Vastu is not about structural changes-remedies are enough

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Posted on February 22, 2016

Vastu is not about structural changes-remedies are enough Vastu, as said by me many times in the past, is an age old doctrine which finds its existence since the ancient era during the time of the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana. Its roots are spread way beyond than what we can even imagine. However, there are many myths attached to this ancient science which refrain people from adapting to it in their daily life. The most wrong perception in the minds of the general masses pertaining to Vastu is that it demands demolition and structural changes which can be afforded only be the rich and mighty. But, this does not stand true. Vastu principles stand equally both for the rich and the poor. It does not confine to any particular strata of society. It has confirmed set of norms which can be With PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

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implemented on any structure or building. This means that any individual can adapt Vastu in his life and reap benefits from it even without undergoing structural changes in the structure.

In the recent time period, the concept of Indian Vastu has gained sky rocketing fame, the reason behind this is that when every other manner of gaining wealth, health and prosperity stops working, this esoteric concept seems to be the only resort which holds back people and enables them to earn prosperity and success in life. Be it a huge building or a small residential building, the principle of Vastu stands same for every kind of construction. Vastu does not assign structural changes for rectifying Vastu defects, in fact there are many remedial measures which can be adopted and which do not require any demolition of the structure or building or any part of it. In fact, these remedial actions can do wonders in rectifying Vastu problems and bringing life in sync with success and prosperity in every sphere like health, wealth and happiness. Due to unawareness and lack of consciousness about Vastu many people are scared to apply it in their daily lives because they think that switching to Vastu principles would lead to structural demolition within their premises. However, the fact is that the knowledge of Vastu is not restricted to structural changes but there are several remedial measures which can do the needful without involving in any kind of structural changes within the existing structure. Structural changes involving demolition are required and With PDFmyURL anyone can convert entire websites to PDF!

suggested only in very extreme cases where there is absolutely no compilation with Vastu principles and major Vastu defects are noticed within the plot. As a Vastu expert myself, I never recommend solutions demanding demolition of a structure to my followers as I believe there is a better solution to every Vastu problem in terms of remedial measures. Be Sociable, Share! Tweet





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