Seven Eras of the Church - Old Testament and New Testament

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New Testament

Shavuot (Heb.): “Weeks” - Feast of Harvest - Seven Sabbaths counted from the wave

Pentecost (Gr.): “Count Fifty”

- Christ ascended to His Father at the time

sheaf offering (Lev 23:15)

of the wave sheaf offering (Jn. 20:17, 27)

- Beginning of the wheat harvest (Lev 13:17)

- Holy Spirit given when Pentecost had

“fully come” (Acts 2:1)

- Two leavened wave loaves (Lev 23:17) Israel represents “firstfruits” of God’s increase (Jeremiah 2:3)

The New Testament Church represents a “kind of first fruits” (James 1:18)

Seven Eras of the Churches

Tabernacle/Temple - Golden lampstand with Christ stands in the midst of seven golden seven branches (Exodus 25:31, 37) lamp stands (Revelation 1:12-13)

Church in the Wilderness Moses, Joshua, and the Elders Beginnings, miracles, clarity of the law, close connection with God, loss of law ended the era (Exodus — Deuteronomy)


Persecution and Survival Israelites in poverty and persecution under their enemies, loss of close connection with God (Judges)

United Monarchy Saul, David, Solomon Beginning of the temple period, enticed by idolatry at the end of the era (1 Samuel — 1 Kings 11)

Divided Monarchy

Kings of Israel and Judah to the Captivity Bright and dim periods, Jezebel and worship of Baal, Elijah, Elisha and the prophets (1 Kings 12 — 2 Kings)

Judah’s Restoration Ezra, Nehemiah, and Second Temple Period Restoration of the temple and Jerusalem, the name alive yet spiritually dead (Ezra — Neh., Hag, Zech, Mal.)

Maccabees Judas Maccabee and the Jewish Revolt Cleansing of the temple, restoration of work of God, preservation of knowledge, preparation for Messiah (Dan 11)


Sat “Moses’ Seat” during the time of Christ Characterized by spiritual blindness, sternly corrected by Christ for hypocrisy (Matt. 23:1, 16, 19, 24)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Apostles, Canonization of New Testament Beginnings, miracles, clarity, loss of first love ended the era (Acts 1-2; Rev 2:2-7)


Trials and Persecution

Tribulation from enemies of both Jews and Gentiles, poverty, survival a chief accomplishment (Rev 2:8-11)


meaning “fortified”

Protected from much persecution in mountainous regions, warned not be enticed by idolatry (Rev. 3:12-17)


“Jezebel” and Peter Waldo Bright and dim periods, warned of the “woman Jezebel” (false church) compromise and idolatry, (Rev. 2:18-29)


Spiritually Dead A few among the church spiritually pure, “name that you are alive, but you are dead” (Rev. 3:1-6)


The Faithful Church Spiritual revival, “you have a little strength, have kept My word”, preparation for return of Christ (Rev. 3:7-13)

Laodicea Lukewarm

Spiritually neither cold nor hot, spiritual blindness, sternly warned by Christ (Rev. 3:14-22)

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches…”

Source: Ogwyn, John H. “Pentecost: Lessons from the Old Testament Church”, LCN: May/June 2010


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