Living Like Audrey-The October Issue

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Living Like Audrey Magazine Issue 3,October 2013

• Why We Love Audrey Hepburn • Breast Cancer Awareness • Our Favorite John Green Quotes • Why You Should Read the WSJ • All Things Nutella



Table of Contents The Basics: Meet The Team

Reasons to Celebrate by Sophie Cook Things We Love by Sophie Cook

October Playlist by Sophie Cook and Maria-Louise Cook News and Current Events: Why We Love Audrey: Part II by Sophie Cook

A Look at The News of September by Ashley Reed Why You Should Read the WSJ by Griffin Gibson Lifestyle: All The Different Things to Make With Nutella by Dahlia Joseph Starbucks Copy Cat Recipes by Dahlia Joseph Charity of the Month: Donors Choose

Our Favorite Quotes From Author John Green by Faith Lierheimer Breast Cancer Awareness by Faith Lierheimer Fashion&Interior Decorating: What to Wear To A Football Tailgate and Game by Seijah Drake Interior Decorating: Accessories by Yzabelle Onate The Best Light Jackets by Sophie Cook

Our Dream Fall Wedding by Sophie Cook Photo Credits


Sophie Cook Editor In Chief

Faith Lierheimer Lifestyle Editor

Ashley Reed News&Current Events Editor

Elizabeth Petticrew Photography

Seijah Drake Fashion Editor

Dahlia Joseph Contributor

Meet The Living Like Audrey Team Griffin Gibson Contributor

Yzabelle Onate Contributor


Reasons to Celebrate by Sophie Cook

commemorate the


All month long, spread Breast

16 Have you read The

Cancer Awareness! This is

Importance of Being

also Domestic Violence

Awareness month. What can you do to

Ernest? If not, you should!

help inform others of these problems?

Today is Oscar Wilde’s birthday.

1 Celebrate Julie Andrew’s birthday with a

Onassis on this day

Sound of Music or Mary Poppins.

sounds delicious!

Today is Samantha Barks’s birthday, so

etiquette book? We recommend Emily

get yourself in the mood.

30 Do you sympathize more with

7 If you enjoy televised music competition,

Sensibility by Jane Austen was published

Cowell today on his birthday.


20 Jackie Kennedy became Jackie

marathon of some her best films, like The

21 National Pumpkin Cheesecake day-

2 Are you an Eponine or a Cosette?

27 When was the last time you read an

listen to the Les Miserables soundtrack to

Post’s on her birthday.

4 National Frappe Day. Yum!

Marianne or Elinor? Sense and

chances are you should thank Simon

202 years ago today, but it still rings

13 The Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher,

31 Halloween

was born today in 1925.

14 American fashion designer Ralph

Lauren was born today. Wear a Polo to



Adorkable by Sarra

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.-F.Scott Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby”

The County Fair

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Things I Love in October by Sophie Cook Now You See Me


October Playlist by Sophie Cook and MariaLouise Cook

Fallout by Marianas Trench My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy Surrender by Angels and Airwaves Thrift Shop (String Quartet Tribute to Macklemore) by Vitamin String Quartet Jungle by Emma Louise Hello Seattle by Owl City Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran The Cave by Mumford and Sons Further On by Bronze Radio Return Hello Goodbye by The Beatles All To Well by Taylor Swift Someone Like You by Adele Stealing Romance by The Milk Carton Kids Us by Regina Spektor

#AudreyLove Why We Love Audrey

was shot on location in Mexico. While

by Sophie Cook

filming one of the scenes, Audrey was

In this two part series, Sophie takes

thrown from her horse and broke her

us through the life and work of actress

back and her foot. This caused her to

and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn.

miscarry the child she and her husband

Check out last month’s installment for

Mel Ferrar did not know they were

the first part of the story. After filming for Sabrina wrapped,

having. This miscarriage sent her into deep depression, and when she became

Audrey returned to Broadway to perform

pregnant again six months later, she

in the title role of Ondine, the story of a

refused all work until after the baby was

love crossed mermaid. A month into its

safely born.

