Leadership Opportunities

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Maximum U (also known as Max U) is the name we have given to our campus leadership programs. We believe students need to take charge of their development as leaders. To do that, we offer high-quality programs throughout the year. If you are interested in maximizing your experiences and your potential, we encourage you to build these events into your schedule. You’ll be glad you did!

Table of Contents

-Campus Life Leadership Task Force


Program Information Who Are YOU?


Maximum U Day




Student Organizations


Leadership Recognition


Residence Life


Volunteering and Service


Human Mosaic


Women’s Leadership


Book Discussions


February Calendar


Who Are YOU?

Wednesday, September 16 and 23 5:00-7:00pm 1965 Room


Tuesday, October 20 and 27 5:00-7:00pm Phoenix Room C Self-awareness is key to being a good leader. What are your strengths and challenges? In this two-part program, participants will take the Leadership Practices Inventory by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. In the second session, you will have the opportunity to discuss the meaning of your results with a staff member. This workshop is an investment in your future. If you can’t attend in September, it will be offered again in October. NOW is the best time to get the rest of your life started! One participant wrote:

We went over my assessment and discussed ways to continue to grow. We also shared some life experiences and expectations which helped make it a warm, open, and sharing environment. It was an amazing way to self-reflect and really opened my eyes to things I was aware of but didn’t really know about.

For more information, contact John Landrum at landrumj@uwgb.edu or 465-2532.

Can’t make the programs? A staff member can arrange to see you on a one-to-one basis by appointment. Contact Student Life at 465-2720 for details.



Maximum U Day

Saturday, September 26 9:30am-5:10pm University Union Maximize your experiences and your potential–MAXIMIZE YOU! Max U Day is a day full of challenging, educational and fun conference-style sessions on a wide range of leadership topics. It is free and open to all students who want to get the maximum benefit of their experiences here at UW-Green Bay. Kicking off this year’s event will be dynamic speaker Tracy Knofla. Then throughout the day, you’ll have the opportunity to choose from dozens of workshops, on topics including servant leadership, leaders using technology, reducing stress, public speaking for everyone, and the over-extended student leader. Continental breakfast and lunch provided. Former participants said,

Really fun and influential experience. Definitely worth it” and “For my first leadership experience like this, I was very pleased with what I learned and what was presented.

Open to all students! Everyone can benefit. View the complete schedule and register in advance at www.uwgb.edu/stulife/leadership/maxu.

Reflect Re-energize Reinvent 3


Leadership from the Heart Saturday, November 14 8:00am-10:00pm Sunday, November 15 8:00am-6:00pm Alumni Rooms AB Offered over two days, “Leadership from the Heart” has been described by students as “life-changing.” They discover strengths they never knew they had. This experiential program will be offered several times this year and requires a simple application (www.uwgb.edu/stulife/leadership/LFTH.doc). Space is limited. A former participant wrote,

This program has helped give me self-confidence, helped me realize the things I want to change about myself, and truly helped inspire me that I truly can and will be an effective leader and make a difference in this world. I can never thank you enough for making this possible.


Meals are included in this event. Presented by LifeSkills Center for Leadership www.lifeskills-center.org.


Mentoring Program The Office of Student Life operates a Mentoring Program. If you are interested in teaching a fellow student, or looking to learn from a fellow student, this is the program for you! It is very rewarding for both sides. Mentors share their own experiences—both successes and failures. They teach through stories and anecdotes, and offer insights that can only come with experience. To sign up, check out: www.uwgb.edu/stulife/leadership/maxumentor.asp. 4 0

Student Organizations

OrgSmorg Tuesday, September 15 11:00am-2:00pm Phoenix Rooms Most UW-Green Bay students belong to at least one student organization. They must know that students who are involved on campus are more likely to graduate! (That’s a fact!) Organizations also give you an opportunity to make friends and have a good time. OrgSmorg is UWGB’s organization fair. Each organization has a booth there, and you have the opportunity to browse the tables and talk to members. There are more than 100 groups, from the Accounting Students Association to Zeta Omega Tau. (And if you don’t find an org that suits you, you can start your own. Stop in at Student Life to learn how!) For more information, check out www.uwgb.edu/stulife/orgs/orgsmorg.asp. This fall’s theme is “rock bands.”

