LCN Article 3/27/2019
Unity: Christ's Final Passover Lesson | LCN Article | Living Church of God
Unity: Christ's Final Passover Lesson March / April 2011 Scott D. Winnail
The very special and intimate Passover evening with His disciples was drawing to a close. Jesus Christ had just shared a wonderful meal with His friends and students—the apostles. They feasted on succulent, sweet lamb, seasoned with the wonderfully contrasting flavors of bitter herbs. Jesus Christ finished kneeling and washing the beautiful feet of each of His disciples—feet that He and the Father had designed and made to carry them every day of their lives, and to roam throughout the world to preach the Gospel (Romans 10:15). As He broke and shared unleavened bread with them, He taught them about the healing power of His soon-to-be broken body. He shared wine with them—teaching them about the sin-forgiving power of His soon-to-be-spilt blood—the blood that would make the New Covenant possible (Luke 22:20). As He came to the end of the evening, Christ was saddened to leave these companions He loved —and in whom He had invested so much time and effort teaching God’s profound truth. He had spent three-and-a-half years as their teacher, yet these men recognized Christ not just as their teacher or beloved friend, but as their Lord. Christ had begun working with these men when they were spiritually weak, immature, and even arrogant. He had witnessed their unbridled enthusiasm. He enjoyed their excitement when God used them to do miracles. He saw their confused looks when He spoke in parables. He had experienced the joy of watching them mature into the instruments that He and His Father would