run, she was awarded the Oscar for Best

Her first film after her son Sean

Actress for her role as Princess Ann in

was born was her most famous: Breakfast

Roman Holiday. She was nominated

at Tiffany’s. The original author of the

again the next year for her role in

short story the movie was based on,

Sabrina, but lost to Grace Kelly. She then

Truman Capote, was very against having

undertook what she called her “toughest

Audrey cast as Holly Golightly. He had

role ever”, the part of Natasha in War and

always envisioned Marilyn Monroe in the

Peace. She followed this strenuous work

part, but she had declined it on the advice

with some of her most memorable films,

of her agent. Audrey portrayed the role

including Funny Face and The Nun’s

with perfection however, to rave reviews

Story. In 1959, Audrey received a role in a

both now and then. Her elegant black

western titled “The Unforgiven”, which

dress from the first scenes of the movie

#AudreyLove was declared the most recognizable piece of clothing in the world by the British newspaper The Independent in 2010. She took another controversial role in 1963, when she auditioned for the musical My Fair Lady. Everyone had expected the role to go to the Broadway great Julie Andrews, who had starred in the stage production. However, the Warner Brothers determined that Andrews would be a financial risk, since

In 1987, Audrey Hepburn officially

she was unknown in film. They instead

retired from movies to pursue charity

chose to go with the well established Hepburn. Audrey had sung in previous films, including Funny Face and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. She recorded all

work with the United Nation’s Children’s Fund, or UNICEF. She traveled all over the world as an official UNICEF ambassador, from Ethiopia to South

the vocal tracks for her role as Eliza

America, from Honduras to Bangladesh.

Doolittle, but the studio decided to

In April of 1989, Audrey testified in front

overdub her voice with that of Marni

of the House of Representatives Select

Nixon. Ironically, while Hepburn was

Subcommittee on Hunger, and again in

nominated for Best Actress in My Fair

1991. She said of her work with UNICEF

Lady, it went to Julie Andrews in her first film, Mary Poppins.

“I have been given the privilege of speaking for children who cannot speak


I have been given the privilege of speaking for children who cannot speak for

November 2, three days after the initial test, she was operated on for advanced colon cancer. Even though she was very weak following the surgery, she wished to

themselves, and my task is an easy one because children have no political

return to her home in Switzerland, so her long-time friend Givenchy chartered a private plane to take her home. While

enemies. To save a child is a blessing: to save a million is a God-given

there, she received a visit from the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland, who presented her with the Presidential Medal

for themselves, and my task is an easy

of Freedom for her work with UNICEF.

one because children have no political

She was also presented with the Screen

enemies. To save a child is a blessing: to

Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement

save a million is a God-given

Award, and the Academy of Motion

opportunity.� In 1992, she flew to

Picture Arts Jean Hersholt Humanitarian

California after a trip to war-torn

Award during her last months on earth.

Somalia, where she intended to visit her

She died at home in her sleep on January

son Sean. She was suffering from severe

20, 1993. Her pall bearers included her

abdominal pain, and her doctors

sons Sean and Luca, her husband Mel

suspected she had contracted an amoebic

Ferrar, and her life long friend Hubert de

infection in Somalia. At Sean’s instance,

Givenchy. Audrey Hepburn left behind

Audrey was tested at Cedars-Sinai

her a legacy of elegance and love. The

Medical Center in Los Angeles. On

image of her in her little black dress in

#AudreyLove front of Tiffany’s is one of the best known in the world. She was a loving mother, not only to her own two sons, but to the millions of children around the world who she impacted with her UNICEF work. She once said that “I believe in pink. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong, and I believe in miracles.� This is the image of Audrey Hepburn that I, and the rest of the world, will remember Audrey Hepburn by: an impish girl with a sweet personality, who loved to play dress up, believed in fairy tales, and wanted nothing more than to make people happy.