University Leadership Awards Friday, September 11 4:30pm (deadline for nominations) Monday, October 5 4:30pm (deadline for questionnaire return) Friday, December 18 6:00pm, University Theatre (ULA Program) It may seem difficult to balance school, work, and other activities, but being actively involved on campus does not go unrewarded at UW-Green Bay. University Leadership Awards are presented to students who show excellence in academics, service to the University and/or community, and extracurricular involvement. The Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities Award is granted only in the fall semester to selected students of junior or senior standing. The University Leadership Award and the Chancellor’s Medallion are granted to selected students in both the fall and spring semesters. Please note that there are deadlines involved in the selection process for these awards, and that the nomination deadline occurs very early each semester. For more information, check out www.uwgb.edu/students/stulife/leadership/award.



Residence Life 7

Residence Hall and Apartment Association (RHAA) RHAA meets Wednesdays from 5:15-6:30pm in MAC 205 (first meeting September 9). RHAA is a branch of the Student Government Association (SGA) dedicated to represent and meet the needs of students residing in on-campus housing. RHAA plans and sponsors campus programs and advises the Office of Residence Life on policies affecting students living in housing. The RHAA board consists of elected and appointed positions. RHAA is the “umbrella organization� over all Residence Life leadership groups, including NRHH, CAB, and all of the Community Councils.

Residence Life

Community Councils and Community Apartment Board (CAB) Community Councils and CAB are student organizations that primarily plan programs and events for students living within their area of housing. Community Councils and CAB boards have some elected positions and encourage everyone who wants to get involved to participate. Talk to your Resident Assistant (RA) for more information.

Community Apartment Board Area: All traditional and contemporary-style apartments Meets: Mondays, 9:30-10:30pm, Community Center Multipurpose Room Learn more about CAB at our ice cream social Monday, September 14!

Community Councils Areas: Four “phases� of residence halls Meets: Wednesdays, see your Resident Assistant (RA) for locations



Volunteering and Service

Service Awards Wednesday, October 14 11:00am Phoenix Room C UW-Green Bay will hold a special program by invitation only to honor student volunteers for their service to the community. Students will join the representatives from community agencies for brunch. There will be a short program honoring the student volunteers who will receive certificates and lapel pins in recognition of their work. The Volunteer Fair will immediately follow this event. For more information, contact the Office of Student Life at 465-2720 or go to www.uwgb.edu/stulife/volunteer.

Volunteer Fair Wednesday, October 14 12:00-1:00pm Phoenix Rooms The Volunteer Fair brings representatives from over 50 area service agencies to campus to meet with students interested in volunteering. It is a great way for students to learn about the variety of opportunities for volunteering and service in the Green Bay community. Students, faculty and staff are all invited. For more information, contact the Office of Student Life at 465-2720 or go to www.uwgb.edu/stulife/volunteer.


Human Mosaic

Diversity experiences are a big part of leadership. The Human Mosaic is a series of programs developed to provide you with those experiences. Please pick up a Human Mosaic brochure from the American Intercultural Center/Student Life office, University Union.

ALLY Conference Saturday, October 24 12:00pm Phoenix Rooms The Ally Conference is a one-day conference that will empower its participants with the knowledge and enthusiasm to strive for change and allyship through the conference’s workshops and keynote speaker. The one-day conference will offer opportunities to learn about and discuss social themes that affect different student populations such as women, people of color, persons with disabilities and the LGBTQ community. More importantly, student participants will learn how to become an ally for women, people of color, persons of disabilities, and the LGBTQ community. Register at www.uwgb.edu/aic/ally. For more information, contact the American Intercultural Center at 465-2720.



Human Mosaic

Step Show and African Dance Tuesday, November 17 6:00pm Phoenix Rooms Stepping was born out of ancestral dances from Africa, brought over by slaves, which over time have been transformed and infused by American influences. In the past years, the term “stepping� has referred to song and dance rituals performed by Black Greek Organizations on college campuses. Serenades accompanied by choreographed synchronized movements were the trademark of stepping. Stepping is a dance-like art form that involves the precise rhythmic gestures, clapping, foot stomps, intricate steps, and call and response vocals that have evolved from slave chants and line dances. And stepping is a complex performance that melds folk traditions with popular culture and involves synchronized percussive movement, singing, speaking, chanting, and drama.

