2 minute read
“So, this is your home for the next few days, and then you are coming to stay at the apartment. We are almost done renovating it, the timing is perfect. Now about diving. Study the manual, and take the tests, don’t write in it though!.” - Mike’s eye glimmer. His excitement is rubbing off.
“Now, a few things. Ben, the owner of this place, sincerely apologized, but he won’t be able to meet you for the interview. His wife got Covid”... Mike pauses.
“No worries”, - Bobby’s voice tone is reassuring. “We can always interview him via zoom or FaceTime”. Mike’s mind seems to be preoccupied for a fraction of a second. Another moment, and his lips stretch into a smile. “Of course! I’ll connect you guys later. Other things to know: I’m still waiting on the response about the helicopter ride to get to the National Park. I will message you about the graffiti artists, and everything else we can discuss when you are done with the diving certification. Anything else?” - Mike’s eyebrows rise in question.
“Covid test?” - Bobby beats me to it.
“Oh, yeah. Covid test… I’ll find out. Ok, mate! Good luck and see y’all Friday at 7 am!” - Mike’s arm reaches out for a handshake. Our eyes connect. The unsettling doubt that keeps on resurfacing, melts away again. A feeling of shame replaces the doubt. My mind makes a mental note. I really need to trust people more.
Door closes. The sound of a car engine fades away. Mike’s gone.
“Feel like going to the beach?” - half a question, half a plea leaves my lips. Butterflies inside are definitely alive and happy. There is always something exciting about discovering a new place. I really want to get a feel of what Costa Rica is like. My hands are itching to get my camera clicking.
“After we are done studying. And shooting here too. We’ve got to catch it all while the daylight is still good”, - Bobby’s fingers are adjusting settings on his camera. Words that would otherwise be off putting at any other time seem to only fire up the desire to get out. Definitely overly excited. Can’t wait to see the “cool touristy Tamarindo” everyone talked about.
“Ok, let’s make it fast. I’ll do details and you cover the layout”, - eyes quickly glance at camera settings. All good. No adjustments needed.
“Let’s make sure we hit the sunset at the beach!”