A Look at the News of September by Ashley Reed Wendy Davis To Run For Governor The Associated Press reported that Wendy Davis will run for Governor in 2014. Davis, a democrat, was the center of national news this summer after filibustering a pro-life bill in the Texas Senate for over ten hours. Davis has yet to formally announce her bid, which is said to occur on October 3rd. However a post on her Twitter account did appear to confirm suspicions reading, "A week from today, I'm announcing something big. Can you chip in now to show the strength of our grassroots network?" Davis graduated first in her class at Texas Christian University and went on to pursue a law degree from Harvard Law School. Davis will likely run against Attorney General Greg Abbott and will have her work cut out for her: Democrats have not won a statewide seat for nearly twenty years in Texas. Unrest in Syria More than a week after a chemical attack occurred in Syria, Syrian President Bashar Assad publicly denied his government having any role in the attack. President Assad pointed to terrorist groups as the aggressors. The sarin nerve gas killed over 1,400 people in the Ghouta suburbs near Damascus, Syria. The U.N was allowed to send investigators into Syria to investigate the attack sites for five days following the attack. The lead inspector said the amount of sarin used ranked higher than that used in the Iran-Iraq war. President Obama immediately following the attack publicly stated that the U.S. would strike the Syrian military in response to the attack. He then surprisingly said he would seek Congressional approval before continuing. The U.N. voted late September to gather and destroy all Syrian chemical weapons. The story is still developing. 12 Murdered in Navy Yard Shooting On September 16th twelve people were killed and three were wounded in another shooting spree which occurred at the Washington Navy Yard in Southeast Washington D.C.. Aaron Alexis, a mentally disturbed IT consultant, emerged from a fourth-floor bathroom at the Navy Yard with a Remington 870 shotgun and


proceeded to shoot randomly at workers. The first shot was fired at 8:20 am and ended at 9:20 am when Alexis was shot and killed by police. Alexis entered the Yard with a valid permit and the guns used were purchased in a legal manner. That day schools went on lockdown in nearby areas, and the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport was temporarily closed. The Navy Yard reopened three days later. Abortion Law to be Challenged Planned Parenthood and a handful of abortion providers filed a lawsuit September 27th against HB 2, a Pro-Life bill that was signed into law this summer by Texas’s Governor Perry. The suit targets two portions of the bill. The first provision mandates doctors who perform abortions have admitting privileges at hospitals within thirty miles of the abortion clinic. The suit is also aimed at a clause which requires doctors be present for chemical abortions. Both provisions are set to take effect on October 29th. Planned Parenthood is seeking an injunction from Judge Lee Yeakel, who is known for being sympathetic with pro-abortion groups. The lawsuit does not touch the 20 week clause which prohibits abortions from taking place after the 20th week. Many expect Yeakel’s ruling to be challenged by Texas and sent to the 5th Circuit, which tends to lean towards the pro-life camp. Starbucks Creates Waves Again Howard Shultz once again created an uproar concerning Starbuck’s political policies late September. The CEO wrote an open letter asking customers to leave their handguns at home. However Shultz did clarify that Starbucks “is a not a policy maker and is not pro- or anti- guns.” While the Navy Shooting did occur shortly before the announcement was made, Shultz said the shooting was not the direct cause of the policy. Shultz explained that guns are not part of the atmosphere he would like Starbucks to ensure. Shultz also wrote that customers bearing guns would not be asked to leave, nor would employees address gun-bearing customers in a negative fashion. While many pro-gun groups have complained, no large organized protests have been planned.


Why You Should Read the Wall Street Journal by Griffin Gibson With its origin in the late 19th century as a journal on stocks, The Wall Street Journal is the eminent contemporary paper, with the widest circulation in the America of 2.5 million. It is indispensable to the educated mind. The Journal has a bit of something for everyone, whether you are interested in current events, business news, controversial and contemporary issues, politics, or culture and fashion. I suggest opting for the weekend edition, in lieu of the daily Journal. Getting The Wall Street Journal daily edition can be overwhelming because of the sheer amount of information, resulting in information overload. Side effects of having the Journal delivered daily can be Wall Street Journal fatigue (to all the WSJ devotees: Yes, it is possible). But, if you opt for the weekend edition, you can eagerly await the Journal, looking forward to thoroughly scouring it in its entirety. The daily edition of the Journal is more market oriented, and though the weekend edition has a prominent business and finance section, it also has review and off duty sections. The front fold of the Wall Street Journal features world news, domestic news, current events, and opinion. The opinion editorials are fascinating, and in an

increasingly globalized world, the international focus is excellent. The Business & Finance section is rather self-defining. Finance and business wonks find it interesting and thoroughly enjoy it. If finance and business are not your thing, do not pass it over too hastily, remembering that just as we all should be philosophers, we also should all be investors. The front page of the Review section features an opinion on a contemporary and usually controversial issue. These articles are consistently didactic and intriguing. Also in Review are reviews (surprise) about top drawer, recent releases. Usually couched between the front page and the book reviews are fascinating pieces about culture and current events. My favorite from the latest weekend edition is an article titled,

