1 minute read
“I just spoke with the manager, and he says that you guys need to get back as soon as possible to get your things out of the casita. So please eat as fast as you guys possibly can and get back to Tamarindo ASAP. Or I can pick up your bags for you,” - WhatsApp flashes a message from Mike.
“Now?” - Bobby is as surprised as I am. 10 minutes ago Mike assured us we had no time restraints whatsoever and suggested we go to get lunch before checking out from the AirBnB.
“He says we need to get it before 3:30”, - my eyes are glued to the screen as mike is typing updates.
Bobby glances at his watch. “We still have 1.5 hours. We are good”...
… Another buzz from the phone lets me know that there is another message from Mike. 20th in the last 10 or so?
“Bobby, we have to go now. He really wants to take our bags out of the house for whatever reason. It’s an emergency now, according to Mike”, - these are not the words I want to be saying, but it doesn’t look like there is much choice left.
… A road to the hotel is scenic and simply beautiful. Looks so different with the sun out. The greens are glowing.
“I am so glad Los Altos De Eros had availability! I love the place”, - my mind is rushing through memories of the first few days. A smile settles in on my face. it’s a lot easier to feel happy with the pain almost gone.
The excitement of hanging out with Julia and Andre is increasing by the second. I love those dinner conversations. There is something very special about that small boutique hotel. It feels like… home, but better. And the view! My mind drifts away to the memory of the first sunset in Costa Rica.