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LARMAGAZINE started 4 years ago as a new and better resource to online promotion for artists in LivingArtRoom.com. We made it through ISSUU, a social network that shares thousands of PDF publications. Today, we are celebrating with you this huge step we have taken presenting the content of LARMAGAZINE in this way, breaking the mold of knowledge and information spreading systems, giving to our readers a different experience, at least in the field of contemporary art magazines. LARMAGAZINE is the first and best interactive contemporary art magazine in Latin America. We are a young, investigative, critical, and bold publication that feels encouraged to show the content in a different way, approaching topics that generate critical thinking, reflection and debate. Don’t miss this unique experience and download our first interactive version. Enjoy the video, audio, and interactive material found in every article. Available in Apple and Android tablets in App Store and Google Play.