#AudreyLove The Delicate Protocol of Hugging, which chronicles the origin of the hug, how America has become hug happy, when and how to hug, and how, if you are a get-out-of-my-personal-space kind of person, to avoid hugs. Off Duty is the WSJ’s culture section, a smorgasbord of food, fashion, travel, decorating, gadgets, and gear. Ranging from gourmet restaurant reviews, to the latest styles and gadgets, Off Duty inevitably has something of interest to most anyone. Although the Wall Street Journal has something for everybody, the true beauty of it is the Journal’s ability to open up new areas of interests for its readers. Your relationship with the Journal may commence because of a wonkish interest in one of the areas of business, current events, book reviews, or culture. Oftentimes, this provincial interest spreads like the flame licking the newspaper, expanding, flame growing. Thus, the wonk is metamorphosed into a dilettante. Now, the dilettante may be thought of in two manners. The first is as someone who knows little about many subjects. The second is as someone who is widely read, able to converse about business news, current events, recent book releases, contemporary issues, art, interior design, and a myriad of niche subjects. The latter dilettante is sophisticated, a great conversationalist, and ready for anyone’s company. Reasons to read the Wall Street Journal are many, its diversity of subjects evident, and the Journal endures at the pinnacle of newspaper world.


Cooking With Nutella by Dahlia Joseph The world’s greatest chocolate spread, Nutella is obviously best when eaten out of the jar, while having a movie night with your girlfriends. But what else can you eat Nutella with? I’ve come up with a few delicious recipes! Enjoy! Nutella and Strawberry Sandwich This sandwich is great for any meal! It’s really tasty with a glass of milk.

Nutella 1. Blend together Cool Whip and Nutella 2. Put in popsicle mold 3. Freeze 4. ENJOY! Nutella Quesadilla These are great for breakfast with a side of fruit. 1 flour tortilla


1 tablespoon of Nutella

2 slices of your favorite type of bread ( I love 12 grain bread)

1 Spray of Butter Flavored Pam

2 tablespoons of Nutella 3 large strawberries sliced Half a banana (optional) 1. Toast your bread 2. Spread your Nutella on both slices of bread 3. Add the strawberries and bananas to your bread 4. ENJOY! Nutella Pops These refreshing pops are tasty and super easy to make. Ingredients: Cool Whip

1. Spray pan with Pam 2. Place tortilla in pan 3. Spread Nutella on the tortilla 4. Toast until brown 5. ENJOY!


Starbucks Copy Cat Recipes by Dahlia Joseph Sometimes we just need the cup with the green straw, but it doesn’t come for free. Starbucks drinks, although tasty, can be on the pricey side. Luckily there is a way around the price; just make your own copycat recipes of your favorite Starbucks drinks. Here are 3 easy to make recipes! Pumpkin Spice Latte Ingredients: 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin 2 tablespoons vanilla extract 2 tablespoons sugar

whisk the mixture until foam appears. 4. Pour into mug, add espresso and serve immediately. Caramel Frappuccino

1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice

½ a cup of cold coffee

1/4 -1/2 cup espresso.

½ a cup of milk

1. Combine milk, sugar and pumpkin in a pot and stir over medium heat until steamed. 2. Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and pumpkin spice. 3. Transfer the mixture into a blender and process of 10 seconds (or until foamy) or

2-3 tbsp of sugar 2 cups of ice 2 tbsp of caramel syrup 1. Mix all the ingredients in a blender until the ice is completely crushed. 2. Pour into a glass and top it off with some whip cream and caramel syrup.


Iced Latte Ingredients: 2-4 shots of freshly brewed espresso per drink Cold milk (whichever kind you prefer) Small ice cubes work best Syrup or homemade syrup 1. First, brew the espresso. In a separate tall glass, add the syrup. Add the espresso to the syrup, then add the milk. Stir gently. 2. Add the ice (about 2/3 of the cup should be full in a 12-16 oz container), then cover the drink and shake. Cups with lids and straws usually work best for homemade iced lattes. 3. Add garnish to the top if desired, like whipped cream, nutmeg, or cinnamon.

