I am proud to call them that. Congratulations to 28 years, what an accomplishment!


Yardley Griswold / Griswold Cattle

Congratulations on a very successful run with LPI. I have to admit I thought you were insane (I still question your sanity at times) but you filled a very important need and "outlived" some other publications.

Congrats again! I will wear my LPI vest with pride!

Ernie Barnes / SCAB

28 years of doing EXACTLY what they said they would Honesty, integrity, longevity and respect … what an accomplishment to have done that for this long.

Congratulations to Mike and crew, I have never known any of them to be any different.

Van H. Neidig / Lakeside Livestock Equipment

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