by Sky
Whales are my favorite creatures, the biggest whales in the world can reach up to 40 meters long and what I ďŹ nd most interes=ng is that the blue whale’s tong can hold 50 people on it! It's huge!!
I have always been interested in living creatures, and whales are certainly my favorite ones. First of all, they are the largest mammals on Earth and they breath like us! They need to come up for air, where the ocean waters' buoyancy helps to support their incredible bulk, and breath with their blowhole. A blue whale can swim for 90 minutes in the ocean, and they can swim up to 30 miles per hour. Some whales, like the humpback, like to sing. Whales are an endangered specie, the blue whales for example are hunted because they have a lot of blubber in their body.
Whales can live from 30 to 200 years!! It depends on their habit, diet and level of endangerment. This is a picture of a humpback whale, this kind of whale is usually black or gray, this is the only white humpback whale in the world, we call her Migaloo, she is 38 years old.
The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth, it can grow to be 30 meters and weigh 150 tons.
The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whale, they can grow up to be 20 meters long and weigh over 62 tons.
The Baird’s beaked whale is the second largest of the toothed whale, they can grow up to be about 14 meters long and weigh about 15 tons.
Scien=sts say that there was only one kind of dinosaur that was bigger than the blue whale: the Ce=osaurus, known as the “whale lizard�.
Whales eat different food. Baleen whale usually eat krill and some=mes they eat small fish. Toothed whale usually eat fish, seal or other whales.
pods – groups of whales
hXp://www.animalpicturesociety.com/ download.php? key=blue%20whale%20scale&img=0&u=hXp:// images.animalpicturesociety.com/images/c/ 3_2_blue_whale_size_comparison_2_by_same erprehistorica-d5zk3fx.jpg
A pod is a group of whales. The bond between mother and calf is the strongest. Members of a pod may protect one another. The toothed whales travel in large, some=mes stable pods; they frequently hunt their prey in groups, migrate together, and share care of their young. Baleen whales usually travel alone or in small pods.
The earliest known mammals were land mammals. Mammals need to breath air and whales also need it, they can’t breath underwater like ďŹ sh and amphibians. Mammals need to produce milk to feed their young; whales also need to produce milk to take care of their calf while they are young.
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