Kwanzaa Saturday, December 5 11:00am-1:00pm Phoenix Rooms Kwanzaa is an African-American celebration based on the tradition of the African harvest festival, which emphasizes community and cultural pride. Enjoy music, dancing and food and learn about this holiday’s origins, rites and symbols.

The Women’s Leadership Program is dedicated to addressing the unique challenges that women leaders encounter in today’s world. Become familiar with current leadership issues important to women, acquire knowledge and leadership skills, and learn to recognize and develop your own leadership potential. For more information, check out www.uwgb.edu/stulife or contact Sheila Carter at carters@uwgb.edu or 465-2720.

Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) Tuesday, September 15 5:00-6:00pm and 6:30-7:30pm Alumni Room Becoming an Outdoors Woman is an educational program aimed at making women more comfortable and more aware of the outdoor world around them. BOW gives women (18 and older) the opportunity to learn about hunting, fishing and related activities in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Skills such as gun safety, shooting, angling (including fly fishing), camping, Dutch-oven cooking, map and compass reading, marksmanship with rifle and bow are taught. Join Peggy Farrell, director of the International and Wisconsin Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) programs, for a discussion about this innovative program for women. For more information about BOW, go to: www.uwsp. edu/CNR/bow. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.


Women’s Leadership

Hooking Up Monday, September 28 7:00-8:30pm Christie Theatre Author Kathleen A. Bogle takes an intimate look at how and why college students get together, what “hooking up” means to them, and why it has replaced dating on college campuses. Bogle’s book Hooking Up provides surprisingly frank interviews with students, revealing the circumstances that have led to the rise of the “booty call” and the death of dinner-and-a-movie (Barnes and Noble). For more on the Bogle study, go to: www.insidehighered.com. Sponsored by the Healthy Relationships Task Force and the Office of the Dean of Students.

Women’s Leadership Opening Luncheon Wednesday, September 30 12:00-1:30pm Phoenix Room C Get an overview of offerings for the 2009-2010 Women’s Leadership Series and join the discussion of contemporary women’s issues. A complimentary light lunch will be served. Space is limited, register online at www.uwgb.edu/stulife. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.

It’s OK to Say No

Assertiveness Workshop Jennifer Degener, Facilitator Tuesday, October 13 5:00-7:00pm Alumni Room A


Attend this interesting workshop focusing on saying what you mean, getting what you want and claiming your power as a woman. Space is limited, register online at www.uwgb.edu/stulife. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.

Women’s Leadership

Eat Right, Feel Good, Look Great Deanna Latson, Presenter Monday, October 26 8:00-9:00pm Christie Theatre Nobody has more impact upon audiences and their health than Deanna Latson. Deanna has excitedly been addressing large groups for 20 years, since she was 13 years old. During college, both Deanna’s parents became ill with life-threatening diseases, which was Deanna’s impetus to change her educational focus toward nutrition. Deanna herself suffered with an 11-year eating disorder and numerous other health problems that had plagued her for many years. It was after her parents had an amazing turnaround in their health, and when Deanna herself healed her own body, that she decided to put her two loves together and apply her speaking talents to the topic of health and wellness. Sponsored by Good Times Programming and the Office of Student Life.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Stop by the Breast Cancer Awareness display booth across from the Cloud Commons and pick up a free shower card, mints, calendar, or lapel pin and register to win a pink hat during the first week of October. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among American women. Learn the facts and start protecting yourself today! For more information, visit: www.nbcam.org. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.



Book Discussions

Secret Life of Bees Sheila Carter, Facilitator Thursday, October 8 5:00-7:00pm Heritage Room In Sue Monk Kidd’s book The Secret Life of Bees, 14-year-old Lily Owen, neglected by her father and isolated on their South Carolina peach farm, spends hours imagining a blissful infancy when she was loved and nurtured by her mother, Deborah, whom she barely remembers. These consoling fantasies are her heart’s answer to the family story that as a child, in unclear circumstances, Lily accidentally shot and killed her mother. The search for a mother and the need to mother oneself are crucial elements in this well-written coming-of-age story set in the early 1960s against a background of racial violence and unrest (Amazon). Space is limited, register online at www.uwgb.edu/stulife. Pre-registered students will receive a complimentary copy of the book. Beverages and snacks provided. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.

