7 minute read
City and Business Association Work Together for Community Success
Peachtree Corners Business Association celebrates 10 years of making us better!
Asking which was established first, the City of Peachtree Corners or the Peachtree Corners Business Association (PCBA) is kind of like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg. While philosophers, religious scholars, scientists and the like ponder the chicken and egg question, there is a correct answer to the former. PCBA is a few months older than the city itself.
That’s significant because they are interdependent.
“When the City of Peachtree
By Arlinda Smith Broady

Corners was founded in 2012, the PCBA and the city recognized the importance of having an organization focused on our business community,” said President Lisa Proctor. “The PCBA was established as an integral part in growing and developing our business community with all businesses that want to do business within our community.”
Peachtree Corners Business Association is a business membership organization that focuses on innovative approaches, programs, shared resources, community outreach and opportunities for its member businesses and professionals to connect, develop, grow and prosper.

Above left, Lisa Proctor and Toby Anderson receiving proclamation from Mayor Mike Mason (right) Other pictures are from across several years of community involvement in charities, business and local issues.
Local businesses strengthen the community
Any Economics or Political Science course will point out the symbiosis of local businesses and local governments. Cities need businesses to contribute expertise and resources in support of public/private funding solutions for special projects.
Locally owned businesses provide many economic benefits to a community, such as: ■ Local businesses are owned by people who live in the community and are less likely to leave. They are more invested in the community’s future. ■ Increasing local businesses means creating more jobs to encourage more people to stay in the area. This not only allows people to work closer to home, but also improves the quality of life for the community by increasing city revenue, creating a more self-sustainable community and connecting the community together. ■ Locally owned businesses also build strong communities by sustaining vibrant town centers, linking neighbors in a web of economic and social relationships and contributing to local causes.
The list of positives can go on and on. It’s important to note that these benefits from supporting local businesses are at risk of being measurably reduced by the PCBA strengthens local businesses and the city

The PCBA is made up of businesses of all sizes and types who want to expand their reach and grow their business within Peachtree Corners and the greater metro-Atlanta area. According to its website, PCBA affords its members the opportunity to: ■ Gain exposure and brand awareness for their businesses, ■ Highlight their businesses, ■ Generate new customers and forge relationships, ■ Support local businesses, and
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Focus on Local Charities
The Peachtree Corner’s Business Association is proud to focus its fundraising efforts on three local charities.
Corners Outreach has a mission of equipping Atlanta’s underserved students of color and their families to lead full lives through educational development and economic opportunities. It offers three paths to impact the community: volunteering, donating and becoming a customer. All three paths change lives and are accomplished through: Corners Academy — early learning, elementary tutoring and teen development; Workforce Development — basic needs, life skills, job skills and educational advancement; Family Engagement — adult workshops, food assistance and health services; and Corners Industries & Staffing — sustainable living wage and career advancement certification. More at cornersoutreach.org.
Paint Gwinnett Pink 5K is a celebration of survivorship, while raising awareness and funds for breast cancer programs at Northside Hospital Gwinnett. Community support and donations fund Northside Hospital Institute cancer patients in Gwinnett County by providing improved access to cutting-edge imaging technology for earlier diagnosis, mamograms, transportation and other assistance needed for cancer treatments. Funds raised in 2022 will go to the installation of additional imaging units.
The event is the largest 5K supporting breast cancer in Gwinnett County. The annual Paint Gwinnett Pink 5K Walk/Run is held at Coolray Field in Lawrenceville every October. The 2022 event will be held on Saturday, October 15. More at paintgwinnettpink.com.
A. Worley Brown Boys & Girls Club provides an environment where all youth feel safe and secure to dream, discover and develop. It works with hundreds of kids and teens each year to help them reach their full potential. The programs focus on helping kids succeed in school, live healthy and become leaders.
The club focuses on a variety of programs including culinary arts and gardening, STEM, computer coding, music studio/music production, photography/ film production, visual and performing arts, fashion and design, creative writing/comic book creation, science, career readiness, a Diplomas to Degrees program, tutoring and homework support, toastmasters, sports and character and leadership development clubs. More at bgcma.org/club/aworley/.

■ Give back to the community.
That last item on the list, giving back to the community, is a huge part of what the Peachtree Corners Business Association does. Through its Community Outreach Program, it has donated over $115,000 and awarded 15 scholarships to deserving charities and students over the last 10 years.
10th anniversary celebration
To celebrate its 10-year anniversary, PCBA is pulling out all the stops to raise as much money as possible to help three more charities. “This year, we’re focusing our fundraising efforts on local charities that are addressing three important needs — community, health and education,” said Proctor.
The annual charity event, Celebrating 10 Years and Touchdowns Charity Party, is set for Sept. 22 from 5:30 to 8 p.m.
“It’s going to be our best one yet and we would love for [everyone in the community] to be a part of it,” said Proctor. “There will be plenty of time for business networking, enjoying tailgating activities including a cornhole tournament, a live auction, drawings, food and adult beverages as we raise money for three great causes and award a check that evening to another local charity.”
Tickets for the fundraiser are on sale now and there are sponsorship opportunities. Perhaps best of all, a silent auction is underway that features one-of-a-kind items, such as a football signed by Peyton Manning and another signed by Rob Gronkowski; a boxing glove signed by Mike Tyson; trips to Hilton Head, The Biltmore and more distant destinations like Sydney, Australia and Greece.
There are also adventures, including a supercar driving experience and a chance to swim with sharks. Visit peachtreecornersba. com/about-charity-event to get details, register for the charity party or place bids for the silent auction. ■
Proclamation for PCBA
The PCBA was awarded a proclamation for its 10 years of service from the City of Peachtree Corners on May 24 during the regular city council meeting. It read:
WHEREAS, Peachtree Corners Business Association (PCBA) is a business membership organization that focuses on innovative approaches, programs, shared resources, community outreach and opportunities for member businesses; and
WHEREAS, over the past ten years, PCBA has focused on opportunities for business professionals to connect, develop, grow and prosper; and
WHEREAS PCBA continues to facilitate interactions and business relations between members; promotes member businesses to others; and fosters strong relationships with local government and the community to achieve a healthy local economy and quality of life.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Peachtree Corners that the Peachtree Corners Business Association is hereby congratulated on its tenth anniversary and commended for its decade of success in our community. SO PROCLAIMED AND EFFECTIVE, this the 24th day of May, 2022.”
Board member and secretary Donna Linden was proud of the association’s recognition but wasn’t surprised that it was honored by the city. “I love the true charitable heart of the PCBA and the support that they give to businesses,” she said. “It is truly an organization that is dedicated to supporting businesses and giving back to the community.”
Another board member, Quentin Moses, agreed. “PCBA is a true blessing to our community. It provides a means by which local business owners can help and support each other. In addition, it contributes to many nonprofits that really need our contributions in the current times. I am and have been a proud member for several years and will continue to be,” he said. ■