The City in Crisis

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People gathered due to demonstration near Parlament Vassiliss Sofias street.

Street protests are common to see, this picture is made from my balcony. Once there had been 3 protests during the day.



The Greek Parlament is also a place where prote- Public garden which was made by people from neighborhood, from parking stors walk to show their power, because of huge with On the second photo there’s interesting bench which beauty was gained by combining diverse of colorful tiles. amount participators , but also helplessness to communicate with government and authorities.



Omonia is wellknown School of architecture, building is covered with graffiti, located on Exerchia. Some of them can be consideplace for people who red as real art, some are just tags. use drugs. On the sign the man was trying to get balance. Nevertheless drug users are spread around the city. Scene of people having injections in the daytime is commonly seen.


Many students are inveolved in politics, that`s why the works in Pattison complex have often political meaning. The others as the first picture shows were made to remind dramatical and crucial events. This was dedicated rapper Killah P who was killed by a racist.


Criticism of hedonistic way of life, or addiction to stimulant.


Hard to decline the right to author of sentence: „POVERTY IS THE PARENT OF REVOLUTION AND CRIME”


The picture of Exarchia Square covered with protest signs, is one of the first impressions. The neighborhood is known from many actors, artistis and hipsters.


The last I found Walking down Liossion Street. Some graffiti seemed more artistic, some more destroyed the places like one in the middle. Such walls don’t provoke people to have good mood. People feel better in clean spaces somewhere Kolonaki. Reminds me of the rather than destroyed, however it’s always subjective. Some artists find it inspiring. 20th century cubism works.


Bee with flowers was a background for childrens playground.

Graffiti which brought chaos and colour to place. As the site was probably destroyed before, I found them positive for destroying the everyday routine.


A peaceful painting of the tropical Also advertisments can be done with forrest with cockatoo and parrot graffiti as we can see in the example of a brought fresh colours to place normally bookshop. in gray because of the dirt plaster.

Excharia streets, are covered with interesting works. This and next two photos I found in some parking place.


The parking lots are badly treated and they are destroying the urban fabric, but on the other hand they made a perfect place for graffiti artists.



The street between the Archeological Museum and the Faculty of Architecture campus is place where people buy and sell drugs. Most of the times it is filled with drug addicts. Even the police cannot change this, it won’t stop people to use drugs, they just change the location.

That picture presents wide contrast between It is not surprising that banks lost brand new hotel, and not maintained old their authority after financial crash. tenement house. Scenic Orthodox Churches fill the picture of the city.


Closed shop or other service building, has became a synonym of canvas. Plastic wires, painted in the same color. Sculpture transformmed place, playing with the chiaroscuro.




The last two photos represent more political graffiti. That radical way of expression has spread widely across the city, especially on buildings in the center.


High contrast between the old traditional building and newly built apartment building.


Some of the the buildings had survived only a concrete skeleton remained.

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