I’d rather take coffee than compliments right now.-Louisa May Alcott “Little Women”

#AudreyLove Addresses Education Inequality in America. written by Faith Lierheimer is an simple, effective way to address education inequity in America. The website operates on a simple premise: teachers from all over the country can post on the website (after a vetting process to be sure they are in fact real teachers and not scam artists) detailing materials they need to complete a specific project. Projects range from Bunsen burner sets to fuel chemistry experiments, activity kits to teach general scientific skills, books for classroom libraries, and art supplies. Project pages are the center of each donation request. Each project page contains an extensive description of the project from the teachers requesting the materials as well as thorough reasoning as to why those specific materials are needed. The bottom of each project page shows a specific cost breakdown of the requested materials, right down to where they plan to purchase them and the taxes involved. The schools where the teachers are employed are also listed on the project page with an indication of their economic status to provide a larger context as to why they just can’t afford to purchase the supplies themselves. lets you sift through projects by location, poverty level, funds needed, subject area, age cohort, teacher type, and school type. This makes for a personalized giving

experience that helps the donors feel

connected to the schools they are helping. is committed to transparency. They have earned the highest standard of efficiency rating from charity navigator and allow donors to follow up on their giving via thank-you letters and photos from the classrooms funded as projects are executed and money is spent. Educational inequity is an enormous problem in the United States that leads to greater issues and inequalities down the road for many students. attacks this issue one project at a time and manages to instill a healthy sense of philanthropy into its donors and its teachers. The people affected by a problem always matter more than the problem itself, and for that reason it makes more sense to create a charity focused on people that addresses a pressing problem at the same time. Check out their website, and start making a difference where you live.

#AudreyLove Our Favorite Quotes from John Green-visit our Facebook page and tell us which was your favorite! compiled by Faith Lierheimer

“Thomas Edison’s last words were ‘It’s very beautiful over there.’ I don’t know where there is, but I believe it’s somewhere and I hope it’s beautiful.”

The Fault in Our Stars

“Just like that. From a hundred miles an hour to asleep in a nanosecond. I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch and to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not f***, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane.”

“That’s the thing about pain. It demands to be felt.” “My thoughts are stars I can’t fathom into constellations.” “You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.” Paper Towns “All those paper people, living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm. All the paper kids drinking beer some bum bought for them at the convenience store. Everyone demented with the mania of owning things. All the things paper thin and paper frail. And all the people, too. I’ve lived here for eighteen years and I have never once in my life come across anyone who cares about anything that matters.” “What a treacherous thing it is to believe that a person is more than a person.” “That’s always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people would want to be around someone because they’re pretty. It’s like choosing your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste.”

Looking For Alaska

“The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive.” John Green’s collected works can be found on and at your local bookseller.

#AudreyLove recommendation of when to get a mammogram changes if you have a

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month written by Faith Lierheimer October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer fundraisers are ubiquitous, but it’s time to bring the issue to a more personal level. According to, about 1 in 8 US women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Clearly, this is a massive risk and a cancer that deserves our attention. Men can be affected by breast cancer too, but their lifetime risk is about 1 in 1,000. Breast cancer, like all cancers, is not strictly curable. Early stages of the cancer can be “cured” in the sense that tumors can be removed and the cancer can disappear. But later stages are still not curable. They are only treatable by chemotherapy and surgery, in the hopes that the cancer will retreat. Suffice it to say, breast cancer deserves the attention of all people, especially women. The Center for Disease Control as well as many independent studies recommends that most women get mammograms as early as 40. It’s important to catch cancer early. Once they start to manifest symptoms, the cancer is usually very advanced. This

family history of breast cancer. If you have a family history, it is generally accepted that you start getting mammograms earlier and as often as your regular healthcare provider suggests. In addition to being aware of when it’s time to start getting mammograms, it’s also important to start performing regular breast selfexams. These self-exams will allow you to get an idea of what your breasts normally look like in order to catch any changes early. Important things to look for when examining your own breasts include noting the usual size, shape, and color, whether there is any swelling, distortion, redness, soreness, rash, dimpling, puckering, bulging of the skin, a nipple that has changed position, or an inverted nipple. A breast selfexam can easily be done in the privacy of your room or in the shower. It is important to be in the habit of getting to know your breasts! This will allow you to be cognizant of change and to consult your doctor quickly if anything strange comes up. Do yourself a favor. Keep your girls happy by taking care of them.