Joy Luck Club

Amanda Rihn and Nick Schwei, Facilitators Tuesday, October 20 5:00-7:00pm 1965 Room


Four mothers, four daughters, four families whose histories shift with the four winds depending on who’s “saying” the stories. In 1949 four Chinese women, recent immigrants to San Francisco, begin meeting to eat dim sum, play mahjong, and talk. United in shared unspeakable loss and hope, they call themselves the Joy Luck Club. Rather than sink into tragedy, they choose to gather to raise their spirits and money. With wit and sensitivity, Amy Tan examines the sometimes painful, often tender, and always deep connection between mothers and daughters. Space is limited, register online at www.uwgb.edu/stulife. Pre-registered students will receive a complimentary copy of the book. Beverages and snacks provided. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.

Book Discussions 0

Fight Club

Miranda Seitz, Facilitator Tuesday, November 3 5:00-7:00pm 1965 Room Chuck Palahniuk’s outrageous and startling debut novel Fight Club exploded American literature and spawned a movement. Every weekend, in the basements and parking lots of bars across the country, young men with white-collar jobs and failed lives take off their shoes and shirts and fight each other barehanded just as long as they have to. Then they go back to those jobs with blackened eyes and loosened teeth and the sense that they can handle anything (Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc.). Space is limited, register online at www.uwgb.edu/stulife. Pre-registered students will receive a complimentary copy of the book. Beverages and snacks provided. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.

Book Discussions

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle Lisa Tetzloff, Facilitator Thursday, November 19 5:00-7:00pm 1965 Room This book chronicles the year that Barbara Kingsolver, along with her husband and two daughters, made a commitment to become locavores–those who eat only locally grown foods. This first entailed a move away from their home in non-foodproducing Tucson to a family farm in Virginia, where they got right down to the business of growing and raising their own food and supporting local farmers. For teens who grew up on supermarket offerings, the notion not only of growing one’s own produce but also of harvesting one’s own poultry was as foreign as the concept that different foods relate to different seasons. Space is limited, register online at www.uwgb.edu/ stulife. Pre-registered students will receive a complimentary copy of the book. Beverages and snacks provided. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.


John Landrum, Facilitator Tuesday, December 1 5:00-7:00pm 1965 Room In this stunning new book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of “outliers”—the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different? Join this interesting discussion for the answer. Space is limited, register online at www.uwgb.edu/stulife. Pre-registered students will receive a complimentary copy of the book. Beverages and snacks provided. Sponsored by the Office of Student Life.


Watch for our Spring 2010 Opportunities The spring brochure will be available in late fall.

February Su


































28 Ambassador Applications available (Feb. 1) ULA Deadline for Nominations (Feb. 5) RA Applications due (Feb. 5) OrgSmorg (Feb. 10) Dream Out Loud Day Conference (Feb. 12) Emerging Leadership Experience Application deadline (Feb. 12) Leadership From the Heart (Feb. 20 & 21) 0 Ambassador

Applications due (Feb. 24)


Max U Events Sponsored by:

American Intercultural Center Campus Life Leadership Task Force Residence Hall and Apartment Association Residence Life Student Government Association Student Life

Want to Join? The Campus Life Leadership Task Force is a group of students and staff members who are working to provide opportunities for UW-Green Bay students to enrich their leadership skills.

Vision of the task force: • • • • • • •

Leadership is a lifelong process. We meet students where they are. We help students develop self-confidence and self-awareness. We work with students to initiate and take charge of their own development. We work with students to take their development to the next level. We integrate current and future leadership opportunities and provide oversight. We offer high-quality experiences.

We meet every two weeks during the academic year to discuss leadership issues and plan programs. The meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend, and no invitation or RSVP is needed. To join us, contact Student Life at 465-2720 to find out when and where the next meeting will be held.


University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 2420 Nicolet Drive Green Bay, WI 54311 920.465.2720

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