Dear Friend,
P. O. Box 3810
Charlotte, NC 28227-8010
2301 Crown Centre Dr. Charlotte, NC 28227-7705
Office: 704-844-1970
Fax: 704-841-2244
Thank you for your questions about which Bible translation we would recommend.
The Living Church of God uses the New King James Version for all of its publications. Many ministers preach from this version. The NKJV generally retainsthe integrityof the Authorized Version (KJV) and makes it easier to read and understand.
It is importantto notethat alltranslationsof the Bible are by men and, therefore, all have errors in them. While the newer translations (NIV, NASB, NRSV, etc.) are more easily read, they should not be relied upon in the matter of doctrinal study. It is far safer, and wiser, to use the KJV or the NKJV.
If there is any further help we can give, please let us know.