#AudreyLove Are You Ready For Some Football? by Seijah Drake

It's finally game day, and it's the best day of the week, especially if you're lucky enough to go to school down South. Campus is buzzing with energy, school spirit is at an all time highand everyone is ready to cheer on your school's team with enthusiasm! Figuring out what to wear to sports events and all the events surrounding sports events is always a little tricky because while we want to look good (I mean, you're lying if you haven't dreamt about an athlete spotting you in an audience and immediately falling in love with you) but no one wants to look like the girl that came to the game specifically looking for a husband, or got lost on her way to a club. While choosing your ensembles for game days, tailgates, and the like, keep in mind the general dress code of your school. If you attend a school in the SEC with a strong, predominant Greek Life there may be an entirely different expectation than a D2 school in California with less than 5,000 students. It's important that you're comfortable and confident in what you're wearing, and a part of that confidence has to do with knowing that you don't look completely out of place. If you're going to wear a dress on game day, it should be flattering, but it should be a dress your father would approve of. A line and shift dresses are the way to go. Personally, I say no to heels on game day, and if you must, wear wedges. Nine times out of ten, boots are the way to go.

Game day is not the time to experiment with daring makeup tutorials. If you're one of the girls that refuses to be seen in public without makeup, do your best to keep your game day look as natural as possible. Foundation, mascara, lip gloss, maybe some blush. Keep it simple. Falsies are completely out of the question. The colder it gets, especially if you're in colder region of the country, the less appealing it will become to wear dresses on game day. Once dresses are out of the question because, let's face it, hypothermia is never a good look, a cute and casual style showcasing your school spirit becomes more appropriate. The key to making this work is not overkilling your outfit with your university's paraphernalia. A hat and scarf from your school, with a fleece, jeans and riding boots will have you ready to support your team without shivering in between chants and shouts at the ref for bogus calls. Other options include a fleece from your school, or a vest and hat from your school.


Interior Decorating: Accessories By: Yzabelle Onate Decorating your home is the perfect way to personalize your living space. No two homes will ever be the same. Here are various accessories to decorate your living space, whether it is a dorm room or a large home.


Think of Audrey Hepburn as your inspiration if you’re looking for décor like this. Tailored and clean lines are seen throughout, but it’s simple and it makes a statement.



This design is more laid back compared to the first one and it’s very rustic and western. Lots of earth-toned colors are used with a splash of color.



Simple, yet elegant; lots of neutrals are used in order to achieve this modern design. The furniture and accessories become the statement pieces, they double as works of art. Use these designs as inspiration for your home and feel free to play around with what you like; your ideal space may combine some of these pieces!


The Best Jackets and Coats for Fall by Sophie Cook

Patch in Action Blazer-Modcloth

Fine and Sandy Blazer-Modcloth


Glad Student Coat- Modcloth !







Take To The Lake Jacket-Modcloth


Front and Convention Center Blazer-Modcloth !








Rustic Vineyard Jacket


Our Dream Fall Wedding by Sophie Cook For photo information, check out our Pinterest




#AudreyLove Photo Credits %3Eprd_id=845524441833931&FOLDER%3C %3Efolder_id=2534374302077585&srcCode=AFFI00001&siteId=QFGLnEolOWg-oS0gZstOyhIWt %2FDdKEt%2F7w Photos included in the “Why You Should Read the Wall Street Journal� article are the personal Instagram photos of Sophie Cook. All articles are the personal property of their writers, and Living Like Audrey Magazine takes no responsibilities for the articles. The articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Living Like Audrey Magazine.

Thanks for reading! You can share your #AudreyLove all month long with: Facebook Tumblr Pinterest Twitter Instagram: @livinglikeaudrey Or email us at Want to be part of the Living Like Audrey team? Send us an email! #AudreyLove

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